x-sockjs-service-proxy.4.5.2.source-code.index.adoc Maven / Gradle / Ivy
= Vert.x SockJS Service Proxy
:toc: left
When you compose a vert.x application, you may want to isolate a functionality somewhere and make it available to
the rest of your application. That's the main purpose of service proxies. It lets you expose a _service_ on the
event bus, so, any other vert.x component can consume it, as soon as they know the _address_ on which the service
is published. This is achieved by the vert.x service proxies. However, vert.x service clients, form the bare vert
.x service proxies, cannot be consumed from your browser or from node.js. Vert.x SockJS Service Proxy generates
service clients that you can use from your browser or from a node.js application. These clients rely on the
SockJS bridge that propagate events from the vert.x event bus to / from SockJS.
== Using Vert.x SockJS Service Proxy
To use the Vert.x SockJS Service Proxy, add the following dependencies to the _dependencies_ section of
your build descriptor:
* Maven (in your `pom.xml`):
* Gradle (in your `build.gradle` file):
compile '${maven.groupId}:${maven.artifactId}:${maven.version}'
compile '${maven.groupId}:vertx-service-proxy:${vertx.version}'
Be aware that as the service proxy mechanism relies on code generation, so modifications to the _service interface_
require to re-compile the sources to regenerate the code.
Before going further you should check how to use `vertx-service-proxies` from the
http://vertx.io/docs/vertx-service-proxy/java[documentation page].
== Consuming your service from a browser or from Node.js
The previous section has shown how you can create a service proxy in Java. However, you can consume your service
directly from your browser or from a node.js application using a SockJS-based proxy.
First, you need to configure the SockJS bridge, in order to let the proxy communicate with the service. You will
find more details about the SockJS bridge in
[source, java]
{@link examples.Examples#serviceAndSockJS(io.vertx.core.Vertx)}
Once you have the sockJS bridge configured, other applications developed in JavaScript can interact with your
service directly. During the service compilation, a JS proxy module is generated, and is named as follows:
`module_name-js/server-interface_simple_name` + `-proxy.js`. So for instance, if your interface is named `MyService`,
the proxy module is named `my_service-proxy.js`. Again, this proxy is usable from your browser or from node.js.
The generated proxy is a JavaScript module compatible with CommonJS, AMD and Webpack. The proxy then just needs to
instantiated with the EventBus bridge and the service EventBus address:
[source, js]
For node.js application, it would be used as follows:
var EventBus = require('vertx3-eventbus-client');
var SomeDatabaseService = require('../../some_database_service-proxy');
var eb = new EventBus('http://localhost:8080/eventbus/');
eb.onopen = function () {
var svc = new SomeDatabaseService(eb, "database-service-address");
// use the service
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