e.ode-bpel-schemas.1.3.6.source-code.ws-bpel_executable.xsd Maven / Gradle / Ivy
Schema for Executable Process for WS-BPEL 2.0
Last modified date: 9th December, 2006
2004-03-24: YIU-OSS: Alex Yiu: Extracted from wsbpel-specification-draft.doc (Rev 1.22 - Modified on 24 March, 2004)
2004-03-24: YIU-OSS: Alex Yiu: Updated targetNamespace with "2004/03"
2004-03-24: YIU-OSS: Alex Yiu: fixed a number of syntax typos (e.g remove complexContent)
2004-06-26: YIU-OSS: Alex Yiu: Using XMLSpy to do a re-indent
2004-06-28: YIU-OSS: Alex Yiu: Applying Issue 94 resolution by merging tActivityContainer and tActivityOrCompensateContainer
2004-06-28: YIU-OSS: Alex Yiu: Applying Issue 75 resolution: by allowing partnerLinks declaration within a scope
2004-06-28: YIU-OSS: Alex Yiu: Applying Issue 37 resolution: "initiate" attribute becomes a tri-value switch instead of a boolean switch
2004-07-19: YIU-OSS: Alex Yiu: Adding "service-ref" element and its definition for issue 34
2004-07-21: YIU-OSS: Alex Yiu: Applying Issue 43 and 44
2004-09-01: YIU-OSS: Alex Yiu: Applying Issue 146: Making tVariable Extensible
2004-09-01: YIU-OSS: Alex Yiu: Applying Issue 149: Adding formal documentation support to BPEL
2004-09-01: YIU-OSS: Alex Yiu: A bunch of misc cleanup for Issue 13
2004-10-20: YIU-OSS: Alex Yiu: Fixing schema problems discovered by Dieter Koenig
2004-10-20: YIU-OSS: Alex Yiu: Applying Issue 123
2004-10-20: YIU-OSS: Alex Yiu: Applying some non-normative changes suggested by Paul Brown
2004-11-30: YIU-OSS: Alex Yiu: Applying Issue 152 and 165
2004-12-02: YIU-OSS: Alex Yiu: Applying Issue 135 (TerminationHandler changes from Satish)
2005-04-02: curbera-oss: Paco Curbera: Applying Issue 93
2005-04-24: curbera-oss: Paco Curbera: Applying Issue 112
2005-05-01: YIU-OSS: Alex Yiu: Fixing XSD syntax typo for Issue 112
2005-05-02: YIU-OSS: Alex Yiu: Reapplying XSD syntax changes lost during CVS Migration:
(a) Moving terminationHandler from process level to scope level
(b) removing compensationHandler from the process level
(c) renaming an attribute of "scope" from "variableAccessSerializable" to "isolated"
(d) removing "enableInstanceCompensation" attribute from XSD
(e) removing "partner" and "partners" element
2005-05-06: Rev 1.18: Assaf Arkin: Applying Issue 160, added validate activity, validate attribute to assign, simple type tNCNames
2005-06-24: Rev 1.19: YIU-OSS: Alex Yiu: fixing minor typo in the Rev 1.18
2005-06-28: Rev 1.20: YIU-OSS: Alex Yiu: applying Issue 140 - adding "repeatUntil" activity
2005-07-25: Rev 1.21: YIU-OSS: Alex Yiu: Applying Issue 103, 199, 203 and Issue 196
2005-08-14: Rev 1.22: curbera-oss: Paco Curbera: Applying Issue 139.1, 147
2005-08-20: Rev 1.23: assaf-oss: Assaf Arkin: fixed issues 202, 206, 209, 214 and 132. (this comment is added by alex)
2005-08-29: Rev 1.24: YIU-OSS: Alex Yiu: rectify the definition of "forEach" (issue 147) according to the issue 204 by adding "scope" (note: we still need to apply the rest of issue 204.
2005-08-30: Rev 1.25: YIU-OSS: Alex Yiu:
Apply XSD changes for Issue 190, Issue 136, Issue 213.
Apply XSD Changes for Issue 111 and 11.1
Apply XSD Changes for Issue 192 by merging wsbpel_msgprop.xsd into this wsbpel_main.xsd
XSD Changes in Issue 145 was missing. Re-apply it here.
2005-10-15: Rev 1.26: YIU-OSS: Alex Yiu:
Apply XSD Changes for issue 92
2005-12-05: Rev 1.27: Assaf: In tValidate inlined type for variables attribute.
2005-12-11: Rev 1.28: YIU-OSS: Alex Yiu:
Fixing XSD to allow: (a) other URI in importType (b) repeatEvery to be used standalone
Applied Issue 204 and 6.2
2006-02-14: Rev 1.29: Alex Alves: Issue 110
2006-02-21: Rev 1.30: YIU-OSS: Alex Yiu:
Apply Issue 217: changing "compensate" activity and adding "compensateScope" activity
2006-03-07: Rev 1.31: Danny van der Rijn: Action Item 21:
Remove WSDL namespace declaration and import
2006-03-20: Rev 1.32: YIU-OSS: Alex Yiu:
Making namespace and location optional in tImport
(Corresponding to action item #26)
2006-03-21: Rev 1.33: YIU-OSS: Alex Yiu:
Removing "iterator" element from "forEach"
2006-03-23: Rev 1.34: YIU-OSS: Alex Yiu:
Adding keepSrcElementName to copy
2006-04-05: Rev 1.35: YIU-OSS: Alex Yiu:
Applying Issue 248: restricting "any" under "extensionActivity"
to "##other" namespace
2006-05-02: Rev 1.36: YIU-OSS: Alex Yiu:
Applying Issue 237 (dropping "then" wrapper element within "if")
Adding "messageExchanges" and "messageExchange"
2006-07-26: Rev 1.37: YIU-OSS: Alex Yiu:
Fixing "onEvent" syntax (pointed out by Ron Ten-Hove)
2006-07-26: Rev 1.38: YIU-OSS: Alex Yiu:
Applying Issue 295
2006-07-26: Rev 1.39: YIU-OSS: Alex Yiu:
Converting most element declaration from LED to GED
2006-07-26: Rev 1.40: YIU-OSS: Alex Yiu:
Apply issue 257, 259, 268, 269 and some misc fix
2006-07-27: Rev 1.41: Thomas Schulze:
Replaced prefix "bpws" with "bpel"
Removed attribute "abstractProcess" from "tProcess"
Apply issue 282
2006-07-28: Rev 1.42: Alex Yiu
Refactor tOnMsgCommon
Clarify and refactor tActivityOrCompensateContainer concept
into tFaultHandlerBase and tCompensationAllowedActivityContainer
2006-07-28: Rev 1.43: Alex Yiu
Re-order element declaration for cosmetic reason
2006-07-28: Rev 1.44: Alex Yiu
Apply Issue a portion of Issue 294.1:
Spilt "service-ref" into one schema
and "property" and "propertyAlias" into another schema
2006-07-31: Rev 1.45: Alex Yiu
Rearranging namespace and prefix
to prepare Abstract+Executable BPEL refactoring
2006-08-01: Rev 1.46: Alex Yiu
Make all types defined in this XSD named instead of anonymous
2006-08-02: Rev 1.47: Thomas Schulze
Done some formatting / reordering.
Remove types tFaultHandlerBase, tCompensationAllowedActivityContainer,
tCompensationHandler and tTerminationHandler.
Replace all references to the types above with tActivityContainer.
Added blockDefault to block restriction, extension and substitution.
Adapted comments.
Applied Issue 305 and AI 113.
2006-08-03: Rev 1.48: Alex Yiu
Add minLength restriction to BPELVariableNames type
Make two cosmetic to prepare the spinning off of Abstract BPEL Schema:
** Add minOccurs="1" to element declaration which is using default minOccurs value
** For XSD simple type being used in an attribute declaration, the prefix is
changed from "xsd" to "simple".
Additional note: We may need to evaluate this blockDefault change comprehensively
2006-08-07: Rev 1.49: Thomas Schulze
Minor formatting changes.
Removed prefix "simple:", replaced with "xsd:".
2006-08-08: Rev 1.1: Alex Yiu
Remove opaque attribute in "tFrom"
Rename the file from wsbpel_main.xsd (rev 1.49) to ws-bpel_executable.xsd
Change the targetNamespace URI to:
2006-08-09: Rev 1.2: Alex Yiu
A minor update and clarification in comments and documentation
2006-08-16: Rev 1.3: Thomas Schulze
Minor formatting changes.
Apply AI 151: change the defaults of queryLanguage and expressionLanguage from "urn:oasis:names:tc:ws2.0:sublang:xpath1.0"
to "urn:oasis:names:tc:wsbpel:2.0:sublang:xpath1.0".
Apply AI 152: change the targetNamespace from "http://docs.oasis-open.org/ws-bpel/2.0/process/executable"
to "http://docs.oasis-open.org/wsbpel/2.0/process/executable".
Apply the two friendly amendments made in today's call. That are:
1) make the QName list non empty (simpleType QNames)
2) make fromParts, fromPart, toParts, toPart extensible
Add a copyright statement.
2006-08-17: Rev 1.4: Alex Yiu
Adding last modified date and small reformatting for copyright statement
2006-10-18: Rev 1.5: Alex Yiu
Apply changes for public review issue R9
to qualify the "LED" comment
2006-11-14: Rev 1.6: Dieter Koenig
Added minOccurs="0" to the branches element
2006-11-15: Rev 1.7: Dieter/Thomas
Minor formatting for ease of comparsion
2006-11-15: Rev 1.8: Alex Yiu
Issue R29: Removing the default for "initializePartnerRole"
2006-11-15: Rev 1.9: Alex Yiu
Issue R33: Adding "ignoreMissingFromData" attribute
2006-12-09: Rev 1.10: Alex Yiu
Change the last modified date
This is the root element for a WS-BPEL 2.0 process.
This type is extended by other component types to allow elements and attributes from
other namespaces to be added at the modeled places.
All standard WS-BPEL 2.0 activities in alphabetical order. Basic activities
and structured activities.
Addtional constraints:
- rethrow activity can be used ONLY within a fault handler
(i.e. "catch" and "catchAll" element)
- compensate or compensateScope activity can be used ONLY
within a fault handler, a compensation handler or a termination handler
This element can contain all activities including the activities
compensate, compensateScope and rethrow.
This element can contain all activities including the activities
compensate, compensateScope and rethrow.
XSD Authors: The child element onAlarm needs to be a Local Element Declaration,
because there is another onAlarm element defined for the pick activity.
XSD Authors: The child element correlations needs to be a Local Element Declaration,
because there is another correlations element defined for the invoke activity.
XSD Authors: The child element correlation needs to be a Local Element Declaration,
because there is another correlation element defined for the invoke activity.
XSD Authors: The child element correlations needs to be a Local Element Declaration,
because there is another correlations element defined for the non-invoke activities.
XSD Authors: The child element correlation needs to be a Local Element Declaration,
because there is another correlation element defined for the non-invoke activities.
XSD Authors: The child element onAlarm needs to be a Local Element Declaration,
because there is another onAlarm element defined for event handlers.
XSD Authors: The child element correlations needs to be a Local Element Declaration,
because there is another correlations element defined for the invoke activity.
XSD Authors: The child element correlations needs to be a Local Element Declaration,
because there is another correlations element defined for the invoke activity.
There is no schema-level default for "exitOnStandardFault"
at "scope". Because, it will inherit default from enclosing scope
or process.
This element can contain all activities including the activities
compensate and compensateScope.
This element can contain all activities including the activities
compensate and compensateScope.
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