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META-INF.web-resources.voila-runtime.jquery.calculator.jquery.calculator.js Maven / Gradle / Ivy

The newest version!
   Calculator field entry extension for jQuery v1.3.2.
   Written by Keith Wood (kbwood{at} October 2008.
   Dual licensed under the GPL ( and 
   MIT ( licenses. 
   Please attribute the author if you use it. */
(function($) { // hide the namespace

var PROP_NAME = 'calculator';

/* Calculator manager.
   Use the singleton instance of this class, $.calculator, to interact with the plugin.
   Settings for calculator fields are maintained in instance objects,
   allowing multiple different settings on the same page. */
function Calculator() {
	this._curInst = null; // The current instance in use
	this._disabledFields = []; // List of calculator inputs that have been disabled
	this._showingCalculator = false; // True if the popup panel is showing , false if not
	this._showingKeystrokes = false; // True if showing keystrokes for calculator buttons
	/* The definitions of the buttons that may appear on the calculator.
	   Key is ID. Fields are display text, button type, function,
	   class(es), field name, keystroke, keystroke name. */
	this._keyDefs = {
		'_0': ['0', this.digit, null, '', '0', '0'],
		'_1': ['1', this.digit, null, '', '1', '1'],
		'_2': ['2', this.digit, null, '', '2', '2'],
		'_3': ['3', this.digit, null, '', '3', '3'],
		'_4': ['4', this.digit, null, '', '4', '4'],
		'_5': ['5', this.digit, null, '', '5', '5'],
		'_6': ['6', this.digit, null, '', '6', '6'],
		'_7': ['7', this.digit, null, '', '7', '7'],
		'_8': ['8', this.digit, null, '', '8', '8'],
		'_9': ['9', this.digit, null, '', '9', '9'],
		'_A': ['A', this.digit, null, 'hex-digit', 'A', 'a'],
		'_B': ['B', this.digit, null, 'hex-digit', 'B', 'b'],
		'_C': ['C', this.digit, null, 'hex-digit', 'C', 'c'],
		'_D': ['D', this.digit, null, 'hex-digit', 'D', 'd'],
		'_E': ['E', this.digit, null, 'hex-digit', 'E', 'e'],
		'_F': ['F', this.digit, null, 'hex-digit', 'F', 'f'],
		'_.': ['.', this.digit, null, 'decimal', 'DECIMAL', '.'],
		'_+': ['+', this.binary, this._add, 'arith add', 'ADD', '+'],
		'_-': ['-', this.binary, this._subtract, 'arith subtract', 'SUBTRACT', '-'],
		'_*': ['*', this.binary, this._multiply, 'arith multiply', 'MULTIPLY', '*'],
		'_/': ['/', this.binary, this._divide, 'arith divide', 'DIVIDE', '/'],
		'_%': ['%', this.unary, this._percent, 'arith percent', 'PERCENT', '%'],
		'_=': ['=', this.unary, this._equals, 'arith equals', 'EQUALS', '='],
		'+-': ['±', this.unary, this._plusMinus, 'arith plus-minus', 'PLUS_MINUS', '#'],
		'PI': ['pi', this.unary, this._pi, 'pi', 'PI', 'p'],
		'1X': ['1/x', this.unary, this._inverse, 'fn inverse', 'INV', 'i'],
		'LG': ['log', this.unary, this._log, 'fn log', 'LOG', 'l'],
		'LN': ['ln', this.unary, this._ln, 'fn ln', 'LN', 'n'],
		'EX': ['eⁿ', this.unary, this._exp, 'fn exp', 'EXP', 'E'],
		'SQ': ['x²', this.unary, this._sqr, 'fn sqr', 'SQR', '@'],
		'SR': ['√', this.unary, this._sqrt, 'fn sqrt', 'SQRT', '!'],
		'XY': ['x^y', this.binary, this._power, 'fn power', 'POWER', '^'],
		'RN': ['rnd', this.unary, this._random, 'random', 'RANDOM', '?'],
		'SN': ['sin', this.unary, this._sin, 'trig sin', 'SIN', 's'],
		'CS': ['cos', this.unary, this._cos, 'trig cos', 'COS', 'o'],
		'TN': ['tan', this.unary, this._tan, 'trig tan', 'TAN', 't'],
		'AS': ['asin', this.unary, this._asin, 'trig asin', 'ASIN', 'S'],
		'AC': ['acos', this.unary, this._acos, 'trig acos', 'ACOS', 'O'],
		'AT': ['atan', this.unary, this._atan, 'trig atan', 'ATAN', 'T'],
		'MC': ['#memClear', this.unary, this._memClear, 'memory mem-clear', 'MEM_CLEAR', 'x'],
		'MR': ['#memRecall', this.unary, this._memRecall, 'memory mem-recall', 'MEM_RECALL', 'r'],
		'MS': ['#memStore', this.unary, this._memStore, 'memory mem-store', 'MEM_STORE', 'm'],
		'M+': ['#memAdd', this.unary, this._memAdd, 'memory mem-add', 'MEM_ADD', '>'],
		'M-': ['#memSubtract', this.unary, this._memSubtract, 'memory mem-subtract', 'MEM_SUBTRACT', '<'],
		'BB': ['#base2', this.control, this._base2, 'base base2', 'BASE_2', 'B'],
		'BO': ['#base8', this.control, this._base8, 'base base8', 'BASE_8', 'C'],
		'BD': ['#base10', this.control, this._base10, 'base base10', 'BASE_10', 'D'],
		'BH': ['#base16', this.control, this._base16, 'base base16', 'BASE_16', 'H'],
		'DG': ['#degrees', this.control, this._degrees, 'angle degrees', 'DEGREES', 'G'],
		'RD': ['#radians', this.control, this._radians, 'angle radians', 'RADIANS', 'R'],
		'BS': ['#backspace', this.control, this._undo, 'undo', 'UNDO', 8, 'BSp'], // backspace
		'CE': ['#clearError', this.control, this._clearError, 'clear-error', 'CLEAR_ERROR', 36, 'Hom'], // home
		'CA': ['#clear', this.control, this._clear, 'clear', 'CLEAR', 35, 'End'], // end
		'@X': ['#close', this.control, this._close, 'close', 'CLOSE', 27, 'Esc'], // escape
		'@U': ['#use', this.control, this._use, 'use', 'USE', 13, 'Ent'], // enter
		'@E': ['#erase', this.control, this._erase, 'erase', 'ERASE', 46, 'Del'], // delete
		'  ': ['',, null, 'space', 'SPACE'],
		'_ ': ['',, null, 'half-space', 'HALF_SPACE'],
		'??': ['??', this.unary, this._noOp]
	this._keyCodes = {};
	this._keyChars = {};
	for (var code in this._keyDefs) {
		if (this._keyDefs[code][4]) {
			this[this._keyDefs[code][4]] = code;
		if (this._keyDefs[code][5]) {
			if (typeof this._keyDefs[code][5] == 'number') {
				this._keyCodes[this._keyDefs[code][5]] = code;
			else {
				this._keyChars[this._keyDefs[code][5]] = code;
	this.regional = []; // Available regional settings, indexed by language code
	this.regional[''] = { // Default regional settings
		decimalChar: '.', // Character for the decimal point
		buttonText: '...', // Display text for trigger button
		buttonStatus: 'Open the calculator', // Status text for trigger button
		closeText: 'Close', // Display text for close link
		closeStatus: 'Close the calculator', // Status text for close link
		useText: 'Use', // Display text for use link
		useStatus: 'Use the current value', // Status text for use link
		eraseText: 'Erase', // Display text for erase link
		eraseStatus: 'Erase the value from the field', // Status text for erase link
		backspaceText: 'BS', // Display text for backspace link
		backspaceStatus: 'Erase the last digit', // Status text for backspace link
		clearErrorText: 'CE', // Display text for clear error link
		clearErrorStatus: 'Erase the last number', // Status text for clear error link
		clearText: 'CA', // Display text for clear link
		clearStatus: 'Reset the calculator', // Status text for clear link
		memClearText: 'MC', // Display text for memory clear link
		memClearStatus: 'Clear the memory', // Status text for memory clear link
		memRecallText: 'MR', // Display text for memory recall link
		memRecallStatus: 'Recall the value from memory', // Status text for memory recall link
		memStoreText: 'MS', // Display text for memory store link
		memStoreStatus: 'Store the value in memory', // Status text for memory store link
		memAddText: 'M+', // Display text for memory add link
		memAddStatus: 'Add to memory', // Status text for memory add link
		memSubtractText: 'M-', // Display text for memory subtract link
		memSubtractStatus: 'Subtract from memory', // Status text for memory subtract link
		base2Text: 'Bin', // Display text for base 2 link
		base2Status: 'Switch to binary', // Status text for base 2 link
		base8Text: 'Oct', // Display text for base 8 link
		base8Status: 'Switch to octal', // Status text for base 8 link
		base10Text: 'Dec', // Display text for base 10 link
		base10Status: 'Switch to decimal', // Status text for base 10 link
		base16Text: 'Hex', // Display text for base 16 link
		base16Status: 'Switch to hexadecimal', // Status text for base 16 link
		degreesText: 'Deg', // Display text for degrees link
		degreesStatus: 'Switch to degrees', // Status text for degrees link
		radiansText: 'Rad', // Display text for radians link
		radiansStatus: 'Switch to radians', // Status text for radians link
		isRTL: false // True if right-to-left language, false if left-to-right
	this._defaults = { // Global defaults for all the calculator instances
		showOn: 'focus', // 'focus' for popup on focus, 'button' for trigger button,
			// 'both' for either, 'operator' for non-numeric character entered,
			// 'opbutton' for operator/button combination
		buttonImage: '', // URL for trigger button image
		buttonImageOnly: false, // True if the image appears alone, false if it appears on a button
		isOperator: null, // Call back function to determine if a keystroke opens the calculator
		showAnim: 'show', // Name of jQuery animation for popup
		showOptions: {}, // Options for enhanced animations
		duration: 'fast', // Duration of display/closure
		appendText: '', // Display text following the input box, e.g. showing the format
		useThemeRoller: false, // True to add ThemeRoller classes
		calculatorClass: '', // Additional CSS class for the calculator for an instance
		prompt: '', // Text across the top of the calculator
		layout: this.standardLayout, // Layout of keys
		value: 0, // The initial value for inline calculators 
		base: 10, // The numeric base for calculations
		precision: 10, // The number of digits of precision to use in rounding for display
		memoryAsCookie: false, // True to save memory into cookie, false for memory only
		cookieName: 'calculatorMemory', // Name of cookie for memory
		cookieExpires: 24 * 60 * 60, // The time that the memory cookie expires as a Date or number of seconds
		cookiePath: '', // The path for the memory cookie
		useDegrees: false, // True to use degress for trigonometric functions, false for radians
		constrainInput: true, // True to restrict typed characters to numerics, false to allow anything
		onOpen: null, // Define a callback function before the panel is opened
		onButton: null, // Define a callback function when a button is activated
		onClose: null // Define a callback function when the panel is closed
	$.extend(this._defaults, this.regional['']);
	this.mainDiv = $('').

$.extend(Calculator.prototype, {
	// Class name added to elements to indicate already configured with calculator
	markerClassName: 'hasCalculator',

	digit: 'd', // Indicator of a digit key
	binary: 'b', // Indicator of a binary operation key
	unary: 'u', // Indicator of a unary operation key
	control: 'c', // Indicator of a control key
	space: 's', // Indicator of a space
	_mainDivClass: 'calculator-popup', // The name of the main calculator division marker class
	_inlineClass: 'calculator-inline', // The name of the inline marker class
	_appendClass: 'calculator-append', // The name of the appended text marker class
	_triggerClass: 'calculator-trigger', // The name of the trigger marker class
	_disableClass: 'calculator-disabled', // The name of the disabled covering marker class
	_inlineEntryClass: 'calculator-keyentry', // The name of the inline entry marker class
	_resultClass: 'calculator-result', // The name of the calculator result marker class
	_focussedClass: 'calculator-focussed', // The name of the focussed marker class
	_keystrokeClass: 'calculator-keystroke', // The name of the keystroke marker class
	_coverClass: 'calculator-cover', // The name of the IE select cover marker class

	/* The standard calculator layout with simple operations. */
	standardLayout: ['  BSCECA', '_1_2_3_+@X', '_4_5_6_-@U', '_7_8_9_*@E', '_0_._=_/'],
	/* The extended calculator layout with common scientific operations. */
	scientificLayout: ['@X@U@E  BSCECA', 'DGRD    _ MC_ _7_8_9_+', 'SNASSRLG_ MR_ _4_5_6_-',
		'CSACSQLN_ MS_ _1_2_3_*', 'TNATXYEX_ M+_ _0_.+-_/', 'PIRN1X  _ M-_   _%_='],

	/* Override the default settings for all instances of calculator. 
	   @param  settings  (object) the new settings to use as defaults
	   @return  (object) the calculator object for chaining further calls */
	setDefaults: function(settings) {
		extendRemove(this._defaults, settings || {});
		return this;

	/* Add a new key definition.
	   @param  code       (string) the two-character code for this key
	   @param  label      (string) the display label for this key
	   @param  type       (boolean) true if this is a binary operator,
	                      false if a unary operator, or (string) key type - use
	                      constants ($.calculator.) digit, binary, unary, space, control
	   @param  func       (function) the function that applies this key -
	                       it is expected to take a parameter of the current instance
	   @param  style      (string, optional) any additional CSS styles for this key
	   @param  constant   (string, optional) the name of a constant to create for this key
	   @param  keystroke  (char or number) the character or key code of the keystroke for this key
	   @param  keyName    (string) the name of the keystroke for this key
	   @return  (object) the calculator object for chaining further calls */
	addKeyDef: function(code, label, type, func, style, constant, keystroke, keyName) {
		this._keyDefs[code] = [label, (typeof type == 'boolean' ?
			(type ? this.binary : this.unary) : type), func, style, constant, keystroke, keyName];
		if (constant) {
			this[constant] = code;
		if (keystroke) {
			if (typeof keystroke == 'number') {
				this._keyCodes[keystroke] = code;
			else {
				this._keyChars[keystroke] = code;
		return this;

	/* Attach the calculator to a jQuery selection.
	   @param  target    (element) the target input field or division/span
	   @param  settings  (object) the new settings to use for this instance */
	_attachCalculator: function(target, settings) {
		var $target = $(target);
		var inline = target.nodeName.toLowerCase() != 'input';
		var keyEntry = (!inline ? $target :
		var inst = {_input: keyEntry, _inline: inline, memory: 0,
			_mainDiv: (inline ? $('
') : this.mainDiv)}; inst.settings = $.extend({}, settings || {}); if (this._get(inst, 'memoryAsCookie')) { var memory = this._getMemoryCookie(inst); if (memory && !isNaN(memory)) { inst.memory = memory; } } this._connectCalculator(target, inst); if (inline) { $target.append(keyEntry).append(inst._mainDiv). bind('click.calculator', function() { keyEntry.focus(); }); this._reset(inst, '0'); this._setValue(inst); this._updateCalculator(inst); } else if ($(target).is(':disabled')) { this._disableCalculator(target); } }, /* Attach the calculator to an input field or division/span. @param target (element) the target control @param inst (object) the instance settings */ _connectCalculator: function(target, inst) { var control = $(target); if (control.hasClass(this.markerClassName)) { return; } var appendText = this._get(inst, 'appendText'); var isRTL = this._get(inst, 'isRTL'); if (appendText) { control[isRTL ? 'before' : 'after']( '' + appendText + ''); } if (!inst._inline) { var showOn = this._get(inst, 'showOn'); if (showOn == 'focus' || showOn == 'both') { // pop-up calculator when in the marked field control.focus(this._showCalculator); } if (showOn == 'button' || showOn == 'both' || showOn == 'opbutton') { // pop-up calculator when button clicked var buttonText = this._get(inst, 'buttonText'); var buttonStatus = this._get(inst, 'buttonStatus'); var buttonImage = this._get(inst, 'buttonImage'); var trigger = $(this._get(inst, 'buttonImageOnly') ? $('').attr( {src: buttonImage, alt: buttonStatus, title: buttonStatus}) : $(''). html(buttonImage == '' ? buttonText : $('').attr({src: buttonImage}))); control[isRTL ? 'before' : 'after'](trigger); trigger.addClass(this._triggerClass).click(function() { if ($.calculator._showingCalculator && $.calculator._lastInput == target) { $.calculator._hideCalculator(); } else { $.calculator._showCalculator(target); } return false; }); } } inst._input.keydown(this._doKeyDown).keyup(this._doKeyUp).keypress(this._doKeyPress); if (inst._inline) { inst._mainDiv.keydown(this._doKeyDown).keyup(this._doKeyUp). keypress(this._doKeyPress); inst._input.focus(function() { if (!$.calculator._isDisabledCalculator(control[0])) { inst._focussed = true; $('.' + $.calculator._resultClass, inst._mainDiv). addClass($.calculator._focussedClass); } }).blur(function() { inst._focussed = false; $('.' + $.calculator._resultClass, inst._mainDiv). removeClass($.calculator._focussedClass); }); } control.addClass(this.markerClassName). bind("setData.calculator", function(event, key, value) { inst.settings[key] = value; }).bind("getData.calculator", function(event, key) { return this._get(inst, key); }); $.data(target, PROP_NAME, inst); $.data(inst._input[0], PROP_NAME, inst); }, /* Detach calculator from its control. @param target (element) the target input field or division/span */ _destroyCalculator: function(target) { var control = $(target); if (!control.hasClass(this.markerClassName)) { return; } var inst = $.data(target, PROP_NAME); inst._input.unbind('keydown', this._doKeyDown). unbind('keyup', this._doKeyUp). unbind('keypress', this._doKeyPress); control.siblings('.' + this._appendClass).remove().end(). siblings('.' + this._triggerClass).remove().end(). prev('.' + this._inlineEntryClass).remove().end(). removeClass(this.markerClassName). unbind('focus', this._showCalculator). unbind('click.calculator').empty(); $.removeData(inst._input[0], PROP_NAME); $.removeData(target, PROP_NAME); }, /* Enable the calculator for a jQuery selection. @param target (element) the target input field or division/span */ _enableCalculator: function(target) { var control = $(target); if (!control.hasClass(this.markerClassName)) { return; } var nodeName = target.nodeName.toLowerCase(); if (nodeName == 'input') { target.disabled = false; control.siblings('button.' + this._triggerClass). each(function() { this.disabled = false; }).end(). siblings('img.' + this._triggerClass). css({opacity: '1.0', cursor: ''}); } else if (nodeName == 'div' || nodeName == 'span') { control.find('.' + this._inlineEntryClass + ',button').attr('disabled', '').end(). children('.' + this._disableClass).remove(); } this._disabledFields = $.map(this._disabledFields, function(value) { return (value == target ? null : value); }); // delete entry }, /* Disable the calculator for a jQuery selection. @param target (element) the target input field or division/span */ _disableCalculator: function(target) { var control = $(target); if (!control.hasClass(this.markerClassName)) { return; } var nodeName = target.nodeName.toLowerCase(); if (nodeName == 'input') { target.disabled = true; control.siblings('button.' + this._triggerClass). each(function() { this.disabled = true; }).end(). siblings('img.' + this._triggerClass). css({opacity: '0.5', cursor: 'default'}); } else if (nodeName == 'div' || nodeName == 'span') { var inline = control.children('.' + this._inlineClass); var offset = inline.offset(); var relOffset = {left: 0, top: 0}; inline.parents().each(function() { if ($(this).css('position') == 'relative') { relOffset = $(this).offset(); return false; } }); control.find('.' + this._inlineEntryClass + ',button').attr('disabled', 'disabled').end(). prepend('
'); } this._disabledFields = $.map(this._disabledFields, function(value) { return (value == target ? null : value); }); // delete entry this._disabledFields[this._disabledFields.length] = target; }, /* Is the input field or division/span disabled as a calculator? @param target (element) the target control @return (boolean) true if disabled, false if enabled */ _isDisabledCalculator: function(target) { return (target && $.inArray(target, this._disabledFields) > -1); }, /* Update the settings for calculator attached to an input field or division/span. @param target (element) the target control @param name (object) the new settings to update or (string) the name of the setting to change @param value (any) the new value for the setting (omit if above is an object) */ _changeCalculator: function(target, name, value) { var settings = name || {}; if (typeof name == 'string') { settings = {}; settings[name] = value; } var inst = $.data(target, PROP_NAME); if (inst) { if (this._curInst == inst) { this._hideCalculator(); } extendRemove(inst.settings, settings); if (inst._inline) { this._setValue(inst); } this._updateCalculator(inst); } }, /* Pop-up the calculator for a given input field or division/span. @param input (element) the control attached to the calculator or (event) if triggered by focus */ _showCalculator: function(input) { input = || input; if ($.calculator._isDisabledCalculator(input) || $.calculator._lastInput == input) { // already here return; } var inst = $.data(input, PROP_NAME); $.calculator._hideCalculator(null, ''); $.calculator._lastInput = input; $.calculator._pos = $.calculator._findPos(input); $.calculator._pos[1] += input.offsetHeight; // add the height var isFixed = false; $(input).parents().each(function() { isFixed |= $(this).css('position') == 'fixed'; return !isFixed; }); if (isFixed && $.browser.opera) { // correction for Opera when fixed and scrolled $.calculator._pos[0] -= document.documentElement.scrollLeft; $.calculator._pos[1] -= document.documentElement.scrollTop; } var offset = {left: $.calculator._pos[0], top: $.calculator._pos[1]}; $.calculator._pos = null; // determine sizing offscreen inst._mainDiv.css({position: 'absolute', display: 'block', top: '-1000px', width: ($.browser.opera ? '1000px' : 'auto')}); // callback before calculator opening var onOpen = $.calculator._get(inst, 'onOpen'); if (onOpen) { onOpen.apply((inst._input ? inst._input[0] : null), // trigger custom callback [(inst._inline ? inst.curValue : inst._input.val()), inst]); } $.calculator._reset(inst, inst._input.val()); $.calculator._updateCalculator(inst); // and adjust position before showing offset = $.calculator._checkOffset(inst, offset, isFixed); inst._mainDiv.css({position: (isFixed ? 'fixed' : 'absolute'), display: 'none', left: offset.left + 'px', top: + 'px'}); var showAnim = $.calculator._get(inst, 'showAnim'); var duration = $.calculator._get(inst, 'duration'); duration = (duration == 'normal' && $.ui && $.ui.version >= '1.8' ? '_default' : duration); var postProcess = function() { $.calculator._showingCalculator = true; var borders = $.calculator._getBorders(inst._mainDiv); inst._mainDiv.find('iframe.' + $.calculator._coverClass). // IE6- only css({left: -borders[0], top: -borders[1], width: inst._mainDiv.outerWidth(), height: inst._mainDiv.outerHeight()}); }; if ($.effects && $.effects[showAnim]) { var data =; // Update old effects data for (var key in data) { if (key.match(/^ec\.storage\./)) { data[key] = inst._mainDiv.css(key.replace(/ec\.storage\./, '')); } }, $.calculator._get(inst, 'showOptions'), duration, postProcess); } else { inst._mainDiv[showAnim || 'show']((showAnim ? duration : ''), postProcess); } if (!showAnim) { postProcess(); } if (inst._input[0].type != 'hidden') { inst._input[0].focus(); } $.calculator._curInst = inst; }, /* Reinitialise the calculator. @param inst (object) the instance settings @param value (number) the starting value */ _reset: function(inst, value) { var base = this._get(inst, 'base'); var decimalChar = this._get(inst, 'decimalChar'); value = '' + (value || 0); value = (decimalChar != '.' ? value.replace(new RegExp(decimalChar), '.') : value); inst.curValue = (base == 10 ? parseFloat(value) : parseInt(value, base)) || 0; inst.dispValue = this._setDisplay(inst); inst.prevValue = inst._savedValue = 0; inst._pendingOp = inst._savedOp = this._noOp; inst._newValue = true; }, /* Retrieve the memory value from a cookie, if any. @param inst (object) the instance settings @return the memory cookie value or NaN/null if unavailable */ _getMemoryCookie: function(inst) { var re = new RegExp('^.*' + this._get(inst, 'cookieName') + '=([^;]*).*$'); return parseFloat(document.cookie.replace(re, '$1')); }, /* Save the memory value as a cookie. @param inst (object) the instance settings */ _setMemoryCookie: function(inst) { if (!this._get(inst, 'memoryAsCookie')) { return; } var expires = this._get(inst, 'cookieExpires'); if (typeof expires == 'number') { var time = new Date(); time.setTime(time.getTime() + expires * 1000); expires = time.toUTCString(); } else if (expires.constructor == Date) { expires = time.toUTCString(); } else { expires = ''; } document.cookie = this._get(inst, 'cookieName') + '=' + inst.memory + '; expires=' + expires + '; path=' + this._get(inst, 'cookiePath'); }, /* Set the initial value for display. @param inst (object) the instance settings */ _setValue: function(inst) { inst.curValue = this._get(inst, 'value') || 0; inst.dispValue = this._setDisplay(inst); }, /* Generate the calculator content. @param inst (object) the instance settings */ _updateCalculator: function(inst) { var borders = this._getBorders(inst._mainDiv); inst._mainDiv.html(this._generateHTML(inst)). find('iframe.' + this._coverClass). // IE6- only css({left: -borders[0], top: -borders[1], width: inst._mainDiv.outerWidth(), height: inst._mainDiv.outerHeight()}); inst._mainDiv.removeClass().addClass(this._get(inst, 'calculatorClass') + (this._get(inst, 'useThemeRoller') ? ' ui-widget ui-widget-content' : '') + (this._get(inst, 'isRTL') ? ' calculator-rtl ' : '') + ' ' + (inst._inline ? this._inlineClass : this._mainDivClass)); if (this._curInst == inst) { inst._input.focus(); } }, /* Retrieve the size of left and top borders for an element. @param elem (jQuery object) the element of interest @return (number[2]) the left and top borders */ _getBorders: function(elem) { var convert = function(value) { var extra = ($.browser.msie ? 1 : 0); return {thin: 1 + extra, medium: 3 + extra, thick: 5 + extra}[value] || value; }; return [parseFloat(convert(elem.css('border-left-width'))), parseFloat(convert(elem.css('border-top-width')))]; }, /* Check positioning to remain on screen. @param inst (object) the instance settings @param offset (object) the current offset @param isFixed (boolean) true if the input field is fixed in position @return (object) the updated offset */ _checkOffset: function(inst, offset, isFixed) { var pos = inst._input ? this._findPos(inst._input[0]) : null; var browserWidth = window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth; var browserHeight = window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight; var scrollX = document.documentElement.scrollLeft || document.body.scrollLeft; var scrollY = document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop; if (($.browser.msie && parseInt($.browser.version, 10) < 7) || $.browser.opera) { // recalculate width as otherwise set to 100% var width = 0; $('.calculator-row', inst._mainDiv).find('button:last').each(function() { width = Math.max(width, this.offsetLeft + this.offsetWidth + parseInt($(this).css('margin-right'), 10)); }); inst._mainDiv.css('width', width); } // reposition calculator panel horizontally if outside the browser window if (this._get(inst, 'isRTL') || (offset.left + inst._mainDiv.outerWidth() - scrollX) > browserWidth) { offset.left = Math.max((isFixed ? 0 : scrollX), pos[0] + (inst._input ? inst._input.outerWidth() : 0) - (isFixed ? scrollX : 0) - inst._mainDiv.outerWidth() - (isFixed && $.browser.opera ? document.documentElement.scrollLeft : 0)); } else { offset.left -= (isFixed ? scrollX : 0); } // reposition calculator panel vertically if outside the browser window if (( + inst._mainDiv.outerHeight() - scrollY) > browserHeight) { = Math.max((isFixed ? 0 : scrollY), pos[1] - (isFixed ? scrollY : 0) - inst._mainDiv.outerHeight() - (isFixed && $.browser.opera ? document.documentElement.scrollTop : 0)); } else { -= (isFixed ? scrollY : 0); } return offset; }, /* Find an object's position on the screen. @param obj (element) the element to find the position for @return (int[2]) the element's position */ _findPos: function(obj) { while (obj && (obj.type == 'hidden' || obj.nodeType != 1)) { obj = obj.nextSibling; } var position = $(obj).offset(); return [position.left,]; }, /* Hide the calculator from view. @param input (element) the control attached to the calculator @param duration (string) the duration over which to close the calculator */ _hideCalculator: function(input, duration) { var inst = this._curInst; if (!inst || (input && inst != $.data(input, PROP_NAME))) { return; } if (this._showingCalculator) { duration = (duration != null ? duration : this._get(inst, 'duration')); duration = (duration == 'normal' && $.ui && $.ui.version >= '1.8' ? '_default' : duration); var showAnim = this._get(inst, 'showAnim'); if ($.effects && $.effects[showAnim]) { inst._mainDiv.hide(showAnim, this._get(inst, 'showOptions'), duration); } else { inst._mainDiv[(showAnim == 'slideDown' ? 'slideUp' : (showAnim == 'fadeIn' ? 'fadeOut' : 'hide'))](showAnim ? duration : ''); } } var onClose = this._get(inst, 'onClose'); if (onClose) { onClose.apply((inst._input ? inst._input[0] : null), // trigger custom callback [(inst._inline ? inst.curValue : inst._input.val()), inst]); } if (this._showingCalculator) { this._showingCalculator = false; this._lastInput = null; } this._curInst = null; }, /* Close calculator if clicked elsewhere. @param event (event) the mouseclick details */ _checkExternalClick: function(event) { if (!$.calculator._curInst) { return; } var target = $(; if (!target.parents().andSelf().hasClass($.calculator._mainDivClass) && !target.hasClass($.calculator.markerClassName) && !target.parents().andSelf().hasClass($.calculator._triggerClass) && $.calculator._showingCalculator) { $.calculator._hideCalculator(); } }, /* Focus back onto the input field. */ _focusEntry: function() { if ($.calculator._curInst && $.calculator._curInst._input) { $.calculator._curInst._input.focus(); } }, /* Handle keystrokes. @param e (event) the key event */ _doKeyDown: function(e) { var handled = false; var inst = $.data(, PROP_NAME); var div = (inst && inst._inline ? $([0] : null); if (e.keyCode == 9) { // tab $.calculator.mainDiv.stop(true, true); $.calculator._hideCalculator(); if (inst && inst._inline) { inst._input.blur(); } } else if ($.calculator._showingCalculator || (div && !$.calculator._isDisabledCalculator(div))) { if (e.keyCode == 18) { // alt - show keystrokes if (!$.calculator._showingKeystrokes) { inst._mainDiv.find('.' + $.calculator._keystrokeClass).show(); $.calculator._showingKeystrokes = true; } handled = true; } else { var code = $.calculator._keyCodes[e.keyCode]; if (code) { $('button[keystroke="' + code + '"]', inst._mainDiv).not(':disabled').click(); handled = true; } } } else if (e.keyCode == 36 && e.ctrlKey && inst && !inst._inline) { $.calculator._showCalculator(this); // display the date picker on ctrl+home } if (handled) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); } return !handled; }, /* Hide keystrokes, if showing. @param e (event) the key event */ _doKeyUp: function(e) { if ($.calculator._showingKeystrokes) { var inst = $.data(, PROP_NAME); inst._mainDiv.find('.' + $.calculator._keystrokeClass).hide(); $.calculator._showingKeystrokes = false; } }, /* Convert characters into button clicks. @param e (event) the key event @return true if keystroke allowed, false if not */ _doKeyPress: function(e) { var inst = $.data(, PROP_NAME); if (!inst) { return true; } var div = (inst && inst._inline ? $([0] : null); var ch = String.fromCharCode(e.charCode == undefined ? e.keyCode : e.charCode); var base = $.calculator._get(inst, 'base'); var decimalChar = $.calculator._get(inst, 'decimalChar'); var showOn = $.calculator._get(inst, 'showOn'); var isOperator = $.calculator._get(inst, 'isOperator') || $.calculator._isOperator; if (!$.calculator._showingCalculator && !div && (showOn == 'operator' || showOn == 'opbutton') && isOperator.apply(inst._input, [ch, e, inst._input.val(), base, decimalChar])) { $.calculator._showCalculator(this); // display the date picker on operator usage $.calculator._showingCalculator = true; } if ($.calculator._showingCalculator || (div && !$.calculator._isDisabledCalculator(div))) { var code = $.calculator._keyChars[ch == decimalChar ? '.' : ch]; if (code) { $('button[keystroke="' + code + '"]', inst._mainDiv).not(':disabled').click(); } return false; } if (ch >= ' ' && $.calculator._get(inst, 'constrainInput')) { var pattern = new RegExp('^-?' + (base == 10 ? '[0-9]*(\\' + decimalChar + '[0-9]*)?' : '[' + '0123456789abcdef'.substring(0, base) + ']*') + '$'); return (inst._input.val() + ch).toLowerCase().match(pattern) != null; } return true; }, /* Determine whether or not a keystroke is a trigger for opening the calculator. @param ch (char) the current character @param event (KeyEvent) the entire key event @param value (string) the current input value @param base (number) the current number base @param decimalChar (char) the current decimal character @return true if a trigger, false if not */ _isOperator: function(ch, event, value, base, decimalChar) { return ch > ' ' && !(ch == '-' && value == '') && ('0123456789abcdef'.substr(0, base) + '.' + decimalChar).indexOf(ch.toLowerCase()) == -1; }, /* Get a setting value, defaulting if necessary. @param inst (object) the instance settings @param name (string) the name of the setting @return (any) the value of the setting, or its default if not set explicitly */ _get: function(inst, name) { return inst.settings[name] !== undefined ? inst.settings[name] : this._defaults[name]; }, /* Generate the HTML for the current state of the calculator. @param inst (object) the instance settings @return (string) the HTML for this calculator */ _generateHTML: function(inst) { var useTR = this._get(inst, 'useThemeRoller'); var isRTL = this._get(inst, 'isRTL'); var prompt = this._get(inst, 'prompt'); var layout = this._get(inst, 'layout'); var base = this._get(inst, 'base'); var useDegrees = this._get(inst, 'useDegrees'); var html = (!prompt ? '' : '
' + prompt + '
') + '
' + inst.dispValue + '
'; for (var i = 0; i < layout.length; i++) { html += '
'; for (var j = 0; j < layout[i].length; j += 2) { var code = layout[i].substr(j, 2); var def = this._keyDefs[code] || this._keyDefs['??']; var label = (def[0].charAt(0) == '#' ? this._get(inst, def[0].substr(1) + 'Text') : def[0]); var status = (def[0].charAt(0) == '#' ? this._get(inst, def[0].substr(1) + 'Status') : ''); var styles = (def[3] ? def[3].split(' ') : []); for (var k = 0; k < styles.length; k++) { styles[k] = 'calculator-' + styles[k]; } styles = styles.join(' '); var uiActive = (useTR ? ' ui-state-active' : ''); var uiHighlight = (useTR ? ' ui-state-highlight' : ''); html += (def[1] == ? '' : (inst._inline && (def[2] == '._close' || def[2] == '._erase') ? '' : '')); } html += '
'; } html += '
' + (!inst._inline && $.browser.msie && parseInt($.browser.version, 10) < 7 ? // IE6- only '' : ''); html = $(html); html.find('button').mouseover(function() { $.calculator._saveClasses = this.className; }). mousedown(function() { $(this).addClass('calculator-key-down' + (useTR ? ' ui-state-active' : '')); }). mouseup(function() { $(this).removeClass().addClass($.calculator._saveClasses); }). mouseout(function() { $(this).removeClass().addClass($.calculator._saveClasses); }). click(function() { $.calculator._handleButton(inst, $(this)); }); return html; }, /* Generate the display value. Tidy the result to avoid JavaScript rounding errors. @param inst (object) the instance settings @return (string) the rounded and formatted display value */ _setDisplay: function(inst) { var precision = this._get(inst, 'precision'); var fixed = new Number(inst.curValue).toFixed(precision).valueOf(); // Round to 14 digits precision var exp = fixed.replace(/^.+(e.+)$/, '$1').replace(/^[^e].*$/, ''); // Extract exponent if (exp) { fixed = new Number(fixed.replace(/e.+$/, '')).toFixed(precision).valueOf(); // Round mantissa } return parseFloat(fixed.replace(/0+$/, '') + exp). // Recombine toString(this._get(inst, 'base')).toUpperCase(). replace(/\./, this._get(inst, 'decimalChar')); }, /* Send notification of a button activation. @param inst (object) the instance settings @param label (string) the label from the button */ _sendButton: function(inst, label) { var onButton = this._get(inst, 'onButton'); if (onButton) { onButton.apply((inst._input ? inst._input[0] : null), [label, inst.dispValue, inst]); // trigger custom callback } }, /* Handle a button press. @param inst (object) the current instance settings @param button (jQuery) the button pressed */ _handleButton: function(inst, button) { var keyDef = this._keyDefs[button.attr('keystroke')]; if (!keyDef) { return; } var label = button.text().substr(0, button.text().length - button.children('.calculator-keystroke').text().length); switch (keyDef[1]) { case this.control: keyDef[2].apply(this, [inst, label]); break; case this.digit: this._digit(inst, label); break; case this.binary: this._binaryOp(inst, keyDef[2], label); break; case this.unary: this._unaryOp(inst, keyDef[2], label); break; } if ($.calculator._showingCalculator || inst._inline) { inst._input.focus(); } }, /* Do nothing. */ _noOp: function(inst) { }, /* Add a digit to the number in the calculator. @param inst (object) the instance settings @param digit (string) the digit to append */ _digit: function(inst, digit) { var decimalChar = this._get(inst, 'decimalChar'); inst.dispValue = (inst._newValue ? '' : inst.dispValue); if (digit == decimalChar && inst.dispValue.indexOf(digit) > -1) { return; } inst.dispValue = (inst.dispValue + digit).replace(/^0(\d)/, '$1'). replace(new RegExp('^(-?)([\\.' + decimalChar + '])'), '$10$2'); if (decimalChar != '.') { inst.dispValue = inst.dispValue.replace(new RegExp('^' + decimalChar), '0.'); } var base = this._get(inst, 'base'); var value = (decimalChar != '.' ? inst.dispValue.replace(new RegExp(decimalChar), '.') : inst.dispValue); inst.curValue = (base == 10 ? parseFloat(value) : parseInt(value, base)); inst._newValue = false; this._sendButton(inst, digit); this._updateCalculator(inst); }, /* Save a binary operation for later use. @param inst (object) the instance settings @param op (function) the binary function @param label (string) the button label */ _binaryOp: function(inst, op, label) { if (!inst._newValue && inst._pendingOp) { inst._pendingOp(inst); var base = this._get(inst, 'base'); inst.curValue = (base == 10 ? inst.curValue : Math.floor(inst.curValue)); inst.dispValue = this._setDisplay(inst); } inst.prevValue = inst.curValue; inst._newValue = true; inst._pendingOp = op; this._sendButton(inst, label); this._updateCalculator(inst); }, _add: function(inst) { inst.curValue = inst.prevValue + inst.curValue; }, _subtract: function(inst) { inst.curValue = inst.prevValue - inst.curValue; }, _multiply: function(inst) { inst.curValue = inst.prevValue * inst.curValue; }, _divide: function(inst) { inst.curValue = inst.prevValue / inst.curValue; }, _power: function(inst) { inst.curValue = Math.pow(inst.prevValue, inst.curValue); }, /* Apply a unary operation to the calculator. @param inst (object) the instance settings @param op (function) the unary function @param label (string) the button label */ _unaryOp: function(inst, op, label) { inst._newValue = true; op.apply(this, [inst]); var base = this._get(inst, 'base'); inst.curValue = (base == 10 ? inst.curValue : Math.floor(inst.curValue)); inst.dispValue = this._setDisplay(inst); this._sendButton(inst, label); this._updateCalculator(inst); }, _plusMinus: function(inst) { inst.curValue = -1 * inst.curValue; inst.dispValue = this._setDisplay(inst); inst._newValue = false; }, _pi: function(inst) { inst.curValue = Math.PI; }, /* Perform a percentage calculation. @param inst (object) the instance settings */ _percent: function(inst) { if (inst._pendingOp == this._add) { inst.curValue = inst.prevValue * (1 + inst.curValue / 100); } else if (inst._pendingOp == this._subtract) { inst.curValue = inst.prevValue * (1 - inst.curValue / 100); } else if (inst._pendingOp == this._multiply) { inst.curValue = inst.prevValue * inst.curValue / 100; } else if (inst._pendingOp == this._divide) { inst.curValue = inst.prevValue / inst.curValue * 100; } inst._savedOp = inst._pendingOp; inst._pendingOp = this._noOp; }, /* Apply a pending binary operation. @param inst (object) the instance settings */ _equals: function(inst) { if (inst._pendingOp == this._noOp) { if (inst._savedOp != this._noOp) { // Following x op y =: =, z = inst.prevValue = inst.curValue; inst.curValue = inst._savedValue; inst._savedOp(inst); } } else { // Normal: x op y = inst._savedOp = inst._pendingOp; inst._savedValue = inst.curValue; inst._pendingOp(inst); inst._pendingOp = this._noOp; } }, _memAdd: function(inst) { inst.memory += inst.curValue; this._setMemoryCookie(inst); }, _memSubtract: function(inst) { inst.memory -= inst.curValue; this._setMemoryCookie(inst); }, _memStore: function(inst) { inst.memory = inst.curValue; this._setMemoryCookie(inst); }, _memRecall: function(inst) { inst.curValue = inst.memory; }, _memClear: function(inst) { inst.memory = 0; this._setMemoryCookie(inst); }, _sin: function(inst) { this._trig(inst, Math.sin); }, _cos: function(inst) { this._trig(inst, Math.cos); }, _tan: function(inst) { this._trig(inst, Math.tan); }, _trig: function(inst, op) { var useDegrees = this._get(inst, 'useDegrees'); inst.curValue = op(inst.curValue * (useDegrees ? Math.PI / 180 : 1)); }, _asin: function(inst) { this._atrig(inst, Math.asin); }, _acos: function(inst) { this._atrig(inst, Math.acos); }, _atan: function(inst) { this._atrig(inst, Math.atan); }, _atrig: function(inst, op) { inst.curValue = op(inst.curValue); if (this._get(inst, 'useDegrees')) { inst.curValue = inst.curValue / Math.PI * 180; } }, _inverse: function(inst) { inst.curValue = 1 / inst.curValue; }, _log: function(inst) { inst.curValue = Math.log(inst.curValue) / Math.log(10); }, _ln: function(inst) { inst.curValue = Math.log(inst.curValue); }, _exp: function(inst) { inst.curValue = Math.exp(inst.curValue); }, _sqr: function(inst) { inst.curValue *= inst.curValue; }, _sqrt: function(inst) { inst.curValue = Math.sqrt(inst.curValue); }, _random: function(inst) { inst.curValue = Math.random(); }, _base2: function(inst, label) { this._changeBase(inst, label, 2); }, _base8: function(inst, label) { this._changeBase(inst, label, 8); }, _base10: function(inst, label) { this._changeBase(inst, label, 10); }, _base16: function(inst, label) { this._changeBase(inst, label, 16); }, /* Change the number base for the calculator. @param inst (object) the instance settings @param label (string) the button label @param newBase (number) the new number base */ _changeBase: function(inst, label, newBase) { inst.settings.base = newBase; inst.curValue = (newBase == 10 ? inst.curValue : Math.floor(inst.curValue)); inst.dispValue = this._setDisplay(inst); inst._newValue = true; this._sendButton(inst, label); this._updateCalculator(inst); }, _degrees: function(inst, label) { this._degreesRadians(inst, label, true); }, _radians: function(inst, label) { this._degreesRadians(inst, label, false); }, /* Swap between degrees and radians for trigonometric functions. @param inst (object) the instance settings @param label (string) the button label @param useDegrees (boolean) true to use degrees, false for radians */ _degreesRadians: function(inst, label, useDegrees) { inst.settings.useDegrees = useDegrees; this._sendButton(inst, label); this._updateCalculator(inst); }, /* Erase the last digit entered. @param inst (object) the instance settings @param label (string) the button label */ _undo: function(inst, label) { inst.dispValue = inst.dispValue.substr(0, inst.dispValue.length - 1) || '0'; var base = this._get(inst, 'base'); inst.curValue = (base == 10 ? parseFloat(inst.dispValue) : parseInt(inst.dispValue, base)); this._sendButton(inst, label); this._updateCalculator(inst); }, /* Erase the last number entered. @param inst (object) the instance settings @param label (string) the button label */ _clearError: function(inst, label) { inst.dispValue = '0'; inst.curValue = 0; inst._newValue = true; this._sendButton(inst, label); this._updateCalculator(inst); }, /* Reset the calculator. @param inst (object) the instance settings @param label (string) the button label */ _clear: function(inst, label) { this._reset(inst, 0); this._sendButton(inst, label); this._updateCalculator(inst); }, /* Close the calculator without changing the value. @param inst (object) the instance settings @param label (string) the button label */ _close: function(inst, label) { this._finished(inst, label, inst._input.val()); }, /* Copy the current value and close the calculator. @param inst (object) the instance settings @param label (string) the button label */ _use: function(inst, label) { if (inst._pendingOp != this._noOp) { this._unaryOp(inst, this._equals, label); } var roundedValue = dojo.number.format(inst.curValue, {places:2}); this._finished(inst, label, roundedValue); }, /* Erase the field and close the calculator. @param inst (object) the instance settings @param label (string) the button label */ _erase: function(inst, label) { this._reset(inst, 0); this._updateCalculator(inst); this._finished(inst, label, ''); }, /* Finish with the calculator. @param inst (object) the instance settings @param label (string) the button label @param value (string) the new field value */ _finished: function(inst, label, value) { if (inst._inline) { this._curInst = inst; } else { inst._input.val(value); } this._sendButton(inst, label); this._hideCalculator(inst._input[0]); } }); /* jQuery extend now ignores nulls! @param target (object) the object to extend @param props (object) the new settings @return (object) the updated target */ function extendRemove(target, props) { $.extend(target, props); for (var name in props) { if (props[name] == null || props[name] == undefined) { target[name] = props[name]; } } return target; } /* Invoke the calculator functionality. @param options (string) a command, optionally followed by additional parameters or (object) settings for attaching new calculator functionality @return (object) the jQuery object */ $.fn.calculator = function(options) { var otherArgs =, 1); if (options == 'isDisabled') { return $.calculator['_' + options + 'Calculator']. apply($.calculator, [this[0]].concat(otherArgs)); } return this.each(function() { if (typeof options == 'string') { if (!$.calculator['_' + options + 'Calculator']) { throw 'Unknown operation: ' + options; } $.calculator['_' + options + 'Calculator']. apply($.calculator, [this].concat(otherArgs)); } else { $.calculator._attachCalculator(this, options); } }); }; $.calculator = new Calculator(); // singleton instance // Add the calculator division and external click check $(function() { $(document.body).append($.calculator.mainDiv). mousedown($.calculator._checkExternalClick); }); })(jQuery);

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