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org.apache.spark.ui.static.spark-dag-viz.js Maven / Gradle / Ivy

 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

 * This file contains the logic to render the RDD DAG visualization in the UI.
 * This DAG describes the relationships between
 *   (1) an RDD and its dependencies,
 *   (2) an RDD and its operation scopes, and
 *   (3) an RDD's operation scopes and the stage / job hierarchy
 * An operation scope is a general, named code block that instantiates RDDs
 * (e.g. filter, textFile, reduceByKey). An operation scope can be nested inside
 * of other scopes if the corresponding RDD operation invokes other such operations
 * (for more detail, see o.a.s.rdd.RDDOperationScope).
 * A stage may include one or more operation scopes if the RDD operations are
 * streamlined into one stage (e.g.
 * On the flip side, an operation scope may also include one or many stages,
 * or even jobs if the RDD operation is higher level than Spark's scheduling
 * primitives (e.g. take, any SQL query).
 * In the visualization, an RDD is expressed as a node, and its dependencies
 * as directed edges (from parent to child). operation scopes, stages, and
 * jobs are expressed as clusters that may contain one or many nodes. These
 * clusters may be nested inside of each other in the scenarios described
 * above.
 * The visualization is rendered in an SVG contained in "div#dag-viz-graph",
 * and its input data is expected to be populated in "div#dag-viz-metadata"
 * by Spark's UI code. This is currently used only on the stage page and on
 * the job page.
 * This requires jQuery, d3, and dagre-d3. Note that we use a custom release
 * of dagre-d3 ( for some specific
 * functionality. For more detail, please track the changes in that project
 * since it was forked (commit 101503833a8ce5fe369547f6addf3e71172ce10b).

var VizConstants = {
  svgMarginX: 16,
  svgMarginY: 16,
  stageSep: 40,
  graphPrefix: "graph_",
  nodePrefix: "node_",
  clusterPrefix: "cluster_"

var JobPageVizConstants = {
  clusterLabelSize: 12,
  stageClusterLabelSize: 14,
  rankSep: 40

var StagePageVizConstants = {
  clusterLabelSize: 14,
  stageClusterLabelSize: 14,
  rankSep: 40

 * Return "expand-dag-viz-arrow-job" if forJob is true.
 * Otherwise, return "expand-dag-viz-arrow-stage".
function expandDagVizArrowKey(forJob) {
  return forJob ? "expand-dag-viz-arrow-job" : "expand-dag-viz-arrow-stage";

 * Show or hide the RDD DAG visualization.
 * The graph is only rendered the first time this is called.
 * This is the narrow interface called from the Scala UI code.
function toggleDagViz(forJob) {
  var status = window.localStorage.getItem(expandDagVizArrowKey(forJob)) == "true";
  status = !status;

  var arrowSelector = ".expand-dag-viz-arrow";
  var shouldShow = $(arrowSelector).hasClass("arrow-open");
  if (shouldShow) {
    var shouldRender = graphContainer().select("*").empty();
    if (shouldRender) {
    graphContainer().style("display", "block");
  } else {
    // Save the graph for later so we don't have to render it again
    graphContainer().style("display", "none");

  window.localStorage.setItem(expandDagVizArrowKey(forJob), "" + status);

$(function (){
  if ($("#stage-dag-viz").length &&
      window.localStorage.getItem(expandDagVizArrowKey(false)) == "true") {
    // Set it to false so that the click function can revert it
    window.localStorage.setItem(expandDagVizArrowKey(false), "false");
  } else if ($("#job-dag-viz").length &&
      window.localStorage.getItem(expandDagVizArrowKey(true)) == "true") {
    // Set it to false so that the click function can revert it
    window.localStorage.setItem(expandDagVizArrowKey(true), "false");

 * Render the RDD DAG visualization.
 * Input DOM hierarchy:
 *   div#dag-viz-metadata >
 *   div.stage-metadata >
 *   div.[dot-file | incoming-edge | outgoing-edge]
 * Output DOM hierarchy:
 *   div#dag-viz-graph >
 *   svg >
 *   g.cluster_stage_[stageId]
 * Note that the input metadata is populated by o.a.s.ui.UIUtils.showDagViz.
 * Any changes in the input format here must be reflected there.
function renderDagViz(forJob) {

  // If there is not a dot file to render, fail fast and report error
  var jobOrStage = forJob ? "job" : "stage";
  if (metadataContainer().empty() ||
      metadataContainer().selectAll("div").empty()) {
    var message =
      "No visualization information available for this " + jobOrStage + "!
" + "If this is an old " + jobOrStage + ", its visualization metadata may have been " + "cleaned up over time.
You may consider increasing the value of "; if (forJob) { message += "spark.ui.retainedJobs and spark.ui.retainedStages."; } else { message += "spark.ui.retainedStages"; } graphContainer().append("div").attr("id", "empty-dag-viz-message").html(message); return; } // Render var svg = graphContainer().append("svg").attr("class", jobOrStage); if (forJob) { renderDagVizForJob(svg); } else { renderDagVizForStage(svg); } // Find cached RDDs and mark them as such metadataContainer().selectAll(".cached-rdd").each(function(v) { var rddId =; var nodeId = VizConstants.nodePrefix + rddId; svg.selectAll("g." + nodeId).classed("cached", true); }); resizeSvg(svg); } /* Render the RDD DAG visualization on the stage page. */ function renderDagVizForStage(svgContainer) { var metadata = metadataContainer().select(".stage-metadata"); var dot =".dot-file").text().trim(); var containerId = VizConstants.graphPrefix + metadata.attr("stage-id"); var container = svgContainer.append("g").attr("id", containerId); renderDot(dot, container, false); // Round corners on rectangles svgContainer .selectAll("rect") .attr("rx", "5") .attr("ry", "5"); } /* * Render the RDD DAG visualization on the job page. * * Due to limitations in dagre-d3, each stage is rendered independently so that * we have more control on how to position them. Unfortunately, this means we * cannot rely on dagre-d3 to render edges that cross stages and must render * these manually on our own. */ function renderDagVizForJob(svgContainer) { var crossStageEdges = []; // Each div.stage-metadata contains the information needed to generate the graph // for a stage. This includes the DOT file produced from the appropriate UI listener, // any incoming and outgoing edges, and any cached RDDs that belong to this stage. metadataContainer().selectAll(".stage-metadata").each(function(d, i) { var metadata =; var dot =".dot-file").text(); var stageId = metadata.attr("stage-id"); var containerId = VizConstants.graphPrefix + stageId; var isSkipped = metadata.attr("skipped") == "true"; var container; if (isSkipped) { container = svgContainer .append("g") .attr("id", containerId) .attr("skipped", "true"); } else { // Link each graph to the corresponding stage page (TODO: handle stage attempts) // Use the link from the stage table so it also works for the history server var attemptId = 0 var stageLink ="#stage-" + stageId + "-" + attemptId) .select("") .attr("href"); container = svgContainer .append("a") .attr("xlink:href", stageLink) .attr("onclick", "window.localStorage.setItem(expandDagVizArrowKey(false), true)") .append("g") .attr("id", containerId); } // Now we need to shift the container for this stage so it doesn't overlap with // existing ones, taking into account the position and width of the last stage's // container. We do not need to do this for the first stage of this job. if (i > 0) { var existingStages = svgContainer.selectAll("g.cluster.stage") if (!existingStages.empty()) { var lastStage =[0].pop()); var lastStageWidth = toFloat("rect").attr("width")); var lastStagePosition = getAbsolutePosition(lastStage); var offset = lastStagePosition.x + lastStageWidth + VizConstants.stageSep; container.attr("transform", "translate(" + offset + ", 0)"); } } // Actually render the stage renderDot(dot, container, true); // Mark elements as skipped if appropriate. Unfortunately we need to mark all // elements instead of the parent container because of CSS override rules. if (isSkipped) { container.selectAll("g").classed("skipped", true); } // Round corners on rectangles container .selectAll("rect") .attr("rx", "4") .attr("ry", "4"); // If there are any incoming edges into this graph, keep track of them to render // them separately later. Note that we cannot draw them now because we need to // put these edges in a separate container that is on top of all stage graphs. metadata.selectAll(".incoming-edge").each(function(v) { var edge =","); // e.g. 3,4 => [3, 4] crossStageEdges.push(edge); }); }); addTooltipsForRDDs(svgContainer); drawCrossStageEdges(crossStageEdges, svgContainer); } /* Render the dot file as an SVG in the given container. */ function renderDot(dot, container, forJob) { var escaped_dot = dot .replace(/</g, "<") .replace(/>/g, ">") .replace(/"/g, "\""); var g =; var renderer = new dagreD3.render(); preprocessGraphLayout(g, forJob); renderer(container, g); // Find the stage cluster and mark it for styling and post-processing container.selectAll("g.cluster[name^=\"Stage \"]").classed("stage", true); } /* -------------------- * * | Helper functions | * * -------------------- */ // Helper d3 accessors function graphContainer() { return"#dag-viz-graph"); } function metadataContainer() { return"#dag-viz-metadata"); } /* * Helper function to pre-process the graph layout. * This step is necessary for certain styles that affect the positioning * and sizes of graph elements, e.g. padding, font style, shape. */ function preprocessGraphLayout(g, forJob) { var nodes = g.nodes(); for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { var isCluster = g.children(nodes[i]).length > 0; if (!isCluster) { var node = g.node(nodes[i]); if (forJob) { // Do not display RDD name on job page node.shape = "circle"; node.labelStyle = "font-size: 0px"; } else { node.labelStyle = "font-size: 12px"; } node.padding = "5"; } } // Curve the edges var edges = g.edges(); for (var j = 0; j < edges.length; j++) { var edge = g.edge(edges[j]); edge.lineInterpolate = "basis"; } // Adjust vertical separation between nodes if (forJob) { g.graph().rankSep = JobPageVizConstants.rankSep; } else { g.graph().rankSep = StagePageVizConstants.rankSep; } } /* * Helper function to size the SVG appropriately such that all elements are displyed. * This assumes that all outermost elements are clusters (rectangles). */ function resizeSvg(svg) { var allClusters = svg.selectAll("g.cluster rect")[0]; var startX = -VizConstants.svgMarginX + toFloat(d3.min(allClusters, function(e) { return getAbsolutePosition(; })); var startY = -VizConstants.svgMarginY + toFloat(d3.min(allClusters, function(e) { return getAbsolutePosition(; })); var endX = VizConstants.svgMarginX + toFloat(d3.max(allClusters, function(e) { var t =; return getAbsolutePosition(t).x + toFloat(t.attr("width")); })); var endY = VizConstants.svgMarginY + toFloat(d3.max(allClusters, function(e) { var t =; return getAbsolutePosition(t).y + toFloat(t.attr("height")); })); var width = endX - startX; var height = endY - startY; svg.attr("viewBox", startX + " " + startY + " " + width + " " + height) .attr("width", width) .attr("height", height); } /* * (Job page only) Helper function to draw edges that cross stage boundaries. * We need to do this manually because we render each stage separately in dagre-d3. */ function drawCrossStageEdges(edges, svgContainer) { if (edges.length == 0) { return; } // Draw the paths first var edgesContainer = svgContainer.append("g").attr("id", "cross-stage-edges"); for (var i = 0; i < edges.length; i++) { var fromRDDId = edges[i][0]; var toRDDId = edges[i][1]; connectRDDs(fromRDDId, toRDDId, edgesContainer, svgContainer); } // Now draw the arrows by borrowing the arrow marker generated by dagre-d3 var dagreD3Marker ="g.edgePaths marker"); if (!dagreD3Marker.empty()) { svgContainer .append(function() { return dagreD3Marker.node().cloneNode(true); }) .attr("id", "marker-arrow"); svgContainer.selectAll("g > path").attr("marker-end", "url(#marker-arrow)"); svgContainer.selectAll("g.edgePaths def").remove(); // We no longer need these } } /* * (Job page only) Helper function to compute the absolute * position of the specified element in our graph. */ function getAbsolutePosition(d3selection) { if (d3selection.empty()) { throw "Attempted to get absolute position of an empty selection."; } var obj = d3selection; var _x = toFloat(obj.attr("x")) || 0; var _y = toFloat(obj.attr("y")) || 0; while (!obj.empty()) { var transformText = obj.attr("transform"); if (transformText) { var translate = d3.transform(transformText).translate; _x += toFloat(translate[0]); _y += toFloat(translate[1]); } // Climb upwards to find how our parents are translated obj =; // Stop when we've reached the graph container itself if (obj.node() == graphContainer().node()) { break; } } return { x: _x, y: _y }; } /* (Job page only) Helper function to connect two RDDs with a curved edge. */ function connectRDDs(fromRDDId, toRDDId, edgesContainer, svgContainer) { var fromNodeId = VizConstants.nodePrefix + fromRDDId; var toNodeId = VizConstants.nodePrefix + toRDDId; var fromPos = getAbsolutePosition("g." + fromNodeId)); var toPos = getAbsolutePosition("g." + toNodeId)); // On the job page, RDDs are rendered as dots (circles). When rendering the path, // we need to account for the radii of these circles. Otherwise the arrow heads // will bleed into the circle itself. var delta = toFloat(svgContainer .select("g.node." + toNodeId) .select("circle") .attr("r")); if (fromPos.x < toPos.x) { fromPos.x += delta; toPos.x -= delta; } else if (fromPos.x > toPos.x) { fromPos.x -= delta; toPos.x += delta; } var points; if (fromPos.y == toPos.y) { // If they are on the same rank, curve the middle part of the edge // upward a little to avoid interference with things in between // e.g. _______ // _____/ \_____ points = [ [fromPos.x, fromPos.y], [fromPos.x + (toPos.x - fromPos.x) * 0.2, fromPos.y], [fromPos.x + (toPos.x - fromPos.x) * 0.3, fromPos.y - 20], [fromPos.x + (toPos.x - fromPos.x) * 0.7, fromPos.y - 20], [fromPos.x + (toPos.x - fromPos.x) * 0.8, toPos.y], [toPos.x, toPos.y] ]; } else { // Otherwise, draw a curved edge that flattens out on both ends // e.g. _____ // / // | // _____/ points = [ [fromPos.x, fromPos.y], [fromPos.x + (toPos.x - fromPos.x) * 0.4, fromPos.y], [fromPos.x + (toPos.x - fromPos.x) * 0.6, toPos.y], [toPos.x, toPos.y] ]; } var line = d3.svg.line().interpolate("basis"); edgesContainer.append("path").datum(points).attr("d", line); } /* (Job page only) Helper function to add tooltips for RDDs. */ function addTooltipsForRDDs(svgContainer) { svgContainer.selectAll("g.node").each(function() { var node =; var tooltipText = node.attr("name"); if (tooltipText) {"circle") .attr("data-toggle", "tooltip") .attr("data-placement", "bottom") .attr("title", tooltipText); } // Link tooltips for all nodes that belong to the same RDD node.on("mouseenter", function() { triggerTooltipForRDD(node, true); }); node.on("mouseleave", function() { triggerTooltipForRDD(node, false); }); }); $("[data-toggle=tooltip]") .filter("g.node circle") .tooltip({ container: "body", trigger: "manual" }); } /* * (Job page only) Helper function to show or hide tooltips for all nodes * in the graph that refer to the same RDD the specified node represents. */ function triggerTooltipForRDD(d3node, show) { var classes = d3node.node().classList; for (var i = 0; i < classes.length; i++) { var clazz = classes[i]; var isRDDClass = clazz.indexOf(VizConstants.nodePrefix) == 0; if (isRDDClass) { graphContainer().selectAll("g." + clazz).each(function() { var circle ="circle").node(); var showOrHide = show ? "show" : "hide"; $(circle).tooltip(showOrHide); }); } } } /* Helper function to convert attributes to numeric values. */ function toFloat(f) { if (f) { return parseFloat(f.toString().replace(/px$/, "")); } else { return f; } }

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