.cyclonedx-core-java.9.0.1.source-code.bom-1.4.xsd Maven / Gradle / Ivy
CycloneDX Software Bill of Materials Standard
Apache License, Version 2.0
Identifier-DataType for interlinked elements.
The date and time (timestamp) when the BOM was created.
The tool(s) used in the creation of the BOM.
The person(s) who created the BOM. Authors are common in BOMs created through
manual processes. BOMs created through automated means may not have authors.
The component that the BOM describes.
The organization that manufactured the component that the BOM describes.
The organization that supplied the component that the BOM describes. The
supplier may often be the manufacturer, but may also be a distributor or repackager.
Provides the ability to document properties in a key/value store.
This provides flexibility to include data not officially supported in the standard
without having to use additional namespaces or create extensions. Property names
of interest to the general public are encouraged to be registered in the
CycloneDX Property Taxonomy - https://github.com/CycloneDX/cyclonedx-property-taxonomy.
Formal registration is OPTIONAL.
Allows any undeclared elements as long as the elements are placed in a different namespace.
User-defined attributes may be used on this element as long as they
do not have the same name as an existing attribute used by the schema.
The name of the organization
The URL of the organization. Multiple URLs are allowed.
A contact person at the organization. Multiple contacts are allowed.
Allows any undeclared elements as long as the elements are placed in a different namespace.
User-defined attributes may be used on this element as long as they
do not have the same name as an existing attribute used by the schema.
Information about the automated or manual tool used
The name of the vendor who created the tool
The name of the tool
The version of the tool
Provides the ability to document external references related to the tool.
Allows any undeclared elements as long as the elements are placed in a different namespace.
User-defined attributes may be used on this element as long as they
do not have the same name as an existing attribute used by the schema.
The name of the contact
The email address of the contact.
The phone number of the contact.
Allows any undeclared elements as long as the elements are placed in a different namespace.
User-defined attributes may be used on this element as long as they
do not have the same name as an existing attribute used by the schema.
Allows any undeclared elements as long as the elements are placed in a different namespace.
User-defined attributes may be used on this element as long as they
do not have the same name as an existing attribute used by the schema.
The organization that supplied the component. The supplier may often
be the manufacturer, but may also be a distributor or repackager.
The person(s) or organization(s) that authored the component
The person(s) or organization(s) that published the component
The grouping name or identifier. This will often be a shortened, single
name of the company or project that produced the component, or the source package or
domain name. Whitespace and special characters should be avoided. Examples include:
apache, org.apache.commons, and apache.org.
The name of the component. This will often be a shortened, single name
of the component. Examples: commons-lang3 and jquery
The component version. The version should ideally comply with semantic versioning
but is not enforced.
Specifies a description for the component
Specifies the scope of the component. If scope is not specified, 'required'
scope SHOULD be assumed by the consumer of the BOM.
A copyright notice informing users of the underlying claims to
copyright ownership in a published work.
Specifies a well-formed CPE name that conforms to the CPE 2.2 or 2.3 specification. See https://nvd.nist.gov/products/cpe
Specifies the package-url (purl). The purl, if specified, MUST be valid and conform
to the specification defined at: https://github.com/package-url/purl-spec
Specifies metadata and content for ISO-IEC 19770-2 Software Identification (SWID) Tags.
DEPRECATED - DO NOT USE. This will be removed in a future version. Use the pedigree
element instead to supply information on exactly how the component was modified.
A boolean value indicating if the component has been modified from the original.
A value of true indicates the component is a derivative of the original.
A value of false indicates the component has not been modified from the original.
Component pedigree is a way to document complex supply chain scenarios where components are
created, distributed, modified, redistributed, combined with other components, etc.
Provides the ability to document external references related to the
component or to the project the component describes.
Provides the ability to document properties in a key/value store.
This provides flexibility to include data not officially supported in the standard
without having to use additional namespaces or create extensions. Property names
of interest to the general public are encouraged to be registered in the
CycloneDX Property Taxonomy - https://github.com/CycloneDX/cyclonedx-property-taxonomy.
Formal registration is OPTIONAL.
A list of software and hardware components included in the parent component. This is not a
dependency tree. It provides a way to specify a hierarchical representation of component
assemblies, similar to system -> subsystem -> parts assembly in physical supply chains.
Allows any undeclared elements as long as the elements are placed in a different namespace.
Provides the ability to document evidence collected through various forms of extraction or analysis.
Specifies optional release notes.
Allows any undeclared elements as long as the elements are placed in a different namespace.
Specifies the type of component. For software components, classify as application if no more
specific appropriate classification is available or cannot be determined for the component.
The OPTIONAL mime-type of the component. When used on file components, the mime-type
can provide additional context about the kind of file being represented such as an image,
font, or executable. Some library or framework components may also have an associated mime-type.
An optional identifier which can be used to reference the component elsewhere in the BOM.
Uniqueness is enforced within all elements and children of the root-level bom element.
User-defined attributes may be used on this element as long as they
do not have the same name as an existing attribute used by the schema.
A valid SPDX license ID
If SPDX does not define the license used, this field may be used to provide the license name
Specifies the optional full text of the attachment
The URL to the attachment file. If the attachment is a license or BOM,
an externalReference should also be specified for completeness.
Allows any undeclared elements as long as the elements are placed in a different namespace.
The attachment data. Proactive controls such as input validation and sanitization should be employed to prevent misuse of attachment text.
Specifies the content type of the text. Defaults to text/plain
if not specified.
Specifies the optional encoding the text is represented in
Specifies the file hash of the component
Specifies the algorithm used to create the hash
The component is required for runtime
The component is optional at runtime. Optional components are components that
are not capable of being called due to them not be installed or otherwise accessible by any means.
Components that are installed but due to configuration or other restrictions are prohibited from
being called must be scoped as 'required'.
Components that are excluded provide the ability to document component usage
for test and other non-runtime purposes. Excluded components are not reachable within a call
graph at runtime.
A software application. Refer to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Application_software
for information about applications.
A software framework. Refer to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software_framework
for information on how frameworks vary slightly from libraries.
A software library. Refer to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Library_(computing)
for information about libraries. All third-party and open source reusable components will likely
be a library. If the library also has key features of a framework, then it should be classified
as a framework. If not, or is unknown, then specifying library is recommended.
A packaging and/or runtime format, not specific to any particular technology,
which isolates software inside the container from software outside of a container through
virtualization technology. Refer to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OS-level_virtualization
A software operating system without regard to deployment model
(i.e. installed on physical hardware, virtual machine, image, etc) Refer to
A hardware device such as a processor, or chip-set. A hardware device
containing firmware SHOULD include a component for the physical hardware itself, and another
component of type 'firmware' or 'operating-system' (whichever is relevant), describing
information about the software running on the device.
A special type of software that provides low-level control over a devices
hardware. Refer to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firmware
A computer file. Refer to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer_file
for information about files.
Define the format for acceptable CPE URIs. Supports CPE 2.2 and CPE 2.3 formats.
Refer to https://nvd.nist.gov/products/cpe for official specification.
Specifies the full content of the SWID tag.
The URL to the SWID file.
Allows any undeclared elements as long as the elements are placed in a different namespace.
Maps to the tagId of a SoftwareIdentity.
Maps to the name of a SoftwareIdentity.
Maps to the version of a SoftwareIdentity.
Maps to the tagVersion of a SoftwareIdentity.
Maps to the patch of a SoftwareIdentity.
Defines a string representation of a UUID conforming to RFC 4122.
Version Control System
Issue or defect tracking system, or an Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) system
Security advisories
Bill-of-material document (CycloneDX, SPDX, SWID, etc)
Mailing list or discussion group
Social media account
Real-time chat platform
Documentation, guides, or how-to instructions
Community or commercial support
Direct or repository download location
The URL to the license file. If a license URL has been defined in the license
node, it should also be defined as an external reference for completeness
Build-system specific meta file (i.e. pom.xml, package.json, .nuspec, etc)
URL to an automated build system
URL to release notes
Use this if no other types accurately describe the purpose of the external reference
External references provide a way to document systems, sites, and information that may be relevant
but which are not included with the BOM.
Zero or more external references can be defined
The URL to the external reference
An optional comment describing the external reference
Specifies the type of external reference. There are built-in types to describe common
references. If a type does not exist for the reference being referred to, use the "other" type.
User-defined attributes may be used on this element as long as they
do not have the same name as an existing attribute used by the schema.
Zero or more commits can be specified.
Specifies an individual commit.
Allows any undeclared elements as long as the elements are placed in a different namespace.
A unique identifier of the commit. This may be version control
specific. For example, Subversion uses revision numbers whereas git uses commit hashes.
The URL to the commit. This URL will typically point to a commit
in a version control system.
The author who created the changes in the commit
The person who committed or pushed the commit
The text description of the contents of the commit
Allows any undeclared elements as long as the elements are placed in a different namespace.
Zero or more patches can be specified.
Specifies an individual patch.
Allows any undeclared elements as long as the elements are placed in a different namespace.
The patch file (or diff) that show changes.
Refer to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diff
Allows any undeclared elements as long as the elements are placed in a different namespace.
Specifies the purpose for the patch including the resolution of defects,
security issues, or new behavior or functionality
A patch which is not developed by the creators or maintainers of the software
being patched. Refer to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unofficial_patch
A patch which dynamically modifies runtime behavior.
Refer to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monkey_patch
A patch which takes code from a newer version of software and applies
it to older versions of the same software. Refer to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Backporting
A patch created by selectively applying commits from other versions or
branches of the same software.
A fault, flaw, or bug in software
A new feature or behavior in software
A special type of defect which impacts security
Specifies the optional text of the diff
Specifies the URL to the diff
Allows any undeclared elements as long as the elements are placed in a different namespace.
An individual issue that has been resolved.
The identifier of the issue assigned by the source of the issue
The name of the issue
A description of the issue
The source of the issue where it is documented.
The name of the source. For example "National Vulnerability Database",
"NVD", and "Apache"
The url of the issue documentation as provided by the source
Allows any undeclared elements as long as the elements are placed in a different namespace.
Specifies the type of issue
The timestamp in which the action occurred
The name of the individual who performed the action
The email address of the individual who performed the action
Allows any undeclared elements as long as the elements are placed in a different namespace.
Component pedigree is a way to document complex supply chain scenarios where components are created,
distributed, modified, redistributed, combined with other components, etc. Pedigree supports viewing
this complex chain from the beginning, the end, or anywhere in the middle. It also provides a way to
document variants where the exact relation may not be known.
Describes zero or more components in which a component is derived
from. This is commonly used to describe forks from existing projects where the forked version
contains a ancestor node containing the original component it was forked from. For example,
Component A is the original component. Component B is the component being used and documented
in the BOM. However, Component B contains a pedigree node with a single ancestor documenting
Component A - the original component from which Component B is derived from.
Descendants are the exact opposite of ancestors. This provides a
way to document all forks (and their forks) of an original or root component.
Variants describe relations where the relationship between the
components are not known. For example, if Component A contains nearly identical code to
Component B. They are both related, but it is unclear if one is derived from the other,
or if they share a common ancestor.
A list of zero or more commits which provide a trail describing
how the component deviates from an ancestor, descendant, or variant.
A list of zero or more patches describing how the component
deviates from an ancestor, descendant, or variant. Patches may be complimentary to commits
or may be used in place of commits.
Notes, observations, and other non-structured commentary
describing the components pedigree.
Allows any undeclared elements as long as the elements are placed in a different namespace.
References a component or service by the its bom-ref attribute
User-defined attributes may be used on this element as long as they
do not have the same name as an existing attribute used by the schema.
Components that do not have their own dependencies MUST be declared as empty
elements within the graph. Components that are not represented in the dependency graph MAY
have unknown dependencies. It is RECOMMENDED that implementations assume this to be opaque
and not an indicator of a component being dependency-free.
Allows any undeclared elements as long as the elements are placed in a different namespace.
User-defined attributes may be used on this element as long as they
do not have the same name as an existing attribute used by the schema.
The organization that provides the service.
The grouping name, namespace, or identifier. This will often be a shortened,
single name of the company or project that produced the service or domain name.
Whitespace and special characters should be avoided.
The name of the service. This will often be a shortened, single name
of the service.
The service version.
Specifies a description for the service.
A service endpoint URI.
A boolean value indicating if the service requires authentication.
A value of true indicates the service requires authentication prior to use.
A value of false indicates the service does not require authentication.
A boolean value indicating if use of the service crosses a trust zone or boundary.
A value of true indicates that by using the service, a trust boundary is crossed.
A value of false indicates that by using the service, a trust boundary is not crossed.
Specifies the data classification.
Provides the ability to document external references related to the service.
Provides the ability to document properties in a key/value store.
This provides flexibility to include data not officially supported in the standard
without having to use additional namespaces or create extensions. Property names
of interest to the general public are encouraged to be registered in the
CycloneDX Property Taxonomy - https://github.com/CycloneDX/cyclonedx-property-taxonomy.
Formal registration is OPTIONAL.
A list of services included or deployed behind the parent service. This is not a dependency
tree. It provides a way to specify a hierarchical representation of service assemblies.
Allows any undeclared elements as long as the elements are placed in a different namespace.
Specifies optional release notes.
Allows any undeclared elements as long as the elements are placed in a different namespace.
An optional identifier which can be used to reference the service elsewhere in the BOM.
Uniqueness is enforced within all elements and children of the root-level bom element.
User-defined attributes may be used on this element as long as they
do not have the same name as an existing attribute used by the schema.
Specifies the data classification.
Specifies the flow direction of the data.
Specifies the flow direction of the data. Valid values are:
inbound, outbound, bi-directional, and unknown. Direction is relative to the service.
Inbound flow states that data enters the service. Outbound flow states that data
leaves the service. Bi-directional states that data flows both ways, and unknown
states that the direction is not known.
A valid SPDX license expression.
Refer to https://spdx.org/specifications for syntax requirements
Allows any undeclared elements as long as the elements are placed in a different namespace.
User-defined attributes may be used on this element as long as they
do not have the same name as an existing attribute used by the schema.
Allows any undeclared elements as long as the elements are placed in a different namespace.
User-defined attributes may be used on this element as long as they
do not have the same name as an existing attribute used by the schema.
Specifies an aggregate type that describe how complete a relationship is.
The bom-ref identifiers of the components or services being described. Assemblies refer to
nested relationships whereby a constituent part may include other constituent parts. References
do not cascade to child parts. References are explicit for the specified constituent part only.
Allows any undeclared elements as long as the elements are placed in a different namespace.
The bom-ref identifiers of the components or services being described. Dependencies refer to a
relationship whereby an independent constituent part requires another independent constituent
part. References do not cascade to transitive dependencies. References are explicit for the
specified dependency only.
Allows any undeclared elements as long as the elements are placed in a different namespace.
The relationship is complete. No further relationships including constituent components, services, or dependencies exist.
The relationship is incomplete. Additional relationships exist and may include constituent components, services, or dependencies.
The relationship is incomplete. Only relationships for first-party components, services, or their dependencies are represented.
The relationship is incomplete. Only relationships for third-party components, services, or their dependencies are represented.
The relationship may be complete or incomplete. This usually signifies a 'best-effort' to obtain constituent components, services, or dependencies but the completeness is inconclusive.
The relationship completeness is not specified.
Defines a syntax for representing two character language code (ISO-639) followed by an optional two
character country code. The language code MUST be lower case. If the country code is specified, the
country code MUST be upper case. The language code and country code MUST be separated by a minus sign.
Examples: en, en-US, fr, fr-CA
The software versioning type. It is RECOMMENDED that the release type use one
of 'major', 'minor', 'patch', 'pre-release', or 'internal'. Representing all possible software
release types is not practical, so standardizing on the recommended values, whenever possible,
is strongly encouraged.
* major = A major release may contain significant changes or may introduce breaking changes.
* minor = A minor release, also known as an update, may contain a smaller number of changes than major releases.
* patch = Patch releases are typically unplanned and may resolve defects or important security issues.
* pre-release = A pre-release may include alpha, beta, or release candidates and typically have
limited support. They provide the ability to preview a release prior to its general availability.
* internal = Internal releases are not for public consumption and are intended to be used exclusively
by the project or manufacturer that produced it.
The title of the release.
The URL to an image that may be prominently displayed with the release note.
The URL to an image that may be used in messaging on social media platforms.
A short description of the release.
The date and time (timestamp) when the release note was created.
One or more alternate names the release may be referred to. This may
include unofficial terms used by development and marketing teams (e.g. code names).
One or more tags that may aid in search or retrieval of the release note.
A collection of issues that have been resolved.
Zero or more release notes containing the locale and content. Multiple
note elements may be specified to support release notes in a wide variety of languages.
The ISO-639 (or higher) language code and optional ISO-3166
(or higher) country code. Examples include: "en", "en-US", "fr" and "fr-CA".
Specifies the full content of the release note.
Provides the ability to document properties in a key/value store.
This provides flexibility to include data not officially supported in the standard
without having to use additional namespaces or create extensions. Property names
of interest to the general public are encouraged to be registered in the
CycloneDX Property Taxonomy - https://github.com/CycloneDX/cyclonedx-property-taxonomy.
Formal registration is OPTIONAL.
Allows any undeclared elements as long as the elements are placed in a different namespace.
User-defined attributes may be used on this element as long as they
do not have the same name as an existing attribute used by the schema.
References a component or service by the its bom-ref attribute
User-defined attributes may be used on this element as long as they
do not have the same name as an existing attribute used by the schema.
Allows any undeclared elements as long as the elements are placed in a different namespace.
User-defined attributes may be used on this element as long as they
do not have the same name as an existing attribute used by the schema.
Specifies an individual property with a name and value.
The name of the property. Duplicate names are allowed, each potentially having a different value.
Defines a weakness in an component or service that could be exploited or triggered by a threat source.
Allows any undeclared elements as long as the elements are placed in a different namespace.
User-defined attributes may be used on this element as long as they
do not have the same name as an existing attribute used by the schema.
The identifier that uniquely identifies the vulnerability. For example:
CVE-2021-39182, GHSA-35m5-8cvj-8783, and SNYK-PYTHON-ENROCRYPT-1912876.
The source that published the vulnerability.
Zero or more pointers to vulnerabilities that are the equivalent of the
vulnerability specified. Often times, the same vulnerability may exist in multiple sources of
vulnerability intelligence, but have different identifiers. References provide a way to
correlate vulnerabilities across multiple sources of vulnerability intelligence.
A pointer to a vulnerability that is the equivalent of the
vulnerability specified.
The identifier that uniquely identifies the vulnerability. For example:
CVE-2021-39182, GHSA-35m5-8cvj-8783, and SNYK-PYTHON-ENROCRYPT-1912876.
The source that published the vulnerability.
Allows any undeclared elements as long as the elements are placed in a different namespace.
List of vulnerability ratings.
List of Common Weaknesses Enumerations (CWEs) codes that describes this vulnerability.
For example 399 (of https://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/399.html)
A description of the vulnerability as provided by the source.
If available, an in-depth description of the vulnerability as provided by the
source organization. Details often include examples, proof-of-concepts, and other information
useful in understanding root cause.
Recommendations of how the vulnerability can be remediated or mitigated.
Published advisories of the vulnerability if provided.
The date and time (timestamp) when the vulnerability record was created in the vulnerability database.
The date and time (timestamp) when the vulnerability record was first published.
The date and time (timestamp) when the vulnerability record was last updated.
Individuals or organizations credited with the discovery of the vulnerability.
The organizations credited with vulnerability discovery.
The individuals, not associated with organizations, that are credited with vulnerability discovery.
The tool(s) used to identify, confirm, or score the vulnerability.
An assessment of the impact and exploitability of the vulnerability.
Declares the current state of an occurrence of a vulnerability, after automated or manual analysis.
The rationale of why the impact analysis state was asserted.
A response to the vulnerability by the manufacturer, supplier, or
project responsible for the affected component or service. More than one response
is allowed. Responses are strongly encouraged for vulnerabilities where the analysis
state is exploitable.
Detailed description of the impact including methods used during assessment.
If a vulnerability is not exploitable, this field should include specific details
on why the component or service is not impacted by this vulnerability.
The components or services that are affected by the vulnerability.
References a component or service by the objects bom-ref.
Zero or more individual versions or range of versions.
A single version of a component or service.
A version range specified in Package URL Version Range syntax (vers) which is defined at https://github.com/package-url/purl-spec/VERSION-RANGE-SPEC.rst
The vulnerability status for the version or range of versions.
Provides the ability to document properties in a key/value store.
This provides flexibility to include data not officially supported in the standard
without having to use additional namespaces or create extensions. Property names
of interest to the general public are encouraged to be registered in the
CycloneDX Property Taxonomy - https://github.com/CycloneDX/cyclonedx-property-taxonomy.
Formal registration is OPTIONAL.
An optional identifier which can be used to reference the vulnerability elsewhere in the BOM.
Uniqueness is enforced within all elements and children of the root-level bom element.
The name of the source.
For example: NVD, National Vulnerability Database, OSS Index, VulnDB, and GitHub Advisories
The url of the vulnerability documentation as provided by the source.
For example: https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2021-39182
The source that calculated the severity or risk rating of the vulnerability.
The numerical score of the rating.
Textual representation of the severity that corresponds to the numerical score of the rating.
The risk scoring methodology/standard used.
Textual representation of the metric values used to score the vulnerability.
An optional reason for rating the vulnerability as it was.
An optional name of the advisory.
Location where the advisory can be obtained.
Textual representation of the severity of the vulnerability adopted by the analysis method. If the
analysis method uses values other than what is provided, the user is expected to translate appropriately.
Declares the current state of an occurrence of a vulnerability, after automated or manual analysis.
The vulnerability has been remediated.
The vulnerability has been remediated and evidence of the changes are provided in the affected
components pedigree containing verifiable commit history and/or diff(s).
The vulnerability may be directly or indirectly exploitable.
The vulnerability is being investigated.
The vulnerability is not specific to the component or service and was falsely identified or associated.
The component or service is not affected by the vulnerability. Justification should be specified
for all not_affected cases.
The rationale of why the impact analysis state was asserted.
The code has been removed or tree-shaked.
The vulnerable code is not invoked at runtime.
Exploitability requires a configurable option to be set/unset.
Exploitability requires a dependency that is not present.
Exploitability requires a certain environment which is not present.
Exploitability requires a compiler flag to be set/unset.
Exploits are prevented at runtime.
Attacks are blocked at physical, logical, or network perimeter.
Preventative measures have been implemented that reduce the likelihood and/or impact of the vulnerability.
Specifies the severity or risk scoring methodology or standard used.
The rating is based on CVSS v2 standard
The rating is based on CVSS v3.0 standard
The rating is based on CVSS v3.1 standard
The rating is based on OWASP Risk Rating
Use this if the risk scoring methodology is not based on any of the options above
The rationale of why the impact analysis state was asserted.
The vulnerability status of a given version or range of versions of a product. The statuses
'affected' and 'unaffected' indicate that the version is affected or unaffected by the vulnerability.
The status 'unknown' indicates that it is unknown or unspecified whether the given version is affected.
There can be many reasons for an 'unknown' status, including that an investigation has not been
undertaken or that a vendor has not disclosed the status.
Provides additional information about a BOM.
A list of software and hardware components.
A list of services. This may include microservices, function-as-a-service, and other types of network or intra-process services.
Provides the ability to document external references related to the BOM or
to the project the BOM describes.
Provides the ability to document dependency relationships.
Compositions describe constituent parts (including components, services, and dependency relationships) and their completeness.
Provides the ability to document properties in a key/value store.
This provides flexibility to include data not officially supported in the standard
without having to use additional namespaces or create extensions. Property names
of interest to the general public are encouraged to be registered in the
CycloneDX Property Taxonomy - https://github.com/CycloneDX/cyclonedx-property-taxonomy.
Formal registration is OPTIONAL.
Vulnerabilities identified in components or services.
Allows any undeclared elements as long as the elements are placed in a different namespace.
Whenever an existing BOM is modified, either manually or through automated
processes, the version of the BOM SHOULD be incremented by 1. When a system is presented with
multiple BOMs with identical serial numbers, the system SHOULD use the most recent version of the BOM.
The default version is '1'.
Every BOM generated SHOULD have a unique serial number, even if the contents of
the BOM have not changed over time. If specified, the serial number MUST conform to RFC-4122.
Use of serial numbers are RECOMMENDED.
User-defined attributes may be used on this element as long as they
do not have the same name as an existing attribute used by the schema.
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