ka.tika-eval.1.28.5.source-code.comparison-reports-pg.xml Maven / Gradle / Ivy
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?> <!-- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. --> <!-- this should be the same as comparison-reports.xml but translated from the H2 dialect to postgres --> <reports> <before> <sql>drop table if exists md5_multiples_tmp_a</sql> <sql>create table md5_multiples_tmp_a (MD5, cnt) as select md5, count(1) as cnt from profiles_a where md5 is not null group by md5 having count(1) > 1 order by cnt desc </sql> <sql>drop table if exists md5_multiples_tmp_b</sql> <sql>create table md5_multiples_tmp_b (MD5, cnt) as select md5, count(1) cnt from profiles_b where md5 is not null group by md5 having count(1) > 1 order by cnt desc </sql> <!-- build mime indexes --> <sql>create index if not exists pa_m_idx on profiles_a (mime_id); </sql> <sql> create index if not exists pb_m_idx on profiles_b (mime_id); </sql> <!-- build exceptions comparison table --> <sql>drop table if exists exceptions_compared</sql> <sql> create table exceptions_compared ( mime_id_a integer, mime_id_b integer, total integer, exc_cnt_a integer, exc_cnt_b integer, exc_prcnt_a float, exc_prcnt_b float, notes varchar(12) ); </sql> <sql> insert into exceptions_compared ( select ma.mime_id, mb.mime_id, count(1) as total, 0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, '' from profiles_a pa join profiles_b pb on pa.id=pb.id join mimes ma on pa.mime_id = ma.mime_id join mimes mb on pb.mime_id = mb.mime_id group by ma.mime_id, mb.mime_id order by total desc ); </sql> <sql> update exceptions_compared ec set exc_cnt_a = ( select count(1) as cnt from exceptions_a ea join profiles_a pa on ea.id=pa.id join profiles_b pb on pb.id=pa.id join mimes ma on pa.mime_id=ma.mime_id join mimes mb on pb.mime_id=mb.mime_id where ma.mime_id= ec.mime_id_a and mb.mime_id=ec.mime_id_b group by ma.mime_id, mb.mime_id); </sql> <sql> update exceptions_compared ec set exc_cnt_b = ( select count(1) as cnt from exceptions_b eb join profiles_b pb on eb.id=pb.id join profiles_a pa on pa.id=pb.id join mimes ma on pa.mime_id=ma.mime_id join mimes mb on pb.mime_id=mb.mime_id where ma.mime_id= ec.mime_id_a and mb.mime_id=ec.mime_id_b group by mb.mime_id, ma.mime_id); </sql> <sql> update exceptions_compared set exc_prcnt_a = cast(exc_cnt_a as decimal)/cast(total as decimal) where total > 0; </sql> <sql> update exceptions_compared set exc_prcnt_b = cast(exc_cnt_b as decimal)/cast(total as decimal) where total > 0; </sql> <sql> update exceptions_compared set notes = 'YAY!' where total > 100 and (exc_prcnt_a-exc_prcnt_b) > 0.10; </sql> <sql> update exceptions_compared set notes = 'YIKES!' where total > 100 and (exc_prcnt_b-exc_prcnt_a) > 0.10; </sql> <!-- build tmp common words table --> <sql>drop table if exists token_counts_compared</sql> <sql> create table token_counts_compared (mime_id_a integer, mime_id_b integer, num_tokens_a bigint default 0, num_tokens_b bigint default 0, num_alphabetic_tokens_a bigint default 0, num_alphabetic_tokens_b bigint default 0, num_common_tokens_a bigint default 0, num_common_tokens_b bigint default 0 ); </sql> <sql> insert into token_counts_compared (mime_id_a, mime_id_b) select ma.mime_id, mb.mime_id from profiles_a a join profiles_b b on a.id=b.id join mimes ma on ma.mime_id=a.mime_id join mimes mb on mb.mime_id=b.mime_id group by ma.mime_id, mb.mime_id </sql> <sql> update token_counts_compared tcc set num_tokens_a=( select sum(num_tokens) as cnt from profiles_a pa join profiles_b pb on pa.id=pb.id join contents_a c on c.id = pa.id where pb.mime_id= tcc.mime_id_b and pa.mime_id=tcc.mime_id_a group by mime_id_a, mime_id_b ); </sql> <sql> update token_counts_compared tcc set num_tokens_b=( select sum(num_tokens) as cnt from profiles_b pb join profiles_a pa on pa.id=pb.id join contents_b c on c.id = pb.id where pb.mime_id= tcc.mime_id_b and pa.mime_id=tcc.mime_id_a group by mime_id_a, mime_id_b ); </sql> <sql> update token_counts_compared tcc set num_alphabetic_tokens_a=( select sum(num_alphabetic_tokens) as cnt from profiles_a pa join profiles_b pb on pa.id=pb.id join contents_a c on c.id = pa.id where pb.mime_id= tcc.mime_id_b and pa.mime_id=tcc.mime_id_a group by mime_id_a, mime_id_b ); </sql> <sql> update token_counts_compared tcc set num_alphabetic_tokens_b=( select sum(num_alphabetic_tokens) as cnt from profiles_b pb join profiles_a pa on pb.id=pa.id join contents_b c on c.id = pb.id where pb.mime_id= tcc.mime_id_b and pa.mime_id=tcc.mime_id_a group by mime_id_a, mime_id_b ); </sql> <sql> update token_counts_compared tcc set num_common_tokens_a=( select sum(num_common_tokens) as cnt from profiles_a pa join profiles_b pb on pa.id=pb.id join contents_a c on c.id = pa.id where pb.mime_id= tcc.mime_id_b and pa.mime_id=tcc.mime_id_a group by mime_id_a, mime_id_b ); </sql> <sql> update token_counts_compared tcc set num_common_tokens_b=( select sum(num_common_tokens) as cnt from profiles_b pb join profiles_a pa on pa.id=pb.id join contents_b c on c.id = pb.id where pb.mime_id= tcc.mime_id_b and pa.mime_id=tcc.mime_id_a group by mime_id_a, mime_id_b ); </sql> <sql>drop table if exists tags_by_mime</sql> <sql>create table tags_by_mime ( mime_id_a integer, mime_id_b integer, tags_a_a integer, tags_b_a integer, tags_div_a integer, tags_i_a integer, tags_img_a integer, tags_li_a integer, tags_ol_a integer, tags_p_a integer, tags_table_a integer, tags_td_a integer, tags_title_a integer, tags_tr_a integer, tags_u_a integer, tags_ul_a integer, tags_a_b integer, tags_b_b integer, tags_div_b integer, tags_i_b integer, tags_img_b integer, tags_li_b integer, tags_ol_b integer, tags_p_b integer, tags_table_b integer, tags_td_b integer, tags_title_b integer, tags_tr_b integer, tags_u_b integer, tags_ul_b integer ); </sql> <sql> insert into tags_by_mime (mime_id_a, mime_id_b) select ma.mime_id, mb.mime_id from profiles_a a join profiles_b b on a.id=b.id join mimes ma on ma.mime_id=a.mime_id join mimes mb on mb.mime_id=b.mime_id group by ma.mime_id, mb.mime_id </sql> <sql> update tags_by_mime tbm set tags_a_a=( select sum(ta.tags_a) as cnt from tags_a ta join tags_b tb on ta.id=tb.id join profiles_a pa on pa.id=ta.id join profiles_b pb on pa.id=pb.id where pb.mime_id= tbm.mime_id_b and pa.mime_id=tbm.mime_id_a and ta.tags_parse_exception=false and tb.tags_parse_exception=false group by mime_id_a, mime_id_b ); </sql> <sql> update tags_by_mime tbm set tags_b_a=( select sum(ta.tags_b) as cnt from tags_a ta join tags_b tb on ta.id=tb.id join profiles_a pa on pa.id=ta.id join profiles_b pb on pa.id=pb.id where pb.mime_id= tbm.mime_id_b and pa.mime_id=tbm.mime_id_a and ta.tags_parse_exception=false and tb.tags_parse_exception=false group by mime_id_a, mime_id_b ); </sql> <sql> update tags_by_mime tbm set tags_div_a=( select sum(ta.tags_div) as cnt from tags_a ta join tags_b tb on ta.id=tb.id join profiles_a pa on pa.id=ta.id join profiles_b pb on pa.id=pb.id where pb.mime_id= tbm.mime_id_b and pa.mime_id=tbm.mime_id_a and ta.tags_parse_exception=false and tb.tags_parse_exception=false group by mime_id_a, mime_id_b ); </sql> <sql> update tags_by_mime tbm set tags_i_a=( select sum(ta.tags_i) as cnt from tags_a ta join tags_b tb on ta.id=tb.id join profiles_a pa on pa.id=ta.id join profiles_b pb on pa.id=pb.id where pb.mime_id= tbm.mime_id_b and pa.mime_id=tbm.mime_id_a and ta.tags_parse_exception=false and tb.tags_parse_exception=false group by mime_id_a, mime_id_b ); </sql> <sql> update tags_by_mime tbm set tags_img_a=( select sum(ta.tags_img) as cnt from tags_a ta join tags_b tb on ta.id=tb.id join profiles_a pa on pa.id=ta.id join profiles_b pb on pa.id=pb.id where pb.mime_id= tbm.mime_id_b and pa.mime_id=tbm.mime_id_a and ta.tags_parse_exception=false and tb.tags_parse_exception=false group by mime_id_a, mime_id_b ); </sql> <sql> update tags_by_mime tbm set tags_li_a=( select sum(ta.tags_li) as cnt from tags_a ta join tags_b tb on ta.id=tb.id join profiles_a pa on pa.id=ta.id join profiles_b pb on pa.id=pb.id where pb.mime_id= tbm.mime_id_b and pa.mime_id=tbm.mime_id_a and ta.tags_parse_exception=false and tb.tags_parse_exception=false group by mime_id_a, mime_id_b ); </sql> <sql> update tags_by_mime tbm set tags_ol_a=( select sum(ta.tags_ol) as cnt from tags_a ta join tags_b tb on ta.id=tb.id join profiles_a pa on pa.id=ta.id join profiles_b pb on pa.id=pb.id where pb.mime_id= tbm.mime_id_b and pa.mime_id=tbm.mime_id_a and ta.tags_parse_exception=false and tb.tags_parse_exception=false group by mime_id_a, mime_id_b ); </sql> <sql> update tags_by_mime tbm set tags_p_a=( select sum(ta.tags_p) as cnt from tags_a ta join tags_b tb on ta.id=tb.id join profiles_a pa on pa.id=ta.id join profiles_b pb on pa.id=pb.id where pb.mime_id= tbm.mime_id_b and pa.mime_id=tbm.mime_id_a and ta.tags_parse_exception=false and tb.tags_parse_exception=false group by mime_id_a, mime_id_b ); </sql> <sql> update tags_by_mime tbm set tags_table_a=( select sum(ta.tags_table) as cnt from tags_a ta join tags_b tb on ta.id=tb.id join profiles_a pa on pa.id=ta.id join profiles_b pb on pa.id=pb.id where pb.mime_id= tbm.mime_id_b and pa.mime_id=tbm.mime_id_a and ta.tags_parse_exception=false and tb.tags_parse_exception=false group by mime_id_a, mime_id_b ); </sql> <sql> update tags_by_mime tbm set tags_td_a=( select sum(ta.tags_td) as cnt from tags_a ta join tags_b tb on ta.id=tb.id join profiles_a pa on pa.id=ta.id join profiles_b pb on pa.id=pb.id where pb.mime_id= tbm.mime_id_b and pa.mime_id=tbm.mime_id_a and ta.tags_parse_exception=false and tb.tags_parse_exception=false group by mime_id_a, mime_id_b ); </sql> <sql> update tags_by_mime tbm set tags_title_a=( select sum(ta.tags_title) as cnt from tags_a ta join tags_b tb on ta.id=tb.id join profiles_a pa on pa.id=ta.id join profiles_b pb on pa.id=pb.id where pb.mime_id= tbm.mime_id_b and pa.mime_id=tbm.mime_id_a and ta.tags_parse_exception=false and tb.tags_parse_exception=false group by mime_id_a, mime_id_b ); </sql> <sql> update tags_by_mime tbm set tags_tr_a=( select sum(ta.tags_tr) as cnt from tags_a ta join tags_b tb on ta.id=tb.id join profiles_a pa on pa.id=ta.id join profiles_b pb on pa.id=pb.id where pb.mime_id= tbm.mime_id_b and pa.mime_id=tbm.mime_id_a and ta.tags_parse_exception=false and tb.tags_parse_exception=false group by mime_id_a, mime_id_b ); </sql> <sql> update tags_by_mime tbm set tags_u_a=( select sum(ta.tags_u) as cnt from tags_a ta join tags_b tb on ta.id=tb.id join profiles_a pa on pa.id=ta.id join profiles_b pb on pa.id=pb.id where pb.mime_id= tbm.mime_id_b and pa.mime_id=tbm.mime_id_a and ta.tags_parse_exception=false and tb.tags_parse_exception=false group by mime_id_a, mime_id_b ); </sql> <sql> update tags_by_mime tbm set tags_ul_a=( select sum(ta.tags_ul) as cnt from tags_a ta join tags_b tb on ta.id=tb.id join profiles_a pa on pa.id=ta.id join profiles_b pb on pa.id=pb.id where pb.mime_id= tbm.mime_id_b and pa.mime_id=tbm.mime_id_a and ta.tags_parse_exception=false and tb.tags_parse_exception=false group by mime_id_a, mime_id_b ); </sql> <!-- now update tags_b counts --> <sql> update tags_by_mime tbm set tags_a_b=( select sum(tb.tags_a) as cnt from tags_b tb join tags_a ta on ta.id=tb.id join profiles_a pa on pa.id=ta.id join profiles_b pb on pa.id=pb.id where pb.mime_id= tbm.mime_id_b and pa.mime_id=tbm.mime_id_a and ta.tags_parse_exception=false and tb.tags_parse_exception=false group by mime_id_a, mime_id_b ); </sql> <sql> update tags_by_mime tbm set tags_b_b=( select sum(tb.tags_b) as cnt from tags_b tb join tags_a ta on ta.id=tb.id join profiles_a pa on pa.id=ta.id join profiles_b pb on pa.id=pb.id where pb.mime_id= tbm.mime_id_b and pa.mime_id=tbm.mime_id_a and ta.tags_parse_exception=false and tb.tags_parse_exception=false group by mime_id_a, mime_id_b ); </sql> <sql> update tags_by_mime tbm set tags_div_b=( select sum(tb.tags_div) as cnt from tags_b tb join tags_a ta on tb.id=ta.id join profiles_a pa on pa.id=ta.id join profiles_b pb on pa.id=pb.id where pb.mime_id= tbm.mime_id_b and pa.mime_id=tbm.mime_id_a and ta.tags_parse_exception=false and tb.tags_parse_exception=false group by mime_id_a, mime_id_b ); </sql> <sql> update tags_by_mime tbm set tags_i_b=( select sum(tb.tags_i) as cnt from tags_b tb join tags_a ta on tb.id=ta.id join profiles_a pa on pa.id=ta.id join profiles_b pb on pa.id=pb.id where pb.mime_id= tbm.mime_id_b and pa.mime_id=tbm.mime_id_a and ta.tags_parse_exception=false and tb.tags_parse_exception=false group by mime_id_a, mime_id_b ); </sql> <sql> update tags_by_mime tbm set tags_img_b=( select sum(tb.tags_img) as cnt from tags_b tb join tags_a ta on tb.id=ta.id join profiles_a pa on pa.id=ta.id join profiles_b pb on pa.id=pb.id where pb.mime_id= tbm.mime_id_b and pa.mime_id=tbm.mime_id_a and ta.tags_parse_exception=false and tb.tags_parse_exception=false group by mime_id_a, mime_id_b ); </sql> <sql> update tags_by_mime tbm set tags_li_b=( select sum(tb.tags_li) as cnt from tags_b tb join tags_a ta on ta.id=tb.id join profiles_a pa on pa.id=ta.id join profiles_b pb on pa.id=pb.id where pb.mime_id= tbm.mime_id_b and pa.mime_id=tbm.mime_id_a and ta.tags_parse_exception=false and tb.tags_parse_exception=false group by mime_id_a, mime_id_b ); </sql> <sql> update tags_by_mime tbm set tags_ol_b=( select sum(tb.tags_ol) as cnt from tags_b tb join tags_a ta on tb.id=ta.id join profiles_a pa on pa.id=ta.id join profiles_b pb on pa.id=pb.id where pb.mime_id= tbm.mime_id_b and pa.mime_id=tbm.mime_id_a and ta.tags_parse_exception=false and tb.tags_parse_exception=false group by mime_id_a, mime_id_b ); </sql> <sql> update tags_by_mime tbm set tags_p_b=( select sum(tb.tags_p) as cnt from tags_b tb join tags_a ta on tb.id=ta.id join profiles_a pa on pa.id=ta.id join profiles_b pb on pa.id=pb.id where pb.mime_id= tbm.mime_id_b and pa.mime_id=tbm.mime_id_a and ta.tags_parse_exception=false and tb.tags_parse_exception=false group by mime_id_a, mime_id_b ); </sql> <sql> update tags_by_mime tbm set tags_table_b=( select sum(tb.tags_table) as cnt from tags_b tb join tags_a ta on tb.id=ta.id join profiles_a pa on pa.id=ta.id join profiles_b pb on pa.id=pb.id where pb.mime_id= tbm.mime_id_b and pa.mime_id=tbm.mime_id_a and ta.tags_parse_exception=false and tb.tags_parse_exception=false group by mime_id_a, mime_id_b ); </sql> <sql> update tags_by_mime tbm set tags_td_b=( select sum(tb.tags_td) as cnt from tags_b tb join tags_a ta on tb.id=ta.id join profiles_a pa on pa.id=ta.id join profiles_b pb on pa.id=pb.id where pb.mime_id= tbm.mime_id_b and pa.mime_id=tbm.mime_id_a and ta.tags_parse_exception=false and tb.tags_parse_exception=false group by mime_id_a, mime_id_b ); </sql> <sql> update tags_by_mime tbm set tags_title_b=( select sum(tb.tags_title) as cnt from tags_b tb join tags_a ta on tb.id=ta.id join profiles_a pa on pa.id=ta.id join profiles_b pb on pa.id=pb.id where pb.mime_id= tbm.mime_id_b and pa.mime_id=tbm.mime_id_a and ta.tags_parse_exception=false and tb.tags_parse_exception=false group by mime_id_a, mime_id_b ); </sql> <sql> update tags_by_mime tbm set tags_tr_b=( select sum(tb.tags_tr) as cnt from tags_b tb join tags_a ta on tb.id=ta.id join profiles_a pa on pa.id=ta.id join profiles_b pb on pa.id=pb.id where pb.mime_id= tbm.mime_id_b and pa.mime_id=tbm.mime_id_a and ta.tags_parse_exception=false and tb.tags_parse_exception=false group by mime_id_a, mime_id_b ); </sql> <sql> update tags_by_mime tbm set tags_u_b=( select sum(tb.tags_u) as cnt from tags_b tb join tags_a ta on tb.id=ta.id join profiles_a pa on pa.id=ta.id join profiles_b pb on pa.id=pb.id where pb.mime_id= tbm.mime_id_b and pa.mime_id=tbm.mime_id_a and ta.tags_parse_exception=false and tb.tags_parse_exception=false group by mime_id_a, mime_id_b ); </sql> <sql> update tags_by_mime tbm set tags_ul_b=( select sum(tb.tags_ul) as cnt from tags_b tb join tags_a ta on ta.id=tb.id join profiles_a pa on pa.id=ta.id join profiles_b pb on pa.id=pb.id where pb.mime_id= tbm.mime_id_b and pa.mime_id=tbm.mime_id_a and ta.tags_parse_exception=false and tb.tags_parse_exception=false group by mime_id_a, mime_id_b ); </sql> <sql>drop table if exists tag_exceptions_by_mime</sql> <sql>create table tag_exceptions_by_mime ( mime_id_a integer, mime_id_b integer, tag_exceptions_a integer, tag_exceptions_b integer) </sql> <sql> insert into tag_exceptions_by_mime (mime_id_a, mime_id_b, tag_exceptions_a, tag_exceptions_b) select ma.mime_id, mb.mime_id,0,0 from profiles_a a join profiles_b b on a.id=b.id join mimes ma on ma.mime_id=a.mime_id join mimes mb on mb.mime_id=b.mime_id group by ma.mime_id, mb.mime_id </sql> <sql> update tag_exceptions_by_mime tebm set tag_exceptions_a=( select count(1) as cnt from tags_a ta join profiles_a pa on pa.id=ta.id join profiles_b pb on pa.id=pb.id where pb.mime_id= tebm.mime_id_b and pa.mime_id=tebm.mime_id_a and ta.tags_parse_exception=true group by mime_id_a, mime_id_b ); </sql> <sql> update tag_exceptions_by_mime tebm set tag_exceptions_b=( select count(1) as cnt from tags_b tb join profiles_a pa on pa.id=tb.id join profiles_b pb on pa.id=pb.id where pb.mime_id= tebm.mime_id_b and pa.mime_id=tebm.mime_id_a and tb.tags_parse_exception=true group by mime_id_a, mime_id_b ); </sql> <sql> drop table if exists parse_time_compared; </sql> <sql> create table parse_time_compared ( mime_id_a integer, mime_id_b integer, total_a bigint, total_b bigint, prcnt_increase double precision ); </sql> <sql> insert into parse_time_compared (mime_id_a, mime_id_b, total_a, total_b, prcnt_increase) select ma.mime_id, mb.mime_id,0,0,0.0 from profiles_a a join profiles_b b on a.id=b.id join mimes ma on ma.mime_id=a.mime_id join mimes mb on mb.mime_id=b.mime_id group by ma.mime_id, mb.mime_id </sql> <sql> update parse_time_compared ptc set total_a=( select sum(pa.elapsed_time_millis) as total_a from profiles_a pa join profiles_b pb on pa.id=pb.id where pa.mime_id= ptc.mime_id_a and pb.mime_id=ptc.mime_id_b group by mime_id_a, mime_id_b) </sql> <sql> update parse_time_compared ptc set total_b=( select sum(pb.elapsed_time_millis) as total_b from profiles_b pb join profiles_a pa on pa.id=pb.id where pa.mime_id= ptc.mime_id_a and pb.mime_id=ptc.mime_id_b group by mime_id_a, mime_id_b) </sql> <sql> update parse_time_compared ptc set prcnt_increase=(100.0 * cast(total_b as decimal)/cast(total_a as decimal)) where total_a > 0; </sql> </before> <!-- MIMES --> <report reportName="All Mimes In A" reportFilename="mimes/all_mimes_A.xlsx" format="xlsx" includeSql="true"> <sql> select mime_string, count(1) cnt from profiles_a p join mimes m on m.mime_id = p.mime_id group by mime_string order by cnt desc </sql> </report> <report reportName="All Mimes In B" reportFilename="mimes/all_mimes_B.xlsx" format="xlsx" includeSql="true"> <sql> select mime_string, count(1) cnt from profiles_b p join mimes m on m.mime_id = p.mime_id group by mime_string order by cnt desc </sql> </report> <report reportName="Container Mimes In A" reportFilename="mimes/container_mimes_A.xlsx" format="xlsx" includeSql="true"> <sql> select mime_string, count(1) cnt from profiles_a p join mimes m on m.mime_id = p.mime_id where is_embedded=false group by mime_string order by cnt desc </sql> </report> <report reportName="Container Mimes In B" reportFilename="mimes/container_mimes_B.xlsx" format="xlsx" includeSql="true"> <sql> select mime_string, count(1) cnt from profiles_b p join mimes m on m.mime_id = p.mime_id where is_embedded=false group by mime_string order by cnt desc </sql> </report> <report reportName="Embedded Mimes In A" reportFilename="mimes/embedded_mimes_A.xlsx" format="xlsx" includeSql="true"> <sql> select mime_string, count(1) cnt from profiles_a p join mimes m on m.mime_id = p.mime_id where is_embedded=true group by mime_string order by cnt desc </sql> </report> <report reportName="Embedded Mimes In B" reportFilename="mimes/embedded_mimes_B.xlsx" format="xlsx" includeSql="true"> <sql> select mime_string, count(1) cnt from profiles_b p join mimes m on m.mime_id = p.mime_id where is_embedded=true group by mime_string order by cnt desc </sql> </report> <report reportName="Mime Differences A -> B" reportFilename="mimes/mime_diffs_A_to_B.xlsx" format="xlsx" includeSql="true"> <sql> select concat(ma.mime_string, ' -> ', mb.mime_string) as MIME_A_TO_MIME_B, count(1) as COUNT from profiles_a a join profiles_b b on a.id=b.id join mimes ma on ma.mime_id=a.mime_id join mimes mb on mb.mime_id=b.mime_id where a.mime_id <> b.mime_id group by MIME_A_TO_MIME_B order by COUNT DESC </sql> </report> <report reportName="Mime Differences A -> B Details" reportFilename="mimes/mime_diffs_A_to_B_details.xlsx" format="xlsx" includeSql="true"> <sql> select concat(ma.mime_string, ' -> ', mb.mime_string) as MIME_A_TO_MIME_B, file_path, c.length as CONTAINER_LENGTH, a.file_name from profiles_a a join profiles_b b on a.id=b.id join mimes ma on ma.mime_id=a.mime_id join mimes mb on mb.mime_id=b.mime_id join containers c on a.container_id=c.container_id where a.mime_id <> b.mime_id order by MIME_A_TO_MIME_B </sql> </report> <!-- Exceptions --> <report reportName="AllExceptionsByMimeA" reportFilename="exceptions/exceptions_by_mime_A.xlsx" format="xlsx" includeSql="true"> <sql> select mime_string, count(1) cnt from exceptions_a e join profiles_a p on p.id=e.id join mimes m on m.mime_id = p.mime_id group by mime_string order by cnt desc </sql> </report> <report reportName="AllExceptionsByMimeB" reportFilename="exceptions/exceptions_by_mime_B.xlsx" format="xlsx" includeSql="true"> <sql> select mime_string, count(1) cnt from exceptions_b e join profiles_b p on p.id=e.id join mimes m on m.mime_id = p.mime_id group by mime_string order by cnt desc </sql> </report> <report reportName="ContainerExceptionsByMimeA" reportFilename="exceptions/container_exceptions_by_mime_A.xlsx" format="xlsx" includeSql="true"> <sql> select mime_string, count(1) cnt from exceptions_a e join profiles_a p on p.id=e.id join mimes m on m.mime_id = p.mime_id where is_embedded=false and parse_exception_id=0 group by mime_string order by cnt desc </sql> </report> <report reportName="ContainerExceptionsByMimeB" reportFilename="exceptions/container_exceptions_by_mime_B.xlsx" format="xlsx" includeSql="true"> <sql> select mime_string, count(1) cnt from exceptions_b e join profiles_b p on p.id=e.id join mimes m on m.mime_id = p.mime_id where is_embedded=false and parse_exception_id=0 group by mime_string order by cnt desc </sql> </report> <report reportName="AllExceptionsByMimeByTypeA" reportFilename="exceptions/exceptions_by_mime_by_type_A.xlsx" format="xlsx" includeSql="true"> <sql> select mime_string as MIME_TYPE, parse_exception_description as EXCEPTION_TYPE, count(1) as COUNT from exceptions_a e join profiles_a p on p.id=e.id join containers c on p.container_id=c.container_id join mimes m on m.mime_id=p.mime_id join ref_parse_exception_types r on r.parse_exception_id=e.parse_exception_id group by m.mime_string, parse_exception_description order by MIME_TYPE, EXCEPTION_TYPE </sql> </report> <report reportName="AllExceptionsByMimeByTypeB" reportFilename="exceptions/exceptions_by_mime_by_type_B.xlsx" format="xlsx" includeSql="true"> <sql> select mime_string as MIME_TYPE, parse_exception_description as EXCEPTION_TYPE, count(1) as COUNT from exceptions_b e join profiles_b p on p.id=e.id join containers c on p.container_id=c.container_id join mimes m on m.mime_id=p.mime_id join ref_parse_exception_types r on r.parse_exception_id=e.parse_exception_id group by m.mime_string, parse_exception_description order by MIME_TYPE, EXCEPTION_TYPE </sql> </report> <report reportName="TextLostFromACausedByNewExceptionsInB" reportFilename="exceptions/text_lost_from_A_caused_by_new_exceptions_in_B.xlsx" format="xlsx" includeSql="true"> <sql> select file_path as FILE_PATH, c.length as CONTAINER_LENGTH, ca.NUM_TOKENS as NUM_TOKENS_A, cb.NUM_TOKENS as NUM_TOKENS_B, ca.NUM_UNIQUE_TOKENS as NUM_UNIQUE_TOKENS_A, cb.NUM_UNIQUE_TOKENS as NUM_UNIQUE_TOKENS_B, ca.common_tokens_lang as COMMON_TOKENS_LANG_A, ca.num_common_tokens as NUM_COMMON_TOKENS_A, cb.common_tokens_lang as COMMON_TOKENS_LANG_B, cb.num_common_tokens as NUM_COMMON_TOKENS_B, ca.top_n_tokens as TOP_N_TOKENS_A, cb.top_n_tokens as TOP_N_TOKENS_B, eb.ORIG_STACK_TRACE as ORIG_STACK_TRACE_B from contents_a ca join profiles_a pa on ca.id = pa.id join containers c on pa.container_id=c.container_id left join contents_b cb on ca.id=cb.id left join exceptions_b eb on ca.id = eb.id left join exceptions_a ea on ca.id = ea.id where eb.orig_stack_trace is not null and ea.orig_stack_trace is null order by ca.num_common_tokens - coalesce(cb.num_common_tokens,0) desc </sql> </report> <report reportName="FixedExceptionsInBByMimeType" reportFilename="exceptions/fixed_exceptions_in_B_by_mime.xlsx" format="xlsx" includeSql="true"> <sql> select ma.mime_string as MIME_TYPE_A, mb.mime_string as MIME_TYPE_B, count(1) as COUNT from exceptions_a ea left join exceptions_b eb on ea.id = eb.id join profiles_a pa on pa.id=ea.id join profiles_b pb on pa.id=pb.id join containers c on pa.container_id=c.container_id join mimes ma on ma.mime_id=pa.mime_id join mimes mb on mb.mime_id=pb.mime_id where eb.id is null and ea.parse_exception_id=0 group by mime_type_a, mime_type_b </sql> </report> <report reportName="FixedExceptionsInByDetails" reportFilename="exceptions/fixed_exceptions_in_B_details.xlsx" format="xlsx" includeSql="true"> <sql> select file_path, c.length as CONTAINER_LENGTH, ma.mime_string as MIME_TYPE_A, mb.mime_string as MIME_TYPE_B, pa.file_name, pa.is_embedded from exceptions_a ea left join exceptions_b eb on ea.id = eb.id join profiles_a pa on pa.id=ea.id join profiles_b pb on pb.id=pa.id --this ensures that files were actually processed in both runs join containers c on pa.container_id=c.container_id join mimes ma on ma.mime_id=pa.mime_id join mimes mb on mb.mime_id=pb.mime_id where eb.id is null and ea.parse_exception_id=0 order by mime_type_a, mime_type_b </sql> </report> <report reportName="ContentsOfFixedExceptionsInB" reportFilename="exceptions/contents_of_fixed_exceptions_in_B.xlsx" format="xlsx" includeSql="true"> <sql> select file_path, c.length as CONTAINER_LENGTH, ma.mime_string as MIME_TYPE_A, mb.mime_string as MIME_TYPE_B, CONTENT_LENGTH, NUM_TOKENS, NUM_UNIQUE_TOKENS, TOP_N_TOKENS, LANG_ID_1,TOKEN_LENGTH_MEAN, TOKEN_LENGTH_STD_DEV from exceptions_a ea left join exceptions_b eb on ea.id = eb.id join profiles_a pa on pa.id=ea.id join profiles_b pb on pa.id=pb.id join contents_b cb on cb.id=ea.id join containers c on pa.container_id=c.container_id join mimes ma on ma.mime_id=pa.mime_id join mimes mb on mb.mime_id=pb.mime_id where eb.id is null and ea.parse_exception_id=0 </sql> </report> <report reportName="NewExceptionsByMimeType" reportFilename="exceptions/new_exceptions_in_B_by_mime.xlsx" format="xlsx" includeSql="true"> <sql> select ma.mime_string as MIME_TYPE_A, mb.mime_string as MIME_TYPE_B, count(1) as COUNT from exceptions_b eb left join exceptions_a ea on ea.id = eb.id join profiles_a pa on pa.id=eb.id join profiles_b pb on pb.id=pa.id join containers c on pa.container_id=c.container_id join mimes ma on ma.mime_id=pa.mime_id join mimes mb on mb.mime_id=pb.mime_id where ea.id is null and eb.parse_exception_id=0 group by ma.mime_string, mb.mime_string order by COUNT desc </sql> </report> <report reportName="NewExceptionsInBByMimeTypeByStackTrace" reportFilename="exceptions/new_exceptions_in_B_by_mime_by_stack_trace.xlsx" format="xlsx" includeSql="true"> <sql> select ma.MIME_STRING as MIME_TYPE_A, mb.MIME_STRING as MIME_TYPE_B, eb.sort_stack_trace, count(1) as COUNT from exceptions_b eb left join exceptions_a ea on ea.id = eb.id join profiles_a pa on pa.id=eb.id join profiles_b pb on pb.id=eb.id join mimes ma on ma.mime_id=pa.mime_id join mimes mb on mb.mime_id=pb.mime_id where ea.id is null and eb.parse_exception_id=0 group by MIME_TYPE_A, MIME_TYPE_B, eb.sort_stack_trace order by MIME_TYPE_A asc, MIME_TYPE_B asc, COUNT desc </sql> </report> <report reportName="NewExceptionsInBDetails" reportFilename="exceptions/new_exceptions_in_B_details.xlsx" format="xlsx" includeSql="true"> <sql> select file_path, c.length as CONTAINER_LENGTH, ma.mime_string as MIME_TYPE_A, mb.mime_string as MIME_TYPE_B, eb.orig_stack_trace, eb.sort_stack_trace from exceptions_b eb left join exceptions_a ea on ea.id = eb.id join profiles_a pa on pa.id=eb.id join profiles_b pb on pb.id=eb.id join containers c on pa.container_id=c.container_id join mimes ma on ma.mime_id=pa.mime_id join mimes mb on mb.mime_id=pb.mime_id where ea.id is null and eb.parse_exception_id=0 order by MIME_TYPE_A asc, MIME_TYPE_B asc, eb.ORIG_STACK_TRACE </sql> </report> <report reportName="StackTracesByMimeInA" reportFilename="exceptions/stack_traces_by_mime_A.xlsx" format="xlsx" includeSql="true"> <sql> select MIME_STRING as MIME_TYPE, e.sort_stack_trace, count(1) as COUNT from exceptions_a e join profiles_a p on p.id=e.id join mimes m on m.mime_id=p.mime_id and e.parse_exception_id=0 group by MIME_TYPE, e.sort_stack_trace order by MIME_TYPE asc, COUNT desc </sql> </report> <report reportName="AllStackTracesInA" reportFilename="exceptions/stack_traces_A.xlsx" format="xlsx" includeSql="true"> <sql> select file_path, c.length as CONTAINER_LENGTH, mime_string as MIME_TYPE, orig_stack_trace, sort_stack_trace from exceptions_a e join profiles_a p on p.id=e.id join containers c on p.container_id=c.container_id join mimes m on m.mime_id=p.mime_id and e.parse_exception_id=0 order by MIME_TYPE asc, sort_stack_trace, orig_stack_trace, CONTAINER_LENGTH asc </sql> </report> <report reportName="AllStackTracesInB" reportFilename="exceptions/stack_traces_B.xlsx" format="xlsx" includeSql="true"> <sql> select file_path, c.length as CONTAINER_LENGTH, mime_string as MIME_TYPE, orig_stack_trace, sort_stack_trace from exceptions_b e join profiles_b p on p.id=e.id join containers c on p.container_id=c.container_id join mimes m on m.mime_id=p.mime_id and e.parse_exception_id=0 order by MIME_TYPE asc, sort_stack_trace, orig_stack_trace, CONTAINER_LENGTH asc </sql> </report> <report reportName="StackTracesByMimeInB" reportFilename="exceptions/stack_traces_by_mime_B.xlsx" format="xlsx" includeSql="true"> <sql> select MIME_STRING as MIME_TYPE, e.sort_stack_trace, count(1) as COUNT from exceptions_b e join profiles_b p on p.id=e.id join mimes m on m.mime_id=p.mime_id and e.parse_exception_id=0 group by MIME_TYPE, e.sort_stack_trace order by MIME_TYPE asc, COUNT desc </sql> </report> <report reportName="extractExceptionsA" reportFilename="exceptions/extract_exceptions_a.xlsx" format="xlsx" includeSql="true"> <sql> select file_path, extract_exception_description from extract_exceptions_a e join ref_extract_exception_types t on e.extract_exception_id=t.extract_exception_id </sql> </report> <report reportName="extractExceptionsB" reportFilename="exceptions/extract_exceptions_b.xlsx" format="xlsx" includeSql="true"> <sql> select file_path, extract_exception_description from extract_exceptions_b e join ref_extract_exception_types t on e.extract_exception_id=t.extract_exception_id </sql> </report> <report reportName="parseExceptionTypesA" reportFilename="exceptions/overall_exception_types_a.xlsx" format="xlsx" includeSql="true"> <sql> select parse_exception_description, count(1) from exceptions_a e join ref_parse_exception_types t on t.parse_exception_id=e.parse_exception_id group by t.parse_exception_description </sql> </report> <report reportName="parseExceptionTypesB" reportFilename="exceptions/overall_exception_types_b.xlsx" format="xlsx" includeSql="true"> <sql> select parse_exception_description, count(1) from exceptions_b e join ref_parse_exception_types t on t.parse_exception_id=e.parse_exception_id group by t.parse_exception_description </sql> </report> <report reportName="contentDiffsWExceptions" reportFilename="content/content_diffs_with_exceptions.xlsx" format="xlsx" includeSql="true"> <sql> select file_path, c.length as CONTAINER_LENGTH, ma.mime_string as MIME_STRING_A, mb.mime_string as MIME_STRING_B, ca.num_unique_tokens as NUM_UNIQUE_TOKENS_A, cb.num_unique_tokens as NUM_UNIQUE_TOKENS_B, ca.num_tokens as NUM_TOKENS_A, cb.num_tokens as NUM_TOKENS_B, ca.common_tokens_lang as COMMON_TOKENS_LANG_A, ca.num_common_tokens as NUM_COMMON_TOKENS_A, cb.common_tokens_lang as COMMON_TOKENS_LANG_B, cb.num_common_tokens as NUM_COMMON_TOKENS_B, coalesce(cb.num_common_tokens,0)- coalesce(ca.num_common_tokens, 0) as NUM_COMMON_TOKENS_DIFF_IN_B, ca.top_n_tokens as TOP_N_TOKENS_A, cb.top_n_tokens as TOP_N_TOKENS_B, ca.unicode_char_blocks as UNICODE_CHAR_BLOCKS_A, cb.unicode_char_blocks as UNICODE_CHAR_BLOCKS_B, top_10_unique_token_diffs_a, top_10_unique_token_diffs_b, top_10_more_in_a, top_10_more_in_b, dice_coefficient, overlap, ref_ea.parse_exception_description as EXCEPTION_A, ref_eb.parse_exception_description as EXCEPTION_B from content_comparisons cc join contents_a ca on ca.id=cc.id left join contents_b cb on cb.id=cc.id join profiles_a pa on pa.id = cc.id join profiles_b pb on pb.id=cc.id join containers c on c.container_id=pa.container_id join mimes ma on ma.mime_id=pa.mime_id join mimes mb on mb.mime_id=pb.mime_id left join exceptions_a ea on ea.id=cc.id left join exceptions_b eb on eb.id=cc.id left join ref_parse_exception_types ref_ea on ref_ea.parse_exception_id=ea.parse_exception_id left join ref_parse_exception_types ref_eb on ref_eb.parse_exception_id=eb.parse_exception_id where (overlap < 0.95 or abs(ca.NUM_TOKENS-cb.NUM_TOKENS) >30) and (ea.parse_exception_id is null or ea.parse_exception_id <> 2) and (eb.parse_exception_id is null or eb.parse_exception_id <> 2) order by ma.mime_string, overlap asc limit 100000 </sql> </report> <report reportName="contentDiffsNoExceptions" reportFilename="content/content_diffs_no_exceptions.xlsx" format="xlsx" includeSql="true"> <sql> select file_path, c.length as CONTAINER_LENGTH, ma.mime_string as MIME_STRING_A, mb.mime_string as MIME_STRING_B, ca.NUM_UNIQUE_TOKENS as NUM_UNIQUE_TOKENS_A, cb.NUM_UNIQUE_TOKENS as NUM_UNIQUE_TOKENS_B, ca.NUM_TOKENS as NUM_TOKENS_A, cb.NUM_TOKENS as NUM_TOKENS_B, ca.common_tokens_lang as COMMON_TOKENS_LANG_A, ca.num_common_tokens as NUM_COMMON_TOKENS_A, cb.common_tokens_lang as COMMON_TOKENS_LANG_B, cb.num_common_tokens as NUM_COMMON_TOKENS_B, coalesce(cb.num_common_tokens,0)- coalesce(ca.num_common_tokens, 0) as NUM_COMMON_TOKENS_DIFF_IN_B, ca.top_n_tokens as TOP_N_TOKENS_A, cb.top_n_tokens as TOP_N_TOKENS_B, ca.unicode_char_blocks as UNICODE_CHAR_BLOCKS_A, cb.unicode_char_blocks as UNICODE_CHAR_BLOCKS_B, top_10_unique_token_diffs_a, top_10_unique_token_diffs_b, top_10_more_in_a, top_10_more_in_b, dice_coefficient, overlap from content_comparisons cc join contents_a ca on ca.id=cc.id join contents_b cb on cb.id=cc.id join profiles_a pa on pa.id = cc.id join profiles_b pb on pb.id=cc.id join containers c on c.container_id=pa.container_id join mimes ma on ma.mime_id=pa.mime_id join mimes mb on mb.mime_id=pb.mime_id left join exceptions_a ea on ea.id=cc.id left join exceptions_b eb on eb.id=cc.id where (overlap < 0.95 or abs(ca.NUM_TOKENS-cb.NUM_TOKENS) >30) and (ea.parse_exception_id is null) and (eb.parse_exception_id is null) order by ma.mime_string, overlap asc limit 100000 </sql> </report> <report reportName="CommonTokenComparisonsByMimeType" reportFilename="content/common_token_comparisons_by_mime.xlsx" format="xlsx" includeSql="true"> <sql> select ma.mime_string as MIME_STRING_A, mb.mime_string as MIME_STRING_B, num_tokens_a, num_tokens_b, num_alphabetic_tokens_a, num_alphabetic_tokens_b, num_common_tokens_a, num_common_tokens_b, coalesce(num_common_tokens_b, 0)-coalesce(num_common_tokens_a, 0) as change_in_common_tokens_b from token_counts_compared tcc join mimes ma on tcc.mime_id_a = ma.mime_id join mimes mb on tcc.mime_id_b = mb.mime_id order by change_in_common_tokens_b desc </sql> </report> <report reportName="PageCountDiffs" reportFilename="content/page_count_diffs.xlsx" format="xlsx" includeSql="true"> <sql> select file_path, c.length as CONTAINER_LENGTH, ma.mime_string as MIME_STRING_A, mb.mime_string as MIME_STRING_B, pa.num_pages as NUM_PAGES_A, pb.num_pages as NUM_PAGES_B, (pb.num_pages-pa.num_pages) as DIFF_NUM_PAGES_IN_B from profiles_a pa join profiles_b pb on pa.id = pb.id join containers c on pa.container_id=c.container_id join mimes ma on ma.mime_id=pa.mime_id join mimes mb on mb.mime_id=pb.mime_id where pa.num_pages is not null and pb.num_pages is not null and pa.num_pages <> pb.num_pages order by DIFF_NUM_PAGES_IN_B asc limit 10000; </sql> </report> <report reportName="ExceptionComparisonsByMimeType" reportFilename="exceptions/exceptions_compared_by_mime_type.xlsx" format="xlsx" includeSql="true"> <sql> select ma.mime_string as mime_string_a, mb.mime_string as mime_string_b, total, exc_cnt_a, exc_cnt_b, exc_prcnt_a, exc_prcnt_b, notes from exceptions_compared e join mimes ma on ma.mime_id=e.mime_id_a join mimes mb on mb.mime_id=e.mime_id_b order by (exc_prcnt_b-exc_prcnt_a) desc, total desc; </sql> </report> <!-- <report reportName="MD5 Duplicate Counts A" reportFilename="md5/md5_duplicate_counts_A.xlsx" format="xlsx" includeSql="true"> <sql> select md5, count(1) cnt from profiles_a group by md5 having cnt > 2 order by cnt desc </sql> </report> <report reportName="MD5 Duplicate Counts B" reportFilename="md5/md5_duplicate_counts_B.xlsx" format="xlsx" includeSql="true"> <sql> select md5, count(1) cnt from profiles_b group by md5 having cnt > 2 order by cnt desc </sql> </report> <report reportName="MD5 Duplicates A" reportFilename="md5/md5_duplicates_A.xlsx" format="xlsx" includeSql="true"> <sql> select file_path, file_name, is_embedded, content_length, NUM_TOKENS, p.md5 from md5_multiples_tmp_a t join profiles_a p on p.md5 = t.md5 join containers c on p.container_id = c.container_id join contents_a cb on p.id=cb.id order by t.cnt desc </sql> </report> <report reportName="MD5 Duplicates B" reportFilename="md5/md5_duplicates_B.xlsx" format="xlsx" includeSql="true"> <sql> select file_path, file_name, is_embedded, content_length, NUM_TOKENS, p.md5 from md5_multiples_tmp_b t join profiles_b p on p.md5 = t.md5 join containers c on p.container_id = c.container_id join contents_b cb on p.id=cb.id order by t.cnt desc </sql> </report> --> <report reportName="Attachment Diffs no Exceptions" reportFilename="attachments/attachment_diffs_no_exceptions.xlsx" format="xlsx" includeSql="true"> <sql> select file_path, c.length as CONTAINER_LENGTH, ma.mime_string as MIME_STRING_A, mb.mime_string as MIME_STRING_B, pa.num_attachments as NUM_ATTACHMENTS_A, pb.num_attachments as NUM_ATTACHMENTS_B, pb.num_attachments-pa.num_attachments as NUM_ATTACHMENTS_DIFF_IN_B from profiles_a pa join profiles_b pb on pa.id= pb.id join containers c on pa.container_id=c.container_id join mimes ma on pa.mime_id=ma.mime_id join mimes mb on pb.mime_id=mb.mime_id left join exceptions_a ea on ea.id=pa.id left join exceptions_b eb on eb.id=pb.id where pa.is_embedded=false and ea.parse_exception_id is null and eb.parse_exception_id is null and pa.num_attachments <> pb.num_attachments order by ma.mime_string, pb.num_attachments-pa.num_attachments limit 100000; </sql> </report> <report reportName="Attachment Diffs with exceptions" reportFilename="attachments/attachment_diffs_with_exceptions.xlsx" format="xlsx" includeSql="true"> <sql> select file_path, c.length as CONTAINER_LENGTH, ma.mime_string as MIME_STRING_A, mb.mime_string as MIME_STRING_B, pa.num_attachments as NUM_ATTACHMENTS_A, pb.num_attachments as NUM_ATTACHMENTS_B, pb.num_attachments-pa.num_attachments as NUM_ATTACHMENTS_DIFF_IN_B, refea.parse_exception_description as PARSE_EXCEPTION_A, refeb.parse_exception_description as PARSE_EXCEPTION_B from profiles_a pa join profiles_b pb on pa.id= pb.id join containers c on pa.container_id=c.container_id join mimes ma on pa.mime_id=ma.mime_id join mimes mb on pb.mime_id=mb.mime_id left join exceptions_a ea on ea.id=pa.id left join exceptions_b eb on eb.id=pb.id left join ref_parse_exception_types refea on ea.parse_exception_id=refea.parse_exception_id left join ref_parse_exception_types refeb on eb.parse_exception_id=refeb.parse_exception_id where pa.is_embedded=false and pa.num_attachments <> pb.num_attachments order by ma.mime_string, pb.num_attachments-pa.num_attachments limit 100000; </sql> </report> <report reportName="Files missing in B by Mime" reportFilename="attachments/all_files_missing_in_B_by_mime.xlsx" format="xlsx" includeSql="true"> <sql> select mime_string, count(1) as cnt from profiles_a pa left join profiles_b pb on pa.id=pb.id join mimes m on pa.mime_id=m.mime_id where pb.id is null group by mime_string order by cnt desc </sql> </report> <report reportName="Container files missing in B by Mime" reportFilename="attachments/container_files_missing_in_B_by_mime.xlsx" format="xlsx" includeSql="true"> <sql> select mime_string, count(1) as cnt from profiles_a pa left join profiles_b pb on pa.id=pb.id join mimes m on pa.mime_id=m.mime_id where pb.id is null and pa.is_embedded=false group by mime_string order by cnt desc </sql> </report> <report reportName="Embedded files missing in B by Mime" reportFilename="attachments/embedded_files_missing_in_B_by_mime.xlsx" format="xlsx" includeSql="true"> <sql> select mime_string, count(1) as cnt from profiles_a pa left join profiles_b pb on pa.id=pb.id join mimes m on pa.mime_id=m.mime_id where pb.id is null and pa.is_embedded=true group by mime_string order by cnt desc </sql> </report> <report reportName="All files missing in A by Mime" reportFilename="attachments/all_files_missing_in_A_by_mime.xlsx" format="xlsx" includeSql="true"> <sql> select mime_string, count(1) as cnt from profiles_b pb left join profiles_a pa on pb.id=pa.id join mimes m on pb.mime_id=m.mime_id where pa.id is null group by mime_string order by cnt desc </sql> </report> <report reportName="Container files missing in A by Mime" reportFilename="attachments/container_files_missing_in_A_by_mime.xlsx" format="xlsx" includeSql="true"> <sql> select mime_string, count(1) as cnt from profiles_b pb left join profiles_a pa on pb.id=pa.id join mimes m on pb.mime_id=m.mime_id where pa.id is null and pb.is_embedded=false group by mime_string order by cnt desc </sql> </report> <report reportName="Embedded files missing in A by Mime" reportFilename="attachments/embedded_files_missing_in_A_by_mime.xlsx" format="xlsx" includeSql="true"> <sql> select mime_string, count(1) as cnt from profiles_b pb left join profiles_a pa on pb.id=pa.id join mimes m on pb.mime_id=m.mime_id where pa.id is null and pb.is_embedded=true group by mime_string order by cnt desc </sql> </report> <!-- metadata values --> <report reportName="Metadata Value Diffs" reportFilename="metadata/metadata_value_count_diffs.xlsx" format="xlsx" includeSql="true"> <sql> select file_path, ma.mime_string as mime_string_a, mb.mime_string as mime_string_b, pa.num_metadata_values as num_metadata_values_a, pb.num_metadata_values as num_metadata_values_b, ea.parse_exception_id as parse_ex_id_a, eb.parse_exception_id as parse_ex_id_b from profiles_a pa join profiles_b pb on pa.id= pb.id join containers c on pa.container_id=c.container_id join mimes ma on pa.mime_id=ma.mime_id join mimes mb on pb.mime_id=mb.mime_id left join exceptions_a ea on ea.id=pa.id left join exceptions_b eb on eb.id=pb.id where ea.parse_exception_id is null and eb.parse_exception_id is null and pa.num_metadata_values <> pb.num_metadata_values order by ma.mime_string, pb.num_metadata_values-pa.num_metadata_values limit 100000 </sql> </report> <report reportName="Tag Count Diffs By Mime" reportFilename="tags/tag_count_diffs_by_mime.xlsx" format="xlsx" includeSql="true"> <sql> select ma.mime_string as mime_string_a, mb.mime_string as mime_string_b, tags_a_a, tags_a_b, tags_b_a, tags_b_b, tags_div_a, tags_div_b, tags_i_a, tags_i_b, tags_li_a, tags_li_b, tags_ol_a, tags_ol_b, tags_p_a, tags_p_b, tags_table_a, tags_table_b, tags_td_a, tags_td_b, tags_title_a, tags_title_b, tags_tr_a, tags_tr_b, tags_u_a, tags_u_b, tags_ul_a, tags_ul_b from tags_by_mime tbm join mimes ma on tbm.mime_id_a=ma.mime_id join mimes mb on tbm.mime_id_b=mb.mime_id limit 100000 </sql> </report> <report reportName="Tag Exceptions By Mime" reportFilename="tags/tag_exceptions_by_mime.xlsx" format="xlsx" includeSql="true"> <sql> select ma.mime_string as mime_string_a, mb.mime_string as mime_string_b, tag_exceptions_a, tag_exceptions_b, (tag_exceptions_b-tag_exceptions_a) as diff_tag_exceptions_in_b from tag_exceptions_by_mime tebm join mimes ma on tebm.mime_id_a=ma.mime_id join mimes mb on tebm.mime_id_b=mb.mime_id order by diff_tag_exceptions_in_b desc </sql> </report> <report reportName="Tag Exceptions Details A" reportFilename="tags/tag_exceptions_details_a.xlsx" format="xlsx" includeSql="true"> <sql> select c.file_path,pa.file_name,mime_string,is_embedded from tags_a ta join profiles_a pa on ta.id=pa.id join containers c on pa.container_id=c.container_id join mimes m on pa.mime_id=m.mime_id where ta.tags_parse_exception=true order by m.mime_string limit 20000 </sql> </report> <report reportName="Tag Exceptions Details B" reportFilename="tags/tag_exceptions_details_b.xlsx" format="xlsx" includeSql="true"> <sql> select c.file_path,pb.file_name,mime_string,is_embedded from tags_b tb join profiles_b pb on tb.id=pb.id join containers c on pb.container_id=c.container_id join mimes m on pb.mime_id=m.mime_id where tb.tags_parse_exception=true order by m.mime_string limit 20000 </sql> </report> <report reportName="Parse Time (Millis) Compared" reportFilename="parse_times/parse_time_millis_by_mime_compared.xlsx" format="xlsx" includeSql="true"> <sql> select ma.mime_string as MIME_STRING_A, mb.mime_string as MIME_STRING_B, total_a as TOTAL_MILLIS_A, total_b as TOTAL_MILLIS_B, prcnt_increase as PERCENT_INCREASE from parse_time_compared ptc join mimes ma on ptc.mime_id_a=ma.mime_id join mimes mb on ptc.mime_id_b=mb.mime_id where TOTAL_A > 1000 AND TOTAL_B > 1000 -- only show comparisons if > a second order by prcnt_increase desc </sql> </report> <report reportName="Parse Time (Millis) Details" reportFilename="parse_times/parse_time_millis_details.xlsx" format="xlsx" includeSql="true"> <sql> select file_path, c.length as CONTAINTER_LENGTH, ma.mime_string as MIME_STRING_A, mb.mime_string as MIME_STRING_B, pa.elapsed_time_millis as TOTAL_MILLIS_A, pb.elapsed_time_millis as TOTAL_MILLIS_B, (pb.elapsed_time_millis-pa.elapsed_time_millis) as DIFF_MILLIS from profiles_a pa join profiles_b pb on pa.id=pb.id join mimes ma on ma.mime_id=pa.mime_id join mimes mb on mb.mime_id=pb.mime_id join containers c on pa.container_id=c.container_id order by DIFF_MILLIS desc limit 20000; </sql> </report> <after> <sql>drop table if exists md5_multiples_tmp_a</sql> <sql>drop table if exists md5_multiples_tmp_b</sql> </after> </reports>
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