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org.apache.spark.ui.static.executorspage.js Maven / Gradle / Ivy

There is a newer version: 3.5.1
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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

var threadDumpEnabled = false;

function setThreadDumpEnabled(val) {
    threadDumpEnabled = val;

function getThreadDumpEnabled() {
    return threadDumpEnabled;

function formatStatus(status, type, row) {
    if (row.isExcluded) {
        return "Excluded";

    if (status) {
        if (row.excludedInStages.length == 0) {
            return "Active"
        return "Active (Excluded in Stages: [" + row.excludedInStages.join(", ") + "])";
    return "Dead"

function formatResourceCells(resources) {
    var result = ""
    var count = 0
    $.each(resources, function (name, resInfo) {
        if (count > 0) {
            result += ", "
        result += name + ': [' + resInfo.addresses.join(", ") + ']'
        count += 1
    return result

jQuery.extend(jQuery.fn.dataTableExt.oSort, {
    "title-numeric-pre": function (a) {
        var x = a.match(/title="*(-?[0-9\.]+)/)[1];
        return parseFloat(x);

    "title-numeric-asc": function (a, b) {
        return ((a < b) ? -1 : ((a > b) ? 1 : 0));

    "title-numeric-desc": function (a, b) {
        return ((a < b) ? 1 : ((a > b) ? -1 : 0));

$(document).ajaxStart(function () {
    $.blockUI({message: '

Loading Executors Page...

'}); }); function logsExist(execs) { return execs.some(function(exec) { return !($.isEmptyObject(exec["executorLogs"])); }); } // Determine Color Opacity from 0.5-1 // activeTasks range from 0 to maxTasks function activeTasksAlpha(activeTasks, maxTasks) { return maxTasks > 0 ? ((activeTasks / maxTasks) * 0.5 + 0.5) : 1; } function activeTasksStyle(activeTasks, maxTasks) { return activeTasks > 0 ? ("hsla(240, 100%, 50%, " + activeTasksAlpha(activeTasks, maxTasks) + ")") : ""; } // failedTasks range max at 10% failure, alpha max = 1 function failedTasksAlpha(failedTasks, totalTasks) { return totalTasks > 0 ? (Math.min(10 * failedTasks / totalTasks, 1) * 0.5 + 0.5) : 1; } function failedTasksStyle(failedTasks, totalTasks) { return failedTasks > 0 ? ("hsla(0, 100%, 50%, " + failedTasksAlpha(failedTasks, totalTasks) + ")") : ""; } // totalDuration range from 0 to 50% GC time, alpha max = 1 function totalDurationAlpha(totalGCTime, totalDuration) { return totalDuration > 0 ? (Math.min(totalGCTime / totalDuration + 0.5, 1)) : 1; } // When GCTimePercent is edited change ToolTips.TASK_TIME to match var GCTimePercent = 0.1; function totalDurationStyle(totalGCTime, totalDuration) { // Red if GC time over GCTimePercent of total time return (totalGCTime > GCTimePercent * totalDuration) ? ("hsla(0, 100%, 50%, " + totalDurationAlpha(totalGCTime, totalDuration) + ")") : ""; } function totalDurationColor(totalGCTime, totalDuration) { return (totalGCTime > GCTimePercent * totalDuration) ? "white" : "black"; } var sumOptionalColumns = [3, 4]; var execOptionalColumns = [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14]; var execDataTable; var sumDataTable; function reselectCheckboxesBasedOnTaskTableState() { var allChecked = true; if (typeof execDataTable !== "undefined") { for (var k = 0; k < execOptionalColumns.length; k++) { if (execDataTable.column(execOptionalColumns[k]).visible()) { $("[data-exec-col-idx=" + execOptionalColumns[k] + "]").prop("checked", true); } else { allChecked = false; } } } if (allChecked) { $("#select-all-box").prop("checked", true); } } $(document).ready(function () { setDataTableDefaults(); var executorsSummary = $("#active-executors"); getStandAloneAppId(function (appId) { var endPoint = createRESTEndPointForExecutorsPage(appId); $.getJSON(endPoint, function (response, status, jqXHR) { var allExecCnt = 0; var allRDDBlocks = 0; var allMemoryUsed = 0; var allMaxMemory = 0; var allOnHeapMemoryUsed = 0; var allOnHeapMaxMemory = 0; var allOffHeapMemoryUsed = 0; var allOffHeapMaxMemory = 0; var allDiskUsed = 0; var allTotalCores = 0; var allMaxTasks = 0; var allActiveTasks = 0; var allFailedTasks = 0; var allCompletedTasks = 0; var allTotalTasks = 0; var allTotalDuration = 0; var allTotalGCTime = 0; var allTotalInputBytes = 0; var allTotalShuffleRead = 0; var allTotalShuffleWrite = 0; var allTotalExcluded = 0; var activeExecCnt = 0; var activeRDDBlocks = 0; var activeMemoryUsed = 0; var activeMaxMemory = 0; var activeOnHeapMemoryUsed = 0; var activeOnHeapMaxMemory = 0; var activeOffHeapMemoryUsed = 0; var activeOffHeapMaxMemory = 0; var activeDiskUsed = 0; var activeTotalCores = 0; var activeMaxTasks = 0; var activeActiveTasks = 0; var activeFailedTasks = 0; var activeCompletedTasks = 0; var activeTotalTasks = 0; var activeTotalDuration = 0; var activeTotalGCTime = 0; var activeTotalInputBytes = 0; var activeTotalShuffleRead = 0; var activeTotalShuffleWrite = 0; var activeTotalExcluded = 0; var deadExecCnt = 0; var deadRDDBlocks = 0; var deadMemoryUsed = 0; var deadMaxMemory = 0; var deadOnHeapMemoryUsed = 0; var deadOnHeapMaxMemory = 0; var deadOffHeapMemoryUsed = 0; var deadOffHeapMaxMemory = 0; var deadDiskUsed = 0; var deadTotalCores = 0; var deadMaxTasks = 0; var deadActiveTasks = 0; var deadFailedTasks = 0; var deadCompletedTasks = 0; var deadTotalTasks = 0; var deadTotalDuration = 0; var deadTotalGCTime = 0; var deadTotalInputBytes = 0; var deadTotalShuffleRead = 0; var deadTotalShuffleWrite = 0; var deadTotalExcluded = 0; response.forEach(function (exec) { var memoryMetrics = { usedOnHeapStorageMemory: 0, usedOffHeapStorageMemory: 0, totalOnHeapStorageMemory: 0, totalOffHeapStorageMemory: 0 }; exec.memoryMetrics = exec.hasOwnProperty('memoryMetrics') ? exec.memoryMetrics : memoryMetrics; }); response.forEach(function (exec) { allExecCnt += 1; allRDDBlocks += exec.rddBlocks; allMemoryUsed += exec.memoryUsed; allMaxMemory += exec.maxMemory; allOnHeapMemoryUsed += exec.memoryMetrics.usedOnHeapStorageMemory; allOnHeapMaxMemory += exec.memoryMetrics.totalOnHeapStorageMemory; allOffHeapMemoryUsed += exec.memoryMetrics.usedOffHeapStorageMemory; allOffHeapMaxMemory += exec.memoryMetrics.totalOffHeapStorageMemory; allDiskUsed += exec.diskUsed; allTotalCores += exec.totalCores; allMaxTasks += exec.maxTasks; allActiveTasks += exec.activeTasks; allFailedTasks += exec.failedTasks; allCompletedTasks += exec.completedTasks; allTotalTasks += exec.totalTasks; allTotalDuration += exec.totalDuration; allTotalGCTime += exec.totalGCTime; allTotalInputBytes += exec.totalInputBytes; allTotalShuffleRead += exec.totalShuffleRead; allTotalShuffleWrite += exec.totalShuffleWrite; allTotalExcluded += exec.isExcluded ? 1 : 0; if (exec.isActive) { activeExecCnt += 1; activeRDDBlocks += exec.rddBlocks; activeMemoryUsed += exec.memoryUsed; activeMaxMemory += exec.maxMemory; activeOnHeapMemoryUsed += exec.memoryMetrics.usedOnHeapStorageMemory; activeOnHeapMaxMemory += exec.memoryMetrics.totalOnHeapStorageMemory; activeOffHeapMemoryUsed += exec.memoryMetrics.usedOffHeapStorageMemory; activeOffHeapMaxMemory += exec.memoryMetrics.totalOffHeapStorageMemory; activeDiskUsed += exec.diskUsed; activeTotalCores += exec.totalCores; activeMaxTasks += exec.maxTasks; activeActiveTasks += exec.activeTasks; activeFailedTasks += exec.failedTasks; activeCompletedTasks += exec.completedTasks; activeTotalTasks += exec.totalTasks; activeTotalDuration += exec.totalDuration; activeTotalGCTime += exec.totalGCTime; activeTotalInputBytes += exec.totalInputBytes; activeTotalShuffleRead += exec.totalShuffleRead; activeTotalShuffleWrite += exec.totalShuffleWrite; activeTotalExcluded += exec.isExcluded ? 1 : 0; } else { deadExecCnt += 1; deadRDDBlocks += exec.rddBlocks; deadMemoryUsed += exec.memoryUsed; deadMaxMemory += exec.maxMemory; deadOnHeapMemoryUsed += exec.memoryMetrics.usedOnHeapStorageMemory; deadOnHeapMaxMemory += exec.memoryMetrics.totalOnHeapStorageMemory; deadOffHeapMemoryUsed += exec.memoryMetrics.usedOffHeapStorageMemory; deadOffHeapMaxMemory += exec.memoryMetrics.totalOffHeapStorageMemory; deadDiskUsed += exec.diskUsed; deadTotalCores += exec.totalCores; deadMaxTasks += exec.maxTasks; deadActiveTasks += exec.activeTasks; deadFailedTasks += exec.failedTasks; deadCompletedTasks += exec.completedTasks; deadTotalTasks += exec.totalTasks; deadTotalDuration += exec.totalDuration; deadTotalGCTime += exec.totalGCTime; deadTotalInputBytes += exec.totalInputBytes; deadTotalShuffleRead += exec.totalShuffleRead; deadTotalShuffleWrite += exec.totalShuffleWrite; deadTotalExcluded += exec.isExcluded ? 1 : 0; // todo - TEST BACKWARDS compatibility history? } }); var totalSummary = { "execCnt": ( "Total(" + allExecCnt + ")"), "allRDDBlocks": allRDDBlocks, "allMemoryUsed": allMemoryUsed, "allMaxMemory": allMaxMemory, "allOnHeapMemoryUsed": allOnHeapMemoryUsed, "allOnHeapMaxMemory": allOnHeapMaxMemory, "allOffHeapMemoryUsed": allOffHeapMemoryUsed, "allOffHeapMaxMemory": allOffHeapMaxMemory, "allDiskUsed": allDiskUsed, "allTotalCores": allTotalCores, "allMaxTasks": allMaxTasks, "allActiveTasks": allActiveTasks, "allFailedTasks": allFailedTasks, "allCompletedTasks": allCompletedTasks, "allTotalTasks": allTotalTasks, "allTotalDuration": allTotalDuration, "allTotalGCTime": allTotalGCTime, "allTotalInputBytes": allTotalInputBytes, "allTotalShuffleRead": allTotalShuffleRead, "allTotalShuffleWrite": allTotalShuffleWrite, "allTotalExcluded": allTotalExcluded }; var activeSummary = { "execCnt": ( "Active(" + activeExecCnt + ")"), "allRDDBlocks": activeRDDBlocks, "allMemoryUsed": activeMemoryUsed, "allMaxMemory": activeMaxMemory, "allOnHeapMemoryUsed": activeOnHeapMemoryUsed, "allOnHeapMaxMemory": activeOnHeapMaxMemory, "allOffHeapMemoryUsed": activeOffHeapMemoryUsed, "allOffHeapMaxMemory": activeOffHeapMaxMemory, "allDiskUsed": activeDiskUsed, "allTotalCores": activeTotalCores, "allMaxTasks": activeMaxTasks, "allActiveTasks": activeActiveTasks, "allFailedTasks": activeFailedTasks, "allCompletedTasks": activeCompletedTasks, "allTotalTasks": activeTotalTasks, "allTotalDuration": activeTotalDuration, "allTotalGCTime": activeTotalGCTime, "allTotalInputBytes": activeTotalInputBytes, "allTotalShuffleRead": activeTotalShuffleRead, "allTotalShuffleWrite": activeTotalShuffleWrite, "allTotalExcluded": activeTotalExcluded }; var deadSummary = { "execCnt": ( "Dead(" + deadExecCnt + ")" ), "allRDDBlocks": deadRDDBlocks, "allMemoryUsed": deadMemoryUsed, "allMaxMemory": deadMaxMemory, "allOnHeapMemoryUsed": deadOnHeapMemoryUsed, "allOnHeapMaxMemory": deadOnHeapMaxMemory, "allOffHeapMemoryUsed": deadOffHeapMemoryUsed, "allOffHeapMaxMemory": deadOffHeapMaxMemory, "allDiskUsed": deadDiskUsed, "allTotalCores": deadTotalCores, "allMaxTasks": deadMaxTasks, "allActiveTasks": deadActiveTasks, "allFailedTasks": deadFailedTasks, "allCompletedTasks": deadCompletedTasks, "allTotalTasks": deadTotalTasks, "allTotalDuration": deadTotalDuration, "allTotalGCTime": deadTotalGCTime, "allTotalInputBytes": deadTotalInputBytes, "allTotalShuffleRead": deadTotalShuffleRead, "allTotalShuffleWrite": deadTotalShuffleWrite, "allTotalExcluded": deadTotalExcluded }; var data = {executors: response, "execSummary": [activeSummary, deadSummary, totalSummary]}; $.get(createTemplateURI(appId, "executorspage"), function (template) { executorsSummary.append(Mustache.render($(template).filter("#executors-summary-template").html(), data)); var selector = "#active-executors-table"; var conf = { "data": response, "columns": [ { data: function (row, type) { return type !== 'display' ? (isNaN( ? 0 : ) :; } }, {data: 'hostPort'}, { data: 'isActive', render: function (data, type, row) { return formatStatus (data, type, row); } }, {data: 'rddBlocks'}, { data: function (row, type) { if (type !== 'display') return row.memoryUsed; else return (formatBytes(row.memoryUsed, type) + ' / ' + formatBytes(row.maxMemory, type)); } }, { data: function (row, type) { if (type !== 'display') return row.memoryMetrics.usedOnHeapStorageMemory; else return (formatBytes(row.memoryMetrics.usedOnHeapStorageMemory, type) + ' / ' + formatBytes(row.memoryMetrics.totalOnHeapStorageMemory, type)); } }, { data: function (row, type) { if (type !== 'display') return row.memoryMetrics.usedOffHeapStorageMemory; else return (formatBytes(row.memoryMetrics.usedOffHeapStorageMemory, type) + ' / ' + formatBytes(row.memoryMetrics.totalOffHeapStorageMemory, type)); } }, { data: function (row, type) { var peakMemoryMetrics = row.peakMemoryMetrics; if (typeof peakMemoryMetrics !== 'undefined') { if (type !== 'display') return peakMemoryMetrics.JVMHeapMemory; else return (formatBytes(peakMemoryMetrics.JVMHeapMemory, type) + ' / ' + formatBytes(peakMemoryMetrics.JVMOffHeapMemory, type)); } else { if (type !== 'display') { return 0; } else { return '0.0 B / 0.0 B'; } } } }, { data: function (row, type) { var peakMemoryMetrics = row.peakMemoryMetrics; if (typeof peakMemoryMetrics !== 'undefined') { if (type !== 'display') return peakMemoryMetrics.OnHeapExecutionMemory; else return (formatBytes(peakMemoryMetrics.OnHeapExecutionMemory, type) + ' / ' + formatBytes(peakMemoryMetrics.OffHeapExecutionMemory, type)); } else { if (type !== 'display') { return 0; } else { return '0.0 B / 0.0 B'; } } } }, { data: function (row, type) { var peakMemoryMetrics = row.peakMemoryMetrics; if (typeof peakMemoryMetrics !== 'undefined') { if (type !== 'display') return peakMemoryMetrics.OnHeapStorageMemory; else return (formatBytes(peakMemoryMetrics.OnHeapStorageMemory, type) + ' / ' + formatBytes(peakMemoryMetrics.OffHeapStorageMemory, type)); } else { if (type !== 'display') { return 0; } else { return '0.0 B / 0.0 B'; } } } }, { data: function (row, type) { var peakMemoryMetrics = row.peakMemoryMetrics; if (typeof peakMemoryMetrics !== 'undefined') { if (type !== 'display') return peakMemoryMetrics.DirectPoolMemory; else return (formatBytes(peakMemoryMetrics.DirectPoolMemory, type) + ' / ' + formatBytes(peakMemoryMetrics.MappedPoolMemory, type)); } else { if (type !== 'display') { return 0; } else { return '0.0 B / 0.0 B'; } } } }, {data: 'diskUsed', render: formatBytes}, {data: 'totalCores'}, {name: 'resourcesCol', data: 'resources', render: formatResourceCells, orderable: false}, {name: 'resourceProfileIdCol', data: 'resourceProfileId'}, { data: 'activeTasks', "fnCreatedCell": function (nTd, sData, oData, iRow, iCol) { if (sData > 0) { $(nTd).css('color', 'white'); $(nTd).css('background', activeTasksStyle(oData.activeTasks, oData.maxTasks)); } } }, { data: 'failedTasks', "fnCreatedCell": function (nTd, sData, oData, iRow, iCol) { if (sData > 0) { $(nTd).css('color', 'white'); $(nTd).css('background', failedTasksStyle(oData.failedTasks, oData.totalTasks)); } } }, {data: 'completedTasks'}, {data: 'totalTasks'}, { data: function (row, type) { return type === 'display' ? (formatDuration(row.totalDuration) + ' (' + formatDuration(row.totalGCTime) + ')') : row.totalDuration }, "fnCreatedCell": function (nTd, sData, oData, iRow, iCol) { if (oData.totalDuration > 0) { $(nTd).css('color', totalDurationColor(oData.totalGCTime, oData.totalDuration)); $(nTd).css('background', totalDurationStyle(oData.totalGCTime, oData.totalDuration)); } } }, {data: 'totalInputBytes', render: formatBytes}, {data: 'totalShuffleRead', render: formatBytes}, {data: 'totalShuffleWrite', render: formatBytes}, {name: 'executorLogsCol', data: 'executorLogs', render: formatLogsCells}, { name: 'threadDumpCol', data: 'id', render: function (data, type) { return type === 'display' ? ("Thread Dump" ) : data; } } ], "order": [[0, "asc"]], "columnDefs": [ {"visible": false, "targets": 5}, {"visible": false, "targets": 6}, {"visible": false, "targets": 7}, {"visible": false, "targets": 8}, {"visible": false, "targets": 9}, {"visible": false, "targets": 10}, {"visible": false, "targets": 13}, {"visible": false, "targets": 14} ], "deferRender": true }; execDataTable = $(selector).DataTable(conf); execDataTable.column('executorLogsCol:name').visible(logsExist(response)); execDataTable.column('threadDumpCol:name').visible(getThreadDumpEnabled()); $('#active-executors [data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip(); var sumSelector = "#summary-execs-table"; var sumConf = { "data": [activeSummary, deadSummary, totalSummary], "columns": [ { data: 'execCnt', "fnCreatedCell": function (nTd, sData, oData, iRow, iCol) { $(nTd).css('font-weight', 'bold'); } }, {data: 'allRDDBlocks'}, { data: function (row, type) { if (type !== 'display') return row.allMemoryUsed else return (formatBytes(row.allMemoryUsed, type) + ' / ' + formatBytes(row.allMaxMemory, type)); } }, { data: function (row, type) { if (type !== 'display') return row.allOnHeapMemoryUsed; else return (formatBytes(row.allOnHeapMemoryUsed, type) + ' / ' + formatBytes(row.allOnHeapMaxMemory, type)); } }, { data: function (row, type) { if (type !== 'display') return row.allOffHeapMemoryUsed; else return (formatBytes(row.allOffHeapMemoryUsed, type) + ' / ' + formatBytes(row.allOffHeapMaxMemory, type)); } }, {data: 'allDiskUsed', render: formatBytes}, {data: 'allTotalCores'}, { data: 'allActiveTasks', "fnCreatedCell": function (nTd, sData, oData, iRow, iCol) { if (sData > 0) { $(nTd).css('color', 'white'); $(nTd).css('background', activeTasksStyle(oData.allActiveTasks, oData.allMaxTasks)); } } }, { data: 'allFailedTasks', "fnCreatedCell": function (nTd, sData, oData, iRow, iCol) { if (sData > 0) { $(nTd).css('color', 'white'); $(nTd).css('background', failedTasksStyle(oData.allFailedTasks, oData.allTotalTasks)); } } }, {data: 'allCompletedTasks'}, {data: 'allTotalTasks'}, { data: function (row, type) { return type === 'display' ? (formatDuration(row.allTotalDuration) + ' (' + formatDuration(row.allTotalGCTime) + ')') : row.allTotalDuration }, "fnCreatedCell": function (nTd, sData, oData, iRow, iCol) { if (oData.allTotalDuration > 0) { $(nTd).css('color', totalDurationColor(oData.allTotalGCTime, oData.allTotalDuration)); $(nTd).css('background', totalDurationStyle(oData.allTotalGCTime, oData.allTotalDuration)); } } }, {data: 'allTotalInputBytes', render: formatBytes}, {data: 'allTotalShuffleRead', render: formatBytes}, {data: 'allTotalShuffleWrite', render: formatBytes}, {data: 'allTotalExcluded'} ], "paging": false, "searching": false, "info": false, "columnDefs": [ {"visible": false, "targets": 3}, {"visible": false, "targets": 4} ] }; sumDataTable = $(sumSelector).DataTable(sumConf); $('#execSummary [data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip(); $("#showAdditionalMetrics").append( "
" + "" + "Show Additional Metrics" + "
" + "
" + "
Select All
" + "
On Heap Memory
" + "
Off Heap Memory
" + "
Peak JVM Memory OnHeap / OffHeap
" + "
Peak Execution Memory OnHeap / OffHeap
" + "
Peak Storage Memory OnHeap / OffHeap
" + "
Peak Pool Memory Direct / Mapped
" + "
" + "
Resource Profile Id
" + "
"); reselectCheckboxesBasedOnTaskTableState(); $("#additionalMetrics").click(function() { $("#arrowtoggle-optional-metrics").toggleClass("arrow-open arrow-closed"); $("#toggle-metrics").toggleClass("d-none"); if (window.localStorage) { window.localStorage.setItem("arrowtoggle-optional-metrics-class", $("#arrowtoggle-optional-metrics").attr('class')); } }); $(".toggle-vis").on("click", function() { var thisBox = $(this); if ("#select-all-box")) { var sumColumn = sumDataTable.columns(sumOptionalColumns); var execColumn = execDataTable.columns(execOptionalColumns); if (":checked")) { $(".toggle-vis").prop("checked", true); sumColumn.visible(true); execColumn.visible(true); } else { $(".toggle-vis").prop("checked", false); sumColumn.visible(false); execColumn.visible(false); } } else { var execColIdx = thisBox.attr("data-exec-col-idx"); var execCol = execDataTable.column(execColIdx); execCol.visible(!execCol.visible()); var sumColIdx = thisBox.attr("data-sum-col-idx"); if (sumColIdx) { var sumCol = sumDataTable.column(sumColIdx); sumCol.visible(!sumCol.visible()); } } }); if (window.localStorage) { if (window.localStorage.getItem("arrowtoggle-optional-metrics-class") != null && window.localStorage.getItem("arrowtoggle-optional-metrics-class").includes("arrow-open")) { $("#arrowtoggle-optional-metrics").toggleClass("arrow-open arrow-closed"); $("#toggle-metrics").toggleClass("d-none"); } } }); }); }); });

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