rvicemix.servicemix-http.2011.01.source-code.servicemix-http.xsd.html Maven / Gradle / Ivy
Schema for namespace: http://servicemix.apache.org/http/1.0
Element Summary
Element Description Class
basicAuthCredentials This class contains parameters needed to send basic authentication credentials org.apache.servicemix.http.BasicAuthCredentials
component an HTTP JBI component. The component is responsible for hosting HTTP endpoints. org.apache.servicemix.http.HttpComponent
configuration configuration for the Jetty instance used by an HTTP endpoint org.apache.servicemix.http.HttpConfiguration
consumer Plain HTTP consumer endpoint. This endpoint can be used to handle plain HTTP request (without SOAP) or to be able to
process the request in a non standard way. For HTTP requests, a WSDL2 HTTP binding can be used. org.apache.servicemix.http.endpoints.HttpConsumerEndpoint
endpoint the base element for all HTTP endpoints org.apache.servicemix.http.HttpEndpoint
provider A plain HTTP provider. This type of endpoint can be used to send non-SOAP requests to HTTP endpoints. org.apache.servicemix.http.endpoints.HttpProviderEndpoint
proxyParameters parameters needed to send HTTP requests through a proxy org.apache.servicemix.http.ProxyParameters
serializedMarshaler a consumer-side marshaler for handling Java serialized content org.apache.servicemix.http.endpoints.SerializedMarshaler
soap-consumer an HTTP consumer endpoint that is optimized to work with SOAP messages org.apache.servicemix.http.endpoints.HttpSoapConsumerEndpoint
soap-provider an HTTP provider endpoint that is optimaized to work with SOAP messages. org.apache.servicemix.http.endpoints.HttpSoapProviderEndpoint
sslParameters This class contains all parameters needed to create an SSL server or client socket. org.apache.servicemix.http.SslParameters
Element Detail
Element: basicAuthCredentials
Attribute Type Description
domain xs:string the domain to use for NTLM authentication
host xs:string the host to use for NTLM authentication
password xs:string the password to use for authentication
username xs:string the username to use for authentication
Element: component
Attribute Type Description
host xs:string the host name
path xs:string
port xs:integer the port number. The default is 80.
protocol xs:string the protocol being used. Valid values are http:
and https:
Element Type Description
authenticationService <spring:bean/> the authentication service object used by a component
client <spring:bean/> the Apache Commons HTTP client used by a component
configuration configuration the HTTP configuration information used to establish HTTP connections
connectionPool <spring:bean/> a Jetty HTTP client instance maintaining a thread pool for client-side connections
endpoints (consumer | endpoint | provider | soap-consumer | soap-provider)* the endpoints hosted by a component
executorFactory <spring:bean/> The executor factory to use to create the executor.
If none is provided, one will be retrieved from the JBI container when the component
is deployed into ServiceMix 3.x, or a default implementation will be used.
keystoreManager <spring:bean/> the keystore manager object used by a component
server <spring:bean/>
Element: configuration
Attribute Type Description
authenticationServiceName xs:string the JNDI name of the authentication service object. The default is java:comp/env/smx/AuthenticationService.
connectorMaxIdleTime xs:integer the number of miliseconds a connection will be idle before timing out. The default is 30000.
consumerProcessorSuspendTime xs:integer the number of miliseconds Jetty will susspend the processing of a request. The default is 60000.
jettyClientPerProvider xs:boolean Specifies if HTTP provider endpoints share a Jetty client or use per-endpoint Jetty clients. The default setting is
jettyClientThreadPoolSize xs:integer the maximum number of threads in the client-side threadpool. The default setting is 16.
jettyConnectorClassName xs:string the classname of the Jetty connector used by the endpoint
jettyManagement xs:boolean
jettyThreadPoolSize xs:integer the maximum number of threads in the server-side threadpool. The default setting is 255.
keystoreManagerName xs:string the JNDI name of the keystore manager object. The default is java:comp/env/smx/KeystoreManager.
managed xs:boolean
mapping xs:string
maxConnectionsPerHost xs:integer the maximum number of concurent connections allowed from a host. The default is 65536.
maxTotalConnections xs:integer the maximum number of total concurent connections allowed to an endpoint. The default is 65536.
preemptiveAuthentication xs:boolean Specifies of the httpclient uses preemptive authentication which can save performance. The default is false
providerExpirationTime xs:integer the number of miliseconds Jetty will susspend the processing of a request. The default is 60000.
proxyHost xs:string the default proxy host name used to send requests. This can be overridden by each endpoint.
proxyPort xs:integer the default proxy port used to send requests. This can be overridden by each endpoint.
retryCount xs:integer the number of times a request will be attempted without succees before an error is created. The default is 3. If streaming is enabled, the value will always be 0.
soLingerTime xs:integer the connector soLingerTime in milliseconds. The default is -1.
streamingEnabled xs:boolean Specifies if client-side requests use HTTP streaming.
useHostPortForAuthScope xs:boolean If true the AuthScope of the httpclient is bind to a special host and port from the url. The default is false
wantHeadersFromHttpIntoExchange xs:boolean Specifies if the HTTP provider will copy the HTTP request headers into the JBI exchange. The default is
Element Type Description
authenticationService <spring:bean/> the authentication service object. This property takes precedence over
keystoreManager <spring:bean/> the keystore object. This property takes precedence over
Element: consumer
Attribute Type Description
authMethod xs:string a string naming the scheme used for authenticating users
defaultMep xs:string a URI representing the endpoint's default MEP. The default is
endpoint xs:string The name of the endpoint.
interfaceName xs:QName The qualified name of the interface exposed by the endpoint.
locationURI xs:string the URI at which the endpoint listens for requests
service xs:QName The qualified name of the service the endpoint exposes.
targetEndpoint xs:string the name of the endpoint to which requests are sent
targetInterface xs:QName the QName of the interface to which requests are sent
targetOperation xs:QName the QName of the operation to which requests are sent
targetService xs:QName the QName of the service to which requests are sent
targetUri xs:string Set the target service/endpoint/interface using a URI.
timeout xs:long the timeout is specified in milliseconds. The default value is 0 which
Element Type Description
component component
marshaler serializedMarshaler the bean used to marshal HTTP messages. The default is a
serviceUnit <spring:bean/>
ssl sslParameters a bean containing the SSL configuration properties
Element: endpoint
Attribute Type Description
authMethod xs:string a string naming the scheme used for authenticating users
defaultMep xs:string
defaultOperation xs:QName
dynamic xs:boolean
endpoint xs:string The name of the endpoint.
interfaceName xs:QName The qualified name of the interface exposed by the endpoint.
locationURI xs:string the URI to which a provider endpoint sends requests
responseContentTypeCheck xs:boolean Specifies if the http provider checks the response content type for the
role xs:string HTTP endpoints can be either consumers or providers. Specifying
roleAsString xs:string
service xs:QName The qualified name of the service the endpoint exposes.
soap xs:boolean
soapAction xs:string
soapVersion xs:string
synchronous xs:boolean
targetEndpoint xs:string
targetInterfaceName xs:QName
targetService xs:QName
timeout xs:integer the number of milliseconds before the endpoint times out. The default value is 0 which means that the endpoint will never timeout.
wantContentTypeHeaderFromExchangeIntoHttpRequest xs:boolean Specifies if the HTTP provider will copy the HTTP request headers into the JBI
wsdlResource xs:string
Element Type Description
basicAuthentication basicAuthCredentials authentication data for using basic HTTP authentication.
binding <spring:bean/>
description <spring:bean/>
policies (<spring:bean/>)*
proxy proxyParameters configuration used to establish a proxy for sending HTTP requests. This configuration overrides that which is set at the component level.
ssl sslParameters a bean containing the SSL configuration properties
Element: provider
Attribute Type Description
clientSoTimeout xs:integer the number of milliseconds the endpoint will block while attempting to read a request. The default value is 60000. Setting this to 0 specifies that the endpoint will never timeout.
credentials xs:string The authentication credentials
endpoint xs:string The name of the endpoint.
expectGzippedResponse xs:boolean If true, the accept-encoding http header will be set to gzip and the response will be un-gzipped.
gzipRequest xs:boolean If true, the request content will be gzipped and sent over the wire. The content-encoding http header will
also be set to gzip.
interfaceName xs:QName The qualified name of the interface exposed by the endpoint.
locationURI xs:string the URI to which the endpoint sends requests
principal xs:string The authentication principal
providerExpirationTime xs:integer the number of milliseconds to wait for a response before expiring.
proxyHost xs:string the host name of the HTTP proxy
proxyPassword xs:string the password for the HTTP proxy authentication
proxyPort xs:integer the host port of the HTTP proxy (defaults to 80)
proxyUsername xs:string the user name for the HTTP proxy authentication
service xs:QName The qualified name of the service the endpoint exposes.
Element Type Description
component component
marshaler <spring:bean/> the bean used to marshal HTTP messages. The default is a
serviceUnit <spring:bean/>
ssl sslParameters the SSL parameters
Element: proxyParameters
Attribute Type Description
proxyHost xs:string the proxy's host name
proxyPort xs:integer the proxy's port number
Element Type Description
proxyCredentials basicAuthCredentials authentication data for using basic HTTP authentication.
Element: serializedMarshaler
Attribute Type Description
defaultMep xs:string
Element: soap-consumer
Attribute Type Description
authMethod xs:string a string naming the scheme used for authenticating users
defaultMep xs:string a URI representing the endpoint's default MEP. The default is
endpoint xs:string The name of the endpoint.
interfaceName xs:QName The qualified name of the interface exposed by the endpoint.
locationURI xs:string the URI at which the endpoint listens for requests
service xs:QName The qualified name of the service the endpoint exposes.
soapVersion xs:string Specifies the SOAP version to use when generating a wsdl binding for
targetEndpoint xs:string the name of the endpoint to which requests are sent
targetInterface xs:QName the QName of the interface to which requests are sent
targetOperation xs:QName the QName of the operation to which requests are sent
targetService xs:QName the QName of the service to which requests are sent
targetUri xs:string Set the target service/endpoint/interface using a URI.
timeout xs:long the timeout is specified in milliseconds. The default value is 0 which
useJbiWrapper xs:boolean Specifies if the JBI wrapper is sent in the body of the message. Default is
validateWsdl xs:boolean Specifies if the WSDL is checked for WSI-BP compliance. Default is true
wsdl xs:string the URL of the WSDL document defining the endpoint's messages
Element Type Description
component component
marshaler serializedMarshaler the bean used to marshal HTTP messages. The default is a
policies (<spring:bean/>)* a list of interceptors that will process messages
serviceUnit <spring:bean/>
ssl sslParameters a bean containing the SSL configuration properties
Element: soap-provider
Attribute Type Description
clientSoTimeout xs:integer the number of milliseconds the endpoint will block while attempting to read a request. The default value is 60000. Setting this to 0 specifies that the endpoint will never timeout.
credentials xs:string The authentication credentials
endpoint xs:string The name of the endpoint.
expectGzippedResponse xs:boolean If true, the accept-encoding http header will be set to gzip and the response will be un-gzipped.
gzipRequest xs:boolean If true, the request content will be gzipped and sent over the wire. The content-encoding http header will
also be set to gzip.
interfaceName xs:QName The qualified name of the interface exposed by the endpoint.
locationURI xs:string the URI to which the endpoint sends requests
principal xs:string The authentication principal
providerExpirationTime xs:integer the number of milliseconds to wait for a response before expiring.
proxyHost xs:string the host name of the HTTP proxy
proxyPassword xs:string the password for the HTTP proxy authentication
proxyPort xs:integer the host port of the HTTP proxy (defaults to 80)
proxyUsername xs:string the user name for the HTTP proxy authentication
service xs:QName The qualified name of the service the endpoint exposes.
useJbiWrapper xs:boolean Specifies if the JBI wrapper is sent in the body of the message. Default is
validateWsdl xs:boolean Specifies if the WSDL is checked for WSI-BP compliance. Default is true
wsdl xs:string the URL of the WSDL document defining the endpoint's messages
Element Type Description
component component
marshaler <spring:bean/> the bean used to marshal HTTP messages. The default is a
policies (<spring:bean/>)* a list of interceptors that will process messages
serviceUnit <spring:bean/>
ssl sslParameters the SSL parameters
Element: sslParameters
Attribute Type Description
keyAlias xs:string
keyManagerFactoryAlgorithm xs:string
keyPassword xs:string
keyStore xs:string
keyStorePassword xs:string
keyStoreType xs:string
managed xs:boolean
needClientAuth xs:boolean
protocol xs:string
provider xs:string
trustManagerFactoryAlgorithm xs:string
trustStore xs:string
trustStorePassword xs:string
trustStoreType xs:string
wantClientAuth xs:boolean
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