long.sort-connector-doris.2.0.0.source-code.netty_kqueue_bsdsocket.c Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2016 The Netty Project
* The Netty Project licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
* version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#include "netty_kqueue_bsdsocket.h"
#include "netty_unix_errors.h"
#include "netty_unix_filedescriptor.h"
#include "netty_unix_jni.h"
#include "netty_unix_socket.h"
#include "netty_unix_util.h"
#define BSDSOCKET_CLASSNAME "io/netty/channel/kqueue/BsdSocket"
// Those are initialized in the init(...) method and cached for performance reasons
static jclass stringClass = NULL;
static jclass peerCredentialsClass = NULL;
static jfieldID fileChannelFieldId = NULL;
static jfieldID transferredFieldId = NULL;
static jfieldID fdFieldId = NULL;
static jfieldID fileDescriptorFieldId = NULL;
static jmethodID peerCredentialsMethodId = NULL;
// JNI Registered Methods Begin
static jlong netty_kqueue_bsdsocket_sendFile(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz, jint socketFd, jobject fileRegion, jlong base_off, jlong off, jlong len) {
jobject fileChannel = (*env)->GetObjectField(env, fileRegion, fileChannelFieldId);
if (fileChannel == NULL) {
netty_unix_errors_throwRuntimeException(env, "failed to get DefaultFileRegion.file");
return -1;
jobject fileDescriptor = (*env)->GetObjectField(env, fileChannel, fileDescriptorFieldId);
if (fileDescriptor == NULL) {
netty_unix_errors_throwRuntimeException(env, "failed to get FileChannelImpl.fd");
return -1;
jint srcFd = (*env)->GetIntField(env, fileDescriptor, fdFieldId);
if (srcFd == -1) {
netty_unix_errors_throwRuntimeException(env, "failed to get FileDescriptor.fd");
return -1;
const jlong lenBefore = len;
off_t sbytes;
int res, err;
do {
#ifdef __APPLE__
// sbytes is an input (how many to write) and output (how many were written) parameter.
sbytes = len;
res = sendfile(srcFd, socketFd, base_off + off, &sbytes, NULL, 0);
sbytes = 0;
res = sendfile(srcFd, socketFd, base_off + off, len, NULL, &sbytes, 0);
len -= sbytes;
} while (res < 0 && ((err = errno) == EINTR));
sbytes = lenBefore - len;
if (sbytes > 0) {
// update the transferred field in DefaultFileRegion
(*env)->SetLongField(env, fileRegion, transferredFieldId, off + sbytes);
return sbytes;
return res < 0 ? -err : 0;
static jint netty_kqueue_bsdsocket_connectx(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz,
jint socketFd,
jint socketInterface,
jboolean sourceIPv6, jbyteArray sourceAddress, jint sourceScopeId, jint sourcePort,
jboolean destinationIPv6, jbyteArray destinationAddress, jint destinationScopeId, jint destinationPort,
jint flags,
jlong iovAddress, jint iovCount, jint iovDataLength) {
#ifdef __APPLE__ // connectx(2) is only defined on Darwin.
sa_endpoints_t endpoints;
endpoints.sae_srcif = (unsigned int) socketInterface;
endpoints.sae_srcaddr = NULL;
endpoints.sae_srcaddrlen = 0;
endpoints.sae_dstaddr = NULL;
endpoints.sae_dstaddrlen = 0;
struct sockaddr_storage srcaddr;
socklen_t srcaddrlen;
struct sockaddr_storage dstaddr;
socklen_t dstaddrlen;
if (NULL != sourceAddress) {
if (-1 == netty_unix_socket_initSockaddr(env,
sourceIPv6, sourceAddress, sourceScopeId, sourcePort, &srcaddr, &srcaddrlen)) {
"Source address specified, but could not be converted to sockaddr.");
return -EINVAL;
endpoints.sae_srcaddr = (const struct sockaddr*) &srcaddr;
endpoints.sae_srcaddrlen = srcaddrlen;
assert(destinationAddress != NULL); // Java side will ensure destination is never null.
if (-1 == netty_unix_socket_initSockaddr(env,
destinationIPv6, destinationAddress, destinationScopeId, destinationPort, &dstaddr, &dstaddrlen)) {
netty_unix_errors_throwIOException(env, "Destination address could not be converted to sockaddr.");
return -EINVAL;
endpoints.sae_dstaddr = (const struct sockaddr*) &dstaddr;
endpoints.sae_dstaddrlen = dstaddrlen;
int socket = (int) socketFd;
const struct iovec* iov = (const struct iovec*) iovAddress;
unsigned int iovcnt = (unsigned int) iovCount;
size_t len = (size_t) iovDataLength;
int result = connectx(socket, &endpoints, SAE_ASSOCID_ANY, flags, iov, iovcnt, &len, NULL);
if (result == -1) {
return -errno;
return (jint) len;
return -ENOSYS;
static void netty_kqueue_bsdsocket_setAcceptFilter(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz, jint fd, jstring afName, jstring afArg) {
struct accept_filter_arg af;
const char* tmpString = NULL;
af.af_name[0] = af.af_arg[0] ='\0';
tmpString = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, afName, NULL);
strncat(af.af_name, tmpString, sizeof(af.af_name) / sizeof(af.af_name[0]));
(*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, afName, tmpString);
tmpString = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, afArg, NULL);
strncat(af.af_arg, tmpString, sizeof(af.af_arg) / sizeof(af.af_arg[0]));
(*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, afArg, tmpString);
netty_unix_socket_setOption(env, fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ACCEPTFILTER, &af, sizeof(af));
#else // No know replacement on MacOS
netty_unix_errors_throwChannelExceptionErrorNo(env, "setsockopt() failed: ", EINVAL);
static jobjectArray netty_kqueue_bsdsocket_getAcceptFilter(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz, jint fd) {
struct accept_filter_arg af;
if (netty_unix_socket_getOption(env, fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ACCEPTFILTER, &af, sizeof(af)) == -1) {
netty_unix_errors_throwChannelExceptionErrorNo(env, "getsockopt() failed: ", errno);
return NULL;
jobjectArray resultArray = (*env)->NewObjectArray(env, 2, stringClass, NULL);
if (resultArray == NULL) {
return NULL;
jstring name = (*env)->NewStringUTF(env, &af.af_name[0]);
if (name == NULL) {
return NULL;
jstring arg = (*env)->NewStringUTF(env, &af.af_arg[0]);
if (arg == NULL) {
return NULL;
(*env)->SetObjectArrayElement(env, resultArray, 0, name);
(*env)->SetObjectArrayElement(env, resultArray, 1, arg);
return resultArray;
#else // No know replacement on MacOS
// Don't throw here because this is used when getting a list of all options.
return NULL;
static void netty_kqueue_bsdsocket_setTcpNoPush(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz, jint fd, jint optval) {
netty_unix_socket_setOption(env, fd, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NOPUSH, &optval, sizeof(optval));
static void netty_kqueue_bsdsocket_setSndLowAt(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz, jint fd, jint optval) {
netty_unix_socket_setOption(env, fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDLOWAT, &optval, sizeof(optval));
static void netty_kqueue_bsdsocket_setTcpFastOpen(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz, jint fd, jint optval) {
netty_unix_socket_setOption(env, fd, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_FASTOPEN, &optval, sizeof(optval));
static jint netty_kqueue_bsdsocket_getTcpNoPush(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz, jint fd) {
int optval;
if (netty_unix_socket_getOption(env, fd, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NOPUSH, &optval, sizeof(optval)) == -1) {
return -1;
return optval;
static jint netty_kqueue_bsdsocket_getSndLowAt(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz, jint fd) {
int optval;
if (netty_unix_socket_getOption(env, fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDLOWAT, &optval, sizeof(optval)) == -1) {
return -1;
return optval;
static jint netty_kqueue_bsdsocket_isTcpFastOpen(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz, jint fd) {
int optval = 0;
if (netty_unix_socket_getOption(env, fd, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_FASTOPEN, &optval, sizeof(optval)) == -1) {
netty_unix_socket_getOptionHandleError(env, errno);
return 0;
return optval;
static jobject netty_kqueue_bsdsocket_getPeerCredentials(JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jint fd) {
struct xucred credentials;
// It has been observed on MacOS that this method can complete successfully but not set all fields of xucred.
credentials.cr_ngroups = 0;
if(netty_unix_socket_getOption(env,fd, SOL_SOCKET, LOCAL_PEERCRED, &credentials, sizeof (credentials)) == -1) {
return NULL;
jintArray gids = NULL;
if (credentials.cr_ngroups > 1) {
if ((gids = (*env)->NewIntArray(env, credentials.cr_ngroups)) == NULL) {
return NULL;
(*env)->SetIntArrayRegion(env, gids, 0, credentials.cr_ngroups, (jint*) credentials.cr_groups);
} else {
// It has been observed on MacOS that cr_ngroups may not be set, but the cr_gid field is set.
if ((gids = (*env)->NewIntArray(env, 1)) == NULL) {
return NULL;
(*env)->SetIntArrayRegion(env, gids, 0, 1, (jint*) &credentials.cr_gid);
pid_t pid = 0;
socklen_t len = sizeof(pid);
// Getting the LOCAL_PEERPID is expected to return error in some cases (e.g. server socket FDs) - just return 0.
if (netty_unix_socket_getOption0(fd, SOCK_STREAM, LOCAL_PEERPID, &pid, len) < 0) {
pid = 0;
return (*env)->NewObject(env, peerCredentialsClass, peerCredentialsMethodId, pid, credentials.cr_uid, gids);
// JNI Registered Methods End
// JNI Method Registration Table Begin
static const JNINativeMethod fixed_method_table[] = {
{ "setAcceptFilter", "(ILjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V", (void *) netty_kqueue_bsdsocket_setAcceptFilter },
{ "setTcpNoPush", "(II)V", (void *) netty_kqueue_bsdsocket_setTcpNoPush },
{ "setSndLowAt", "(II)V", (void *) netty_kqueue_bsdsocket_setSndLowAt },
{ "setTcpFastOpen", "(II)V", (void *) netty_kqueue_bsdsocket_setTcpFastOpen },
{ "getAcceptFilter", "(I)[Ljava/lang/String;", (void *) netty_kqueue_bsdsocket_getAcceptFilter },
{ "getTcpNoPush", "(I)I", (void *) netty_kqueue_bsdsocket_getTcpNoPush },
{ "getSndLowAt", "(I)I", (void *) netty_kqueue_bsdsocket_getSndLowAt },
{ "isTcpFastOpen", "(I)I", (void *) netty_kqueue_bsdsocket_isTcpFastOpen },
{ "connectx", "(IIZ[BIIZ[BIIIJII)I", (void *) netty_kqueue_bsdsocket_connectx }
static const jint fixed_method_table_size = sizeof(fixed_method_table) / sizeof(fixed_method_table[0]);
static jint dynamicMethodsTableSize() {
return fixed_method_table_size + 2;
static JNINativeMethod* createDynamicMethodsTable(const char* packagePrefix) {
char* dynamicTypeName = NULL;
size_t size = sizeof(JNINativeMethod) * dynamicMethodsTableSize();
JNINativeMethod* dynamicMethods = malloc(size);
if (dynamicMethods == NULL) {
return NULL;
memset(dynamicMethods, 0, size);
memcpy(dynamicMethods, fixed_method_table, sizeof(fixed_method_table));
JNINativeMethod* dynamicMethod = &dynamicMethods[fixed_method_table_size];
NETTY_JNI_UTIL_PREPEND(packagePrefix, "io/netty/channel/DefaultFileRegion;JJJ)J", dynamicTypeName, error);
NETTY_JNI_UTIL_PREPEND("(IL", dynamicTypeName, dynamicMethod->signature, error);
dynamicMethod->name = "sendFile";
dynamicMethod->fnPtr = (void *) netty_kqueue_bsdsocket_sendFile;
NETTY_JNI_UTIL_PREPEND(packagePrefix, "io/netty/channel/unix/PeerCredentials;", dynamicTypeName, error);
NETTY_JNI_UTIL_PREPEND("(I)L", dynamicTypeName, dynamicMethod->signature, error);
dynamicMethod->name = "getPeerCredentials";
dynamicMethod->fnPtr = (void *) netty_kqueue_bsdsocket_getPeerCredentials;
return dynamicMethods;
netty_jni_util_free_dynamic_methods_table(dynamicMethods, fixed_method_table_size, dynamicMethodsTableSize());
return NULL;
// JNI Method Registration Table End
// IMPORTANT: If you add any NETTY_JNI_UTIL_LOAD_CLASS or NETTY_JNI_UTIL_FIND_CLASS calls you also need to update
// Native to reflect that.
jint netty_kqueue_bsdsocket_JNI_OnLoad(JNIEnv* env, const char* packagePrefix) {
int ret = JNI_ERR;
char* nettyClassName = NULL;
jclass fileRegionCls = NULL;
jclass fileChannelCls = NULL;
jclass fileDescriptorCls = NULL;
// Register the methods which are not referenced by static member variables
JNINativeMethod* dynamicMethods = createDynamicMethodsTable(packagePrefix);
if (dynamicMethods == NULL) {
goto done;
if (netty_jni_util_register_natives(env,
dynamicMethodsTableSize()) != 0) {
goto done;
// Initialize this module
NETTY_JNI_UTIL_PREPEND(packagePrefix, "io/netty/channel/DefaultFileRegion", nettyClassName, done);
NETTY_JNI_UTIL_FIND_CLASS(env, fileRegionCls, nettyClassName, done);
NETTY_JNI_UTIL_GET_FIELD(env, fileRegionCls, fileChannelFieldId, "file", "Ljava/nio/channels/FileChannel;", done);
NETTY_JNI_UTIL_GET_FIELD(env, fileRegionCls, transferredFieldId, "transferred", "J", done);
NETTY_JNI_UTIL_FIND_CLASS(env, fileChannelCls, "sun/nio/ch/FileChannelImpl", done);
NETTY_JNI_UTIL_GET_FIELD(env, fileChannelCls, fileDescriptorFieldId, "fd", "Ljava/io/FileDescriptor;", done);
NETTY_JNI_UTIL_FIND_CLASS(env, fileDescriptorCls, "java/io/FileDescriptor", done);
NETTY_JNI_UTIL_GET_FIELD(env, fileDescriptorCls, fdFieldId, "fd", "I", done);
NETTY_JNI_UTIL_LOAD_CLASS(env, stringClass, "java/lang/String", done);
NETTY_JNI_UTIL_PREPEND(packagePrefix, "io/netty/channel/unix/PeerCredentials", nettyClassName, done);
NETTY_JNI_UTIL_LOAD_CLASS(env, peerCredentialsClass, nettyClassName, done);
NETTY_JNI_UTIL_GET_METHOD(env, peerCredentialsClass, peerCredentialsMethodId, "", "(II[I)V", done);
netty_jni_util_free_dynamic_methods_table(dynamicMethods, fixed_method_table_size, dynamicMethodsTableSize());
return ret;
void netty_kqueue_bsdsocket_JNI_OnUnLoad(JNIEnv* env, const char* packagePrefix) {
NETTY_JNI_UTIL_UNLOAD_CLASS(env, peerCredentialsClass);
netty_jni_util_unregister_natives(env, packagePrefix, BSDSOCKET_CLASSNAME);
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