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if(typeof dojo == "undefined"){
* @file bootstrap1.js
* summary: First file that is loaded that 'bootstraps' the entire dojo library suite.
* note: Must run before hostenv_*.js file.
* @author Copyright 2004 Mark D. Anderson ([email protected])
* TODOC: should the copyright be changed to Dojo Foundation?
* @license Licensed under the Academic Free License 2.1
* $Id: bootstrap1.js 6824 2006-12-06 09:34:32Z alex $
// @global: djConfig
// summary:
// Application code can set the global 'djConfig' prior to loading
// the library to override certain global settings for how dojo works.
// description: The variables that can be set are as follows:
// - isDebug: false
// - allowQueryConfig: false
// - baseScriptUri: ""
// - baseRelativePath: ""
// - libraryScriptUri: ""
// - iePreventClobber: false
// - ieClobberMinimal: true
// - locale: undefined
// - extraLocale: undefined
// - preventBackButtonFix: true
// - searchIds: []
// - parseWidgets: true
// note:
// 'djConfig' does not exist under 'dojo.*' so that it can be set before the
// 'dojo' variable exists.
// note:
// Setting any of these variables *after* the library has loaded does nothing at all.
// TODOC: is this still true? Release notes for 0.3 indicated they could be set after load.
// @global: dj_global
// summary:
// an alias for the top-level global object in the host environment
// (e.g., the window object in a browser).
// description:
// Refer to 'dj_global' rather than referring to window to ensure your
// code runs correctly in contexts other than web browsers (eg: Rhino on a server).
var dj_global = this;
// @global: dj_currentContext
// summary:
// Private global context object. Where 'dj_global' always refers to the boot-time
// global context, 'dj_currentContext' can be modified for temporary context shifting.
// returns dj_currentContext.
// description:
// Refer to rather than referring to dj_global to ensure your
// code runs correctly in managed contexts.
var dj_currentContext = this;
// ****************************************************************
// global public utils
// ****************************************************************
function dj_undef(/*String*/ name, /*Object?*/ object){
//summary: Returns true if 'name' is defined on 'object' (or globally if 'object' is null).
//description: Note that 'defined' and 'exists' are not the same concept.
return (typeof (object || dj_currentContext)[name] == "undefined"); // Boolean
// make sure djConfig is defined
if(dj_undef("djConfig", this)){
var djConfig = {};
// dojo is the root variable of (almost all) our public symbols -- make sure it is defined.
if(dj_undef("dojo", this)){
var dojo = {};
} = function(){
// summary:
// return the current global context object
// (e.g., the window object in a browser).
// description:
// Refer to '' rather than referring to window to ensure your
// code runs correctly in contexts other than web browsers (eg: Rhino on a server).
return dj_currentContext;
// Override locale setting, if specified
dojo.locale = djConfig.locale;
dojo.version = {
// summary: version number of this instance of dojo.
major: 0, minor: 4, patch: 1, flag: "",
revision: Number("$Rev: 6824 $".match(/[0-9]+/)[0]),
toString: function(){
return major + "." + minor + "." + patch + flag + " (" + revision + ")"; // String
dojo.evalProp = function(/*String*/ name, /*Object*/ object, /*Boolean?*/ create){
// summary: Returns 'object[name]'. If not defined and 'create' is true, will return a new Object.
// description:
// Returns null if 'object[name]' is not defined and 'create' is not true.
// Note: 'defined' and 'exists' are not the same concept.
if((!object)||(!name)) return undefined; // undefined
if(!dj_undef(name, object)) return object[name]; // mixed
return (create ? (object[name]={}) : undefined); // mixed
dojo.parseObjPath = function(/*String*/ path, /*Object?*/ context, /*Boolean?*/ create){
// summary: Parse string path to an object, and return corresponding object reference and property name.
// description:
// Returns an object with two properties, 'obj' and 'prop'.
// 'obj[prop]' is the reference indicated by 'path'.
// path: Path to an object, in the form "A.B.C".
// context: Object to use as root of path. Defaults to ''.
// create: If true, Objects will be created at any point along the 'path' that is undefined.
var object = (context ||;
var names = path.split('.');
var prop = names.pop();
for (var i=0,l=names.length;i 1) {
dh.modulesLoadedListeners.push(function() {
//Added for xdomain loading. dojo.addOnLoad is used to
//indicate callbacks after doing some dojo.require() statements.
//In the xdomain case, if all the requires are loaded (after initial
//page load), then immediately call any listeners.
if(dh.post_load_ && dh.inFlightCount == 0 && !dh.loadNotifying){
dojo.addOnUnload = function(/*Object?*/obj, /*String|Function?*/functionName){
// summary: registers a function to be triggered when the page unloads
// usage:
// dojo.addOnLoad(functionPointer)
// dojo.addOnLoad(object, "functionName")
var dh = dojo.hostenv;
if(arguments.length == 1){
} else if(arguments.length > 1) {
dh.unloadListeners.push(function() {
dojo.hostenv.modulesLoaded = function(){
if(this.post_load_){ return; }
if(this.loadUriStack.length==0 && this.getTextStack.length==0){
if(this.inFlightCount > 0){
dojo.debug("files still in flight!");
dojo.hostenv.callLoaded = function(){
if(typeof setTimeout == "object"){
setTimeout("dojo.hostenv.loaded();", 0);
dojo.hostenv.getModuleSymbols = function(/*String*/modulename){
// summary:
// Converts a module name in dotted JS notation to an array representing the path in the source tree
var syms = modulename.split(".");
for(var i = syms.length; i>0; i--){
var parentModule = syms.slice(0, i).join(".");
if((i==1) && !this.moduleHasPrefix(parentModule)){
// Support default module directory (sibling of dojo) for top-level modules
syms[0] = "../" + syms[0];
var parentModulePath = this.getModulePrefix(parentModule);
if(parentModulePath != parentModule){
syms.splice(0, i, parentModulePath);
return syms; // Array
dojo.hostenv._global_omit_module_check = false;
dojo.hostenv.loadModule = function(/*String*/moduleName, /*Boolean?*/exactOnly, /*Boolean?*/omitModuleCheck){
// summary:
// loads a Javascript module from the appropriate URI
// description:
// loadModule("A.B") first checks to see if symbol A.B is defined.
// If it is, it is simply returned (nothing to do).
// If it is not defined, it will look for "A/B.js" in the script root directory,
// followed by "A.js".
// It throws if it cannot find a file to load, or if the symbol A.B is not
// defined after loading.
// It returns the object A.B.
// This does nothing about importing symbols into the current package.
// It is presumed that the caller will take care of that. For example, to import
// all symbols:
// with (dojo.hostenv.loadModule("A.B")) {
// ...
// }
// And to import just the leaf symbol:
// var B = dojo.hostenv.loadModule("A.B");
// ...
// dj_load is an alias for dojo.hostenv.loadModule
if(!moduleName){ return; }
omitModuleCheck = this._global_omit_module_check || omitModuleCheck;
var module = this.findModule(moduleName, false);
return module;
// protect against infinite recursion from mutual dependencies
if(dj_undef(moduleName, this.loading_modules_)){
this.loading_modules_[moduleName] = 1;
// convert periods to slashes
var relpath = moduleName.replace(/\./g, '/') + '.js';
var nsyms = moduleName.split(".");
// this line allowed loading of a module manifest as if it were a namespace
// it's an interesting idea, but shouldn't be combined with 'namespaces' proper
// and leads to unwanted dependencies
// the effect can be achieved in other (albeit less-flexible) ways now, so I am
// removing this pending further design work
// perhaps we can explicitly define this idea of a 'module manifest', and subclass
// 'namespace manifest' from that
var syms = this.getModuleSymbols(moduleName);
var startedRelative = ((syms[0].charAt(0) != '/') && !syms[0].match(/^\w+:/));
var last = syms[syms.length - 1];
var ok;
// figure out if we're looking for a full package, if so, we want to do
// things slightly diffrently
moduleName = nsyms.slice(0, -1).join('.');
relpath = syms.join("/") + '.js';
if(startedRelative && relpath.charAt(0)=="/"){
relpath = relpath.slice(1);
ok = this.loadPath(relpath, !omitModuleCheck ? moduleName : null);
if(ok){ break; }
relpath = syms.join("/") + '.js';
moduleName = nsyms.join('.');
var modArg = !omitModuleCheck ? moduleName : null;
ok = this.loadPath(relpath, modArg);
if(!ok && !exactOnly){
relpath = syms.join('/') + '.js';
ok = this.loadPath(relpath, modArg);
if(ok){ break; }
relpath = syms.join('/') + '/'+this.pkgFileName+'.js';
if(startedRelative && relpath.charAt(0)=="/"){
relpath = relpath.slice(1);
ok = this.loadPath(relpath, modArg);
if(ok){ break; }
if(!ok && !omitModuleCheck){
dojo.raise("Could not load '" + moduleName + "'; last tried '" + relpath + "'");
// check that the symbol was defined
//Don't bother if we're doing xdomain (asynchronous) loading.
if(!omitModuleCheck && !this["isXDomain"]){
// pass in false so we can give better error
module = this.findModule(moduleName, false);
dojo.raise("symbol '" + moduleName + "' is not defined after loading '" + relpath + "'");
return module;
dojo.hostenv.startPackage = function(/*String*/packageName){
// summary:
// Creates a JavaScript package
// description:
// startPackage("A.B") follows the path, and at each level creates a new empty
// object or uses what already exists. It returns the result.
// packageName: the package to be created as a String in dot notation
//Make sure we have a string.
var fullPkgName = String(packageName);
var strippedPkgName = fullPkgName;
var syms = packageName.split(/\./);
strippedPkgName = syms.join(".");
var evaledPkg = dojo.evalObjPath(strippedPkgName, true);
this.loaded_modules_[fullPkgName] = evaledPkg;
this.loaded_modules_[strippedPkgName] = evaledPkg;
return evaledPkg; // Object
dojo.hostenv.findModule = function(/*String*/moduleName, /*Boolean?*/mustExist){
// summary:
// Returns the Object representing the module, if it exists, otherwise null.
// moduleName A fully qualified module including package name, like 'A.B'.
// mustExist Optional, default false. throw instead of returning null
// if the module does not currently exist.
var lmn = String(moduleName);
return this.loaded_modules_[lmn]; // Object
dojo.raise("no loaded module named '" + moduleName + "'");
return null; // null
//Start of old bootstrap2:
dojo.kwCompoundRequire = function(/*Object containing Arrays*/modMap){
// description:
// This method taks a "map" of arrays which one can use to optionally load dojo
// modules. The map is indexed by the possible dojo.hostenv.name_ values, with
// two additional values: "default" and "common". The items in the "default"
// array will be loaded if none of the other items have been choosen based on
// the hostenv.name_ item. The items in the "common" array will _always_ be
// loaded, regardless of which list is chosen. Here's how it's normally
// called:
// dojo.kwCompoundRequire({
// browser: [
// ["", true, true], // an example that passes multiple args to loadModule()
// "foo.sample.*",
// "foo.test,
// ],
// default: [ "foo.sample.*" ],
// common: [ "really.important.module.*" ]
// });
var common = modMap["common"]||[];
var result = modMap[dojo.hostenv.name_] ? common.concat(modMap[dojo.hostenv.name_]||[]) : common.concat(modMap["default"]||[]);
for(var x=0; x,
// relative to Dojo root. For example, module acme is mapped to ../acme.
// If you want to use a different module name, use dojo.registerModulePath.
return dojo.hostenv.setModulePrefix(module, prefix);
dojo.setModulePrefix = function(/*String*/module, /*String*/prefix){
// summary: maps a module name to a path
dojo.deprecated('dojo.setModulePrefix("' + module + '", "' + prefix + '")', "replaced by dojo.registerModulePath", "0.5");
return dojo.registerModulePath(module, prefix);
dojo.exists = function(/*Object*/obj, /*String*/name){
// summary: determine if an object supports a given method
// description: useful for longer api chains where you have to test each object in the chain
var p = name.split(".");
for(var i = 0; i < p.length; i++){
if(!obj[p[i]]){ return false; } // Boolean
obj = obj[p[i]];
return true; // Boolean
// Localization routines
dojo.hostenv.normalizeLocale = function(/*String?*/locale){
// summary:
// Returns canonical form of locale, as used by Dojo. All variants are case-insensitive and are separated by '-'
// as specified in RFC 3066. If no locale is specified, the user agent's default is returned.
var result = locale ? locale.toLowerCase() : dojo.locale;
if(result == "root"){
result = "ROOT";
return result;// String
dojo.hostenv.searchLocalePath = function(/*String*/locale, /*Boolean*/down, /*Function*/searchFunc){
// summary:
// A helper method to assist in searching for locale-based resources. Will iterate through
// the variants of a particular locale, either up or down, executing a callback function.
// For example, "en-us" and true will try "en-us" followed by "en" and finally "ROOT".
locale = dojo.hostenv.normalizeLocale(locale);
var elements = locale.split('-');
var searchlist = [];
for(var i = elements.length; i > 0; i--){
searchlist.push(elements.slice(0, i).join('-'));
for(var j = searchlist.length - 1; j >= 0; j--){
var loc = searchlist[j] || "ROOT";
var stop = searchFunc(loc);
if(stop){ break; }
//These two functions are placed outside of preloadLocalizations
//So that the xd loading can use/override them.
dojo.hostenv.localesGenerated /***BUILD:localesGenerated***/; // value will be inserted here at build time, if necessary
dojo.hostenv.registerNlsPrefix = function(){
// summary:
// Register module "nls" to point where Dojo can find pre-built localization files
dojo.hostenv.preloadLocalizations = function(){
// summary:
// Load built, flattened resource bundles, if available for all locales used in the page.
// Execute only once. Note that this is a no-op unless there is a build.
function preload(locale){
locale = dojo.hostenv.normalizeLocale(locale);
dojo.hostenv.searchLocalePath(locale, true, function(loc){
for(var i=0; i bestLocale.length){
bestLocale = flatLocales[i];
bestLocale = "ROOT";
//See if the desired locale is already loaded.
var tempLocale = availableFlatLocales ? bestLocale : targetLocale;
var bundle = dojo.hostenv.findModule(bundlePackage);
var localizedBundle = null;
if(djConfig.localizationComplete && bundle._built){return;}
var jsLoc = tempLocale.replace('-', '_');
var translationPackage = bundlePackage+"."+jsLoc;
localizedBundle = dojo.hostenv.findModule(translationPackage);
bundle = dojo.hostenv.startPackage(bundlePackage);
var syms = dojo.hostenv.getModuleSymbols(moduleName);
var modpath = syms.concat("nls").join("/");
var parent;
dojo.hostenv.searchLocalePath(tempLocale, availableFlatLocales, function(loc){
var jsLoc = loc.replace('-', '_');
var translationPackage = bundlePackage + "." + jsLoc;
var loaded = false;
// Mark loaded whether it's found or not, so that further load attempts will not be made
var module = [modpath];
if(loc != "ROOT"){module.push(loc);}
var filespec = module.join("/") + '.js';
loaded = dojo.hostenv.loadPath(filespec, null, function(hash){
// Use singleton with prototype to point to parent bundle, then mix-in result from loadPath
var clazz = function(){};
clazz.prototype = parent;
bundle[jsLoc] = new clazz();
for(var j in hash){ bundle[jsLoc][j] = hash[j]; }
loaded = true;
if(loaded && bundle[jsLoc]){
parent = bundle[jsLoc];
bundle[jsLoc] = parent;
//Stop the locale path searching if we know the availableFlatLocales, since
//the first call to this function will load the only bundle that is needed.
return true;
//Save the best locale bundle as the target locale bundle when we know the
//the available bundles.
if(availableFlatLocales && targetLocale != bestLocale){
bundle[targetLocale.replace('-', '_')] = bundle[bestLocale.replace('-', '_')];
// If other locales are used, dojo.requireLocalization should load them as well, by default.
// Override dojo.requireLocalization to do load the default bundle, then iterate through the
// extraLocale list and load those translations as well, unless a particular locale was requested.
var extra = djConfig.extraLocale;
if(!extra instanceof Array){
extra = [extra];
var req = dojo.requireLocalization;
dojo.requireLocalization = function(m, b, locale, availableFlatLocales){
req(m,b,locale, availableFlatLocales);
for(var i=0; i 1){
var paramStr = params[1];
var pairs = paramStr.split("&");
for(var x in pairs){
var sp = pairs[x].split("=");
// FIXME: is this eval dangerous?
if((sp[0].length > 9)&&(sp[0].substr(0, 9) == "djConfig.")){
var opt = sp[0].substr(9);
((djConfig["baseScriptUri"] == "")||(djConfig["baseRelativePath"] == "")) &&
(document && document.getElementsByTagName)
var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName("script");
var rePkg = /(__package__|dojo|bootstrap1)\.js([\?\.]|$)/i;
for(var i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++) {
var src = scripts[i].getAttribute("src");
if(!src) { continue; }
var m = src.match(rePkg);
if(m) {
var root = src.substring(0, m.index);
if(src.indexOf("bootstrap1") > -1) { root += "../"; }
if(!this["djConfig"]) { djConfig = {}; }
if(djConfig["baseScriptUri"] == "") { djConfig["baseScriptUri"] = root; }
if(djConfig["baseRelativePath"] == "") { djConfig["baseRelativePath"] = root; }
// fill in the rendering support information in dojo.render.*
var dr = dojo.render;
var drh = dojo.render.html;
var drs = dojo.render.svg;
var dua = (drh.UA = navigator.userAgent);
var dav = (drh.AV = navigator.appVersion);
var t = true;
var f = false;
drh.capable = t; = t;
dr.ver = parseFloat(drh.AV);
dr.os.mac = dav.indexOf("Macintosh") >= 0; = dav.indexOf("Windows") >= 0;
// could also be Solaris or something, but it's the same browser
dr.os.linux = dav.indexOf("X11") >= 0;
drh.opera = dua.indexOf("Opera") >= 0;
drh.khtml = (dav.indexOf("Konqueror") >= 0)||(dav.indexOf("Safari") >= 0);
drh.safari = dav.indexOf("Safari") >= 0;
var geckoPos = dua.indexOf("Gecko");
drh.mozilla = drh.moz = (geckoPos >= 0)&&(!drh.khtml);
if (drh.mozilla) {
// gecko version is YYYYMMDD
drh.geckoVersion = dua.substring(geckoPos + 6, geckoPos + 14);
} = (document.all)&&(!drh.opera);
drh.ie50 = && dav.indexOf("MSIE 5.0")>=0;
drh.ie55 = && dav.indexOf("MSIE 5.5")>=0;
drh.ie60 = && dav.indexOf("MSIE 6.0")>=0;
drh.ie70 = && dav.indexOf("MSIE 7.0")>=0;
var cm = document["compatMode"];
drh.quirks = (cm == "BackCompat")||(cm == "QuirksMode")||drh.ie55||drh.ie50;
// TODO: is the HTML LANG attribute relevant?
dojo.locale = dojo.locale || ( ? navigator.userLanguage : navigator.language).toLowerCase();;
drs.capable = f; = f; = f;
var tdoc = window["document"];
var tdi = tdoc["implementation"];
if((tdi)&&(tdi["hasFeature"])&&(tdi.hasFeature("org.w3c.dom.svg", "1.0"))){
drs.capable = t; = t; = f;
// webkits after 420 support SVG natively. The test string is "AppleWebKit/420+"
var tmp = dua.split("AppleWebKit/")[1];
var ver = parseFloat(tmp.split(" ")[0]);
if(ver >= 420){
drs.capable = t; = t; = f;
dojo.hostenv.startPackage("dojo.hostenv"); = dojo.hostenv.name_ = 'browser';
dojo.hostenv.searchIds = [];
// These are in order of decreasing likelihood; this will change in time.
dojo.hostenv._XMLHTTP_PROGIDS = ['Msxml2.XMLHTTP', 'Microsoft.XMLHTTP', 'Msxml2.XMLHTTP.4.0'];
dojo.hostenv.getXmlhttpObject = function(){
// summary: does the work of portably generating a new XMLHTTPRequest object.
var http = null;
var last_e = null;
try{ http = new XMLHttpRequest(); }catch(e){}
for(var i=0; i<3; ++i){
var progid = dojo.hostenv._XMLHTTP_PROGIDS[i];
http = new ActiveXObject(progid);
last_e = e;
dojo.hostenv._XMLHTTP_PROGIDS = [progid]; // so faster next time
/*if(http && !http.toString) {
http.toString = function() { "[object XMLHttpRequest]"; }
return dojo.raise("XMLHTTP not available", last_e);
return http; // XMLHTTPRequest instance
dojo.hostenv._blockAsync = false;
dojo.hostenv.getText = function(uri, async_cb, fail_ok){
// summary: Read the contents of the specified uri and return those contents.
// uri:
// A relative or absolute uri. If absolute, it still must be in
// the same "domain" as we are.
// async_cb:
// If not specified, load synchronously. If specified, load
// asynchronously, and use async_cb as the progress handler which
// takes the xmlhttp object as its argument. If async_cb, this
// function returns null.
// fail_ok:
// Default false. If fail_ok and !async_cb and loading fails,
// return null instead of throwing.
// need to block async callbacks from snatching this thread as the result
// of an async callback might call another sync XHR, this hangs khtml forever
// hostenv._blockAsync must also be checked in BrowserIO's watchInFlight()
// NOTE: must be declared before scope switches ie. this.getXmlhttpObject()
if(!async_cb){ this._blockAsync = true; }
var http = this.getXmlhttpObject();
function isDocumentOk(http){
var stat = http["status"];
// allow a 304 use cache, needed in konq (is this compliant with the http spec?)
return Boolean((!stat)||((200 <= stat)&&(300 > stat))||(stat==304));
var _this = this, timer = null, gbl =;
var xhr = dojo.evalObjPath("");
http.onreadystatechange = function(){
if(timer){ gbl.clearTimeout(timer); timer = null; }
if(_this._blockAsync || (xhr && xhr._blockAsync)){
timer = gbl.setTimeout(function () { http.onreadystatechange.apply(this); }, 10);
// dojo.debug("LOADED URI: "+uri);
}'GET', uri, async_cb ? true : false);
return null;
var err = Error("Unable to load "+uri+" status:"+ http.status);
err.status = http.status;
err.responseText = http.responseText;
throw err;
this._blockAsync = false;
return null;
throw e;
this._blockAsync = false;
return http.responseText; // String
dojo.hostenv.defaultDebugContainerId = 'dojoDebug';
dojo.hostenv._println_buffer = [];
dojo.hostenv._println_safe = false;
dojo.hostenv.println = function(/*String*/line){
// summary:
// prints the provided line to whatever logging container is
// available. If the page isn't loaded yet, the line may be added
// to a buffer for printing later.
try {
var console = document.getElementById(djConfig.debugContainerId ?
djConfig.debugContainerId : dojo.hostenv.defaultDebugContainerId);
if(!console) { console = dojo.body(); }
var div = document.createElement("div");
} catch (e) {
// safari needs the output wrapped in an element for some reason
" + line + "
window.status = line;
dojo.hostenv._println_safe = true;
while(dojo.hostenv._println_buffer.length > 0){
function dj_addNodeEvtHdlr(/*DomNode*/node, /*String*/evtName, /*Function*/fp){
// summary:
// non-destructively adds the specified function to the node's
// evtName handler.
// node: the DomNode to add the handler to
// evtName: should be in the form "click" for "onclick" handlers
var oldHandler = node["on"+evtName] || function(){};
node["on"+evtName] = function(){
fp.apply(node, arguments);
oldHandler.apply(node, arguments);
return true;
// BEGIN DOMContentLoaded, from Dean Edwards (
function dj_load_init(e){
// allow multiple calls, only first one will take effect
// A bug in khtml calls events callbacks for document for event which isnt supported
// for example a created contextmenu event calls DOMContentLoaded, workaround
var type = (e && e.type) ? e.type.toLowerCase() : "load";
if(arguments.callee.initialized || (type!="domcontentloaded" && type!="load")){ return; }
arguments.callee.initialized = true;
if(typeof(_timer) != 'undefined'){
delete _timer;
var initFunc = function(){
//perform initialization
if(dojo.hostenv.inFlightCount == 0){
//This else case should be xdomain loading.
//Make sure this is the first thing in the load listener array.
//Part of the dojo.addOnLoad guarantee is that when the listeners are notified,
//It means the DOM (or page) has loaded and that widgets have been parsed.
// START DOMContentLoaded
// Mozilla and Opera 9 expose the event we could use
if(dojo.render.html.opera || (dojo.render.html.moz && !djConfig.delayMozLoadingFix)){
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", dj_load_init, null);
// mainly for Opera 8.5, won't be fired if DOMContentLoaded fired already.
// also used for Mozilla because of trac #1640
window.addEventListener("load", dj_load_init, null);
// for Internet Explorer. readyState will not be achieved on init call, but dojo doesn't need it
// however, we'll include it because we don't know if there are other functions added that might.
// Note that this has changed because the build process strips all comments--including conditional
// ones.
if( &&{
document.attachEvent("onreadystatechange", function(e){
if(document.readyState == "complete"){
if (/(WebKit|khtml)/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) { // sniff
var _timer = setInterval(function() {
if (/loaded|complete/.test(document.readyState)) {
dj_load_init(); // call the onload handler
}, 10);
// END DOMContentLoaded
// IE WebControl hosted in an application can fire "beforeunload" and "unload"
// events when control visibility changes, causing Dojo to unload too soon. The
// following code fixes the problem
// Reference:;en-us;199155
dj_addNodeEvtHdlr(window, "beforeunload", function(){
dojo.hostenv._unloading = true;
window.setTimeout(function() {
dojo.hostenv._unloading = false;
}, 0);
dj_addNodeEvtHdlr(window, "unload", function(){
if((!||( && dojo.hostenv._unloading)){
dojo.hostenv.makeWidgets = function(){
// you can put searchIds in djConfig and dojo.hostenv at the moment
// we should probably eventually move to one or the other
var sids = [];
if(djConfig.searchIds && djConfig.searchIds.length > 0) {
sids = sids.concat(djConfig.searchIds);
if(dojo.hostenv.searchIds && dojo.hostenv.searchIds.length > 0) {
sids = sids.concat(dojo.hostenv.searchIds);
if((djConfig.parseWidgets)||(sids.length > 0)){
// we must do this on a delay to avoid:
// (IE bug)
var parser = new dojo.xml.Parse();
if(sids.length > 0){
for(var x=0; x");
} catch (e) {
var script = document.createElement("script");
script.src = spath;
dojo.lang.inherits = function(/*Function*/subclass, /*Function*/superclass){
// summary: Set up inheritance between two classes.
dojo.raise("dojo.inherits: superclass argument ["+superclass+"] must be a function (subclass: ["+subclass+"']");
subclass.prototype = new superclass();
subclass.prototype.constructor = subclass;
subclass.superclass = superclass.prototype;
// DEPRECATED: super is a reserved word, use 'superclass'
subclass['super'] = superclass.prototype;
dojo.lang._mixin = function(/*Object*/ obj, /*Object*/ props){
// summary:
// Adds all properties and methods of props to obj. This addition is
// "prototype extension safe", so that instances of objects will not
// pass along prototype defaults.
var tobj = {};
for(var x in props){
// the "tobj" condition avoid copying properties in "props"
// inherited from Object.prototype. For example, if obj has a custom
// toString() method, don't overwrite it with the toString() method
// that props inherited from Object.protoype
if((typeof tobj[x] == "undefined") || (tobj[x] != props[x])){
obj[x] = props[x];
// IE doesn't recognize custom toStrings in
&& (typeof(props["toString"]) == "function")
&& (props["toString"] != obj["toString"])
&& (props["toString"] != tobj["toString"]))
obj.toString = props.toString;
return obj; // Object
dojo.lang.mixin = function(/*Object*/obj, /*Object...*/props){
// summary: Adds all properties and methods of props to obj.
for(var i=1, l=arguments.length; i -1; // boolean
* Partial implmentation of is* functions from
* NOTE: some of these may not be the best thing to use in all situations
* as they aren't part of core JS and therefore can't work in every case.
* See WARNING messages inline for tips.
* The following is* functions are fairly "safe"
dojo.lang.isObject = function(/*anything*/ it){
// summary: Return true if it is an Object, Array or Function.
if(typeof it == "undefined"){ return false; }
return (typeof it == "object" || it === null || dojo.lang.isArray(it) || dojo.lang.isFunction(it)); // Boolean
dojo.lang.isArray = function(/*anything*/ it){
// summary: Return true if it is an Array.
return (it && it instanceof Array || typeof it == "array"); // Boolean
dojo.lang.isArrayLike = function(/*anything*/ it){
// summary:
// Return true if it can be used as an array (i.e. is an object with
// an integer length property).
if((!it)||(dojo.lang.isUndefined(it))){ return false; }
if(dojo.lang.isString(it)){ return false; }
if(dojo.lang.isFunction(it)){ return false; } // keeps out built-in constructors (Number, String, ...) which have length properties
if(dojo.lang.isArray(it)){ return true; }
// form node itself is ArrayLike, but not always iterable. Use form.elements instead.
if((it.tagName)&&(it.tagName.toLowerCase()=='form')){ return false; }
if(dojo.lang.isNumber(it.length) && isFinite(it.length)){ return true; }
return false; // Boolean
dojo.lang.isFunction = function(/*anything*/ it){
// summary: Return true if it is a Function.
return (it instanceof Function || typeof it == "function"); // Boolean
// webkit treats NodeList as a function, which is bad
dojo.lang.isFunction = function(/*anything*/ it){
if((typeof(it) == "function") && (it == "[object NodeList]")) { return false; }
return (it instanceof Function || typeof it == "function"); // Boolean
dojo.lang.isString = function(/*anything*/ it){
// summary: Return true if it is a String.
return (typeof it == "string" || it instanceof String);
dojo.lang.isAlien = function(/*anything*/ it){
// summary: Return true if it is not a built-in function. False if not.
if(!it){ return false; }
return !dojo.lang.isFunction(it) && /\{\s*\[native code\]\s*\}/.test(String(it)); // Boolean
dojo.lang.isBoolean = function(/*anything*/ it){
// summary: Return true if it is a Boolean.
return (it instanceof Boolean || typeof it == "boolean"); // Boolean
* The following is***() functions are somewhat "unsafe". Fortunately,
* there are workarounds the the language provides and are mentioned
* in the WARNING messages.
dojo.lang.isNumber = function(/*anything*/ it){
// summary: Return true if it is a number.
// description:
// WARNING - In most cases, isNaN(it) is sufficient to determine whether or not
// something is a number or can be used as such. For example, a number or string
// can be used interchangably when accessing array items (array["1"] is the same as
// array[1]) and isNaN will return false for both values ("1" and 1). However,
// isNumber("1") will return false, which is generally not too useful.
// Also, isNumber(NaN) returns true, again, this isn't generally useful, but there
// are corner cases (like when you want to make sure that two things are really
// the same type of thing). That is really where isNumber "shines".
// Recommendation - Use isNaN(it) when possible
return (it instanceof Number || typeof it == "number"); // Boolean
* FIXME: Should isUndefined go away since it is error prone?
dojo.lang.isUndefined = function(/*anything*/ it){
// summary: Return true if it is not defined.
// description:
// WARNING - In some cases, isUndefined will not behave as you
// might expect. If you do isUndefined(foo) and there is no earlier
// reference to foo, an error will be thrown before isUndefined is
// called. It behaves correctly if you scope yor object first, i.e.
// isUndefined( where foo is an object and bar isn't a
// property of the object.
// Recommendation - Use typeof foo == "undefined" when possible
return ((typeof(it) == "undefined")&&(it == undefined)); // Boolean
// end Crockford functions
dojo.deprecated("dojo.lang", "replaced by dojo.lang.common", "0.5");
dojo.dom.ELEMENT_NODE = 1;
dojo.dom.ATTRIBUTE_NODE = 2;
dojo.dom.TEXT_NODE = 3;
dojo.dom.CDATA_SECTION_NODE = 4;
dojo.dom.ENTITY_NODE = 6;
dojo.dom.COMMENT_NODE = 8;
dojo.dom.DOCUMENT_NODE = 9;
dojo.dom.DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE = 10;
dojo.dom.NOTATION_NODE = 12;
dojo.dom.dojoml = "";
* comprehensive list of XML namespaces
dojo.dom.xmlns = {
// summary
// aliases for various common XML namespaces
svg : "",
smil : "",
mml : "",
cml : "",
xlink : "",
xhtml : "",
xul : "",
xbl : "",
fo : "",
xsl : "",
xslt : "",
xi : "",
xforms : "",
saxon : "",
xalan : "",
xsd : "",
dt: "",
xsi : "",
rdf : "",
rdfs : "",
dc : "",
dcq: "",
"soap-env" : "",
wsdl : "",
AdobeExtensions : ""
dojo.dom.isNode = function(/* object */wh){
// summary:
// checks to see if wh is actually a node.
if(typeof Element == "function") {
try {
return wh instanceof Element; // boolean
} catch(e) {}
} else {
// best-guess
return wh && !isNaN(wh.nodeType); // boolean
dojo.dom.getUniqueId = function(){
// summary:
// returns a unique string for use with any DOM element
var _document = dojo.doc();
do {
var id = "dj_unique_" + (++arguments.callee._idIncrement);
return id; // string
dojo.dom.getUniqueId._idIncrement = 0;
dojo.dom.firstElement = dojo.dom.getFirstChildElement = function(/* Element */parentNode, /* string? */tagName){
// summary:
// returns the first child element matching tagName
var node = parentNode.firstChild;
while(node && node.nodeType != dojo.dom.ELEMENT_NODE){
node = node.nextSibling;
if(tagName && node && node.tagName && node.tagName.toLowerCase() != tagName.toLowerCase()) {
node = dojo.dom.nextElement(node, tagName);
return node; // Element
dojo.dom.lastElement = dojo.dom.getLastChildElement = function(/* Element */parentNode, /* string? */tagName){
// summary:
// returns the last child element matching tagName
var node = parentNode.lastChild;
while(node && node.nodeType != dojo.dom.ELEMENT_NODE) {
node = node.previousSibling;
if(tagName && node && node.tagName && node.tagName.toLowerCase() != tagName.toLowerCase()) {
node = dojo.dom.prevElement(node, tagName);
return node; // Element
dojo.dom.nextElement = dojo.dom.getNextSiblingElement = function(/* Node */node, /* string? */tagName){
// summary:
// returns the next sibling element matching tagName
if(!node) { return null; }
do {
node = node.nextSibling;
} while(node && node.nodeType != dojo.dom.ELEMENT_NODE);
if(node && tagName && tagName.toLowerCase() != node.tagName.toLowerCase()) {
return dojo.dom.nextElement(node, tagName);
return node; // Element
dojo.dom.prevElement = dojo.dom.getPreviousSiblingElement = function(/* Node */node, /* string? */tagName){
// summary:
// returns the previous sibling element matching tagName
if(!node) { return null; }
if(tagName) { tagName = tagName.toLowerCase(); }
do {
node = node.previousSibling;
} while(node && node.nodeType != dojo.dom.ELEMENT_NODE);
if(node && tagName && tagName.toLowerCase() != node.tagName.toLowerCase()) {
return dojo.dom.prevElement(node, tagName);
return node; // Element
// TODO: hmph
/*this.forEachChildTag = function(node, unaryFunc) {
var child = this.getFirstChildTag(node);
while(child) {
if(unaryFunc(child) == "break") { break; }
child = this.getNextSiblingTag(child);
dojo.dom.moveChildren = function(/*Element*/srcNode, /*Element*/destNode, /*boolean?*/trim){
// summary:
// Moves children from srcNode to destNode and returns the count of
// children moved; will trim off text nodes if trim == true
var count = 0;
if(trim) {
while(srcNode.hasChildNodes() &&
srcNode.firstChild.nodeType == dojo.dom.TEXT_NODE) {
while(srcNode.hasChildNodes() &&
srcNode.lastChild.nodeType == dojo.dom.TEXT_NODE) {
return count; // number
dojo.dom.copyChildren = function(/*Element*/srcNode, /*Element*/destNode, /*boolean?*/trim){
// summary:
// Copies children from srcNde to destNode and returns the count of
// children copied; will trim off text nodes if trim == true
var clonedNode = srcNode.cloneNode(true);
return this.moveChildren(clonedNode, destNode, trim); // number
dojo.dom.replaceChildren = function(/*Element*/node, /*Node*/newChild){
// summary:
// Removes all children of node and appends newChild. All the existing
// children will be destroyed.
// FIXME: what if newChild is an array-like object?
var nodes = [];
for(var i=0;i 0){
return ancestors[0]; // Node
node = node.parentNode;
if(returnFirstHit){ return null; }
return ancestors; // array
dojo.dom.getAncestorsByTag = function(/*Node*/node, /*String*/tag, /*boolean?*/returnFirstHit){
// summary:
// returns all ancestors matching tag (as tagName), will only return
// first one if returnFirstHit
tag = tag.toLowerCase();
return dojo.dom.getAncestors(node, function(el){
return ((el.tagName)&&(el.tagName.toLowerCase() == tag));
}, returnFirstHit); // Node || array
dojo.dom.getFirstAncestorByTag = function(/*Node*/node, /*string*/tag){
// summary:
// Returns first ancestor of node with tag tagName
return dojo.dom.getAncestorsByTag(node, tag, true); // Node
dojo.dom.isDescendantOf = function(/* Node */node, /* Node */ancestor, /* boolean? */guaranteeDescendant){
// summary
// Returns boolean if node is a descendant of ancestor
// guaranteeDescendant allows us to be a "true" isDescendantOf function
if(guaranteeDescendant && node) { node = node.parentNode; }
while(node) {
if(node == ancestor){
return true; // boolean
node = node.parentNode;
return false; // boolean
dojo.dom.innerXML = function(/*Node*/node){
// summary:
// Implementation of MS's innerXML function.
return node.innerXML; // string
}else if (node.xml){
return node.xml; // string
}else if(typeof XMLSerializer != "undefined"){
return (new XMLSerializer()).serializeToString(node); // string
dojo.dom.createDocument = function(){
// summary:
// cross-browser implementation of creating an XML document object.
var doc = null;
var _document = dojo.doc();
var prefixes = [ "MSXML2", "Microsoft", "MSXML", "MSXML3" ];
for(var i = 0; i1) {
var _document = dojo.doc();
dojo.dom.replaceChildren(node, _document.createTextNode(text));
return text; // string
} else {
if(node.textContent != undefined){ //FF 1.5
return node.textContent; // string
var _result = "";
if (node == null) { return _result; }
for (var i = 0; i < node.childNodes.length; i++) {
switch (node.childNodes[i].nodeType) {
case 1: // ELEMENT_NODE
_result += dojo.dom.textContent(node.childNodes[i]);
case 3: // TEXT_NODE
_result += node.childNodes[i].nodeValue;
return _result; // string
dojo.dom.hasParent = function(/*Node*/node){
// summary:
// returns whether or not node is a child of another node.
return Boolean(node && node.parentNode && dojo.dom.isNode(node.parentNode)); // boolean
* Examples:
* myFooNode =
* isTag(myFooNode, "foo"); // returns "foo"
* isTag(myFooNode, "bar"); // returns ""
* isTag(myFooNode, "FOO"); // returns ""
* isTag(myFooNode, "hey", "foo", "bar"); // returns "foo"
dojo.dom.isTag = function(/* Node */node /* ... */){
// summary:
// determines if node has any of the provided tag names and returns
// the tag name that matches, empty string otherwise.
if(node && node.tagName) {
for(var i=1; i,
//which will be treated as an external javascript file in IE
var xscript = dojo.doc().createElement('script');
xscript.src = "javascript:'dojo.html.createExternalElement=function(doc, tag){ return doc.createElement(tag); }'";
//for other browsers, simply use document.createElement
//is enough
dojo.html.createExternalElement = function(/* HTMLDocument */doc, /* string */tag){
// summary
// Creates an element in the HTML document, here for ActiveX activation workaround.
return doc.createElement(tag); // HTMLElement
dojo.html._callDeprecated = function(inFunc, replFunc, args, argName, retValue){
dojo.deprecated("dojo.html." + inFunc,
"replaced by dojo.html." + replFunc + "(" + (argName ? "node, {"+ argName + ": " + argName + "}" : "" ) + ")" + (retValue ? "." + retValue : ""), "0.5");
var newArgs = [];
if(argName){ var argsIn = {}; argsIn[argName] = args[1]; newArgs.push(args[0]); newArgs.push(argsIn); }
else { newArgs = args }
var ret = dojo.html[replFunc].apply(dojo.html, args);
if(retValue){ return ret[retValue]; }
else { return ret; }
dojo.html.getViewportWidth = function(){
return dojo.html._callDeprecated("getViewportWidth", "getViewport", arguments, null, "width");
dojo.html.getViewportHeight = function(){
return dojo.html._callDeprecated("getViewportHeight", "getViewport", arguments, null, "height");
dojo.html.getViewportSize = function(){
return dojo.html._callDeprecated("getViewportSize", "getViewport", arguments);
dojo.html.getScrollTop = function(){
return dojo.html._callDeprecated("getScrollTop", "getScroll", arguments, null, "top");
dojo.html.getScrollLeft = function(){
return dojo.html._callDeprecated("getScrollLeft", "getScroll", arguments, null, "left");
dojo.html.getScrollOffset = function(){
return dojo.html._callDeprecated("getScrollOffset", "getScroll", arguments, null, "offset");
dojo.uri = new function() {
this.dojoUri = function (/*dojo.uri.Uri||String*/uri) {
// summary: returns a Uri object resolved relative to the dojo root
return new dojo.uri.Uri(dojo.hostenv.getBaseScriptUri(), uri);
this.moduleUri = function(/*String*/module, /*dojo.uri.Uri||String*/uri){
// summary: returns a Uri object relative to a module
// description: Examples: dojo.uri.moduleUri("dojo","Editor"), or dojo.uri.moduleUri("acme","someWidget")
var loc = dojo.hostenv.getModuleSymbols(module).join('/');
//var loc = dojo.hostenv.getModulePrefix(module);
if(!loc){return null;}
if(loc.lastIndexOf("/") != loc.length-1){loc += "/";}
return new dojo.uri.Uri(dojo.hostenv.getBaseScriptUri()+loc,uri);
this.Uri = function (/*dojo.uri.Uri||String...*/) {
// summary: Constructor to create an object representing a URI.
// description:
// Each argument is evaluated in order relative to the next until
// a canonical uri is produced. To get an absolute Uri relative
// to the current document use
// new dojo.uri.Uri(document.baseURI, uri)
// TODO: support for IPv6, see RFC 2732
// resolve uri components relative to each other
var uri = arguments[0];
for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
if(!arguments[i]) { continue; }
// Safari doesn't support this.constructor so we have to be explicit
var relobj = new dojo.uri.Uri(arguments[i].toString());
var uriobj = new dojo.uri.Uri(uri.toString());
if ((relobj.path=="")&&(relobj.scheme==null)&&(relobj.authority==null)&&(relobj.query==null)) {
if (relobj.fragment != null) { uriobj.fragment = relobj.fragment; }
relobj = uriobj;
} else if (relobj.scheme == null) {
relobj.scheme = uriobj.scheme;
if (relobj.authority == null) {
relobj.authority = uriobj.authority;
if (relobj.path.charAt(0) != "/") {
var path = uriobj.path.substring(0,
uriobj.path.lastIndexOf("/") + 1) + relobj.path;
var segs = path.split("/");
for (var j = 0; j < segs.length; j++) {
if (segs[j] == ".") {
if (j == segs.length - 1) { segs[j] = ""; }
else { segs.splice(j, 1); j--; }
} else if (j > 0 && !(j == 1 && segs[0] == "") &&
segs[j] == ".." && segs[j-1] != "..") {
if (j == segs.length - 1) { segs.splice(j, 1); segs[j - 1] = ""; }
else { segs.splice(j - 1, 2); j -= 2; }
relobj.path = segs.join("/");
uri = "";
if (relobj.scheme != null) { uri += relobj.scheme + ":"; }
if (relobj.authority != null) { uri += "//" + relobj.authority; }
uri += relobj.path;
if (relobj.query != null) { uri += "?" + relobj.query; }
if (relobj.fragment != null) { uri += "#" + relobj.fragment; }
this.uri = uri.toString();
// break the uri into its main components
var regexp = "^(([^:/?#]+):)?(//([^/?#]*))?([^?#]*)(\\?([^#]*))?(#(.*))?$";
var r = this.uri.match(new RegExp(regexp));
this.scheme = r[2] || (r[1] ? "" : null);
this.authority = r[4] || (r[3] ? "" : null);
this.path = r[5]; // can never be undefined
this.query = r[7] || (r[6] ? "" : null);
this.fragment = r[9] || (r[8] ? "" : null);
if (this.authority != null) {
// server based naming authority
regexp = "^((([^:]+:)?([^@]+))@)?([^:]*)(:([0-9]+))?$";
r = this.authority.match(new RegExp(regexp));
this.user = r[3] || null;
this.password = r[4] || null; = r[5];
this.port = r[7] || null;
this.toString = function(){ return this.uri; }
dojo.html.getClass = function(/* HTMLElement */node){
// summary
// Returns the string value of the list of CSS classes currently assigned directly
// to the node in question. Returns an empty string if no class attribute is found;
node = dojo.byId(node);
if(!node){ return ""; }
var cs = "";
cs = node.className;
}else if(dojo.html.hasAttribute(node, "class")){
cs = dojo.html.getAttribute(node, "class");
return cs.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ""); // string
dojo.html.getClasses = function(/* HTMLElement */node) {
// summary
// Returns an array of CSS classes currently assigned directly to the node in question.
// Returns an empty array if no classes are found;
var c = dojo.html.getClass(node);
return (c == "") ? [] : c.split(/\s+/g); // array
dojo.html.hasClass = function(/* HTMLElement */node, /* string */classname){
// summary
// Returns whether or not the specified classname is a portion of the
// class list currently applied to the node. Does not cover cascaded
// styles, only classes directly applied to the node.
return (new RegExp('(^|\\s+)'+classname+'(\\s+|$)')).test(dojo.html.getClass(node)) // boolean
dojo.html.prependClass = function(/* HTMLElement */node, /* string */classStr){
// summary
// Adds the specified class to the beginning of the class list on the
// passed node. This gives the specified class the highest precidence
// when style cascading is calculated for the node. Returns true or
// false; indicating success or failure of the operation, respectively.
classStr += " " + dojo.html.getClass(node);
return dojo.html.setClass(node, classStr); // boolean
dojo.html.addClass = function(/* HTMLElement */node, /* string */classStr){
// summary
// Adds the specified class to the end of the class list on the
// passed &node;. Returns &true; or &false; indicating success or failure.
if (dojo.html.hasClass(node, classStr)) {
return false;
classStr = (dojo.html.getClass(node) + " " + classStr).replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,"");
return dojo.html.setClass(node, classStr); // boolean
dojo.html.setClass = function(/* HTMLElement */node, /* string */classStr){
// summary
// Clobbers the existing list of classes for the node, replacing it with
// the list given in the 2nd argument. Returns true or false
// indicating success or failure.
node = dojo.byId(node);
var cs = new String(classStr);
if(typeof node.className == "string"){
node.className = cs;
}else if(node.setAttribute){
node.setAttribute("class", classStr);
node.className = cs;
return false;
dojo.debug("dojo.html.setClass() failed", e);
return true;
dojo.html.removeClass = function(/* HTMLElement */node, /* string */classStr, /* boolean? */allowPartialMatches){
// summary
// Removes the className from the node;. Returns true or false indicating success or failure.
if (!allowPartialMatches) {
var newcs = dojo.html.getClass(node).replace(new RegExp('(^|\\s+)'+classStr+'(\\s+|$)'), "$1$2");
} else {
var newcs = dojo.html.getClass(node).replace(classStr,'');
dojo.html.setClass(node, newcs);
dojo.debug("dojo.html.removeClass() failed", e);
return true; // boolean
dojo.html.replaceClass = function(/* HTMLElement */node, /* string */newClass, /* string */oldClass) {
// summary
// Replaces 'oldClass' and adds 'newClass' to node
dojo.html.removeClass(node, oldClass);
dojo.html.addClass(node, newClass);
// Enum type for getElementsByClass classMatchType arg:
dojo.html.classMatchType = {
ContainsAll : 0, // all of the classes are part of the node's class (default)
ContainsAny : 1, // any of the classes are part of the node's class
IsOnly : 2 // only all of the classes are part of the node's class
dojo.html.getElementsByClass = function(
/* string */classStr,
/* HTMLElement? */parent,
/* string? */nodeType,
/* integer? */classMatchType,
/* boolean? */useNonXpath
// summary
// Returns an array of nodes for the given classStr, children of a
// parent, and optionally of a certain nodeType
// FIXME: temporarily set to false because of several dojo tickets related
// to the xpath version not working consistently in firefox.
useNonXpath = false;
var _document = dojo.doc();
parent = dojo.byId(parent) || _document;
var classes = classStr.split(/\s+/g);
var nodes = [];
if( classMatchType != 1 && classMatchType != 2 ) classMatchType = 0; // make it enum
var reClass = new RegExp("(\\s|^)((" + classes.join(")|(") + "))(\\s|$)");
var srtLength = classes.join(" ").length;
var candidateNodes = [];
if(!useNonXpath && _document.evaluate) { // supports dom 3 xpath
var xpath = ".//" + (nodeType || "*") + "[contains(";
if(classMatchType != dojo.html.classMatchType.ContainsAny){
xpath += "concat(' ',@class,' '), ' " +
classes.join(" ') and contains(concat(' ',@class,' '), ' ") +
" ')";
if (classMatchType == 2) {
xpath += " and string-length(@class)="+srtLength+"]";
xpath += "]";
xpath += "concat(' ',@class,' '), ' " +
classes.join(" ') or contains(concat(' ',@class,' '), ' ") +
" ')]";
var xpathResult = _document.evaluate(xpath, parent, null, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null);
var result = xpathResult.iterateNext();
result = xpathResult.iterateNext();
}catch(e){ break; }
return candidateNodes; // NodeList
nodeType = "*";
candidateNodes = parent.getElementsByTagName(nodeType);
var node, i = 0;
while(node = candidateNodes[i++]){
var nodeClasses = dojo.html.getClasses(node);
if(nodeClasses.length == 0){ continue outer; }
var matches = 0;
for(var j = 0; j < nodeClasses.length; j++){
if(classMatchType == dojo.html.classMatchType.ContainsAny){
continue outer;
if(classMatchType == dojo.html.classMatchType.IsOnly){
continue outer;
if(matches == classes.length){
if( (classMatchType == dojo.html.classMatchType.IsOnly)&&
(matches == nodeClasses.length)){
}else if(classMatchType == dojo.html.classMatchType.ContainsAll){
return nodes; // NodeList
dojo.html.getElementsByClassName = dojo.html.getElementsByClass;
dojo.html.toCamelCase = function(/* string */selector){
// summary
// Translates a CSS selector string to a camel-cased one.
var arr = selector.split('-'), cc = arr[0];
for(var i = 1; i < arr.length; i++) {
cc += arr[i].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + arr[i].substring(1);
return cc; // string
dojo.html.toSelectorCase = function(/* string */selector){
// summary
// Translates a camel cased string to a selector cased one.
return selector.replace(/([A-Z])/g, "-$1" ).toLowerCase(); // string
dojo.html.getComputedStyle = function(/* HTMLElement */node, /* string */cssSelector, /* integer? */inValue){
// summary
// Returns the computed style of cssSelector on node.
node = dojo.byId(node);
// cssSelector may actually be in camel case, so force selector version
var cssSelector = dojo.html.toSelectorCase(cssSelector);
var property = dojo.html.toCamelCase(cssSelector);
if(!node || !{
return inValue;
} else if (document.defaultView && dojo.html.isDescendantOf(node, node.ownerDocument)){ // W3, gecko, KHTML
// mozilla segfaults when margin-* and node is removed from doc
// FIXME: need to figure out a if there is quicker workaround
var cs = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(node, "");
return cs.getPropertyValue(cssSelector); // integer
}catch(e){ // reports are that Safari can throw an exception above
if({ // W3
return; // integer
} else {
return inValue; // integer
} else if(node.currentStyle){ // IE
return node.currentStyle[property]; // integer
if({ // W3
return; // integer
return inValue; // integer
dojo.html.getStyleProperty = function(/* HTMLElement */node, /* string */cssSelector){
// summary
// Returns the value of the passed style
node = dojo.byId(node);
return (node && ?[dojo.html.toCamelCase(cssSelector)] : undefined); // string
dojo.html.getStyle = function(/* HTMLElement */node, /* string */cssSelector){
// summary
// Returns the computed value of the passed style
var value = dojo.html.getStyleProperty(node, cssSelector);
return (value ? value : dojo.html.getComputedStyle(node, cssSelector)); // string || integer
dojo.html.setStyle = function(/* HTMLElement */node, /* string */cssSelector, /* string */value){
// summary
// Set the value of passed style on node
node = dojo.byId(node);
if(node &&{
var camelCased = dojo.html.toCamelCase(cssSelector);[camelCased] = value;
dojo.html.setStyleText = function (/* HTMLElement */target, /* string */text) {
// summary
// Try to set the entire cssText property of the passed target; equiv of setting style attribute.
try { = text;
} catch (e) {
target.setAttribute("style", text);
dojo.html.copyStyle = function(/* HTMLElement */target, /* HTMLElement */source){
// summary
// work around for opera which doesn't have cssText, and for IE which fails on setAttribute
target.setAttribute("style", source.getAttribute("style"));
}else{ =;
dojo.html.addClass(target, dojo.html.getClass(source));
dojo.html.getUnitValue = function(/* HTMLElement */node, /* string */cssSelector, /* boolean? */autoIsZero){
// summary
// Get the value of passed selector, with the specific units used
var s = dojo.html.getComputedStyle(node, cssSelector);
if((!s)||((s == 'auto')&&(autoIsZero))){
return { value: 0, units: 'px' }; // object
// FIXME: is regex inefficient vs. parseInt or some manual test?
var match = s.match(/(\-?[\d.]+)([a-z%]*)/i);
if (!match){return dojo.html.getUnitValue.bad;}
return { value: Number(match[1]), units: match[2].toLowerCase() }; // object
dojo.html.getUnitValue.bad = { value: NaN, units: '' };
dojo.html.getPixelValue = function(/* HTMLElement */node, /* string */cssSelector, /* boolean? */autoIsZero){
// summary
// Get the value of passed selector in pixels.
var result = dojo.html.getUnitValue(node, cssSelector, autoIsZero);
// FIXME: there is serious debate as to whether or not this is the right solution
return 0; // integer
// FIXME: code exists for converting other units to px (see Dean Edward's IE7)
// but there are cross-browser complexities
if((result.value)&&(result.units != 'px')){
return NaN; // integer
return result.value; // integer
dojo.html.setPositivePixelValue = function(/* HTMLElement */node, /* string */selector, /* integer */value){
// summary
// Attempt to set the value of selector on node as a positive pixel value.
if(isNaN(value)){return false;}[selector] = Math.max(0, value) + 'px';
return true; // boolean
dojo.html.styleSheet = null;
// FIXME: this is a really basic stub for adding and removing cssRules, but
// it assumes that you know the index of the cssRule that you want to add
// or remove, making it less than useful. So we need something that can
// search for the selector that you you want to remove.
dojo.html.insertCssRule = function(/* string */selector, /* string */declaration, /* integer? */index) {
// summary
// Attempt to insert declaration as selector on the internal stylesheet; if index try to set it there.
if (!dojo.html.styleSheet) {
if (document.createStyleSheet) { // IE
dojo.html.styleSheet = document.createStyleSheet();
} else if (document.styleSheets[0]) { // rest
// FIXME: should create a new style sheet here
// fall back on an exsiting style sheet
dojo.html.styleSheet = document.styleSheets[0];
} else {
return null; // integer
} // fail
if (arguments.length < 3) { // index may == 0
if (dojo.html.styleSheet.cssRules) { // W3
index = dojo.html.styleSheet.cssRules.length;
} else if (dojo.html.styleSheet.rules) { // IE
index = dojo.html.styleSheet.rules.length;
} else {
return null; // integer
} // fail
if (dojo.html.styleSheet.insertRule) { // W3
var rule = selector + " { " + declaration + " }";
return dojo.html.styleSheet.insertRule(rule, index); // integer
} else if (dojo.html.styleSheet.addRule) { // IE
return dojo.html.styleSheet.addRule(selector, declaration, index); // integer
} else {
return null; // integer
} // fail
dojo.html.removeCssRule = function(/* integer? */index){
// summary
// Attempt to remove the rule at index.
dojo.debug("no stylesheet defined for removing rules");
return false;
index = dojo.html.styleSheet.rules.length;
}else if(document.styleSheets[0]){
index = dojo.html.styleSheet.cssRules.length;
return true; // boolean
dojo.html._insertedCssFiles = []; // cache container needed because IE reformats cssText when added to DOM
dojo.html.insertCssFile = function(/* string */URI, /* HTMLDocument? */doc, /* boolean? */checkDuplicates, /* boolean */fail_ok){
// summary
// calls css by XmlHTTP and inserts it into DOM as
if(!URI){ return; }
if(!doc){ doc = document; }
var cssStr = dojo.hostenv.getText(URI, false, fail_ok);
if(cssStr===null){ return; }
cssStr = dojo.html.fixPathsInCssText(cssStr, URI);
var idx = -1, node, ent = dojo.html._insertedCssFiles;
for(var i = 0; i < ent.length; i++){
if((ent[i].doc == doc) && (ent[i].cssText == cssStr)){
idx = i; node = ent[i].nodeRef;
// make sure we havent deleted our node
var styles = doc.getElementsByTagName("style");
for(var i = 0; i < styles.length; i++){
if(styles[i] == node){
// delete this entry
dojo.html._insertedCssFiles.shift(idx, 1);
var style = dojo.html.insertCssText(cssStr, doc);
dojo.html._insertedCssFiles.push({'doc': doc, 'cssText': cssStr, 'nodeRef': style});
// insert custom attribute ex dbgHref="../foo.css" usefull when debugging in DOM inspectors, no?
if(style && djConfig.isDebug){
style.setAttribute("dbgHref", URI);
return style; // HTMLStyleElement
dojo.html.insertCssText = function(/* string */cssStr, /* HTMLDocument? */doc, /* string? */URI){
// summary
// Attempt to insert CSS rules into the document through inserting a style element
// DomNode Style = insertCssText(String ".dojoMenu {color: green;}"[, DomDoc document, dojo.uri.Uri Url ])
return; // HTMLStyleElement
if(!doc){ doc = document; }
if(URI){// fix paths in cssStr
cssStr = dojo.html.fixPathsInCssText(cssStr, URI);
var style = doc.createElement("style");
style.setAttribute("type", "text/css");
// IE is b0rken enough to require that we add the element to the doc
// before changing it's properties
var head = doc.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
if(!head){ // must have a head tag
dojo.debug("No head tag in document, aborting styles");
return; // HTMLStyleElement
if(style.styleSheet){// IE
var setFunc = function(){
style.styleSheet.cssText = cssStr;
}catch(e){ dojo.debug(e); }
setTimeout(setFunc, 10);
}else{ // w3c
var cssText = doc.createTextNode(cssStr);
return style; // HTMLStyleElement
dojo.html.fixPathsInCssText = function(/* string */cssStr, /* string */URI){
// summary
// usage: cssText comes from dojoroot/src/widget/templates/Foobar.css
// it has .dojoFoo { background-image: url(images/bar.png);} then uri should point to dojoroot/src/widget/templates/
if(!cssStr || !URI){ return; }
var match, str = "", url = "", urlChrs = "[\\t\\s\\w\\(\\)\\/\\.\\\\'\"-:#=&?~]+";
var regex = new RegExp('url\\(\\s*('+urlChrs+')\\s*\\)');
var regexProtocol = /(file|https?|ftps?):\/\//;
regexTrim = new RegExp("^[\\s]*(['\"]?)("+urlChrs+")\\1[\\s]*?$");
if(dojo.render.html.ie55 || dojo.render.html.ie60){
var regexIe = new RegExp("AlphaImageLoader\\((.*)src\=['\"]("+urlChrs+")['\"]");
// TODO: need to decide how to handle relative paths and AlphaImageLoader see #1441
// current implementation breaks on build with intern_strings
while(match = regexIe.exec(cssStr)){
url = match[2].replace(regexTrim, "$2");
url = (new dojo.uri.Uri(URI, url).toString());
str += cssStr.substring(0, match.index) + "AlphaImageLoader(" + match[1] + "src='" + url + "'";
cssStr = cssStr.substr(match.index + match[0].length);
cssStr = str + cssStr;
str = "";
while(match = regex.exec(cssStr)){
url = match[1].replace(regexTrim, "$2");
url = (new dojo.uri.Uri(URI, url).toString());
str += cssStr.substring(0, match.index) + "url(" + url + ")";
cssStr = cssStr.substr(match.index + match[0].length);
return str + cssStr; // string
dojo.html.setActiveStyleSheet = function(/* string */title){
// summary
// Activate style sheet with specified title.
var i = 0, a, els = dojo.doc().getElementsByTagName("link");
while (a = els[i++]) {
if(a.getAttribute("rel").indexOf("style") != -1 && a.getAttribute("title")){
a.disabled = true;
if (a.getAttribute("title") == title) { a.disabled = false; }
dojo.html.getActiveStyleSheet = function(){
// summary
// return the title of the currently active stylesheet
var i = 0, a, els = dojo.doc().getElementsByTagName("link");
while (a = els[i++]) {
if (a.getAttribute("rel").indexOf("style") != -1
&& a.getAttribute("title")
&& !a.disabled
return a.getAttribute("title"); // string
return null; // string
dojo.html.getPreferredStyleSheet = function(){
// summary
// Return the preferred stylesheet title (i.e. link without alt attribute)
var i = 0, a, els = dojo.doc().getElementsByTagName("link");
while (a = els[i++]) {
if(a.getAttribute("rel").indexOf("style") != -1
&& a.getAttribute("rel").indexOf("alt") == -1
&& a.getAttribute("title")
return a.getAttribute("title"); // string
return null; // string
dojo.html.applyBrowserClass = function(/* HTMLElement */node){
// summary
// Applies pre-set class names based on browser & version to the passed node.
// Modified version of Morris' CSS hack.
var drh=dojo.render.html;
var classes = {
dj_ie55: drh.ie55,
dj_ie6: drh.ie60,
dj_ie7: drh.ie70,
dj_iequirks: && drh.quirks,
dj_opera: drh.opera,
dj_opera8: drh.opera && (Math.floor(dojo.render.version)==8),
dj_opera9: drh.opera && (Math.floor(dojo.render.version)==9),
dj_khtml: drh.khtml,
dj_safari: drh.safari,
dj_gecko: drh.mozilla
}; // no dojo unsupported browsers
for(var p in classes){
dojo.html.addClass(node, p);
dojo.html._toggle = function(node, tester, setter){
node = dojo.byId(node);
setter(node, !tester(node));
return tester(node);
} = function(/* HTMLElement */node){
// summary
// Show the passed element by reverting display property set by dojo.html.hide
node = dojo.byId(node);
if(dojo.html.getStyleProperty(node, 'display')=='none'){
dojo.html.setStyle(node, 'display', (node.dojoDisplayCache||''));
node.dojoDisplayCache = undefined; // cannot use delete on a node in IE6
dojo.html.hide = function(/* HTMLElement */node){
// summary
// Hide the passed element by setting display:none
node = dojo.byId(node);
if(typeof node["dojoDisplayCache"] == "undefined"){ // it could == '', so we cannot say !node.dojoDisplayCount
var d = dojo.html.getStyleProperty(node, 'display')
node.dojoDisplayCache = d;
dojo.html.setStyle(node, 'display', 'none');
dojo.html.setShowing = function(/* HTMLElement */node, /* boolean? */showing){
// summary
// Calls show() if showing is true, hide() otherwise
dojo.html[(showing ? 'show' : 'hide')](node);
dojo.html.isShowing = function(/* HTMLElement */node){
// summary
// Returns whether the element is displayed or not.
// FIXME: returns true if node is bad, isHidden would be easier to make correct
return (dojo.html.getStyleProperty(node, 'display') != 'none'); // boolean
dojo.html.toggleShowing = function(/* HTMLElement */node){
// summary
// Call setShowing() on node with the complement of isShowing(), then return the new value of isShowing()
return dojo.html._toggle(node, dojo.html.isShowing, dojo.html.setShowing); // boolean
// Simple mapping of tag names to display values
// FIXME: simplistic
dojo.html.displayMap = { tr: '', td: '', th: '', img: 'inline', span: 'inline', input: 'inline', button: 'inline' };
dojo.html.suggestDisplayByTagName = function(/* HTMLElement */node){
// summary
// Suggest a value for the display property that will show 'node' based on it's tag
node = dojo.byId(node);
if(node && node.tagName){
var tag = node.tagName.toLowerCase();
return (tag in dojo.html.displayMap ? dojo.html.displayMap[tag] : 'block'); // string
dojo.html.setDisplay = function(/* HTMLElement */node, /* string */display){
// summary
// Sets the value of style.display to value of 'display' parameter if it is a string.
// Otherwise, if 'display' is false, set style.display to 'none'.
// Finally, set 'display' to a suggested display value based on the node's tag
dojo.html.setStyle(node, 'display', ((display instanceof String || typeof display == "string") ? display : (display ? dojo.html.suggestDisplayByTagName(node) : 'none')));
dojo.html.isDisplayed = function(/* HTMLElement */node){
// summary
// Is true if the the computed display style for node is not 'none'
// FIXME: returns true if node is bad, isNotDisplayed would be easier to make correct
return (dojo.html.getComputedStyle(node, 'display') != 'none'); // boolean
dojo.html.toggleDisplay = function(/* HTMLElement */node){
// summary
// Call setDisplay() on node with the complement of isDisplayed(), then
// return the new value of isDisplayed()
return dojo.html._toggle(node, dojo.html.isDisplayed, dojo.html.setDisplay); // boolean
dojo.html.setVisibility = function(/* HTMLElement */node, /* string */visibility){
// summary
// Sets the value of style.visibility to value of 'visibility' parameter if it is a string.
// Otherwise, if 'visibility' is false, set style.visibility to 'hidden'. Finally, set style.visibility to 'visible'.
dojo.html.setStyle(node, 'visibility', ((visibility instanceof String || typeof visibility == "string") ? visibility : (visibility ? 'visible' : 'hidden')));
dojo.html.isVisible = function(/* HTMLElement */node){
// summary
// Returns true if the the computed visibility style for node is not 'hidden'
// FIXME: returns true if node is bad, isInvisible would be easier to make correct
return (dojo.html.getComputedStyle(node, 'visibility') != 'hidden'); // boolean
dojo.html.toggleVisibility = function(node){
// summary
// Call setVisibility() on node with the complement of isVisible(), then return the new value of isVisible()
return dojo.html._toggle(node, dojo.html.isVisible, dojo.html.setVisibility); // boolean
dojo.html.setOpacity = function(/* HTMLElement */node, /* float */opacity, /* boolean? */dontFixOpacity){
// summary
// Sets the opacity of node in a cross-browser way.
// float between 0.0 (transparent) and 1.0 (opaque)
node = dojo.byId(node);
var h = dojo.render.html;
if( opacity >= 1.0){
opacity = 0.999999;
}else if( opacity < 0.0){ opacity = 0; }
if(node.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "tr"){
// FIXME: is this too naive? will we get more than we want?
var tds = node.getElementsByTagName("td");
for(var x=0; x= 0.999999 ? 1.0 : Number(opac); // float
dojo.html.sumAncestorProperties = function(/* HTMLElement */node, /* string */prop){
// summary
// Returns the sum of the passed property on all ancestors of node.
node = dojo.byId(node);
if(!node){ return 0; } // FIXME: throw an error?
var retVal = 0;
if(dojo.html.getComputedStyle(node, 'position') == 'fixed'){
return 0;
var val = node[prop];
retVal += val - 0;
if(node==dojo.body()){ break; }// opera and khtml #body & #html has the same values, we only need one value
node = node.parentNode;
return retVal; // integer
dojo.html.setStyleAttributes = function(/* HTMLElement */node, /* string */attributes) {
// summary
// allows a dev to pass a string similar to what you'd pass in style="", and apply it to a node.
node = dojo.byId(node);
var splittedAttribs=attributes.replace(/(;)?\s*$/, "").split(";");
for(var i=0; i0){
ret.x += isNaN(n) ? 0 : n;
var m = curnode["offsetTop"];
ret.y += isNaN(m) ? 0 : m;
curnode = curnode.offsetParent;
}while((curnode != endNode)&&(curnode != null));
}else if(node["x"]&&node["y"]){
ret.x += isNaN(node.x) ? 0 : node.x;
ret.y += isNaN(node.y) ? 0 : node.y;
// account for document scrolling!
var scroll = dojo.html.getScroll();
ret.y +=;
ret.x += scroll.left;
var extentFuncArray=[dojo.html.getPaddingExtent, dojo.html.getBorderExtent, dojo.html.getMarginExtent];
if(nativeBoxType > targetBoxType){
for(var i=targetBoxType;inativeBoxType;--i){
ret.y -= extentFuncArray[i-1](node, 'top');
ret.x -= extentFuncArray[i-1](node, 'left');
} = ret.y;
ret.left = ret.x;
return ret; // object
dojo.html.isPositionAbsolute = function(/* HTMLElement */node){
// summary
// Returns true if the element is absolutely positioned.
return (dojo.html.getComputedStyle(node, 'position') == 'absolute'); // boolean
dojo.html._sumPixelValues = function(/* HTMLElement */node, selectors, autoIsZero){
var total = 0;
for(var x=0; x 4 ) { coords.pop(); }
var ret = {
left: coords[0],
top: coords[1],
width: coords[2],
height: coords[3]
}else if(!coords.nodeType && !(coords instanceof String || typeof coords == "string") &&
('width' in coords || 'height' in coords || 'left' in coords ||
'x' in coords || 'top' in coords || 'y' in coords)){
// coords is a coordinate object or at least part of one
var ret = {
left: coords.left||coords.x||0,
width: coords.width||0,
height: coords.height||0
// coords is an dom object (or dom object id); return it's coordinates
var node = dojo.byId(coords);
var pos = dojo.html.abs(node, includeScroll, boxtype);
var marginbox = dojo.html.getMarginBox(node);
var ret = {
left: pos.left,
width: marginbox.width,
height: marginbox.height
ret.x = ret.left;
ret.y =;
return ret; // object
dojo.html.setMarginBoxWidth = dojo.html.setOuterWidth = function(node, width){
return dojo.html._callDeprecated("setMarginBoxWidth", "setMarginBox", arguments, "width");
dojo.html.setMarginBoxHeight = dojo.html.setOuterHeight = function(){
return dojo.html._callDeprecated("setMarginBoxHeight", "setMarginBox", arguments, "height");
dojo.html.getMarginBoxWidth = dojo.html.getOuterWidth = function(){
return dojo.html._callDeprecated("getMarginBoxWidth", "getMarginBox", arguments, null, "width");
dojo.html.getMarginBoxHeight = dojo.html.getOuterHeight = function(){
return dojo.html._callDeprecated("getMarginBoxHeight", "getMarginBox", arguments, null, "height");
dojo.html.getTotalOffset = function(node, type, includeScroll){
return dojo.html._callDeprecated("getTotalOffset", "getAbsolutePosition", arguments, null, type);
dojo.html.getAbsoluteX = function(node, includeScroll){
return dojo.html._callDeprecated("getAbsoluteX", "getAbsolutePosition", arguments, null, "x");
dojo.html.getAbsoluteY = function(node, includeScroll){
return dojo.html._callDeprecated("getAbsoluteY", "getAbsolutePosition", arguments, null, "y");
dojo.html.totalOffsetLeft = function(node, includeScroll){
return dojo.html._callDeprecated("totalOffsetLeft", "getAbsolutePosition", arguments, null, "left");
dojo.html.totalOffsetTop = function(node, includeScroll){
return dojo.html._callDeprecated("totalOffsetTop", "getAbsolutePosition", arguments, null, "top");
dojo.html.getMarginWidth = function(node){
return dojo.html._callDeprecated("getMarginWidth", "getMargin", arguments, null, "width");
dojo.html.getMarginHeight = function(node){
return dojo.html._callDeprecated("getMarginHeight", "getMargin", arguments, null, "height");
dojo.html.getBorderWidth = function(node){
return dojo.html._callDeprecated("getBorderWidth", "getBorder", arguments, null, "width");
dojo.html.getBorderHeight = function(node){
return dojo.html._callDeprecated("getBorderHeight", "getBorder", arguments, null, "height");
dojo.html.getPaddingWidth = function(node){
return dojo.html._callDeprecated("getPaddingWidth", "getPadding", arguments, null, "width");
dojo.html.getPaddingHeight = function(node){
return dojo.html._callDeprecated("getPaddingHeight", "getPadding", arguments, null, "height");
dojo.html.getPadBorderWidth = function(node){
return dojo.html._callDeprecated("getPadBorderWidth", "getPadBorder", arguments, null, "width");
dojo.html.getPadBorderHeight = function(node){
return dojo.html._callDeprecated("getPadBorderHeight", "getPadBorder", arguments, null, "height");
dojo.html.getBorderBoxWidth = dojo.html.getInnerWidth = function(){
return dojo.html._callDeprecated("getBorderBoxWidth", "getBorderBox", arguments, null, "width");
dojo.html.getBorderBoxHeight = dojo.html.getInnerHeight = function(){
return dojo.html._callDeprecated("getBorderBoxHeight", "getBorderBox", arguments, null, "height");
dojo.html.getContentBoxWidth = dojo.html.getContentWidth = function(){
return dojo.html._callDeprecated("getContentBoxWidth", "getContentBox", arguments, null, "width");
dojo.html.getContentBoxHeight = dojo.html.getContentHeight = function(){
return dojo.html._callDeprecated("getContentBoxHeight", "getContentBox", arguments, null, "height");
dojo.html.setContentBoxWidth = dojo.html.setContentWidth = function(node, width){
return dojo.html._callDeprecated("setContentBoxWidth", "setContentBox", arguments, "width");
dojo.html.setContentBoxHeight = dojo.html.setContentHeight = function(node, height){
return dojo.html._callDeprecated("setContentBoxHeight", "setContentBox", arguments, "height");
dojo.html.getElementWindow = function(/* HTMLElement */element){
// summary
// Get the window object where the element is placed in.
return dojo.html.getDocumentWindow( element.ownerDocument ); // Window
dojo.html.getDocumentWindow = function(doc){
// summary
// Get window object associated with document doc
// With Safari, there is not wa to retrieve the window from the document, so we must fix it.
if(dojo.render.html.safari && !doc._parentWindow){
This is a Safari specific function that fix the reference to the parent
window from the document object.
var fix=function(win){
for(var i=0; i
// If you wanted to insert a node into a DOM tree based on the mouse
// position you might use the following code: