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mplates.1.2.source-code.PojoUtil.ftl Maven / Gradle / Ivy

<#include "license.ftl">
<#assign object = doc.object>
package ${object.@package}.service;

<#macro copy_resultset_to_pojo att>
    <#if att?node_name != "object" && att?node_type == "element">
        <#assign position = position + 1>
                position = ${position};
        <#if att?node_name == "boolean">
                boolean _${att.@fieldName} = rs.getBoolean(${position} + offset);
                if (!rs.wasNull()) {
                    retval.${att.@fieldName} = _${att.@fieldName};
                } else {
                    retval.${att.@fieldName} = null;
        <#elseif att?node_name == "date">
                if (rs.getDate(${position} + offset) != null) {
                    retval.${att.@fieldName} = new Date(rs.getDate(${position} + offset).getTime());
                } else {
                    retval.${att.@fieldName} = null;
        <#elseif att?node_name == "datetime">
                if (rs.getTimestamp(${position} + offset) != null) {
                    retval.${att.@fieldName} = new Date(rs.getTimestamp(${position} + offset).getTime());
                } else {
                    retval.${att.@fieldName} = null;
        <#elseif att?node_name=="string" || att?node_name == "html">
            <#if att?node_name=="html" || att.@maxlength[0]?number > 65000>
                InputStream ${att.@fieldName}Stream = rs.getBinaryStream(${position} + offset);
                if (${att.@fieldName}Stream != null) {
                    retval.${att.@fieldName} = IOUtils.toString(${att.@fieldName}Stream ,"UTF-8");
                retval.${att.@fieldName} = rs.getString(${position} + offset);
        <#elseif att?node_name=="long">
                long ${att.@fieldName} = rs.getLong(${position} + offset);
                if (!rs.wasNull()) {
                    retval.${att.@fieldName} = ${att.@fieldName};
                } else {
                    retval.${att.@fieldName} = null;
        <#elseif att?node_name=="double">
                double ${att.@fieldName} = rs.getDouble(${position} + offset);
                if (!rs.wasNull()) {
                    retval.${att.@fieldName} = ${att.@fieldName};
                } else {
                    retval.${att.@fieldName} = null;
        <#elseif att?node_name=="integer">
                int ${att.@fieldName} = rs.getInt(${position} + offset);
                if (!rs.wasNull()) {
                    retval.${att.@fieldName} = ${att.@fieldName};
                } else {
                    retval.${att.@fieldName} = null;
        <#elseif att?node_name=="enum">
                retval.${att.@fieldName} = <#if !att.@scope[0]?? || att.@scope[0] == "local">${object.@name}.${att.@className}.valueOfNullSafe(rs.getString(${position} + offset));
                ERROR, unsupported attribute type ${att?node_name}

<#macro copy_dates>
    <#assign position = position + 1>
                position = ${position};
                if (rs.getTimestamp(${position} + offset) != null) {
                    retval.creationDate = new Date(rs.getTimestamp(${position} + offset).getTime());
    <#assign position = position + 1>
                position = ${position};
                if (rs.getTimestamp(${position} + offset) != null) {
                    retval.updateDate = new Date(rs.getTimestamp(${position} + offset).getTime());

<#macro copy_resultset_to_json att>
    <#if att?node_name != "object" && att?node_type == "element">
    <#assign position = position + 1>
                    position = ${position};
        <#if att?node_name == "date">
          ${object.@name}Fields.${att.@fieldName}.name(), rs.getDate(${position} + offset), rs.wasNull());
        <#elseif att?node_name=="datetime">
                    writer.dateTime(${object.@name}Fields.${att.@fieldName}.name(), rs.getTimestamp(${position} + offset), rs.wasNull());
        <#elseif att?node_name=="long" || att?node_name=="integer" || att?node_name=="double">
          ${object.@name}Fields.${att.@fieldName}.sqlType, ${object.@name}Fields.${att.@fieldName}.name(), rs.getString(${position} + offset));
        <#elseif att?node_name=="html">
          ${object.@name}Fields.${att.@fieldName}.name(), rs.getBinaryStream(${position} + offset), rs.wasNull());
        <#elseif att?node_name=="boolean">
                    Boolean _${att.@fieldName} = rs.getBoolean(${position} + offset);
                    if (rs.wasNull()) _${att.@fieldName} = null;
                    writer.kvp(${object.@name}Fields.${att.@fieldName}.name(), _${att.@fieldName});
        <#elseif att?node_name=="string">
          ${object.@name}Fields.${att.@fieldName}.sqlType, ${object.@name}Fields.${att.@fieldName}.name(), rs.getString(${position} + offset));
        <#elseif att?node_name=="enum">
                    writer.quoted(${object.@name}Fields.${att.@fieldName}.name(), rs.getString(${position} + offset));
        ERROR, unsupported attribute type ${att?node_name}

<#macro copy_dates_to_json>
    <#assign position = position + 1>
                    position = ${position};
                    writer.dateTime("creationDate", rs.getTimestamp(${position} + offset));
    <#assign position = position + 1>
                    position = ${position};
                    writer.dateTime("updateDate", rs.getTimestamp(${position} + offset));

<#macro copy_pojo_to_json att>
    <#if att?node_name != "object" && att?node_type == "element">
                        <#if att?node_name == "date">
          ${object.@name}Fields.${att.@fieldName}.name(), pojo.get${att.@fieldName?cap_first}());
                        <#elseif att?node_name == "datetime">
                    writer.dateTime(${object.@name}Fields.${att.@fieldName}.name(), pojo.get${att.@fieldName?cap_first}());
                        <#elseif att?node_name=="long" || att?node_name=="integer" || att?node_name=="double" || att?node_name=="boolean">
                    writer.kvp(${object.@name}Fields.${att.@fieldName}.name(), pojo.get${att.@fieldName?cap_first}());
                        <#elseif att?node_name=="string" || att?node_name=="html">
                    writer.escaped(${object.@name}Fields.${att.@fieldName}.name(), pojo.get${att.@fieldName?cap_first}());
                        <#elseif att?node_name=="enum">
                    writer.quoted(${object.@name}Fields.${att.@fieldName}.name(), pojo.get${att.@fieldName?cap_first}());
                        ERROR ${att?node_name}

<#macro copy_pojo_dates_to_json>
                    writer.dateTime("creationDate", pojo.getCreationDate());
                    writer.dateTime("updateDate", pojo.getUpdateDate());

<#assign stream = "false">
<#list doc["/object/attributes/*"] as att>
    <#if att?node_name == "html">
        <#assign stream = "true">
    <#elseif att?node_name == "string" && att.@maxlength[0]?number > 65000>
        <#assign stream = "true">

import org.jetbrains.annotations.*;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
<#if object.attributes.html[0]??>

import java.text.ParseException;
import java.util.Date;
<#if doc["//enum[@scope='global']"][0]??>
import ${object.@package}.model.enums.*;

<#if object.lazyScope[0]??>
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

import static java.util.logging.Level.INFO;
import static java.util.logging.Level.SEVERE;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

import ${object.@package}.model.*;
import ${object.@package}.model.base.${object.@name}Base;
import ${object.@package}.model.fields.*;
import redora.exceptions.*;
import redora.util.JSONWriter;

import static redora.db.SQLParameter.yyyyMMdd;
import static redora.db.SQLParameter.yyyyMMddHHMMSS;

* Utility to move around data from DB to pojo or from DB to JSON.
* Use statical like:
* ${object.@name}Util.copy(resultSet, 0, redora.api.fetch.Scope.Table, myPojo);
* @author Redora (
public class ${object.@name}Util {
    private static final transient Logger l = Logger.getLogger("${object.@package}.service.${object.@name}Util");

    * Copies the ResultSet into a ${object.@name}.
    * The ResultSet is parsed by index for maximum performance. By default this starts
    * at 1, but you can add an offset if you have used a query with a field list with other
    * object(s) than ${object.@name}. For normal queries set offset = 0.
    * @param rs	(Mandatory) ResultSet containing all fields listed in ${object.@name}Fields
    * @param offset (Mandatory) Almost always 0. When performing a query on multiple tables give the offset of the fields in the select.
    * @param scope  (Mandatory) The Fetch Scope
    * @param retval (Mandatory) The ${object.@name} you wish to decorate with the information from the ResultSet.
    * @throws CopyException On error when copying from the ResultSet
    * @see ${object.@name}Fields
    public static void copy(@NotNull ResultSet rs, int offset, @NotNull redora.api.fetch.Scope scope
                            , @NotNull ${object.@name}Base retval) throws CopyException {
        retval.fetchScope = scope;
        int position = 1;
        try {
   = rs.getLong(1 + offset);
            if (scope == redora.api.fetch.Scope.List) {
<#assign position = 1>
<#if object.listScope[0]??>
    <#list object.listScope?children as att>
        <@copy_resultset_to_pojo att=att />

            } else if (scope == redora.api.fetch.Scope.Table) {
<#assign position = 1>
<#list object.tableScope?children as att>
    <@copy_resultset_to_pojo att=att />

<@copy_dates />
            } else if (scope == redora.api.fetch.Scope.Form) {
<#assign position = 1>
<#list object.formScope?children as att>
    <@copy_resultset_to_pojo att=att />

<@copy_dates />
            } else {
                throw new CopyException("Unsupported scope " + scope);
<#if stream == "true">
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new CopyException("Failed to stream from field to object ${object.@name} at field id/scope/position/offset: " + + "/" + scope + "/" + position + "/" + offset, e);

        } catch (SQLException e) {
            String columns = "";
            try {
                for (int i = 1; i < rs.getMetaData().getColumnCount(); i++)
                    columns += rs.getMetaData().getColumnName(i) + " [" + i + "],";
            } catch (SQLException e1) {} //ignore
            l.log(INFO, "Columns for following exception {0}", columns);
            throw new CopyException("Failed to copy from field to object ${object.@name} at field id/scope/position/offset: " + + "/" + scope + "/" + position + "/" + offset, e);
<#if object.lazyScope[0]??>
    * Copies lazy loading field resultset into a Map. All the lazy=true fields will be fetched in one stroke,
    * however, fields that are not in ${object.@name} are unfetched: lazy object's and set's.
    * @param rs	(Mandatory) ResultSet containing all fields listed in ${object.@name}Fields
    * @param offset	(Mandatory) Almost always 0. When performing a query on multiple tables give the offset of the fields in the select.
    * @return Always filled Map. If there are no lazy fields, this method would not exist.
    * @throws CopyException On error when copying from ResultSet
    * @see ${object.@name}Fields
    public static Map copyLazy(@NotNull ResultSet rs, int offset) throws CopyException {
        Map map = new HashMap();
        try {
    <#assign position = 1>
    <#list object.lazyScope?children as att>
        <#if att?node_name == "string" || att?node_name == "html">
            <#assign position = position + 1>
            <#if att?node_name == "html" || att.@maxlength[0]?number > 65000>
   _${att.@fieldName}Stream = rs.getBinaryStream(${position} + offset);
            if (_${att.@fieldName}Stream != null) {
                map.put(${object.@name}Fields.${att.@fieldName}.name(), IOUtils.toString(_${att.@fieldName}Stream));
            String ${att.@fieldName} = rs.getString(${position} + offset);
            map.put(${object.@name}Fields.${att.@fieldName}.name(), ${att.@fieldName});
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new CopyException("Failed to copy lazy field from table to Map",e);
        return map;

    * Copies te resultset into a JSON stream.
    * The resultset is default parsed by index for maximum performance.
    * @param rs   (Mandatory) ResultSet containing all fields listed in ${object.@name}Fields
    * @param offset (Mandatory) Almost always 0. When performing a query on multiple tables give the offset of the fields in the select.
    * @param writer (Mandatory) The output stream as JSON writer, typically routed to your servlets' writer stream.
    * @throws CopyException On error when copying from ResultSet
    public static void jsonStream(@NotNull ResultSet rs, int offset, @NotNull JSONWriter writer, @NotNull redora.api.fetch.Scope scope) throws CopyException {
        int position = 1;
        Long id = null;
        try {
            id = rs.getLong(1 + offset); //id is not null
            writer.kvp("id", id);
            writer.kvp("_scope", scope.ordinal());
            switch (scope) {
                case List: {
<#assign position = 1>
<#if object.listScope[0]??>
    <#list object.listScope?children as att>
        <@copy_resultset_to_json att=att />

                case Table: {
<#assign position = 1>
<#list object.tableScope?children as att>
    <@copy_resultset_to_json att=att />

<@copy_dates_to_json />
                case Form: {
<#assign position = 1>
<#list object.formScope?children as att>
    <@copy_resultset_to_json att=att />

<@copy_dates_to_json />
                case Lazy: {
<#assign position = 1>
<#if object.lazyScope[0]??>
    <#list object.lazyScope?children as att>
        <@copy_resultset_to_json att=att />

                default: {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported scope " + scope);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            String columns = "";
            try {
                for (int i = 1; i < rs.getMetaData().getColumnCount(); i++)
                    columns += rs.getMetaData().getColumnName(i) + " [" + i + "],";
            } catch (SQLException e1) {} //ignore
            l.log(INFO, "Columns for following exception {0}", columns);
            throw new CopyException("Failed to copy from ResultSet into JSON for ${object.@name} at field id/scope/position/offset: " + id + "/" + scope + "/" + position + "/" + offset,e);

    * Copies ${object.@name} to JSONWriter.
    public static void copy(@NotNull ${object.@name} pojo, @NotNull JSONWriter writer)
            throws JSONException, CopyException {
        try {
            writer.kvp("id", pojo.getId());
            writer.kvp("_scope", pojo.fetchScope.ordinal());
            switch (pojo.fetchScope) {
                case List: {
<#assign position = 1>
<#if object.listScope[0]??>
    <#list object.listScope?children as att>
        <@copy_pojo_to_json att=att />

                case Table: {
<#assign position = 1>
<#list object.tableScope?children as att>
    <@copy_pojo_to_json att=att />

<@copy_pojo_dates_to_json />
                case Form: {
<#assign position = 1>
<#list object.formScope?children as att>
    <@copy_pojo_to_json att=att />

<@copy_pojo_dates_to_json />
                default: {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported scope " + pojo.fetchScope);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new CopyException("Failed to copy from pojo into JSON for ${object.@name}",e);

    * Decorates returned ${object.@name} with the values provided with the HTTP request.
    * If the request contains an id parameter, the corresponding ${object.@name} will be
    * fetched from the DB first. Otherwise a new ${object.@name} will be created.
    * The request object should contain parameters like "${object.@name}.[attributeName]="
    * which will be set through the ${object.@name} setters. The client (that created the request object)
    * can omit attributes that it does not have or those that didn't change. If an attribute needs
    * to be nullified, simply supply it as empty.
* @param request Request containing parameters like "${object.@name}.[attributeName]=" * @throws CopyException When a ${object.@name} is updated, a FindById is performed to get the original. When this fails, this is the exception. */ @NotNull public static ${object.@name} from(@NotNull HttpServletRequest request) throws CopyException { final ${object.@name} pojo; if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(request.getParameter("id"))) { ${object.@name}Service service = null; try { service = ServiceFactory.${object.@name?uncap_first}Service(); pojo = service.findById(Long.valueOf(request.getParameter("id")), redora.api.fetch.Scope.Form); } catch (RedoraException e) { l.log(SEVERE, "Failed to retrieve for persist ${object.@name}: " + request.getParameter("id"), e); throw new CopyException("Failed to retrieve for persist ${object.@name}: " + request.getParameter("id"), e); } finally { ServiceFactory.close(service); } } else { pojo = new ${object.@name}(); } <#list object.attributes?children as att> <#if att?node_name == "long"> if (request.getParameterMap().containsKey("${att.@fieldName}")) { if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(request.getParameter("${att.@fieldName}"))) pojo.set${att.@fieldName?cap_first}(Long.valueOf(request.getParameter("${att.@fieldName}"))); else pojo.set${att.@fieldName?cap_first}(null); } <#elseif att?node_name == "integer"> if (request.getParameterMap().containsKey("${att.@fieldName}")) { if (!StringUtils.isBlank(request.getParameter("${att.@fieldName}"))) pojo.set${att.@fieldName?cap_first}(Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("${att.@fieldName}"))); else pojo.set${att.@fieldName?cap_first}(null); } <#elseif att?node_name == "double"> if (request.getParameterMap().containsKey("${att.@fieldName}")) { if (!StringUtils.isBlank(request.getParameter("${att.@fieldName}"))) pojo.set${att.@fieldName?cap_first}(Double.valueOf(request.getParameter("${att.@fieldName}"))); else pojo.set${att.@fieldName?cap_first}(null); } <#elseif att?node_name == "string"> if (request.getParameterMap().containsKey("${att.@fieldName}")) { <#if att.@lazy=="true"> try { if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(request.getParameter("${att.@fieldName}"))) pojo.set${att.@fieldName?cap_first}(request.getParameter("${att.@fieldName}")); else pojo.set${att.@fieldName?cap_first}(null); } catch(LazyException e) { throw new CopyException("Failed to retrieved the lazy ${att.@fieldName}", e); } <#else> if (!StringUtils.isBlank(request.getParameter("${att.@fieldName}"))) pojo.set${att.@fieldName?cap_first}(request.getParameter("${att.@fieldName}")); else pojo.set${att.@fieldName?cap_first}(null); } <#elseif att?node_name == "html"> if (request.getParameterMap().containsKey("${att.@fieldName}")) { try { if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(request.getParameter("${att.@fieldName}"))) pojo.set${att.@fieldName?cap_first}(request.getParameter("${att.@fieldName}")); else pojo.set${att.@fieldName?cap_first}(null); } catch(RedoraException e) { throw new CopyException("Failed to retrieved the html field ${att.@fieldName}", e); } } <#elseif att?node_name == "enum"> if (request.getParameterMap().containsKey("${att.@fieldName}")) { if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(request.getParameter("${att.@fieldName}"))) pojo.set${att.@fieldName?cap_first}(<#if !att.@scope[0]?? || att.@scope[0] == "local">${object.@name}.${att.@className}.valueOfNullSafe(request.getParameter("${att.@fieldName}"))); else pojo.set${att.@fieldName?cap_first}(null); } <#elseif att?node_name == "date" || att?node_name == "datetime"> if (request.getParameterMap().containsKey("${att.@fieldName}")) { if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(request.getParameter("${att.@fieldName}"))) { try { pojo.set${att.@fieldName?cap_first}(yyyyMMdd<#if att?node_name == "datetime">HHMMSS.parse(request.getParameter("${att.@fieldName}"))); } catch(ParseException e) { throw new CopyException("Failed to copy this date: " + request.getParameter("${att.@fieldName}"), e); } } else pojo.set${att.@fieldName?cap_first}(null); } <#elseif att?node_name == "set"> <#if att.@multiplicity="n-to-m"> if (!StringUtils.isBlank(request.getParameter("${att.@theirName}Id"))) { ${att.@class}Service service = null; String id = null; try { service = ServiceFactory.${att.@class?uncap_first}Service(); for (String _id : request.getParameter("${att.@theirName}Id").split(",")) { id = _id; //Keep a copy for exception handling pojo.get${att.@fieldName?cap_first}().add(service.findById(Long.valueOf(id), redora.api.fetch.Scope.Table)); } } catch(RedoraException e) { throw new CopyException("Copy failed with pojo.get${att.@fieldName?cap_first}(id = " + id + ")", e); } finally { ServiceFactory.close(service); } } <#elseif att?node_name == "boolean"> if (request.getParameterMap().containsKey("${att.@fieldName}")) { if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(request.getParameter("${att.@fieldName}"))) pojo.set${att.@fieldName?cap_first}(Boolean.valueOf(request.getParameter("${att.@fieldName}"))); else pojo.set${att.@fieldName?cap_first}(null); } if (request.getParameterMap().containsKey("creationDate")) { if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(request.getParameter("creationDate"))) { try { pojo.creationDate = new Date((yyyyMMddHHMMSS.parse(request.getParameter("creationDate")).getTime()/1000)*1000); } catch(ParseException e) { throw new CopyException("Failed to copy this date: " + request.getParameter("creationDate"), e); } } } if (request.getParameterMap().containsKey("updateDate")) { if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(request.getParameter("updateDate"))) { try { pojo.updateDate = new Date((yyyyMMddHHMMSS.parse(request.getParameter("updateDate")).getTime()/1000)*1000); } catch(ParseException e) { throw new CopyException("Failed to copy this date: " + request.getParameter("updateDate"), e); } } } return pojo; } }

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