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// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// This file was generated by libdot/bin/
// It has been marked read-only for your safety. Rather than
// edit it directly, please modify one of these source files.
// libdot/js/lib.js
// libdot/js/lib_polyfill.js
// libdot/js/lib_array.js
// libdot/js/lib_codec.js
// libdot/js/lib_colors.js
// libdot/js/lib_f.js
// libdot/js/lib_i18n.js
// libdot/js/lib_message_manager.js
// libdot/js/lib_preference_manager.js
// libdot/js/lib_resource.js
// libdot/js/lib_storage.js
// libdot/js/lib_storage_chrome.js
// libdot/js/lib_storage_local.js
// libdot/js/lib_storage_memory.js
// libdot/third_party/fast-text-encoding/text.js
// libdot/third_party/wcwidth/lib_wc.js
'use strict';
// SOURCE FILE: libdot/js/lib.js
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
const lib = {};
* List of functions that need to be invoked during library initialization.
* Each element in the initCallbacks_ array is itself a two-element array.
* Element 0 is a short string describing the owner of the init routine, useful
* for debugging. Element 1 is the callback function.
lib.initCallbacks_ = [];
* Register an initialization function.
* The initialization functions are invoked in registration order when
* lib.init() is invoked. Each function will receive a single parameter, which
* is a function to be invoked when it completes its part of the initialization.
* @param {string} name A short descriptive name of the init routine useful for
* debugging.
* @param {function(function)} callback The initialization function to register.
* @return {function} The callback parameter.
lib.registerInit = function(name, callback) {
lib.initCallbacks_.push([name, callback]);
return callback;
* Initialize the library.
* This will ensure that all registered runtime dependencies are met, and
* invoke any registered initialization functions.
* Initialization is asynchronous. The library is not ready for use until
* the onInit function is invoked.
* @param {function()} onInit The function to invoke when initialization is
* complete.
* @param {function(*)} opt_logFunction An optional function to send
* initialization related log messages to.
lib.init = function(onInit, opt_logFunction) {
var ary = lib.initCallbacks_;
var initNext = function() {
if (ary.length) {
var rec = ary.shift();
if (opt_logFunction)
opt_logFunction('init: ' + rec[0]);
} else {
if (typeof onInit != 'function')
throw new Error('Missing or invalid argument: onInit');
setTimeout(initNext, 0);
// SOURCE FILE: libdot/js/lib_polyfill.js
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview Polyfills for ES2016+ features we want to use.
if (!String.prototype.padStart) {
String.prototype.padStart = function(targetLength, padString) {
// If the string is already long enough, nothing to do!
targetLength -= this.length;
if (targetLength <= 0)
return String(this);
if (padString === undefined)
padString = ' ';
// In case the pad is multiple chars long.
if (targetLength > padString.length)
padString = padString.repeat((targetLength / padString.length) + 1);
return padString.slice(0, targetLength) + String(this);
if (!String.prototype.padEnd) {
String.prototype.padEnd = function(targetLength, padString) {
// If the string is already long enough, nothing to do!
targetLength -= this.length;
if (targetLength <= 0)
return String(this);
if (padString === undefined)
padString = ' ';
// In case the pad is multiple chars long.
if (targetLength > padString.length)
padString = padString.repeat((targetLength / padString.length) + 1);
return String(this) + padString.slice(0, targetLength);
if (!Object.values || !Object.entries) {
const reduce =, Array.prototype.reduce);
const isEnumerable =,
const concat =, Array.prototype.concat);
if (!Object.values) {
Object.values = function values(O) {
return reduce(Reflect.ownKeys(O), (v, k) => concat(v,
typeof k === 'string' && isEnumerable(O, k) ? [O[k]] : []), []);
if (!Object.entries) {
Object.entries = function entries(O) {
return reduce(Reflect.ownKeys(O), (e, k) => concat(e,
typeof k === 'string' && isEnumerable(O, k) ? [[k, O[k]]] : []), []);
if (typeof Promise.prototype.finally !== 'function') {
const speciesConstructor = function(O, defaultConstructor) {
if (!O || (typeof O !== 'object' && typeof O !== 'function')) {
throw new TypeError('Assertion failed: Type(O) is not Object');
const C = O.constructor;
if (typeof C === 'undefined') {
return defaultConstructor;
if (!C || (typeof C !== 'object' && typeof C !== 'function')) {
throw new TypeError('O.constructor is not an Object');
const S =
typeof Symbol === 'function' && typeof Symbol.species === 'symbol' ?
C[Symbol.species] : undefined;
if (S == null) {
return defaultConstructor;
if (typeof S === 'function' && S.prototype) {
return S;
throw new TypeError('no constructor found');
const shim = {
finally(onFinally) {
const promise = this;
if (typeof promise !== 'object' || promise === null) {
throw new TypeError('"this" value is not an Object');
const C = speciesConstructor(promise, Promise);
if (typeof onFinally !== 'function') {
return, onFinally, onFinally);
x => new C(resolve => resolve(onFinally())).then(() => x),
e => new C(resolve => resolve(onFinally())).then(() => { throw e; })
Object.defineProperty(Promise.prototype, 'finally', {
configurable: true, writable: true, value: shim.finally,
// SOURCE FILE: libdot/js/lib_array.js
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview Helper functions for (typed) arrays.
lib.array = {};
* Concatenate an arbitrary number of typed arrays of the same type into a new
* typed array of this type.
* @template TYPED_ARRAY
* @param {...!TYPED_ARRAY} arrays
* @returns {!TYPED_ARRAY}
lib.array.concatTyped = function(...arrays) {
let resultLength = 0;
for (const array of arrays) {
resultLength += array.length;
const result = new arrays[0].constructor(resultLength);
let pos = 0;
for (const array of arrays) {
result.set(array, pos);
pos += array.length;
return result;
* Compare two array-like objects entrywise.
* @template ARRAY_LIKE
* @param {?ARRAY_LIKE} a
* @param {?ARRAY_LIKE} b
* @returns {!boolean} true if both arrays are null or they agree entrywise;
* false otherwise.
*/ = function(a, b) {
if (a === null || b === null) {
return a === null && b === null;
if (a.length !== b.length) {
return false;
for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
if (a[i] !== b[i]) {
return false;
return true;
// SOURCE FILE: libdot/js/lib_codec.js
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
lib.codec = {};
* Join an array of code units to a string.
* The code units must not be larger than 65535. The individual code units may
* be for UTF-8 or UTF-16 -- it doesn't matter since UTF-16 can handle all UTF-8
* code units.
* The input array type may be an Array or a typed Array (e.g. Uint8Array).
* @param {Array} array The code units to generate for the string.
* @return {string} A UTF-16 encoded string.
lib.codec.codeUnitArrayToString = function(array) {
// String concat is faster than Array.join.
// String.fromCharCode.apply is faster than this if called less frequently
// and with smaller array sizes (like <32K). But it's a recursive call so
// larger arrays will blow the stack and fail. We also seem to be faster
// (or at least more constant time) when called frequently.
let ret = '';
for (let i = 0; i < array.length; ++i) {
ret += String.fromCharCode(array[i]);
return ret;
* Create an array of code units from a UTF-16 encoded string.
* @param {string} str The string to extract code units from.
* @param {type=} type The type of the return value.
* @return {Array} The array of code units.
lib.codec.stringToCodeUnitArray = function(str, type=Array) {
// Indexing string directly is faster than
const ret = new type(str.length);
for (let i = 0; i < str.length; ++i) {
ret[i] = str.charCodeAt(i);
return ret;
// SOURCE FILE: libdot/js/lib_colors.js
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* Namespace for color utilities.
lib.colors = {};
* First, some canned regular expressions we're going to use in this file.
* ,~~~~.
* |>_< ~~
* 3`---'-/.
* 3:::::\v\
* =o=:::::\,\
* | :::::\,,\
* There's no way to break long RE literals in JavaScript. Fix that why don't
* you? Oh, and also there's no way to write a string that doesn't interpret
* escapes.
* Instead, we stoop to this .replace() trick.
lib.colors.re_ = {
// CSS hex color, #RGB.
hex16: /#([a-f0-9])([a-f0-9])([a-f0-9])/i,
// CSS hex color, #RRGGBB.
hex24: /#([a-f0-9]{2})([a-f0-9]{2})([a-f0-9]{2})/i,
// CSS rgb color, rgb(rrr,ggg,bbb).
rgb: new RegExp(
('^/s*rgb/s*/(/s*(/d{1,3})/s*,/s*(/d{1,3})/s*,' +
).replace(/\//g, '\\'), 'i'),
// CSS rgb color, rgb(rrr,ggg,bbb,aaa).
rgba: new RegExp(
('^/s*rgba/s*' +
'/(/s*(/d{1,3})/s*,/s*(/d{1,3})/s*,/s*(/d{1,3})/s*' +
).replace(/\//g, '\\'), 'i'),
// Either RGB or RGBA.
rgbx: new RegExp(
('^/s*rgba?/s*' +
'/(/s*(/d{1,3})/s*,/s*(/d{1,3})/s*,/s*(/d{1,3})/s*' +
).replace(/\//g, '\\'), 'i'),
// An X11 "rgb:dddd/dddd/dddd" value.
x11rgb: /^\s*rgb:([a-f0-9]{1,4})\/([a-f0-9]{1,4})\/([a-f0-9]{1,4})\s*$/i,
// English color name.
name: /[a-z][a-z0-9\s]+/,
* Convert a CSS rgb(ddd,ddd,ddd) color value into an X11 color value.
* Other CSS color values are ignored to ensure sanitary data handling.
* Each 'ddd' component is a one byte value specified in decimal.
* @param {string} value The CSS color value to convert.
* @return {string} The X11 color value or null if the value could not be
* converted.
lib.colors.rgbToX11 = function(value) {
function scale(v) {
v = (Math.min(v, 255) * 257).toString(16);
return lib.f.zpad(v, 4);
var ary = value.match(lib.colors.re_.rgbx);
if (!ary)
return null;
return 'rgb:' + scale(ary[1]) + '/' + scale(ary[2]) + '/' + scale(ary[3]);
* Convert a legacy X11 colover value into an CSS rgb(...) color value.
* They take the form:
* 12 bit: #RGB -> #R000G000B000
* 24 bit: #RRGGBB -> #RR00GG00BB00
* 36 bit: #RRRGGGBBB -> #RRR0GGG0BBB0
* These are the most significant bits.
* Truncate values back down to 24 bit since that's all CSS supports.
lib.colors.x11HexToCSS = function(v) {
if (!v.startsWith('#'))
return null;
// Strip the leading # off.
v = v.substr(1);
// Reject unknown sizes.
if ([3, 6, 9, 12].indexOf(v.length) == -1)
return null;
// Reject non-hex values.
if (v.match(/[^a-f0-9]/i))
return null;
// Split the colors out.
var size = v.length / 3;
var r = v.substr(0, size);
var g = v.substr(size, size);
var b = v.substr(size + size, size);
// Normalize to 16 bits.
function norm16(v) {
v = parseInt(v, 16);
return size == 2 ? v : // 16 bit
size == 1 ? v << 4 : // 8 bit
v >> (4 * (size - 2)); // 24 or 32 bit
return lib.colors.arrayToRGBA([r, g, b].map(norm16));
* Convert an X11 color value into an CSS rgb(...) color value.
* The X11 value may be an X11 color name, or an RGB value of the form
* rgb:hhhh/hhhh/hhhh. If a component value is less than 4 digits it is
* padded out to 4, then scaled down to fit in a single byte.
* @param {string} value The X11 color value to convert.
* @return {string} The CSS color value or null if the value could not be
* converted.
lib.colors.x11ToCSS = function(v) {
function scale(v) {
// Pad out values with less than four digits. This padding (probably)
// matches xterm. It's difficult to say for sure since xterm seems to
// arrive at a padded value and then perform some combination of
// gamma correction, color space transformation, and quantization.
if (v.length == 1) {
// Single digits pad out to four by repeating the character. "f" becomes
// "ffff". Scaling down a hex value of this pattern by 257 is the same
// as cutting off one byte. We skip the middle step and just double
// the character.
return parseInt(v + v, 16);
if (v.length == 2) {
// Similar deal here. X11 pads two digit values by repeating the
// byte (or scale up by 257). Since we're going to scale it back
// down anyway, we can just return the original value.
return parseInt(v, 16);
if (v.length == 3) {
// Three digit values seem to be padded by repeating the final digit.
// e.g. 10f becomes 10ff.
v = v + v.substr(2);
// Scale down the 2 byte value.
return Math.round(parseInt(v, 16) / 257);
var ary = v.match(lib.colors.re_.x11rgb);
if (!ary) {
// Handle the legacy format.
if (v.startsWith('#'))
return lib.colors.x11HexToCSS(v);
return lib.colors.nameToRGB(v);
ary.splice(0, 1);
return lib.colors.arrayToRGBA(;
* Converts one or more CSS '#RRGGBB' color values into their rgb(...)
* form.
* Arrays are converted in place. If a value cannot be converted, it is
* replaced with null.
* @param {string|Array.} A single RGB value or array of RGB values to
* convert.
* @return {string|Array.} The converted value or values.
lib.colors.hexToRGB = function(arg) {
var hex16 = lib.colors.re_.hex16;
var hex24 = lib.colors.re_.hex24;
function convert(hex) {
if (hex.length == 4) {
hex = hex.replace(hex16, function(h, r, g, b) {
return "#" + r + r + g + g + b + b;
var ary = hex.match(hex24);
if (!ary)
return null;
return 'rgb(' + parseInt(ary[1], 16) + ', ' +
parseInt(ary[2], 16) + ', ' +
parseInt(ary[3], 16) + ')';
if (arg instanceof Array) {
for (var i = 0; i < arg.length; i++) {
arg[i] = convert(arg[i]);
} else {
arg = convert(arg);
return arg;
* Converts one or more CSS rgb(...) forms into their '#RRGGBB' color values.
* If given an rgba(...) form, the alpha field is thrown away.
* Arrays are converted in place. If a value cannot be converted, it is
* replaced with null.
* @param {string|Array.} A single rgb(...) value or array of rgb(...)
* values to convert.
* @return {string|Array.} The converted value or values.
lib.colors.rgbToHex = function(arg) {
function convert(rgb) {
var ary = lib.colors.crackRGB(rgb);
if (!ary)
return null;
return '#' + lib.f.zpad(((parseInt(ary[0]) << 16) |
(parseInt(ary[1]) << 8) |
(parseInt(ary[2]) << 0)).toString(16), 6);
if (arg instanceof Array) {
for (var i = 0; i < arg.length; i++) {
arg[i] = convert(arg[i]);
} else {
arg = convert(arg);
return arg;
* Take any valid css color definition and turn it into an rgb or rgba value.
* Returns null if the value could not be normalized.
lib.colors.normalizeCSS = function(def) {
if (def.startsWith('#'))
return lib.colors.hexToRGB(def);
if (lib.colors.re_.rgbx.test(def))
return def;
return lib.colors.nameToRGB(def);
* Convert a 3 or 4 element array into an rgba(...) string.
lib.colors.arrayToRGBA = function(ary) {
var alpha = (ary.length > 3) ? ary[3] : 1;
return 'rgba(' + ary[0] + ', ' + ary[1] + ', ' + ary[2] + ', ' + alpha + ')';
* Overwrite the alpha channel of an rgb/rgba color.
lib.colors.setAlpha = function(rgb, alpha) {
var ary = lib.colors.crackRGB(rgb);
ary[3] = alpha;
return lib.colors.arrayToRGBA(ary);
* Mix a percentage of a tint color into a base color.
lib.colors.mix = function(base, tint, percent) {
var ary1 = lib.colors.crackRGB(base);
var ary2 = lib.colors.crackRGB(tint);
for (var i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
var diff = ary2[i] - ary1[i];
ary1[i] = Math.round(parseInt(ary1[i]) + diff * percent);
return lib.colors.arrayToRGBA(ary1);
* Split an rgb/rgba color into an array of its components.
* On success, a 4 element array will be returned. For rgb values, the alpha
* will be set to 1.
lib.colors.crackRGB = function(color) {
if (color.startsWith('rgba')) {
var ary = color.match(lib.colors.re_.rgba);
if (ary) {
return Array.from(ary);
} else {
var ary = color.match(lib.colors.re_.rgb);
if (ary) {
return Array.from(ary);
console.error('Couldn\'t crack: ' + color);
return null;
* Convert an X11 color name into a CSS rgb(...) value.
* Names are stripped of spaces and converted to lowercase. If the name is
* unknown, null is returned.
* This list of color name to RGB mapping is derived from the stock X11
* rgb.txt file.
* @param {string} name The color name to convert.
* @return {string} The corresponding CSS rgb(...) value.
lib.colors.nameToRGB = function(name) {
if (name in lib.colors.colorNames)
return lib.colors.colorNames[name];
name = name.toLowerCase();
if (name in lib.colors.colorNames)
return lib.colors.colorNames[name];
name = name.replace(/\s+/g, '');
if (name in lib.colors.colorNames)
return lib.colors.colorNames[name];
return null;
* The stock color palette.
lib.colors.stockColorPalette = lib.colors.hexToRGB
([// The "ANSI 16"...
'#000000', '#CC0000', '#4E9A06', '#C4A000',
'#3465A4', '#75507B', '#06989A', '#D3D7CF',
'#555753', '#EF2929', '#00BA13', '#FCE94F',
'#729FCF', '#F200CB', '#00B5BD', '#EEEEEC',
// The 6x6 color cubes...
'#000000', '#00005F', '#000087', '#0000AF', '#0000D7', '#0000FF',
'#005F00', '#005F5F', '#005F87', '#005FAF', '#005FD7', '#005FFF',
'#008700', '#00875F', '#008787', '#0087AF', '#0087D7', '#0087FF',
'#00AF00', '#00AF5F', '#00AF87', '#00AFAF', '#00AFD7', '#00AFFF',
'#00D700', '#00D75F', '#00D787', '#00D7AF', '#00D7D7', '#00D7FF',
'#00FF00', '#00FF5F', '#00FF87', '#00FFAF', '#00FFD7', '#00FFFF',
'#5F0000', '#5F005F', '#5F0087', '#5F00AF', '#5F00D7', '#5F00FF',
'#5F5F00', '#5F5F5F', '#5F5F87', '#5F5FAF', '#5F5FD7', '#5F5FFF',
'#5F8700', '#5F875F', '#5F8787', '#5F87AF', '#5F87D7', '#5F87FF',
'#5FAF00', '#5FAF5F', '#5FAF87', '#5FAFAF', '#5FAFD7', '#5FAFFF',
'#5FD700', '#5FD75F', '#5FD787', '#5FD7AF', '#5FD7D7', '#5FD7FF',
'#5FFF00', '#5FFF5F', '#5FFF87', '#5FFFAF', '#5FFFD7', '#5FFFFF',
'#870000', '#87005F', '#870087', '#8700AF', '#8700D7', '#8700FF',
'#875F00', '#875F5F', '#875F87', '#875FAF', '#875FD7', '#875FFF',
'#878700', '#87875F', '#878787', '#8787AF', '#8787D7', '#8787FF',
'#87AF00', '#87AF5F', '#87AF87', '#87AFAF', '#87AFD7', '#87AFFF',
'#87D700', '#87D75F', '#87D787', '#87D7AF', '#87D7D7', '#87D7FF',
'#87FF00', '#87FF5F', '#87FF87', '#87FFAF', '#87FFD7', '#87FFFF',
'#AF0000', '#AF005F', '#AF0087', '#AF00AF', '#AF00D7', '#AF00FF',
'#AF5F00', '#AF5F5F', '#AF5F87', '#AF5FAF', '#AF5FD7', '#AF5FFF',
'#AF8700', '#AF875F', '#AF8787', '#AF87AF', '#AF87D7', '#AF87FF',
'#AFAF00', '#AFAF5F', '#AFAF87', '#AFAFAF', '#AFAFD7', '#AFAFFF',
'#AFD700', '#AFD75F', '#AFD787', '#AFD7AF', '#AFD7D7', '#AFD7FF',
'#AFFF00', '#AFFF5F', '#AFFF87', '#AFFFAF', '#AFFFD7', '#AFFFFF',
'#D70000', '#D7005F', '#D70087', '#D700AF', '#D700D7', '#D700FF',
'#D75F00', '#D75F5F', '#D75F87', '#D75FAF', '#D75FD7', '#D75FFF',
'#D78700', '#D7875F', '#D78787', '#D787AF', '#D787D7', '#D787FF',
'#D7AF00', '#D7AF5F', '#D7AF87', '#D7AFAF', '#D7AFD7', '#D7AFFF',
'#D7D700', '#D7D75F', '#D7D787', '#D7D7AF', '#D7D7D7', '#D7D7FF',
'#D7FF00', '#D7FF5F', '#D7FF87', '#D7FFAF', '#D7FFD7', '#D7FFFF',
'#FF0000', '#FF005F', '#FF0087', '#FF00AF', '#FF00D7', '#FF00FF',
'#FF5F00', '#FF5F5F', '#FF5F87', '#FF5FAF', '#FF5FD7', '#FF5FFF',
'#FF8700', '#FF875F', '#FF8787', '#FF87AF', '#FF87D7', '#FF87FF',
'#FFAF00', '#FFAF5F', '#FFAF87', '#FFAFAF', '#FFAFD7', '#FFAFFF',
'#FFD700', '#FFD75F', '#FFD787', '#FFD7AF', '#FFD7D7', '#FFD7FF',
'#FFFF00', '#FFFF5F', '#FFFF87', '#FFFFAF', '#FFFFD7', '#FFFFFF',
// The greyscale ramp...
'#080808', '#121212', '#1C1C1C', '#262626', '#303030', '#3A3A3A',
'#444444', '#4E4E4E', '#585858', '#626262', '#6C6C6C', '#767676',
'#808080', '#8A8A8A', '#949494', '#9E9E9E', '#A8A8A8', '#B2B2B2',
'#BCBCBC', '#C6C6C6', '#D0D0D0', '#DADADA', '#E4E4E4', '#EEEEEE'
* The current color palette, possibly with user changes.
lib.colors.colorPalette = lib.colors.stockColorPalette;
* Named colors according to the stock X11 rgb.txt file.
lib.colors.colorNames = {
"aliceblue": "rgb(240, 248, 255)",
"antiquewhite": "rgb(250, 235, 215)",
"antiquewhite1": "rgb(255, 239, 219)",
"antiquewhite2": "rgb(238, 223, 204)",
"antiquewhite3": "rgb(205, 192, 176)",
"antiquewhite4": "rgb(139, 131, 120)",
"aquamarine": "rgb(127, 255, 212)",
"aquamarine1": "rgb(127, 255, 212)",
"aquamarine2": "rgb(118, 238, 198)",
"aquamarine3": "rgb(102, 205, 170)",
"aquamarine4": "rgb(69, 139, 116)",
"azure": "rgb(240, 255, 255)",
"azure1": "rgb(240, 255, 255)",
"azure2": "rgb(224, 238, 238)",
"azure3": "rgb(193, 205, 205)",
"azure4": "rgb(131, 139, 139)",
"beige": "rgb(245, 245, 220)",
"bisque": "rgb(255, 228, 196)",
"bisque1": "rgb(255, 228, 196)",
"bisque2": "rgb(238, 213, 183)",
"bisque3": "rgb(205, 183, 158)",
"bisque4": "rgb(139, 125, 107)",
"black": "rgb(0, 0, 0)",
"blanchedalmond": "rgb(255, 235, 205)",
"blue": "rgb(0, 0, 255)",
"blue1": "rgb(0, 0, 255)",
"blue2": "rgb(0, 0, 238)",
"blue3": "rgb(0, 0, 205)",
"blue4": "rgb(0, 0, 139)",
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"brown2": "rgb(238, 59, 59)",
"brown3": "rgb(205, 51, 51)",
"brown4": "rgb(139, 35, 35)",
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"burlywood3": "rgb(205, 170, 125)",
"burlywood4": "rgb(139, 115, 85)",
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"cadetblue1": "rgb(152, 245, 255)",
"cadetblue2": "rgb(142, 229, 238)",
"cadetblue3": "rgb(122, 197, 205)",
"cadetblue4": "rgb(83, 134, 139)",
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"chartreuse1": "rgb(127, 255, 0)",
"chartreuse2": "rgb(118, 238, 0)",
"chartreuse3": "rgb(102, 205, 0)",
"chartreuse4": "rgb(69, 139, 0)",
"chocolate": "rgb(210, 105, 30)",
"chocolate1": "rgb(255, 127, 36)",
"chocolate2": "rgb(238, 118, 33)",
"chocolate3": "rgb(205, 102, 29)",
"chocolate4": "rgb(139, 69, 19)",
"coral": "rgb(255, 127, 80)",
"coral1": "rgb(255, 114, 86)",
"coral2": "rgb(238, 106, 80)",
"coral3": "rgb(205, 91, 69)",
"coral4": "rgb(139, 62, 47)",
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"cornsilk": "rgb(255, 248, 220)",
"cornsilk1": "rgb(255, 248, 220)",
"cornsilk2": "rgb(238, 232, 205)",
"cornsilk3": "rgb(205, 200, 177)",
"cornsilk4": "rgb(139, 136, 120)",
"cyan": "rgb(0, 255, 255)",
"cyan1": "rgb(0, 255, 255)",
"cyan2": "rgb(0, 238, 238)",
"cyan3": "rgb(0, 205, 205)",
"cyan4": "rgb(0, 139, 139)",
"darkblue": "rgb(0, 0, 139)",
"darkcyan": "rgb(0, 139, 139)",
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"darkgoldenrod2": "rgb(238, 173, 14)",
"darkgoldenrod3": "rgb(205, 149, 12)",
"darkgoldenrod4": "rgb(139, 101, 8)",
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"darkgreen": "rgb(0, 100, 0)",
"darkgrey": "rgb(169, 169, 169)",
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"darkmagenta": "rgb(139, 0, 139)",
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"darkolivegreen2": "rgb(188, 238, 104)",
"darkolivegreen3": "rgb(162, 205, 90)",
"darkolivegreen4": "rgb(110, 139, 61)",
"darkorange": "rgb(255, 140, 0)",
"darkorange1": "rgb(255, 127, 0)",
"darkorange2": "rgb(238, 118, 0)",
"darkorange3": "rgb(205, 102, 0)",
"darkorange4": "rgb(139, 69, 0)",
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"darkorchid1": "rgb(191, 62, 255)",
"darkorchid2": "rgb(178, 58, 238)",
"darkorchid3": "rgb(154, 50, 205)",
"darkorchid4": "rgb(104, 34, 139)",
"darkred": "rgb(139, 0, 0)",
"darksalmon": "rgb(233, 150, 122)",
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"darkseagreen1": "rgb(193, 255, 193)",
"darkseagreen2": "rgb(180, 238, 180)",
"darkseagreen3": "rgb(155, 205, 155)",
"darkseagreen4": "rgb(105, 139, 105)",
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"darkslategray1": "rgb(151, 255, 255)",
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"darkslategray3": "rgb(121, 205, 205)",
"darkslategray4": "rgb(82, 139, 139)",
"darkslategrey": "rgb(47, 79, 79)",
"darkturquoise": "rgb(0, 206, 209)",
"darkviolet": "rgb(148, 0, 211)",
"debianred": "rgb(215, 7, 81)",
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"deeppink1": "rgb(255, 20, 147)",
"deeppink2": "rgb(238, 18, 137)",
"deeppink3": "rgb(205, 16, 118)",
"deeppink4": "rgb(139, 10, 80)",
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"deepskyblue1": "rgb(0, 191, 255)",
"deepskyblue2": "rgb(0, 178, 238)",
"deepskyblue3": "rgb(0, 154, 205)",
"deepskyblue4": "rgb(0, 104, 139)",
"dimgray": "rgb(105, 105, 105)",
"dimgrey": "rgb(105, 105, 105)",
"dodgerblue": "rgb(30, 144, 255)",
"dodgerblue1": "rgb(30, 144, 255)",
"dodgerblue2": "rgb(28, 134, 238)",
"dodgerblue3": "rgb(24, 116, 205)",
"dodgerblue4": "rgb(16, 78, 139)",
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"firebrick1": "rgb(255, 48, 48)",
"firebrick2": "rgb(238, 44, 44)",
"firebrick3": "rgb(205, 38, 38)",
"firebrick4": "rgb(139, 26, 26)",
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"forestgreen": "rgb(34, 139, 34)",
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"ghostwhite": "rgb(248, 248, 255)",
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"gold1": "rgb(255, 215, 0)",
"gold2": "rgb(238, 201, 0)",
"gold3": "rgb(205, 173, 0)",
"gold4": "rgb(139, 117, 0)",
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"goldenrod1": "rgb(255, 193, 37)",
"goldenrod2": "rgb(238, 180, 34)",
"goldenrod3": "rgb(205, 155, 29)",
"goldenrod4": "rgb(139, 105, 20)",
"gray": "rgb(190, 190, 190)",
"gray0": "rgb(0, 0, 0)",
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"gray10": "rgb(26, 26, 26)",
"gray100": "rgb(255, 255, 255)",
"gray11": "rgb(28, 28, 28)",
"gray12": "rgb(31, 31, 31)",
"gray13": "rgb(33, 33, 33)",
"gray14": "rgb(36, 36, 36)",
"gray15": "rgb(38, 38, 38)",
"gray16": "rgb(41, 41, 41)",
"gray17": "rgb(43, 43, 43)",
"gray18": "rgb(46, 46, 46)",
"gray19": "rgb(48, 48, 48)",
"gray2": "rgb(5, 5, 5)",
"gray20": "rgb(51, 51, 51)",
"gray21": "rgb(54, 54, 54)",
"gray22": "rgb(56, 56, 56)",
"gray23": "rgb(59, 59, 59)",
"gray24": "rgb(61, 61, 61)",
"gray25": "rgb(64, 64, 64)",
"gray26": "rgb(66, 66, 66)",
"gray27": "rgb(69, 69, 69)",
"gray28": "rgb(71, 71, 71)",
"gray29": "rgb(74, 74, 74)",
"gray3": "rgb(8, 8, 8)",
"gray30": "rgb(77, 77, 77)",
"gray31": "rgb(79, 79, 79)",
"gray32": "rgb(82, 82, 82)",
"gray33": "rgb(84, 84, 84)",
"gray34": "rgb(87, 87, 87)",
"gray35": "rgb(89, 89, 89)",
"gray36": "rgb(92, 92, 92)",
"gray37": "rgb(94, 94, 94)",
"gray38": "rgb(97, 97, 97)",
"gray39": "rgb(99, 99, 99)",
"gray4": "rgb(10, 10, 10)",
"gray40": "rgb(102, 102, 102)",
"gray41": "rgb(105, 105, 105)",
"gray42": "rgb(107, 107, 107)",
"gray43": "rgb(110, 110, 110)",
"gray44": "rgb(112, 112, 112)",
"gray45": "rgb(115, 115, 115)",
"gray46": "rgb(117, 117, 117)",
"gray47": "rgb(120, 120, 120)",
"gray48": "rgb(122, 122, 122)",
"gray49": "rgb(125, 125, 125)",
"gray5": "rgb(13, 13, 13)",
"gray50": "rgb(127, 127, 127)",
"gray51": "rgb(130, 130, 130)",
"gray52": "rgb(133, 133, 133)",
"gray53": "rgb(135, 135, 135)",
"gray54": "rgb(138, 138, 138)",
"gray55": "rgb(140, 140, 140)",
"gray56": "rgb(143, 143, 143)",
"gray57": "rgb(145, 145, 145)",
"gray58": "rgb(148, 148, 148)",
"gray59": "rgb(150, 150, 150)",
"gray6": "rgb(15, 15, 15)",
"gray60": "rgb(153, 153, 153)",
"gray61": "rgb(156, 156, 156)",
"gray62": "rgb(158, 158, 158)",
"gray63": "rgb(161, 161, 161)",
"gray64": "rgb(163, 163, 163)",
"gray65": "rgb(166, 166, 166)",
"gray66": "rgb(168, 168, 168)",
"gray67": "rgb(171, 171, 171)",
"gray68": "rgb(173, 173, 173)",
"gray69": "rgb(176, 176, 176)",
"gray7": "rgb(18, 18, 18)",
"gray70": "rgb(179, 179, 179)",
"gray71": "rgb(181, 181, 181)",
"gray72": "rgb(184, 184, 184)",
"gray73": "rgb(186, 186, 186)",
"gray74": "rgb(189, 189, 189)",
"gray75": "rgb(191, 191, 191)",
"gray76": "rgb(194, 194, 194)",
"gray77": "rgb(196, 196, 196)",
"gray78": "rgb(199, 199, 199)",
"gray79": "rgb(201, 201, 201)",
"gray8": "rgb(20, 20, 20)",
"gray80": "rgb(204, 204, 204)",
"gray81": "rgb(207, 207, 207)",
"gray82": "rgb(209, 209, 209)",
"gray83": "rgb(212, 212, 212)",
"gray84": "rgb(214, 214, 214)",
"gray85": "rgb(217, 217, 217)",
"gray86": "rgb(219, 219, 219)",
"gray87": "rgb(222, 222, 222)",
"gray88": "rgb(224, 224, 224)",
"gray89": "rgb(227, 227, 227)",
"gray9": "rgb(23, 23, 23)",
"gray90": "rgb(229, 229, 229)",
"gray91": "rgb(232, 232, 232)",
"gray92": "rgb(235, 235, 235)",
"gray93": "rgb(237, 237, 237)",
"gray94": "rgb(240, 240, 240)",
"gray95": "rgb(242, 242, 242)",
"gray96": "rgb(245, 245, 245)",
"gray97": "rgb(247, 247, 247)",
"gray98": "rgb(250, 250, 250)",
"gray99": "rgb(252, 252, 252)",
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"green1": "rgb(0, 255, 0)",
"green2": "rgb(0, 238, 0)",
"green3": "rgb(0, 205, 0)",
"green4": "rgb(0, 139, 0)",
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"grey": "rgb(190, 190, 190)",
"grey0": "rgb(0, 0, 0)",
"grey1": "rgb(3, 3, 3)",
"grey10": "rgb(26, 26, 26)",
"grey100": "rgb(255, 255, 255)",
"grey11": "rgb(28, 28, 28)",
"grey12": "rgb(31, 31, 31)",
"grey13": "rgb(33, 33, 33)",
"grey14": "rgb(36, 36, 36)",
"grey15": "rgb(38, 38, 38)",
"grey16": "rgb(41, 41, 41)",
"grey17": "rgb(43, 43, 43)",
"grey18": "rgb(46, 46, 46)",
"grey19": "rgb(48, 48, 48)",
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"grey20": "rgb(51, 51, 51)",
"grey21": "rgb(54, 54, 54)",
"grey22": "rgb(56, 56, 56)",
"grey23": "rgb(59, 59, 59)",
"grey24": "rgb(61, 61, 61)",
"grey25": "rgb(64, 64, 64)",
"grey26": "rgb(66, 66, 66)",
"grey27": "rgb(69, 69, 69)",
"grey28": "rgb(71, 71, 71)",
"grey29": "rgb(74, 74, 74)",
"grey3": "rgb(8, 8, 8)",
"grey30": "rgb(77, 77, 77)",
"grey31": "rgb(79, 79, 79)",
"grey32": "rgb(82, 82, 82)",
"grey33": "rgb(84, 84, 84)",
"grey34": "rgb(87, 87, 87)",
"grey35": "rgb(89, 89, 89)",
"grey36": "rgb(92, 92, 92)",
"grey37": "rgb(94, 94, 94)",
"grey38": "rgb(97, 97, 97)",
"grey39": "rgb(99, 99, 99)",
"grey4": "rgb(10, 10, 10)",
"grey40": "rgb(102, 102, 102)",
"grey41": "rgb(105, 105, 105)",
"grey42": "rgb(107, 107, 107)",
"grey43": "rgb(110, 110, 110)",
"grey44": "rgb(112, 112, 112)",
"grey45": "rgb(115, 115, 115)",
"grey46": "rgb(117, 117, 117)",
"grey47": "rgb(120, 120, 120)",
"grey48": "rgb(122, 122, 122)",
"grey49": "rgb(125, 125, 125)",
"grey5": "rgb(13, 13, 13)",
"grey50": "rgb(127, 127, 127)",
"grey51": "rgb(130, 130, 130)",
"grey52": "rgb(133, 133, 133)",
"grey53": "rgb(135, 135, 135)",
"grey54": "rgb(138, 138, 138)",
"grey55": "rgb(140, 140, 140)",
"grey56": "rgb(143, 143, 143)",
"grey57": "rgb(145, 145, 145)",
"grey58": "rgb(148, 148, 148)",
"grey59": "rgb(150, 150, 150)",
"grey6": "rgb(15, 15, 15)",
"grey60": "rgb(153, 153, 153)",
"grey61": "rgb(156, 156, 156)",
"grey62": "rgb(158, 158, 158)",
"grey63": "rgb(161, 161, 161)",
"grey64": "rgb(163, 163, 163)",
"grey65": "rgb(166, 166, 166)",
"grey66": "rgb(168, 168, 168)",
"grey67": "rgb(171, 171, 171)",
"grey68": "rgb(173, 173, 173)",
"grey69": "rgb(176, 176, 176)",
"grey7": "rgb(18, 18, 18)",
"grey70": "rgb(179, 179, 179)",
"grey71": "rgb(181, 181, 181)",
"grey72": "rgb(184, 184, 184)",
"grey73": "rgb(186, 186, 186)",
"grey74": "rgb(189, 189, 189)",
"grey75": "rgb(191, 191, 191)",
"grey76": "rgb(194, 194, 194)",
"grey77": "rgb(196, 196, 196)",
"grey78": "rgb(199, 199, 199)",
"grey79": "rgb(201, 201, 201)",
"grey8": "rgb(20, 20, 20)",
"grey80": "rgb(204, 204, 204)",
"grey81": "rgb(207, 207, 207)",
"grey82": "rgb(209, 209, 209)",
"grey83": "rgb(212, 212, 212)",
"grey84": "rgb(214, 214, 214)",
"grey85": "rgb(217, 217, 217)",
"grey86": "rgb(219, 219, 219)",
"grey87": "rgb(222, 222, 222)",
"grey88": "rgb(224, 224, 224)",
"grey89": "rgb(227, 227, 227)",
"grey9": "rgb(23, 23, 23)",
"grey90": "rgb(229, 229, 229)",
"grey91": "rgb(232, 232, 232)",
"grey92": "rgb(235, 235, 235)",
"grey93": "rgb(237, 237, 237)",
"grey94": "rgb(240, 240, 240)",
"grey95": "rgb(242, 242, 242)",
"grey96": "rgb(245, 245, 245)",
"grey97": "rgb(247, 247, 247)",
"grey98": "rgb(250, 250, 250)",
"grey99": "rgb(252, 252, 252)",
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"honeydew1": "rgb(240, 255, 240)",
"honeydew2": "rgb(224, 238, 224)",
"honeydew3": "rgb(193, 205, 193)",
"honeydew4": "rgb(131, 139, 131)",
"hotpink": "rgb(255, 105, 180)",
"hotpink1": "rgb(255, 110, 180)",
"hotpink2": "rgb(238, 106, 167)",
"hotpink3": "rgb(205, 96, 144)",
"hotpink4": "rgb(139, 58, 98)",
"indianred": "rgb(205, 92, 92)",
"indianred1": "rgb(255, 106, 106)",
"indianred2": "rgb(238, 99, 99)",
"indianred3": "rgb(205, 85, 85)",
"indianred4": "rgb(139, 58, 58)",
"ivory": "rgb(255, 255, 240)",
"ivory1": "rgb(255, 255, 240)",
"ivory2": "rgb(238, 238, 224)",
"ivory3": "rgb(205, 205, 193)",
"ivory4": "rgb(139, 139, 131)",
"khaki": "rgb(240, 230, 140)",
"khaki1": "rgb(255, 246, 143)",
"khaki2": "rgb(238, 230, 133)",
"khaki3": "rgb(205, 198, 115)",
"khaki4": "rgb(139, 134, 78)",
"lavender": "rgb(230, 230, 250)",
"lavenderblush": "rgb(255, 240, 245)",
"lavenderblush1": "rgb(255, 240, 245)",
"lavenderblush2": "rgb(238, 224, 229)",
"lavenderblush3": "rgb(205, 193, 197)",
"lavenderblush4": "rgb(139, 131, 134)",
"lawngreen": "rgb(124, 252, 0)",
"lemonchiffon": "rgb(255, 250, 205)",
"lemonchiffon1": "rgb(255, 250, 205)",
"lemonchiffon2": "rgb(238, 233, 191)",
"lemonchiffon3": "rgb(205, 201, 165)",
"lemonchiffon4": "rgb(139, 137, 112)",
"lightblue": "rgb(173, 216, 230)",
"lightblue1": "rgb(191, 239, 255)",
"lightblue2": "rgb(178, 223, 238)",
"lightblue3": "rgb(154, 192, 205)",
"lightblue4": "rgb(104, 131, 139)",
"lightcoral": "rgb(240, 128, 128)",
"lightcyan": "rgb(224, 255, 255)",
"lightcyan1": "rgb(224, 255, 255)",
"lightcyan2": "rgb(209, 238, 238)",
"lightcyan3": "rgb(180, 205, 205)",
"lightcyan4": "rgb(122, 139, 139)",
"lightgoldenrod": "rgb(238, 221, 130)",
"lightgoldenrod1": "rgb(255, 236, 139)",
"lightgoldenrod2": "rgb(238, 220, 130)",
"lightgoldenrod3": "rgb(205, 190, 112)",
"lightgoldenrod4": "rgb(139, 129, 76)",
"lightgoldenrodyellow": "rgb(250, 250, 210)",
"lightgray": "rgb(211, 211, 211)",
"lightgreen": "rgb(144, 238, 144)",
"lightgrey": "rgb(211, 211, 211)",
"lightpink": "rgb(255, 182, 193)",
"lightpink1": "rgb(255, 174, 185)",
"lightpink2": "rgb(238, 162, 173)",
"lightpink3": "rgb(205, 140, 149)",
"lightpink4": "rgb(139, 95, 101)",
"lightsalmon": "rgb(255, 160, 122)",
"lightsalmon1": "rgb(255, 160, 122)",
"lightsalmon2": "rgb(238, 149, 114)",
"lightsalmon3": "rgb(205, 129, 98)",
"lightsalmon4": "rgb(139, 87, 66)",
"lightseagreen": "rgb(32, 178, 170)",
"lightskyblue": "rgb(135, 206, 250)",
"lightskyblue1": "rgb(176, 226, 255)",
"lightskyblue2": "rgb(164, 211, 238)",
"lightskyblue3": "rgb(141, 182, 205)",
"lightskyblue4": "rgb(96, 123, 139)",
"lightslateblue": "rgb(132, 112, 255)",
"lightslategray": "rgb(119, 136, 153)",
"lightslategrey": "rgb(119, 136, 153)",
"lightsteelblue": "rgb(176, 196, 222)",
"lightsteelblue1": "rgb(202, 225, 255)",
"lightsteelblue2": "rgb(188, 210, 238)",
"lightsteelblue3": "rgb(162, 181, 205)",
"lightsteelblue4": "rgb(110, 123, 139)",
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"lightyellow1": "rgb(255, 255, 224)",
"lightyellow2": "rgb(238, 238, 209)",
"lightyellow3": "rgb(205, 205, 180)",
"lightyellow4": "rgb(139, 139, 122)",
"limegreen": "rgb(50, 205, 50)",
"linen": "rgb(250, 240, 230)",
"magenta": "rgb(255, 0, 255)",
"magenta1": "rgb(255, 0, 255)",
"magenta2": "rgb(238, 0, 238)",
"magenta3": "rgb(205, 0, 205)",
"magenta4": "rgb(139, 0, 139)",
"maroon": "rgb(176, 48, 96)",
"maroon1": "rgb(255, 52, 179)",
"maroon2": "rgb(238, 48, 167)",
"maroon3": "rgb(205, 41, 144)",
"maroon4": "rgb(139, 28, 98)",
"mediumaquamarine": "rgb(102, 205, 170)",
"mediumblue": "rgb(0, 0, 205)",
"mediumorchid": "rgb(186, 85, 211)",
"mediumorchid1": "rgb(224, 102, 255)",
"mediumorchid2": "rgb(209, 95, 238)",
"mediumorchid3": "rgb(180, 82, 205)",
"mediumorchid4": "rgb(122, 55, 139)",
"mediumpurple": "rgb(147, 112, 219)",
"mediumpurple1": "rgb(171, 130, 255)",
"mediumpurple2": "rgb(159, 121, 238)",
"mediumpurple3": "rgb(137, 104, 205)",
"mediumpurple4": "rgb(93, 71, 139)",
"mediumseagreen": "rgb(60, 179, 113)",
"mediumslateblue": "rgb(123, 104, 238)",
"mediumspringgreen": "rgb(0, 250, 154)",
"mediumturquoise": "rgb(72, 209, 204)",
"mediumvioletred": "rgb(199, 21, 133)",
"midnightblue": "rgb(25, 25, 112)",
"mintcream": "rgb(245, 255, 250)",
"mistyrose": "rgb(255, 228, 225)",
"mistyrose1": "rgb(255, 228, 225)",
"mistyrose2": "rgb(238, 213, 210)",
"mistyrose3": "rgb(205, 183, 181)",
"mistyrose4": "rgb(139, 125, 123)",
"moccasin": "rgb(255, 228, 181)",
"navajowhite": "rgb(255, 222, 173)",
"navajowhite1": "rgb(255, 222, 173)",
"navajowhite2": "rgb(238, 207, 161)",
"navajowhite3": "rgb(205, 179, 139)",
"navajowhite4": "rgb(139, 121, 94)",
"navy": "rgb(0, 0, 128)",
"navyblue": "rgb(0, 0, 128)",
"oldlace": "rgb(253, 245, 230)",
"olivedrab": "rgb(107, 142, 35)",
"olivedrab1": "rgb(192, 255, 62)",
"olivedrab2": "rgb(179, 238, 58)",
"olivedrab3": "rgb(154, 205, 50)",
"olivedrab4": "rgb(105, 139, 34)",
"orange": "rgb(255, 165, 0)",
"orange1": "rgb(255, 165, 0)",
"orange2": "rgb(238, 154, 0)",
"orange3": "rgb(205, 133, 0)",
"orange4": "rgb(139, 90, 0)",
"orangered": "rgb(255, 69, 0)",
"orangered1": "rgb(255, 69, 0)",
"orangered2": "rgb(238, 64, 0)",
"orangered3": "rgb(205, 55, 0)",
"orangered4": "rgb(139, 37, 0)",
"orchid": "rgb(218, 112, 214)",
"orchid1": "rgb(255, 131, 250)",
"orchid2": "rgb(238, 122, 233)",
"orchid3": "rgb(205, 105, 201)",
"orchid4": "rgb(139, 71, 137)",
"palegoldenrod": "rgb(238, 232, 170)",
"palegreen": "rgb(152, 251, 152)",
"palegreen1": "rgb(154, 255, 154)",
"palegreen2": "rgb(144, 238, 144)",
"palegreen3": "rgb(124, 205, 124)",
"palegreen4": "rgb(84, 139, 84)",
"paleturquoise": "rgb(175, 238, 238)",
"paleturquoise1": "rgb(187, 255, 255)",
"paleturquoise2": "rgb(174, 238, 238)",
"paleturquoise3": "rgb(150, 205, 205)",
"paleturquoise4": "rgb(102, 139, 139)",
"palevioletred": "rgb(219, 112, 147)",
"palevioletred1": "rgb(255, 130, 171)",
"palevioletred2": "rgb(238, 121, 159)",
"palevioletred3": "rgb(205, 104, 137)",
"palevioletred4": "rgb(139, 71, 93)",
"papayawhip": "rgb(255, 239, 213)",
"peachpuff": "rgb(255, 218, 185)",
"peachpuff1": "rgb(255, 218, 185)",
"peachpuff2": "rgb(238, 203, 173)",
"peachpuff3": "rgb(205, 175, 149)",
"peachpuff4": "rgb(139, 119, 101)",
"peru": "rgb(205, 133, 63)",
"pink": "rgb(255, 192, 203)",
"pink1": "rgb(255, 181, 197)",
"pink2": "rgb(238, 169, 184)",
"pink3": "rgb(205, 145, 158)",
"pink4": "rgb(139, 99, 108)",
"plum": "rgb(221, 160, 221)",
"plum1": "rgb(255, 187, 255)",
"plum2": "rgb(238, 174, 238)",
"plum3": "rgb(205, 150, 205)",
"plum4": "rgb(139, 102, 139)",
"powderblue": "rgb(176, 224, 230)",
"purple": "rgb(160, 32, 240)",
"purple1": "rgb(155, 48, 255)",
"purple2": "rgb(145, 44, 238)",
"purple3": "rgb(125, 38, 205)",
"purple4": "rgb(85, 26, 139)",
"red": "rgb(255, 0, 0)",
"red1": "rgb(255, 0, 0)",
"red2": "rgb(238, 0, 0)",
"red3": "rgb(205, 0, 0)",
"red4": "rgb(139, 0, 0)",
"rosybrown": "rgb(188, 143, 143)",
"rosybrown1": "rgb(255, 193, 193)",
"rosybrown2": "rgb(238, 180, 180)",
"rosybrown3": "rgb(205, 155, 155)",
"rosybrown4": "rgb(139, 105, 105)",
"royalblue": "rgb(65, 105, 225)",
"royalblue1": "rgb(72, 118, 255)",
"royalblue2": "rgb(67, 110, 238)",
"royalblue3": "rgb(58, 95, 205)",
"royalblue4": "rgb(39, 64, 139)",
"saddlebrown": "rgb(139, 69, 19)",
"salmon": "rgb(250, 128, 114)",
"salmon1": "rgb(255, 140, 105)",
"salmon2": "rgb(238, 130, 98)",
"salmon3": "rgb(205, 112, 84)",
"salmon4": "rgb(139, 76, 57)",
"sandybrown": "rgb(244, 164, 96)",
"seagreen": "rgb(46, 139, 87)",
"seagreen1": "rgb(84, 255, 159)",
"seagreen2": "rgb(78, 238, 148)",
"seagreen3": "rgb(67, 205, 128)",
"seagreen4": "rgb(46, 139, 87)",
"seashell": "rgb(255, 245, 238)",
"seashell1": "rgb(255, 245, 238)",
"seashell2": "rgb(238, 229, 222)",
"seashell3": "rgb(205, 197, 191)",
"seashell4": "rgb(139, 134, 130)",
"sienna": "rgb(160, 82, 45)",
"sienna1": "rgb(255, 130, 71)",
"sienna2": "rgb(238, 121, 66)",
"sienna3": "rgb(205, 104, 57)",
"sienna4": "rgb(139, 71, 38)",
"skyblue": "rgb(135, 206, 235)",
"skyblue1": "rgb(135, 206, 255)",
"skyblue2": "rgb(126, 192, 238)",
"skyblue3": "rgb(108, 166, 205)",
"skyblue4": "rgb(74, 112, 139)",
"slateblue": "rgb(106, 90, 205)",
"slateblue1": "rgb(131, 111, 255)",
"slateblue2": "rgb(122, 103, 238)",
"slateblue3": "rgb(105, 89, 205)",
"slateblue4": "rgb(71, 60, 139)",
"slategray": "rgb(112, 128, 144)",
"slategray1": "rgb(198, 226, 255)",
"slategray2": "rgb(185, 211, 238)",
"slategray3": "rgb(159, 182, 205)",
"slategray4": "rgb(108, 123, 139)",
"slategrey": "rgb(112, 128, 144)",
"snow": "rgb(255, 250, 250)",
"snow1": "rgb(255, 250, 250)",
"snow2": "rgb(238, 233, 233)",
"snow3": "rgb(205, 201, 201)",
"snow4": "rgb(139, 137, 137)",
"springgreen": "rgb(0, 255, 127)",
"springgreen1": "rgb(0, 255, 127)",
"springgreen2": "rgb(0, 238, 118)",
"springgreen3": "rgb(0, 205, 102)",
"springgreen4": "rgb(0, 139, 69)",
"steelblue": "rgb(70, 130, 180)",
"steelblue1": "rgb(99, 184, 255)",
"steelblue2": "rgb(92, 172, 238)",
"steelblue3": "rgb(79, 148, 205)",
"steelblue4": "rgb(54, 100, 139)",
"tan": "rgb(210, 180, 140)",
"tan1": "rgb(255, 165, 79)",
"tan2": "rgb(238, 154, 73)",
"tan3": "rgb(205, 133, 63)",
"tan4": "rgb(139, 90, 43)",
"thistle": "rgb(216, 191, 216)",
"thistle1": "rgb(255, 225, 255)",
"thistle2": "rgb(238, 210, 238)",
"thistle3": "rgb(205, 181, 205)",
"thistle4": "rgb(139, 123, 139)",
"tomato": "rgb(255, 99, 71)",
"tomato1": "rgb(255, 99, 71)",
"tomato2": "rgb(238, 92, 66)",
"tomato3": "rgb(205, 79, 57)",
"tomato4": "rgb(139, 54, 38)",
"turquoise": "rgb(64, 224, 208)",
"turquoise1": "rgb(0, 245, 255)",
"turquoise2": "rgb(0, 229, 238)",
"turquoise3": "rgb(0, 197, 205)",
"turquoise4": "rgb(0, 134, 139)",
"violet": "rgb(238, 130, 238)",
"violetred": "rgb(208, 32, 144)",
"violetred1": "rgb(255, 62, 150)",
"violetred2": "rgb(238, 58, 140)",
"violetred3": "rgb(205, 50, 120)",
"violetred4": "rgb(139, 34, 82)",
"wheat": "rgb(245, 222, 179)",
"wheat1": "rgb(255, 231, 186)",
"wheat2": "rgb(238, 216, 174)",
"wheat3": "rgb(205, 186, 150)",
"wheat4": "rgb(139, 126, 102)",
"white": "rgb(255, 255, 255)",
"whitesmoke": "rgb(245, 245, 245)",
"yellow": "rgb(255, 255, 0)",
"yellow1": "rgb(255, 255, 0)",
"yellow2": "rgb(238, 238, 0)",
"yellow3": "rgb(205, 205, 0)",
"yellow4": "rgb(139, 139, 0)",
"yellowgreen": "rgb(154, 205, 50)"
// SOURCE FILE: libdot/js/lib_f.js
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* Grab bag of utility functions.
lib.f = {};
* Replace variable references in a string.
* Variables are of the form %FUNCTION(VARNAME). FUNCTION is an optional
* escape function to apply to the value.
* For example
* lib.f.replaceVars("%(greeting), %encodeURIComponent(name)",
* { greeting: "Hello",
* name: "Google+" });
* Will result in "Hello, Google%2B".
lib.f.replaceVars = function(str, vars) {
return str.replace(/%([a-z]*)\(([^\)]+)\)/gi, function(match, fn, varname) {
if (typeof vars[varname] == 'undefined')
throw 'Unknown variable: ' + varname;
var rv = vars[varname];
if (fn in lib.f.replaceVars.functions) {
rv = lib.f.replaceVars.functions[fn](rv);
} else if (fn) {
throw 'Unknown escape function: ' + fn;
return rv;
* Functions that can be used with replaceVars.
* Clients can add to this list to extend lib.f.replaceVars().
lib.f.replaceVars.functions = {
encodeURI: encodeURI,
encodeURIComponent: encodeURIComponent,
escapeHTML: function(str) {
var map = {
'<': '<',
'>': '>',
'&': '&',
'"': '"',
"'": '''
return str.replace(/[<>&\"\']/g, (m) => map[m]);
lib.f.getURL = function(path) {
if (lib.f.getURL.chromeSupported())
return chrome.runtime.getURL(path);
return path;
lib.f.getURL.chromeSupported = function() {
return && chrome.runtime && chrome.runtime.getURL;
* Clamp a given integer to a specified range.
* @param {integer} v The value to be clamped.
* @param {integer} min The minimum acceptable value.
* @param {integer} max The maximum acceptable value.
lib.f.clamp = function(v, min, max) {
if (v < min)
return min;
if (v > max)
return max;
return v;
* Left pad a number to a given length with leading zeros.
* @param {string|integer} number The number to pad.
* @param {integer} length The desired length.
* @return {string} The padded number as a string.
lib.f.zpad = function(number, length) {
return String(number).padStart(length, '0');
* Return a string containing a given number of space characters.
* This method maintains a static cache of the largest amount of whitespace
* ever requested. It shouldn't be used to generate an insanely huge amount of
* whitespace.
* @param {integer} length The desired amount of whitespace.
* @param {string} A string of spaces of the requested length.
lib.f.getWhitespace = function(length) {
if (length <= 0)
return '';
var f = this.getWhitespace;
if (!f.whitespace)
f.whitespace = ' ';
while (length > f.whitespace.length) {
f.whitespace += f.whitespace;
return f.whitespace.substr(0, length);
* Return the current call stack after skipping a given number of frames.
* This method is intended to be used for debugging only. It returns an
* Object instead of an Array, because the console stringifies arrays by
* default and that's not what we want.
* A typical call might look like...
* console.log('Something wicked this way came', lib.f.getStack());
* // Notice the comma ^
* This would print the message to the js console, followed by an object
* which can be clicked to reveal the stack.
* @param {number=} ignoreFrames How many inner stack frames to ignore. The
* innermost 'getStack' call is always ignored.
* @param {number=} count How many frames to return.
lib.f.getStack = function(ignoreFrames = 0, count = undefined) {
const stackArray = (new Error()).stack.split('\n');
// Always ignore the Error() object and getStack call itself.
// [0] = 'Error'
// [1] = ' at Object.lib.f.getStack (file:///.../lib_f.js:267:23)'
ignoreFrames += 2;
const max = stackArray.length - ignoreFrames;
if (count === undefined)
count = max;
count = lib.f.clamp(count, 0, max);
// Remove the leading spaces and "at" from each line:
// ' at window.onload (file:///.../lib_test.js:11:18)'
const stackObject = new Array();
for (let i = ignoreFrames; i < count + ignoreFrames; ++i)
stackObject.push(stackArray[i].replace(/^\s*at\s+/, ''));
return stackObject;
* Divides the two numbers and floors the results, unless the remainder is less
* than an incredibly small value, in which case it returns the ceiling.
* This is useful when the number are truncated approximations of longer
* values, and so doing division with these numbers yields a result incredibly
* close to a whole number.
* @param {number} numerator
* @param {number} denominator
* @return {number}
lib.f.smartFloorDivide = function(numerator, denominator) {
var val = numerator / denominator;
var ceiling = Math.ceil(val);
if (ceiling - val < .0001) {
return ceiling;
} else {
return Math.floor(val);
* Get a random integer in a range (inclusive).
* @param {number} min The lowest integer in the range.
* @param {number} max The highest integer in the range.
* @return {number} A random number between min & max.
lib.f.randomInt = function(min, max) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
* Get the current OS.
* @return {Promise} A promise that resolves to a constant in
* runtime.PlatformOs.
lib.f.getOs = function() {
// Try the brower extensions API.
if (window.browser && browser.runtime && browser.runtime.getPlatformInfo)
return browser.runtime.getPlatformInfo().then((info) => info.os);
// Use the native Chrome API if available.
if ( && chrome.runtime && chrome.runtime.getPlatformInfo) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
chrome.runtime.getPlatformInfo((info) => resolve(info.os)));
// Fallback logic. Capture the major OS's. The rest should support the
// browser API above.
if (window.navigator && navigator.userAgent) {
const ua = navigator.userAgent;
if (ua.includes('Mac OS X'))
return Promise.resolve('mac');
else if (ua.includes('CrOS'))
return Promise.resolve('cros');
else if (ua.includes('Linux'))
return Promise.resolve('linux');
else if (ua.includes('Android'))
return Promise.resolve('android');
else if (ua.includes('Windows'))
return Promise.resolve('windows');
// Still here? No idea.
return Promise.reject(null);
* Get the current Chrome milestone version.
* @return {number} The milestone number if we're running on Chrome, else NaN.
lib.f.getChromeMilestone = function() {
if (window.navigator && navigator.userAgent) {
const ary = navigator.userAgent.match(/\sChrome\/(\d+)/);
if (ary)
return parseInt(ary[1]);
// Returning NaN will make all number comparisons fail.
return NaN;
* Return the lastError string in the browser.
* This object might live in different locations, and it isn't always defined
* (if there hasn't been a "last error"). Wrap all that ugliness here.
* @param {string=} defaultMsg The default message if no error is found.
* @return {string} The last error message from the browser.
lib.f.lastError = function(defaultMsg = null) {
let lastError;
if (window.browser && browser.runtime)
lastError = browser.runtime.lastError;
else if ( && chrome.runtime)
lastError = chrome.runtime.lastError;
if (lastError && lastError.message)
return lastError.message;
return defaultMsg;
* Just like, but enforce noopener.
* If we're not careful, the website we open will have access to use via its
* window.opener field. Newer browser support putting 'noopener' into the
* features argument, but there are many which still don't. So hack it.
* @param {string=} url The URL to point the new window to.
* @param {string=} name The name of the new window.
* @param {string=} features The window features to enable.
* @return {Window} The newly opened window.
lib.f.openWindow = function(url, name=undefined, features=undefined) {
// We create the window first without the URL loaded.
const win =, name, features);
// If the system is blocking, don't crash.
if (win !== null) {
// Clear the opener setting before redirecting.
win.opener = null;
// Now it's safe to redirect. Skip this step if the url is not set so we
// mimic the behavior more precisely.
if (url) {
win.location = url;
return win;
// SOURCE FILE: libdot/js/lib_i18n.js
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* Wrappers over the browser i18n helpers.
* Arguably some of these functions should be l10n, but oh well.
lib.i18n = {};
* Convenience shortcut to the browser i18n object.
lib.i18n.browser_ =
window.browser && browser.i18n ? browser.i18n : && chrome.i18n ? chrome.i18n :
* Get the list of accepted UI languages.
* @param {function(Array)} callback Function to invoke with the results. The
* parameter is a list of locale names.
lib.i18n.getAcceptLanguages = function(callback) {
if (lib.i18n.browser_) {
} else {
setTimeout(function() {
callback([navigator.language.replace(/-/g, '_')]);
}, 0);
* Get a message by name, optionally replacing arguments too.
* @param {string} msgname The id for this localized string.
* @param {string[]=} substitutions Any replacements in the string.
* @param {string=} fallback Translation if the message wasn't found.
* @return {string} The translated message.
lib.i18n.getMessage = function(msgname, substitutions = [], fallback = '') {
// First let the native browser APIs handle everything for us.
if (lib.i18n.browser_) {
const message = lib.i18n.browser_.getMessage(msgname, substitutions);
if (message)
return message;
// Do our best to get something reasonable.
return lib.i18n.replaceReferences(fallback, substitutions);
* Replace $1...$n references with the elements of the args array.
* This largely behaves like Chrome's getMessage helper. The $# references are
* always replaced/removed regardless of the specified substitutions.
* @param {string} msg String containing the message and argument references.
* @param {string[]=} args Array containing the argument values.
* @return {string} The message with replacements expanded.
lib.i18n.replaceReferences = function(msg, args = []) {
// The Chrome API allows a single substitution as a string rather than array.
if (args === null) {
args = [];
if (!(args instanceof Array)) {
args = [args];
return msg.replace(/\$(\d+)/g, (m, index) => {
return index <= args.length ? args[index - 1] : '';
// SOURCE FILE: libdot/js/lib_message_manager.js
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* MessageManager class handles internationalized strings.
* Note: chrome.i18n isn't sufficient because...
* 1. There's a bug in chrome that makes it unavailable in iframes:
* 2. The client code may not be packaged in a Chrome extension.
* 3. The client code may be part of a library packaged in a third-party
* Chrome extension.
* @param {Array} languages List of languages to load, in the order they
* should be loaded. Newer messages replace older ones. 'en' is
* automatically added as the first language if it is not already present.
lib.MessageManager = function(languages) {
this.languages_ = => el.replace(/-/g, '_'));
if (this.languages_.indexOf('en') == -1)
this.messages = {};
* Add message definitions to the message manager.
* This takes an object of the same format of a Chrome messages.json file. See
* .
lib.MessageManager.prototype.addMessages = function(defs) {
for (var key in defs) {
var def = defs[key];
if (!def.placeholders) {
this.messages[key] = def.message;
} else {
// Replace "$NAME$" placeholders with "$1", etc.
this.messages[key] = def.message.replace(
function(m, name) {
return defs[key].placeholders[name.toLowerCase()].content;
* Load the first available language message bundle.
* @param {string} pattern A url pattern containing a "$1" where the locale
* name should go.
* @param {function(Array,Array)} onComplete Function to be called when loading
* is complete. The two arrays are the list of successful and failed
* locale names. If the first parameter is length 0, no locales were
* loaded.
lib.MessageManager.prototype.findAndLoadMessages = function(
pattern, onComplete) {
var languages = this.languages_.concat();
var loaded = [];
var failed = [];
function onLanguageComplete(state) {
if (state) {
loaded = languages.shift();
} else {
failed = languages.shift();
if (languages.length) {
} else {
onComplete(loaded, failed);
var tryNextLanguage = function() {
this.loadMessages(this.replaceReferences(pattern, languages),
onLanguageComplete.bind(this, true),
onLanguageComplete.bind(this, false));
* Load messages from a messages.json file.
lib.MessageManager.prototype.loadMessages = function(
url, onSuccess, opt_onError) {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.onload = () => {
if (opt_onError)
xhr.onerror = () => opt_onError(xhr);'GET', url);
* Per-instance copy of replaceReferences.
lib.MessageManager.prototype.replaceReferences = lib.i18n.replaceReferences;
* Get a message by name, optionally replacing arguments too.
* @param {string} msgname String containing the name of the message to get.
* @param {Array} opt_args Optional array containing the argument values.
* @param {string} opt_default Optional value to return if the msgname is not
* found. Returns the message name by default.
lib.MessageManager.prototype.get = function(msgname, opt_args, opt_default) {
// First try the integrated browser getMessage. We prefer that over any
// registered messages as only the browser supports translations.
let message = lib.i18n.getMessage(msgname, opt_args);
if (message)
return message;
// Look it up in the registered cache next.
message = this.messages[msgname];
if (!message) {
console.warn('Unknown message: ' + msgname);
message = opt_default === undefined ? msgname : opt_default;
// Register the message with the default to avoid multiple warnings.
this.messages[msgname] = message;
return this.replaceReferences(message, opt_args);
* Process all of the "i18n" html attributes found in a given dom fragment.
* The real work happens in processI18nAttribute.
lib.MessageManager.prototype.processI18nAttributes = function(dom) {
var nodes = dom.querySelectorAll('[i18n]');
for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++)
* Process the "i18n" attribute in the specified node.
* The i18n attribute should contain a JSON object. The keys are taken to
* be attribute names, and the values are message names.
* If the JSON object has a "_" (underscore) key, its value is used as the
* textContent of the element.
* Message names can refer to other attributes on the same element with by
* prefixing with a dollar sign. For example...
* The aria-label message name will be computed as "SEND_BUTTON_ARIA_LABEL".
* Notice that the "id" attribute was appended to the target attribute, and
* the result converted to UPPER_AND_UNDER style.
lib.MessageManager.prototype.processI18nAttribute = function(node) {
// Convert the "lower-and-dashes" attribute names into
// "UPPER_AND_UNDER" style.
const thunk = (str) => str.replace(/-/g, '_').toUpperCase();
var i18n = node.getAttribute('i18n');
if (!i18n)
try {
i18n = JSON.parse(i18n);
} catch (ex) {
console.error('Can\'t parse ' + node.tagName + '#' + + ': ' + i18n);
throw ex;
// Load all the messages specified in the i18n attributes.
for (var key in i18n) {
// The node attribute we'll be setting.
var attr = key;
var msgname = i18n[key];
// For "=foo", re-use the referenced message name.
if (msgname.startsWith('=')) {
key = msgname.substr(1);
msgname = i18n[key];
// For "$foo", calculate the message name.
if (msgname.startsWith('$'))
msgname = thunk(node.getAttribute(msgname.substr(1)) + '_' + key);
// Finally load the message.
var msg = this.get(msgname);
if (attr == '_')
node.textContent = msg;
node.setAttribute(attr, msg);
// SOURCE FILE: libdot/js/lib_preference_manager.js
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* Constructor for lib.PreferenceManager objects.
* These objects deal with persisting changes to stable storage and notifying
* consumers when preferences change.
* It is intended that the backing store could be something other than HTML5
* storage, but there aren't any use cases at the moment. In the future there
* may be a chrome api to store sync-able name/value pairs, and we'd want
* that.
* @param {lib.Storage.*} storage The storage object to use as a backing
* store.
* @param {string} opt_prefix The optional prefix to be used for all preference
* names. The '/' character should be used to separate levels of hierarchy,
* if you're going to have that kind of thing. If provided, the prefix
* should start with a '/'. If not provided, it defaults to '/'.
lib.PreferenceManager = function(storage, opt_prefix) { = storage;
this.storageObserver_ = this.onStorageChange_.bind(this);
this.isActive_ = false;
this.trace = false;
var prefix = opt_prefix || '/';
if (!prefix.endsWith('/'))
prefix += '/';
this.prefix = prefix;
// Internal state for when we're doing a bulk import from JSON and we want
// to elide redundant storage writes (for quota reasons).
this.isImportingJson_ = false;
this.prefRecords_ = {};
this.globalObservers_ = [];
this.childFactories_ = {};
// Map of list-name to {map of child pref managers}
// As in...
// this.childLists_ = {
// 'profile-ids': {
// 'one': PreferenceManager,
// 'two': PreferenceManager,
// ...
// },
// 'frob-ids': {
// ...
// }
// }
this.childLists_ = {};
* Used internally to indicate that the current value of the preference should
* be taken from the default value defined with the preference.
* Equality tests against this value MUST use '===' or '!==' to be accurate.
lib.PreferenceManager.prototype.DEFAULT_VALUE = Symbol('DEFAULT_VALUE');
* An individual preference.
* These objects are managed by the PreferenceManager, you shouldn't need to
* handle them directly.
lib.PreferenceManager.Record = function(name, defaultValue) { = name;
this.defaultValue = defaultValue;
this.currentValue = this.DEFAULT_VALUE;
this.observers = [];
* A local copy of the DEFAULT_VALUE constant to make it less verbose.
lib.PreferenceManager.Record.prototype.DEFAULT_VALUE =
* Register a callback to be invoked when this preference changes.
* @param {function(value, string, lib.PreferenceManager} observer The function
* to invoke. It will receive the new value, the name of the preference,
* and a reference to the PreferenceManager as parameters.
lib.PreferenceManager.Record.prototype.addObserver = function(observer) {
* Unregister an observer callback.
* @param {function} observer A previously registered callback.
lib.PreferenceManager.Record.prototype.removeObserver = function(observer) {
var i = this.observers.indexOf(observer);
if (i >= 0)
this.observers.splice(i, 1);
* Fetch the value of this preference.
lib.PreferenceManager.Record.prototype.get = function() {
if (this.currentValue === this.DEFAULT_VALUE) {
if (/^(string|number)$/.test(typeof this.defaultValue))
return this.defaultValue;
if (typeof this.defaultValue == 'object') {
// We want to return a COPY of the default value so that users can
// modify the array or object without changing the default value.
return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.defaultValue));
return this.defaultValue;
return this.currentValue;
* Stop this preference manager from tracking storage changes.
* Call this if you're going to swap out one preference manager for another so
* that you don't get notified about irrelevant changes.
lib.PreferenceManager.prototype.deactivate = function() {
if (!this.isActive_)
throw new Error('Not activated');
this.isActive_ = false;;
* Start tracking storage changes.
* If you previously deactivated this preference manager, you can reactivate it
* with this method. You don't need to call this at initialization time, as
* it's automatically called as part of the constructor.
lib.PreferenceManager.prototype.activate = function() {
if (this.isActive_)
throw new Error('Already activated');
this.isActive_ = true;;
* Read the backing storage for these preferences.
* You should do this once at initialization time to prime the local cache
* of preference values. The preference manager will monitor the backing
* storage for changes, so you should not need to call this more than once.
* This function recursively reads storage for all child preference managers as
* well.
* This function is asynchronous, if you need to read preference values, you
* *must* wait for the callback.
* @param {function()} opt_callback Optional function to invoke when the read
* has completed.
lib.PreferenceManager.prototype.readStorage = function(opt_callback) {
var pendingChildren = 0;
function onChildComplete() {
if (--pendingChildren == 0 && opt_callback)
var keys = Object.keys(this.prefRecords_).map((el) => this.prefix + el);
if (this.trace)
console.log('Preferences read: ' + this.prefix);, function(items) {
var prefixLength = this.prefix.length;
for (var key in items) {
var value = items[key];
var name = key.substr(prefixLength);
var needSync = (name in this.childLists_ &&
(JSON.stringify(value) !=
this.prefRecords_[name].currentValue = value;
if (needSync) {
this.syncChildList(name, onChildComplete);
if (pendingChildren == 0 && opt_callback)
* Define a preference.
* This registers a name, default value, and onChange handler for a preference.
* @param {string} name The name of the preference. This will be prefixed by
* the prefix of this PreferenceManager before written to local storage.
* @param {string|number|boolean|Object|Array|null} value The default value of
* this preference. Anything that can be represented in JSON is a valid
* default value.
* @param {function(value, string, lib.PreferenceManager} opt_observer A
* function to invoke when the preference changes. It will receive the new
* value, the name of the preference, and a reference to the
* PreferenceManager as parameters.
lib.PreferenceManager.prototype.definePreference = function(
name, value, opt_onChange) {
var record = this.prefRecords_[name];
if (record) {
this.changeDefault(name, value);
} else {
record = this.prefRecords_[name] =
new lib.PreferenceManager.Record(name, value);
if (opt_onChange)
* Define multiple preferences with a single function call.
* @param {Array} defaults An array of 3-element arrays. Each three element
* array should contain the [key, value, onChange] parameters for a
* preference.
lib.PreferenceManager.prototype.definePreferences = function(defaults) {
for (var i = 0; i < defaults.length; i++) {
this.definePreference(defaults[i][0], defaults[i][1], defaults[i][2]);
* Define an ordered list of child preferences.
* Child preferences are different from just storing an array of JSON objects
* in that each child is an instance of a preference manager. This means you
* can observe changes to individual child preferences, and get some validation
* that you're not reading or writing to an undefined child preference value.
* @param {string} listName A name for the list of children. This must be
* unique in this preference manager. The listName will become a
* preference on this PreferenceManager used to store the ordered list of
* child ids. It is also used in get/add/remove operations to identify the
* list of children to operate on.
* @param {function} childFactory A function that will be used to generate
* instances of these children. The factory function will receive the
* parent lib.PreferenceManager object and a unique id for the new child
* preferences.
lib.PreferenceManager.prototype.defineChildren = function(
listName, childFactory) {
// Define a preference to hold the ordered list of child ids.
this.definePreference(listName, [],
this.onChildListChange_.bind(this, listName));
this.childFactories_[listName] = childFactory;
this.childLists_[listName] = {};
* Register to observe preference changes.
* @param {Function} global A callback that will happen for every preference.
* Pass null if you don't need one.
* @param {Object} map A map of preference specific callbacks. Pass null if
* you don't need any.
lib.PreferenceManager.prototype.addObservers = function(global, map) {
if (global && typeof global != 'function')
throw new Error('Invalid param: globals');
if (global)
if (!map)
for (var name in map) {
if (!(name in this.prefRecords_))
throw new Error('Unknown preference: ' + name);
* Dispatch the change observers for all known preferences.
* It may be useful to call this after readStorage completes, in order to
* get application state in sync with user preferences.
* This can be used if you've changed a preference manager out from under
* a live object, for example when switching to a different prefix.
lib.PreferenceManager.prototype.notifyAll = function() {
for (var name in this.prefRecords_) {
* Notify the change observers for a given preference.
* @param {string} name The name of the preference that changed.
lib.PreferenceManager.prototype.notifyChange_ = function(name) {
var record = this.prefRecords_[name];
if (!record)
throw new Error('Unknown preference: ' + name);
var currentValue = record.get();
for (var i = 0; i < this.globalObservers_.length; i++)
this.globalObservers_[i](name, currentValue);
for (var i = 0; i < record.observers.length; i++) {
record.observers[i](currentValue, name, this);
* Create a new child PreferenceManager for the given child list.
* The optional hint parameter is an opaque prefix added to the auto-generated
* unique id for this child. Your child factory can parse out the prefix
* and use it.
* @param {string} listName The child list to create the new instance from.
* @param {string} opt_hint Optional hint to include in the child id.
* @param {string} opt_id Optional id to override the generated id.
lib.PreferenceManager.prototype.createChild = function(listName, opt_hint,
opt_id) {
var ids = this.get(listName);
var id;
if (opt_id) {
id = opt_id;
if (ids.indexOf(id) != -1)
throw new Error('Duplicate child: ' + listName + ': ' + id);
} else {
// Pick a random, unique 4-digit hex identifier for the new profile.
while (!id || ids.indexOf(id) != -1) {
id = lib.f.randomInt(1, 0xffff).toString(16);
id = lib.f.zpad(id, 4);
if (opt_hint)
id = opt_hint + ':' + id;
var childManager = this.childFactories_[listName](this, id);
childManager.trace = this.trace;
this.childLists_[listName][id] = childManager;
this.set(listName, ids, undefined, !this.isImportingJson_);
return childManager;
* Remove a child preferences instance.
* Removes a child preference manager and clears any preferences stored in it.
* @param {string} listName The name of the child list containing the child to
* remove.
* @param {string} id The child ID.
lib.PreferenceManager.prototype.removeChild = function(listName, id) {
var prefs = this.getChild(listName, id);
var ids = this.get(listName);
var i = ids.indexOf(id);
if (i != -1) {
ids.splice(i, 1);
this.set(listName, ids, undefined, !this.isImportingJson_);
delete this.childLists_[listName][id];
* Return a child PreferenceManager instance for a given id.
* If the child list or child id is not known this will return the specified
* default value or throw an exception if no default value is provided.
* @param {string} listName The child list to look in.
* @param {string} id The child ID.
* @param {*} opt_default The optional default value to return if the child
* is not found.
lib.PreferenceManager.prototype.getChild = function(listName, id, opt_default) {
if (!(listName in this.childLists_))
throw new Error('Unknown child list: ' + listName);
var childList = this.childLists_[listName];
if (!(id in childList)) {
if (typeof opt_default == 'undefined')
throw new Error('Unknown "' + listName + '" child: ' + id);
return opt_default;
return childList[id];
* Calculate the difference between two lists of child ids.
* Given two arrays of child ids, this function will return an object
* with "added", "removed", and "common" properties. Each property is
* a map of child-id to `true`. For example, given...
* a = ['child-x', 'child-y']
* b = ['child-y']
* diffChildLists(a, b) =>
* { added: { 'child-x': true }, removed: {}, common: { 'child-y': true } }
* The added/removed properties assume that `a` is the current list.
* @param {Array[string]} a The most recent list of child ids.
* @param {Array[string]} b An older list of child ids.
* @return {Object} An object with added/removed/common properties.
lib.PreferenceManager.diffChildLists = function(a, b) {
var rv = {
added: {},
removed: {},
common: {},
for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
if (b.indexOf(a[i]) != -1) {
rv.common[a[i]] = true;
} else {
rv.added[a[i]] = true;
for (var i = 0; i < b.length; i++) {
if ((b[i] in rv.added) || (b[i] in rv.common))
rv.removed[b[i]] = true;
return rv;
* Synchronize a list of child PreferenceManagers instances with the current
* list stored in prefs.
* This will instantiate any missing managers and read current preference values
* from storage. Any active managers that no longer appear in preferences will
* be deleted.
* @param {string} listName The child list to synchronize.
* @param {function()} opt_callback Optional function to invoke when the sync
* is complete.
lib.PreferenceManager.prototype.syncChildList = function(
listName, opt_callback) {
var pendingChildren = 0;
function onChildStorage() {
if (--pendingChildren == 0 && opt_callback)
// The list of child ids that we *should* have a manager for.
var currentIds = this.get(listName);
// The known managers at the start of the sync. Any manager still in this
// list at the end should be discarded.
var oldIds = Object.keys(this.childLists_[listName]);
var rv = lib.PreferenceManager.diffChildLists(currentIds, oldIds);
for (var i = 0; i < currentIds.length; i++) {
var id = currentIds[i];
var managerIndex = oldIds.indexOf(id);
if (managerIndex >= 0)
oldIds.splice(managerIndex, 1);
if (!this.childLists_[listName][id]) {
var childManager = this.childFactories_[listName](this, id);
if (!childManager) {
console.warn('Unable to restore child: ' + listName + ': ' + id);
childManager.trace = this.trace;
this.childLists_[listName][id] = childManager;
for (var i = 0; i < oldIds.length; i++) {
delete this.childLists_[listName][oldIds[i]];
if (!pendingChildren && opt_callback)
* Reset a preference to its default state.
* This will dispatch the onChange handler if the preference value actually
* changes.
* @param {string} name The preference to reset.
lib.PreferenceManager.prototype.reset = function(name) {
var record = this.prefRecords_[name];
if (!record)
throw new Error('Unknown preference: ' + name); + name);
if (record.currentValue !== this.DEFAULT_VALUE) {
record.currentValue = this.DEFAULT_VALUE;
* Reset all preferences back to their default state.
lib.PreferenceManager.prototype.resetAll = function() {
var changed = [];
for (var listName in this.childLists_) {
var childList = this.childLists_[listName];
for (var id in childList) {
for (var name in this.prefRecords_) {
if (this.prefRecords_[name].currentValue !== this.DEFAULT_VALUE) {
this.prefRecords_[name].currentValue = this.DEFAULT_VALUE;
var keys = Object.keys(this.prefRecords_).map(function(el) {
return this.prefix + el;
* Return true if two values should be considered not-equal.
* If both values are the same scalar type and compare equal this function
* returns false (no difference), otherwise return true.
* This is used in places where we want to check if a preference has changed.
* Rather than take the time to compare complex values we just consider them
* to always be different.
* @param {*} a A value to compare.
* @param {*} b A value to compare.
lib.PreferenceManager.prototype.diff = function(a, b) {
// If the types are different.
if ((typeof a) !== (typeof b)) {
return true;
// Or if the type is not a simple primitive one.
if (!(/^(undefined|boolean|number|string)$/.test(typeof a))) {
// Special case the null object.
if (a === null && b === null) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
// Do a normal compare for primitive types.
return a !== b;
* Change the default value of a preference.
* This is useful when subclassing preference managers.
* The function does not alter the current value of the preference, unless
* it has the old default value. When that happens, the change observers
* will be notified.
* @param {string} name The name of the parameter to change.
* @param {*} newValue The new default value for the preference.
lib.PreferenceManager.prototype.changeDefault = function(name, newValue) {
var record = this.prefRecords_[name];
if (!record)
throw new Error('Unknown preference: ' + name);
if (!this.diff(record.defaultValue, newValue)) {
// Default value hasn't changed.
if (record.currentValue !== this.DEFAULT_VALUE) {
// This pref has a specific value, just change the default and we're done.
record.defaultValue = newValue;
record.defaultValue = newValue;
* Change the default value of multiple preferences.
* @param {Object} map A map of name -> value pairs specifying the new default
* values.
lib.PreferenceManager.prototype.changeDefaults = function(map) {
for (var key in map) {
this.changeDefault(key, map[key]);
* Set a preference to a specific value.
* This will dispatch the onChange handler if the preference value actually
* changes.
* @param {string} name The preference to set.
* @param {*} newValue The value to set. Anything that can be represented in
* JSON is a valid value.
* @param {function()=} onComplete Callback when the set call completes.
* @param {boolean=} saveToStorage Whether to commit the change to the backing
* storage or only the in-memory record copy.
lib.PreferenceManager.prototype.set = function(
name, newValue, onComplete=undefined, saveToStorage=true) {
var record = this.prefRecords_[name];
if (!record)
throw new Error('Unknown preference: ' + name);
var oldValue = record.get();
if (!this.diff(oldValue, newValue))
if (this.diff(record.defaultValue, newValue)) {
record.currentValue = newValue;
if (saveToStorage) + name, newValue, onComplete);
} else {
record.currentValue = this.DEFAULT_VALUE;
if (saveToStorage) + name, onComplete);
// We need to manually send out the notification on this instance. If we
// The storage event won't fire a notification because we've already changed
// the currentValue, so it won't see a difference. If we delayed changing
// currentValue until the storage event, a pref read immediately after a write
// would return the previous value.
// The notification is in a timeout so clients don't accidentally depend on
// a synchronous notification.
setTimeout(this.notifyChange_.bind(this, name), 0);
* Get the value of a preference.
* @param {string} key The preference to get.
lib.PreferenceManager.prototype.get = function(name) {
var record = this.prefRecords_[name];
if (!record)
throw new Error('Unknown preference: ' + name);
return record.get();
* Return all non-default preferences as a JSON object.
* This includes any nested preference managers as well.
lib.PreferenceManager.prototype.exportAsJson = function() {
var rv = {};
for (var name in this.prefRecords_) {
if (name in this.childLists_) {
rv[name] = [];
var childIds = this.get(name);
for (var i = 0; i < childIds.length; i++) {
var id = childIds[i];
rv[name].push({id: id, json: this.getChild(name, id).exportAsJson()});
} else {
var record = this.prefRecords_[name];
if (record.currentValue != this.DEFAULT_VALUE)
rv[name] = record.currentValue;
return rv;
* Import a JSON blob of preferences previously generated with exportAsJson.
* This will create nested preference managers as well.
lib.PreferenceManager.prototype.importFromJson = function(json, opt_onComplete) {
this.isImportingJson_ = true;
let pendingWrites = 0;
const onWriteStorage = () => {
if (--pendingWrites < 1) {
if (opt_onComplete)
// We've delayed updates to the child arrays, so flush them now.
for (let name in json)
if (name in this.childLists_)
this.set(name, this.get(name));
this.isImportingJson_ = false;
for (var name in json) {
if (name in this.childLists_) {
var childList = json[name];
for (var i = 0; i < childList.length; i++) {
var id = childList[i].id;
var childPrefManager = this.childLists_[name][id];
if (!childPrefManager)
childPrefManager = this.createChild(name, null, id);
childPrefManager.importFromJson(childList[i].json, onWriteStorage);
} else {
// The set is synchronous.
this.set(name, json[name]);
// If we didn't update any children, no async work has been queued, so make
// the completion callback directly.
if (pendingWrites == 0 && opt_onComplete)
* Called when one of the child list preferences changes.
lib.PreferenceManager.prototype.onChildListChange_ = function(listName) {
* Called when a key in the storage changes.
lib.PreferenceManager.prototype.onStorageChange_ = function(map) {
for (var key in map) {
if (this.prefix) {
if (key.lastIndexOf(this.prefix, 0) != 0)
var name = key.substr(this.prefix.length);
if (!(name in this.prefRecords_)) {
// Sometimes we'll get notified about prefs that are no longer defined.
var record = this.prefRecords_[name];
var newValue = map[key].newValue;
var currentValue = record.currentValue;
if (currentValue === record.DEFAULT_VALUE)
currentValue = (void 0);
if (this.diff(currentValue, newValue)) {
if (typeof newValue == 'undefined' || newValue === null) {
record.currentValue = record.DEFAULT_VALUE;
} else {
record.currentValue = newValue;
// SOURCE FILE: libdot/js/lib_resource.js
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* Storage for canned resources.
* These are usually non-JavaScript things that are collected during a build
* step and converted into a series of 'lib.resource.add(...)' calls. See
* the "@resource" directive from libdot/bin/concat for the canonical use
* case.
* This is global storage, so you should prefix your resource names to avoid
* collisions.
lib.resource = {
resources_: {}
* Add a resource.
* @param {string} name A name for the resource. You should prefix this to
* avoid collisions with resources from a shared library.
* @param {string} type A mime type for the resource, or "raw" if not
* applicable.
* @param {*} data The value of the resource.
lib.resource.add = function(name, type, data) {
lib.resource.resources_[name] = {
type: type,
name: name,
data: data
* Retrieve a resource record.
* The resource data is stored on the "data" property of the returned object.
* @param {string} name The name of the resource to get.
* @param {*} opt_defaultValue The optional value to return if the resource is
* not defined.
* @return {object} An object with "type", "name", and "data" properties.
lib.resource.get = function(name, opt_defaultValue) {
if (!(name in lib.resource.resources_)) {
if (typeof opt_defaultValue == 'undefined')
throw 'Unknown resource: ' + name;
return opt_defaultValue;
return lib.resource.resources_[name];
* Retrieve resource data.
* @param {string} name The name of the resource to get.
* @param {*} opt_defaultValue The optional value to return if the resource is
* not defined.
* @return {*} The resource data.
lib.resource.getData = function(name, opt_defaultValue) {
if (!(name in lib.resource.resources_)) {
if (typeof opt_defaultValue == 'undefined')
throw 'Unknown resource: ' + name;
return opt_defaultValue;
return lib.resource.resources_[name].data;
* Retrieve resource as a data: url.
* @param {string} name The name of the resource to get.
* @param {*} opt_defaultValue The optional value to return if the resource is
* not defined.
* @return {*} A data: url encoded version of the resource.
lib.resource.getDataUrl = function(name, opt_defaultValue) {
var resource = lib.resource.get(name, opt_defaultValue);
return 'data:' + resource.type + ',' +;
// SOURCE FILE: libdot/js/lib_storage.js
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* Namespace for implementations of persistent, possibly cloud-backed
* storage.
lib.Storage = new Object();
// SOURCE FILE: libdot/js/lib_storage_chrome.js
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* based class with an async interface that is interchangeable
* with other lib.Storage.* implementations.
lib.Storage.Chrome = function(storage) {
this.storage_ = storage;
this.observers_ = [];;
* Called by the storage implementation when the storage is modified.
lib.Storage.Chrome.prototype.onChanged_ = function(changes, areaname) {
if ([areaname] != this.storage_)
for (var i = 0; i < this.observers_.length; i++) {
* Register a function to observe storage changes.
* @param {function(map)} callback The function to invoke when the storage
* changes.
lib.Storage.Chrome.prototype.addObserver = function(callback) {
* Unregister a change observer.
* @param {function} observer A previously registered callback.
lib.Storage.Chrome.prototype.removeObserver = function(callback) {
var i = this.observers_.indexOf(callback);
if (i != -1)
this.observers_.splice(i, 1);
* Delete everything in this storage.
* @param {function(map)} callback The function to invoke when the delete
* has completed.
lib.Storage.Chrome.prototype.clear = function(opt_callback) {
if (opt_callback)
setTimeout(opt_callback, 0);
* Return the current value of a storage item.
* @param {string} key The key to look up.
* @param {function(value) callback The function to invoke when the value has
* been retrieved.
lib.Storage.Chrome.prototype.getItem = function(key, callback) {
this.storage_.get(key, callback);
* Fetch the values of multiple storage items.
* @param {Array} keys The keys to look up.
* @param {function(map) callback The function to invoke when the values have
* been retrieved.
lib.Storage.Chrome.prototype.getItems = function(keys, callback) {
this.storage_.get(keys, callback);
* Set a value in storage.
* @param {string} key The key for the value to be stored.
* @param {*} value The value to be stored. Anything that can be serialized
* with JSON is acceptable.
* @param {function()} opt_callback Optional function to invoke when the
* set is complete. You don't have to wait for the set to complete in order
* to read the value, since the local cache is updated synchronously.
lib.Storage.Chrome.prototype.setItem = function(key, value, opt_callback) {
const onComplete = () => {
const err = lib.f.lastError();
if (err) {
// Doesn't seem to be any better way of handling this.
if (err.indexOf('MAX_WRITE_OPERATIONS')) {
console.warn(`Will retry save of ${key} after exceeding quota: ${err}`);
setTimeout(() => this.setItem(key, value, onComplete), 1000);
} else {
console.error(`Unknown runtime error: ${err}`);
if (opt_callback)
var obj = {};
obj[key] = value;
this.storage_.set(obj, onComplete);
* Set multiple values in storage.
* @param {Object} map A map of key/values to set in storage.
* @param {function()} opt_callback Optional function to invoke when the
* set is complete. You don't have to wait for the set to complete in order
* to read the value, since the local cache is updated synchronously.
lib.Storage.Chrome.prototype.setItems = function(obj, opt_callback) {
this.storage_.set(obj, opt_callback);
* Remove an item from storage.
* @param {string} key The key to be removed.
* @param {function()} opt_callback Optional function to invoke when the
* remove is complete. You don't have to wait for the set to complete in
* order to read the value, since the local cache is updated synchronously.
lib.Storage.Chrome.prototype.removeItem = function(key, opt_callback) {
this.storage_.remove(key, opt_callback);
* Remove multiple items from storage.
* @param {Array} keys The keys to be removed.
* @param {function()} opt_callback Optional function to invoke when the
* remove is complete. You don't have to wait for the set to complete in
* order to read the value, since the local cache is updated synchronously.
lib.Storage.Chrome.prototype.removeItems = function(keys, opt_callback) {
this.storage_.remove(keys, opt_callback);
// SOURCE FILE: libdot/js/lib_storage_local.js
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* window.localStorage based class with an async interface that is
* interchangeable with other lib.Storage.* implementations.
lib.Storage.Local = function() {
this.observers_ = [];
this.storage_ = window.localStorage;
window.addEventListener('storage', this.onStorage_.bind(this));
* Called by the storage implementation when the storage is modified.
lib.Storage.Local.prototype.onStorage_ = function(e) {
if (e.storageArea != this.storage_)
// JS throws an exception if JSON.parse is given an empty string. So here we
// only parse if the value is truthy. This mean the empty string, undefined
// and null will not be parsed.
var prevValue = e.oldValue ? JSON.parse(e.oldValue) : e.oldValue;
var curValue = e.newValue ? JSON.parse(e.newValue) : e.newValue;
var o = {};
o[e.key] = {
oldValue: prevValue,
newValue: curValue
for (var i = 0; i < this.observers_.length; i++) {
* Register a function to observe storage changes.
* @param {function(map)} callback The function to invoke when the storage
* changes.
lib.Storage.Local.prototype.addObserver = function(callback) {
* Unregister a change observer.
* @param {function} observer A previously registered callback.
lib.Storage.Local.prototype.removeObserver = function(callback) {
var i = this.observers_.indexOf(callback);
if (i != -1)
this.observers_.splice(i, 1);
* Delete everything in this storage.
* @param {function(map)} callback The function to invoke when the delete
* has completed.
lib.Storage.Local.prototype.clear = function(opt_callback) {
if (opt_callback)
setTimeout(opt_callback, 0);
* Return the current value of a storage item.
* @param {string} key The key to look up.
* @param {function(value) callback The function to invoke when the value has
* been retrieved.
lib.Storage.Local.prototype.getItem = function(key, callback) {
var value = this.storage_.getItem(key);
if (typeof value == 'string') {
try {
value = JSON.parse(value);
} catch (e) {
// If we can't parse the value, just return it unparsed.
setTimeout(callback.bind(null, value), 0);
* Fetch the values of multiple storage items.
* @param {Array} keys The keys to look up.
* @param {function(map) callback The function to invoke when the values have
* been retrieved.
lib.Storage.Local.prototype.getItems = function(keys, callback) {
var rv = {};
for (var i = keys.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var key = keys[i];
var value = this.storage_.getItem(key);
if (typeof value == 'string') {
try {
rv[key] = JSON.parse(value);
} catch (e) {
// If we can't parse the value, just return it unparsed.
rv[key] = value;
} else {
keys.splice(i, 1);
setTimeout(callback.bind(null, rv), 0);
* Set a value in storage.
* @param {string} key The key for the value to be stored.
* @param {*} value The value to be stored. Anything that can be serialized
* with JSON is acceptable.
* @param {function()} opt_callback Optional function to invoke when the
* set is complete. You don't have to wait for the set to complete in order
* to read the value, since the local cache is updated synchronously.
lib.Storage.Local.prototype.setItem = function(key, value, opt_callback) {
this.storage_.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(value));
if (opt_callback)
setTimeout(opt_callback, 0);
* Set multiple values in storage.
* @param {Object} map A map of key/values to set in storage.
* @param {function()} opt_callback Optional function to invoke when the
* set is complete. You don't have to wait for the set to complete in order
* to read the value, since the local cache is updated synchronously.
lib.Storage.Local.prototype.setItems = function(obj, opt_callback) {
for (var key in obj) {
this.storage_.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(obj[key]));
if (opt_callback)
setTimeout(opt_callback, 0);
* Remove an item from storage.
* @param {string} key The key to be removed.
* @param {function()} opt_callback Optional function to invoke when the
* remove is complete. You don't have to wait for the set to complete in
* order to read the value, since the local cache is updated synchronously.
lib.Storage.Local.prototype.removeItem = function(key, opt_callback) {
if (opt_callback)
setTimeout(opt_callback, 0);
* Remove multiple items from storage.
* @param {Array} keys The keys to be removed.
* @param {function()} opt_callback Optional function to invoke when the
* remove is complete. You don't have to wait for the set to complete in
* order to read the value, since the local cache is updated synchronously.
lib.Storage.Local.prototype.removeItems = function(ary, opt_callback) {
for (var i = 0; i < ary.length; i++) {
if (opt_callback)
setTimeout(opt_callback, 0);
// SOURCE FILE: libdot/js/lib_storage_memory.js
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* In-memory storage class with an async interface that is interchangeable with
* other lib.Storage.* implementations.
lib.Storage.Memory = function() {
this.observers_ = [];
this.storage_ = {};
* Register a function to observe storage changes.
* @param {function(map)} callback The function to invoke when the storage
* changes.
lib.Storage.Memory.prototype.addObserver = function(callback) {
* Unregister a change observer.
* @param {function} observer A previously registered callback.
lib.Storage.Memory.prototype.removeObserver = function(callback) {
var i = this.observers_.indexOf(callback);
if (i != -1)
this.observers_.splice(i, 1);
* Delete everything in this storage.
* @param {function(map)} callback The function to invoke when the delete
* has completed.
lib.Storage.Memory.prototype.clear = function(opt_callback) {
var e = {};
for (var key in this.storage_) {
e[key] = {oldValue: this.storage_[key], newValue: (void 0)};
this.storage_ = {};
setTimeout(function() {
for (var i = 0; i < this.observers_.length; i++) {
}.bind(this), 0);
if (opt_callback)
setTimeout(opt_callback, 0);
* Return the current value of a storage item.
* @param {string} key The key to look up.
* @param {function(value) callback The function to invoke when the value has
* been retrieved.
lib.Storage.Memory.prototype.getItem = function(key, callback) {
var value = this.storage_[key];
if (typeof value == 'string') {
try {
value = JSON.parse(value);
} catch (e) {
// If we can't parse the value, just return it unparsed.
setTimeout(callback.bind(null, value), 0);
* Fetch the values of multiple storage items.
* @param {Array} keys The keys to look up.
* @param {function(map) callback The function to invoke when the values have
* been retrieved.
lib.Storage.Memory.prototype.getItems = function(keys, callback) {
var rv = {};
for (var i = keys.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var key = keys[i];
var value = this.storage_[key];
if (typeof value == 'string') {
try {
rv[key] = JSON.parse(value);
} catch (e) {
// If we can't parse the value, just return it unparsed.
rv[key] = value;
} else {
keys.splice(i, 1);
setTimeout(callback.bind(null, rv), 0);
* Set a value in storage.
* @param {string} key The key for the value to be stored.
* @param {*} value The value to be stored. Anything that can be serialized
* with JSON is acceptable.
* @param {function()} opt_callback Optional function to invoke when the
* set is complete. You don't have to wait for the set to complete in order
* to read the value, since the local cache is updated synchronously.
lib.Storage.Memory.prototype.setItem = function(key, value, opt_callback) {
var oldValue = this.storage_[key];
this.storage_[key] = JSON.stringify(value);
var e = {};
e[key] = {oldValue: oldValue, newValue: value};
setTimeout(function() {
for (var i = 0; i < this.observers_.length; i++) {
}.bind(this), 0);
if (opt_callback)
setTimeout(opt_callback, 0);
* Set multiple values in storage.
* @param {Object} map A map of key/values to set in storage.
* @param {function()} opt_callback Optional function to invoke when the
* set is complete. You don't have to wait for the set to complete in order
* to read the value, since the local cache is updated synchronously.
lib.Storage.Memory.prototype.setItems = function(obj, opt_callback) {
var e = {};
for (var key in obj) {
e[key] = {oldValue: this.storage_[key], newValue: obj[key]};
this.storage_[key] = JSON.stringify(obj[key]);
setTimeout(function() {
for (var i = 0; i < this.observers_.length; i++) {
if (opt_callback)
setTimeout(opt_callback, 0);
* Remove an item from storage.
* @param {string} key The key to be removed.
* @param {function()} opt_callback Optional function to invoke when the
* remove is complete. You don't have to wait for the set to complete in
* order to read the value, since the local cache is updated synchronously.
lib.Storage.Memory.prototype.removeItem = function(key, opt_callback) {
delete this.storage_[key];
if (opt_callback)
setTimeout(opt_callback, 0);
* Remove multiple items from storage.
* @param {Array} keys The keys to be removed.
* @param {function()} opt_callback Optional function to invoke when the
* remove is complete. You don't have to wait for the set to complete in
* order to read the value, since the local cache is updated synchronously.
lib.Storage.Memory.prototype.removeItems = function(ary, opt_callback) {
for (var i = 0; i < ary.length; i++) {
delete this.storage_[ary[i]];
if (opt_callback)
setTimeout(opt_callback, 0);
// SOURCE FILE: libdot/third_party/fast-text-encoding/text.js
* Copyright 2017 Sam Thorogood. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
* @fileoverview Polyfill for TextEncoder and TextDecoder.
* You probably want `text.min.js`, and not this file directly.
(function(scope) {
'use strict';
// fail early
if (scope['TextEncoder'] && scope['TextDecoder']) {
return false;
* @constructor
* @param {string=} utfLabel
function FastTextEncoder(utfLabel='utf-8') {
if (utfLabel !== 'utf-8') {
throw new RangeError(
`Failed to construct 'TextEncoder': The encoding label provided ('${utfLabel}') is invalid.`);
Object.defineProperty(FastTextEncoder.prototype, 'encoding', {value: 'utf-8'});
* @param {string} string
* @param {{stream: boolean}=} options
* @return {!Uint8Array}
FastTextEncoder.prototype.encode = function(string, options={stream: false}) {
if ( {
throw new Error(`Failed to encode: the 'stream' option is unsupported.`);
let pos = 0;
const len = string.length;
const out = [];
let at = 0; // output position
let tlen = Math.max(32, len + (len >> 1) + 7); // 1.5x size
let target = new Uint8Array((tlen >> 3) << 3); // ... but at 8 byte offset
while (pos < len) {
let value = string.charCodeAt(pos++);
if (value >= 0xd800 && value <= 0xdbff) {
// high surrogate
if (pos < len) {
const extra = string.charCodeAt(pos);
if ((extra & 0xfc00) === 0xdc00) {
value = ((value & 0x3ff) << 10) + (extra & 0x3ff) + 0x10000;
if (value >= 0xd800 && value <= 0xdbff) {
continue; // drop lone surrogate
// expand the buffer if we couldn't write 4 bytes
if (at + 4 > target.length) {
tlen += 8; // minimum extra
tlen *= (1.0 + (pos / string.length) * 2); // take 2x the remaining
tlen = (tlen >> 3) << 3; // 8 byte offset
const update = new Uint8Array(tlen);
target = update;
if ((value & 0xffffff80) === 0) { // 1-byte
target[at++] = value; // ASCII
} else if ((value & 0xfffff800) === 0) { // 2-byte
target[at++] = ((value >> 6) & 0x1f) | 0xc0;
} else if ((value & 0xffff0000) === 0) { // 3-byte
target[at++] = ((value >> 12) & 0x0f) | 0xe0;
target[at++] = ((value >> 6) & 0x3f) | 0x80;
} else if ((value & 0xffe00000) === 0) { // 4-byte
target[at++] = ((value >> 18) & 0x07) | 0xf0;
target[at++] = ((value >> 12) & 0x3f) | 0x80;
target[at++] = ((value >> 6) & 0x3f) | 0x80;
} else {
// FIXME: do we care
target[at++] = (value & 0x3f) | 0x80;
return target.slice(0, at);
* @constructor
* @param {string=} utfLabel
* @param {{fatal: boolean}=} options
function FastTextDecoder(utfLabel='utf-8', options={fatal: false}) {
if (utfLabel !== 'utf-8') {
throw new RangeError(
`Failed to construct 'TextDecoder': The encoding label provided ('${utfLabel}') is invalid.`);
if (options.fatal) {
throw new Error(`Failed to construct 'TextDecoder': the 'fatal' option is unsupported.`);
Object.defineProperty(FastTextDecoder.prototype, 'encoding', {value: 'utf-8'});
Object.defineProperty(FastTextDecoder.prototype, 'fatal', {value: false});
Object.defineProperty(FastTextDecoder.prototype, 'ignoreBOM', {value: false});
* @param {(!ArrayBuffer|!ArrayBufferView)} buffer
* @param {{stream: boolean}=} options
FastTextDecoder.prototype.decode = function(buffer, options={stream: false}) {
if (options['stream']) {
throw new Error(`Failed to decode: the 'stream' option is unsupported.`);
const bytes = new Uint8Array(buffer);
let pos = 0;
const len = bytes.length;
const out = [];
while (pos < len) {
const byte1 = bytes[pos++];
if (byte1 === 0) {
break; // NULL
if ((byte1 & 0x80) === 0) { // 1-byte
} else if ((byte1 & 0xe0) === 0xc0) { // 2-byte
const byte2 = bytes[pos++] & 0x3f;
out.push(((byte1 & 0x1f) << 6) | byte2);
} else if ((byte1 & 0xf0) === 0xe0) {
const byte2 = bytes[pos++] & 0x3f;
const byte3 = bytes[pos++] & 0x3f;
out.push(((byte1 & 0x1f) << 12) | (byte2 << 6) | byte3);
} else if ((byte1 & 0xf8) === 0xf0) {
const byte2 = bytes[pos++] & 0x3f;
const byte3 = bytes[pos++] & 0x3f;
const byte4 = bytes[pos++] & 0x3f;
// this can be > 0xffff, so possibly generate surrogates
let codepoint = ((byte1 & 0x07) << 0x12) | (byte2 << 0x0c) | (byte3 << 0x06) | byte4;
if (codepoint > 0xffff) {
// codepoint &= ~0x10000;
codepoint -= 0x10000;
out.push((codepoint >>> 10) & 0x3ff | 0xd800)
codepoint = 0xdc00 | codepoint & 0x3ff;
} else {
// FIXME: we're ignoring this
return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, out);
scope['TextEncoder'] = FastTextEncoder;
scope['TextDecoder'] = FastTextDecoder;
}(typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : (typeof global !== 'undefined' ? global : this)));
// SOURCE FILE: libdot/third_party/wcwidth/lib_wc.js
// Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of lib.wc source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* This JavaScript library is ported from the wcwidth.js module of node.js.
* The original implementation can be found at:
* JavaScript porting of Markus Kuhn's wcwidth() implementation
* The following explanation comes from the original C implementation:
* This is an implementation of wcwidth() and wcswidth() (defined in
* IEEE Std 1002.1-2001) for Unicode.
* In fixed-width output devices, Latin characters all occupy a single
* "cell" position of equal width, whereas ideographic CJK characters
* occupy two such cells. Interoperability between terminal-line
* applications and (teletype-style) character terminals using the
* UTF-8 encoding requires agreement on which character should advance
* the cursor by how many cell positions. No established formal
* standards exist at present on which Unicode character shall occupy
* how many cell positions on character terminals. These routines are
* a first attempt of defining such behavior based on simple rules
* applied to data provided by the Unicode Consortium.
* For some graphical characters, the Unicode standard explicitly
* defines a character-cell width via the definition of the East Asian
* FullWidth (F), Wide (W), Half-width (H), and Narrow (Na) classes.
* In all these cases, there is no ambiguity about which width a
* terminal shall use. For characters in the East Asian Ambiguous (A)
* class, the width choice depends purely on a preference of backward
* compatibility with either historic CJK or Western practice.
* Choosing single-width for these characters is easy to justify as
* the appropriate long-term solution, as the CJK practice of
* displaying these characters as double-width comes from historic
* implementation simplicity (8-bit encoded characters were displayed
* single-width and 16-bit ones double-width, even for Greek,
* Cyrillic, etc.) and not any typographic considerations.
* Much less clear is the choice of width for the Not East Asian
* (Neutral) class. Existing practice does not dictate a width for any
* of these characters. It would nevertheless make sense
* typographically to allocate two character cells to characters such
* as for instance EM SPACE or VOLUME INTEGRAL, which cannot be
* represented adequately with a single-width glyph. The following
* routines at present merely assign a single-cell width to all
* neutral characters, in the interest of simplicity. This is not
* entirely satisfactory and should be reconsidered before
* establishing a formal standard in lib.wc area. At the moment, the
* decision which Not East Asian (Neutral) characters should be
* represented by double-width glyphs cannot yet be answered by
* applying a simple rule from the Unicode database content. Setting
* up a proper standard for the behavior of UTF-8 character terminals
* will require a careful analysis not only of each Unicode character,
* but also of each presentation form, something the author of these
* routines has avoided to do so far.
* Markus Kuhn -- 2007-05-26 (Unicode 5.0)
* Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute lib.wc software
* for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted. The author
* disclaims all warranties with regard to lib.wc software.
* Latest version:
* The following function defines the column width of an ISO 10646 character
* as follows:
* - The null character (U+0000) has a column width of 0.
* - Other C0/C1 control characters and DEL will lead to a return value of -1.
* - Non-spacing and enclosing combining characters (general category code Mn
* or Me in the Unicode database) have a column width of 0.
* - SOFT HYPHEN (U+00AD) has a column width of 1.
* - Other format characters (general category code Cf in the Unicode database)
* and ZERO WIDTH SPACE (U+200B) have a column width of 0.
* - Hangul Jamo medial vowels and final consonants (U+1160-U+11FF) have a
* column width of 0.
* - Spacing characters in the East Asian Wide (W) or East Asian Full-width (F)
* category as defined in Unicode Technical Report #11 have a column width of
* 2.
* - East Asian Ambiguous characters are taken into account if
* regardCjkAmbiguous flag is enabled. They have a column width of 2.
* - All remaining characters (including all printable ISO 8859-1 and WGL4
* characters, Unicode control characters, etc.) have a column width of 1.
* This implementation assumes that characters are encoded in ISO 10646.
lib.wc = {};
// Width of a nul character.
lib.wc.nulWidth = 0;
// Width of a control character.
lib.wc.controlWidth = 0;
// Flag whether to consider East Asian Ambiguous characters.
lib.wc.regardCjkAmbiguous = false;
// Width of an East Asian Ambiguous character.
lib.wc.cjkAmbiguousWidth = 2;
// Sorted list of non-overlapping intervals of non-spacing characters
// generated by the `./` helper.
lib.wc.combining = [
[0x00ad, 0x00ad], [0x0300, 0x036f], [0x0483, 0x0489],
[0x0591, 0x05bd], [0x05bf, 0x05bf], [0x05c1, 0x05c2],
[0x05c4, 0x05c5], [0x05c7, 0x05c7], [0x0610, 0x061a],
[0x061c, 0x061c], [0x064b, 0x065f], [0x0670, 0x0670],
[0x06d6, 0x06dc], [0x06df, 0x06e4], [0x06e7, 0x06e8],
[0x06ea, 0x06ed], [0x0711, 0x0711], [0x0730, 0x074a],
[0x07a6, 0x07b0], [0x07eb, 0x07f3], [0x07fd, 0x07fd],
[0x0816, 0x0819], [0x081b, 0x0823], [0x0825, 0x0827],
[0x0829, 0x082d], [0x0859, 0x085b], [0x08d3, 0x08e1],
[0x08e3, 0x0902], [0x093a, 0x093a], [0x093c, 0x093c],
[0x0941, 0x0948], [0x094d, 0x094d], [0x0951, 0x0957],
[0x0962, 0x0963], [0x0981, 0x0981], [0x09bc, 0x09bc],
[0x09c1, 0x09c4], [0x09cd, 0x09cd], [0x09e2, 0x09e3],
[0x09fe, 0x09fe], [0x0a01, 0x0a02], [0x0a3c, 0x0a3c],
[0x0a41, 0x0a42], [0x0a47, 0x0a48], [0x0a4b, 0x0a4d],
[0x0a51, 0x0a51], [0x0a70, 0x0a71], [0x0a75, 0x0a75],
[0x0a81, 0x0a82], [0x0abc, 0x0abc], [0x0ac1, 0x0ac5],
[0x0ac7, 0x0ac8], [0x0acd, 0x0acd], [0x0ae2, 0x0ae3],
[0x0afa, 0x0aff], [0x0b01, 0x0b01], [0x0b3c, 0x0b3c],
[0x0b3f, 0x0b3f], [0x0b41, 0x0b44], [0x0b4d, 0x0b4d],
[0x0b56, 0x0b56], [0x0b62, 0x0b63], [0x0b82, 0x0b82],
[0x0bc0, 0x0bc0], [0x0bcd, 0x0bcd], [0x0c00, 0x0c00],
[0x0c04, 0x0c04], [0x0c3e, 0x0c40], [0x0c46, 0x0c48],
[0x0c4a, 0x0c4d], [0x0c55, 0x0c56], [0x0c62, 0x0c63],
[0x0c81, 0x0c81], [0x0cbc, 0x0cbc], [0x0cbf, 0x0cbf],
[0x0cc6, 0x0cc6], [0x0ccc, 0x0ccd], [0x0ce2, 0x0ce3],
[0x0d00, 0x0d01], [0x0d3b, 0x0d3c], [0x0d41, 0x0d44],
[0x0d4d, 0x0d4d], [0x0d62, 0x0d63], [0x0dca, 0x0dca],
[0x0dd2, 0x0dd4], [0x0dd6, 0x0dd6], [0x0e31, 0x0e31],
[0x0e34, 0x0e3a], [0x0e47, 0x0e4e], [0x0eb1, 0x0eb1],
[0x0eb4, 0x0eb9], [0x0ebb, 0x0ebc], [0x0ec8, 0x0ecd],
[0x0f18, 0x0f19], [0x0f35, 0x0f35], [0x0f37, 0x0f37],
[0x0f39, 0x0f39], [0x0f71, 0x0f7e], [0x0f80, 0x0f84],
[0x0f86, 0x0f87], [0x0f8d, 0x0f97], [0x0f99, 0x0fbc],
[0x0fc6, 0x0fc6], [0x102d, 0x1030], [0x1032, 0x1037],
[0x1039, 0x103a], [0x103d, 0x103e], [0x1058, 0x1059],
[0x105e, 0x1060], [0x1071, 0x1074], [0x1082, 0x1082],
[0x1085, 0x1086], [0x108d, 0x108d], [0x109d, 0x109d],
[0x1160, 0x11ff], [0x135d, 0x135f], [0x1712, 0x1714],
[0x1732, 0x1734], [0x1752, 0x1753], [0x1772, 0x1773],
[0x17b4, 0x17b5], [0x17b7, 0x17bd], [0x17c6, 0x17c6],
[0x17c9, 0x17d3], [0x17dd, 0x17dd], [0x180b, 0x180e],
[0x1885, 0x1886], [0x18a9, 0x18a9], [0x1920, 0x1922],
[0x1927, 0x1928], [0x1932, 0x1932], [0x1939, 0x193b],
[0x1a17, 0x1a18], [0x1a1b, 0x1a1b], [0x1a56, 0x1a56],
[0x1a58, 0x1a5e], [0x1a60, 0x1a60], [0x1a62, 0x1a62],
[0x1a65, 0x1a6c], [0x1a73, 0x1a7c], [0x1a7f, 0x1a7f],
[0x1ab0, 0x1abe], [0x1b00, 0x1b03], [0x1b34, 0x1b34],
[0x1b36, 0x1b3a], [0x1b3c, 0x1b3c], [0x1b42, 0x1b42],
[0x1b6b, 0x1b73], [0x1b80, 0x1b81], [0x1ba2, 0x1ba5],
[0x1ba8, 0x1ba9], [0x1bab, 0x1bad], [0x1be6, 0x1be6],
[0x1be8, 0x1be9], [0x1bed, 0x1bed], [0x1bef, 0x1bf1],
[0x1c2c, 0x1c33], [0x1c36, 0x1c37], [0x1cd0, 0x1cd2],
[0x1cd4, 0x1ce0], [0x1ce2, 0x1ce8], [0x1ced, 0x1ced],
[0x1cf4, 0x1cf4], [0x1cf8, 0x1cf9], [0x1dc0, 0x1df9],
[0x1dfb, 0x1dff], [0x200b, 0x200f], [0x202a, 0x202e],
[0x2060, 0x2064], [0x2066, 0x206f], [0x20d0, 0x20f0],
[0x2cef, 0x2cf1], [0x2d7f, 0x2d7f], [0x2de0, 0x2dff],
[0x302a, 0x302d], [0x3099, 0x309a], [0xa66f, 0xa672],
[0xa674, 0xa67d], [0xa69e, 0xa69f], [0xa6f0, 0xa6f1],
[0xa802, 0xa802], [0xa806, 0xa806], [0xa80b, 0xa80b],
[0xa825, 0xa826], [0xa8c4, 0xa8c5], [0xa8e0, 0xa8f1],
[0xa8ff, 0xa8ff], [0xa926, 0xa92d], [0xa947, 0xa951],
[0xa980, 0xa982], [0xa9b3, 0xa9b3], [0xa9b6, 0xa9b9],
[0xa9bc, 0xa9bc], [0xa9e5, 0xa9e5], [0xaa29, 0xaa2e],
[0xaa31, 0xaa32], [0xaa35, 0xaa36], [0xaa43, 0xaa43],
[0xaa4c, 0xaa4c], [0xaa7c, 0xaa7c], [0xaab0, 0xaab0],
[0xaab2, 0xaab4], [0xaab7, 0xaab8], [0xaabe, 0xaabf],
[0xaac1, 0xaac1], [0xaaec, 0xaaed], [0xaaf6, 0xaaf6],
[0xabe5, 0xabe5], [0xabe8, 0xabe8], [0xabed, 0xabed],
[0xfb1e, 0xfb1e], [0xfe00, 0xfe0f], [0xfe20, 0xfe2f],
[0xfeff, 0xfeff], [0xfff9, 0xfffb], [0x101fd, 0x101fd],
[0x102e0, 0x102e0], [0x10376, 0x1037a], [0x10a01, 0x10a03],
[0x10a05, 0x10a06], [0x10a0c, 0x10a0f], [0x10a38, 0x10a3a],
[0x10a3f, 0x10a3f], [0x10ae5, 0x10ae6], [0x10d24, 0x10d27],
[0x10f46, 0x10f50], [0x11001, 0x11001], [0x11038, 0x11046],
[0x1107f, 0x11081], [0x110b3, 0x110b6], [0x110b9, 0x110ba],
[0x11100, 0x11102], [0x11127, 0x1112b], [0x1112d, 0x11134],
[0x11173, 0x11173], [0x11180, 0x11181], [0x111b6, 0x111be],
[0x111c9, 0x111cc], [0x1122f, 0x11231], [0x11234, 0x11234],
[0x11236, 0x11237], [0x1123e, 0x1123e], [0x112df, 0x112df],
[0x112e3, 0x112ea], [0x11300, 0x11301], [0x1133b, 0x1133c],
[0x11340, 0x11340], [0x11366, 0x1136c], [0x11370, 0x11374],
[0x11438, 0x1143f], [0x11442, 0x11444], [0x11446, 0x11446],
[0x1145e, 0x1145e], [0x114b3, 0x114b8], [0x114ba, 0x114ba],
[0x114bf, 0x114c0], [0x114c2, 0x114c3], [0x115b2, 0x115b5],
[0x115bc, 0x115bd], [0x115bf, 0x115c0], [0x115dc, 0x115dd],
[0x11633, 0x1163a], [0x1163d, 0x1163d], [0x1163f, 0x11640],
[0x116ab, 0x116ab], [0x116ad, 0x116ad], [0x116b0, 0x116b5],
[0x116b7, 0x116b7], [0x1171d, 0x1171f], [0x11722, 0x11725],
[0x11727, 0x1172b], [0x1182f, 0x11837], [0x11839, 0x1183a],
[0x11a01, 0x11a0a], [0x11a33, 0x11a38], [0x11a3b, 0x11a3e],
[0x11a47, 0x11a47], [0x11a51, 0x11a56], [0x11a59, 0x11a5b],
[0x11a8a, 0x11a96], [0x11a98, 0x11a99], [0x11c30, 0x11c36],
[0x11c38, 0x11c3d], [0x11c3f, 0x11c3f], [0x11c92, 0x11ca7],
[0x11caa, 0x11cb0], [0x11cb2, 0x11cb3], [0x11cb5, 0x11cb6],
[0x11d31, 0x11d36], [0x11d3a, 0x11d3a], [0x11d3c, 0x11d3d],
[0x11d3f, 0x11d45], [0x11d47, 0x11d47], [0x11d90, 0x11d91],
[0x11d95, 0x11d95], [0x11d97, 0x11d97], [0x11ef3, 0x11ef4],
[0x16af0, 0x16af4], [0x16b30, 0x16b36], [0x16f8f, 0x16f92],
[0x1bc9d, 0x1bc9e], [0x1bca0, 0x1bca3], [0x1d167, 0x1d169],
[0x1d173, 0x1d182], [0x1d185, 0x1d18b], [0x1d1aa, 0x1d1ad],
[0x1d242, 0x1d244], [0x1da00, 0x1da36], [0x1da3b, 0x1da6c],
[0x1da75, 0x1da75], [0x1da84, 0x1da84], [0x1da9b, 0x1da9f],
[0x1daa1, 0x1daaf], [0x1e000, 0x1e006], [0x1e008, 0x1e018],
[0x1e01b, 0x1e021], [0x1e023, 0x1e024], [0x1e026, 0x1e02a],
[0x1e8d0, 0x1e8d6], [0x1e944, 0x1e94a], [0xe0001, 0xe0001],
[0xe0020, 0xe007f], [0xe0100, 0xe01ef],
// Sorted list of non-overlapping intervals of East Asian Ambiguous characters
// generated by the `./` helper.
lib.wc.ambiguous = [
[0x00a1, 0x00a1], [0x00a4, 0x00a4], [0x00a7, 0x00a8],
[0x00aa, 0x00aa], [0x00ad, 0x00ae], [0x00b0, 0x00b4],
[0x00b6, 0x00ba], [0x00bc, 0x00bf], [0x00c6, 0x00c6],
[0x00d0, 0x00d0], [0x00d7, 0x00d8], [0x00de, 0x00e1],
[0x00e6, 0x00e6], [0x00e8, 0x00ea], [0x00ec, 0x00ed],
[0x00f0, 0x00f0], [0x00f2, 0x00f3], [0x00f7, 0x00fa],
[0x00fc, 0x00fc], [0x00fe, 0x00fe], [0x0101, 0x0101],
[0x0111, 0x0111], [0x0113, 0x0113], [0x011b, 0x011b],
[0x0126, 0x0127], [0x012b, 0x012b], [0x0131, 0x0133],
[0x0138, 0x0138], [0x013f, 0x0142], [0x0144, 0x0144],
[0x0148, 0x014b], [0x014d, 0x014d], [0x0152, 0x0153],
[0x0166, 0x0167], [0x016b, 0x016b], [0x01ce, 0x01ce],
[0x01d0, 0x01d0], [0x01d2, 0x01d2], [0x01d4, 0x01d4],
[0x01d6, 0x01d6], [0x01d8, 0x01d8], [0x01da, 0x01da],
[0x01dc, 0x01dc], [0x0251, 0x0251], [0x0261, 0x0261],
[0x02c4, 0x02c4], [0x02c7, 0x02c7], [0x02c9, 0x02cb],
[0x02cd, 0x02cd], [0x02d0, 0x02d0], [0x02d8, 0x02db],
[0x02dd, 0x02dd], [0x02df, 0x02df], [0x0300, 0x036f],
[0x0391, 0x03a1], [0x03a3, 0x03a9], [0x03b1, 0x03c1],
[0x03c3, 0x03c9], [0x0401, 0x0401], [0x0410, 0x044f],
[0x0451, 0x0451], [0x1100, 0x115f], [0x2010, 0x2010],
[0x2013, 0x2016], [0x2018, 0x2019], [0x201c, 0x201d],
[0x2020, 0x2022], [0x2024, 0x2027], [0x2030, 0x2030],
[0x2032, 0x2033], [0x2035, 0x2035], [0x203b, 0x203b],
[0x203e, 0x203e], [0x2074, 0x2074], [0x207f, 0x207f],
[0x2081, 0x2084], [0x20ac, 0x20ac], [0x2103, 0x2103],
[0x2105, 0x2105], [0x2109, 0x2109], [0x2113, 0x2113],
[0x2116, 0x2116], [0x2121, 0x2122], [0x2126, 0x2126],
[0x212b, 0x212b], [0x2153, 0x2154], [0x215b, 0x215e],
[0x2160, 0x216b], [0x2170, 0x2179], [0x2189, 0x2189],
[0x2190, 0x2199], [0x21b8, 0x21b9], [0x21d2, 0x21d2],
[0x21d4, 0x21d4], [0x21e7, 0x21e7], [0x2200, 0x2200],
[0x2202, 0x2203], [0x2207, 0x2208], [0x220b, 0x220b],
[0x220f, 0x220f], [0x2211, 0x2211], [0x2215, 0x2215],
[0x221a, 0x221a], [0x221d, 0x2220], [0x2223, 0x2223],
[0x2225, 0x2225], [0x2227, 0x222c], [0x222e, 0x222e],
[0x2234, 0x2237], [0x223c, 0x223d], [0x2248, 0x2248],
[0x224c, 0x224c], [0x2252, 0x2252], [0x2260, 0x2261],
[0x2264, 0x2267], [0x226a, 0x226b], [0x226e, 0x226f],
[0x2282, 0x2283], [0x2286, 0x2287], [0x2295, 0x2295],
[0x2299, 0x2299], [0x22a5, 0x22a5], [0x22bf, 0x22bf],
[0x2312, 0x2312], [0x231a, 0x231b], [0x2329, 0x232a],
[0x23e9, 0x23ec], [0x23f0, 0x23f0], [0x23f3, 0x23f3],
[0x2460, 0x24e9], [0x24eb, 0x254b], [0x2550, 0x2573],
[0x2580, 0x258f], [0x2592, 0x2595], [0x25a0, 0x25a1],
[0x25a3, 0x25a9], [0x25b2, 0x25b3], [0x25b6, 0x25b7],
[0x25bc, 0x25bd], [0x25c0, 0x25c1], [0x25c6, 0x25c8],
[0x25cb, 0x25cb], [0x25ce, 0x25d1], [0x25e2, 0x25e5],
[0x25ef, 0x25ef], [0x25fd, 0x25fe], [0x2605, 0x2606],
[0x2609, 0x2609], [0x260e, 0x260f], [0x2614, 0x2615],
[0x261c, 0x261c], [0x261e, 0x261e], [0x2640, 0x2640],
[0x2642, 0x2642], [0x2648, 0x2653], [0x2660, 0x2661],
[0x2663, 0x2665], [0x2667, 0x266a], [0x266c, 0x266d],
[0x266f, 0x266f], [0x267f, 0x267f], [0x2693, 0x2693],
[0x269e, 0x269f], [0x26a1, 0x26a1], [0x26aa, 0x26ab],
[0x26bd, 0x26bf], [0x26c4, 0x26e1], [0x26e3, 0x26e3],
[0x26e8, 0x26ff], [0x2705, 0x2705], [0x270a, 0x270b],
[0x2728, 0x2728], [0x273d, 0x273d], [0x274c, 0x274c],
[0x274e, 0x274e], [0x2753, 0x2755], [0x2757, 0x2757],
[0x2776, 0x277f], [0x2795, 0x2797], [0x27b0, 0x27b0],
[0x27bf, 0x27bf], [0x2b1b, 0x2b1c], [0x2b50, 0x2b50],
[0x2b55, 0x2b59], [0x2e80, 0x2fdf], [0x2ff0, 0x303e],
[0x3040, 0x4dbf], [0x4e00, 0xa4cf], [0xa960, 0xa97f],
[0xac00, 0xd7a3], [0xe000, 0xfaff], [0xfe00, 0xfe19],
[0xfe30, 0xfe6f], [0xff01, 0xff60], [0xffe0, 0xffe6],
[0xfffd, 0xfffd], [0x16fe0, 0x16fe1], [0x17000, 0x18aff],
[0x1b000, 0x1b12f], [0x1b170, 0x1b2ff], [0x1f004, 0x1f004],
[0x1f0cf, 0x1f0cf], [0x1f100, 0x1f10a], [0x1f110, 0x1f12d],
[0x1f130, 0x1f169], [0x1f170, 0x1f1ac], [0x1f200, 0x1f202],
[0x1f210, 0x1f23b], [0x1f240, 0x1f248], [0x1f250, 0x1f251],
[0x1f260, 0x1f265], [0x1f300, 0x1f320], [0x1f32d, 0x1f335],
[0x1f337, 0x1f37c], [0x1f37e, 0x1f393], [0x1f3a0, 0x1f3ca],
[0x1f3cf, 0x1f3d3], [0x1f3e0, 0x1f3f0], [0x1f3f4, 0x1f3f4],
[0x1f3f8, 0x1f43e], [0x1f440, 0x1f440], [0x1f442, 0x1f4fc],
[0x1f4ff, 0x1f53d], [0x1f54b, 0x1f54e], [0x1f550, 0x1f567],
[0x1f57a, 0x1f57a], [0x1f595, 0x1f596], [0x1f5a4, 0x1f5a4],
[0x1f5fb, 0x1f64f], [0x1f680, 0x1f6c5], [0x1f6cc, 0x1f6cc],
[0x1f6d0, 0x1f6d2], [0x1f6eb, 0x1f6ec], [0x1f6f4, 0x1f6f9],
[0x1f910, 0x1f93e], [0x1f940, 0x1f970], [0x1f973, 0x1f976],
[0x1f97a, 0x1f97a], [0x1f97c, 0x1f9a2], [0x1f9b0, 0x1f9b9],
[0x1f9c0, 0x1f9c2], [0x1f9d0, 0x1f9ff], [0x20000, 0x2fffd],
[0x30000, 0x3fffd], [0xe0100, 0xe01ef], [0xf0000, 0xffffd],
[0x100000, 0x10fffd],
// Sorted list of non-overlapping intervals of East Asian Unambiguous characters
// generated by the `./` helper.
lib.wc.unambiguous = [
[0x1100, 0x115f], [0x231a, 0x231b], [0x2329, 0x232a],
[0x23e9, 0x23ec], [0x23f0, 0x23f0], [0x23f3, 0x23f3],
[0x25fd, 0x25fe], [0x2614, 0x2615], [0x2648, 0x2653],
[0x267f, 0x267f], [0x2693, 0x2693], [0x26a1, 0x26a1],
[0x26aa, 0x26ab], [0x26bd, 0x26be], [0x26c4, 0x26c5],
[0x26ce, 0x26ce], [0x26d4, 0x26d4], [0x26ea, 0x26ea],
[0x26f2, 0x26f3], [0x26f5, 0x26f5], [0x26fa, 0x26fa],
[0x26fd, 0x26fd], [0x2705, 0x2705], [0x270a, 0x270b],
[0x2728, 0x2728], [0x274c, 0x274c], [0x274e, 0x274e],
[0x2753, 0x2755], [0x2757, 0x2757], [0x2795, 0x2797],
[0x27b0, 0x27b0], [0x27bf, 0x27bf], [0x2b1b, 0x2b1c],
[0x2b50, 0x2b50], [0x2b55, 0x2b55], [0x2e80, 0x2fdf],
[0x2ff0, 0x303e], [0x3040, 0x3247], [0x3250, 0x4dbf],
[0x4e00, 0xa4cf], [0xa960, 0xa97f], [0xac00, 0xd7a3],
[0xf900, 0xfaff], [0xfe10, 0xfe19], [0xfe30, 0xfe6f],
[0xff01, 0xff60], [0xffe0, 0xffe6], [0x16fe0, 0x16fe1],
[0x17000, 0x18aff], [0x1b000, 0x1b12f], [0x1b170, 0x1b2ff],
[0x1f004, 0x1f004], [0x1f0cf, 0x1f0cf], [0x1f18e, 0x1f18e],
[0x1f191, 0x1f19a], [0x1f200, 0x1f202], [0x1f210, 0x1f23b],
[0x1f240, 0x1f248], [0x1f250, 0x1f251], [0x1f260, 0x1f265],
[0x1f300, 0x1f320], [0x1f32d, 0x1f335], [0x1f337, 0x1f37c],
[0x1f37e, 0x1f393], [0x1f3a0, 0x1f3ca], [0x1f3cf, 0x1f3d3],
[0x1f3e0, 0x1f3f0], [0x1f3f4, 0x1f3f4], [0x1f3f8, 0x1f43e],
[0x1f440, 0x1f440], [0x1f442, 0x1f4fc], [0x1f4ff, 0x1f53d],
[0x1f54b, 0x1f54e], [0x1f550, 0x1f567], [0x1f57a, 0x1f57a],
[0x1f595, 0x1f596], [0x1f5a4, 0x1f5a4], [0x1f5fb, 0x1f64f],
[0x1f680, 0x1f6c5], [0x1f6cc, 0x1f6cc], [0x1f6d0, 0x1f6d2],
[0x1f6eb, 0x1f6ec], [0x1f6f4, 0x1f6f9], [0x1f910, 0x1f93e],
[0x1f940, 0x1f970], [0x1f973, 0x1f976], [0x1f97a, 0x1f97a],
[0x1f97c, 0x1f9a2], [0x1f9b0, 0x1f9b9], [0x1f9c0, 0x1f9c2],
[0x1f9d0, 0x1f9ff], [0x20000, 0x2fffd], [0x30000, 0x3fffd],
* Binary search to check if the given unicode character is in the table.
* @param {integer} ucs A unicode character code.
* @param {Object} table A sorted list of internals to match against.
* @return {boolean} True if the given character is in the table.
lib.wc.binaryTableSearch_ = function(ucs, table) {
var min = 0, max = table.length - 1;
var mid;
if (ucs < table[min][0] || ucs > table[max][1])
return false;
while (max >= min) {
mid = Math.floor((min + max) / 2);
if (ucs > table[mid][1]) {
min = mid + 1;
} else if (ucs < table[mid][0]) {
max = mid - 1;
} else {
return true;
return false;
* Binary search to check if the given unicode character is a space character.
* @param {integer} ucs A unicode character code.
* @return {boolean} True if the given character is a space character; false
* otherwise.
lib.wc.isSpace = function(ucs) {
return lib.wc.binaryTableSearch_(ucs, lib.wc.combining);
* Auxiliary function for checking if the given unicode character is a East
* Asian Ambiguous character.
* @param {integer} ucs A unicode character code.
* @return {boolean} True if the given character is a East Asian Ambiguous
* character.
lib.wc.isCjkAmbiguous = function(ucs) {
return lib.wc.binaryTableSearch_(ucs, lib.wc.ambiguous);
* Determine the column width of the given character.
* @param {integer} ucs A unicode character code.
* @return {integer} The column width of the given character.
lib.wc.charWidth = function(ucs) {
if (lib.wc.regardCjkAmbiguous) {
return lib.wc.charWidthRegardAmbiguous(ucs);
} else {
return lib.wc.charWidthDisregardAmbiguous(ucs);
* Determine the column width of the given character without considering East
* Asian Ambiguous characters.
* @param {integer} ucs A unicode character code.
* @return {integer} The column width of the given character.
lib.wc.charWidthDisregardAmbiguous = function(ucs) {
// Optimize for ASCII characters.
if (ucs < 0x7f) {
if (ucs >= 0x20)
return 1;
else if (ucs == 0)
return lib.wc.nulWidth;
else /* if (ucs < 0x20) */
return lib.wc.controlWidth;
// Test for 8-bit control characters.
if (ucs < 0xa0)
return lib.wc.controlWidth;
// Binary search in table of non-spacing characters.
if (lib.wc.isSpace(ucs))
return 0;
// Binary search in table of wide characters.
return lib.wc.binaryTableSearch_(ucs, lib.wc.unambiguous) ? 2 : 1;
* Determine the column width of the given character considering East Asian
* Ambiguous characters.
* @param {integer} ucs A unicode character code.
* @return {integer} The column width of the given character.
lib.wc.charWidthRegardAmbiguous = function(ucs) {
if (lib.wc.isCjkAmbiguous(ucs))
return lib.wc.cjkAmbiguousWidth;
return lib.wc.charWidthDisregardAmbiguous(ucs);
* Determine the column width of the given string.
* @param {string} str A string.
* @return {integer} The column width of the given string.
lib.wc.strWidth = function(str) {
var width, rv = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < str.length;) {
var codePoint = str.codePointAt(i);
width = lib.wc.charWidth(codePoint);
if (width < 0)
return -1;
rv += width;
i += (codePoint <= 0xffff) ? 1 : 2;
return rv;
* Get the substring at the given column offset of the given column width.
* @param {string} str The string to get substring from.
* @param {integer} start The starting column offset to get substring.
* @param {integer} opt_width The column width of the substring.
* @return {string} The substring.
lib.wc.substr = function(str, start, opt_width) {
var startIndex = 0;
var endIndex, width;
// Fun edge case: Normally we associate zero width codepoints (like combining
// characters) with the previous codepoint, so we skip any leading ones while
// including trailing ones. However, if there are zero width codepoints at
// the start of the string, and the substring starts at 0, lets include them
// in the result. This also makes for a simple optimization for a common
// request.
if (start) {
for (width = 0; startIndex < str.length;) {
const codePoint = str.codePointAt(startIndex);
width += lib.wc.charWidth(codePoint);
if (width > start)
startIndex += (codePoint <= 0xffff) ? 1 : 2;
if (opt_width != undefined) {
for (endIndex = startIndex, width = 0; endIndex < str.length;) {
const codePoint = str.codePointAt(endIndex);
width += lib.wc.charWidth(codePoint);
if (width > opt_width)
endIndex += (codePoint <= 0xffff) ? 1 : 2;
return str.substring(startIndex, endIndex);
return str.substr(startIndex);
* Get substring at the given start and end column offset.
* @param {string} str The string to get substring from.
* @param {integer} start The starting column offset.
* @param {integer} end The ending column offset.
* @return {string} The substring.
lib.wc.substring = function(str, start, end) {
return lib.wc.substr(str, start, end - start);
lib.resource.add('libdot/changelog/version', 'text/plain',
lib.resource.add('libdot/changelog/date', 'text/plain',
// This file was generated by libdot/bin/
// It has been marked read-only for your safety. Rather than
// edit it directly, please modify one of these source files.
// hterm/audio/bell.ogg
// hterm/images/icon-96.png
'use strict';
lib.resource.add('hterm/audio/bell', 'audio/ogg;base64',
'AU9nZ1MAAAAAAAAAAAAA4aluSgEAAAAAesI3EC3//////////////////8kDdm9yYmlzHQAAAFhp' +
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'JA/Pzc0/spYJEob5ye/Zs/NiZka5XEVPr4821gfP9xAN3nA9yB4c6Nt+cG5eLvPGDCdNUKNS7769' +
'u3ZGX1NfqwfR+s//C/PDnH5TRq+kxun8fBkdxQJGhgd2Hjx01BBAwgQl7L/I5fyd4RJE3+TUdNjI' +
'PKSc0AJg/T+JxNNnK5Uly3VuterJOpzh3hmts5DWKExy3/j6l2J4eAAjI4PbjG9UF6YQrMaBWRCu' +
'fu4fHRn0Bvp7USzkUS4vmD9as+IP3cSHWL5eXGTUizk6v/IDubodM7+++qs+ENbsg2RxLlE/5pr1' +
'Ew8H25aFnp6u2CFvGx0e0JHQGdMEJTWgkTo7d4xe3NfXg1KpiLe86TWg9ONtc3eKuVX3yatei5m1' +
'AIa6pRT9QaCeb2YporBzx7Zd0chnRkgKbaSLsMLZcK6/rzecU53n5TSAEkw/HPkFy86BpJtq3LRB' +
'IK6jq7NDhPOqPi0A0+cuuxq6EMas5bGJaVQWFWgTbrqVTdEX9f4ZvmfB9/3Il5bW2hNmnZbDB4om' +
'Lpw/h7n5RYCa+3E0ToY4Jp9XiGSYk/WMvHmlxDEn7yN5ffN4mTzrM808G+0leJqVbG81njbfjFJH' +
'Hr4no4lZ3fjRT06GoWxQ+eFHn7rTz/1Tv5QSrBQpZrAmfVMaQJyNOXHOPESjztJfs54uxFJWl5q1' +
'zYuZRzD+RzAPEufoJFln2TyMv8axwUheJPGRVSMFEHe4ZckqMy8cOXLin5f7xVUyyPypwhKAHp13' +
'IjJCVW4iHGAz30Q5mmx3I+dwyvbWE36x0ck1AFW9Gb+g06qmWkMQVuLEQEtuVldyjR/vFJqyjxNb' +
'6+mTA6DV96HMvkx0ej2pAZZxoBL5QJ8oDKIW3jxnfA5twj1xUhPMjjd9wGpOOEgIgUzaxFG8RZ4F' +
'Tgxos9N1atajtd+S1LytA26p8NKbQE7/0+BtpNakNtpoo4022vgf7lRPtKCE39oAAAAASUVORK5C' +
lib.resource.add('hterm/concat/date', 'text/plain',
'Mon, 29 Apr 2019 04:53:37 +0000'
lib.resource.add('hterm/changelog/version', 'text/plain',
lib.resource.add('hterm/changelog/date', 'text/plain',
lib.resource.add('hterm/git/HEAD', 'text/plain',
// This file was generated by libdot/bin/
// It has been marked read-only for your safety. Rather than
// edit it directly, please modify one of these source files.
// hterm/js/hterm.js
// hterm/js/hterm_accessibility_reader.js
// hterm/js/hterm_contextmenu.js
// hterm/js/hterm_frame.js
// hterm/js/hterm_keyboard.js
// hterm/js/hterm_keyboard_bindings.js
// hterm/js/hterm_keyboard_keymap.js
// hterm/js/hterm_keyboard_keypattern.js
// hterm/js/hterm_options.js
// hterm/js/hterm_parser.js
// hterm/js/hterm_parser_identifiers.js
// hterm/js/hterm_preference_manager.js
// hterm/js/hterm_pubsub.js
// hterm/js/hterm_screen.js
// hterm/js/hterm_scrollport.js
// hterm/js/hterm_terminal.js
// hterm/js/hterm_terminal_io.js
// hterm/js/hterm_text_attributes.js
// hterm/js/hterm_vt.js
// hterm/js/hterm_vt_character_map.js
// hterm/audio/bell.ogg
// hterm/images/icon-96.png
'use strict';
// SOURCE FILE: hterm/js/hterm.js
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview Declares the hterm.* namespace and some basic shared utilities
* that are too small to deserve dedicated files.
var hterm = {};
* The type of window hosting hterm.
* This is set as part of hterm.init(). The value is invalid until
* initialization completes.
hterm.windowType = null;
* The OS we're running under.
* Used when setting up OS-specific behaviors.
* This is set as part of hterm.init(). The value is invalid until
* initialization completes.
hterm.os = null;
* Warning message to display in the terminal when browser zoom is enabled.
* You can replace it with your own localized message.
hterm.zoomWarningMessage = 'ZOOM != 100%';
* Brief overlay message displayed when text is copied to the clipboard.
* By default it is the unicode BLACK SCISSORS character, but you can
* replace it with your own localized message.
* This is only displayed when the 'enable-clipboard-notice' preference
* is enabled.
hterm.notifyCopyMessage = '\u2702';
* Text shown in a desktop notification for the terminal
* bell. \u226a is a unicode EIGHTH NOTE, %(title) will
* be replaced by the terminal title.
hterm.desktopNotificationTitle = '\u266A %(title) \u266A';
* The hterm init function, registered with lib.registerInit().
* This is called during lib.init().
* @param {function} onInit The function lib.init() wants us to invoke when
* initialization is complete.
lib.registerInit('hterm', function(onInit) {
function initOs(os) {
hterm.os = os;
function initMessageManager() {
lib.i18n.getAcceptLanguages((languages) => {
if (!hterm.messageManager)
hterm.messageManager = new lib.MessageManager(languages);
// If OS detection fails, then we'll still set the value to something.
// The OS logic in hterm tends to be best effort anyways.
function onWindow(window) {
hterm.windowType = window.type;
function onTab(tab) {
if (tab && {, null, onWindow);
} else {
// TODO(rginda): This is where we end up for a v1 app's background page.
// Maybe windowType = 'none' would be more appropriate, or something.
hterm.windowType = 'normal';
if (!hterm.defaultStorage) {
if ( && && {
hterm.defaultStorage = new lib.Storage.Chrome(;
} else {
hterm.defaultStorage = new lib.Storage.Local();
// The chrome.tabs API is not supported in packaged apps, and detecting if
// you're a packaged app is a little awkward.
var isPackagedApp = false;
if ( && chrome.runtime && chrome.runtime.getManifest) {
var manifest = chrome.runtime.getManifest();
isPackagedApp = &&;
if (isPackagedApp) {
// Packaged apps are never displayed in browser tabs.
setTimeout(onWindow.bind(null, {type: 'popup'}), 0);
} else {
if ( && chrome.tabs) {
// The getCurrent method gets the tab that is "currently running", not the
// topmost or focused tab.
} else {
setTimeout(onWindow.bind(null, {type: 'normal'}), 0);
* Return decimal { width, height } for a given dom node.
hterm.getClientSize = function(dom) {
return dom.getBoundingClientRect();
* Return decimal width for a given dom node.
hterm.getClientWidth = function(dom) {
return dom.getBoundingClientRect().width;
* Return decimal height for a given dom node.
hterm.getClientHeight = function(dom) {
return dom.getBoundingClientRect().height;
* Copy the specified text to the system clipboard.
* We'll create selections on demand based on the content to copy.
* @param {HTMLDocument} document The document with the selection to copy.
* @param {string} str The string data to copy out.
hterm.copySelectionToClipboard = function(document, str) {
// Request permission if need be.
const requestPermission = () => {
// Use the Permissions API if available.
if (navigator.permissions && navigator.permissions.query) {
return navigator.permissions.query({name: 'clipboard-write'})
.then((status) => {
const checkState = (resolve, reject) => {
switch (status.state) {
case 'granted':
return resolve();
case 'denied':
return reject();
// Wait for the user to approve/disprove.
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
status.onchange = () => checkState(resolve, reject);
return new Promise(checkState);
// If the platform doesn't support "clipboard-write", or is denied,
// we move on to the copying step anyways.
.catch(() => Promise.resolve());
} else {
// No permissions API, so resolve right away.
return Promise.resolve();
// Write to the clipboard.
const writeClipboard = () => {
// Use the Clipboard API if available.
if (navigator.clipboard && navigator.clipboard.writeText) {
// If this fails (perhaps due to focus changing windows), fallback to the
// legacy copy method.
return navigator.clipboard.writeText(str)
} else {
// No Clipboard API, so use the old execCommand style.
return execCommand();
// Write to the clipboard using the legacy execCommand method.
// TODO: Once we can rely on the Clipboard API everywhere, we can simplify
// this a lot by deleting the custom selection logic.
const execCommand = () => {
const copySource = document.createElement('pre'); = 'hterm:copy-to-clipboard-source';
copySource.textContent = str; = (
'-webkit-user-select: text;' +
'-moz-user-select: text;' +
'position: absolute;' +
'top: -99px');
const selection = document.getSelection();
const anchorNode = selection.anchorNode;
const anchorOffset = selection.anchorOffset;
const focusNode = selection.focusNode;
const focusOffset = selection.focusOffset;
// FF sometimes throws NS_ERROR_FAILURE exceptions when we make this call.
// Catch it because a failure here leaks the copySource node.
try {
} catch (ex) {}
try {
} catch (firefoxException) {
// Ignore this. FF throws an exception if there was an error, even
// though the spec says just return false.
// IE doesn't support selection.extend. This means that the selection won't
// return on IE.
if (selection.extend) {
// When running in the test harness, we won't have any related nodes.
if (anchorNode) {
selection.collapse(anchorNode, anchorOffset);
if (focusNode) {
selection.extend(focusNode, focusOffset);
// Since execCommand is synchronous, resolve right away.
return Promise.resolve();
// Kick it all off!
return requestPermission().then(writeClipboard);
* Paste the system clipboard into the element with focus.
* Note: In Chrome/Firefox app/extension environments, you'll need the
* "clipboardRead" permission. In other environments, this might always
* fail as the browser frequently blocks access for security reasons.
* @param {HTMLDocument} The document to paste into.
* @return {boolean} True if the paste succeeded.
hterm.pasteFromClipboard = function(document) {
try {
return document.execCommand('paste');
} catch (firefoxException) {
// Ignore this. FF 40 and older would incorrectly throw an exception if
// there was an error instead of returning false.
return false;
* Return a formatted message in the current locale.
* @param {string} name The name of the message to return.
* @param {Array=} args The message arguments, if required.
* @param {string=} string The default message text.
* @return {string} The localized message.
hterm.msg = function(name, args = [], string) {
return hterm.messageManager.get('HTERM_' + name, args, string);
* Create a new notification.
* @param {Object} params Various parameters for the notification.
* @param {string} params.title The title (defaults to the window's title).
* @param {string} params.body The message body (main text).
hterm.notify = function(params) {
var def = (curr, fallback) => curr !== undefined ? curr : fallback;
if (params === undefined || params === null)
params = {};
// Merge the user's choices with the default settings. We don't take it
// directly in case it was stuffed with excess junk.
var options = {
'body': params.body,
'icon': def(params.icon, lib.resource.getDataUrl('hterm/images/icon-96')),
var title = def(params.title, window.document.title);
if (!title)
title = 'hterm';
title = lib.f.replaceVars(hterm.desktopNotificationTitle, {'title': title});
var n = new Notification(title, options);
n.onclick = function() {
return n;
* Launches url in a new tab.
* @param {string} url URL to launch in a new tab.
hterm.openUrl = function(url) {
if ( && chrome.browser && chrome.browser.openTab) {
// For Chrome v2 apps, we need to use this API to properly open windows.
chrome.browser.openTab({'url': url});
} else {
const win = lib.f.openWindow(url, '_blank');
* Constructor for a hterm.Size record.
* Instances of this class have public read/write members for width and height.
* @param {integer} width The width of this record.
* @param {integer} height The height of this record.
hterm.Size = function(width, height) {
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
* Adjust the width and height of this record.
* @param {integer} width The new width of this record.
* @param {integer} height The new height of this record.
hterm.Size.prototype.resize = function(width, height) {
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
* Return a copy of this record.
* @return {hterm.Size} A new hterm.Size instance with the same width and
* height.
hterm.Size.prototype.clone = function() {
return new hterm.Size(this.width, this.height);
* Set the height and width of this instance based on another hterm.Size.
* @param {hterm.Size} that The object to copy from.
hterm.Size.prototype.setTo = function(that) {
this.width = that.width;
this.height = that.height;
* Test if another hterm.Size instance is equal to this one.
* @param {hterm.Size} that The other hterm.Size instance.
* @return {boolean} True if both instances have the same width/height, false
* otherwise.
hterm.Size.prototype.equals = function(that) {
return this.width == that.width && this.height == that.height;
* Return a string representation of this instance.
* @return {string} A string that identifies the width and height of this
* instance.
hterm.Size.prototype.toString = function() {
return '[hterm.Size: ' + this.width + ', ' + this.height + ']';
* Constructor for a hterm.RowCol record.
* Instances of this class have public read/write members for row and column.
* This class includes an 'overflow' bit which is use to indicate that an
* attempt has been made to move the cursor column passed the end of the
* screen. When this happens we leave the cursor column set to the last column
* of the screen but set the overflow bit. In this state cursor movement
* happens normally, but any attempt to print new characters causes a cr/lf
* first.
* @param {integer} row The row of this record.
* @param {integer} column The column of this record.
* @param {boolean} opt_overflow Optional boolean indicating that the RowCol
* has overflowed.
hterm.RowCol = function(row, column, opt_overflow) {
this.row = row;
this.column = column;
this.overflow = !!opt_overflow;
* Adjust the row and column of this record.
* @param {integer} row The new row of this record.
* @param {integer} column The new column of this record.
* @param {boolean} opt_overflow Optional boolean indicating that the RowCol
* has overflowed.
hterm.RowCol.prototype.move = function(row, column, opt_overflow) {
this.row = row;
this.column = column;
this.overflow = !!opt_overflow;
* Return a copy of this record.
* @return {hterm.RowCol} A new hterm.RowCol instance with the same row and
* column.
hterm.RowCol.prototype.clone = function() {
return new hterm.RowCol(this.row, this.column, this.overflow);
* Set the row and column of this instance based on another hterm.RowCol.
* @param {hterm.RowCol} that The object to copy from.
hterm.RowCol.prototype.setTo = function(that) {
this.row = that.row;
this.column = that.column;
this.overflow = that.overflow;
* Test if another hterm.RowCol instance is equal to this one.
* @param {hterm.RowCol} that The other hterm.RowCol instance.
* @return {boolean} True if both instances have the same row/column, false
* otherwise.
hterm.RowCol.prototype.equals = function(that) {
return (this.row == that.row && this.column == that.column &&
this.overflow == that.overflow);
* Return a string representation of this instance.
* @return {string} A string that identifies the row and column of this
* instance.
hterm.RowCol.prototype.toString = function() {
return ('[hterm.RowCol: ' + this.row + ', ' + this.column + ', ' +
this.overflow + ']');
// SOURCE FILE: hterm/js/hterm_accessibility_reader.js
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* AccessibilityReader responsible for rendering command output for AT.
* Renders command output for Assistive Technology using a live region. We don't
* use the visible rows of the terminal for rendering command output to the
* screen reader because the rendered content may be different from what we want
* read out by a screen reader. For example, we may not actually render every
* row of a large piece of output to the screen as it wouldn't be performant.
* But we want the screen reader to read it all out in order.
* @param {HTMLDivElement} div The div element where the live region should be
* added.
hterm.AccessibilityReader = function(div) {
this.document_ = div.ownerDocument;
// The live region element to add text to.
const liveRegion = this.document_.createElement('div'); = 'hterm:accessibility-live-region'; = `position: absolute;
width: 0; height: 0;
overflow: hidden;
left: 0; top: 0;`;
// Whether command output should be rendered for Assistive Technology.
// This isn't always enabled because it has an impact on performance.
this.accessibilityEnabled = false;
// This live element is used for command output.
this.liveElement_ = this.document_.createElement('p');
this.liveElement_.setAttribute('aria-live', 'polite');
this.liveElement_.setAttribute('aria-label', '');
// This live element is used for speaking out the current screen when
// navigating through the scrollback buffer. It will interrupt existing
// announcements.
this.assertiveLiveElement_ = this.document_.createElement('p');
this.assertiveLiveElement_.setAttribute('aria-live', 'assertive');
this.assertiveLiveElement_.setAttribute('aria-label', '');
// A queue of updates to announce.
this.queue_ = [];
// A timer which tracks when next to add items to the live region. null when
// not running. This is used to combine updates that occur in a small window,
// as well as to avoid too much output being added to the live region in one
// go which can cause the renderer to hang.
this.nextReadTimer_ = null;
// This is set to true if the cursor is about to update position on the
// screen. i.e. beforeCursorChange has been called but not afterCursorChange.
this.cursorIsChanging_ = false;
// This tracks changes that would be added to queue_ while the cursor is
// changing. This is done so that we can decide to discard these changes if
// we announce something as a result of the cursor change.
this.cursorChangeQueue_ = [];
// The string of text on the row that the cursor was last on. Only valid while
// cursorIsChanging_ is true.
this.lastCursorRowString_ = null;
// The row that the cursor was last on. Only valid while cursorIsChanging_ is
// true.
this.lastCursorRow_ = null;
// The column that the cursor was last on. Only valid while cursorIsChanging_
// is true.
this.lastCursorColumn_ = null;
// True if a keypress has been performed since the last cursor change.
this.hasUserGesture = false;
* Delay in ms to use for merging strings to output.
* We merge strings together to avoid hanging the terminal and to ensure that
* aria updates make it to the screen reader. We want this to be short so
* there's not a big delay between typing/executing commands and hearing output.
* @constant
* @type {integer}
hterm.AccessibilityReader.DELAY = 50;
* Enable accessibility-friendly features that have a performance impact.
* @param {boolean} enabled Whether to enable accessibility-friendly features.
hterm.AccessibilityReader.prototype.setAccessibilityEnabled =
function(enabled) {
if (!enabled) {
this.accessibilityEnabled = enabled;
* Decorate the document where the terminal resides. This is needed
* for listening to keystrokes on the screen.
* @param {HTMLDocument} doc The document where the resides.
hterm.AccessibilityReader.prototype.decorate = function(doc) {
const handlers = ['keydown', 'keypress', 'keyup', 'textInput'];
handlers.forEach((handler) => {
doc.addEventListener(handler, () => { this.hasUserGesture = true; });
* This should be called before the cursor on the screen is about to get
* updated. This allows cursor changes to be tracked and related notifications
* to be announced.
* @param {string} cursorRowString The text in the row that the cursor is
* currently on.
* @param {integer} cursorRow The index of the row that the cursor is currently
* on, including rows in the scrollback buffer.
* @param {integer} cursorColumn The index of the column that the cursor is
* currently on.
hterm.AccessibilityReader.prototype.beforeCursorChange =
function(cursorRowString, cursorRow, cursorColumn) {
// If accessibility is enabled we don't announce selection changes as these
// can have a performance impact.
if (!this.accessibilityEnabled) {
// If there is no user gesture that can be tied to the cursor change, we
// don't want to announce anything.
if (!this.hasUserGesture || this.cursorIsChanging_) {
this.cursorIsChanging_ = true;
this.lastCursorRowString_ = cursorRowString;
this.lastCursorRow_ = cursorRow;
this.lastCursorColumn_ = cursorColumn;
* This should be called after the cursor on the screen has been updated. Note
* that several updates to the cursor may have happened between
* beforeCursorChange and afterCursorChange.
* This allows cursor changes to be tracked and related notifications to be
* announced.
* @param {string} cursorRowString The text in the row that the cursor is
* currently on.
* @param {integer} cursorRow The index of the row that the cursor is currently
* on, including rows in the scrollback buffer.
* @param {integer} cursorColumn The index of the column that the cursor is
* currently on.
hterm.AccessibilityReader.prototype.afterCursorChange =
function(cursorRowString, cursorRow, cursorColumn) {
// This can happen if clear() is called midway through a cursor change.
if (!this.cursorIsChanging_) {
this.cursorIsChanging_ = false;
if (!this.announceAction_(cursorRowString, cursorRow, cursorColumn)) {
// If we don't announce a special action, we re-queue all the output that
// was queued during the selection change.
for (let i = 0; i < this.cursorChangeQueue_.length; ++i) {
this.cursorChangeQueue_ = [];
this.lastCursorRowString_ = null;
this.lastCursorRow_ = null;
this.lastCursorColumn_ = null;
this.hasUserGesture = false;
* Announce the command output.
* @param {string} str The string to announce using a live region.
hterm.AccessibilityReader.prototype.announce = function(str) {
if (!this.accessibilityEnabled) {
// If the cursor is in the middle of changing, we queue up the output
// separately as we may not want it to be announced if it's part of a cursor
// change announcement.
if (this.cursorIsChanging_) {
// Don't append newlines to the queue if the queue is empty. It won't have any
// impact.
if (str == '\n' && this.queue_.length > 0) {
// We don't need to trigger an announcement on newlines because they won't
// change the existing content that's output.
if (this.queue_.length == 0) {
} else {
// We put a space between strings that appear on the same line.
// TODO(raymes): We should check the location on the row and not add a space
// if the strings are joined together.
let padding = '';
if (this.queue_[this.queue_.length - 1].length != 0) {
padding = ' ';
this.queue_[this.queue_.length - 1] += padding + str;
// If we've already scheduled text being added to the live region, wait for it
// to happen.
if (this.nextReadTimer_) {
// If there's only one item in the queue, we may get other text being added
// very soon after. In that case, wait a small delay so we can merge the
// related strings.
if (this.queue_.length == 1) {
this.nextReadTimer_ = setTimeout(this.addToLiveRegion_.bind(this),
} else {
throw new Error(
'Expected only one item in queue_ or nextReadTimer_ to be running.');
* Voice an announcement that will interrupt other announcements.
* @param {string} str The string to announce using a live region.
hterm.AccessibilityReader.prototype.assertiveAnnounce = function(str) {
if (this.hasUserGesture && str == ' ') {
str = hterm.msg('SPACE_CHARACTER', [], 'Space');
// If the same string is announced twice, an attribute change won't be
// registered and the screen reader won't know that the string has changed.
// So we slightly change the string to ensure that the attribute change gets
// registered.
str = str.trim();
if (str == this.assertiveLiveElement_.getAttribute('aria-label')) {
str = '\n' + str;
this.assertiveLiveElement_.setAttribute('aria-label', str);
* Add a newline to the text that will be announced to the live region.
hterm.AccessibilityReader.prototype.newLine = function() {
* Clear the live region and any in-flight announcements.
hterm.AccessibilityReader.prototype.clear = function() {
this.liveElement_.setAttribute('aria-label', '');
this.assertiveLiveElement_.setAttribute('aria-label', '');
this.nextReadTimer_ = null;
this.queue_ = [];
this.cursorIsChanging_ = false;
this.cursorChangeQueue_ = [];
this.lastCursorRowString_ = null;
this.lastCursorRow_ = null;
this.lastCursorColumn_ = null;
this.hasUserGesture = false;
* This will announce an action that is related to a cursor change, for example
* when the user deletes a character we want the character deleted to be
* announced. Similarly, when the user moves the cursor along the line, we want
* the characters selected to be announced.
* Note that this function is a heuristic. Because of the nature of terminal
* emulators, we can't distinguish input and output, which means we don't really
* know what output is the result of a keypress and what isn't. Also in some
* terminal applications certain announcements may make sense whereas others may
* not. This function should try to account for the most common cases.
* @param {string} cursorRowString The text in the row that the cursor is
* currently on.
* @param {integer} cursorRow The index of the row that the cursor is currently
* on, including rows in the scrollback buffer.
* @param {integer} cursorColumn The index of the column that the cursor is
* currently on.
hterm.AccessibilityReader.prototype.announceAction_ =
function(cursorRowString, cursorRow, cursorColumn) {
// If the cursor changes rows, we don't announce anything at present.
if (this.lastCursorRow_ != cursorRow) {
return false;
// The case when the row of text hasn't changed at all.
if (this.lastCursorRowString_ == cursorRowString) {
// Moving the cursor along the line. We check that no significant changes
// have been queued. If they have, it may not just be a cursor movement and
// it may be better to read those out.
if (this.lastCursorColumn_ != cursorColumn &&
this.cursorChangeQueue_.join('').trim() == '') {
// Announce the text between the old cursor position and the new one.
const start = Math.min(this.lastCursorColumn_, cursorColumn);
const len = Math.abs(cursorColumn - this.lastCursorColumn_);
lib.wc.substr(this.lastCursorRowString_, start, len));
return true;
return false;
// The case when the row of text has changed.
if (this.lastCursorRowString_ != cursorRowString) {
// Spacebar. We manually announce this character since the screen reader may
// not announce the whitespace in a live region.
if (this.lastCursorColumn_ + 1 == cursorColumn) {
if (lib.wc.substr(cursorRowString, cursorColumn - 1, 1) == ' ' &&
this.cursorChangeQueue_.length > 0 &&
this.cursorChangeQueue_[0] == ' ') {
this.assertiveAnnounce(' ');
return true;
// Backspace and deletion.
// The position of the characters deleted is right after the current
// position of the cursor in the case of backspace and delete.
const cursorDeleted = cursorColumn;
// Check that the current row string is shorter than the previous. Also
// check that the start of the strings (up to the cursor) match.
if (lib.wc.strWidth(cursorRowString) <=
lib.wc.strWidth(this.lastCursorRowString_) &&
lib.wc.substr(this.lastCursorRowString_, 0, cursorDeleted) ==
lib.wc.substr(cursorRowString, 0, cursorDeleted)) {
// Find the length of the current row string ignoring space characters.
// These may be inserted at the end of the string when deleting characters
// so they should be ignored.
let lengthOfCurrentRow = lib.wc.strWidth(cursorRowString);
for (; lengthOfCurrentRow > 0; --lengthOfCurrentRow) {
if (lengthOfCurrentRow == cursorDeleted ||
lib.wc.substr(cursorRowString, lengthOfCurrentRow - 1, 1) != ' ') {
const numCharsDeleted =
lib.wc.strWidth(this.lastCursorRowString_) - lengthOfCurrentRow;
// Check that the end of the strings match.
const lengthOfEndOfString = lengthOfCurrentRow - cursorDeleted;
const endOfLastRowString = lib.wc.substr(
this.lastCursorRowString_, cursorDeleted + numCharsDeleted,
const endOfCurrentRowString =
lib.wc.substr(cursorRowString, cursorDeleted, lengthOfEndOfString);
if (endOfLastRowString == endOfCurrentRowString) {
const deleted = lib.wc.substr(
this.lastCursorRowString_, cursorDeleted, numCharsDeleted);
if (deleted != '') {
return true;
return false;
return false;
* Add text from queue_ to the live region.
hterm.AccessibilityReader.prototype.addToLiveRegion_ = function() {
this.nextReadTimer_ = null;
let str = this.queue_.join('\n').trim();
// If the same string is announced twice, an attribute change won't be
// registered and the screen reader won't know that the string has changed.
// So we slightly change the string to ensure that the attribute change gets
// registered.
if (str == this.liveElement_.getAttribute('aria-label')) {
str = '\n' + str;
this.liveElement_.setAttribute('aria-label', str);
this.queue_ = [];
// SOURCE FILE: hterm/js/hterm_contextmenu.js
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview Context menu handling.
* Manage the context menu usually shown when right clicking.
hterm.ContextMenu = function() {
// The document that contains this context menu.
this.document_ = null;
// The generated context menu (i.e. HTML elements).
this.element_ = null;
// The structured menu (i.e. JS objects).
this.menu_ = [];
* Constant to add a separator to the context menu.
hterm.ContextMenu.SEPARATOR = {};
* Bind context menu to a specific document element.
* @param {HTMLDocument} document The document to use when creating elements.
hterm.ContextMenu.prototype.setDocument = function(document) {
if (this.element_) {
this.element_ = null;
this.document_ = document;
* Regenerate the HTML elements based on internal menu state.
hterm.ContextMenu.prototype.regenerate_ = function() {
if (!this.element_) {
this.element_ = this.document_.createElement('menu'); = 'hterm:context-menu'; = `
display: none;
border: solid 1px;
position: absolute;
} else {
// Clear out existing menu entries.
while (this.element_.firstChild) {
this.menu_.forEach(([name, action]) => {
const menuitem = this.document_.createElement('menuitem');
if (name === hterm.ContextMenu.SEPARATOR) {
menuitem.innerHTML = '';
menuitem.className = 'separator';
} else {
menuitem.innerText = name;
menuitem.addEventListener('mousedown', function(e) {
* Set all the entries in the context menu.
* This is an array of arrays. The first element in the array is the string to
* display while the second element is the function to call.
* The first element may also be the SEPARATOR constant to add a separator.
* This resets all existing menu entries.
* @param {Array>} items The menu entries.
hterm.ContextMenu.prototype.setItems = function(items) {
this.menu_ = items;
* Show the context menu.
* The event is used to determine where to show the menu.
* If no menu entries are defined, then nothing will be shown.
* @param {Event} e The event triggering this display.
* @param {hterm.Terminal=} terminal The terminal object to get style info from.
*/ = function(e, terminal) {
// If there are no menu entries, then don't try to show anything.
if (this.menu_.length == 0) {
// If we have the terminal, sync the style preferences over.
if (terminal) { = terminal.getBackgroundColor(); = terminal.getForegroundColor(); = terminal.getFontSize(); = terminal.getFontFamily();
} = `${e.clientY}px`; = `${e.clientX}px`;
const docSize = hterm.getClientSize(this.document_.body); = 'block';
// We can't calculate sizes until after it's displayed.
const eleSize = hterm.getClientSize(this.element_);
// Make sure the menu isn't clipped outside of the current element.
const minY = Math.max(0, docSize.height - eleSize.height);
const minX = Math.max(0, docSize.width - eleSize.width);
if (minY < e.clientY) { = `${minY}px`;
if (minX < e.clientX) { = `${minX}px`;
* Hide the context menu.
hterm.ContextMenu.prototype.hide = function() {
if (!this.element_) {
} = 'none';
// SOURCE FILE: hterm/js/hterm_frame.js
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* First draft of the interface between the terminal and a third party dialog.
* This is rough. It's just the terminal->dialog layer. To complete things
* we'll also need a command->terminal layer. That will have to facilitate
* command->terminal->dialog or direct command->dialog communication.
* I imagine this class will change significantly when that happens.
* Construct a new frame for the given terminal.
* @param terminal {hterm.Terminal} The parent terminal object.
* @param url {String} The url to load in the frame.
* @param opt_options {Object} Optional options for the frame. Not implemented.
hterm.Frame = function(terminal, url, opt_options) {
this.terminal_ = terminal;
this.div_ = terminal.div_;
this.url = url;
this.options = opt_options || {};
this.iframe_ = null;
this.container_ = null;
this.messageChannel_ = null;
* Handle messages from the iframe.
hterm.Frame.prototype.onMessage_ = function(e) {
switch ( {
case 'ipc-init-ok':
// We get this response after we send them ipc-init and they finish.
case 'terminal-info-ok':
// We get this response after we send them terminal-info and they finish.
// Show the finished frame, and then rebind our message handler to the
// callback below. = 'flex';
this.messageChannel_.port1.onmessage = this.onMessage.bind(this);
console.log('Unknown message from frame:',;
* Clients could override this, I guess.
* It doesn't support multiple listeners, but I'm not sure that would make sense
* here. It's probably better to speak directly to our parents.
hterm.Frame.prototype.onMessage = function() {};
* Handle iframe onLoad event.
hterm.Frame.prototype.onLoad_ = function() {
this.messageChannel_ = new MessageChannel();
this.messageChannel_.port1.onmessage = this.onMessage_.bind(this);
{name: 'ipc-init', argv: [{messagePort: this.messageChannel_.port2}]},
this.url, [this.messageChannel_.port2]);
* Clients may override this.
hterm.Frame.prototype.onLoad = function() {};
* Sends the terminal-info message to the iframe.
hterm.Frame.prototype.sendTerminalInfo_ = function() {
lib.i18n.getAcceptLanguages(function(languages) {
this.postMessage('terminal-info', [{
acceptLanguages: languages,
foregroundColor: this.terminal_.getForegroundColor(),
backgroundColor: this.terminal_.getBackgroundColor(),
cursorColor: this.terminal_.getCursorColor(),
fontSize: this.terminal_.getFontSize(),
fontFamily: this.terminal_.getFontFamily(),
baseURL: lib.f.getURL('/')
* User clicked the close button on the frame decoration.
hterm.Frame.prototype.onCloseClicked_ = function() {
* Close this frame.
hterm.Frame.prototype.close = function() {
if (!this.container_ || !this.container_.parentNode)
* Clients may override this.
hterm.Frame.prototype.onClose = function() {};
* Send a message to the iframe.
hterm.Frame.prototype.postMessage = function(name, argv) {
if (!this.messageChannel_)
throw new Error('Message channel is not set up.');
this.messageChannel_.port1.postMessage({name: name, argv: argv});
* Show the UI for this frame.
* The iframe src is not loaded until this method is called.
*/ = function() {
var self = this;
function opt(name, defaultValue) {
if (name in self.options)
return self.options[name];
return defaultValue;
var self = this;
if (this.container_ && this.container_.parentNode) {
console.error('Frame already visible');
var headerHeight = '16px';
var divSize = hterm.getClientSize(this.div_);
var width = opt('width', 640);
var height = opt('height', 480);
var left = (divSize.width - width) / 2;
var top = (divSize.height - height) / 2;
var document = this.terminal_.document_;
var container = this.container_ = document.createElement('div'); = (
'position: absolute;' +
'display: none;' +
'flex-direction: column;' +
'top: 10%;' +
'left: 4%;' +
'width: 90%;' +
'height: 80%;' +
'min-height: 20%;' +
'max-height: 80%;' +
'box-shadow: 0 0 2px ' + this.terminal_.getForegroundColor() + ';' +
'border: 2px ' + this.terminal_.getForegroundColor() + ' solid;');
if (false) {
// No use for the close button, so no use for the window header either.
var header = document.createElement('div'); = (
'display: flex;' +
'justify-content: flex-end;' +
'height: ' + headerHeight + ';' +
'background-color: ' + this.terminal_.getForegroundColor() + ';' +
'color: ' + this.terminal_.getBackgroundColor() + ';' +
'font-size: 16px;' +
'font-family: ' + this.terminal_.getFontFamily());
var button = document.createElement('div');
button.setAttribute('role', 'button'); = (
'margin-top: -3px;' +
'margin-right: 3px;' +
'cursor: pointer;');
button.textContent = '\u2a2f';
button.addEventListener('click', this.onCloseClicked_.bind(this));
var iframe = this.iframe_ = document.createElement('iframe');
iframe.onload = this.onLoad_.bind(this); = (
'display: flex;' +
'flex: 1;' +
'width: 100%');
iframe.setAttribute('src', this.url);
iframe.setAttribute('seamless', true);
// SOURCE FILE: hterm/js/hterm_keyboard.js
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* Keyboard handler.
* Consumes onKey* events and invokes onVTKeystroke on the associated
* hterm.Terminal object.
* See also: [XTERM] as referenced in vt.js.
* @param {hterm.Terminal} The Terminal object associated with this keyboard.
hterm.Keyboard = function(terminal) {
// The parent vt interpreter.
this.terminal = terminal;
// The element we're currently capturing keyboard events for.
this.keyboardElement_ = null;
// The event handlers we are interested in, and their bound callbacks, saved
// so they can be uninstalled with removeEventListener, when required.
this.handlers_ = [
['focusout', this.onFocusOut_.bind(this)],
['keydown', this.onKeyDown_.bind(this)],
['keypress', this.onKeyPress_.bind(this)],
['keyup', this.onKeyUp_.bind(this)],
['textInput', this.onTextInput_.bind(this)]
* The current key map.
this.keyMap = new hterm.Keyboard.KeyMap(this);
this.bindings = new hterm.Keyboard.Bindings(this);
* none: Disable any AltGr related munging.
* ctrl-alt: Assume Ctrl+Alt means AltGr.
* left-alt: Assume left Alt means AltGr.
* right-alt: Assume right Alt means AltGr.
this.altGrMode = 'none';
* If true, Shift-Insert will fall through to the browser as a paste.
* If false, the keystroke will be sent to the host.
this.shiftInsertPaste = true;
* If true, home/end will control the terminal scrollbar and shift home/end
* will send the VT keycodes. If false then home/end sends VT codes and
* shift home/end scrolls.
this.homeKeysScroll = false;
* Same as above, except for page up/page down.
this.pageKeysScroll = false;
* If true, Ctrl-Plus/Minus/Zero controls zoom.
* If false, Ctrl-Shift-Plus/Minus/Zero controls zoom, Ctrl-Minus sends ^_,
* Ctrl-Plus/Zero do nothing.
this.ctrlPlusMinusZeroZoom = true;
* Ctrl+C copies if true, sends ^C to host if false.
* Ctrl+Shift+C sends ^C to host if true, copies if false.
this.ctrlCCopy = false;
* Ctrl+V pastes if true, sends ^V to host if false.
* Ctrl+Shift+V sends ^V to host if true, pastes if false.
this.ctrlVPaste = false;
* Enable/disable application keypad.
* This changes the way numeric keys are sent from the keyboard.
this.applicationKeypad = false;
* Enable/disable the application cursor mode.
* This changes the way cursor keys are sent from the keyboard.
this.applicationCursor = false;
* If true, the backspace should send BS ('\x08', aka ^H). Otherwise
* the backspace key should send '\x7f'.
this.backspaceSendsBackspace = false;
* Set whether the meta key sends a leading escape or not.
this.metaSendsEscape = true;
* Set whether meta-V gets passed to host.
this.passMetaV = true;
* Controls how the alt key is handled.
* escape....... Send an ESC prefix.
* 8-bit........ Add 128 to the unshifted character as in xterm.
* browser-key.. Wait for the keypress event and see what the browser says.
* (This won't work well on platforms where the browser
* performs a default action for some alt sequences.)
* This setting only matters when alt is distinct from meta (altIsMeta is
* false.)
this.altSendsWhat = 'escape';
* Set whether the alt key acts as a meta key, instead of producing 8-bit
* characters.
* True to enable, false to disable, null to autodetect based on platform.
this.altIsMeta = false;
* If true, tries to detect DEL key events that are from alt-backspace on
* Chrome OS vs from a true DEL key press.
* Background: At the time of writing, on Chrome OS, alt-backspace is mapped
* to DEL. Some users may be happy with this, but others may be frustrated
* that it's impossible to do meta-backspace. If the user enables this pref,
* we use a trick to tell a true DEL keypress from alt-backspace: on
* alt-backspace, we will see the alt key go down, then get a DEL keystroke
* that indicates that alt is not pressed. See .
this.altBackspaceIsMetaBackspace = false;
* Used to keep track of the current alt-key state, which is necessary for
* the altBackspaceIsMetaBackspace preference above and for the altGrMode
* preference. This is a bitmap with where bit positions correspond to the
* "location" property of the key event.
this.altKeyPressed = 0;
* If true, Chrome OS media keys will be mapped to their F-key equivalent.
* E.g. "Back" will be mapped to F1. If false, Chrome will handle the keys.
this.mediaKeysAreFKeys = false;
* Holds the previous setting of altSendsWhat when DECSET 1039 is used. When
* DECRST 1039 is used, altSendsWhat is changed back to this and this is
* nulled out.
this.previousAltSendsWhat_ = null;
* Special handling for keyCodes in a keyboard layout.
hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions = {
* Call preventDefault and stopPropagation for this key event and nothing
* else.
* This performs the default terminal action for the key. If used in the
* 'normal' action and the the keystroke represents a printable key, the
* character will be sent to the host. If used in one of the modifier
* actions, the terminal will perform the normal action after (possibly)
* altering it.
* - If the normal sequence starts with CSI, the sequence will be adjusted
* to include the modifier parameter as described in [XTERM] in the final
* table of the "PC-Style Function Keys" section.
* - If the control key is down and the key represents a printable character,
* and the uppercase version of the unshifted keycap is between
* 64 (ASCII '@') and 95 (ASCII '_'), then the uppercase version of the
* unshifted keycap minus 64 is sent. This makes '^@' send '\x00' and
* '^_' send '\x1f'. (Note that one higher that 0x1f is 0x20, which is
* the first printable ASCII value.)
* - If the alt key is down and the key represents a printable character then
* the value of the character is shifted up by 128.
* - If meta is down and configured to send an escape, '\x1b' will be sent
* before the normal action is performed.
* Causes the terminal to opt out of handling the key event, instead letting
* the browser deal with it.
PASS: Symbol('PASS'),
* Insert the first or second character of the keyCap, based on e.shiftKey.
* The key will be handled in onKeyDown, and e.preventDefault() will be
* called.
* It is useful for a modified key action, where it essentially strips the
* modifier while preventing the browser from reacting to the key.
STRIP: Symbol('STRIP')
* Capture keyboard events sent to the associated element.
* This enables the keyboard. Captured events are consumed by this class
* and will not perform their default action or bubble to other elements.
* Passing a null element will uninstall the keyboard handlers.
* @param {HTMLElement} element The element whose events should be captured, or
* null to disable the keyboard.
hterm.Keyboard.prototype.installKeyboard = function(element) {
if (element == this.keyboardElement_)
if (element && this.keyboardElement_)
for (var i = 0; i < this.handlers_.length; i++) {
var handler = this.handlers_[i];
if (element) {
element.addEventListener(handler[0], handler[1]);
} else {
this.keyboardElement_.removeEventListener(handler[0], handler[1]);
this.keyboardElement_ = element;
* Disable keyboard event capture.
* This will allow the browser to process key events normally.
hterm.Keyboard.prototype.uninstallKeyboard = function() {
* Handle onTextInput events.
* These are generated when using IMEs, Virtual Keyboards (VKs), compose keys,
* Unicode input, etc...
hterm.Keyboard.prototype.onTextInput_ = function(e) {
if (!
// Just pass the generated buffer straight down. No need for us to split it
// up or otherwise parse it ahead of times.
* Handle onKeyPress events.
* TODO(vapier): Drop this event entirely and only use keydown.
hterm.Keyboard.prototype.onKeyPress_ = function(e) {
// FF doesn't set keyCode reliably in keypress events. Stick to the which
// field here until we can move to keydown entirely.
const key = String.fromCharCode(e.which).toLowerCase();
if ((e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) && (key == 'c' || key == 'v')) {
// On FF the key press (not key down) event gets fired for copy/paste.
// Let it fall through for the default browser behavior.
if (e.keyCode == 9 /* Tab */) {
// On FF, a key press event will be fired in addition of key down for the
// Tab key if key down isn't handled. This would only happen if a custom
// PASS binding has been created and therefore this should be handled by the
// browser.
if (e.altKey && this.altSendsWhat == 'browser-key' && e.charCode == 0) {
// If we got here because we were expecting the browser to handle an
// alt sequence but it didn't do it, then we might be on an OS without
// an enabled IME system. In that case we fall back to xterm-like
// behavior.
// This happens here only as a fallback. Typically these platforms should
// set altSendsWhat to either 'escape' or '8-bit'.
var ch = String.fromCharCode(e.keyCode);
if (!e.shiftKey)
ch = ch.toLowerCase();
} else if (e.charCode >= 32) {
ch = e.charCode;
if (ch)
* Prevent default handling for non-ctrl-shifted event.
* When combined with Chrome permission 'app.window.fullscreen.overrideEsc',
* and called for both key down and key up events,
* the ESC key remains usable within fullscreen Chrome app windows.
hterm.Keyboard.prototype.preventChromeAppNonCtrlShiftDefault_ = function(e) {
if (! || ! || !
if (!e.ctrlKey || !e.shiftKey)
hterm.Keyboard.prototype.onFocusOut_ = function(e) {
this.altKeyPressed = 0;
hterm.Keyboard.prototype.onKeyUp_ = function(e) {
if (e.keyCode == 18)
this.altKeyPressed = this.altKeyPressed & ~(1 << (e.location - 1));
if (e.keyCode == 27)
* Handle onKeyDown events.
hterm.Keyboard.prototype.onKeyDown_ = function(e) {
if (e.keyCode == 18)
this.altKeyPressed = this.altKeyPressed | (1 << (e.location - 1));
if (e.keyCode == 27)
var keyDef = this.keyMap.keyDefs[e.keyCode];
if (!keyDef) {
// If this key hasn't been explicitly registered, fall back to the unknown
// key mapping (keyCode == 0), and then automatically register it to avoid
// any further warnings here.
console.warn(`No definition for key ${e.key} (keyCode ${e.keyCode})`);
keyDef = this.keyMap.keyDefs[0];
this.keyMap.addKeyDef(e.keyCode, keyDef);
// The type of action we're going to use.
var resolvedActionType = null;
var self = this;
function getAction(name) {
// Get the key action for the given action name. If the action is a
// function, dispatch it. If the action defers to the normal action,
// resolve that instead.
resolvedActionType = name;
var action = keyDef[name];
if (typeof action == 'function')
action = action.apply(self.keyMap, [e, keyDef]);
if (action === DEFAULT && name != 'normal')
action = getAction('normal');
return action;
// Note that we use the triple-equals ('===') operator to test equality for
// these constants, in order to distinguish usage of the constant from usage
// of a literal string that happens to contain the same bytes.
var CANCEL = hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.CANCEL;
var DEFAULT = hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.DEFAULT;
var PASS = hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.PASS;
var STRIP = hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.STRIP;
var control = e.ctrlKey;
var alt = this.altIsMeta ? false : e.altKey;
var meta = this.altIsMeta ? (e.altKey || e.metaKey) : e.metaKey;
// In the key-map, we surround the keyCap for non-printables in "[...]"
var isPrintable = !(/^\[\w+\]$/.test(keyDef.keyCap));
switch (this.altGrMode) {
case 'ctrl-alt':
if (isPrintable && control && alt) {
// ctrl-alt-printable means altGr. We clear out the control and
// alt modifiers and wait to see the charCode in the keydown event.
control = false;
alt = false;
case 'right-alt':
if (isPrintable && (this.terminal.keyboard.altKeyPressed & 2)) {
control = false;
alt = false;
case 'left-alt':
if (isPrintable && (this.terminal.keyboard.altKeyPressed & 1)) {
control = false;
alt = false;
var action;
if (control) {
action = getAction('control');
} else if (alt) {
action = getAction('alt');
} else if (meta) {
action = getAction('meta');
} else {
action = getAction('normal');
// If e.maskShiftKey was set (during getAction) it means the shift key is
// already accounted for in the action, and we should not act on it any
// further. This is currently only used for Ctrl-Shift-Tab, which should send
// "CSI Z", not "CSI 1 ; 2 Z".
var shift = !e.maskShiftKey && e.shiftKey;
var keyDown = {
keyCode: e.keyCode,
shift: e.shiftKey, // not `var shift` from above.
ctrl: control,
alt: alt,
meta: meta
var binding = this.bindings.getBinding(keyDown);
if (binding) {
// Clear out the modifier bits so we don't try to munge the sequence
// further.
shift = control = alt = meta = false;
resolvedActionType = 'normal';
action = binding.action;
if (typeof action == 'function')
action =, this.terminal, keyDown);
if (alt && this.altSendsWhat == 'browser-key' && action == DEFAULT) {
// When altSendsWhat is 'browser-key', we wait for the keypress event.
// In keypress, the browser should have set the event.charCode to the
// appropriate character.
// TODO(rginda): Character compositions will need some black magic.
action = PASS;
if (action === PASS || (action === DEFAULT && !(control || alt || meta))) {
// If this key is supposed to be handled by the browser, or it is an
// unmodified key with the default action, then exit this event handler.
// If it's an unmodified key, it'll be handled in onKeyPress where we
// can tell for sure which ASCII code to insert.
// This block needs to come before the STRIP test, otherwise we'll strip
// the modifier and think it's ok to let the browser handle the keypress.
// The browser won't know we're trying to ignore the modifiers and might
// perform some default action.
if (action === STRIP) {
alt = control = false;
action = keyDef.normal;
if (typeof action == 'function')
action = action.apply(this.keyMap, [e, keyDef]);
if (action == DEFAULT && keyDef.keyCap.length == 2)
action = keyDef.keyCap.substr((shift ? 1 : 0), 1);
if (action === CANCEL)
if (action !== DEFAULT && typeof action != 'string') {
console.warn('Invalid action: ' + JSON.stringify(action));
// Strip the modifier that is associated with the action, since we assume that
// modifier has already been accounted for in the action.
if (resolvedActionType == 'control') {
control = false;
} else if (resolvedActionType == 'alt') {
alt = false;
} else if (resolvedActionType == 'meta') {
meta = false;
if (typeof action == 'string' && action.substr(0, 2) == '\x1b[' &&
(alt || control || shift || meta)) {
// The action is an escape sequence that and it was triggered in the
// presence of a keyboard modifier, we may need to alter the action to
// include the modifier before sending it.
// The math is funky but aligns w/xterm.
let imod = 1;
if (shift)
imod += 1;
if (alt)
imod += 2;
if (control)
imod += 4;
if (meta)
imod += 8;
let mod = ';' + imod;
if (action.length == 3) {
// Some of the CSI sequences have zero parameters unless modified.
action = '\x1b[1' + mod + action.substr(2, 1);
} else {
// Others always have at least one parameter.
action = action.substr(0, action.length - 1) + mod +
action.substr(action.length - 1);
} else {
if (action === DEFAULT) {
action = keyDef.keyCap.substr((shift ? 1 : 0), 1);
if (control) {
var unshifted = keyDef.keyCap.substr(0, 1);
var code = unshifted.charCodeAt(0);
if (code >= 64 && code <= 95) {
action = String.fromCharCode(code - 64);
if (alt && this.altSendsWhat == '8-bit' && action.length == 1) {
var code = action.charCodeAt(0) + 128;
action = String.fromCharCode(code);
// We respect alt/metaSendsEscape even if the keymap action was a literal
// string. Otherwise, every overridden alt/meta action would have to
// check alt/metaSendsEscape.
if ((alt && this.altSendsWhat == 'escape') ||
(meta && this.metaSendsEscape)) {
action = '\x1b' + action;
// SOURCE FILE: hterm/js/hterm_keyboard_bindings.js
// Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* A mapping from hterm.Keyboard.KeyPattern to an action.
* TODO(rginda): For now this bindings code is only used for user overrides.
* hterm.Keyboard.KeyMap still handles all of the built-in key mappings.
* It'd be nice if we migrated that over to be hterm.Keyboard.Bindings based.
hterm.Keyboard.Bindings = function() {
this.bindings_ = {};
* Remove all bindings.
hterm.Keyboard.Bindings.prototype.clear = function () {
this.bindings_ = {};
* Add a new binding.
* Internal API that assumes parsed objects as inputs.
* See the public addBinding for more details.
* @param {hterm.Keyboard.KeyPattern} keyPattern
* @param {string|function|hterm.Keyboard.KeyAction} action
hterm.Keyboard.Bindings.prototype.addBinding_ = function(keyPattern, action) {
var binding = null;
var list = this.bindings_[keyPattern.keyCode];
if (list) {
for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
if (list[i].keyPattern.matchKeyPattern(keyPattern)) {
binding = list[i];
if (binding) {
binding.action = action;
} else {
binding = {keyPattern: keyPattern, action: action};
if (!list) {
this.bindings_[keyPattern.keyCode] = [binding];
} else {
list.sort(function(a, b) {
return hterm.Keyboard.KeyPattern.sortCompare(
a.keyPattern, b.keyPattern);
* Add a new binding.
* If a binding for the keyPattern already exists it will be overridden.
* More specific keyPatterns take precedence over those with wildcards. Given
* bindings for "Ctrl-A" and "Ctrl-*-A", and a "Ctrl-A" keydown, the "Ctrl-A"
* binding will match even if "Ctrl-*-A" was created last.
* If action is a string, it will be passed through hterm.Parser.parseKeyAction.
* For example:
* // Will replace Ctrl-P keystrokes with the string "hiya!".
* addBinding('Ctrl-P', "'hiya!'");
* // Will cancel the keystroke entirely (make it do nothing).
* addBinding('Alt-D', hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.CANCEL);
* // Will execute the code and return the action.
* addBinding('Ctrl-T', function() {
* console.log('Got a T!');
* return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.PASS;
* });
* @param {string|hterm.Keyboard.KeyPattern} keyPattern
* @param {string|function|hterm.Keyboard.KeyAction} action
hterm.Keyboard.Bindings.prototype.addBinding = function(key, action) {
// If we're given a hterm.Keyboard.KeyPattern object, pass it down.
if (typeof key != 'string') {
this.addBinding_(key, action);
// Here we treat key as a string.
var p = new hterm.Parser();
var sequence;
try {
sequence = p.parseKeySequence();
} catch (ex) {
if (!p.isComplete()) {
console.error(p.error('Expected end of sequence: ' + sequence));
// If action is a string, parse it. Otherwise assume it's callable.
if (typeof action == 'string') {
try {
action = p.parseKeyAction();
} catch (ex) {
if (!p.isComplete()) {
console.error(p.error('Expected end of sequence: ' + sequence));
this.addBinding_(new hterm.Keyboard.KeyPattern(sequence), action);
* Add multiple bindings at a time using a map of {string: string, ...}
* This uses hterm.Parser to parse the maps key into KeyPatterns, and the
* map values into {string|function|KeyAction}.
* For example:
* {
* // Will replace Ctrl-P keystrokes with the string "hiya!".
* 'Ctrl-P': "'hiya!'",
* // Will cancel the keystroke entirely (make it do nothing).
* 'Alt-D': hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.CANCEL,
* }
* @param {Object} map
hterm.Keyboard.Bindings.prototype.addBindings = function(map) {
for (var key in map) {
this.addBinding(key, map[key]);
* Return the binding that is the best match for the given keyDown record,
* or null if there is no match.
* @param {Object} keyDown An object with a keyCode property and zero or
* more boolean properties representing key modifiers. These property names
* must match those defined in hterm.Keyboard.KeyPattern.modifiers.
hterm.Keyboard.Bindings.prototype.getBinding = function(keyDown) {
var list = this.bindings_[keyDown.keyCode];
if (!list)
return null;
for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
var binding = list[i];
if (binding.keyPattern.matchKeyDown(keyDown))
return binding;
return null;
// SOURCE FILE: hterm/js/hterm_keyboard_keymap.js
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* The default key map for hterm.
* Contains a mapping of keyCodes to keyDefs (aka key definitions). The key
* definition tells the hterm.Keyboard class how to handle keycodes.
* This should work for most cases, as the printable characters get handled
* in the keypress event. In that case, even if the keycap is wrong in the
* key map, the correct character should be sent.
* Different layouts, such as Dvorak should work with this keymap, as those
* layouts typically move keycodes around on the keyboard without disturbing
* the actual keycaps.
* There may be issues with control keys on non-US keyboards or with keyboards
* that very significantly from the expectations here, in which case we may
* have to invent new key maps.
* The sequences defined in this key map come from [XTERM] as referenced in
* vt.js, starting with the section titled "Alt and Meta Keys".
hterm.Keyboard.KeyMap = function(keyboard) {
this.keyboard = keyboard;
this.keyDefs = {};
* Add a single key definition.
* The definition is an object containing the following fields: 'keyCap',
* 'normal', 'control', 'alt', and 'meta'.
* - keyCap is a string identifying the key on the keyboard. For printable
* keys, the key cap should be exactly two characters, starting with the
* unshifted version. For example, 'aA', 'bB', '1!' and '=+'. For
* non-printable the key cap should be surrounded in square braces, as in
* '[INS]', '[LEFT]'. By convention, non-printable keycaps are in uppercase
* but this is not a strict requirement.
* - Normal is the action that should be performed when the key is pressed
* in the absence of any modifier. See below for the supported actions.
* - Control is the action that should be performed when the key is pressed
* along with the control modifier. See below for the supported actions.
* - Alt is the action that should be performed when the key is pressed
* along with the alt modifier. See below for the supported actions.
* - Meta is the action that should be performed when the key is pressed
* along with the meta modifier. See below for the supported actions.
* Actions can be one of the hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions as documented below,
* a literal string, or an array. If the action is a literal string then
* the string is sent directly to the host. If the action is an array it
* is taken to be an escape sequence that may be altered by modifier keys.
* The second-to-last element of the array will be overwritten with the
* state of the modifier keys, as specified in the final table of "PC-Style
* Function Keys" from [XTERM].
hterm.Keyboard.KeyMap.prototype.addKeyDef = function(keyCode, def) {
if (keyCode in this.keyDefs)
console.warn('Duplicate keyCode: ' + keyCode);
this.keyDefs[keyCode] = def;
* Add multiple key definitions in a single call.
* This function takes the key definitions as variable argument list. Each
* argument is the key definition specified as an array.
* (If the function took everything as one big hash we couldn't detect
* duplicates, and there would be a lot more typing involved.)
* Each key definition should have 6 elements: (keyCode, keyCap, normal action,
* control action, alt action and meta action). See KeyMap.addKeyDef for the
* meaning of these elements.
hterm.Keyboard.KeyMap.prototype.addKeyDefs = function(var_args) {
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
{ keyCap: arguments[i][1],
normal: arguments[i][2],
control: arguments[i][3],
alt: arguments[i][4],
meta: arguments[i][5]
* Set up the default state for this keymap.
hterm.Keyboard.KeyMap.prototype.reset = function() {
this.keyDefs = {};
var self = this;
// This function is used by the "macro" functions below. It makes it
// possible to use the call() macro as an argument to any other macro.
function resolve(action, e, k) {
if (typeof action == 'function')
return action.apply(self, [e, k]);
return action;
// If not application keypad a, else b. The keys that care about
// application keypad ignore it when the key is modified.
function ak(a, b) {
return function(e, k) {
var action = (e.shiftKey || e.ctrlKey || e.altKey || e.metaKey ||
!self.keyboard.applicationKeypad) ? a : b;
return resolve(action, e, k);
// If mod or not application cursor a, else b. The keys that care about
// application cursor ignore it when the key is modified.
function ac(a, b) {
return function(e, k) {
var action = (e.shiftKey || e.ctrlKey || e.altKey || e.metaKey ||
!self.keyboard.applicationCursor) ? a : b;
return resolve(action, e, k);
// If not backspace-sends-backspace keypad a, else b.
function bs(a, b) {
return function(e, k) {
var action = !self.keyboard.backspaceSendsBackspace ? a : b;
return resolve(action, e, k);
// If not e.shiftKey a, else b.
function sh(a, b) {
return function(e, k) {
var action = !e.shiftKey ? a : b;
e.maskShiftKey = true;
return resolve(action, e, k);
// If not e.altKey a, else b.
function alt(a, b) {
return function(e, k) {
var action = !e.altKey ? a : b;
return resolve(action, e, k);
// If no modifiers a, else b.
function mod(a, b) {
return function(e, k) {
var action = !(e.shiftKey || e.ctrlKey || e.altKey || e.metaKey) ? a : b;
return resolve(action, e, k);
// Compute a control character for a given character.
function ctl(ch) { return String.fromCharCode(ch.charCodeAt(0) - 64); }
// Call a method on the keymap instance.
function c(m) { return function(e, k) { return this[m](e, k); }; }
// Ignore if not trapping media keys.
function med(fn) {
return function(e, k) {
if (!self.keyboard.mediaKeysAreFKeys) {
// Block Back, Forward, and Reload keys to avoid navigating away from
// the current page.
return (e.keyCode == 166 || e.keyCode == 167 || e.keyCode == 168) ?
hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.CANCEL :
return resolve(fn, e, k);
// Browser-specific differences.
if (window.navigator && navigator.userAgent) {
if (navigator.userAgent.includes('Firefox')) {
// Firefox defines some keys uniquely. No other browser defines these is
// this way. Some even conflict. The keyCode field isn't well documented
// as it isn't standardized. At some point we should switch to "key".
var keycapMute = 181; // Mute
var keycapVolDn = 182; // Volume Down
var keycapVolUp = 183; // Volume Up
var keycapSC = 59; // ;:
var keycapEP = 61; // =+
var keycapMU = 173; // -_
// Firefox Italian +*.
[171, '+*', DEFAULT, c('onPlusMinusZero_'), DEFAULT, c('onPlusMinusZero_')]
} else {
// All other browsers use these mappings.
var keycapMute = 173; // Mute
var keycapVolDn = 174; // Volume Down
var keycapVolUp = 175; // Volume Up
var keycapSC = 186; // ;:
var keycapEP = 187; // =+
var keycapMU = 189; // -_
var ESC = '\x1b';
var CSI = '\x1b[';
var SS3 = '\x1bO';
var CANCEL = hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.CANCEL;
var DEFAULT = hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.DEFAULT;
var PASS = hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.PASS;
var STRIP = hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.STRIP;
// These fields are: [keycode, keycap, normal, control, alt, meta]
// The browser sends the keycode 0 for some keys. We'll just assume it's
// going to do the right thing by default for those keys.
// First row.
// These bindings match xterm for lack of a better standard. The emitted
// values might look like they're skipping values, but it's what xterm does.
[112, '[F1]', mod(SS3 + 'P', CSI + 'P'), DEFAULT, CSI + "23~", DEFAULT],
[113, '[F2]', mod(SS3 + 'Q', CSI + 'Q'), DEFAULT, CSI + "24~", DEFAULT],
[114, '[F3]', mod(SS3 + 'R', CSI + 'R'), DEFAULT, CSI + "25~", DEFAULT],
[115, '[F4]', mod(SS3 + 'S', CSI + 'S'), DEFAULT, CSI + "26~", DEFAULT],
[116, '[F5]', CSI + '15~', DEFAULT, CSI + "28~", DEFAULT],
[117, '[F6]', CSI + '17~', DEFAULT, CSI + "29~", DEFAULT],
[118, '[F7]', CSI + '18~', DEFAULT, CSI + "31~", DEFAULT],
[119, '[F8]', CSI + '19~', DEFAULT, CSI + "32~", DEFAULT],
[120, '[F9]', CSI + '20~', DEFAULT, CSI + "33~", DEFAULT],
[121, '[F10]', CSI + '21~', DEFAULT, CSI + "34~", DEFAULT],
[122, '[F11]', c('onF11_'), DEFAULT, CSI + "42~", DEFAULT],
[123, '[F12]', CSI + '24~', DEFAULT, CSI + "43~", DEFAULT],
// Second row.
[192, '`~', DEFAULT, sh(ctl('@'), ctl('^')), DEFAULT, PASS],
[49, '1!', DEFAULT, c('onCtrlNum_'), c('onAltNum_'), c('onMetaNum_')],
[50, '2@', DEFAULT, c('onCtrlNum_'), c('onAltNum_'), c('onMetaNum_')],
[51, '3#', DEFAULT, c('onCtrlNum_'), c('onAltNum_'), c('onMetaNum_')],
[52, '4$', DEFAULT, c('onCtrlNum_'), c('onAltNum_'), c('onMetaNum_')],
[53, '5%', DEFAULT, c('onCtrlNum_'), c('onAltNum_'), c('onMetaNum_')],
[54, '6^', DEFAULT, c('onCtrlNum_'), c('onAltNum_'), c('onMetaNum_')],
[55, '7&', DEFAULT, c('onCtrlNum_'), c('onAltNum_'), c('onMetaNum_')],
[56, '8*', DEFAULT, c('onCtrlNum_'), c('onAltNum_'), c('onMetaNum_')],
[57, '9(', DEFAULT, c('onCtrlNum_'), c('onAltNum_'), c('onMetaNum_')],
[48, '0)', DEFAULT, c('onPlusMinusZero_'),c('onAltNum_'),c('onPlusMinusZero_')],
[keycapMU, '-_', DEFAULT, c('onPlusMinusZero_'), DEFAULT, c('onPlusMinusZero_')],
[keycapEP, '=+', DEFAULT, c('onPlusMinusZero_'), DEFAULT, c('onPlusMinusZero_')],
[8, '[BKSP]', bs('\x7f', '\b'), bs('\b', '\x7f'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT],
// Third row.
[9, '[TAB]', sh('\t', CSI + 'Z'), STRIP, PASS, DEFAULT],
[81, 'qQ', DEFAULT, ctl('Q'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT],
[87, 'wW', DEFAULT, ctl('W'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT],
[69, 'eE', DEFAULT, ctl('E'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT],
[82, 'rR', DEFAULT, ctl('R'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT],
[84, 'tT', DEFAULT, ctl('T'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT],
[89, 'yY', DEFAULT, ctl('Y'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT],
[85, 'uU', DEFAULT, ctl('U'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT],
[73, 'iI', DEFAULT, ctl('I'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT],
[79, 'oO', DEFAULT, ctl('O'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT],
[80, 'pP', DEFAULT, ctl('P'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT],
[219, '[{', DEFAULT, ctl('['), DEFAULT, DEFAULT],
[221, ']}', DEFAULT, ctl(']'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT],
[220, '\\|', DEFAULT, ctl('\\'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT],
// Fourth row. (We let Ctrl-Shift-J pass for Chrome DevTools.)
[65, 'aA', DEFAULT, ctl('A'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT],
[83, 'sS', DEFAULT, ctl('S'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT],
[68, 'dD', DEFAULT, ctl('D'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT],
[70, 'fF', DEFAULT, ctl('F'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT],
[71, 'gG', DEFAULT, ctl('G'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT],
[72, 'hH', DEFAULT, ctl('H'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT],
[74, 'jJ', DEFAULT, sh(ctl('J'), PASS), DEFAULT, DEFAULT],
[75, 'kK', DEFAULT, sh(ctl('K'), c('onClear_')), DEFAULT, DEFAULT],
[76, 'lL', DEFAULT, sh(ctl('L'), PASS), DEFAULT, DEFAULT],
// Fifth row. This includes the copy/paste shortcuts. On some
// platforms it's Ctrl-C/V, on others it's Meta-C/V. We assume either
// Ctrl-C/Meta-C should pass to the browser when there is a selection,
// and Ctrl-Shift-V/Meta-*-V should always pass to the browser (since
// these seem to be recognized as paste too).
[90, 'zZ', DEFAULT, ctl('Z'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT],
[88, 'xX', DEFAULT, ctl('X'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT],
[67, 'cC', DEFAULT, c('onCtrlC_'), DEFAULT, c('onMetaC_')],
[86, 'vV', DEFAULT, c('onCtrlV_'), DEFAULT, c('onMetaV_')],
[66, 'bB', DEFAULT, sh(ctl('B'), PASS), DEFAULT, sh(DEFAULT, PASS)],
[78, 'nN', DEFAULT, c('onCtrlN_'), DEFAULT, c('onMetaN_')],
[77, 'mM', DEFAULT, ctl('M'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT],
[191, '/?', DEFAULT, sh(ctl('_'), ctl('?')), DEFAULT, DEFAULT],
// Sixth and final row.
[18, '[ALT]', PASS, PASS, PASS, PASS],
[32, ' ', DEFAULT, ctl('@'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT],
// These things.
// The block of six keys above the arrows.
[45, '[INSERT]', c('onKeyInsert_'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT, DEFAULT],
[36, '[HOME]', c('onKeyHome_'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT, DEFAULT],
[33, '[PGUP]', c('onKeyPageUp_'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT, DEFAULT],
[46, '[DEL]', c('onKeyDel_'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT, DEFAULT],
[35, '[END]', c('onKeyEnd_'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT, DEFAULT],
[34, '[PGDOWN]', c('onKeyPageDown_'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT, DEFAULT],
// Arrow keys. When unmodified they respect the application cursor state,
// otherwise they always send the CSI codes.
[38, '[UP]', c('onKeyArrowUp_'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT, DEFAULT],
[40, '[DOWN]', c('onKeyArrowDown_'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT, DEFAULT],
[39, '[RIGHT]', ac(CSI + 'C', SS3 + 'C'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT, DEFAULT],
[37, '[LEFT]', ac(CSI + 'D', SS3 + 'D'), DEFAULT, DEFAULT, DEFAULT],
// On Apple keyboards, the NumLock key is a Clear key. It also tends to be
// what KP5 sends when numlock is off. Not clear if we could do anything
// useful with it, so just pass it along.
// With numlock off, the keypad generates the same key codes as the arrows
// and 'block of six' for some keys, and null key codes for the rest.
// Keypad with numlock on generates unique key codes...
[107, '[KP+]', DEFAULT, c('onPlusMinusZero_'), DEFAULT, c('onPlusMinusZero_')],
[109, '[KP-]', DEFAULT, c('onPlusMinusZero_'), DEFAULT, c('onPlusMinusZero_')],
// OS-specific differences.
if (hterm.os == 'cros') {
// Chrome OS keyboard top row. The media-keys-are-fkeys preference allows
// users to make these always behave as function keys (see those bindings
// above for more details).
[166, '[BACK]', med(mod(SS3+'P', CSI+'P')), DEFAULT, CSI+'23~', DEFAULT], // F1
[167, '[FWD]', med(mod(SS3+'Q', CSI+'Q')), DEFAULT, CSI+'24~', DEFAULT], // F2
[168, '[RELOAD]', med(mod(SS3+'R', CSI+'R')), DEFAULT, CSI+'25~', DEFAULT], // F3
[183, '[FSCR]', med(mod(SS3+'S', CSI+'S')), DEFAULT, CSI+'26~', DEFAULT], // F4
[182, '[WINS]', med(CSI + '15~'), DEFAULT, CSI+'28~', DEFAULT], // F5
[216, '[BRIT-]', med(CSI + '17~'), DEFAULT, CSI+'29~', DEFAULT], // F6
[217, '[BRIT+]', med(CSI + '18~'), DEFAULT, CSI+'31~', DEFAULT], // F7
[173, '[MUTE]', med(CSI + '19~'), DEFAULT, CSI+'32~', DEFAULT], // F8
[174, '[VOL-]', med(CSI + '20~'), DEFAULT, CSI+'33~', DEFAULT], // F9
[175, '[VOL+]', med(CSI + '21~'), DEFAULT, CSI+'34~', DEFAULT], // F10
// We could make this into F11, but it'd be a bit weird. Chrome allows us
// to see this and react, but it doesn't actually allow us to block or
// cancel it, so it makes the screen flash/lock still.
// The Pixelbook has a slightly different layout. This means half the keys
// above are off by one.
[179, '[PLAY]', med(CSI + '18~'), DEFAULT, CSI + '31~', DEFAULT], // F7
// The settings / hamburgers / three hot dogs / menu / whatever-it's-called.
[154, '[DOGS]', med(CSI + '23~'), DEFAULT, CSI + '42~', DEFAULT], // F11
// We don't use this for anything, but keep it from popping up by default.
* Either allow the paste or send a key sequence.
hterm.Keyboard.KeyMap.prototype.onKeyInsert_ = function(e) {
if (this.keyboard.shiftInsertPaste && e.shiftKey)
return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.PASS;
return '\x1b[2~';
* Either scroll the scrollback buffer or send a key sequence.
hterm.Keyboard.KeyMap.prototype.onKeyHome_ = function(e) {
if (!this.keyboard.homeKeysScroll ^ e.shiftKey) {
if ((e.altey || e.ctrlKey || e.shiftKey) ||
!this.keyboard.applicationCursor) {
return '\x1b[H';
return '\x1bOH';
return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.CANCEL;
* Either scroll the scrollback buffer or send a key sequence.
hterm.Keyboard.KeyMap.prototype.onKeyEnd_ = function(e) {
if (!this.keyboard.homeKeysScroll ^ e.shiftKey) {
if ((e.altKey || e.ctrlKey || e.shiftKey) ||
!this.keyboard.applicationCursor) {
return '\x1b[F';
return '\x1bOF';
return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.CANCEL;
* Either scroll the scrollback buffer or send a key sequence.
hterm.Keyboard.KeyMap.prototype.onKeyPageUp_ = function(e) {
if (!this.keyboard.pageKeysScroll ^ e.shiftKey)
return '\x1b[5~';
return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.CANCEL;
* Either send a true DEL, or sub in meta-backspace.
* On Chrome OS, if we know the alt key is down, but we get a DEL event that
* claims that the alt key is not pressed, we know the DEL was a synthetic
* one from a user that hit alt-backspace. Based on a user pref, we can sub
* in meta-backspace in this case.
hterm.Keyboard.KeyMap.prototype.onKeyDel_ = function(e) {
if (this.keyboard.altBackspaceIsMetaBackspace &&
this.keyboard.altKeyPressed && !e.altKey)
return '\x1b\x7f';
return '\x1b[3~';
* Either scroll the scrollback buffer or send a key sequence.
hterm.Keyboard.KeyMap.prototype.onKeyPageDown_ = function(e) {
if (!this.keyboard.pageKeysScroll ^ e.shiftKey)
return '\x1b[6~';
return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.CANCEL;
* Either scroll the scrollback buffer or send a key sequence.
hterm.Keyboard.KeyMap.prototype.onKeyArrowUp_ = function(e) {
if (!this.keyboard.applicationCursor && e.shiftKey) {
return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.CANCEL;
return (e.shiftKey || e.ctrlKey || e.altKey || e.metaKey ||
!this.keyboard.applicationCursor) ? '\x1b[A' : '\x1bOA';
* Either scroll the scrollback buffer or send a key sequence.
hterm.Keyboard.KeyMap.prototype.onKeyArrowDown_ = function(e) {
if (!this.keyboard.applicationCursor && e.shiftKey) {
return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.CANCEL;
return (e.shiftKey || e.ctrlKey || e.altKey || e.metaKey ||
!this.keyboard.applicationCursor) ? '\x1b[B' : '\x1bOB';
* Clear the primary/alternate screens and the scrollback buffer.
hterm.Keyboard.KeyMap.prototype.onClear_ = function(e, keyDef) {
return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.CANCEL;
* Handle F11 behavior (fullscreen) when not in a window.
* It would be nice to use the Fullscreen API, but the UX is slightly different
* a bad way: the Escape key is automatically registered for exiting. If we let
* the browser handle F11 directly though, we still get to capture Escape.
hterm.Keyboard.KeyMap.prototype.onF11_ = function(e, keyDef) {
if (hterm.windowType != 'popup')
return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.PASS;
return '\x1b[23~';
* Either pass Ctrl-1..9 to the browser or send them to the host.
* Note that Ctrl-1 and Ctrl-9 don't actually have special sequences mapped
* to them in xterm or gnome-terminal. The range is really Ctrl-2..8, but
* we handle 1..9 since Chrome treats the whole range special.
hterm.Keyboard.KeyMap.prototype.onCtrlNum_ = function(e, keyDef) {
// Compute a control character for a given character.
function ctl(ch) { return String.fromCharCode(ch.charCodeAt(0) - 64); }
if (this.keyboard.terminal.passCtrlNumber && !e.shiftKey)
return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.PASS;
switch (keyDef.keyCap.substr(0, 1)) {
case '1': return '1';
case '2': return ctl('@');
case '3': return ctl('[');
case '4': return ctl('\\');
case '5': return ctl(']');
case '6': return ctl('^');
case '7': return ctl('_');
case '8': return '\x7f';
case '9': return '9';
* Either pass Alt-1..9 to the browser or send them to the host.
hterm.Keyboard.KeyMap.prototype.onAltNum_ = function(e, keyDef) {
if (this.keyboard.terminal.passAltNumber && !e.shiftKey)
return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.PASS;
return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.DEFAULT;
* Either pass Meta-1..9 to the browser or send them to the host.
hterm.Keyboard.KeyMap.prototype.onMetaNum_ = function(e, keyDef) {
if (this.keyboard.terminal.passMetaNumber && !e.shiftKey)
return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.PASS;
return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.DEFAULT;
* Either send a ^C or interpret the keystroke as a copy command.
hterm.Keyboard.KeyMap.prototype.onCtrlC_ = function(e, keyDef) {
var selection = this.keyboard.terminal.getDocument().getSelection();
if (!selection.isCollapsed) {
if (this.keyboard.ctrlCCopy && !e.shiftKey) {
// Ctrl-C should copy if there is a selection, send ^C otherwise.
// Perform the copy by letting the browser handle Ctrl-C. On most
// browsers, this is the *only* way to place text on the clipboard from
// the 'drive-by' web.
if (this.keyboard.terminal.clearSelectionAfterCopy) {
setTimeout(selection.collapseToEnd.bind(selection), 50);
return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.PASS;
if (!this.keyboard.ctrlCCopy && e.shiftKey) {
// Ctrl-Shift-C should copy if there is a selection, send ^C otherwise.
// Perform the copy manually. This only works in situations where
// document.execCommand('copy') is allowed.
if (this.keyboard.terminal.clearSelectionAfterCopy) {
setTimeout(selection.collapseToEnd.bind(selection), 50);
return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.CANCEL;
return '\x03';
* Either send a ^N or open a new window to the same location.
hterm.Keyboard.KeyMap.prototype.onCtrlN_ = function(e, keyDef) {
if (e.shiftKey) {
lib.f.openWindow(document.location.href, '',
'chrome=no,close=yes,resize=yes,scrollbars=yes,' +
'minimizable=yes,width=' + window.innerWidth +
',height=' + window.innerHeight);
return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.CANCEL;
return '\x0e';
* Either send a ^V or issue a paste command.
* The default behavior is to paste if the user presses Ctrl-Shift-V, and send
* a ^V if the user presses Ctrl-V. This can be flipped with the
* 'ctrl-v-paste' preference.
hterm.Keyboard.KeyMap.prototype.onCtrlV_ = function(e, keyDef) {
if ((!e.shiftKey && this.keyboard.ctrlVPaste) ||
(e.shiftKey && !this.keyboard.ctrlVPaste)) {
// We try to do the pasting ourselves as not all browsers/OSs bind Ctrl-V to
// pasting. Notably, on macOS, Ctrl-V/Ctrl-Shift-V do nothing.
// However, this might run into web restrictions, so if it fails, we still
// fallback to the letting the native behavior (hopefully) save us.
if (this.keyboard.terminal.paste())
return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.CANCEL;
return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.PASS;
return '\x16';
* Either the default action or open a new window to the same location.
hterm.Keyboard.KeyMap.prototype.onMetaN_ = function(e, keyDef) {
if (e.shiftKey) {
lib.f.openWindow(document.location.href, '',
'chrome=no,close=yes,resize=yes,scrollbars=yes,' +
'minimizable=yes,width=' + window.outerWidth +
',height=' + window.outerHeight);
return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.CANCEL;
return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.DEFAULT;
* Either send a Meta-C or allow the browser to interpret the keystroke as a
* copy command.
* If there is no selection, or if the user presses Meta-Shift-C, then we'll
* transmit an '\x1b' (if metaSendsEscape is on) followed by 'c' or 'C'.
* If there is a selection, we defer to the browser. In this case we clear out
* the selection so the user knows we heard them, and also to give them a
* chance to send a Meta-C by just hitting the key again.
hterm.Keyboard.KeyMap.prototype.onMetaC_ = function(e, keyDef) {
var document = this.keyboard.terminal.getDocument();
if (e.shiftKey || document.getSelection().isCollapsed) {
// If the shift key is being held, or there is no document selection, send
// a Meta-C. The keyboard code will add the ESC if metaSendsEscape is true,
// we just have to decide between 'c' and 'C'.
return keyDef.keyCap.substr(e.shiftKey ? 1 : 0, 1);
// Otherwise let the browser handle it as a copy command.
if (this.keyboard.terminal.clearSelectionAfterCopy) {
setTimeout(function() { document.getSelection().collapseToEnd(); }, 50);
return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.PASS;
* Either PASS or DEFAULT Meta-V, depending on preference.
* Always PASS Meta-Shift-V to allow browser to interpret the keystroke as
* a paste command.
hterm.Keyboard.KeyMap.prototype.onMetaV_ = function(e, keyDef) {
if (e.shiftKey)
return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.PASS;
return this.keyboard.passMetaV ?
hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.PASS :
* Handle font zooming.
* The browser's built-in zoom has a bit of an issue at certain zoom levels.
* At some magnifications, the measured height of a row of text differs from
* the height that was explicitly set.
* We override the browser zoom keys to change the ScrollPort's font size to
* avoid the issue.
hterm.Keyboard.KeyMap.prototype.onPlusMinusZero_ = function(e, keyDef) {
if (!(this.keyboard.ctrlPlusMinusZeroZoom ^ e.shiftKey)) {
// If ctrl-PMZ controls zoom and the shift key is pressed, or
// ctrl-shift-PMZ controls zoom and this shift key is not pressed,
// then we want to send the control code instead of affecting zoom.
if (keyDef.keyCap == '-_')
return '\x1f'; // ^_
// Only ^_ is valid, the other sequences have no meaning.
return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.CANCEL;
if (this.keyboard.terminal.getZoomFactor() != 1) {
// If we're not at 1:1 zoom factor, let the Ctrl +/-/0 keys control the
// browser zoom, so it's easier to for the user to get back to 100%.
return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.PASS;
var cap = keyDef.keyCap.substr(0, 1);
if (cap == '0') {
} else {
var size = this.keyboard.terminal.getFontSize();
if (cap == '-' || keyDef.keyCap == '[KP-]') {
size -= 1;
} else {
size += 1;
return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.CANCEL;
// SOURCE FILE: hterm/js/hterm_keyboard_keypattern.js
// Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* A record of modifier bits and keycode used to define a key binding.
* The modifier names are enumerated in the static KeyPattern.modifiers
* property below. Each modifier can be true, false, or "*". True means
* the modifier key must be present, false means it must not, and "*" means
* it doesn't matter.
hterm.Keyboard.KeyPattern = function(spec) {
this.wildcardCount = 0;
this.keyCode = spec.keyCode;
hterm.Keyboard.KeyPattern.modifiers.forEach(function(mod) {
this[mod] = spec[mod] || false;
if (this[mod] == '*')
* Valid modifier names.
hterm.Keyboard.KeyPattern.modifiers = [
'shift', 'ctrl', 'alt', 'meta'
* A compare callback for Array.prototype.sort().
* The bindings code wants to be sure to search through the strictest key
* patterns first, so that loosely defined patterns have a lower priority than
* exact patterns.
* @param {hterm.Keyboard.KeyPattern} a
* @param {hterm.Keyboard.KeyPattern} b
hterm.Keyboard.KeyPattern.sortCompare = function(a, b) {
if (a.wildcardCount < b.wildcardCount)
return -1;
if (a.wildcardCount > b.wildcardCount)
return 1;
return 0;
* Private method used to match this key pattern against other key patterns
* or key down events.
* @param {Object} The object to match.
* @param {boolean} True if we should ignore wildcards. Useful when you want
* to perform and exact match against another key pattern.
hterm.Keyboard.KeyPattern.prototype.match_ = function(obj, exactMatch) {
if (this.keyCode != obj.keyCode)
return false;
var rv = true;
hterm.Keyboard.KeyPattern.modifiers.forEach(function(mod) {
var modValue = (mod in obj) ? obj[mod] : false;
if (!rv || (!exactMatch && this[mod] == '*') || this[mod] == modValue)
rv = false;
return rv;
* Return true if the given keyDown object is a match for this key pattern.
* @param {Object} keyDown An object with a keyCode property and zero or
* more boolean properties representing key modifiers. These property names
* must match those defined in hterm.Keyboard.KeyPattern.modifiers.
hterm.Keyboard.KeyPattern.prototype.matchKeyDown = function(keyDown) {
return this.match_(keyDown, false);
* Return true if the given hterm.Keyboard.KeyPattern is exactly the same as
* this one.
* @param {hterm.Keyboard.KeyPattern}
hterm.Keyboard.KeyPattern.prototype.matchKeyPattern = function(keyPattern) {
return this.match_(keyPattern, true);
// SOURCE FILE: hterm/js/hterm_options.js
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview This file implements the hterm.Options class,
* which stores current operating conditions for the terminal. This object is
* used instead of a series of parameters to allow saving/restoring of cursor
* conditions easily, and to provide an easy place for common configuration
* options.
* Original code by Cory Maccarrone.
* Constructor for the hterm.Options class, optionally acting as a copy
* constructor.
* The defaults are as defined in
* except that we enable autowrap (wraparound) by default since that seems to
* be what xterm does.
* @param {hterm.Options=} opt_copy Optional instance to copy.
* @constructor
hterm.Options = function(opt_copy) {
// All attributes in this class are public to allow easy access by the
// terminal.
this.wraparound = opt_copy ? opt_copy.wraparound : true;
this.reverseWraparound = opt_copy ? opt_copy.reverseWraparound : false;
this.originMode = opt_copy ? opt_copy.originMode : false;
this.autoCarriageReturn = opt_copy ? opt_copy.autoCarriageReturn : false;
this.cursorVisible = opt_copy ? opt_copy.cursorVisible : false;
this.cursorBlink = opt_copy ? opt_copy.cursorBlink : false;
this.insertMode = opt_copy ? opt_copy.insertMode : false;
this.reverseVideo = opt_copy ? opt_copy.reverseVideo : false;
this.bracketedPaste = opt_copy ? opt_copy.bracketedPaste : false;
// SOURCE FILE: hterm/js/hterm_parser.js
// Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @constructor
* Parses the key definition syntax used for user keyboard customizations.
hterm.Parser = function() {
* @type {string} The source string.
this.source = '';
* @type {number} The current position.
this.pos = 0;
* @type {string?} The character at the current position.
*/ = null;
hterm.Parser.prototype.error = function(message) {
return new Error('Parse error at ' + this.pos + ': ' + message);
hterm.Parser.prototype.isComplete = function() {
return this.pos == this.source.length;
hterm.Parser.prototype.reset = function(source, opt_pos) {
this.source = source;
this.pos = opt_pos || 0; = source.substr(0, 1);
* Parse a key sequence.
* A key sequence is zero or more of the key modifiers defined in
* hterm.Parser.identifiers.modifierKeys followed by a key code. Key
* codes can be an integer or an identifier from
* hterm.Parser.identifiers.keyCodes. Modifiers and keyCodes should be joined
* by the dash character.
* An asterisk "*" can be used to indicate that the unspecified modifiers
* are optional.
* For example:
* A: Matches only an unmodified "A" character.
* 65: Same as above.
* 0x41: Same as above.
* Ctrl-A: Matches only Ctrl-A.
* Ctrl-65: Same as above.
* Ctrl-0x41: Same as above.
* Ctrl-Shift-A: Matches only Ctrl-Shift-A.
* Ctrl-*-A: Matches Ctrl-A, as well as any other key sequence that includes
* at least the Ctrl and A keys.
* @return {Object} An object with shift, ctrl, alt, meta, keyCode
* properties.
hterm.Parser.prototype.parseKeySequence = function() {
var rv = {
keyCode: null
for (var k in hterm.Parser.identifiers.modifierKeys) {
rv[hterm.Parser.identifiers.modifierKeys[k]] = false;
while (this.pos < this.source.length) {
var token = this.parseToken();
if (token.type == 'integer') {
rv.keyCode = token.value;
} else if (token.type == 'identifier') {
var ucValue = token.value.toUpperCase();
if (ucValue in hterm.Parser.identifiers.modifierKeys &&
hterm.Parser.identifiers.modifierKeys.hasOwnProperty(ucValue)) {
var mod = hterm.Parser.identifiers.modifierKeys[ucValue];
if (rv[mod] && rv[mod] != '*')
throw this.error('Duplicate modifier: ' + token.value);
rv[mod] = true;
} else if (ucValue in hterm.Parser.identifiers.keyCodes &&
hterm.Parser.identifiers.keyCodes.hasOwnProperty(ucValue)) {
rv.keyCode = hterm.Parser.identifiers.keyCodes[ucValue];
} else {
throw this.error('Unknown key: ' + token.value);
} else if (token.type == 'symbol') {
if (token.value == '*') {
for (var id in hterm.Parser.identifiers.modifierKeys) {
var p = hterm.Parser.identifiers.modifierKeys[id];
if (!rv[p])
rv[p] = '*';
} else {
throw this.error('Unexpected symbol: ' + token.value);
} else {
throw this.error('Expected integer or identifier');
if ( != '-')
if (rv.keyCode != null)
throw this.error('Extra definition after target key');
if (rv.keyCode == null)
throw this.error('Missing target key');
return rv;
hterm.Parser.prototype.parseKeyAction = function() {
var token = this.parseToken();
if (token.type == 'string')
return token.value;
if (token.type == 'identifier') {
if (token.value in hterm.Parser.identifiers.actions &&
return hterm.Parser.identifiers.actions[token.value];
throw this.error('Unknown key action: ' + token.value);
throw this.error('Expected string or identifier');
hterm.Parser.prototype.peekString = function() {
return == '\'' || == '"';
hterm.Parser.prototype.peekIdentifier = function() {
hterm.Parser.prototype.peekInteger = function() {
hterm.Parser.prototype.parseToken = function() {
if ( == '*') {
var rv = {type: 'symbol', value:};
return rv;
if (this.peekIdentifier())
return {type: 'identifier', value: this.parseIdentifier()};
if (this.peekString())
return {type: 'string', value: this.parseString()};
if (this.peekInteger())
return {type: 'integer', value: this.parseInteger()};
throw this.error('Unexpected token');
hterm.Parser.prototype.parseIdentifier = function() {
if (!this.peekIdentifier())
throw this.error('Expected identifier');
return this.parsePattern(/[a-z0-9_]+/ig);
hterm.Parser.prototype.parseInteger = function() {
var base = 10;
if ( == '0' && this.pos < this.source.length - 1 &&
this.source.substr(this.pos + 1, 1) == 'x') {
return parseInt(this.parsePattern(/0x[0-9a-f]+/gi));
return parseInt(this.parsePattern(/\d+/g));
* Parse a single or double quoted string.
* The current position should point at the initial quote character. Single
* quoted strings will be treated literally, double quoted will process escapes.
* TODO(rginda): Variable interpolation.
* @param {ParseState} parseState
* @param {string} quote A single or double-quote character.
* @return {string}
hterm.Parser.prototype.parseString = function() {
var result = '';
var quote =;
if (quote != '"' && quote != '\'')
throw this.error('String expected');
var re = new RegExp('[\\\\' + quote + ']', 'g');
while (this.pos < this.source.length) {
re.lastIndex = this.pos;
if (!re.exec(this.source))
throw this.error('Unterminated string literal');
result += this.source.substring(this.pos, re.lastIndex - 1);
this.advance(re.lastIndex - this.pos - 1);
if (quote == '"' && == '\\') {
result += this.parseEscape();
if (quote == '\'' && == '\\') {
result +=;
if ( == quote) {
return result;
throw this.error('Unterminated string literal');
* Parse an escape code from the current position (which should point to
* the first character AFTER the leading backslash.)
* @return {string}
hterm.Parser.prototype.parseEscape = function() {
var map = {
'"': '"',
'\'': '\'',
'\\': '\\',
'a': '\x07',
'b': '\x08',
'e': '\x1b',
'f': '\x0c',
'n': '\x0a',
'r': '\x0d',
't': '\x09',
'v': '\x0b',
'x': function() {
var value = this.parsePattern(/[a-z0-9]{2}/ig);
return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(value, 16));
'u': function() {
var value = this.parsePattern(/[a-z0-9]{4}/ig);
return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(value, 16));
if (!( in map && map.hasOwnProperty(
throw this.error('Unknown escape: ' +;
var value = map[];
if (typeof value == 'function')
value =;
return value;
* Parse the given pattern starting from the current position.
* @param {RegExp} pattern A pattern representing the characters to span. MUST
* include the "global" RegExp flag.
* @return {string}
hterm.Parser.prototype.parsePattern = function(pattern) {
if (!
throw this.error('Internal error: Span patterns must be global');
pattern.lastIndex = this.pos;
var ary = pattern.exec(this.source);
if (!ary || pattern.lastIndex - ary[0].length != this.pos)
throw this.error('Expected match for: ' + pattern);
this.pos = pattern.lastIndex - 1;
return ary[0];
* Advance the current position.
* @param {number} count
hterm.Parser.prototype.advance = function(count) {
this.pos += count; = this.source.substr(this.pos, 1);
* @param {string=} opt_expect A list of valid non-whitespace characters to
* terminate on.
* @return {void}
hterm.Parser.prototype.skipSpace = function(opt_expect) {
if (!/\s/.test(
var re = /\s+/gm;
re.lastIndex = this.pos;
var source = this.source;
if (re.exec(source))
this.pos = re.lastIndex; = this.source.substr(this.pos, 1);
if (opt_expect) {
if ( == -1) {
throw this.error('Expected one of ' + opt_expect + ', found: ' +;
// SOURCE FILE: hterm/js/hterm_parser_identifiers.js
// Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* Collections of identifier for hterm.Parser.
hterm.Parser.identifiers = {};
* Modifier key names used when defining key sequences.
* These are upper case so we can normalize the user input and be forgiving.
* "CTRL-A" and "Ctrl-A" and "ctrl-a" are all accepted.
* Note: Names here cannot overlap with hterm.Parser.identifiers.keyCodes.
hterm.Parser.identifiers.modifierKeys = {
SHIFT: 'shift',
CTRL: 'ctrl',
// Common alias.
CONTROL: 'ctrl',
ALT: 'alt',
META: 'meta'
* Key codes useful when defining key sequences.
* Punctuation is mostly left out of this list because they can move around
* based on keyboard locale and browser.
* In a key sequence like "Ctrl-ESC", the ESC comes from this list of
* identifiers. It is equivalent to "Ctrl-27" and "Ctrl-0x1b".
* These are upper case so we can normalize the user input and be forgiving.
* "Ctrl-ESC" and "Ctrl-Esc" an "Ctrl-esc" are all accepted.
* We also include common aliases for the same key. "Esc" and "Escape" are the
* same key.
* Note: Names here cannot overlap with hterm.Parser.identifiers.modifierKeys.
hterm.Parser.identifiers.keyCodes = {
// Top row.
ESC: 27,
F1: 112,
F2: 113,
F3: 114,
F4: 115,
F5: 116,
F6: 117,
F7: 118,
F8: 119,
F9: 120,
F10: 121,
F11: 122,
F12: 123,
// Row two.
ONE: 49,
TWO: 50,
THREE: 51,
FOUR: 52,
FIVE: 53,
SIX: 54,
SEVEN: 55,
EIGHT: 56,
NINE: 57,
ZERO: 48,
BKSP: 8,
BS: 8,
// Row three.
TAB: 9,
Q: 81,
W: 87,
E: 69,
R: 82,
T: 84,
Y: 89,
U: 85,
I: 73,
O: 79,
P: 80,
// Row four.
CAPS: 20,
A: 65,
S: 83,
D: 68,
F: 70,
G: 71,
H: 72,
J: 74,
K: 75,
L: 76,
// We map enter and return together even though enter should really be 10
// because most people don't know or care about the history here. Plus,
// most keyboards/programs map them together already. If they really want
// to bind them differently, they can also use the numeric value.
ENTER: 13,
ENT: 13,
RET: 13,
// Row five.
Z: 90,
X: 88,
C: 67,
V: 86,
B: 66,
N: 78,
M: 77,
// Etc.
SPACE: 32,
SP: 32,
PRTSC: 42,
SCRLK: 145,
BREAK: 19,
BRK: 19,
INS: 45,
HOME: 36,
PAGE_UP: 33,
PGUP: 33,
DEL: 46,
END: 35,
PGDN: 34,
UP: 38,
DOWN: 40,
RIGHT: 39,
LEFT: 37,
// Keypad
KP0: 96,
KP1: 97,
KP2: 98,
KP3: 99,
KP4: 100,
KP5: 101,
KP6: 102,
KP7: 103,
KP8: 104,
KP9: 105,
KP_PLUS: 107,
KP_ADD: 107,
KP_MINUS: 109,
KP_STAR: 106,
// Chrome OS media keys
RELOAD: 168,
* Identifiers for use in key actions.
hterm.Parser.identifiers.actions = {
* Prevent the browser and operating system from handling the event.
CANCEL: hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.CANCEL,
* Wait for a "keypress" event, send the keypress charCode to the host.
DEFAULT: hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.DEFAULT,
* Let the browser or operating system handle the key.
PASS: hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.PASS,
* Scroll the terminal one line up.
scrollLineUp: function(terminal) {
return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.CANCEL;
* Scroll the terminal one line down.
scrollLineDown: function(terminal) {
return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.CANCEL;
* Scroll the terminal one page up.
scrollPageUp: function(terminal) {
return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.CANCEL;
* Scroll the terminal one page down.
scrollPageDown: function(terminal) {
return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.CANCEL;
* Scroll the terminal to the top.
scrollToTop: function(terminal) {
return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.CANCEL;
* Scroll the terminal to the bottom.
scrollToBottom: function(terminal) {
return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.CANCEL;
* Clear the active screen and move the cursor to (0,0).
clearScreen: function(terminal) {
return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.CANCEL;
* Clear the scrollback buffer.
clearScrollback: function(terminal) {
return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.CANCEL;
* Clear the terminal and scrollback buffer and move the cursor to (0,0).
clearTerminal: function(terminal) {
return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.CANCEL;
* Perform a full terminal reset.
fullReset: function(terminal) {
return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.CANCEL;
* Perform a soft terminal reset.
softReset: function(terminal) {
return hterm.Keyboard.KeyActions.CANCEL;
// SOURCE FILE: hterm/js/hterm_preference_manager.js
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* PreferenceManager subclass managing global NaSSH preferences.
* This is currently just an ordered list of known connection profiles.
hterm.PreferenceManager = function(profileId) {, hterm.defaultStorage,
hterm.PreferenceManager.prefix_ + profileId);
([key, entry]) => {
this.definePreference(key, entry['default']);
* The storage key prefix to namespace the preferences.
hterm.PreferenceManager.prefix_ = '/hterm/profiles/';
* List all the defined profiles.
* @param {function(Array)} callback Called with the list of profiles.
hterm.PreferenceManager.listProfiles = function(callback) {
hterm.defaultStorage.getItems(null, (items) => {
const profiles = {};
for (let key of Object.keys(items)) {
if (key.startsWith(hterm.PreferenceManager.prefix_)) {
// Turn "/hterm/profiles/foo/bar/cow" to "foo/bar/cow".
const subKey = key.slice(hterm.PreferenceManager.prefix_.length);
// Turn "foo/bar/cow" into "foo".
profiles[subKey.split('/', 1)[0]] = true;
hterm.PreferenceManager.categories = {};
hterm.PreferenceManager.categories.Keyboard = 'Keyboard';
hterm.PreferenceManager.categories.Appearance = 'Appearance';
hterm.PreferenceManager.categories.CopyPaste = 'CopyPaste';
hterm.PreferenceManager.categories.Sounds = 'Sounds';
hterm.PreferenceManager.categories.Scrolling = 'Scrolling';
hterm.PreferenceManager.categories.Encoding = 'Encoding';
hterm.PreferenceManager.categories.Extensions = 'Extensions';
hterm.PreferenceManager.categories.Miscellaneous = 'Miscellaneous';
* List of categories, ordered by display order (top to bottom)
hterm.PreferenceManager.categoryDefinitions = [
{ id: hterm.PreferenceManager.categories.Appearance,
text: 'Appearance (fonts, colors, images)'},
{ id: hterm.PreferenceManager.categories.CopyPaste,
text: 'Copy & Paste'},
{ id: hterm.PreferenceManager.categories.Encoding,
text: 'Encoding'},
{ id: hterm.PreferenceManager.categories.Keyboard,
text: 'Keyboard'},
{ id: hterm.PreferenceManager.categories.Scrolling,
text: 'Scrolling'},
{ id: hterm.PreferenceManager.categories.Sounds,
text: 'Sounds'},
{ id: hterm.PreferenceManager.categories.Extensions,
text: 'Extensions'},
{ id: hterm.PreferenceManager.categories.Miscellaneous,
text: 'Miscellaneous'}
* Internal helper to create a default preference object.
* @param {hterm.PreferenceManager.categories} category The pref category.
* @param {string} name The user readable name/title.
* @param {Object} defaultValue The default pref value.
* @param {Object} type The type for this pref (or an array for enums).
* @param {string} help The user readable help text.
* @return {Object} The default pref object.
hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_ = function(
name, category, defaultValue, type, help) {
return {
'name': name,
'category': category,
'default': defaultValue,
'type': type,
'help': help,
hterm.PreferenceManager.defaultPreferences = {
'alt-gr-mode': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'AltGr key mode',
null, [null, 'none', 'ctrl-alt', 'left-alt', 'right-alt'],
`Select an AltGr detection heuristic.\n` +
`\n` +
`'null': Autodetect based on navigator.language:\n` +
` 'en-us' => 'none', else => 'right-alt'\n` +
`'none': Disable any AltGr related munging.\n` +
`'ctrl-alt': Assume Ctrl+Alt means AltGr.\n` +
`'left-alt': Assume left Alt means AltGr.\n` +
`'right-alt': Assume right Alt means AltGr.`
'alt-backspace-is-meta-backspace': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Alt-Backspace is Meta-Backspace',
false, 'bool',
`If set, undoes the Chrome OS Alt-Backspace->DEL remap, so that ` +
`Alt-Backspace indeed is Alt-Backspace.`
'alt-is-meta': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Treat Alt key as Meta key',
false, 'bool',
`Whether the Alt key acts as a Meta key or as a distinct Alt key.`
'alt-sends-what': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Alt key modifier handling',
'escape', ['escape', '8-bit', 'browser-key'],
`Controls how the Alt key is handled.\n` +
`\n` +
` escape: Send an ESC prefix.\n` +
` 8-bit: Add 128 to the typed character as in xterm.\n` +
` browser-key: Wait for the keypress event and see what the browser\n` +
` says. (This won't work well on platforms where the browser\n` +
` performs a default action for some Alt sequences.)`
'audible-bell-sound': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Alert bell sound (URI)',
'lib-resource:hterm/audio/bell', 'url',
`URL of the terminal bell sound. Empty string for no audible bell.`
'desktop-notification-bell': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Create desktop notifications for alert bells',
false, 'bool',
`If true, terminal bells in the background will create a Web ` +
`Notification.\n` +
`\n` +
`Displaying notifications requires permission from the user. When this ` +
`option is set to true, hterm will attempt to ask the user for ` +
`permission if necessary. Browsers may not show this permission ` +
`request if it was not triggered by a user action.\n` +
`\n` +
`Chrome extensions with the "notifications" permission have permission ` +
`to display notifications.`
'background-color': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Background color',
'rgb(255, 255, 255)', 'color',
`The background color for text with no other color attributes.`
'background-image': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Background image',
'', 'string',
`CSS value of the background image. Empty string for no image.\n` +
`\n` +
`For example:\n` +
` url(\n` +
` linear-gradient(top bottom, blue, red)`
'background-size': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Background image size',
'', 'string',
`CSS value of the background image size.`
'background-position': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Background image position',
'', 'string',
`CSS value of the background image position.\n` +
`\n` +
`For example:\n` +
` 10% 10%\n` +
` center`
'backspace-sends-backspace': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Backspace key behavior',
false, 'bool',
`If true, the backspace should send BS ('\\x08', aka ^H). Otherwise ` +
`the backspace key should send '\\x7f'.`
'character-map-overrides': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Character map overrides',
null, 'value',
`This is specified as an object. It is a sparse array, where each ` +
`property is the character set code and the value is an object that is ` +
`a sparse array itself. In that sparse array, each property is the ` +
`received character and the value is the displayed character.\n` +
`\n` +
`For example:\n` +
` {"0":{"+":"\\u2192",",":"\\u2190","-":"\\u2191",".":"\\u2193", ` +
'close-on-exit': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Close window on exit',
true, 'bool',
`Whether to close the window when the command finishes executing.`
'cursor-blink': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Cursor blink',
true, 'bool',
`Whether the text cursor blinks by default. This can be toggled at ` +
`runtime via terminal escape sequences.`
'cursor-blink-cycle': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Cursor blink rate',
[1000, 500], 'value',
`The text cursor blink rate in milliseconds.\n` +
`\n` +
`A two element array, the first of which is how long the text cursor ` +
`should be on, second is how long it should be off.`
'cursor-color': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Text cursor color',
'rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)', 'color',
`The color of the visible text cursor.`
'color-palette-overrides': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Initial color palette',
null, 'value',
`Override colors in the default palette.\n` +
`\n` +
`This can be specified as an array or an object. If specified as an ` +
`object it is assumed to be a sparse array, where each property ` +
`is a numeric index into the color palette.\n` +
`\n` +
`Values can be specified as almost any CSS color value. This ` +
`includes #RGB, #RRGGBB, rgb(...), rgba(...), and any color names ` +
`that are also part of the standard X11 rgb.txt file.\n` +
`\n` +
`You can use 'null' to specify that the default value should be not ` +
`be changed. This is useful for skipping a small number of indices ` +
`when the value is specified as an array.\n` +
`\n` +
`For example, these both set color index 1 to blue:\n` +
` {1: "#0000ff"}\n` +
` [null, "#0000ff"]`
'copy-on-select': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Automatically copy selected content',
true, 'bool',
`Automatically copy mouse selection to the clipboard.`
'use-default-window-copy': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Let the browser handle text copying',
false, 'bool',
`Whether to use the default browser/OS's copy behavior.\n` +
`\n` +
`Allow the browser/OS to handle the copy event directly which might ` +
`improve compatibility with some systems (where copying doesn't work ` +
`at all), but makes the text selection less robust.\n` +
`\n` +
`For example, long lines that were automatically line wrapped will ` +
`be copied with the newlines still in them.`
'clear-selection-after-copy': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Automatically clear text selection',
true, 'bool',
`Whether to clear the selection after copying.`
'ctrl-plus-minus-zero-zoom': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Ctrl-+/-/0 zoom behavior',
true, 'bool',
`If true, Ctrl-Plus/Minus/Zero controls zoom.\n` +
`If false, Ctrl-Shift-Plus/Minus/Zero controls zoom, Ctrl-Minus sends ` +
`^_, Ctrl-Plus/Zero do nothing.`
'ctrl-c-copy': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Ctrl-C copy behavior',
false, 'bool',
`Ctrl-C copies if true, send ^C to host if false.\n` +
`Ctrl-Shift-C sends ^C to host if true, copies if false.`
'ctrl-v-paste': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Ctrl-V paste behavior',
false, 'bool',
`Ctrl-V pastes if true, send ^V to host if false.\n` +
`Ctrl-Shift-V sends ^V to host if true, pastes if false.`
'east-asian-ambiguous-as-two-column': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'East Asian Ambiguous use two columns',
false, 'bool',
`Whether East Asian Ambiguous characters have two column width.`
'enable-8-bit-control': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Support non-UTF-8 C1 control characters',
false, 'bool',
`True to enable 8-bit control characters, false to ignore them.\n` +
`\n` +
`We'll respect the two-byte versions of these control characters ` +
`regardless of this setting.`
'enable-bold': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Bold text behavior',
null, 'tristate',
`If true, use bold weight font for text with the bold/bright ` +
`attribute. False to use the normal weight font. Null to autodetect.`
'enable-bold-as-bright': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Use bright colors with bold text',
true, 'bool',
`If true, use bright colors (8-15 on a 16 color palette) for any text ` +
`with the bold attribute. False otherwise.`
'enable-blink': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Enable blinking text',
true, 'bool',
`If true, respect the blink attribute. False to ignore it.`
'enable-clipboard-notice': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Show notification when copying content',
true, 'bool',
`Whether to show a message in the terminal when the host writes to the ` +
'enable-clipboard-write': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Allow remote clipboard writes',
true, 'bool',
`Allow the remote host to write directly to the local system ` +
`clipboard.\n` +
`Read access is never granted regardless of this setting.\n` +
`\n` +
`This is used to control access to features like OSC-52.`
'enable-dec12': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Allow changing of text cursor blinking',
false, 'bool',
`Respect the host's attempt to change the text cursor blink status ` +
`using DEC Private Mode 12.`
'enable-csi-j-3': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Allow clearing of scrollback buffer (CSI-J-3)',
true, 'bool',
`Whether CSI-J (Erase Display) mode 3 may clear the terminal ` +
`scrollback buffer.\n` +
`\n` +
`Enabling this by default is safe.`
'environment': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Environment variables',
// Signal ncurses based apps to use UTF-8 output instead of legacy
// drawing modes (which only work in ISO-2022 mode). Since hterm is
// always UTF-8, this shouldn't cause problems.
'TERM': 'xterm-256color',
// Set this env var that a bunch of mainstream terminal emulators set
// to indicate we support true colors.
'COLORTERM': 'truecolor',
`The initial set of environment variables, as an object.`
'font-family': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Text font family',
'"DejaVu Sans Mono", "Noto Sans Mono", "Everson Mono", FreeMono, ' +
'Menlo, Terminal, monospace',
`Default font family for the terminal text.`
'font-size': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Text font size',
15, 'int',
`The default font size in pixels.`
'font-smoothing': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Text font smoothing',
'antialiased', 'string',
`CSS font-smoothing property.`
'foreground-color': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Text color',
'rgb(0, 0, 0)', 'color',
`The foreground color for text with no other color attributes.`
'hide-mouse-while-typing': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Hide mouse cursor while typing',
null, 'tristate',
`Whether to automatically hide the mouse cursor when typing. ` +
`By default, autodetect whether the platform/OS handles this.\n` +
`\n` +
`Note: Some operating systems may override this setting and thus you ` +
`might not be able to always disable it.`
'home-keys-scroll': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Home/End key scroll behavior',
false, 'bool',
`If true, Home/End controls the terminal scrollbar and Shift-Home/` +
`Shift-End are sent to the remote host. If false, then Home/End are ` +
`sent to the remote host and Shift-Home/Shift-End scrolls.`
'keybindings': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Keyboard bindings/shortcuts',
null, 'value',
`A map of key sequence to key actions. Key sequences include zero or ` +
`more modifier keys followed by a key code. Key codes can be decimal ` +
`or hexadecimal numbers, or a key identifier. Key actions can be ` +
`specified as a string to send to the host, or an action identifier. ` +
`For a full explanation of the format, see\n` +
`\n` +
`Sample keybindings:\n` +
`{\n` +
` "Ctrl-Alt-K": "clearTerminal",\n` +
` "Ctrl-Shift-L": "PASS",\n` +
` "Ctrl-H": "'Hello World'"\n` +
'media-keys-are-fkeys': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Media keys are Fkeys',
false, 'bool',
`If true, convert media keys to their Fkey equivalent. If false, let ` +
`the browser handle the keys.`
'meta-sends-escape': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Meta key modifier handling',
true, 'bool',
`Send an ESC prefix when pressing a key while holding the Meta key.\n` +
`\n` +
`For example, when enabled, pressing Meta-K will send ^[k as if you ` +
`typed Escape then k. When disabled, only k will be sent.`
'mouse-right-click-paste': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Mouse right clicks paste content',
true, 'bool',
`Paste on right mouse button clicks.\n` +
`\n` +
`This option is independent of the "mouse-paste-button" setting.\n` +
`\n` +
`Note: This will handle left & right handed mice correctly.`
'mouse-paste-button': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Mouse button paste',
null, [null, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6],
`Mouse paste button, or null to autodetect.\n` +
`\n` +
`For autodetect, we'll use the middle mouse button for non-X11 ` +
`platforms (including Chrome OS). On X11, we'll use the right mouse ` +
`button (since the native window manager should paste via the middle ` +
`mouse button).\n` +
`\n` +
`0 == left (primary) button.\n` +
`1 == middle (auxiliary) button.\n` +
`2 == right (secondary) button.\n` +
`\n` +
`This option is independent of the setting for right-click paste.\n` +
`\n` +
`Note: This will handle left & right handed mice correctly.`
'word-break-match-left': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Automatic selection halting (to the left)',
'[^\\s\\[\\](){}<>"\'\\^!@#$%&*,;:`]', 'string',
`Regular expression to halt matching to the left (start) of a ` +
`selection.\n` +
`\n` +
`Normally this is a character class to reject specific characters.\n` +
`We allow "~" and "." by default as paths frequently start with those.`
'word-break-match-right': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Automatic selection halting (to the right)',
'[^\\s\\[\\](){}<>"\'\\^!@#$%&*,;:~.`]', 'string',
`Regular expression to halt matching to the right (end) of a ` +
`selection.\n` +
`\n` +
`Normally this is a character class to reject specific characters.`
'word-break-match-middle': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Word break characters',
'[^\\s\\[\\](){}<>"\'\\^]*', 'string',
`Regular expression to match all the characters in the middle.\n` +
`\n` +
`Normally this is a character class to reject specific characters.\n` +
`\n` +
`Used to expand the selection surrounding the starting point.`
'page-keys-scroll': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Page Up/Down key scroll behavior',
false, 'bool',
`If true, Page Up/Page Down controls the terminal scrollbar and ` +
`Shift-Page Up/Shift-Page Down are sent to the remote host. If false, ` +
`then Page Up/Page Down are sent to the remote host and Shift-Page Up/` +
`Shift-Page Down scrolls.`
'pass-alt-number': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Pass Alt-1..9 key behavior',
null, 'tristate',
`Whether Alt-1..9 is passed to the browser.\n` +
`\n` +
`This is handy when running hterm in a browser tab, so that you don't ` +
`lose Chrome's "switch to tab" keyboard accelerators. When not running ` +
`in a tab it's better to send these keys to the host so they can be ` +
`used in vim or emacs.\n` +
`\n` +
`If true, Alt-1..9 will be handled by the browser. If false, Alt-1..9 ` +
`will be sent to the host. If null, autodetect based on browser ` +
`platform and window type.`
'pass-ctrl-number': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Pass Ctrl-1..9 key behavior',
null, 'tristate',
`Whether Ctrl-1..9 is passed to the browser.\n` +
`\n` +
`This is handy when running hterm in a browser tab, so that you don't ` +
`lose Chrome's "switch to tab" keyboard accelerators. When not running ` +
`in a tab it's better to send these keys to the host so they can be ` +
`used in vim or emacs.\n` +
`\n` +
`If true, Ctrl-1..9 will be handled by the browser. If false, ` +
`Ctrl-1..9 will be sent to the host. If null, autodetect based on ` +
`browser platform and window type.`
'pass-meta-number': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Pass Meta-1..9 key behavior',
null, 'tristate',
`Whether Meta-1..9 is passed to the browser.\n` +
`\n` +
`This is handy when running hterm in a browser tab, so that you don't ` +
`lose Chrome's "switch to tab" keyboard accelerators. When not running ` +
`in a tab it's better to send these keys to the host so they can be ` +
`used in vim or emacs.\n` +
`\n` +
`If true, Meta-1..9 will be handled by the browser. If false, ` +
`Meta-1..9 will be sent to the host. If null, autodetect based on ` +
`browser platform and window type.`
'pass-meta-v': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Pass Meta-V key behavior',
true, 'bool',
`Whether Meta-V gets passed to host.`
'paste-on-drop': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Allow drag & drop to paste',
true, 'bool',
`If true, Drag and dropped text will paste into terminal.\n` +
`If false, dropped text will be ignored.`
'receive-encoding': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Receive encoding',
'utf-8', ['utf-8', 'raw'],
`Set the expected encoding for data received from the host.\n` +
`If the encodings do not match, visual bugs are likely to be ` +
`observed.\n` +
`\n` +
`Valid values are 'utf-8' and 'raw'.`
'scroll-on-keystroke': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Scroll to bottom after keystroke',
true, 'bool',
`Whether to scroll to the bottom on any keystroke.`
'scroll-on-output': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Scroll to bottom after new output',
false, 'bool',
`Whether to scroll to the bottom on terminal output.`
'scrollbar-visible': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Scrollbar visibility',
true, 'bool',
`The vertical scrollbar mode.`
'scroll-wheel-may-send-arrow-keys': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Emulate arrow keys with scroll wheel',
false, 'bool',
`When using the alternative screen buffer, and DECCKM (Application ` +
`Cursor Keys) is active, mouse wheel scroll events will emulate arrow ` +
`keys.\n` +
`\n` +
`It can be temporarily disabled by holding the Shift key.\n` +
`\n` +
`This frequently comes up when using pagers (less) or reading man ` +
`pages or text editors (vi/nano) or using screen/tmux.`
'scroll-wheel-move-multiplier': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Mouse scroll wheel multiplier',
1, 'int',
`The multiplier for scroll wheel events when measured in pixels.\n` +
`\n` +
`Alters how fast the page scrolls.`
'terminal-encoding': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Terminal encoding',
'utf-8', ['iso-2022', 'utf-8', 'utf-8-locked'],
`The default terminal encoding (DOCS).\n` +
`\n` +
`ISO-2022 enables character map translations (like graphics maps).\n` +
`UTF-8 disables support for those.\n` +
`\n` +
`The locked variant means the encoding cannot be changed at runtime ` +
`via terminal escape sequences.\n` +
`\n` +
`You should stick with UTF-8 unless you notice broken rendering with ` +
`legacy applications.`
'shift-insert-paste': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Shift-Insert paste',
true, 'bool',
`Whether Shift-Insert is used for pasting or is sent to the remote host.`
'user-css': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Custom CSS (URI)',
'', 'url',
`URL of user stylesheet to include in the terminal document.`
'user-css-text': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Custom CSS (inline text)',
'', 'multiline-string',
`Custom CSS text for styling the terminal.`
'allow-images-inline': hterm.PreferenceManager.definePref_(
'Allow inline image display',
null, 'tristate',
`Whether to allow the remote host to display images in the terminal.\n` +
`\n` +
`By default, we prompt until a choice is made.`
hterm.PreferenceManager.prototype =
hterm.PreferenceManager.constructor = hterm.PreferenceManager;
// SOURCE FILE: hterm/js/hterm_pubsub.js
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* Utility class used to add publish/subscribe/unsubscribe functionality to
* an existing object.
hterm.PubSub = function() {
this.observers_ = {};
* Add publish, subscribe, and unsubscribe methods to an existing object.
* No other properties of the object are touched, so there is no need to
* worry about clashing private properties.
* @param {Object} obj The object to add this behavior to.
hterm.PubSub.addBehavior = function(obj) {
var pubsub = new hterm.PubSub();
for (var m in hterm.PubSub.prototype) {
obj[m] = hterm.PubSub.prototype[m].bind(pubsub);
* Subscribe to be notified of messages about a subject.
* @param {string} subject The subject to subscribe to.
* @param {function(Object)} callback The function to invoke for notifications.
hterm.PubSub.prototype.subscribe = function(subject, callback) {
if (!(subject in this.observers_))
this.observers_[subject] = [];
* Unsubscribe from a subject.
* @param {string} subject The subject to unsubscribe from.
* @param {function(Object)} callback A callback previously registered via
* subscribe().
hterm.PubSub.prototype.unsubscribe = function(subject, callback) {
var list = this.observers_[subject];
if (!list)
throw 'Invalid subject: ' + subject;
var i = list.indexOf(callback);
if (i < 0)
throw 'Not subscribed: ' + subject;
list.splice(i, 1);
* Publish a message about a subject.
* Subscribers (and the optional final callback) are invoked asynchronously.
* This method will return before anyone is actually notified.
* @param {string} subject The subject to publish about.
* @param {Object} e An arbitrary object associated with this notification.
* @param {function(Object)} opt_lastCallback An optional function to call after
* all subscribers have been notified.
hterm.PubSub.prototype.publish = function(subject, e, opt_lastCallback) {
function notifyList(i) {
// Set this timeout before invoking the callback, so we don't have to
// concern ourselves with exceptions.
if (i < list.length - 1)
setTimeout(notifyList, 0, i + 1);
var list = this.observers_[subject];
if (list) {
// Copy the list, in case it changes while we're notifying.
list = [].concat(list);
if (opt_lastCallback) {
if (list) {
} else {
list = [opt_lastCallback];
if (list)
setTimeout(notifyList, 0, 0);
// SOURCE FILE: hterm/js/hterm_screen.js
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview This class represents a single terminal screen full of text.
* It maintains the current cursor position and has basic methods for text
* insert and overwrite, and adding or removing rows from the screen.
* This class has no knowledge of the scrollback buffer.
* The number of rows on the screen is determined only by the number of rows
* that the caller inserts into the screen. If a caller wants to ensure a
* constant number of rows on the screen, it's their responsibility to remove a
* row for each row inserted.
* The screen width, in contrast, is enforced locally.
* In practice...
* - The hterm.Terminal class holds two hterm.Screen instances. One for the
* primary screen and one for the alternate screen.
* - The html.Screen class only cares that rows are HTMLElements. In the
* larger context of hterm, however, the rows happen to be displayed by an
* hterm.ScrollPort and have to follow a few rules as a result. Each
* row must be rooted by the custom HTML tag 'x-row', and each must have a
* rowIndex property that corresponds to the index of the row in the context
* of the scrollback buffer. These invariants are enforced by hterm.Terminal
* because that is the class using the hterm.Screen in the context of an
* hterm.ScrollPort.
* Create a new screen instance.
* The screen initially has no rows and a maximum column count of 0.
* @param {integer} opt_columnCount The maximum number of columns for this
* screen. See insertString() and overwriteString() for information about
* what happens when too many characters are added too a row. Defaults to
* 0 if not provided.
hterm.Screen = function(opt_columnCount) {
* Public, read-only access to the rows in this screen.
this.rowsArray = [];
// The max column width for this screen.
this.columnCount_ = opt_columnCount || 80;
// The current color, bold, underline and blink attributes.
this.textAttributes = new hterm.TextAttributes(window.document);
// Current zero-based cursor coordinates.
this.cursorPosition = new hterm.RowCol(0, 0);
// Saved state used by DECSC and related settings. This is only for saving
// and restoring specific state, not for the current/active state.
this.cursorState_ = new hterm.Screen.CursorState(this);
// The node containing the row that the cursor is positioned on.
this.cursorRowNode_ = null;
// The node containing the span of text that the cursor is positioned on.
this.cursorNode_ = null;
// The offset in column width into cursorNode_ where the cursor is positioned.
this.cursorOffset_ = null;
// Regexes for expanding word selections.
this.wordBreakMatchLeft = null;
this.wordBreakMatchRight = null;
this.wordBreakMatchMiddle = null;
* Return the screen size as an hterm.Size object.
* @return {hterm.Size} hterm.Size object representing the current number
* of rows and columns in this screen.
hterm.Screen.prototype.getSize = function() {
return new hterm.Size(this.columnCount_, this.rowsArray.length);
* Return the current number of rows in this screen.
* @return {integer} The number of rows in this screen.
hterm.Screen.prototype.getHeight = function() {
return this.rowsArray.length;
* Return the current number of columns in this screen.
* @return {integer} The number of columns in this screen.
hterm.Screen.prototype.getWidth = function() {
return this.columnCount_;
* Set the maximum number of columns per row.
* @param {integer} count The maximum number of columns per row.
hterm.Screen.prototype.setColumnCount = function(count) {
this.columnCount_ = count;
if (this.cursorPosition.column >= count)
this.setCursorPosition(this.cursorPosition.row, count - 1);
* Remove the first row from the screen and return it.
* @return {HTMLElement} The first row in this screen.
hterm.Screen.prototype.shiftRow = function() {
return this.shiftRows(1)[0];
* Remove rows from the top of the screen and return them as an array.
* @param {integer} count The number of rows to remove.
* @return {Array.} The selected rows.
hterm.Screen.prototype.shiftRows = function(count) {
return this.rowsArray.splice(0, count);
* Insert a row at the top of the screen.
* @param {HTMLElement} row The row to insert.
hterm.Screen.prototype.unshiftRow = function(row) {
this.rowsArray.splice(0, 0, row);
* Insert rows at the top of the screen.
* @param {Array.} rows The rows to insert.
hterm.Screen.prototype.unshiftRows = function(rows) {
this.rowsArray.unshift.apply(this.rowsArray, rows);
* Remove the last row from the screen and return it.
* @return {HTMLElement} The last row in this screen.
hterm.Screen.prototype.popRow = function() {
return this.popRows(1)[0];
* Remove rows from the bottom of the screen and return them as an array.
* @param {integer} count The number of rows to remove.
* @return {Array.} The selected rows.
hterm.Screen.prototype.popRows = function(count) {
return this.rowsArray.splice(this.rowsArray.length - count, count);
* Insert a row at the bottom of the screen.
* @param {HTMLElement} row The row to insert.
hterm.Screen.prototype.pushRow = function(row) {
* Insert rows at the bottom of the screen.
* @param {Array.} rows The rows to insert.
hterm.Screen.prototype.pushRows = function(rows) {
rows.push.apply(this.rowsArray, rows);
* Insert a row at the specified row of the screen.
* @param {integer} index The index to insert the row.
* @param {HTMLElement} row The row to insert.
hterm.Screen.prototype.insertRow = function(index, row) {
this.rowsArray.splice(index, 0, row);
* Insert rows at the specified row of the screen.
* @param {integer} index The index to insert the rows.
* @param {Array.} rows The rows to insert.
hterm.Screen.prototype.insertRows = function(index, rows) {
for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
this.rowsArray.splice(index + i, 0, rows[i]);
* Remove a row from the screen and return it.
* @param {integer} index The index of the row to remove.
* @return {HTMLElement} The selected row.
hterm.Screen.prototype.removeRow = function(index) {
return this.rowsArray.splice(index, 1)[0];
* Remove rows from the bottom of the screen and return them as an array.
* @param {integer} index The index to start removing rows.
* @param {integer} count The number of rows to remove.
* @return {Array.} The selected rows.
hterm.Screen.prototype.removeRows = function(index, count) {
return this.rowsArray.splice(index, count);
* Invalidate the current cursor position.
* This sets this.cursorPosition to (0, 0) and clears out some internal
* data.
* Attempting to insert or overwrite text while the cursor position is invalid
* will raise an obscure exception.
hterm.Screen.prototype.invalidateCursorPosition = function() {
this.cursorPosition.move(0, 0);
this.cursorRowNode_ = null;
this.cursorNode_ = null;
this.cursorOffset_ = null;
* Clear the contents of the cursor row.
hterm.Screen.prototype.clearCursorRow = function() {
this.cursorRowNode_.innerHTML = '';
this.cursorOffset_ = 0;
this.cursorPosition.column = 0;
this.cursorPosition.overflow = false;
var text;
if (this.textAttributes.isDefault()) {
text = '';
} else {
text = lib.f.getWhitespace(this.columnCount_);
// We shouldn't honor inverse colors when clearing an area, to match
// xterm's back color erase behavior.
var inverse = this.textAttributes.inverse;
this.textAttributes.inverse = false;
var node = this.textAttributes.createContainer(text);
this.cursorNode_ = node;
this.textAttributes.inverse = inverse;
* Mark the current row as having overflowed to the next line.
* The line overflow state is used when converting a range of rows into text.
* It makes it possible to recombine two or more overflow terminal rows into
* a single line.
* This is distinct from the cursor being in the overflow state. Cursor
* overflow indicates that printing at the cursor position will commit a
* line overflow, unless it is preceded by a repositioning of the cursor
* to a non-overflow state.
hterm.Screen.prototype.commitLineOverflow = function() {
this.cursorRowNode_.setAttribute('line-overflow', true);
* Relocate the cursor to a give row and column.
* @param {integer} row The zero based row.
* @param {integer} column The zero based column.
hterm.Screen.prototype.setCursorPosition = function(row, column) {
if (!this.rowsArray.length) {
console.warn('Attempt to set cursor position on empty screen.');
if (row >= this.rowsArray.length) {
console.error('Row out of bounds: ' + row);
row = this.rowsArray.length - 1;
} else if (row < 0) {
console.error('Row out of bounds: ' + row);
row = 0;
if (column >= this.columnCount_) {
console.error('Column out of bounds: ' + column);
column = this.columnCount_ - 1;
} else if (column < 0) {
console.error('Column out of bounds: ' + column);
column = 0;
this.cursorPosition.overflow = false;
var rowNode = this.rowsArray[row];
var node = rowNode.firstChild;
if (!node) {
node = rowNode.ownerDocument.createTextNode('');
var currentColumn = 0;
if (rowNode == this.cursorRowNode_) {
if (column >= this.cursorPosition.column - this.cursorOffset_) {
node = this.cursorNode_;
currentColumn = this.cursorPosition.column - this.cursorOffset_;
} else {
this.cursorRowNode_ = rowNode;
this.cursorPosition.move(row, column);
while (node) {
var offset = column - currentColumn;
var width = hterm.TextAttributes.nodeWidth(node);
if (!node.nextSibling || width > offset) {
this.cursorNode_ = node;
this.cursorOffset_ = offset;
currentColumn += width;
node = node.nextSibling;
* Set the provided selection object to be a caret selection at the current
* cursor position.
hterm.Screen.prototype.syncSelectionCaret = function(selection) {
try {
selection.collapse(this.cursorNode_, this.cursorOffset_);
} catch (firefoxIgnoredException) {
// FF can throw an exception if the range is off, rather than just not
// performing the collapse.
* Split a single node into two nodes at the given offset.
* For example:
* Given the DOM fragment '
Hello World
', call splitNode_
* passing the span and an offset of 6. This would modify the fragment to
* become: '
Hello World
'. If the span
* had any attributes they would have been copied to the new span as well.
* The to-be-split node must have a container, so that the new node can be
* placed next to it.
* @param {HTMLNode} node The node to split.
* @param {integer} offset The offset into the node where the split should
* occur.
hterm.Screen.prototype.splitNode_ = function(node, offset) {
var afterNode = node.cloneNode(false);
var textContent = node.textContent;
node.textContent = hterm.TextAttributes.nodeSubstr(node, 0, offset);
afterNode.textContent = lib.wc.substr(textContent, offset);
if (afterNode.textContent)
node.parentNode.insertBefore(afterNode, node.nextSibling);
if (!node.textContent)
* Ensure that text is clipped and the cursor is clamped to the column count.
hterm.Screen.prototype.maybeClipCurrentRow = function() {
var width = hterm.TextAttributes.nodeWidth(this.cursorRowNode_);
if (width <= this.columnCount_) {
// Current row does not need clipping, but may need clamping.
if (this.cursorPosition.column >= this.columnCount_) {
this.setCursorPosition(this.cursorPosition.row, this.columnCount_ - 1);
this.cursorPosition.overflow = true;
// Save off the current column so we can maybe restore it later.
var currentColumn = this.cursorPosition.column;
// Move the cursor to the final column.
this.setCursorPosition(this.cursorPosition.row, this.columnCount_ - 1);
// Remove any text that partially overflows.
width = hterm.TextAttributes.nodeWidth(this.cursorNode_);
if (this.cursorOffset_ < width - 1) {
this.cursorNode_.textContent = hterm.TextAttributes.nodeSubstr(
this.cursorNode_, 0, this.cursorOffset_ + 1);
// Remove all nodes after the cursor.
var rowNode = this.cursorRowNode_;
var node = this.cursorNode_.nextSibling;
while (node) {
node = this.cursorNode_.nextSibling;
if (currentColumn < this.columnCount_) {
// If the cursor was within the screen before we started then restore its
// position.
this.setCursorPosition(this.cursorPosition.row, currentColumn);
} else {
// Otherwise leave it at the the last column in the overflow state.
this.cursorPosition.overflow = true;
* Insert a string at the current character position using the current
* text attributes.
* You must call maybeClipCurrentRow() after in order to clip overflowed
* text and clamp the cursor.
* It is also up to the caller to properly maintain the line overflow state
* using hterm.Screen..commitLineOverflow().
hterm.Screen.prototype.insertString = function(str, wcwidth=undefined) {
var cursorNode = this.cursorNode_;
var cursorNodeText = cursorNode.textContent;
// We may alter the width of the string by prepending some missing
// whitespaces, so we need to record the string width ahead of time.
if (wcwidth === undefined)
wcwidth = lib.wc.strWidth(str);
// No matter what, before this function exits the cursor column will have
// moved this much.
this.cursorPosition.column += wcwidth;
// Local cache of the cursor offset.
var offset = this.cursorOffset_;
// Reverse offset is the offset measured from the end of the string.
// Zero implies that the cursor is at the end of the cursor node.
var reverseOffset = hterm.TextAttributes.nodeWidth(cursorNode) - offset;
if (reverseOffset < 0) {
// A negative reverse offset means the cursor is positioned past the end
// of the characters on this line. We'll need to insert the missing
// whitespace.
var ws = lib.f.getWhitespace(-reverseOffset);
// This whitespace should be completely unstyled. Underline, background
// color, and strikethrough would be visible on whitespace, so we can't use
// one of those spans to hold the text.
if (!(this.textAttributes.underline ||
this.textAttributes.strikethrough ||
this.textAttributes.background ||
this.textAttributes.wcNode ||
!this.textAttributes.asciiNode ||
this.textAttributes.tileData != null)) {
// Best case scenario, we can just pretend the spaces were part of the
// original string.
str = ws + str;
} else if (cursorNode.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE ||
!(cursorNode.wcNode ||
!cursorNode.asciiNode ||
cursorNode.tileNode || || || || {
// Second best case, the current node is able to hold the whitespace.
cursorNode.textContent = (cursorNodeText += ws);
} else {
// Worst case, we have to create a new node to hold the whitespace.
var wsNode = cursorNode.ownerDocument.createTextNode(ws);
this.cursorRowNode_.insertBefore(wsNode, cursorNode.nextSibling);
this.cursorNode_ = cursorNode = wsNode;
this.cursorOffset_ = offset = -reverseOffset;
cursorNodeText = ws;
// We now know for sure that we're at the last character of the cursor node.
reverseOffset = 0;
if (this.textAttributes.matchesContainer(cursorNode)) {
// The new text can be placed directly in the cursor node.
if (reverseOffset == 0) {
cursorNode.textContent = cursorNodeText + str;
} else if (offset == 0) {
cursorNode.textContent = str + cursorNodeText;
} else {
cursorNode.textContent =
hterm.TextAttributes.nodeSubstr(cursorNode, 0, offset) +
str + hterm.TextAttributes.nodeSubstr(cursorNode, offset);
this.cursorOffset_ += wcwidth;
// The cursor node is the wrong style for the new text. If we're at the
// beginning or end of the cursor node, then the adjacent node is also a
// potential candidate.
if (offset == 0) {
// At the beginning of the cursor node, the check the previous sibling.
var previousSibling = cursorNode.previousSibling;
if (previousSibling &&
this.textAttributes.matchesContainer(previousSibling)) {
previousSibling.textContent += str;
this.cursorNode_ = previousSibling;
this.cursorOffset_ = lib.wc.strWidth(previousSibling.textContent);
var newNode = this.textAttributes.createContainer(str);
this.cursorRowNode_.insertBefore(newNode, cursorNode);
this.cursorNode_ = newNode;
this.cursorOffset_ = wcwidth;
if (reverseOffset == 0) {
// At the end of the cursor node, the check the next sibling.
var nextSibling = cursorNode.nextSibling;
if (nextSibling &&
this.textAttributes.matchesContainer(nextSibling)) {
nextSibling.textContent = str + nextSibling.textContent;
this.cursorNode_ = nextSibling;
this.cursorOffset_ = lib.wc.strWidth(str);
var newNode = this.textAttributes.createContainer(str);
this.cursorRowNode_.insertBefore(newNode, nextSibling);
this.cursorNode_ = newNode;
// We specifically need to include any missing whitespace here, since it's
// going in a new node.
this.cursorOffset_ = hterm.TextAttributes.nodeWidth(newNode);
// Worst case, we're somewhere in the middle of the cursor node. We'll
// have to split it into two nodes and insert our new container in between.
this.splitNode_(cursorNode, offset);
var newNode = this.textAttributes.createContainer(str);
this.cursorRowNode_.insertBefore(newNode, cursorNode.nextSibling);
this.cursorNode_ = newNode;
this.cursorOffset_ = wcwidth;
* Overwrite the text at the current cursor position.
* You must call maybeClipCurrentRow() after in order to clip overflowed
* text and clamp the cursor.
* It is also up to the caller to properly maintain the line overflow state
* using hterm.Screen..commitLineOverflow().
hterm.Screen.prototype.overwriteString = function(str, wcwidth=undefined) {
var maxLength = this.columnCount_ - this.cursorPosition.column;
if (!maxLength)
if (wcwidth === undefined)
wcwidth = lib.wc.strWidth(str);
if (this.textAttributes.matchesContainer(this.cursorNode_) &&
this.cursorNode_.textContent.substr(this.cursorOffset_) == str) {
// This overwrite would be a no-op, just move the cursor and return.
this.cursorOffset_ += wcwidth;
this.cursorPosition.column += wcwidth;
this.deleteChars(Math.min(wcwidth, maxLength));
this.insertString(str, wcwidth);
* Forward-delete one or more characters at the current cursor position.
* Text to the right of the deleted characters is shifted left. Only affects
* characters on the same row as the cursor.
* @param {integer} count The column width of characters to delete. This is
* clamped to the column width minus the cursor column.
* @return {integer} The column width of the characters actually deleted.
hterm.Screen.prototype.deleteChars = function(count) {
var node = this.cursorNode_;
var offset = this.cursorOffset_;
var currentCursorColumn = this.cursorPosition.column;
count = Math.min(count, this.columnCount_ - currentCursorColumn);
if (!count)
return 0;
var rv = count;
var startLength, endLength;
while (node && count) {
// Sanity check so we don't loop forever, but we don't also go quietly.
if (count < 0) {
console.error(`Deleting ${rv} chars went negative: ${count}`);
startLength = hterm.TextAttributes.nodeWidth(node);
node.textContent = hterm.TextAttributes.nodeSubstr(node, 0, offset) +
hterm.TextAttributes.nodeSubstr(node, offset + count);
endLength = hterm.TextAttributes.nodeWidth(node);
// Deal with splitting wide characters. There are two ways: we could delete
// the first column or the second column. In both cases, we delete the wide
// character and replace one of the columns with a space (since the other
// was deleted). If there are more chars to delete, the next loop will pick
// up the slack.
if (node.wcNode && offset < startLength &&
((endLength && startLength == endLength) || (!endLength && offset == 1))) {
// No characters were deleted when there should be. We're probably trying
// to delete one column width from a wide character node. We remove the
// wide character node here and replace it with a single space.
var spaceNode = this.textAttributes.createContainer(' ');
node.parentNode.insertBefore(spaceNode, offset ? node : node.nextSibling);
node.textContent = '';
endLength = 0;
count -= 1;
} else
count -= startLength - endLength;
var nextNode = node.nextSibling;
if (endLength == 0 && node != this.cursorNode_) {
node = nextNode;
offset = 0;
// Remove this.cursorNode_ if it is an empty non-text node.
if (this.cursorNode_.nodeType != Node.TEXT_NODE &&
!this.cursorNode_.textContent) {
var cursorNode = this.cursorNode_;
if (cursorNode.previousSibling) {
this.cursorNode_ = cursorNode.previousSibling;
this.cursorOffset_ = hterm.TextAttributes.nodeWidth(
} else if (cursorNode.nextSibling) {
this.cursorNode_ = cursorNode.nextSibling;
this.cursorOffset_ = 0;
} else {
var emptyNode = this.cursorRowNode_.ownerDocument.createTextNode('');
this.cursorNode_ = emptyNode;
this.cursorOffset_ = 0;
return rv;
* Finds first X-ROW of a line containing specified X-ROW.
* Used to support line overflow.
* @param {Node} row X-ROW to begin search for first row of line.
* @return {Node} The X-ROW that is at the beginning of the line.
hterm.Screen.prototype.getLineStartRow_ = function(row) {
while (row.previousSibling &&
row.previousSibling.hasAttribute('line-overflow')) {
row = row.previousSibling;
return row;
* Gets text of a line beginning with row.
* Supports line overflow.
* @param {Node} row First X-ROW of line.
* @return {string} Text content of line.
hterm.Screen.prototype.getLineText_ = function(row) {
var rowText = "";
while (row) {
rowText += row.textContent;
if (row.hasAttribute('line-overflow')) {
row = row.nextSibling;
} else {
return rowText;
* Returns X-ROW that is ancestor of the node.
* @param {Node} node Node to get X-ROW ancestor for.
* @return {Node} X-ROW ancestor of node, or null if not found.
hterm.Screen.prototype.getXRowAncestor_ = function(node) {
while (node) {
if (node.nodeName === 'X-ROW')
node = node.parentNode;
return node;
* Returns position within line of character at offset within node.
* Supports line overflow.
* @param {Node} row X-ROW at beginning of line.
* @param {Node} node Node to get position of.
* @param {integer} offset Offset into node.
* @return {integer} Position within line of character at offset within node.
hterm.Screen.prototype.getPositionWithOverflow_ = function(row, node, offset) {
if (!node)
return -1;
var ancestorRow = this.getXRowAncestor_(node);
if (!ancestorRow)
return -1;
var position = 0;
while (ancestorRow != row) {
position += hterm.TextAttributes.nodeWidth(row);
if (row.hasAttribute('line-overflow') && row.nextSibling) {
row = row.nextSibling;
} else {
return -1;
return position + this.getPositionWithinRow_(row, node, offset);
* Returns position within row of character at offset within node.
* Does not support line overflow.
* @param {Node} row X-ROW to get position within.
* @param {Node} node Node to get position for.
* @param {integer} offset Offset within node to get position for.
* @return {integer} Position within row of character at offset within node.
hterm.Screen.prototype.getPositionWithinRow_ = function(row, node, offset) {
if (node.parentNode != row) {
// If we traversed to the top node, then there's nothing to find here.
if (node.parentNode == null)
return -1;
return this.getPositionWithinRow_(node.parentNode, node, offset) +
this.getPositionWithinRow_(row, node.parentNode, 0);
var position = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < row.childNodes.length; i++) {
var currentNode = row.childNodes[i];
if (currentNode == node)
return position + offset;
position += hterm.TextAttributes.nodeWidth(currentNode);
return -1;
* Returns the node and offset corresponding to position within line.
* Supports line overflow.
* @param {Node} row X-ROW at beginning of line.
* @param {integer} position Position within line to retrieve node and offset.
* @return {Array} Two element array containing node and offset respectively.
hterm.Screen.prototype.getNodeAndOffsetWithOverflow_ = function(row, position) {
while (row && position > hterm.TextAttributes.nodeWidth(row)) {
if (row.hasAttribute('line-overflow') && row.nextSibling) {
position -= hterm.TextAttributes.nodeWidth(row);
row = row.nextSibling;
} else {
return -1;
return this.getNodeAndOffsetWithinRow_(row, position);
* Returns the node and offset corresponding to position within row.
* Does not support line overflow.
* @param {Node} row X-ROW to get position within.
* @param {integer} position Position within row to retrieve node and offset.
* @return {Array} Two element array containing node and offset respectively.
hterm.Screen.prototype.getNodeAndOffsetWithinRow_ = function(row, position) {
for (var i = 0; i < row.childNodes.length; i++) {
var node = row.childNodes[i];
var nodeTextWidth = hterm.TextAttributes.nodeWidth(node);
if (position <= nodeTextWidth) {
if (node.nodeName === 'SPAN') {
/** Drill down to node contained by SPAN. **/
return this.getNodeAndOffsetWithinRow_(node, position);
} else {
return [node, position];
position -= nodeTextWidth;
return null;
* Returns the node and offset corresponding to position within line.
* Supports line overflow.
* @param {Node} row X-ROW at beginning of line.
* @param {integer} start Start position of range within line.
* @param {integer} end End position of range within line.
* @param {Range} range Range to modify.
hterm.Screen.prototype.setRange_ = function(row, start, end, range) {
var startNodeAndOffset = this.getNodeAndOffsetWithOverflow_(row, start);
if (startNodeAndOffset == null)
var endNodeAndOffset = this.getNodeAndOffsetWithOverflow_(row, end);
if (endNodeAndOffset == null)
range.setStart(startNodeAndOffset[0], startNodeAndOffset[1]);
range.setEnd(endNodeAndOffset[0], endNodeAndOffset[1]);
* Expands selection to surrounding string with word break matches.
* @param {Selection} selection Selection to expand.
* @param {string} leftMatch left word break match.
* @param {string} rightMatch right word break match.
* @param {string} insideMatch inside word break match.
hterm.Screen.prototype.expandSelectionWithWordBreakMatches_ =
function(selection, leftMatch, rightMatch, insideMatch) {
if (!selection)
var range = selection.getRangeAt(0);
if (!range || range.toString().match(/\s/))
const rowElement = this.getXRowAncestor_(range.startContainer);
if (!rowElement)
const row = this.getLineStartRow_(rowElement);
if (!row)
var startPosition = this.getPositionWithOverflow_(row,
if (startPosition == -1)
var endPosition = this.getPositionWithOverflow_(row,
if (endPosition == -1)
//Move start to the left.
var rowText = this.getLineText_(row);
var lineUpToRange = lib.wc.substring(rowText, 0, endPosition);
var leftRegularExpression = new RegExp(leftMatch + insideMatch + "$");
var expandedStart =;
if (expandedStart == -1 || expandedStart > startPosition)
//Move end to the right.
var lineFromRange = lib.wc.substring(rowText, startPosition,
var rightRegularExpression = new RegExp("^" + insideMatch + rightMatch);
var found = lineFromRange.match(rightRegularExpression);
if (!found)
var expandedEnd = startPosition + lib.wc.strWidth(found[0]);
if (expandedEnd == -1 || expandedEnd < endPosition)
this.setRange_(row, expandedStart, expandedEnd, range);
* Expands selection to surrounding string using the user's settings.
* @param {Selection} selection Selection to expand.
hterm.Screen.prototype.expandSelection = function(selection) {
* Expands selection to surrounding URL using a set of fixed match settings.
* @param {Selection} selection Selection to expand.
hterm.Screen.prototype.expandSelectionForUrl = function(selection) {
* Save the current cursor state to the corresponding screens.
* @param {hterm.VT} vt The VT object to read graphic codeset details from.
hterm.Screen.prototype.saveCursorAndState = function(vt) {;
* Restore the saved cursor state in the corresponding screens.
* @param {hterm.VT} vt The VT object to write graphic codeset details to.
hterm.Screen.prototype.restoreCursorAndState = function(vt) {
* Track all the things related to the current "cursor".
* The set of things saved & restored here is defined by DEC:
* - Cursor position
* - Character attributes set by the SGR command
* - Character sets (G0, G1, G2, or G3) currently in GL and GR
* - Wrap flag (autowrap or no autowrap)
* - State of origin mode (DECOM)
* - Selective erase attribute
* - Any single shift 2 (SS2) or single shift 3 (SS3) functions sent
* These are done on a per-screen basis.
hterm.Screen.CursorState = function(screen) {
this.screen_ = screen;
this.cursor = null;
this.textAttributes = null;
this.GL = this.GR = this.G0 = this.G1 = this.G2 = this.G3 = null;
* Save all the cursor state.
* @param {hterm.VT} vt The VT object to read graphic codeset details from.
*/ = function(vt) {
this.cursor = vt.terminal.saveCursor();
this.textAttributes = this.screen_.textAttributes.clone();
this.GL = vt.GL;
this.GR = vt.GR;
this.G0 = vt.G0;
this.G1 = vt.G1;
this.G2 = vt.G2;
this.G3 = vt.G3;
* Restore the previously saved cursor state.
* @param {hterm.VT} vt The VT object to write graphic codeset details to.
hterm.Screen.CursorState.prototype.restore = function(vt) {
// Cursor restore includes char attributes (bold/etc...), but does not change
// the color palette (which are a terminal setting).
const tattrs = this.textAttributes.clone();
tattrs.colorPalette = this.screen_.textAttributes.colorPalette;
this.screen_.textAttributes = tattrs;
vt.GL = this.GL;
vt.GR = this.GR;
vt.G0 = this.G0;
vt.G1 = this.G1;
vt.G2 = this.G2;
vt.G3 = this.G3;
// SOURCE FILE: hterm/js/hterm_scrollport.js
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* A 'viewport' view of fixed-height rows with support for selection and
* copy-to-clipboard.
* 'Viewport' in this case means that only the visible rows are in the DOM.
* If the rowProvider has 100,000 rows, but the ScrollPort is only 25 rows
* tall, then only 25 dom nodes are created. The ScrollPort will ask the
* RowProvider to create new visible rows on demand as they are scrolled in
* to the visible area.
* This viewport is designed so that select and copy-to-clipboard still works,
* even when all or part of the selection is scrolled off screen.
* Note that the X11 mouse clipboard does not work properly when all or part
* of the selection is off screen. It would be difficult to fix this without
* adding significant overhead to pathologically large selection cases.
* The RowProvider should return rows rooted by the custom tag name 'x-row'.
* This ensures that we can quickly assign the correct display height
* to the rows with css.
* @param {RowProvider} rowProvider An object capable of providing rows as
* raw text or row nodes.
hterm.ScrollPort = function(rowProvider) {
this.rowProvider_ = rowProvider;
// SWAG the character size until we can measure it.
this.characterSize = new hterm.Size(10, 10);
// DOM node used for character measurement.
this.ruler_ = null;
this.selection = new hterm.ScrollPort.Selection(this);
// A map of rowIndex => rowNode for each row that is drawn as part of a
// pending redraw_() call. Null if there is no pending redraw_ call.
this.currentRowNodeCache_ = null;
// A map of rowIndex => rowNode for each row that was drawn as part of the
// previous redraw_() call.
this.previousRowNodeCache_ = {};
// Used during scroll events to detect when the underlying cause is a resize.
this.lastScreenWidth_ = null;
this.lastScreenHeight_ = null;
// True if the user should be allowed to select text in the terminal.
// This is disabled when the host requests mouse drag events so that we don't
// end up with two notions of selection.
this.selectionEnabled_ = true;
// The last row count returned by the row provider, re-populated during
// syncScrollHeight().
this.lastRowCount_ = 0;
// The scroll wheel pixel delta multiplier to increase/decrease
// the scroll speed of mouse wheel events. See:
this.scrollWheelMultiplier_ = 1;
// The last touch events we saw to support touch based scrolling. Indexed
// by touch identifier since we can have more than one touch active.
this.lastTouch_ = {};
* True if the last scroll caused the scrollport to show the final row.
this.isScrolledEnd = true;
* A guess at the current scrollbar width, fixed in resize().
this.currentScrollbarWidthPx = 16;
* Whether the ctrl-v key on the screen should paste.
this.ctrlVPaste = false;
* Whether to paste on dropped text.
this.pasteOnDrop = true;
this.div_ = null;
this.document_ = null;
// Collection of active timeout handles.
this.timeouts_ = {};
this.observers_ = {};
this.DEBUG_ = false;
* Proxy for the native selection object which understands how to walk up the
* DOM to find the containing row node and sort out which comes first.
* @param {hterm.ScrollPort} scrollPort The parent hterm.ScrollPort instance.
hterm.ScrollPort.Selection = function(scrollPort) {
this.scrollPort_ = scrollPort;
* The row containing the start of the selection.
* This may be partially or fully selected. It may be the selection anchor
* or the focus, but its rowIndex is guaranteed to be less-than-or-equal-to
* that of the endRow.
* If only one row is selected then startRow == endRow. If there is no
* selection or the selection is collapsed then startRow == null.
this.startRow = null;
* The row containing the end of the selection.
* This may be partially or fully selected. It may be the selection anchor
* or the focus, but its rowIndex is guaranteed to be greater-than-or-equal-to
* that of the startRow.
* If only one row is selected then startRow == endRow. If there is no
* selection or the selection is collapsed then startRow == null.
this.endRow = null;
* True if startRow != endRow.
this.isMultiline = null;
* True if the selection is just a point rather than a range.
this.isCollapsed = null;
* Given a list of DOM nodes and a container, return the DOM node that
* is first according to a depth-first search.
* Returns null if none of the children are found.
hterm.ScrollPort.Selection.prototype.findFirstChild = function(
parent, childAry) {
var node = parent.firstChild;
while (node) {
if (childAry.indexOf(node) != -1)
return node;
if (node.childNodes.length) {
var rv = this.findFirstChild(node, childAry);
if (rv)
return rv;
node = node.nextSibling;
return null;
* Synchronize this object with the current DOM selection.
* This is a one-way synchronization, the DOM selection is copied to this
* object, not the other way around.
hterm.ScrollPort.Selection.prototype.sync = function() {
var self = this;
// The dom selection object has no way to tell which nodes come first in
// the document, so we have to figure that out.
// This function is used when we detect that the "anchor" node is first.
function anchorFirst() {
self.startRow = anchorRow;
self.startNode = selection.anchorNode;
self.startOffset = selection.anchorOffset;
self.endRow = focusRow;
self.endNode = selection.focusNode;
self.endOffset = selection.focusOffset;
// This function is used when we detect that the "focus" node is first.
function focusFirst() {
self.startRow = focusRow;
self.startNode = selection.focusNode;
self.startOffset = selection.focusOffset;
self.endRow = anchorRow;
self.endNode = selection.anchorNode;
self.endOffset = selection.anchorOffset;
var selection = this.scrollPort_.getDocument().getSelection();
this.startRow = null;
this.endRow = null;
this.isMultiline = null;
this.isCollapsed = !selection || selection.isCollapsed;
if (!selection) {
// Usually collapsed selections wouldn't be interesting, however screen
// readers will set a collapsed selection as they navigate through the DOM.
// It is important to preserve these nodes in the DOM as scrolling happens
// so that screen reader navigation isn't cleared.
const accessibilityEnabled = this.scrollPort_.accessibilityReader_ &&
if (this.isCollapsed && !accessibilityEnabled) {
var anchorRow = selection.anchorNode;
while (anchorRow && anchorRow.nodeName != 'X-ROW') {
anchorRow = anchorRow.parentNode;
if (!anchorRow) {
// Don't set a selection if it's not a row node that's selected.
var focusRow = selection.focusNode;
while (focusRow && focusRow.nodeName != 'X-ROW') {
focusRow = focusRow.parentNode;
if (!focusRow) {
// Don't set a selection if it's not a row node that's selected.
if (anchorRow.rowIndex < focusRow.rowIndex) {
} else if (anchorRow.rowIndex > focusRow.rowIndex) {
} else if (selection.focusNode == selection.anchorNode) {
if (selection.anchorOffset < selection.focusOffset) {
} else {
} else {
// The selection starts and ends in the same row, but isn't contained all
// in a single node.
var firstNode = this.findFirstChild(
anchorRow, [selection.anchorNode, selection.focusNode]);
if (!firstNode)
throw new Error('Unexpected error syncing selection.');
if (firstNode == selection.anchorNode) {
} else {
this.isMultiline = anchorRow.rowIndex != focusRow.rowIndex;
* Turn a div into this hterm.ScrollPort.
hterm.ScrollPort.prototype.decorate = function(div, callback) {
this.div_ = div;
this.iframe_ = div.ownerDocument.createElement('iframe'); = (
'border: 0;' +
'height: 100%;' +
'position: absolute;' +
'width: 100%');
const onLoad = () => {
if (callback) {
// Insert Iframe content asynchronously in FF. Otherwise when the frame's
// load event fires in FF it clears out the content of the iframe.
if ('mozInnerScreenX' in window) { // detect a FF only property
this.iframe_.addEventListener('load', () => onLoad());
} else {
* Initialises the content of this.iframe_. This needs to be done asynchronously
* in FF after the Iframe's load event has fired.
* @private
hterm.ScrollPort.prototype.paintIframeContents_ = function() {
var doc = this.document_ = this.iframe_.contentDocument; = (
'margin: 0px;' +
'padding: 0px;' +
'height: 100%;' +
'width: 100%;' +
'overflow: hidden;' +
'cursor: var(--hterm-mouse-cursor-style);' +
'-webkit-user-select: none;' +
'-moz-user-select: none;');
const metaCharset = doc.createElement('meta');
metaCharset.setAttribute('charset', 'utf-8');
if (this.DEBUG_) {
// When we're debugging we add padding to the body so that the offscreen
// elements are visible. = =
'calc(var(--hterm-charsize-height) * 3)';
var style = doc.createElement('style');
style.textContent = (
'x-row {' +
' display: block;' +
' height: var(--hterm-charsize-height);' +
' line-height: var(--hterm-charsize-height);' +
this.userCssLink_ = doc.createElement('link');
this.userCssLink_.setAttribute('rel', 'stylesheet');
this.userCssText_ = doc.createElement('style');
// TODO(rginda): Sorry, this 'screen_' isn't the same thing as hterm.Screen
// from screen.js. I need to pick a better name for one of them to avoid
// the collision.
// We make this field editable even though we don't actually allow anything
// to be edited here so that Chrome will do the right thing with virtual
// keyboards and IMEs. But make sure we turn off all the input helper logic
// that doesn't make sense here, and might inadvertently mung or save input.
// Some of these attributes are standard while others are browser specific,
// but should be safely ignored by other browsers.
this.screen_ = doc.createElement('x-screen');
this.screen_.setAttribute('contenteditable', 'true');
this.screen_.setAttribute('spellcheck', 'false');
this.screen_.setAttribute('autocomplete', 'off');
this.screen_.setAttribute('autocorrect', 'off');
this.screen_.setAttribute('autocapitalize', 'none');
// In some ways the terminal behaves like a text box but not in all ways. It
// is not editable in the same ways a text box is editable and the content we
// want to be read out by a screen reader does not always align with the edits
// (selection changes) that happen in the terminal window. Use the log role so
// that the screen reader doesn't treat it like a text box and announce all
// selection changes. The announcements that we want spoken are generated
// by a separate live region, which gives more control over what will be
// spoken.
this.screen_.setAttribute('role', 'log');
this.screen_.setAttribute('aria-live', 'off');
this.screen_.setAttribute('aria-roledescription', 'Terminal');
// Set aria-readonly to indicate to the screen reader that the text on the
// screen is not modifiable by the html cursor. It may be modifiable by
// sending input to the application running in the terminal, but this is
// orthogonal to the DOM's notion of modifiable.
this.screen_.setAttribute('aria-readonly', 'true');
this.screen_.setAttribute('tabindex', '-1'); = (
'caret-color: transparent;' +
'display: block;' +
'font-family: monospace;' +
'font-size: 15px;' +
'font-variant-ligatures: none;' +
'height: 100%;' +
'overflow-y: scroll; overflow-x: hidden;' +
'white-space: pre;' +
'width: 100%;' +
'outline: none !important');
this.screen_.addEventListener('scroll', this.onScroll_.bind(this));
this.screen_.addEventListener('wheel', this.onScrollWheel_.bind(this));
this.screen_.addEventListener('touchstart', this.onTouch_.bind(this));
this.screen_.addEventListener('touchmove', this.onTouch_.bind(this));
this.screen_.addEventListener('touchend', this.onTouch_.bind(this));
this.screen_.addEventListener('touchcancel', this.onTouch_.bind(this));
this.screen_.addEventListener('copy', this.onCopy_.bind(this));
this.screen_.addEventListener('paste', this.onPaste_.bind(this));
this.screen_.addEventListener('drop', this.onDragAndDrop_.bind(this));
doc.body.addEventListener('keydown', this.onBodyKeyDown_.bind(this));
// Add buttons to make accessible scrolling through terminal history work
// well. These are positioned off-screen until they are selected, at which
// point they are moved on-screen.
const scrollButtonHeight = 30;
const scrollButtonBorder = 1;
const scrollButtonTotalHeight = scrollButtonHeight + 2 * scrollButtonBorder;
const scrollButtonStyle = `right: 0px;
z-index: 1;
text-align: center;
cursor: pointer;
height: ${scrollButtonHeight}px;
width: 110px;
line-height: ${scrollButtonHeight}px;
border-width: ${scrollButtonBorder}px;
border-style: solid;
font-weight: bold;`;
// Note: we use a