ve.brave-core.3.13.0.source-code.zipkinCore.thrift Maven / Gradle / Ivy
# Copyright 2012 Twitter Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
namespace java com.twitter.zipkin.thriftjava
#@namespace scala com.twitter.zipkin.thriftscala
namespace rb Zipkin
#************** Annotation.value **************
* The client sent ("cs") a request to a server. There is only one send per
* span. For example, if there's a transport error, each attempt can be logged
* as a WIRE_SEND annotation.
* If chunking is involved, each chunk could be logged as a separate
* CLIENT_SEND_FRAGMENT in the same span.
* is not the server. It is the host which logged the send
* event, almost always the client. When logging CLIENT_SEND, instrumentation
* should also log the SERVER_ADDR.
const string CLIENT_SEND = "cs"
* The client received ("cr") a response from a server. There is only one
* receive per span. For example, if duplicate responses were received, each
* can be logged as a WIRE_RECV annotation.
* If chunking is involved, each chunk could be logged as a separate
* CLIENT_RECV_FRAGMENT in the same span.
* is not the server. It is the host which logged the receive
* event, almost always the client. The actual endpoint of the server is
* recorded separately as SERVER_ADDR when CLIENT_SEND is logged.
const string CLIENT_RECV = "cr"
* The server sent ("ss") a response to a client. There is only one response
* per span. If there's a transport error, each attempt can be logged as a
* WIRE_SEND annotation.
* Typically, a trace ends with a server send, so the last timestamp of a trace
* is often the timestamp of the root span's server send.
* If chunking is involved, each chunk could be logged as a separate
* SERVER_SEND_FRAGMENT in the same span.
* is not the client. It is the host which logged the send
* event, almost always the server. The actual endpoint of the client is
* recorded separately as CLIENT_ADDR when SERVER_RECV is logged.
const string SERVER_SEND = "ss"
* The server received ("sr") a request from a client. There is only one
* request per span. For example, if duplicate responses were received, each
* can be logged as a WIRE_RECV annotation.
* Typically, a trace starts with a server receive, so the first timestamp of a
* trace is often the timestamp of the root span's server receive.
* If chunking is involved, each chunk could be logged as a separate
* SERVER_RECV_FRAGMENT in the same span.
* is not the client. It is the host which logged the receive
* event, almost always the server. When logging SERVER_RECV, instrumentation
* should also log the CLIENT_ADDR.
const string SERVER_RECV = "sr"
* Optionally logs an attempt to send a message on the wire. Multiple wire send
* events could indicate network retries. A lag between client or server send
* and wire send might indicate queuing or processing delay.
const string WIRE_SEND = "ws"
* Optionally logs an attempt to receive a message from the wire. Multiple wire
* receive events could indicate network retries. A lag between wire receive
* and client or server receive might indicate queuing or processing delay.
const string WIRE_RECV = "wr"
* Optionally logs progress of a (CLIENT_SEND, WIRE_SEND). For example, this
* could be one chunk in a chunked request.
const string CLIENT_SEND_FRAGMENT = "csf"
* Optionally logs progress of a (CLIENT_RECV, WIRE_RECV). For example, this
* could be one chunk in a chunked response.
const string CLIENT_RECV_FRAGMENT = "crf"
* Optionally logs progress of a (SERVER_SEND, WIRE_SEND). For example, this
* could be one chunk in a chunked response.
const string SERVER_SEND_FRAGMENT = "ssf"
* Optionally logs progress of a (SERVER_RECV, WIRE_RECV). For example, this
* could be one chunk in a chunked request.
const string SERVER_RECV_FRAGMENT = "srf"
#***** BinaryAnnotation.key where value = [1] and annotation_type = BOOL ******
* Indicates a client address ("ca") in a span. Most likely, there's only one.
* Multiple addresses are possible when a client changes its ip or port within
* a span.
const string CLIENT_ADDR = "ca"
* Indicates a server address ("sa") in a span. Most likely, there's only one.
* Multiple addresses are possible when a client is redirected, or fails to a
* different server ip or port.
const string SERVER_ADDR = "sa"
* Indicates the network context of a service recording an annotation with two
* exceptions.
* When a BinaryAnnotation, and key is CLIENT_ADDR or SERVER_ADDR,
* the endpoint indicates the source or destination of an RPC. This exception
* allows zipkin to display network context of uninstrumented services, or
* clients such as web browsers.
struct Endpoint {
* IPv4 host address packed into 4 bytes.
* Ex for the ip, it would be (1 << 24) | (2 << 16) | (3 << 8) | 4
1: i32 ipv4
* IPv4 port
* Note: this is to be treated as an unsigned integer, so watch for negatives.
* Conventionally, when the port isn't known, port = 0.
2: i16 port
* Service name in lowercase, such as "memcache" or "zipkin-web"
* Conventionally, when the service name isn't known, service_name = "unknown".
3: string service_name
* An annotation is similar to a log statement. It includes a host field which
* allows these events to be attributed properly, and also aggregatable.
struct Annotation {
* Microseconds from epoch.
* This value should use the most precise value possible. For example,
* gettimeofday or syncing nanoTime against a tick of currentTimeMillis.
1: i64 timestamp
2: string value // what happened at the timestamp?
* Always the host that recorded the event. By specifying the host you allow
* rollup of all events (such as client requests to a service) by IP address.
3: optional Endpoint host
// don't reuse 4: optional i32 OBSOLETE_duration // how long did the operation take? microseconds
enum AnnotationType { BOOL, BYTES, I16, I32, I64, DOUBLE, STRING }
* Binary annotations are tags applied to a Span to give it context. For
* example, a binary annotation of "http.url" could be the path to a resource in a
* RPC call.
* Binary annotations of type STRING are always queryable, though more a
* historical implementation detail than a structural concern.
* Binary annotations can repeat, and vary on the host. Similar to Annotation,
* the host indicates who logged the event. This allows you to tell the
* difference between the client and server side of the same key. For example,
* the key "http.url" might be different on the client and server side due to
* rewriting, like "/api/v1/myresource" vs "/myresource. Via the host field,
* you can see the different points of view, which often help in debugging.
struct BinaryAnnotation {
1: string key,
2: binary value,
3: AnnotationType annotation_type,
* The host that recorded tag, which allows you to differentiate between
* multiple tags with the same key. There are two exceptions to this.
* When the key is CLIENT_ADDR or SERVER_ADDR, host indicates the source or
* destination of an RPC. This exception allows zipkin to display network
* context of uninstrumented services, or clients such as web browsers.
4: optional Endpoint host
* A trace is a series of spans (often RPC calls) which form a latency tree.
* The root span is where trace_id = id and parent_id = Nil. The root span is
* usually the longest interval in the trace, starting with a SERVER_RECV
* annotation and ending with a SERVER_SEND.
struct Span {
1: i64 trace_id # unique trace id, use for all spans in trace
* Span name in lowercase, rpc method for example
* Conventionally, when the span name isn't known, name = "unknown".
3: string name,
4: i64 id, # unique span id, only used for this span
5: optional i64 parent_id, # parent span id
6: list annotations, # all annotations/events that occured, sorted by timestamp
8: list binary_annotations # any binary annotations
9: optional bool debug = 0 # if true, we DEMAND that this span passes all samplers
* Microseconds from epoch of the creation of this span.
* This value should be set directly by instrumentation, using the most
* precise value possible. For example, gettimeofday or syncing nanoTime
* against a tick of currentTimeMillis.
* For compatibilty with instrumentation that precede this field, collectors
* or span stores can derive this via Annotation.timestamp.
* For example, SERVER_RECV.timestamp or CLIENT_SEND.timestamp.
* This field is optional for compatibility with old data: first-party span
* stores are expected to support this at time of introduction.
10: optional i64 timestamp,
* Measurement of duration in microseconds, used to support queries.
* This value should be set directly, where possible. Doing so encourages
* precise measurement decoupled from problems of clocks, such as skew or NTP
* updates causing time to move backwards.
* For compatibilty with instrumentation that precede this field, collectors
* or span stores can derive this by subtracting Annotation.timestamp.
* For example, SERVER_SEND.timestamp - SERVER_RECV.timestamp.
* If this field is persisted as unset, zipkin will continue to work, except
* duration query support will be implementation-specific. Similarly, setting
* this field non-atomically is implementation-specific.
* This field is i64 vs i32 to support spans longer than 35 minutes.
11: optional i64 duration
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