rvicemix.servicemix-http.2011.01.source-code.servicemix-http.xsd.wiki Maven / Gradle / Ivy
h3. Elements By Type
h4. The _[org.apache.servicemix.http.BasicAuthCredentials|#org.apache.servicemix.http.BasicAuthCredentials-types]_ Type Implementations
| _[|#basicAuthCredentials-element]_ | {html}This class contains parameters needed to send basic authentication credentials{html} |
h4. The _[org.apache.servicemix.http.HttpConfiguration|#org.apache.servicemix.http.HttpConfiguration-types]_ Type Implementations
| _[|#configuration-element]_ | {html}configuration for the Jetty instance used by an HTTP endpoint{html} |
h4. The _[org.apache.servicemix.common.DefaultComponent|#org.apache.servicemix.common.DefaultComponent-types]_ Type Implementations
| _[|#component-element]_ | {html}an HTTP JBI component. The component is responsible for hosting HTTP endpoints.{html} |
h4. The _[org.apache.servicemix.http.SslParameters|#org.apache.servicemix.http.SslParameters-types]_ Type Implementations
| _[|#sslParameters-element]_ | {html}This class contains all parameters needed to create an SSL server or client socket.{html} |
h4. The _[org.apache.servicemix.http.HttpEndpointType|#org.apache.servicemix.http.HttpEndpointType-types]_ Type Implementations
| _[|#consumer-element]_ | {html}Plain HTTP consumer endpoint. This endpoint can be used to handle plain HTTP request (without SOAP) or to be able to
process the request in a non standard way. For HTTP requests, a WSDL2 HTTP binding can be used.{html} |
| _[|#endpoint-element]_ | {html}the base element for all HTTP endpoints{html} |
| _[|#provider-element]_ | {html}A plain HTTP provider. This type of endpoint can be used to send non-SOAP requests to HTTP endpoints.{html} |
| _[|#soap-consumer-element]_ | {html}an HTTP consumer endpoint that is optimized to work with SOAP messages{html} |
| _[|#soap-provider-element]_ | {html}an HTTP provider endpoint that is optimaized to work with SOAP messages.{html} |
h4. The _[org.apache.servicemix.http.endpoints.HttpConsumerMarshaler|#org.apache.servicemix.http.endpoints.HttpConsumerMarshaler-types]_ Type Implementations
| _[|#serializedMarshaler-element]_ | {html}a consumer-side marshaler for handling Java serialized content{html} |
h4. The _[org.apache.servicemix.http.ProxyParameters|#org.apache.servicemix.http.ProxyParameters-types]_ Type Implementations
| _[|#proxyParameters-element]_ | {html}parameters needed to send HTTP requests through a proxy{html} |
h3. The _[|#basicAuthCredentials-element]_ Element
{html}This class contains parameters needed to send basic authentication credentials{html}
h4. Properties
|| Property Name || Type || Description ||
| domain | _org.apache.servicemix.expression.Expression_ | {html}the domain to use for NTLM authentication{html} |
| host | _org.apache.servicemix.expression.Expression_ | {html}the host to use for NTLM authentication{html} |
| password | _org.apache.servicemix.expression.Expression_ | {html}the password to use for authentication{html} |
| username | _org.apache.servicemix.expression.Expression_ | {html}the username to use for authentication{html} |
h3. The _[|#component-element]_ Element
{html}an HTTP JBI component. The component is responsible for hosting HTTP endpoints.{html}
h4. Properties
|| Property Name || Type || Description ||
| authenticationService | _java.lang.Object_ | {html}the authentication service object used by a component{html} |
| client | _org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient_ | {html}the Apache Commons HTTP client used by a component{html} |
| configuration | _[org.apache.servicemix.http.HttpConfiguration|#org.apache.servicemix.http.HttpConfiguration-types]_ | {html}the HTTP configuration information used to establish HTTP connections{html} |
| connectionPool | _org.mortbay.jetty.client.HttpClient_ | {html}a Jetty HTTP client instance maintaining a thread pool for client-side connections{html} |
| endpoints | (_[org.apache.servicemix.http.HttpEndpointType|#org.apache.servicemix.http.HttpEndpointType-types]_)\* | {html}the endpoints hosted by a component{html} |
| executorFactory | _org.apache.servicemix.executors.ExecutorFactory_ | {html}The executor factory to use to create the executor.
If none is provided, one will be retrieved from the JBI container when the component
is deployed into ServiceMix 3.x, or a default implementation will be used.{html} |
| host | _java.lang.String_ | {html}the host name{html} |
| keystoreManager | _java.lang.Object_ | {html}the keystore manager object used by a component{html} |
| path | _java.lang.String_ | {html}{html} |
| port | _int_ | {html}the port number. The default is 80.{html} |
| protocol | _java.lang.String_ | {html}the protocol being used. Valid values are http:
and https:
{html} |
| server | _org.apache.servicemix.http.ContextManager_ | {html}{html} |
h3. The _[|#configuration-element]_ Element
{html}configuration for the Jetty instance used by an HTTP endpoint{html}
h4. Properties
|| Property Name || Type || Description ||
| authenticationService | _java.lang.Object_ | {html}the authentication service object. This property takes precedence over{html} |
| authenticationServiceName | _java.lang.String_ | {html}the JNDI name of the authentication service object. The default is java:comp/env/smx/AuthenticationService.{html} |
| connectorMaxIdleTime | _int_ | {html}the number of miliseconds a connection will be idle before timing out. The default is 30000.{html} |
| consumerProcessorSuspendTime | _int_ | {html}the number of miliseconds Jetty will susspend the processing of a request. The default is 60000.{html} |
| jettyClientPerProvider | _boolean_ | {html}Specifies if HTTP provider endpoints share a Jetty client or use per-endpoint Jetty clients. The default setting is{html} |
| jettyClientThreadPoolSize | _int_ | {html}the maximum number of threads in the client-side threadpool. The default setting is 16.{html} |
| jettyConnectorClassName | _java.lang.String_ | {html}the classname of the Jetty connector used by the endpoint{html} |
| jettyManagement | _boolean_ | {html}{html} |
| jettyThreadPoolSize | _int_ | {html}the maximum number of threads in the server-side threadpool. The default setting is 255.{html} |
| keystoreManager | _java.lang.Object_ | {html}the keystore object. This property takes precedence over{html} |
| keystoreManagerName | _java.lang.String_ | {html}the JNDI name of the keystore manager object. The default is java:comp/env/smx/KeystoreManager.{html} |
| managed | _boolean_ | {html}{html} |
| mapping | _java.lang.String_ | {html}{html} |
| maxConnectionsPerHost | _int_ | {html}the maximum number of concurent connections allowed from a host. The default is 65536.{html} |
| maxTotalConnections | _int_ | {html}the maximum number of total concurent connections allowed to an endpoint. The default is 65536.{html} |
| preemptiveAuthentication | _boolean_ | {html}Specifies of the httpclient uses preemptive authentication which can save performance. The default is false{html} |
| providerExpirationTime | _int_ | {html}the number of miliseconds Jetty will susspend the processing of a request. The default is 60000.{html} |
| proxyHost | _java.lang.String_ | {html}the default proxy host name used to send requests. This can be overridden by each endpoint.{html} |
| proxyPort | _int_ | {html}the default proxy port used to send requests. This can be overridden by each endpoint.{html} |
| retryCount | _int_ | {html}the number of times a request will be attempted without succees before an error is created. The default is 3. If streaming is enabled, the value will always be 0.{html} |
| soLingerTime | _int_ | {html}the connector soLingerTime in milliseconds. The default is -1.{html} |
| streamingEnabled | _boolean_ | {html}Specifies if client-side requests use HTTP streaming.{html} |
| useHostPortForAuthScope | _boolean_ | {html}If true the AuthScope of the httpclient is bind to a special host and port from the url. The default is false{html} |
| wantHeadersFromHttpIntoExchange | _boolean_ | {html}Specifies if the HTTP provider will copy the HTTP request headers into the JBI exchange. The default is{html} |
h3. The _[|#consumer-element]_ Element
{html}Plain HTTP consumer endpoint. This endpoint can be used to handle plain HTTP request (without SOAP) or to be able to
process the request in a non standard way. For HTTP requests, a WSDL2 HTTP binding can be used.{html}
h4. Properties
|| Property Name || Type || Description ||
| authMethod | _java.lang.String_ | {html}a string naming the scheme used for authenticating users{html} |
| component | _[org.apache.servicemix.common.DefaultComponent|#org.apache.servicemix.common.DefaultComponent-types]_ | {html}{html} |
| defaultMep | _java.net.URI_ | {html}a URI representing the endpoint's default MEP. The default is{html} |
| endpoint | _java.lang.String_ | {html}The name of the endpoint.{html} |
| interfaceName | _javax.xml.namespace.QName_ | {html}The qualified name of the interface exposed by the endpoint.{html} |
| locationURI | _java.lang.String_ | {html}the URI at which the endpoint listens for requests{html} |
| marshaler | _[org.apache.servicemix.http.endpoints.HttpConsumerMarshaler|#org.apache.servicemix.http.endpoints.HttpConsumerMarshaler-types]_ | {html}the bean used to marshal HTTP messages. The default is a{html} |
| service | _javax.xml.namespace.QName_ | {html}The qualified name of the service the endpoint exposes.{html} |
| serviceUnit | _org.apache.servicemix.common.ServiceUnit_ | {html}{html} |
| ssl | _[org.apache.servicemix.http.SslParameters|#org.apache.servicemix.http.SslParameters-types]_ | {html}a bean containing the SSL configuration properties{html} |
| targetEndpoint | _java.lang.String_ | {html}the name of the endpoint to which requests are sent{html} |
| targetInterface | _javax.xml.namespace.QName_ | {html}the QName of the interface to which requests are sent{html} |
| targetOperation | _javax.xml.namespace.QName_ | {html}the QName of the operation to which requests are sent{html} |
| targetService | _javax.xml.namespace.QName_ | {html}the QName of the service to which requests are sent{html} |
| targetUri | _java.lang.String_ | {html}Set the target service/endpoint/interface using a URI.{html} |
| timeout | _long_ | {html}the timeout is specified in milliseconds. The default value is 0 which{html} |
h3. The _[|#endpoint-element]_ Element
{html}the base element for all HTTP endpoints{html}
h4. Properties
|| Property Name || Type || Description ||
| authMethod | _java.lang.String_ | {html}a string naming the scheme used for authenticating users{html} |
| basicAuthentication | _[org.apache.servicemix.http.BasicAuthCredentials|#org.apache.servicemix.http.BasicAuthCredentials-types]_ | {html}authentication data for using basic HTTP authentication.{html} |
| binding | _javax.wsdl.extensions.ExtensibilityElement_ | {html}{html} |
| defaultMep | _java.net.URI_ | {html}{html} |
| defaultOperation | _javax.xml.namespace.QName_ | {html}{html} |
| description | _org.w3c.dom.Document_ | {html}{html} |
| dynamic | _boolean_ | {html}{html} |
| endpoint | _java.lang.String_ | {html}The name of the endpoint.{html} |
| interfaceName | _javax.xml.namespace.QName_ | {html}The qualified name of the interface exposed by the endpoint.{html} |
| locationURI | _java.lang.String_ | {html}the URI to which a provider endpoint sends requests{html} |
| policies | (_java.lang.Object_)\* | {html}{html} |
| proxy | _[org.apache.servicemix.http.ProxyParameters|#org.apache.servicemix.http.ProxyParameters-types]_ | {html}configuration used to establish a proxy for sending HTTP requests. This configuration overrides that which is set at the component level.{html} |
| responseContentTypeCheck | _boolean_ | {html}Specifies if the http provider checks the response content type for the{html} |
| role | _java.lang.String_ | {html}HTTP endpoints can be either consumers or providers. Specifying{html} |
| roleAsString | _java.lang.String_ | {html}{html} |
| service | _javax.xml.namespace.QName_ | {html}The qualified name of the service the endpoint exposes.{html} |
| soap | _boolean_ | {html}{html} |
| soapAction | _java.lang.String_ | {html}{html} |
| soapVersion | _java.lang.String_ | {html}{html} |
| ssl | _[org.apache.servicemix.http.SslParameters|#org.apache.servicemix.http.SslParameters-types]_ | {html}a bean containing the SSL configuration properties{html} |
| synchronous | _boolean_ | {html}{html} |
| targetEndpoint | _java.lang.String_ | {html}{html} |
| targetInterfaceName | _javax.xml.namespace.QName_ | {html}{html} |
| targetService | _javax.xml.namespace.QName_ | {html}{html} |
| timeout | _int_ | {html}the number of milliseconds before the endpoint times out. The default value is 0 which means that the endpoint will never timeout.{html} |
| wantContentTypeHeaderFromExchangeIntoHttpRequest | _boolean_ | {html}Specifies if the HTTP provider will copy the HTTP request headers into the JBI{html} |
| wsdlResource | _org.springframework.core.io.Resource_ | {html}{html} |
h3. The _[|#provider-element]_ Element
{html}A plain HTTP provider. This type of endpoint can be used to send non-SOAP requests to HTTP endpoints.{html}
h4. Properties
|| Property Name || Type || Description ||
| clientSoTimeout | _int_ | {html}the number of milliseconds the endpoint will block while attempting to read a request. The default value is 60000. Setting this to 0 specifies that the endpoint will never timeout.{html} |
| component | _[org.apache.servicemix.common.DefaultComponent|#org.apache.servicemix.common.DefaultComponent-types]_ | {html}{html} |
| credentials | _java.lang.String_ | {html}The authentication credentials{html} |
| endpoint | _java.lang.String_ | {html}The name of the endpoint.{html} |
| expectGzippedResponse | _boolean_ | {html}If true, the accept-encoding http header will be set to gzip and the response will be un-gzipped.{html} |
| gzipRequest | _boolean_ | {html}If true, the request content will be gzipped and sent over the wire. The content-encoding http header will
also be set to gzip.{html} |
| interfaceName | _javax.xml.namespace.QName_ | {html}The qualified name of the interface exposed by the endpoint.{html} |
| locationURI | _java.lang.String_ | {html}the URI to which the endpoint sends requests{html} |
| marshaler | _org.apache.servicemix.http.endpoints.HttpProviderMarshaler_ | {html}the bean used to marshal HTTP messages. The default is a{html} |
| principal | _java.lang.String_ | {html}The authentication principal{html} |
| providerExpirationTime | _int_ | {html}the number of milliseconds to wait for a response before expiring.{html} |
| proxyHost | _java.lang.String_ | {html}the host name of the HTTP proxy{html} |
| proxyPassword | _java.lang.String_ | {html}the password for the HTTP proxy authentication{html} |
| proxyPort | _int_ | {html}the host port of the HTTP proxy (defaults to 80){html} |
| proxyUsername | _java.lang.String_ | {html}the user name for the HTTP proxy authentication{html} |
| service | _javax.xml.namespace.QName_ | {html}The qualified name of the service the endpoint exposes.{html} |
| serviceUnit | _org.apache.servicemix.common.ServiceUnit_ | {html}{html} |
| ssl | _[org.apache.servicemix.http.SslParameters|#org.apache.servicemix.http.SslParameters-types]_ | {html}the SSL parameters{html} |
h3. The _[|#proxyParameters-element]_ Element
{html}parameters needed to send HTTP requests through a proxy{html}
h4. Properties
|| Property Name || Type || Description ||
| proxyCredentials | _[org.apache.servicemix.http.BasicAuthCredentials|#org.apache.servicemix.http.BasicAuthCredentials-types]_ | {html}authentication data for using basic HTTP authentication.{html} |
| proxyHost | _java.lang.String_ | {html}the proxy's host name{html} |
| proxyPort | _int_ | {html}the proxy's port number{html} |
h3. The _[|#serializedMarshaler-element]_ Element
{html}a consumer-side marshaler for handling Java serialized content{html}
h4. Properties
|| Property Name || Type || Description ||
| defaultMep | _java.net.URI_ | {html}{html} |
h3. The _[|#soap-consumer-element]_ Element
{html}an HTTP consumer endpoint that is optimized to work with SOAP messages{html}
h4. Properties
|| Property Name || Type || Description ||
| authMethod | _java.lang.String_ | {html}a string naming the scheme used for authenticating users{html} |
| component | _[org.apache.servicemix.common.DefaultComponent|#org.apache.servicemix.common.DefaultComponent-types]_ | {html}{html} |
| defaultMep | _java.net.URI_ | {html}a URI representing the endpoint's default MEP. The default is{html} |
| endpoint | _java.lang.String_ | {html}The name of the endpoint.{html} |
| interfaceName | _javax.xml.namespace.QName_ | {html}The qualified name of the interface exposed by the endpoint.{html} |
| locationURI | _java.lang.String_ | {html}the URI at which the endpoint listens for requests{html} |
| marshaler | _[org.apache.servicemix.http.endpoints.HttpConsumerMarshaler|#org.apache.servicemix.http.endpoints.HttpConsumerMarshaler-types]_ | {html}the bean used to marshal HTTP messages. The default is a{html} |
| policies | (_org.apache.servicemix.soap.api.Policy_)\* | {html}a list of interceptors that will process messages{html} |
| service | _javax.xml.namespace.QName_ | {html}The qualified name of the service the endpoint exposes.{html} |
| serviceUnit | _org.apache.servicemix.common.ServiceUnit_ | {html}{html} |
| soapVersion | _java.lang.String_ | {html}Specifies the SOAP version to use when generating a wsdl binding for{html} |
| ssl | _[org.apache.servicemix.http.SslParameters|#org.apache.servicemix.http.SslParameters-types]_ | {html}a bean containing the SSL configuration properties{html} |
| targetEndpoint | _java.lang.String_ | {html}the name of the endpoint to which requests are sent{html} |
| targetInterface | _javax.xml.namespace.QName_ | {html}the QName of the interface to which requests are sent{html} |
| targetOperation | _javax.xml.namespace.QName_ | {html}the QName of the operation to which requests are sent{html} |
| targetService | _javax.xml.namespace.QName_ | {html}the QName of the service to which requests are sent{html} |
| targetUri | _java.lang.String_ | {html}Set the target service/endpoint/interface using a URI.{html} |
| timeout | _long_ | {html}the timeout is specified in milliseconds. The default value is 0 which{html} |
| useJbiWrapper | _boolean_ | {html}Specifies if the JBI wrapper is sent in the body of the message. Default is{html} |
| validateWsdl | _boolean_ | {html}Specifies if the WSDL is checked for WSI-BP compliance. Default is true
.{html} |
| wsdl | _org.springframework.core.io.Resource_ | {html}the URL of the WSDL document defining the endpoint's messages{html} |
h3. The _[|#soap-provider-element]_ Element
{html}an HTTP provider endpoint that is optimaized to work with SOAP messages.{html}
h4. Properties
|| Property Name || Type || Description ||
| clientSoTimeout | _int_ | {html}the number of milliseconds the endpoint will block while attempting to read a request. The default value is 60000. Setting this to 0 specifies that the endpoint will never timeout.{html} |
| component | _[org.apache.servicemix.common.DefaultComponent|#org.apache.servicemix.common.DefaultComponent-types]_ | {html}{html} |
| credentials | _java.lang.String_ | {html}The authentication credentials{html} |
| endpoint | _java.lang.String_ | {html}The name of the endpoint.{html} |
| expectGzippedResponse | _boolean_ | {html}If true, the accept-encoding http header will be set to gzip and the response will be un-gzipped.{html} |
| gzipRequest | _boolean_ | {html}If true, the request content will be gzipped and sent over the wire. The content-encoding http header will
also be set to gzip.{html} |
| interfaceName | _javax.xml.namespace.QName_ | {html}The qualified name of the interface exposed by the endpoint.{html} |
| locationURI | _java.lang.String_ | {html}the URI to which the endpoint sends requests{html} |
| marshaler | _org.apache.servicemix.http.endpoints.HttpProviderMarshaler_ | {html}the bean used to marshal HTTP messages. The default is a{html} |
| policies | (_org.apache.servicemix.soap.api.Policy_)\* | {html}a list of interceptors that will process messages{html} |
| principal | _java.lang.String_ | {html}The authentication principal{html} |
| providerExpirationTime | _int_ | {html}the number of milliseconds to wait for a response before expiring.{html} |
| proxyHost | _java.lang.String_ | {html}the host name of the HTTP proxy{html} |
| proxyPassword | _java.lang.String_ | {html}the password for the HTTP proxy authentication{html} |
| proxyPort | _int_ | {html}the host port of the HTTP proxy (defaults to 80){html} |
| proxyUsername | _java.lang.String_ | {html}the user name for the HTTP proxy authentication{html} |
| service | _javax.xml.namespace.QName_ | {html}The qualified name of the service the endpoint exposes.{html} |
| serviceUnit | _org.apache.servicemix.common.ServiceUnit_ | {html}{html} |
| ssl | _[org.apache.servicemix.http.SslParameters|#org.apache.servicemix.http.SslParameters-types]_ | {html}the SSL parameters{html} |
| useJbiWrapper | _boolean_ | {html}Specifies if the JBI wrapper is sent in the body of the message. Default is{html} |
| validateWsdl | _boolean_ | {html}Specifies if the WSDL is checked for WSI-BP compliance. Default is true
{html} |
| wsdl | _org.springframework.core.io.Resource_ | {html}the URL of the WSDL document defining the endpoint's messages{html} |
h3. The _[|#sslParameters-element]_ Element
{html}This class contains all parameters needed to create an SSL server or client socket.{html}
h4. Properties
|| Property Name || Type || Description ||
| keyAlias | _java.lang.String_ | {html}{html} |
| keyManagerFactoryAlgorithm | _java.lang.String_ | {html}{html} |
| keyPassword | _java.lang.String_ | {html}{html} |
| keyStore | _java.lang.String_ | {html}{html} |
| keyStorePassword | _java.lang.String_ | {html}{html} |
| keyStoreType | _java.lang.String_ | {html}{html} |
| managed | _boolean_ | {html}{html} |
| needClientAuth | _boolean_ | {html}{html} |
| protocol | _java.lang.String_ | {html}{html} |
| provider | _java.lang.String_ | {html}{html} |
| trustManagerFactoryAlgorithm | _java.lang.String_ | {html}{html} |
| trustStore | _java.lang.String_ | {html}{html} |
| trustStorePassword | _java.lang.String_ | {html}{html} |
| trustStoreType | _java.lang.String_ | {html}{html} |
| wantClientAuth | _boolean_ | {html}{html} |
h3. Element Index
| _[|#basicAuthCredentials-element]_ | {html}This class contains parameters needed to send basic authentication credentials{html} |
| _[|#component-element]_ | {html}an HTTP JBI component. The component is responsible for hosting HTTP endpoints.{html} |
| _[|#configuration-element]_ | {html}configuration for the Jetty instance used by an HTTP endpoint{html} |
| _[|#consumer-element]_ | {html}Plain HTTP consumer endpoint. This endpoint can be used to handle plain HTTP request (without SOAP) or to be able to
process the request in a non standard way. For HTTP requests, a WSDL2 HTTP binding can be used.{html} |
| _[|#endpoint-element]_ | {html}the base element for all HTTP endpoints{html} |
| _[|#provider-element]_ | {html}A plain HTTP provider. This type of endpoint can be used to send non-SOAP requests to HTTP endpoints.{html} |
| _[|#proxyParameters-element]_ | {html}parameters needed to send HTTP requests through a proxy{html} |
| _[|#serializedMarshaler-element]_ | {html}a consumer-side marshaler for handling Java serialized content{html} |
| _[|#soap-consumer-element]_ | {html}an HTTP consumer endpoint that is optimized to work with SOAP messages{html} |
| _[|#soap-provider-element]_ | {html}an HTTP provider endpoint that is optimaized to work with SOAP messages.{html} |
| _[|#sslParameters-element]_ | {html}This class contains all parameters needed to create an SSL server or client socket.{html} |
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