rvicemix.servicemix-ftp.2013.01.source-code.servicemix-ftp.xsd.wiki Maven / Gradle / Ivy
h3. Elements By Type
h4. The _[org.apache.servicemix.ftp.FtpEndpointType|#org.apache.servicemix.ftp.FtpEndpointType-types]_ Type Implementations
| _[|#poller-element]_ | {html}A polling endpoint which looks for a file or files in a directory
and sends the files into the JBI bus as messages, deleting the files
by default when they are processed.{html} |
| _[|#sender-element]_ | {html}An FTP endpoint{html} |
h4. The _[org.apache.servicemix.ftp.FTPClientPool|#org.apache.servicemix.ftp.FTPClientPool-types]_ Type Implementations
| _[|#pool-element]_ | {html}A pool of FTP clients for
the Jakarta Commons Net library{html} |
h4. The _[org.apache.servicemix.common.DefaultComponent|#org.apache.servicemix.common.DefaultComponent-types]_ Type Implementations
| _[|#component-element]_ | {html}FTP Component{html} |
h4. The _[org.apache.servicemix.ftp.FtpComponent|#org.apache.servicemix.ftp.FtpComponent-types]_ Type Implementations
| _[|#component-element]_ | {html}FTP Component{html} |
h3. The _[|#component-element]_ Element
{html}FTP Component{html}
h4. Properties
|| Property Name || Type || Description ||
| endpoints | (_[org.apache.servicemix.ftp.FtpEndpointType|#org.apache.servicemix.ftp.FtpEndpointType-types]_)\* | {html}{html} |
| executorFactory | _org.apache.servicemix.executors.ExecutorFactory_ | {html}The executor factory to use to create the executor.
If none is provided, one will be retrieved from the JBI container when the component
is deployed into ServiceMix 3.x, or a default implementation will be used.{html} |
h3. The _[|#poller-element]_ Element
{html}A polling endpoint which looks for a file or files in a directory
and sends the files into the JBI bus as messages, deleting the files
by default when they are processed.{html}
h4. Properties
|| Property Name || Type || Description ||
| archive | _java.net.URI_ | {html}Specifies a directory relative to the polling directory to which
processed files are archived.{html} |
| autoCreateDirectory | _boolean_ | {html}Specifies if the endpoint should create the target directory, if it does
not already exist. If you set this to false
and the
directory does not exist, the endpoint will not do anything. Default
value is true
.{html} |
| changeWorkingDirectory | _boolean_ | {html}When set to true
, the poller will do an explicit cwd
into the directory to be polled.
Default to false
. Recursive polling will not be possible if this feature is enabled.{html} |
| clientPool | _[org.apache.servicemix.ftp.FTPClientPool|#org.apache.servicemix.ftp.FTPClientPool-types]_ | {html}Set a custom FTPClientPool. If this property has not been set, the FTP client pool will be created based on the information
provided in the URI.{html} |
| component | _[org.apache.servicemix.common.DefaultComponent|#org.apache.servicemix.common.DefaultComponent-types]_ | {html}the component
implementation to use{html} |
| concurrentPolling | _boolean_ | {html}
Sets whether more than one poll can be active at a time (true means yes). Default value is false
{html} |
| delay | _long_ | {html}
Sets the amount of time in milliseconds that the endpoint should wait before making the first poll.
{html} |
| deleteFile | _boolean_ | {html}Delete the file after it has been succesfully processed? Defaults to true
{html} |
| endpoint | _java.lang.String_ | {html}
Get the endpoint implementation.
{html} |
| filter | _java.io.FileFilter_ | {html}Sets the filter to select which files have to be processed. When not set, all files will be picked up by the poller.{html} |
| firstTime | _java.util.Date_ | {html}
Sets the date on which the first poll will be executed. If a delay is
also set using setDelay
, the delay interval will be added
after the date specified.
{html} |
| interfaceName | _javax.xml.namespace.QName_ | {html}
Get the qualified name of the endpoint interface.
{html} |
| lockManager | _org.apache.servicemix.common.locks.LockManager_ | {html}Set a custom LockManager implementation for keeping track of which files are already being processed.
The default implementation is a simple, in-memory lock management system.{html} |
| marshaler | _org.apache.servicemix.components.util.FileMarshaler_ | {html}Set a custom FileMarshaler implementation to control how the file contents is being translated into a JBI message.
The default implementation reads XML contents from the file.{html} |
| period | _long_ | {html}
Sets the number of milliseconds between polling attempts.
{html} |
| recursive | _boolean_ | {html}Specifies whether subdirectories should be polled. Defaults to true
{html} |
| scheduler | _org.apache.servicemix.common.scheduler.Scheduler_ | {html}
Sets a custom scheduler implementation if you need more fine-grained control over the polling schedule.
{html} |
| service | _javax.xml.namespace.QName_ | {html}
Get the service qualified name of the endpoint.
{html} |
| serviceUnit | _org.apache.servicemix.common.ServiceUnit_ | {html}{html} |
| stateless | _boolean_ | {html}When set to false
{html} |
| targetEndpoint | _java.lang.String_ | {html}the name of the endpoint to which requests are sent{html} |
| targetInterface | _javax.xml.namespace.QName_ | {html}the QName of the interface to which requests are sent{html} |
| targetOperation | _javax.xml.namespace.QName_ | {html}Set the operation to be invoked on the target service.{html} |
| targetService | _javax.xml.namespace.QName_ | {html}the QName of the service to which requests are sent{html} |
| targetUri | _java.lang.String_ | {html}
Gets the target URI of the consumer endpoint.
{html} |
| uri | _java.net.URI_ | {html}Configures the endpoint from a URI.{html} |
h3. The _[|#pool-element]_ Element
{html}A pool of FTP clients for
the Jakarta Commons Net library{html}
h4. Properties
|| Property Name || Type || Description ||
| address | _java.net.InetAddress_ | {html}Set the remote internet address to connect to.{html} |
| binaryMode | _boolean_ | {html}Use binary mode transfers. Defaults to true
.{html} |
| config | _org.apache.commons.net.ftp.FTPClientConfig_ | {html}Configure a custom FTPClientConfig instance to allow more fine-grained control over the FTP connections in the pool.{html} |
| controlEncoding | _java.lang.String_ | {html}Configure the encoding used in the FTP control connections. Defaults to ISO-8859-1
{html} |
| dataTimeout | _int_ | {html}Specifies a timeout used on the FTP data connection. Defaults to 120000
{html} |
| host | _java.lang.String_ | {html}Set the remote host name to connect to.{html} |
| localAddress | _java.net.InetAddress_ | {html}Set the local IP address to be used when establishing the connection.{html} |
| localPort | _int_ | {html}Set the local TCP/IP port to be used when establishing the connection.{html} |
| passiveMode | _boolean_ | {html}Use passive mode FTP transfers. Defaults to false
{html} |
| password | _java.lang.String_ | {html}Set the password for logging into the FTP server.{html} |
| pool | _org.apache.commons.pool.ObjectPool_ | {html}Set a custom ObjectPool instance to use for the connection pooling.{html} |
| port | _int_ | {html}Set the remote port number to connect to.{html} |
| username | _java.lang.String_ | {html}Set the login to use to access the FTP server.{html} |
h3. The _[|#sender-element]_ Element
{html}An FTP endpoint{html}
h4. Properties
|| Property Name || Type || Description ||
| autoCreateDirectory | _boolean_ | {html}Specifies if the endpoint should create the target directory, if it does
not already exist. If you set this to false
and the
directory does not exist, the endpoint will not do anything. Default
value is true
.{html} |
| checkDuplicates | _boolean_ | {html}Specifies whether duplicates should be checked. Defaults to true
.{html} |
| clientPool | _[org.apache.servicemix.ftp.FTPClientPool|#org.apache.servicemix.ftp.FTPClientPool-types]_ | {html}Set a custom FTPClientPool. If this property has not been set, the FTP client pool will be created based on the information
provided in the URI.{html} |
| component | _[org.apache.servicemix.ftp.FtpComponent|#org.apache.servicemix.ftp.FtpComponent-types]_ | {html}{html} |
| endpoint | _java.lang.String_ | {html}
Get the endpoint implementation.
{html} |
| interfaceName | _javax.xml.namespace.QName_ | {html}
Get the qualified name of the endpoint interface.
{html} |
| marshaler | _org.apache.servicemix.components.util.FileMarshaler_ | {html}Set a custom FileMarshaler implementation to control how the file contents is being translated into a JBI message.
The default implementation reads XML contents from the file.{html} |
| overwrite | _boolean_ | {html}Specifies if a file with the same name already exists on the FTP server, the file should be overwritten.
Defaults to false
.{html} |
| service | _javax.xml.namespace.QName_ | {html}
Get the service qualified name of the endpoint.
{html} |
| uniqueFileName | _java.lang.String_ | {html}Sets the name used to make a unique name if no file name is available on the message.{html} |
| uploadPrefix | _java.lang.String_ | {html}Set the file name prefix used during upload. The prefix will be automatically removed as soon as the upload has completed.
This allows other processes to discern completed files from files that are being uploaded.{html} |
| uploadSuffix | _java.lang.String_ | {html}Set the file name suffix used during upload. The suffix will be automatically removed as soon as the upload has completed.
This allows other processes to discern completed files from files that are being uploaded.{html} |
| uri | _java.net.URI_ | {html}Configures the endpoint from a URI{html} |
h3. Element Index
| _[|#component-element]_ | {html}FTP Component{html} |
| _[|#poller-element]_ | {html}A polling endpoint which looks for a file or files in a directory
and sends the files into the JBI bus as messages, deleting the files
by default when they are processed.{html} |
| _[|#pool-element]_ | {html}A pool of FTP clients for
the Jakarta Commons Net library{html} |
| _[|#sender-element]_ | {html}An FTP endpoint{html} |