static.js.lib.angular-datatables.js Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* angular-datatables - v0.5.1
* License: MIT
(function (window, document, $, angular) {
'use strict';
angular.module('datatables.directive', ['datatables.instances', 'datatables.renderer', 'datatables.options', 'datatables.util'])
.directive('datatable', dataTable);
/* @ngInject */
function dataTable($q, $http, DTRendererFactory, DTRendererService, DTPropertyUtil) {
compileDirective.$inject = ['tElm'];
ControllerDirective.$inject = ['$scope'];
return {
restrict: 'A',
scope: {
dtOptions: '=',
dtColumns: '=',
dtColumnDefs: '=',
datatable: '@',
dtInstance: '='
compile: compileDirective,
controller: ControllerDirective
/* @ngInject */
function compileDirective(tElm) {
var _staticHTML = tElm[0].innerHTML;
return function postLink($scope, $elem, iAttrs, ctrl) {
function handleChanges(newVal, oldVal) {
if (newVal !== oldVal) {
ctrl.render($elem, ctrl.buildOptionsPromise(), _staticHTML);
// Options can hold heavy data, and other deep/large objects.
// watchcollection can improve this by only watching shallowly
var watchFunction = iAttrs.dtDisableDeepWatchers ? '$watchCollection' : '$watch';
angular.forEach(['dtColumns', 'dtColumnDefs', 'dtOptions'], function(tableDefField) {
$scope[watchFunction].call($scope, tableDefField, handleChanges, true);
ctrl.render($elem, ctrl.buildOptionsPromise(), _staticHTML);
/* @ngInject */
function ControllerDirective($scope) {
var _dtInstance;
var vm = this;
vm.buildOptionsPromise = buildOptionsPromise;
vm.render = render;
function buildOptionsPromise() {
var defer = $q.defer();
// Build options
]).then(function(results) {
var dtOptions = results[0],
dtColumns = results[1],
dtColumnDefs = results[2];
// Since Angular 1.3, the promise throws a "Maximum call stack size exceeded" when cloning
// See
DTPropertyUtil.deleteProperty(dtOptions, '$promise');
DTPropertyUtil.deleteProperty(dtColumns, '$promise');
DTPropertyUtil.deleteProperty(dtColumnDefs, '$promise');
var options;
if (angular.isDefined(dtOptions)) {
options = {};
angular.extend(options, dtOptions);
// Set the columns
if (angular.isArray(dtColumns)) {
options.aoColumns = dtColumns;
// Set the column defs
if (angular.isArray(dtColumnDefs)) {
options.aoColumnDefs = dtColumnDefs;
// HACK to resolve the language source manually instead of DT
// See
if (options.language && options.language.url) {
var languageDefer = $q.defer();
$http.get(options.language.url).success(function(language) {
options.language = languageDefer.promise;
return DTPropertyUtil.resolveObjectPromises(options, ['data', 'aaData', 'fnPromise']);
}).then(function(options) {
return defer.promise;
function render($elem, optionsPromise, staticHTML) {
optionsPromise.then(function(options) {
var isNgDisplay = $scope.datatable && $scope.datatable === 'ng';
// Render dataTable
if (_dtInstance && _dtInstance._renderer) {
.render($elem, $scope, staticHTML).then(function(dtInstance) {
_dtInstance = dtInstance;
} else {
DTRendererFactory.fromOptions(options, isNgDisplay)
.render($elem, $scope, staticHTML).then(function(dtInstance) {
_dtInstance = dtInstance;
function _setDTInstance(dtInstance) {
if (angular.isFunction($scope.dtInstance)) {
} else if (angular.isDefined($scope.dtInstance)) {
$scope.dtInstance = dtInstance;
dataTable.$inject = ['$q', '$http', 'DTRendererFactory', 'DTRendererService', 'DTPropertyUtil'];
'use strict';
angular.module('datatables.factory', [])
.factory('DTOptionsBuilder', dtOptionsBuilder)
.factory('DTColumnBuilder', dtColumnBuilder)
.factory('DTColumnDefBuilder', dtColumnDefBuilder)
.factory('DTLoadingTemplate', dtLoadingTemplate);
/* @ngInject */
function dtOptionsBuilder() {
* The wrapped datatables options class
* @param sAjaxSource the ajax source to fetch the data
* @param fnPromise the function that returns a promise to fetch the data
var DTOptions = {
hasOverrideDom: false,
* Add the option to the datatables optoins
* @param key the key of the option
* @param value an object or a function of the option
* @returns {DTOptions} the options
withOption: function(key, value) {
if (angular.isString(key)) {
this[key] = value;
return this;
* Add the Ajax source to the options.
* This corresponds to the "ajax" option
* @param ajax the ajax source
* @returns {DTOptions} the options
withSource: function(ajax) {
this.ajax = ajax;
return this;
* Add the ajax data properties.
* @param sAjaxDataProp the ajax data property
* @returns {DTOptions} the options
withDataProp: function(sAjaxDataProp) {
this.sAjaxDataProp = sAjaxDataProp;
return this;
* Set the server data function.
* @param fn the function of the server retrieval
* @returns {DTOptions} the options
withFnServerData: function(fn) {
if (!angular.isFunction(fn)) {
throw new Error('The parameter must be a function');
this.fnServerData = fn;
return this;
* Set the pagination type.
* @param sPaginationType the pagination type
* @returns {DTOptions} the options
withPaginationType: function(sPaginationType) {
if (angular.isString(sPaginationType)) {
this.sPaginationType = sPaginationType;
} else {
throw new Error('The pagination type must be provided');
return this;
* Set the language of the datatables
* @param language the language
* @returns {DTOptions} the options
withLanguage: function(language) {
this.language = language;
return this;
* Set the language source
* @param languageSource the language source
* @returns {DTOptions} the options
withLanguageSource: function(languageSource) {
return this.withLanguage({
url: languageSource
* Set default number of items per page to display
* @param iDisplayLength the number of items per page
* @returns {DTOptions} the options
withDisplayLength: function(iDisplayLength) {
this.iDisplayLength = iDisplayLength;
return this;
* Set the promise to fetch the data
* @param fnPromise the function that returns a promise
* @returns {DTOptions} the options
withFnPromise: function(fnPromise) {
this.fnPromise = fnPromise;
return this;
* Set the Dom of the DataTables.
* @param dom the dom
* @returns {DTOptions} the options
withDOM: function(dom) {
this.dom = dom;
return this;
return {
* Create a wrapped datatables options
* @returns {DTOptions} a wrapped datatables option
newOptions: function() {
return Object.create(DTOptions);
* Create a wrapped datatables options with the ajax source setted
* @param ajax the ajax source
* @returns {DTOptions} a wrapped datatables option
fromSource: function(ajax) {
var options = Object.create(DTOptions);
options.ajax = ajax;
return options;
* Create a wrapped datatables options with the data promise.
* @param fnPromise the function that returns a promise to fetch the data
* @returns {DTOptions} a wrapped datatables option
fromFnPromise: function(fnPromise) {
var options = Object.create(DTOptions);
options.fnPromise = fnPromise;
return options;
function dtColumnBuilder() {
* The wrapped datatables column
* @param mData the data to display of the column
* @param sTitle the sTitle of the column title to display in the DOM
var DTColumn = {
* Add the option of the column
* @param key the key of the option
* @param value an object or a function of the option
* @returns {DTColumn} the wrapped datatables column
withOption: function(key, value) {
if (angular.isString(key)) {
this[key] = value;
return this;
* Set the title of the colum
* @param sTitle the sTitle of the column
* @returns {DTColumn} the wrapped datatables column
withTitle: function(sTitle) {
this.sTitle = sTitle;
return this;
* Set the CSS class of the column
* @param sClass the CSS class
* @returns {DTColumn} the wrapped datatables column
withClass: function(sClass) {
this.sClass = sClass;
return this;
* Hide the column
* @returns {DTColumn} the wrapped datatables column
notVisible: function() {
this.bVisible = false;
return this;
* Set the column as not sortable
* @returns {DTColumn} the wrapped datatables column
notSortable: function() {
this.bSortable = false;
return this;
* Render each cell with the given parameter
* @mRender mRender the function/string to render the data
* @returns {DTColumn} the wrapped datatables column
renderWith: function(mRender) {
this.mRender = mRender;
return this;
return {
* Create a new wrapped datatables column
* @param mData the data of the column to display
* @param sTitle the sTitle of the column title to display in the DOM
* @returns {DTColumn} the wrapped datatables column
newColumn: function(mData, sTitle) {
if (angular.isUndefined(mData)) {
throw new Error('The parameter "mData" is not defined!');
var column = Object.create(DTColumn);
column.mData = mData;
if (angular.isDefined(sTitle)) {
column.sTitle = sTitle;
return column;
DTColumn: DTColumn
/* @ngInject */
function dtColumnDefBuilder(DTColumnBuilder) {
return {
newColumnDef: function(targets) {
if (angular.isUndefined(targets)) {
throw new Error('The parameter "targets" must be defined! See');
var column = Object.create(DTColumnBuilder.DTColumn);
if (angular.isArray(targets)) {
column.aTargets = targets;
} else {
column.aTargets = [targets];
return column;
dtColumnDefBuilder.$inject = ['DTColumnBuilder'];
function dtLoadingTemplate() {
return {
html: 'Loading...
'use strict';
angular.module('datatables.instances', ['datatables.util'])
.factory('DTInstanceFactory', dtInstanceFactory);
function dtInstanceFactory() {
var DTInstance = {
reloadData: reloadData,
changeData: changeData,
rerender: rerender
return {
newDTInstance: newDTInstance,
copyDTProperties: copyDTProperties
function newDTInstance(renderer) {
var dtInstance = Object.create(DTInstance);
dtInstance._renderer = renderer;
return dtInstance;
function copyDTProperties(result, dtInstance) { =;
dtInstance.DataTable = result.DataTable;
dtInstance.dataTable = result.dataTable;
function reloadData(callback, resetPaging) {
/*jshint validthis:true */
this._renderer.reloadData(callback, resetPaging);
function changeData(data) {
/*jshint validthis:true */
function rerender() {
/*jshint validthis:true */
'use strict';
angular.module('datatables', ['datatables.directive', 'datatables.factory'])
/* @ngInject */
function initAngularDataTables() {
if ($.fn.DataTable.Api) {
* Register an API to destroy a DataTable without detaching the tbody so that we can add new data
* when rendering with the "Angular way".
$.fn.DataTable.Api.register('ngDestroy()', function(remove) {
remove = remove || false;
return this.iterator('table', function(settings) {
var orig = settings.nTableWrapper.parentNode;
var classes = settings.oClasses;
var table = settings.nTable;
var tbody = settings.nTBody;
var thead = settings.nTHead;
var tfoot = settings.nTFoot;
var jqTable = $(table);
var jqTbody = $(tbody);
var jqWrapper = $(settings.nTableWrapper);
var rows = $.map(settings.aoData, function(r) {
return r.nTr;
var ien;
// Flag to note that the table is currently being destroyed - no action
// should be taken
settings.bDestroying = true;
// Fire off the destroy callbacks for plug-ins etc
$.fn.DataTable.ext.internal._fnCallbackFire(settings, 'aoDestroyCallback', 'destroy', [settings]);
// If not being removed from the document, make all columns visible
if (!remove) {
new $.fn.DataTable.Api(settings).columns().visible(true);
// Blitz all `DT` namespaced events (these are internal events, the
// lowercase, `dt` events are user subscribed and they are responsible
// for removing them
jqWrapper.unbind('.DT').find(':not(tbody *)').unbind('.DT');
$(window).unbind('.DT-' + settings.sInstance);
// When scrolling we had to break the table up - restore it
if (table !== thead.parentNode) {
if (tfoot && table !== tfoot.parentNode) {
// Remove the DataTables generated nodes, events and classes
settings.aaSorting = [];
settings.aaSortingFixed = [];
$(rows).removeClass(settings.asStripeClasses.join(' '));
$('th, td', thead).removeClass(classes.sSortable + ' ' +
classes.sSortableAsc + ' ' + classes.sSortableDesc + ' ' + classes.sSortableNone
if (settings.bJUI) {
$('th span.' + classes.sSortIcon + ', td span.' + classes.sSortIcon, thead).detach();
$('th, td', thead).each(function() {
var wrapper = $('div.' + classes.sSortJUIWrapper, this);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This is the only change with the "destroy()" API (with DT v1.10.1)
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (!remove && orig) {
// insertBefore acts like appendChild if !arg[1]
if (orig.contains(settings.nTableReinsertBefore)) {
orig.insertBefore(table, settings.nTableReinsertBefore);
} else {
// Add the TR elements back into the table in their original order
// jqTbody.children().detach();
// jqTbody.append( rows );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Restore the width of the original table - was read from the style property,
// so we can restore directly to that
.css('width', settings.sDestroyWidth)
// If the were originally stripe classes - then we add them back here.
// Note this is not fool proof (for example if not all rows had stripe
// classes - but it's a good effort without getting carried away
ien = settings.asDestroyStripes.length;
if (ien) {
jqTbody.children().each(function(i) {
$(this).addClass(settings.asDestroyStripes[i % ien]);
/* Remove the settings object from the settings array */
var idx = $.inArray(settings, $.fn.DataTable.settings);
if (idx !== -1) {
$.fn.DataTable.settings.splice(idx, 1);
'use strict';
angular.module('datatables.options', [])
.constant('DT_DEFAULT_OPTIONS', {
// Default dom
dom: 'lfrtip',
// Default ajax properties. See
sAjaxDataProp: '',
// Set default columns (used when none are provided)
aoColumns: []
.service('DTDefaultOptions', dtDefaultOptions);
function dtDefaultOptions() {
var options = {
bootstrapOptions: {},
setLanguageSource: setLanguageSource,
setLanguage: setLanguage,
setDisplayLength: setDisplayLength,
setBootstrapOptions: setBootstrapOptions
return options;
* Set the default language source for all datatables
* @param sLanguageSource the language source
* @returns {DTDefaultOptions} the default option config
function setLanguageSource(sLanguageSource) {
// HACK to resolve the language source manually instead of DT
// See
dataType: 'json',
url: sLanguageSource,
success: function(json) {
$.extend(true, $.fn.dataTable.defaults, {
oLanguage: json
return options;
* Set the language for all datatables
* @param oLanguage the language
* @returns {DTDefaultOptions} the default option config
function setLanguage(oLanguage) {
$.extend(true, $.fn.dataTable.defaults, {
oLanguage: oLanguage
return options;
* Set the default number of items to display for all datatables
* @param iDisplayLength the number of items to display
* @returns {DTDefaultOptions} the default option config
function setDisplayLength(iDisplayLength) {
$.extend($.fn.dataTable.defaults, {
iDisplayLength: iDisplayLength
return options;
* Set the default options to be use for Bootstrap integration.
* See to check
* what default options Angular DataTables is using.
* @param oBootstrapOptions an object containing the default options for Bootstreap integration
* @returns {DTDefaultOptions} the default option config
function setBootstrapOptions(oBootstrapOptions) {
options.bootstrapOptions = oBootstrapOptions;
return options;
'use strict';
angular.module('datatables.renderer', ['datatables.instances', 'datatables.factory', 'datatables.options', 'datatables.instances'])
.factory('DTRendererService', dtRendererService)
.factory('DTRenderer', dtRenderer)
.factory('DTDefaultRenderer', dtDefaultRenderer)
.factory('DTNGRenderer', dtNGRenderer)
.factory('DTPromiseRenderer', dtPromiseRenderer)
.factory('DTAjaxRenderer', dtAjaxRenderer)
.factory('DTRendererFactory', dtRendererFactory);
/* @ngInject */
function dtRendererService(DTLoadingTemplate) {
var plugins = [];
var rendererService = {
showLoading: showLoading,
hideLoading: hideLoading,
renderDataTable: renderDataTable,
hideLoadingAndRenderDataTable: hideLoadingAndRenderDataTable,
registerPlugin: registerPlugin,
postRender: postRender,
preRender: preRender
return rendererService;
function showLoading($elem) {
var $loading = angular.element(DTLoadingTemplate.html);
function hideLoading($elem) {
function renderDataTable($elem, options) {
var dtId = '#' + $elem.attr('id');
if ($.fn.dataTable.isDataTable(dtId) && angular.isObject(options)) {
options.destroy = true;
// See to understand the difference between DataTable and dataTable
var DT = $elem.DataTable(options);
var dt = $elem.dataTable();
var result = {
id: $elem.attr('id'),
DataTable: DT,
dataTable: dt
postRender(options, result);
return result;
function hideLoadingAndRenderDataTable($elem, options) {
return rendererService.renderDataTable($elem, options);
function registerPlugin(plugin) {
function postRender(options, result) {
angular.forEach(plugins, function(plugin) {
if (angular.isFunction(plugin.postRender)) {
plugin.postRender(options, result);
function preRender(options) {
angular.forEach(plugins, function(plugin) {
if (angular.isFunction(plugin.preRender)) {
dtRendererService.$inject = ['DTLoadingTemplate'];
function dtRenderer() {
return {
withOptions: function(options) {
this.options = options;
return this;
/* @ngInject */
function dtDefaultRenderer($q, DTRenderer, DTRendererService, DTInstanceFactory) {
return {
create: create
function create(options) {
var _oTable;
var _$elem;
var renderer = Object.create(DTRenderer); = 'DTDefaultRenderer';
renderer.options = options;
renderer.render = render;
renderer.reloadData = reloadData;
renderer.changeData = changeData;
renderer.rerender = rerender;
function render($elem) {
_$elem = $elem;
var dtInstance = DTInstanceFactory.newDTInstance(renderer);
var result = DTRendererService.hideLoadingAndRenderDataTable($elem, renderer.options);
_oTable = result.DataTable;
DTInstanceFactory.copyDTProperties(result, dtInstance);
return $q.when(dtInstance);
function reloadData() {
// Do nothing
function changeData() {
// Do nothing
function rerender() {
return renderer;
dtDefaultRenderer.$inject = ['$q', 'DTRenderer', 'DTRendererService', 'DTInstanceFactory'];
/* @ngInject */
function dtNGRenderer($log, $q, $compile, $timeout, DTRenderer, DTRendererService, DTInstanceFactory) {
* Renderer for displaying the Angular way
* @param options
* @returns {{options: *}} the renderer
* @constructor
return {
create: create
function create(options) {
var _staticHTML;
var _oTable;
var _$elem;
var _parentScope;
var _newParentScope;
var dtInstance;
var renderer = Object.create(DTRenderer); = 'DTNGRenderer';
renderer.options = options;
renderer.render = render;
renderer.reloadData = reloadData;
renderer.changeData = changeData;
renderer.rerender = rerender;
return renderer;
function render($elem, $scope, staticHTML) {
_staticHTML = staticHTML;
_$elem = $elem;
_parentScope = $scope.$parent;
dtInstance = DTInstanceFactory.newDTInstance(renderer);
var defer = $q.defer();
var _expression = $elem.find('tbody').html();
// Find the resources from the comment displayed by angular in the DOM
// This regexp is inspired by the one used in the "ngRepeat" directive
var _match = _expression.match(/^\s*.+?\s+in\s+(\S*)\s*/m);
if (!_match) {
throw new Error('Expected expression in form of "_item_ in _collection_[ track by _id_]" but got "{0}".', _expression);
var _ngRepeatAttr = _match[1];
var _alreadyRendered = false;
_parentScope.$watchCollection(_ngRepeatAttr, function() {
if (_oTable && _alreadyRendered) {
$timeout(function() {
_alreadyRendered = true;
var result = DTRendererService.hideLoadingAndRenderDataTable(_$elem, renderer.options);
_oTable = result.DataTable;
DTInstanceFactory.copyDTProperties(result, dtInstance);
}, 0, false);
}, true);
return defer.promise;
function reloadData() {
$log.warn('The Angular Renderer does not support reloading data. You need to do it directly on your model');
function changeData() {
$log.warn('The Angular Renderer does not support changing the data. You need to change your model directly.');
function rerender() {
$timeout(function() {
var result = DTRendererService.hideLoadingAndRenderDataTable(_$elem, renderer.options);
_oTable = result.DataTable;
DTInstanceFactory.copyDTProperties(result, dtInstance);
}, 0, false);
function _destroyAndCompile() {
if (_newParentScope) {
// Re-compile because we lost the angular binding to the existing data
_newParentScope = _parentScope.$new();
dtNGRenderer.$inject = ['$log', '$q', '$compile', '$timeout', 'DTRenderer', 'DTRendererService', 'DTInstanceFactory'];
/* @ngInject */
function dtPromiseRenderer($q, $timeout, $log, DTRenderer, DTRendererService, DTInstanceFactory) {
* Renderer for displaying with a promise
* @param options the options
* @returns {{options: *}} the renderer
* @constructor
return {
create: create
function create(options) {
var _oTable;
var _loadedPromise = null;
var _$elem;
var _$scope;
var dtInstance;
var renderer = Object.create(DTRenderer); = 'DTPromiseRenderer';
renderer.options = options;
renderer.render = render;
renderer.reloadData = reloadData;
renderer.changeData = changeData;
renderer.rerender = rerender;
return renderer;
function render($elem, $scope) {
var defer = $q.defer();
dtInstance = DTInstanceFactory.newDTInstance(renderer);
_$elem = $elem;
_$scope = $scope;
_resolve(renderer.options.fnPromise, DTRendererService.renderDataTable).then(function(result) {
_oTable = result.DataTable;
DTInstanceFactory.copyDTProperties(result, dtInstance);
return defer.promise;
function reloadData(callback, resetPaging) {
var previousPage = _oTable && ? : 0;
if (angular.isFunction(renderer.options.fnPromise)) {
_resolve(renderer.options.fnPromise, _redrawRows).then(function(result) {
if (angular.isFunction(callback)) {
if (resetPaging === false) {;
} else {
$log.warn('In order to use the reloadData functionality with a Promise renderer, you need to provide a function that returns a promise.');
function changeData(fnPromise) {
renderer.options.fnPromise = fnPromise;
// We also need to set the $scope.dtOptions, otherwise, when we change the columns, it will revert to the old data
// See
_$scope.dtOptions.fnPromise = fnPromise;
_resolve(renderer.options.fnPromise, _redrawRows);
function rerender() {
render(_$elem, _$scope);
function _resolve(fnPromise, callback) {
var defer = $q.defer();
if (angular.isUndefined(fnPromise)) {
throw new Error('You must provide a promise or a function that returns a promise!');
if (_loadedPromise) {
defer.resolve(_startLoading(fnPromise, callback));
} else {
defer.resolve(_startLoading(fnPromise, callback));
return defer.promise;
function _startLoading(fnPromise, callback) {
var defer = $q.defer();
if (angular.isFunction(fnPromise)) {
_loadedPromise = fnPromise();
} else {
_loadedPromise = fnPromise;
_loadedPromise.then(function(result) {
var data = result;
// In case the data is nested in an object
if (renderer.options.sAjaxDataProp) {
var properties = renderer.options.sAjaxDataProp.split('.');
while (properties.length) {
var property = properties.shift();
if (property in data) {
data = data[property];
_loadedPromise = null;
defer.resolve(_doRender(renderer.options, _$elem, data, callback));
return defer.promise;
function _doRender(options, $elem, data, callback) {
var defer = $q.defer();
// Since Angular 1.3, the promise renderer is throwing "Maximum call stack size exceeded"
// By removing the $promise attribute, we avoid an infinite loop when jquery is cloning the data
// See
delete data.$promise;
options.aaData = data;
// Add $timeout to be sure that angular has finished rendering before calling datatables
$timeout(function() {
// Set it to true in order to be able to redraw the dataTable
options.bDestroy = true;
defer.resolve(callback($elem, options));
}, 0, false);
return defer.promise;
function _redrawRows($elem, options) {
return {
DataTable: dtInstance.DataTable,
dataTable: dtInstance.dataTable
dtPromiseRenderer.$inject = ['$q', '$timeout', '$log', 'DTRenderer', 'DTRendererService', 'DTInstanceFactory'];
/* @ngInject */
function dtAjaxRenderer($q, $timeout, DTRenderer, DTRendererService, DT_DEFAULT_OPTIONS, DTInstanceFactory) {
* Renderer for displaying with Ajax
* @param options the options
* @returns {{options: *}} the renderer
* @constructor
return {
create: create
function create(options) {
var _oTable;
var _$elem;
var _$scope;
var renderer = Object.create(DTRenderer); = 'DTAjaxRenderer';
renderer.options = options;
renderer.render = render;
renderer.reloadData = reloadData;
renderer.changeData = changeData;
renderer.rerender = rerender;
return renderer;
function render($elem, $scope) {
_$elem = $elem;
_$scope = $scope;
var defer = $q.defer();
var dtInstance = DTInstanceFactory.newDTInstance(renderer);
// Define default values in case it is an ajax datatables
if (angular.isUndefined(renderer.options.sAjaxDataProp)) {
renderer.options.sAjaxDataProp = DT_DEFAULT_OPTIONS.sAjaxDataProp;
if (angular.isUndefined(renderer.options.aoColumns)) {
renderer.options.aoColumns = DT_DEFAULT_OPTIONS.aoColumns;
_doRender(renderer.options, $elem).then(function(result) {
_oTable = result.DataTable;
DTInstanceFactory.copyDTProperties(result, dtInstance);
return defer.promise;
function reloadData(callback, resetPaging) {
if (_oTable) {
_oTable.ajax.reload(callback, resetPaging);
function changeData(ajax) {
renderer.options.ajax = ajax;
// We also need to set the $scope.dtOptions, otherwise, when we change the columns, it will revert to the old data
// See
_$scope.dtOptions.ajax = ajax;
function rerender() {
render(_$elem, _$scope);
function _doRender(options, $elem) {
var defer = $q.defer();
// Destroy the table if it exists in order to be able to redraw the dataTable
options.bDestroy = true;
if (_oTable) {
// Empty in case of columns change
// Condition to refresh the dataTable
if (_shouldDeferRender(options)) {
$timeout(function() {
defer.resolve(DTRendererService.renderDataTable($elem, options));
}, 0, false);
} else {
defer.resolve(DTRendererService.renderDataTable($elem, options));
return defer.promise;
// See
function _shouldDeferRender(options) {
if (angular.isDefined(options) && angular.isDefined(options.dom)) {
// S for scroller plugin
return options.dom.indexOf('S') >= 0;
return false;
dtAjaxRenderer.$inject = ['$q', '$timeout', 'DTRenderer', 'DTRendererService', 'DT_DEFAULT_OPTIONS', 'DTInstanceFactory'];
/* @ngInject */
function dtRendererFactory(DTDefaultRenderer, DTNGRenderer, DTPromiseRenderer, DTAjaxRenderer) {
return {
fromOptions: fromOptions
function fromOptions(options, isNgDisplay){
if (isNgDisplay) {
if (options && options.serverSide) {
throw new Error('You cannot use server side processing along with the Angular renderer!');
return DTNGRenderer.create(options);
if (angular.isDefined(options)) {
if (angular.isDefined(options.fnPromise) && options.fnPromise !== null) {
if (options.serverSide) {
throw new Error('You cannot use server side processing along with the Promise renderer!');
return DTPromiseRenderer.create(options);
if (angular.isDefined(options.ajax) && options.ajax !== null ||
angular.isDefined(options.ajax) && options.ajax !== null) {
return DTAjaxRenderer.create(options);
return DTDefaultRenderer.create(options);
return DTDefaultRenderer.create();
dtRendererFactory.$inject = ['DTDefaultRenderer', 'DTNGRenderer', 'DTPromiseRenderer', 'DTAjaxRenderer'];
'use strict';
angular.module('datatables.util', [])
.factory('DTPropertyUtil', dtPropertyUtil);
/* @ngInject */
function dtPropertyUtil($q) {
return {
overrideProperties: overrideProperties,
deleteProperty: deleteProperty,
resolveObjectPromises: resolveObjectPromises,
resolveArrayPromises: resolveArrayPromises
* Overrides the source property with the given target properties.
* Source is not written. It's making a fresh copy of it in order to ensure that we do not change the parameters.
* @param source the source properties to override
* @param target the target properties
* @returns {*} the object overrided
function overrideProperties(source, target) {
var result = angular.copy(source);
if (angular.isUndefined(result) || result === null) {
result = {};
if (angular.isUndefined(target) || target === null) {
return result;
if (angular.isObject(target)) {
for (var prop in target) {
if (target.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
result[prop] = overrideProperties(result[prop], target[prop]);
} else {
result = angular.copy(target);
return result;
* Delete the property from the given object
* @param obj the object
* @param propertyName the property name
function deleteProperty(obj, propertyName) {
if (angular.isObject(obj)) {
delete obj[propertyName];
* Resolve any promises from a given object if there are any.
* @param obj the object
* @param excludedPropertiesName the list of properties to ignore
* @returns {promise} the promise that the object attributes promises are all resolved
function resolveObjectPromises(obj, excludedPropertiesName) {
var defer = $q.defer(),
promises = [],
resolvedObj = {},
excludedProp = excludedPropertiesName || [];
if (!angular.isObject(obj) || angular.isArray(obj)) {
} else {
resolvedObj = angular.extend(resolvedObj, obj);
for (var prop in resolvedObj) {
if (resolvedObj.hasOwnProperty(prop) && $.inArray(prop, excludedProp) === -1) {
if (angular.isArray(resolvedObj[prop])) {
} else {
$q.all(promises).then(function(result) {
var index = 0;
for (var prop in resolvedObj) {
if (resolvedObj.hasOwnProperty(prop) && $.inArray(prop, excludedProp) === -1) {
resolvedObj[prop] = result[index++];
return defer.promise;
* Resolve the given array promises
* @param array the array containing promise or not
* @returns {promise} the promise that the array contains a list of objects/values promises that are resolved
function resolveArrayPromises(array) {
var defer = $q.defer(),
promises = [],
resolveArray = [];
if (!angular.isArray(array)) {
} else {
angular.forEach(array, function(item) {
if (angular.isObject(item)) {
} else {
$q.all(promises).then(function(result) {
angular.forEach(result, function(item) {
return defer.promise;
dtPropertyUtil.$inject = ['$q'];
})(window, document, jQuery, angular);
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