features-extras.wave.dynamic-width.js Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2010 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// TODO: Define a more convenient set of methods for iframe resizing in wave.
* @fileoverview This library augments gadgets.window with functionality
* to change the width of a gadget dynamically. Derived from the
* dynamic-height feature source code.
* See:
* http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/shindig/trunk/features/src/main/javascript/features/dynamic-height/dynamic-height.js
* @static
* @class This namespace is used by the Gadgets API for the features it offers
* in all containers, including Wave. Those are documented here:
* http://code.google.com/apis/gadgets/docs/reference/
* @name gadgets
* @static
* @class This namespace is defined by the Gadgets API, and documented here:
* http://code.google.com/apis/gadgets/docs/reference/#gadgets.window
* The Wave Gadgets API adds an additional method on top of the set documented
* there.
* @name gadgets.window
gadgets.window = gadgets.window || {};
// we wrap these in an anonymous function to avoid storing private data
// as members of gadgets.window.
(function() {
var oldWidth;
* Parse out the value (specified in px) for a CSS attribute of an element.
* @param {Element} elem the element with the attribute to look for.
* @param {string} attr the CSS attribute name of interest.
* @returns {number} the value of the px attr of the elem.
* @private
function parseIntFromElemPxAttribute(elem, attr) {
var style = window.getComputedStyle(elem, "");
var value = style.getPropertyValue(attr);
return parseInt(RegExp.$1, 10);
* For Webkit-based browsers, calculate the width of the gadget iframe by
* iterating through all elements in the gadget, starting with the body tag.
* It is not sufficient to only account body children elements, because
* CSS style position "float" may place a child element outside of the
* containing parent element. Not counting "float" elements may lead to
* undercounting.
* @returns {number} the width of the gadget.
* @private
function getWidthForWebkit() {
var result = 0;
var queue = [ document.body ];
while (queue.length > 0) {
var elem = queue.shift();
var children = elem.childNodes;
for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
var child = children[i];
if (typeof child.offsetLeft !== 'undefined' &&
typeof child.scrollWidth !== 'undefined') {
// scrollHeight already accounts for border-bottom, padding-bottom.
var right = child.offsetLeft + child.scrollWidth +
parseIntFromElemPxAttribute(child, "margin-right");
result = Math.max(result, right);
// Add border, padding and margin of the containing body.
return result
+ parseIntFromElemPxAttribute(document.body, "border-right")
+ parseIntFromElemPxAttribute(document.body, "margin-right")
+ parseIntFromElemPxAttribute(document.body, "padding-right");
* Adjusts the gadget width
* @param {number=} opt_width An optional preferred width in pixels. If not
* specified, will attempt to fit the gadget to its content.
* @member gadgets.window
gadgets.window.adjustWidth = function(opt_width) {
var newWidth = parseInt(opt_width, 10);
var widthAutoCalculated = false;
if (isNaN(newWidth)) {
widthAutoCalculated = true;
// Resize the gadget to fit its content.
// Get the width of the viewport
var vw = gadgets.window.getViewportDimensions().width;
var body = document.body;
var docEl = document.documentElement;
if (document.compatMode === 'CSS1Compat' && docEl.scrollWidth) {
// In Strict mode:
// The inner content height is contained in either:
// document.documentElement.scrollWidth
// document.documentElement.offsetWidth
// Based on studying the values output by different browsers,
// use the value that's NOT equal to the viewport width found above.
newWidth = docEl.scrollWidth !== vw ?
docEl.scrollWidth : docEl.offsetWidth;
} else if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('AppleWebKit') >= 0) {
// In Webkit:
// Property scrollWidth and offsetWidth will only increase in value.
// This will incorrectly calculate reduced width of a gadget
// (ie: made smaller).
newWidth = getWidthForWebkit();
} else if (body && docEl) {
// In Quirks mode:
// documentElement.clientWidth is equal to documentElement.offsetWidth
// except in IE. In most browsers, document.documentElement can be used
// to calculate the inner content width.
// However, in other browsers (e.g. IE), document.body must be used
// instead. How do we know which one to use?
// If document.documentElement.clientWidth does NOT equal
// document.documentElement.offsetWidth, then use document.body.
var sw = docEl.scrollWidth;
var ow = docEl.offsetWidth;
if (docEl.clientWidth !== ow) {
sw = body.scrollWidth;
ow = body.offsetWidth;
// Detect whether the inner content width is bigger or smaller
// than the bounding box (viewport). If bigger, take the larger
// value. If smaller, take the smaller value.
if (sw > vw) {
// Content is larger
newWidth = sw > ow ? sw : ow;
} else {
// Content is smaller
newWidth = sw < ow ? sw : ow;
// Only make the RPC call if width has changed
if (newWidth !== oldWidth &&
!isNaN(newWidth) &&
!(widthAutoCalculated && newWidth === 0)) {
oldWidth = newWidth;
gadgets.rpc.call(null, "setIframeWidth", null, newWidth);
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