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mplates.1.2.source-code.PojoSQLBase.ftl Maven / Gradle / Ivy

<#include "license.ftl">
<#macro list_fields>
<#if object.listScope[0]??>
    <#list object.listScope?children as att>
        <#if att?node_name != "object">
            + ",o${object.@sequence}.${att.@fieldName}"

<#macro table_fields>
<#list object.tableScope?children as att>
    <#if att?node_name != "object">
            + ",o${object.@sequence}.${att.@fieldName}"

            + ",o${object.@sequence}.creationDate,o${object.@sequence}.updateDate"

<#assign object = doc.object>
package ${object.@package}.sql.base;

* All the generated SQL statements for ${object.@name} go in here.
* If you have custom queries, or you want to override existing ones, 
* best put them in here ${object.@package}.service.${object.@name}.
<#if object.trashcan == "true">
* Therefore, remember to suffix every where clause with 'AND roDeleted=false'. * @author Redora ( * @see ${object.@package}.sql.${object.@name}SQL */ public class ${object.@name}SQLBase { /** * Sequence of this model in the list of all models. This number is used * to create an unique alias for select queries and is can also be used to * get the table name from ${object.@package}.service.${object.@name}Service.OBJECTS[]. *
* Do not use the number hard coded, it can change when the model changes. Reference this * or ALIAS instead. */ public final static int SEQUENCE = ${object.@sequence}; /** Table alias used for select queries.*/ public final static String ALIAS = "o" + SEQUENCE; /** * The generated finder methods are added to this enum. Also the GWT client has * the same DefaultFinder, ordered in exactly the same manner. Therefor it is * possible to use the enum's ordinal position: * * int ord = GwtClientObject.DefaultFinder.FindAll.ordinal(); * if (ClientObjectSQL.DefaultFinder.values()[ord].name().equals("FindAll") { * System.out.print("Hello World"); * } * */ public enum DefaultFinder { <#list doc["/object/finder[@name='findAll']"] as finder> FindAll(${finder.@listName}, ${finder.@tableName}, ${finder.@json}) <#list doc["//attributes/*/finder"] as finder> , ${finder.@name?cap_first}(${finder.@listName}, ${finder.@tableName}, ${finder.@json}) <#list doc["//queries/*/finder"] as finder> <#if finder?parent.@javadoc[0]??> /** ${finder?parent.@javadoc} */ , ${finder.@name?cap_first}(${finder.@listName}, ${finder.@tableName}, ${finder.@json}) ; public final String sqlTable; public final String sqlList; public boolean allowJson; DefaultFinder(String sqlList, String sqlTable, boolean allowJson) { this.sqlTable = sqlTable; this.sqlList = sqlList; this.allowJson = allowJson; } } /** All the fields that are usually needed in the drop list as defined in the model.*/ public final static String LIST_FIELDS = <@list_fields />; /** The most important fields used for a tabular layout.*/ public final static String TABLE_FIELDS = <@table_fields />; /** All the fields except the related children.*/ public final static String FORM_FIELDS = ALIAS + ".id," + <#list object.formScope?children as att> <#if att?node_name != "object"> ALIAS + ".${att.@fieldName}," + ALIAS + ".creationDate," + ALIAS + ".updateDate"; <#if object.lazyScope[0]??> /** All the fields that are lazy loading as defined in the model.*/ public final static String LAZY_FIELDS = ALIAS + ".id," + <#list object.lazyScope?children as att> ALIAS + ".${att.@fieldName}," + <#t> ALIAS + ".creationDate," + ALIAS + ".updateDate"; /** delete from ${object.@name} where id = ? */ public final static String DELETE = "delete from `${object.@name}` where id = ?"; /** default order for query */ public final static String DEFAULT_ORDER = " order by " <#assign orders = 0> <#if object.defaultOrder[0]??> + "${object.defaultOrder?trim}".replace("<#noparse>${ALIAS}", "o${object.@sequence}"); <#assign orders = orders + 1> <#elseif doc["/object/attributes/*[@sort]"][0]??> <#list doc["/object/attributes/*[@sort]"] as att> <#if orders != 0>+ ", " + ALIAS + ".${att.@fieldName} ${att.@sort}" <#assign orders = orders + 1> <#if orders != 0>; <#elseif orders == 0 && object.listScope[0]??> <#list object.listScope?children as att> <#if att?node_name != "object"> <#if orders != 0>+ ", " + ALIAS + ".${att.@fieldName}" <#assign orders = orders + 1> <#if orders != 0>; <#if orders == 0> + "id"; <#if object.trashcan == "true"> public final static String FIND_TRASH = "select " + TABLE_FIELDS + " from `${object.@name}` as " + ALIAS + " where " + ALIAS + ".roDeleted = true"; public final static String FIND_TRASH_BY_ID = "select " + FORM_FIELDS + " from `${object.@name}` as " + ALIAS + " where " + ALIAS + ".roDeleted = true and " + ALIAS + ".id = ?"; public final static String TRASH = "update `${object.@name}` set roDeleted = ? where id = ?"; public final static String FIND_BY_ID_FORM = "select " + FORM_FIELDS + " from `${object.@name}` as " + ALIAS + " where " + ALIAS + ".id = ? <#if object.trashcan == "true">and " + ALIAS + ".roDeleted = false"; public final static String FIND_BY_ID_TABLE = "select " + TABLE_FIELDS + " from `${object.@name}` as " + ALIAS + " where " + ALIAS + ".id = ? <#if object.trashcan == "true">and " + ALIAS + ".roDeleted = false"; public final static String FIND_BY_ID_LIST = "select " + LIST_FIELDS + " from `${object.@name}` as " + ALIAS + " where " + ALIAS + ".id = ? <#if object.trashcan == "true">and " + ALIAS + ".roDeleted = false"; public final static String FIND_IN_ID_FORM = "select " + FORM_FIELDS + " from `${object.@name}` as " + ALIAS + " where " + ALIAS + ".id in (?) <#if object.trashcan == "true">and " + ALIAS + ".roDeleted = false"; public final static String FIND_IN_ID_TABLE = "select " + TABLE_FIELDS + " from `${object.@name}` as " + ALIAS + " where " + ALIAS + ".id in (?) <#if object.trashcan == "true">and " + ALIAS + ".roDeleted = false"; public final static String FIND_IN_ID_LIST = "select " + LIST_FIELDS + " from `${object.@name}` as " + ALIAS + " where " + ALIAS + ".id in (?) <#if object.trashcan == "true">and " + ALIAS + ".roDeleted = false"; public final static String FIND_ALL_TABLE = "select " + TABLE_FIELDS + " from `${object.@name}` as " + ALIAS + " <#if object.trashcan == "true">where " + ALIAS + ".roDeleted = false " + DEFAULT_ORDER; public final static String FIND_ALL_LIST = "select " + LIST_FIELDS + " from `${object.@name}` as " + ALIAS + " <#if object.trashcan == "true">where " + ALIAS + ".roDeleted = false " + DEFAULT_ORDER; <#list doc["//queries/query"] as query> <#if query.@javadoc[0]??> /** ${query.@javadoc} */ <#if query.finder[0]??> public final static String ${query.finder[0].@listName} = (<#if !query.list[0]?trim?starts_with("select")>"select distinct " + <@list_fields /> + <#if !query.list[0]?trim?starts_with("from")>" from `${object.@name}` as o${object.@sequence}" + " ${query.list[0]?trim?replace('${', '" + ')?replace('}', ' + "')}") <#list query.replace as replace> .replace("${replace.@what}".replace("<#noparse>${ALIAS}", "o${object.@sequence}"), "${replace.@with}".replace("<#noparse>${ALIAS}", "o${object.@sequence}")) ; public final static String ${query.finder[0].@tableName} = (<#if !query.table[0]?trim?starts_with("select")>"select distinct " + <@table_fields /> + <#if !query.table[0]?trim?starts_with("from")>" from `${object.@name}` as o${object.@sequence}" + " ${query.table[0]?trim?replace('${', '" + ')?replace('}', ' + "')}") <#list query.replace as replace> .replace("${replace.@what}".replace("<#noparse>${ALIAS}", "o${object.@sequence}"), "${replace.@with}".replace("<#noparse>${ALIAS}", "o${object.@sequence}")) ; <#else> public final static String ${query.@sqlName} = "${query.default?trim?j_string}"; <#list doc["//attributes/*/finder[not(ancestor::set)]"] as finder> public static final String ${finder.@listName} = "select " + LIST_FIELDS + " from `${object.@name}` as " + ALIAS + " where " + ALIAS + ".${finder?parent.@fieldName}<#if finder?parent?node_name == "object">Id = ?<#if object.trashcan == "true"> and " + ALIAS + ".roDeleted = false" + DEFAULT_ORDER; public static final String ${finder.@tableName} = "select " + TABLE_FIELDS + " from `${object.@name}` as " + ALIAS + " where " + ALIAS + ".${finder?parent.@fieldName}<#if finder?parent?node_name == "object">Id = ?<#if object.trashcan == "true"> and " + ALIAS + ".roDeleted = false" + DEFAULT_ORDER; <#if finder?parent?node_name == "object" && object.trashcan == "true"> public static final String TRASH_BY_${finder?parent.@fieldName?upper_case} = "update `${object.@name}` set roDeleted = ? where ${finder?parent.@fieldName}<#if finder?parent?node_name == "object">Id = ?"; <#list doc["//attributes/set/finder"] as finder> protected final static String FROM_${finder.@listName}_TABLE = " from `${object.@name}` as " + ALIAS + ", ${finder?parent.@relationTableName} as r where " <#if finder?parent.@pigsear == "true"> + ALIAS + ".id = r.${finder?parent.@theirName}Id and r.${finder?parent.@myName}Id = ?" <#else> + ALIAS + ".id = r.${finder?parent.@myName}Id and r.${finder?parent.@theirName}Id = ?" <#if object.trashcan == "true"> + " and " + ALIAS + ".roDeleted = false" <#if finder?parent.@sorted == "both" || finder?parent.@sorted == "me"> + " order by r.${finder?parent.@myName}SortOrder," + ALIAS + ".sortOrder" ; public final static String ${finder.@listName} = "select " + LIST_FIELDS + FROM_${finder.@listName}_TABLE; public final static String ${finder.@tableName} = "select " + TABLE_FIELDS + FROM_${finder.@listName}_TABLE; <#if object.lazyScope[0]??> public static final String FETCH_LAZY_BY_ID = "select " + LAZY_FIELDS + " from `${object.@name}` as " + ALIAS + " where " + ALIAS + ".id = ?<#if object.trashcan == "true"> and " + ALIAS + ".roDeleted = false"; /** Create table statement for MySQL */ public final static String CREATE_TABLE = "create table `${object.@name}` (" + "id bigint unsigned not null auto_increment, " <#list object.formScope?children as att> <#if att?node_name != "object" && att?node_type == "element"> + "${att.@fieldName} <#t> <#if att?node_name == "boolean"> tinyint(1) <#t> <#if att.@default[0]??> default <#if att.@default == "true">1<#else>0 <#t> <#elseif att?node_name == "date"> date <#t> <#elseif att?node_name == "datetime"> datetime <#t> <#elseif att?node_name == "enum"> enum(<#t> <#list att.element as value> '${value.@name}'<#if value_has_next>,<#t> ) <#t> <#if att.@default[0]??> default '${att.@default}' <#t> <#elseif att?node_name=="integer"> int <#t> <#if att.@default[0]??> default ${att.@default} <#t> <#elseif att?node_name=="long"> bigint <#t> <#if att.@parentClass[0]??> unsigned <#t> <#if att.@default[0]??> default ${att.@default} <#t> <#elseif att?node_name=="double"> double <#t> <#if att.@default[0]??> default ${att.@default} <#t> <#elseif att?node_name=="string"> <#if att.@maxlength?number > 16000000> longtext <#t> <#elseif att.@maxlength?number > 65000> mediumtext <#t> <#elseif att.@maxlength?number > 255> text <#t> <#else> varchar(${att.@maxlength}) <#t> <#if att.@default[0]??> default '${att.@default}' <#t> <#elseif att?node_name == "html"> longtext <#t> <#if att.@notnull[0]?? && att.@notnull == "true"> not null <#t> ,"<#t> <#if object.trashcan == "true"> + "roDeleted boolean not null default false," + "creationDate timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, updateDate timestamp null" + ", primary key (id)" <#list doc["//attributes/*/finder[not(ancestor::set)]"] as finder> <#if finder?parent?node_name == "object"> + ", foreign key ${object.@name}_${finder?parent.@fieldName}Id (${finder?parent.@fieldName}Id) references `${finder?parent.@class}`(id)<#if finder?parent.@cascade == 'true'> on delete cascade" <#else> + ", index ${object.@name}_${finder?parent.@fieldName} (${finder?parent.@fieldName})" + ") default CHARSET=utf8 ENGINE INNODB"; <#list doc["/object/attributes/set[@multiplicity='n-to-m']"] as att> /** Create table of set statement for MySQL */ public final static String CREATE_${att.@relationTableName?upper_case}_TABLE = "create table ${att.@relationTableName} (" + "${att.@myName}Id bigint unsigned not null" + ",${att.@theirName}Id bigint unsigned not null" <#if att.@sorted == "me" || att.@sorted == "both"> + ",${att.@myName}SortOrder int unsigned" <#if att.@sorted == "them" || att.@sorted == "both"> + ",${att.@theirName}SortOrder int" <#if object.trashcan == "true"> + ",roDeleted boolean not null default false" + ",foreign key ${att.@relationTableName}_${att.@myName} (${att.@myName}Id) references `${object.@name}`(id) on delete cascade" + ",foreign key ${att.@relationTableName}_${att.@theirName} (${att.@theirName}Id) references `${att.@class}`(id) on delete cascade" + ") ENGINE INNODB"; public final static String DELETE_${att.@relationTableName?upper_case}_RELATION = "delete from ${att.@relationTableName} where ${att.@myName}Id = ? and ${att.@theirName}Id = ?"; <#if object.trashcan == "true"> public final static String TRASH_${att.@relationTableName?upper_case}_RELATION = "update ${att.@relationTableName} set roDeleted = true where ${att.@myName}Id = ? and ${att.@theirName}Id = ?"; public final static String TRASH_${att.@relationTableName?upper_case}_RELATION_BY_${att.@myName?upper_case}_ID = "update ${att.@relationTableName} set roDeleted = ? where ${att.@myName}Id = ?"; <#if att.@sorted == "both" || att.@sorted == "them"> public final static String INSERT_${att.@relationTableName?upper_case}_RELATION = "insert into ${att.@relationTableName} (${att.@myName}Id,${att.@theirName}Id,${att.@theirName}SortOrder) values (?,?,?)"; public final static String UPDATE_${att.@relationTableName?upper_case}_RELATION = "update ${att.@relationTableName} set ${att.@theirName}SortOrder = ? where ${att.@myName}Id = ? and ${att.@theirName}Id = ?"; public final static String COUNT_${att.@relationTableName?upper_case}_RELATION = "select count(1) from ${att.@relationTableName} where ${att.@myName}Id = ?"; <#else> public final static String INSERT_${att.@relationTableName?upper_case}_RELATION = "insert into ${att.@relationTableName} (${att.@myName}Id,${att.@theirName}Id) values (?,?)"; <#if att.@sorted == "both" || att.@sorted == "me"> public final static String UPDATE_${att.@relationTableName?upper_case}_SORTORDER = "update ${att.@relationTableName} set ${att.@myName}SortOrder = ? where ${att.@myName}Id = ? and ${att.@theirName}Id = ?"; }

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