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open_admin_style.js.admin.blc-admin.js Maven / Gradle / Ivy
/* Utility methods provided by Broadleaf Commerce for admin */
var BLCAdmin = (function($) {
// This will keep track of our current active modals so that we are able to overlay them
var modals = [];
var preValidationFormSubmitHandlers = [];
var validationFormSubmitHandlers = [];
var postValidationFormSubmitHandlers = [];
var initializationHandlers = [];
var updateHandlers = [];
var stackedModalOptions = {
left: 20,
top: 20
function getModalSkeleton() {
var $modal = $('', { 'class' : 'modal' });
var $modalHeader = $('
', {
'class' : 'modal-header'
$modalHeader.append($('', {
'class' : 'close',
'data-dismiss' : 'modal',
'html' : '×'
var $modalBody = $('', {
'class' : 'modal-body'
var $modalFooter = $('
', {
'class' : 'modal-footer'
return $modal;
function showModal($data, onModalHide, onModalHideArgs) {
// If we already have an active modal, we don't need another backdrop on subsequent modals
backdrop: (modals.length < 1),
keyboard: false // disable default keyboard behavior; wasn't intended to work with layered modals
// If we already have an active modal, we need to modify its z-index so that it will be
// hidden by the current backdrop
if (modals.length > 0) {
modals.last().css('z-index', '1040');
var $backdrop = $('.modal-backdrop');
$backdrop.css('z-index', parseInt($backdrop.css('z-index')) + 1);
// We will also offset modals by the given option values
$data.css('left', $data.position().left + (stackedModalOptions.left * modals.length) + 'px');
$data.css('top', $data.position().top + ( * modals.length) + 'px');
// Save our new modal into our stack
// Bind a callback for the modal hidden event...
$data.on('hidden', function() {
// Allow custom callbacks
if (onModalHide != null) {
// Remove the modal from the DOM and from our stack
// If this wasn't the only modal, take the last modal and put it above the backdrop
if (modals.length > 0) {
modals.last().css('z-index', '1050');
return {
* Handlers to run before client-side validation takes place
addPreValidationSubmitHandler : function(fn) {
* Handlers explicitly designed to validate forms on the client before submitting to the server. If a single handler
* in the list of client-side validation handlers returns 'false', then the form will not be submitted to the
* server
addValidationSubmitHandler : function(fn) {
* Handlers designed to execute after validation has taken place but before the form has been submitted to the server
addPostValidationSubmitHandler : function(fn) {
addInitializationHandler : function(fn) {
addUpdateHandler : function(fn) {
runPreValidationSubmitHandlers : function($form) {
for (var i = 0; i < preValidationFormSubmitHandlers.length; i++) {
* Returns false if a single validation handler returns false. All validation handlers are iterated through before
* returning. If this method returns false, then the form should not be submitted to the server
runValidationSubmitHandlers : function($form) {
var pass = true;
for (var i = 0; i < validationFormSubmitHandlers.length; i++) {
pass = pass && validationFormSubmitHandlers[i]($form);
return pass;
runPostValidationSubmitHandlers : function($form) {
for (var i = 0; i < postValidationFormSubmitHandlers.length; i++) {
* Convenience method to submit all pre-validation, validation and post-validation handlers for the form. This will
* return the result of invoking 'runValidationSubmitHandlers' to denote whether or not the form should actually
* be submitted to the server
runSubmitHandlers : function($form) {
var submit = BLCAdmin.runValidationSubmitHandlers($form);
return submit;
setModalMaxHeight : function($modal) {
// Resize the modal height to the user's browser
var availableHeight = $(window).height()
- $modal.find('.modal-header').outerHeight()
- $modal.find('.modal-footer').outerHeight()
- ($(window).height() * .1);
$modal.find('.modal-body').css('max-height', availableHeight);
initializeModalTabs : function($data) {
var $tabs = $data.find('dl.tabs');
if ($tabs.length > 0) {
var $lastTab = $tabs.find('dd:last');
if ($lastTab.width() + $lastTab.position().left + 15 > $tabs.width()) {
theme: 'dark',
autoHideScrollbar: true,
horizontalScroll: true
$data.find('.modal-header').css('border-bottom', 'none');
} else {
initializeModalButtons : function($data) {
var $buttonDiv = $data.find('div.entity-form-actions');
if ($buttonDiv.length > 0) {
var $footer = $data.find('div.modal-footer');
if (!$footer.length) {
$footer = $('
', { 'class' : 'modal-footer' });
showMessageAsModal : function(header, message) {
if (BLCAdmin.currentModal() != null && BLCAdmin.currentModal().hasClass('loading-modal')) {
var $modal = getModalSkeleton();
$modal.find('.modal-header h3').text(header);
showElementAsModal : function($element, onModalHide, onModalHideArgs) {
if (BLCAdmin.currentModal() != null && BLCAdmin.currentModal().hasClass('loading-modal')) {
showModal($element, onModalHide, onModalHideArgs);
showLinkAsModal : function(link, onModalHide, onModalHideArgs) {
// Show a loading message
var $modal = getModalSkeleton();
$modal.find('.modal-header h3').text(BLCAdmin.messages.loading);
', { 'class' : 'icon-spin icon-spinner' }));
$modal.find('.modal-body').css('text-align', 'center').css('font-size', '24px').css('padding-bottom', '15px');
BLCAdmin.showElementAsModal($modal, onModalHide, onModalHideArgs);
// Then replace it with the actual requested link
// Convenience function for hiding the replacing the current modal with the given link
modalNavigateTo : function(link) {
if (BLCAdmin.currentModal()) {
BLCAdmin.currentModal().data('initialized', 'false');
url : link,
type : "GET"
}, function(data) {
// Create a modal out of the server response
var $data = $(data);
$data = $data.children();
} else {
// Convenience function for returning the current modal
currentModal : function() {
return modals.last();
hideCurrentModal : function() {
if (BLCAdmin.currentModal()) {
focusOnTopModal : function() {
if (BLCAdmin.currentModal()) {
getActiveTab : function() {
var $modal = this.currentModal();
if ($modal != null) {
var $tabs = $modal.find('ul.tabs-content');
if ($tabs.length == 0) {
return $modal;
} else {
return $modal.find('');
} else {
var $body = $('body');
var $tabs = $body.find('ul.tabs-content');
if ($tabs.length == 0) {
return $body;
} else {
return $tabs.find('');
initializeFields : function($container) {
// If there is no container specified, we'll initialize the active tab (or the body if there are no tabs)
if ($container == null) {
$container = this.getActiveTab();
// If we've already initialized this container, we'll skip it.
if ($'initialized') == 'true') {
// Set up rich-text HTML editors
plugins: ['selectasset', 'fontfamily', 'fontcolor', 'fontsize', 'video', 'table'],
replaceDivs : false,
buttonSource: true,
paragraphize: false,
minHeight: 140,
tabKey: true,
tabsAsSpaces: 4,
deniedTags: []
showButtons: false,
preferredFormat: "hex6",
change: function(color) {
move: function(color) {
// Set the blank value for foreign key lookups
$container.find('.foreign-key-value-container').each(function(index, element) {
var $displayValue = $(this).find('span.display-value');
if ($displayValue.text() == '') {
// Run any additionally configured initialization handlers
for (var i = 0; i < initializationHandlers.length; i++) {
// Mark this container as initialized
$'initialized', 'true');
updateFields : function($container) {
for (var i = 0; i < updateHandlers.length; i++) {
getModals : function() {
var modalsCopy = [];
for (var i = 0; i < modals.length; i++) {
modalsCopy[i] = modals[i];
return modalsCopy;
getForm : function($element) {
var $form;
if ($element.closest('.modal').length > 0) {
$form = $element.closest('.modal').find('.modal-body form');
} else {
$form = $element.closest('form')
if (!$form.length) {
$form = $('.entity-edit form');
return $form;
// Replace the default AJAX error handler with this custom admin one that relies on the exception
// being set on the model instead of a stack trace page when an error occurs on an AJAX request.
BLC.defaultErrorHandler = function(data) {
if (data.status == "403") {
BLCAdmin.showMessageAsModal(BLCAdmin.messages.error, BLCAdmin.messages.forbidden403);
} else {
var $data;
if (data.responseText.trim) {
$data = $(data.responseText.trim());
} else {
$data = $(data.responseText);
if ($data.length == 1) {
} else {
// This shouldn't happen, but it's here as a fallback just in case
BLCAdmin.showMessageAsModal(BLCAdmin.messages.error, BLCAdmin.messages.errorOccurred);
BLC.addPreAjaxCallbackHandler(function($data) {
if (!($data instanceof jQuery)) {
return true;
var $loginForm = $data.find('form').filter(function() {
return $(this).attr('action').indexOf('login_admin_post') >= 0;
if ($loginForm.length > 0) {
var currentPath = window.location.href;
if (currentPath.indexOf('?') >= 0) {
currentPath += '&'
} else {
currentPath += '?'
currentPath += 'sessionTimeout=true';
window.location = currentPath;
return false;
return true;
$(document).ready(function() {
$(window).resize(function() {
$.doTimeout('resize', 150, function() {
if (BLCAdmin.currentModal() != null) {
if (window.location.hash) {
var $listGrid = $('div.listgrid-container' + window.location.hash);
if ($listGrid.length) {
var $tab = $listGrid.closest('li.entityFormTab');
var idx = $tab.index() + 1;
var $tabLink = $('div.tabs-container dl dd:nth-child(' + idx + ')');
$.fn.foundationTabs('set_tab', $tabLink);
// Ensure that the breadcrumb will render behind the entity form actions
var $bcc = $('.breadcrumb-container');
$bcc.find('ul.breadcrumbs').outerWidth($bcc.outerWidth() - $bcc.find('.entity-form-actions').outerWidth() - 30);
// Close current modal on escape key
$('body').on('keyup', function(event) {
if (event.keyCode == 27) { // if key is escape
$('body').on('click', '.disabled', function(e) {
return false;
$('body').on('change', 'input.color-picker-value', function() {
var $this = $(this);
$this.closest('.field-box').find('input.color-picker').spectrum('set', $this.val());