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org.apache.spark.ui.static.stagepage.js Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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Loading Stage Page...

'}); } }); $.extend( $.fn.dataTable.ext.type.order, { "duration-pre": ConvertDurationString, "duration-asc": function ( a, b ) { a = ConvertDurationString( a ); b = ConvertDurationString( b ); return ((a < b) ? -1 : ((a > b) ? 1 : 0)); }, "duration-desc": function ( a, b ) { a = ConvertDurationString( a ); b = ConvertDurationString( b ); return ((a < b) ? 1 : ((a > b) ? -1 : 0)); }, "size-pre": function (data) { var floatValue = parseFloat(data) return isNaN(floatValue) ? 0 : floatValue; }, "size-asc": function (a, b) { a = parseFloat(a); b = parseFloat(b); return ((a < b) ? -1 : ((a > b) ? 1 : 0)); }, "size-desc": function (a, b) { a = parseFloat(a); b = parseFloat(b); return ((a < b) ? 1 : ((a > b) ? -1 : 0)); } } ); // This function will only parse the URL under certain format // e.g. (history) https://domain:50509/history/application_1536254569791_3806251/1/stages/stage/?id=4&attempt=1 // e.g. (proxy) https://domain:50505/proxy/application_1502220952225_59143/stages/stage?id=4&attempt=1 function stageEndPoint(appId) { var queryString = document.baseURI.split('?'); var words = document.baseURI.split('/'); var indexOfProxy = words.indexOf("proxy"); var stageId = queryString[1].split("&").filter(word => word.includes("id="))[0].split("=")[1]; if (indexOfProxy > 0) { var appId = words[indexOfProxy + 1]; var newBaseURI = words.slice(0, words.indexOf("proxy") + 2).join('/'); return newBaseURI + "/api/v1/applications/" + appId + "/stages/" + stageId; } var indexOfHistory = words.indexOf("history"); if (indexOfHistory > 0) { var appId = words[indexOfHistory + 1]; var appAttemptId = words[indexOfHistory + 2]; var newBaseURI = words.slice(0, words.indexOf("history")).join('/'); if (isNaN(appAttemptId) || appAttemptId == "0") { return newBaseURI + "/api/v1/applications/" + appId + "/stages/" + stageId; } else { return newBaseURI + "/api/v1/applications/" + appId + "/" + appAttemptId + "/stages/" + stageId; } } return uiRoot + "/api/v1/applications/" + appId + "/stages/" + stageId; } function getColumnNameForTaskMetricSummary(columnKey) { switch(columnKey) { case "executorRunTime": return "Duration"; case "jvmGcTime": return "GC Time"; case "gettingResultTime": return "Getting Result Time"; case "inputMetrics": return "Input Size / Records"; case "outputMetrics": return "Output Size / Records"; case "peakExecutionMemory": return "Peak Execution Memory"; case "resultSerializationTime": return "Result Serialization Time"; case "schedulerDelay": return "Scheduler Delay"; case "diskBytesSpilled": return "Spill (disk)"; case "memoryBytesSpilled": return "Spill (memory)"; case "shuffleReadMetrics": return "Shuffle Read Size / Records"; case "shuffleWriteMetrics": return "Shuffle Write Size / Records"; case "executorDeserializeTime": return "Task Deserialization Time"; case "shuffleReadBlockedTime": return "Shuffle Read Blocked Time"; case "shuffleRemoteReads": return "Shuffle Remote Reads"; case "shuffleWriteTime": return "Shuffle Write Time"; default: return "NA"; } } function displayRowsForSummaryMetricsTable(row, type, columnIndex) { switch(row.columnKey) { case 'inputMetrics': var str = formatBytes([columnIndex], type) + " / " +[columnIndex]; return str; case 'outputMetrics': var str = formatBytes([columnIndex], type) + " / " +[columnIndex]; return str; case 'shuffleReadMetrics': var str = formatBytes([columnIndex], type) + " / " +[columnIndex]; return str; case 'shuffleReadBlockedTime': var str = formatDuration([columnIndex]); return str; case 'shuffleRemoteReads': var str = formatBytes([columnIndex], type); return str; case 'shuffleWriteMetrics': var str = formatBytes([columnIndex], type) + " / " +[columnIndex]; return str; case 'shuffleWriteTime': var str = formatDuration([columnIndex] / 1000000.0); return str; default: return (row.columnKey == 'peakExecutionMemory' || row.columnKey == 'memoryBytesSpilled' || row.columnKey == 'diskBytesSpilled') ? formatBytes([columnIndex], type) : (formatDuration([columnIndex])); } } function createDataTableForTaskSummaryMetricsTable(taskSummaryMetricsTable) { var taskMetricsTable = "#summary-metrics-table"; if ($.fn.dataTable.isDataTable(taskMetricsTable)) { taskSummaryMetricsDataTable.clear().draw(); taskSummaryMetricsDataTable.rows.add(taskSummaryMetricsTable).draw(); } else { var taskConf = { "data": taskSummaryMetricsTable, "columns": [ {data : 'metric'}, // Min { data: function (row, type) { return displayRowsForSummaryMetricsTable(row, type, 0); } }, // 25th percentile { data: function (row, type) { return displayRowsForSummaryMetricsTable(row, type, 1); } }, // Median { data: function (row, type) { return displayRowsForSummaryMetricsTable(row, type, 2); } }, // 75th percentile { data: function (row, type) { return displayRowsForSummaryMetricsTable(row, type, 3); } }, // Max { data: function (row, type) { return displayRowsForSummaryMetricsTable(row, type, 4); } } ], "columnDefs": [ { "type": "duration", "targets": 1 }, { "type": "duration", "targets": 2 }, { "type": "duration", "targets": 3 }, { "type": "duration", "targets": 4 }, { "type": "duration", "targets": 5 } ], "paging": false, "searching": false, "order": [[0, "asc"]], "bSort": false, "bAutoWidth": false, "oLanguage": { "sEmptyTable": "No tasks have reported metrics yet" } }; taskSummaryMetricsDataTable = $(taskMetricsTable).DataTable(taskConf); } taskSummaryMetricsTableCurrentStateArray = taskSummaryMetricsTable.slice(); } function createRowMetadataForColumn(colKey, data, checkboxId) { var row = { "metric": getColumnNameForTaskMetricSummary(colKey), "data": data, "checkboxId": checkboxId, "columnKey": colKey }; return row; } function reselectCheckboxesBasedOnTaskTableState() { var taskSummaryHasSelected = false; var executorSummaryHasSelected = false; var allTaskSummaryChecked = true; var allExecutorSummaryChecked = true; var taskSummaryMetricsTableCurrentFilteredArray = taskSummaryMetricsTableCurrentStateArray.slice(); if (typeof taskTableSelector !== 'undefined' && taskSummaryMetricsTableCurrentStateArray.length > 0) { for (var k = 0; k < optionalColumns.length; k++) { if (taskTableSelector.column(optionalColumns[k]).visible()) { taskSummaryHasSelected = true; $("#box-"+optionalColumns[k]).prop('checked', true); taskSummaryMetricsTableCurrentStateArray.push(taskSummaryMetricsTableArray.filter(row => (row.checkboxId).toString() == optionalColumns[k])[0]); taskSummaryMetricsTableCurrentFilteredArray = taskSummaryMetricsTableCurrentStateArray.slice(); } else { allTaskSummaryChecked = false; } } createDataTableForTaskSummaryMetricsTable(taskSummaryMetricsTableCurrentFilteredArray); } if (typeof executorSummaryTableSelector !== 'undefined') { for (var k = 0; k < executorOptionalColumns.length; k++) { if (executorSummaryTableSelector.column(executorOptionalColumns[k]).visible()) { executorSummaryHasSelected = true; $("#executor-box-"+executorOptionalColumns[k]).prop('checked', true); } else { allExecutorSummaryChecked = false; } } } if ((taskSummaryHasSelected || executorSummaryHasSelected) && allTaskSummaryChecked && allExecutorSummaryChecked) { $("#box-0").prop('checked', true); } } function getStageAttemptId() { var words = document.baseURI.split('?'); var digitsRegex = /[0-9]+/; // We are using regex here to extract the stage attempt id as there might be certain url's with format // like /proxy/application_1539986433979_27115/stages/stage/?id=0&attempt=0#tasksTitle var stgAttemptId = words[1].split("&").filter( word => word.includes("attempt="))[0].split("=")[1].match(digitsRegex); return stgAttemptId; } var taskSummaryMetricsTableArray = []; var taskSummaryMetricsTableCurrentStateArray = []; var taskSummaryMetricsDataTable; var optionalColumns = [11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 21]; var taskTableSelector; var executorOptionalColumns = [15, 16, 17, 18]; var executorSummaryTableSelector; $(document).ready(function () { setDataTableDefaults(); $("#showAdditionalMetrics").append( "
" + "" + " Show Additional Metrics" + "
" + "
" + "
Select All
" + "
Scheduler Delay
" + "
Task Deserialization Time
" + "
Shuffle Read Blocked Time
" + "
Shuffle Remote Reads
" + "
Shuffle Write Time
" + "
Result Serialization Time
" + "
Getting Result Time
" + "
Peak Execution Memory
" + "
Peak JVM Memory OnHeap / OffHeap
" + "
Peak Execution Memory OnHeap / OffHeap
" + "
Peak Storage Memory OnHeap / OffHeap
" + "
Peak Pool Memory Direct / Mapped
" + "
"); $('#scheduler_delay').attr("data-toggle", "tooltip") .attr("data-placement", "top") .attr("title", "Scheduler delay includes time to ship the task from the scheduler to the executor, and time to send " + "the task result from the executor to the scheduler. If scheduler delay is large, consider decreasing the size of tasks or decreasing the size of task results."); $('#task_deserialization_time').attr("data-toggle", "tooltip") .attr("data-placement", "top") .attr("title", "Time spent deserializing the task closure on the executor, including the time to read the broadcasted task."); $('#shuffle_read_blocked_time').attr("data-toggle", "tooltip") .attr("data-placement", "top") .attr("title", "Time that the task spent blocked waiting for shuffle data to be read from remote machines."); $('#shuffle_remote_reads').attr("data-toggle", "tooltip") .attr("data-placement", "top") .attr("title", "Total shuffle bytes read from remote executors. This is a subset of the shuffle read bytes; the remaining shuffle data is read locally. "); $('#shuffle_write_time').attr("data-toggle", "tooltip") .attr("data-placement", "top") .attr("title", "Time that the task spent writing shuffle data."); $('#result_serialization_time').attr("data-toggle", "tooltip") .attr("data-placement", "top") .attr("title", "Time spent serializing the task result on the executor before sending it back to the driver."); $('#getting_result_time').attr("data-toggle", "tooltip") .attr("data-placement", "top") .attr("title", "Time that the driver spends fetching task results from workers. If this is large, consider decreasing the amount of data returned from each task."); $('#peak_execution_memory').attr("data-toggle", "tooltip") .attr("data-placement", "top") .attr("title", "Execution memory refers to the memory used by internal data structures created during " + "shuffles, aggregations and joins when Tungsten is enabled. The value of this accumulator " + "should be approximately the sum of the peak sizes across all such data structures created " + "in this task. For SQL jobs, this only tracks all unsafe operators, broadcast joins, and " + "external sort."); $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip(); var tasksSummary = $("#parent-container"); getStandAloneAppId(function (appId) { // rendering the UI page $.get(createTemplateURI(appId, "stagespage"), function(template) { tasksSummary.append(Mustache.render($(template).filter("#stages-summary-template").html())); $("#additionalMetrics").click(function(){ $("#arrowtoggle1").toggleClass("arrow-open arrow-closed"); $("#toggle-metrics").toggleClass("d-none"); if (window.localStorage) { window.localStorage.setItem("arrowtoggle1class", $("#arrowtoggle1").attr('class')); } }); $("#aggregatedMetrics").click(function(){ $("#arrowtoggle2").toggleClass("arrow-open arrow-closed"); $("#toggle-aggregatedMetrics").toggleClass("d-none"); if (window.localStorage) { window.localStorage.setItem("arrowtoggle2class", $("#arrowtoggle2").attr('class')); } }); var endPoint = stageEndPoint(appId); var stageAttemptId = getStageAttemptId(); $.getJSON(endPoint + "/" + stageAttemptId, function(response, status, jqXHR) { var responseBody = response; var dataToShow = {}; dataToShow.showInputData = responseBody.inputBytes > 0; dataToShow.showOutputData = responseBody.outputBytes > 0; dataToShow.showShuffleReadData = responseBody.shuffleReadBytes > 0; dataToShow.showShuffleWriteData = responseBody.shuffleWriteBytes > 0; dataToShow.showBytesSpilledData = (responseBody.diskBytesSpilled > 0 || responseBody.memoryBytesSpilled > 0); var columnIndicesToRemove = []; if (!dataToShow.showShuffleReadData) { $('#shuffle_read_blocked_time').remove(); $('#shuffle_remote_reads').remove(); columnIndicesToRemove.push(2); columnIndicesToRemove.push(3); } if (!dataToShow.showShuffleWriteData) { $('#shuffle_write_time').remove(); columnIndicesToRemove.push(7); } if (columnIndicesToRemove.length > 0) { columnIndicesToRemove.sort(function(a, b) { return b - a; }); columnIndicesToRemove.forEach(function(idx) { optionalColumns.splice(idx, 1); }); } // prepare data for executor summary table var stageExecutorSummaryInfoKeys = Object.keys(responseBody.executorSummary); $.getJSON(createRESTEndPointForExecutorsPage(appId), function(executorSummaryResponse, status, jqXHR) { var executorDetailsMap = {}; executorSummaryResponse.forEach(function (executorDetail) { executorDetailsMap[] = executorDetail; }); var executorSummaryTable = []; stageExecutorSummaryInfoKeys.forEach(function (columnKeyIndex) { var executorSummary = responseBody.executorSummary[columnKeyIndex]; var executorDetail = executorDetailsMap[columnKeyIndex.toString()]; = columnKeyIndex; executorSummary.executorLogs = {}; executorSummary.hostPort = "CANNOT FIND ADDRESS"; if (executorDetail) { if (executorDetail["executorLogs"]) { responseBody.executorSummary[columnKeyIndex].executorLogs = executorDetail["executorLogs"]; } if (executorDetail["hostPort"]) { responseBody.executorSummary[columnKeyIndex].hostPort = executorDetail["hostPort"]; } } executorSummaryTable.push(responseBody.executorSummary[columnKeyIndex]); }); // building task aggregated metrics by executor table var executorSummaryConf = { "data": executorSummaryTable, "columns": [ {data : "id"}, {data : "executorLogs", render: formatLogsCells}, {data : "hostPort"}, { data : function (row, type) { return type === 'display' ? formatDuration(row.taskTime) : row.taskTime; } }, { data : function (row, type) { var totaltasks = row.succeededTasks + row.failedTasks + row.killedTasks; return type === 'display' ? totaltasks : totaltasks.toString(); } }, {data : "failedTasks"}, {data : "killedTasks"}, {data : "succeededTasks"}, {data : "isExcludedForStage"}, { data : function (row, type) { return row.inputRecords != 0 ? formatBytes(row.inputBytes, type) + " / " + row.inputRecords : ""; } }, { data : function (row, type) { return row.outputRecords != 0 ? formatBytes(row.outputBytes, type) + " / " + row.outputRecords : ""; } }, { data : function (row, type) { return row.shuffleReadRecords != 0 ? formatBytes(row.shuffleRead, type) + " / " + row.shuffleReadRecords : ""; } }, { data : function (row, type) { return row.shuffleWriteRecords != 0 ? formatBytes(row.shuffleWrite, type) + " / " + row.shuffleWriteRecords : ""; } }, { data : function (row, type) { return typeof row.memoryBytesSpilled != 'undefined' ? formatBytes(row.memoryBytesSpilled, type) : ""; } }, { data : function (row, type) { return typeof row.diskBytesSpilled != 'undefined' ? formatBytes(row.diskBytesSpilled, type) : ""; } }, { data : function (row, type) { var peakMemoryMetrics = row.peakMemoryMetrics; if (typeof peakMemoryMetrics !== 'undefined') { if (type !== 'display') return peakMemoryMetrics.JVMHeapMemory; else return (formatBytes(peakMemoryMetrics.JVMHeapMemory, type) + ' / ' + formatBytes(peakMemoryMetrics.JVMOffHeapMemory, type)); } else { if (type !== 'display') { return 0; } else { return '0.0 B / 0.0 B'; } } } }, { data : function (row, type) { var peakMemoryMetrics = row.peakMemoryMetrics if (typeof peakMemoryMetrics !== 'undefined') { if (type !== 'display') return peakMemoryMetrics.OnHeapExecutionMemory; else return (formatBytes(peakMemoryMetrics.OnHeapExecutionMemory, type) + ' / ' + formatBytes(peakMemoryMetrics.OffHeapExecutionMemory, type)); } else { if (type !== 'display') { return 0; } else { return '0.0 B / 0.0 B'; } } } }, { data : function (row, type) { var peakMemoryMetrics = row.peakMemoryMetrics if (typeof peakMemoryMetrics !== 'undefined') { if (type !== 'display') return peakMemoryMetrics.OnHeapStorageMemory; else return (formatBytes(peakMemoryMetrics.OnHeapStorageMemory, type) + ' / ' + formatBytes(peakMemoryMetrics.OffHeapStorageMemory, type)); } else { if (type !== 'display') { return 0; } else { return '0.0 B / 0.0 B'; } } } }, { data : function (row, type) { var peakMemoryMetrics = row.peakMemoryMetrics if (typeof peakMemoryMetrics !== 'undefined') { if (type !== 'display') return peakMemoryMetrics.DirectPoolMemory; else return (formatBytes(peakMemoryMetrics.DirectPoolMemory, type) + ' / ' + formatBytes(peakMemoryMetrics.MappedPoolMemory, type)); } else { if (type !== 'display') { return 0; } else { return '0.0 B / 0.0 B'; } } } } ], "columnDefs": [ // SPARK-35087 [type:size] means String with structures like : 'size / records', // they should be sorted as numerical-order instead of lexicographical-order by default. // The targets: $id represents column id which comes from stagespage-template.html // #summary-executor-table.If the relative position of the columns in the table // #summary-executor-table has changed,please be careful to adjust the column index here // Input Size / Records {"type": "size", "targets": 9}, // Output Size / Records {"type": "size", "targets": 10}, // Shuffle Read Size / Records {"type": "size", "targets": 11}, // Shuffle Write Size / Records {"type": "size", "targets": 12}, // Peak JVM Memory OnHeap / OffHeap {"visible": false, "targets": 15}, // Peak Execution Memory OnHeap / OffHeap {"visible": false, "targets": 16}, // Peak Storage Memory OnHeap / OffHeap {"visible": false, "targets": 17}, // Peak Pool Memory Direct / Mapped {"visible": false, "targets": 18} ], "deferRender": true, "order": [[0, "asc"]], "bAutoWidth": false, "oLanguage": { "sEmptyTable": "No data to show yet" } }; executorSummaryTableSelector = $("#summary-executor-table").DataTable(executorSummaryConf); $('#parent-container [data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip(); executorSummaryTableSelector.column(9).visible(dataToShow.showInputData); if (dataToShow.showInputData) { $('#executor-summary-input').attr("data-toggle", "tooltip") .attr("data-placement", "top") .attr("title", "Bytes and records read from Hadoop or from Spark storage."); $('#executor-summary-input').tooltip(true); } executorSummaryTableSelector.column(10).visible(dataToShow.showOutputData); if (dataToShow.showOutputData) { $('#executor-summary-output').attr("data-toggle", "tooltip") .attr("data-placement", "top") .attr("title", "Bytes and records written to Hadoop."); $('#executor-summary-output').tooltip(true); } executorSummaryTableSelector.column(11).visible(dataToShow.showShuffleReadData); if (dataToShow.showShuffleReadData) { $('#executor-summary-shuffle-read').attr("data-toggle", "tooltip") .attr("data-placement", "top") .attr("title", "Total shuffle bytes and records read (includes both data read locally and data read from remote executors)."); $('#executor-summary-shuffle-read').tooltip(true); } executorSummaryTableSelector.column(12).visible(dataToShow.showShuffleWriteData); if (dataToShow.showShuffleWriteData) { $('#executor-summary-shuffle-write').attr("data-toggle", "tooltip") .attr("data-placement", "top") .attr("title", "Bytes and records written to disk in order to be read by a shuffle in a future stage."); $('#executor-summary-shuffle-write').tooltip(true); } executorSummaryTableSelector.column(13).visible(dataToShow.showBytesSpilledData); executorSummaryTableSelector.column(14).visible(dataToShow.showBytesSpilledData); }); // prepare data for accumulatorUpdates var accumulatorTable = responseBody.accumulatorUpdates.filter(accumUpdate => !("internal.")); var quantiles = "0,0.25,0.5,0.75,1.0"; $.getJSON(endPoint + "/" + stageAttemptId + "/taskSummary?quantiles=" + quantiles, function(taskMetricsResponse, status, jqXHR) { var taskMetricKeys = Object.keys(taskMetricsResponse); taskMetricKeys.forEach(function (columnKey) { switch(columnKey) { case "shuffleReadMetrics": var row1 = createRowMetadataForColumn( columnKey, taskMetricsResponse[columnKey], 3); var row2 = createRowMetadataForColumn( "shuffleReadBlockedTime", taskMetricsResponse[columnKey], 13); var row3 = createRowMetadataForColumn( "shuffleRemoteReads", taskMetricsResponse[columnKey], 14); if (dataToShow.showShuffleReadData) { taskSummaryMetricsTableArray.push(row1); taskSummaryMetricsTableArray.push(row2); taskSummaryMetricsTableArray.push(row3); } break; case "schedulerDelay": var row = createRowMetadataForColumn( columnKey, taskMetricsResponse[columnKey], 11); taskSummaryMetricsTableArray.push(row); break; case "executorDeserializeTime": var row = createRowMetadataForColumn( columnKey, taskMetricsResponse[columnKey], 12); taskSummaryMetricsTableArray.push(row); break; case "resultSerializationTime": var row = createRowMetadataForColumn( columnKey, taskMetricsResponse[columnKey], 15); taskSummaryMetricsTableArray.push(row); break; case "gettingResultTime": var row = createRowMetadataForColumn( columnKey, taskMetricsResponse[columnKey], 16); taskSummaryMetricsTableArray.push(row); break; case "peakExecutionMemory": var row = createRowMetadataForColumn( columnKey, taskMetricsResponse[columnKey], 17); taskSummaryMetricsTableArray.push(row); break; case "inputMetrics": var row = createRowMetadataForColumn( columnKey, taskMetricsResponse[columnKey], 1); if (dataToShow.showInputData) { taskSummaryMetricsTableArray.push(row); } break; case "outputMetrics": var row = createRowMetadataForColumn( columnKey, taskMetricsResponse[columnKey], 2); if (dataToShow.showOutputData) { taskSummaryMetricsTableArray.push(row); } break; case "shuffleWriteMetrics": var row1 = createRowMetadataForColumn( columnKey, taskMetricsResponse[columnKey], 4); var row2 = createRowMetadataForColumn( "shuffleWriteTime", taskMetricsResponse[columnKey], 21); if (dataToShow.showShuffleWriteData) { taskSummaryMetricsTableArray.push(row1); taskSummaryMetricsTableArray.push(row2); } break; case "diskBytesSpilled": var row = createRowMetadataForColumn( columnKey, taskMetricsResponse[columnKey], 5); if (dataToShow.showBytesSpilledData) { taskSummaryMetricsTableArray.push(row); } break; case "memoryBytesSpilled": var row = createRowMetadataForColumn( columnKey, taskMetricsResponse[columnKey], 6); if (dataToShow.showBytesSpilledData) { taskSummaryMetricsTableArray.push(row); } break; default: if (getColumnNameForTaskMetricSummary(columnKey) != "NA") { var row = createRowMetadataForColumn( columnKey, taskMetricsResponse[columnKey], 0); taskSummaryMetricsTableArray.push(row); } break; } }); var taskSummaryMetricsTableFilteredArray = taskSummaryMetricsTableArray.filter(row => row.checkboxId < 11); taskSummaryMetricsTableCurrentStateArray = taskSummaryMetricsTableFilteredArray.slice(); reselectCheckboxesBasedOnTaskTableState(); }); // building accumulator update table var accumulatorConf = { "data": accumulatorTable, "columns": [ {data : "id"}, {data : "name"}, {data : "value"} ], "paging": false, "searching": false, "order": [[0, "asc"]], "bAutoWidth": false }; $("#accumulator-table").DataTable(accumulatorConf); // building tasks table that uses server side functionality var totalTasksToShow = responseBody.numCompleteTasks + responseBody.numActiveTasks + responseBody.numKilledTasks + responseBody.numFailedTasks; var taskTable = "#active-tasks-table"; var taskConf = { "serverSide": true, "paging": true, "info": true, "processing": true, "lengthMenu": [[20, 40, 60, 100, -1], [20, 40, 60, 100, "All"]], "orderMulti": false, "bAutoWidth": false, "ajax": { "url": endPoint + "/" + stageAttemptId + "/taskTable", "data": function (data) { var columnIndexToSort = 0; var columnNameToSort = "Index"; if (data.order[0].column && data.order[0].column != "") { columnIndexToSort = parseInt(data.order[0].column); columnNameToSort = data.columns[columnIndexToSort].name; } delete data.columns; data.numTasks = totalTasksToShow; data.columnIndexToSort = columnIndexToSort; data.columnNameToSort = columnNameToSort; if (data.length === -1) { data.length = totalTasksToShow; } }, "dataSrc": function (jsons) { var jsonStr = JSON.stringify(jsons); var tasksToShow = JSON.parse(jsonStr); return tasksToShow.aaData; }, "error": function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { alert("Unable to connect to the server. Looks like the Spark " + "application must have ended. Please Switch to the history UI."); $("#active-tasks-table_processing").css("display","none"); } }, "columns": [ {data: function (row, type) { return type !== 'display' ? (isNaN(row.index) ? 0 : row.index ) : row.index; }, name: "Index" }, {data : "taskId", name: "ID"}, {data : "attempt", name: "Attempt"}, {data : "status", name: "Status"}, {data : "taskLocality", name: "Locality Level"}, {data : "executorId", name: "Executor ID"}, {data : "host", name: "Host"}, {data : "executorLogs", name: "Logs", render: formatLogsCells}, {data : "launchTime", name: "Launch Time", render: formatDate}, { data : function (row, type) { if (row.taskMetrics && row.taskMetrics.executorRunTime) { return type === 'display' ? formatDuration(row.taskMetrics.executorRunTime) : row.taskMetrics.executorRunTime; } else { return ""; } }, name: "Duration" }, { data : function (row, type) { if (row.taskMetrics && row.taskMetrics.jvmGcTime) { return type === 'display' ? formatDuration(row.taskMetrics.jvmGcTime) : row.taskMetrics.jvmGcTime; } else { return ""; } }, name: "GC Time" }, { data : function (row, type) { if (row.schedulerDelay) { return type === 'display' ? formatDuration(row.schedulerDelay) : row.schedulerDelay; } else { return ""; } }, name: "Scheduler Delay" }, { data : function (row, type) { if (row.taskMetrics && row.taskMetrics.executorDeserializeTime) { return type === 'display' ? formatDuration(row.taskMetrics.executorDeserializeTime) : row.taskMetrics.executorDeserializeTime; } else { return ""; } }, name: "Task Deserialization Time" }, { data : function (row, type) { if (row.taskMetrics && row.taskMetrics.shuffleReadMetrics) { return type === 'display' ? formatDuration(row.taskMetrics.shuffleReadMetrics.fetchWaitTime) : row.taskMetrics.shuffleReadMetrics.fetchWaitTime; } else { return ""; } }, name: "Shuffle Read Blocked Time" }, { data : function (row, type) { if (row.taskMetrics && row.taskMetrics.shuffleReadMetrics) { return type === 'display' ? formatBytes(row.taskMetrics.shuffleReadMetrics.remoteBytesRead, type) : row.taskMetrics.shuffleReadMetrics.remoteBytesRead; } else { return ""; } }, name: "Shuffle Remote Reads" }, { data : function (row, type) { if (row.taskMetrics && row.taskMetrics.resultSerializationTime) { return type === 'display' ? formatDuration(row.taskMetrics.resultSerializationTime) : row.taskMetrics.resultSerializationTime; } else { return ""; } }, name: "Result Serialization Time" }, { data : function (row, type) { if (row.gettingResultTime) { return type === 'display' ? formatDuration(row.gettingResultTime) : row.gettingResultTime; } else { return ""; } }, name: "Getting Result Time" }, { data : function (row, type) { if (row.taskMetrics && row.taskMetrics.peakExecutionMemory) { return type === 'display' ? formatBytes(row.taskMetrics.peakExecutionMemory, type) : row.taskMetrics.peakExecutionMemory; } else { return ""; } }, name: "Peak Execution Memory" }, { data : function (row, type) { if (accumulatorTable.length > 0 && row.accumulatorUpdates.length > 0) { var allAccums = ""; row.accumulatorUpdates.forEach(function(accumulator) { allAccums += + ': ' + accumulator.update + "
"; }); return allAccums; } else { return ""; } }, name: "Accumulators" }, { data : function (row, type) { if (row.taskMetrics && row.taskMetrics.inputMetrics && row.taskMetrics.inputMetrics.bytesRead > 0) { if (type === 'display') { return formatBytes(row.taskMetrics.inputMetrics.bytesRead, type) + " / " + row.taskMetrics.inputMetrics.recordsRead; } else { return row.taskMetrics.inputMetrics.bytesRead + " / " + row.taskMetrics.inputMetrics.recordsRead; } } else { return ""; } }, name: "Input Size / Records" }, { data : function (row, type) { if (row.taskMetrics && row.taskMetrics.outputMetrics && row.taskMetrics.outputMetrics.bytesWritten > 0) { if (type === 'display') { return formatBytes(row.taskMetrics.outputMetrics.bytesWritten, type) + " / " + row.taskMetrics.outputMetrics.recordsWritten; } else { return row.taskMetrics.outputMetrics.bytesWritten + " / " + row.taskMetrics.outputMetrics.recordsWritten; } } else { return ""; } }, name: "Output Size / Records" }, { data : function (row, type) { if (row.taskMetrics && row.taskMetrics.shuffleWriteMetrics && row.taskMetrics.shuffleWriteMetrics.writeTime > 0) { return type === 'display' ? formatDuration(parseInt(row.taskMetrics.shuffleWriteMetrics.writeTime) / 1000000.0) : row.taskMetrics.shuffleWriteMetrics.writeTime; } else { return ""; } }, name: "Shuffle Write Time" }, { data : function (row, type) { if (row.taskMetrics && row.taskMetrics.shuffleWriteMetrics && row.taskMetrics.shuffleWriteMetrics.bytesWritten > 0) { if (type === 'display') { return formatBytes(row.taskMetrics.shuffleWriteMetrics.bytesWritten, type) + " / " + row.taskMetrics.shuffleWriteMetrics.recordsWritten; } else { return row.taskMetrics.shuffleWriteMetrics.bytesWritten + " / " + row.taskMetrics.shuffleWriteMetrics.recordsWritten; } } else { return ""; } }, name: "Shuffle Write Size / Records" }, { data : function (row, type) { if (row.taskMetrics && row.taskMetrics.shuffleReadMetrics && (row.taskMetrics.shuffleReadMetrics.localBytesRead > 0 || row.taskMetrics.shuffleReadMetrics.remoteBytesRead > 0)) { var totalBytesRead = parseInt(row.taskMetrics.shuffleReadMetrics.localBytesRead) + parseInt(row.taskMetrics.shuffleReadMetrics.remoteBytesRead); if (type === 'display') { return formatBytes(totalBytesRead, type) + " / " + row.taskMetrics.shuffleReadMetrics.recordsRead; } else { return totalBytesRead + " / " + row.taskMetrics.shuffleReadMetrics.recordsRead; } } else { return ""; } }, name: "Shuffle Read Size / Records" }, { data : function (row, type) { if (row.taskMetrics && row.taskMetrics.memoryBytesSpilled && row.taskMetrics.memoryBytesSpilled > 0) { return type === 'display' ? formatBytes(row.taskMetrics.memoryBytesSpilled, type) : row.taskMetrics.memoryBytesSpilled; } else { return ""; } }, name: "Spill (Memory)" }, { data : function (row, type) { if (row.taskMetrics && row.taskMetrics.diskBytesSpilled && row.taskMetrics.diskBytesSpilled > 0) { return type === 'display' ? formatBytes(row.taskMetrics.diskBytesSpilled, type) : row.taskMetrics.diskBytesSpilled; } else { return ""; } }, name: "Spill (Disk)" }, { data : function (row, type) { var msg = row.errorMessage; if (typeof msg === 'undefined') { return ""; } else { var indexOfLineSeparator = msg.indexOf("\n"); var formHead = indexOfLineSeparator > 0 ? msg.substring(0, indexOfLineSeparator) : (msg.length > 100 ? msg.substring(0, 100) : msg); var form = "+details"; var formMsg = "
" + row.errorMessage + "
"; return formHead + form + formMsg; } }, name: "Errors" } ], "columnDefs": [ { "visible": false, "targets": 11 }, { "visible": false, "targets": 12 }, { "visible": false, "targets": 13 }, { "visible": false, "targets": 14 }, { "visible": false, "targets": 15 }, { "visible": false, "targets": 16 }, { "visible": false, "targets": 17 }, { "visible": false, "targets": 18 }, { "visible": false, "targets": 21 } ], "deferRender": true }; taskTableSelector = $(taskTable).DataTable(taskConf); $('#active-tasks-table_filter input').unbind(); var searchEvent; $('#active-tasks-table_filter input').bind('keyup', function(e) { if (typeof searchEvent !== 'undefined') { window.clearTimeout(searchEvent); } var value = this.value; searchEvent = window.setTimeout(function(){ value ).draw();}, 500); }); reselectCheckboxesBasedOnTaskTableState(); // hide or show columns dynamically event $('input.toggle-vis').on('click', function(e){ // Get the column var para = $(this).attr('data-column'); if (para == "0") { var allColumns = taskTableSelector.columns(optionalColumns); var executorAllColumns = executorSummaryTableSelector.columns(executorOptionalColumns); if ($(this).is(":checked")) { $(".toggle-vis").prop('checked', true); allColumns.visible(true); executorAllColumns.visible(true); createDataTableForTaskSummaryMetricsTable(taskSummaryMetricsTableArray); } else { $(".toggle-vis").prop('checked', false); allColumns.visible(false); executorAllColumns.visible(false); var taskSummaryMetricsTableFilteredArray = taskSummaryMetricsTableArray.filter(row => row.checkboxId < 11); createDataTableForTaskSummaryMetricsTable(taskSummaryMetricsTableFilteredArray); } } else { var dataMetricsType = $(this).attr("data-metrics-type"); if (dataMetricsType === 'task') { var column = taskTableSelector.column(para); // Toggle the visibility column.visible(!column.visible()); var taskSummaryMetricsTableFilteredArray = []; if ($(this).is(":checked")) { taskSummaryMetricsTableCurrentStateArray.push(taskSummaryMetricsTableArray.filter(row => (row.checkboxId).toString() == para)[0]); taskSummaryMetricsTableFilteredArray = taskSummaryMetricsTableCurrentStateArray.slice(); } else { taskSummaryMetricsTableFilteredArray = taskSummaryMetricsTableCurrentStateArray.filter(row => (row.checkboxId).toString() != para); } createDataTableForTaskSummaryMetricsTable(taskSummaryMetricsTableFilteredArray); } if (dataMetricsType === "executor") { var column = executorSummaryTableSelector.column(para); column.visible(!column.visible()); } } }); // title number and toggle list $("#summaryMetricsTitle").html("Summary Metrics for " + "" + responseBody.numCompleteTasks + " Completed Tasks" + ""); $("#tasksTitle").html("Tasks (" + totalTasksToShow + ")"); // hide or show the accumulate update table if (accumulatorTable.length == 0) { $("#accumulator-update-table").hide(); } else { taskTableSelector.column(18).visible(true); $("#accumulator-update-table").show(); } // Showing relevant stage data depending on stage type for task table and executor // summary table taskTableSelector.column(19).visible(dataToShow.showInputData); taskTableSelector.column(20).visible(dataToShow.showOutputData); taskTableSelector.column(22).visible(dataToShow.showShuffleWriteData); taskTableSelector.column(23).visible(dataToShow.showShuffleReadData); taskTableSelector.column(24).visible(dataToShow.showBytesSpilledData); taskTableSelector.column(25).visible(dataToShow.showBytesSpilledData); if (window.localStorage) { if (window.localStorage.getItem("arrowtoggle1class") !== null && window.localStorage.getItem("arrowtoggle1class").includes("arrow-open")) { $("#arrowtoggle1").toggleClass("arrow-open arrow-closed"); $("#toggle-metrics").toggleClass("d-none"); } if (window.localStorage.getItem("arrowtoggle2class") !== null && window.localStorage.getItem("arrowtoggle2class").includes("arrow-open")) { $("#arrowtoggle2").toggleClass("arrow-open arrow-closed"); $("#toggle-aggregatedMetrics").toggleClass("d-none"); } } }); }); }); });

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