vertx-web-js.cookie.js Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2014 Red Hat, Inc.
* Red Hat licenses this file to you under the Apache License, version 2.0
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/** @module vertx-web-js/cookie */
var utils = require('vertx-js/util/utils');
var io =;
var JsonObject = io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject;
var JCookie = io.vertx.ext.web.Cookie;
Represents an HTTP Cookie.
All cookies must have a name and a value and can optionally have other fields set such as path, domain, etc.
(Derived from io.netty.handler.codec.http.Cookie)
var Cookie = function(j_val) {
var j_cookie = j_val;
var that = this;
@return the name of this cookie
@return {string}
this.getName = function() {
var __args = arguments;
if (__args.length === 0) {
return j_cookie["getName()"]();
} else throw new TypeError('function invoked with invalid arguments');
@return the value of this cookie
@return {string}
this.getValue = function() {
var __args = arguments;
if (__args.length === 0) {
return j_cookie["getValue()"]();
} else throw new TypeError('function invoked with invalid arguments');
Sets the value of this cookie
@param value {string} The value to set
@return {Cookie} a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
this.setValue = function(value) {
var __args = arguments;
if (__args.length === 1 && typeof __args[0] === 'string') {
return that;
} else throw new TypeError('function invoked with invalid arguments');
Sets the domain of this cookie
@param domain {string} The domain to use
@return {Cookie} a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
this.setDomain = function(domain) {
var __args = arguments;
if (__args.length === 1 && (typeof __args[0] === 'string' || __args[0] == null)) {
return that;
} else throw new TypeError('function invoked with invalid arguments');
@return the domain for the cookie
@return {string}
this.getDomain = function() {
var __args = arguments;
if (__args.length === 0) {
return j_cookie["getDomain()"]();
} else throw new TypeError('function invoked with invalid arguments');
Sets the path of this cookie.
@param path {string} The path to use for this cookie
@return {Cookie} a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
this.setPath = function(path) {
var __args = arguments;
if (__args.length === 1 && (typeof __args[0] === 'string' || __args[0] == null)) {
return that;
} else throw new TypeError('function invoked with invalid arguments');
@return {string} the path for this cookie
this.getPath = function() {
var __args = arguments;
if (__args.length === 0) {
return j_cookie["getPath()"]();
} else throw new TypeError('function invoked with invalid arguments');
Sets the maximum age of this cookie in seconds.
If an age of 0
is specified, this cookie will be
automatically removed by browser because it will expire immediately.
If MIN_VALUE is specified, this cookie will be removed when the
browser is closed.
If you don't set this the cookie will be a session cookie and be removed when the browser is closed.
@param maxAge {number} The maximum age of this cookie in seconds
@return {Cookie}
this.setMaxAge = function(maxAge) {
var __args = arguments;
if (__args.length === 1 && typeof __args[0] ==='number') {
return that;
} else throw new TypeError('function invoked with invalid arguments');
Sets the security getStatus of this cookie
@param secure {boolean} True if this cookie is to be secure, otherwise false
@return {Cookie} a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
this.setSecure = function(secure) {
var __args = arguments;
if (__args.length === 1 && typeof __args[0] ==='boolean') {
return that;
} else throw new TypeError('function invoked with invalid arguments');
Determines if this cookie is HTTP only.
If set to true, this cookie cannot be accessed by a client
side script. However, this works only if the browser supports it.
For for information, please look
@param httpOnly {boolean} True if the cookie is HTTP only, otherwise false.
@return {Cookie}
this.setHttpOnly = function(httpOnly) {
var __args = arguments;
if (__args.length === 1 && typeof __args[0] ==='boolean') {
return that;
} else throw new TypeError('function invoked with invalid arguments');
Encode the cookie to a string. This is what is used in the Set-Cookie header
@return {string} the encoded cookie
this.encode = function() {
var __args = arguments;
if (__args.length === 0) {
return j_cookie["encode()"]();
} else throw new TypeError('function invoked with invalid arguments');
Has the cookie been changed? Changed cookies will be saved out in the response and sent to the browser.
@return {boolean} true if changed
this.isChanged = function() {
var __args = arguments;
if (__args.length === 0) {
return j_cookie["isChanged()"]();
} else throw new TypeError('function invoked with invalid arguments');
Set the cookie as being changed. Changed will be true for a cookie just created, false by default if just
read from the request
@param changed {boolean} true if changed
this.setChanged = function(changed) {
var __args = arguments;
if (__args.length === 1 && typeof __args[0] ==='boolean') {
} else throw new TypeError('function invoked with invalid arguments');
// A reference to the underlying Java delegate
// NOTE! This is an internal API and must not be used in user code.
// If you rely on this property your code is likely to break if we change it / remove it without warning.
this._jdel = j_cookie;
Create a new cookie
@memberof module:vertx-web-js/cookie
@param name {string} the name of the cookie
@param value {string} the cookie value
@return {Cookie} the cookie
Cookie.cookie = function(name, value) {
var __args = arguments;
if (__args.length === 2 && typeof __args[0] === 'string' && typeof __args[1] === 'string') {
return utils.convReturnVertxGen(JCookie["cookie(java.lang.String,java.lang.String)"](name, value), Cookie);
} else throw new TypeError('function invoked with invalid arguments');
// We export the Constructor function
module.exports = Cookie;