deeplearning4jUiAssets.js.train.system.js Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* ******************************************************************************
* *
* *
* * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* * terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which is available at
* *
* *
* * See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional
* * information regarding copyright ownership.
* * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* * under the License.
* *
* * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* *****************************************************************************
selectMachine(); //Make machineID Global
var lastUpdateTimeSystem = -1;
var lastUpdateSessionSystem = "";
function renderSystemPage(firstLoad) {
if(firstLoad || !lastUpdateSessionSystem || lastUpdateSessionSystem == "" || lastUpdateSessionSystem != currSession){
} else {
//Check last update time first - see if data has actually changed...
url: "/train/sessions/lastUpdate/" + currSession,
async: true,
error: function (query, status, error) {
console.log("Error getting data: " + error);
success: function (data) {
if(data > lastUpdateTimeSystem){
function executeSystemUpdate(){
var systemDataUrl = multiSession ? "/train/" + currSession + "/system/data" : "/train/system/data";
url: systemDataUrl,
async: true,
error: function (query, status, error) {
console.log("Error getting data: " + error);
success: function (data) {
lastUpdateSessionSystem = currSession;
lastUpdateTimeSystem = data["updateTimestamp"];
function renderTabs() {
var systemDataUrl = multiSession ? "/train/" + currSession + "/system/data" : "/train/system/data";
url: systemDataUrl,
async: true,
error: function (query, status, error) {
console.log("Error getting data: " + error);
success: function (data) {
/* ---------- System Memory Utilization Chart ---------- */
// var systemMaxLastIter = 0;
var jvmMaxLastIter = 0;
var offHeapMaxLastIter = 0;
function renderSystemMemoryChart(data) {
var jvmCurrentFrac = data["memory"][machineID]["values"][0];
var offHeapFrac = data["memory"][machineID]["values"][1];
var systemChart = $("#systemMemoryChartPlot");
// systemMaxLastIter = data["memory"][machineID]["maxBytes"][0];
jvmMaxLastIter = data["memory"][machineID]["maxBytes"][0];
offHeapMaxLastIter = data["memory"][machineID]["maxBytes"][1];
if (systemChart.length) {
var jvmValuesData = [];
var offHeapValuesData = [];
for (var i = 0; i < jvmCurrentFrac.length; i++) {
jvmValuesData.push([i, 100.0 * jvmCurrentFrac[i]]);
offHeapValuesData.push([i, 100.0 * offHeapFrac[i]]);
// console.log("JVM:" + jvmValuesData);
// console.log("Off-Heap:" + offHeapValuesData);
var plot = $.plot(systemChart,
[{data: jvmValuesData, label: "JVM Memory"}, {data: offHeapValuesData, label: "Off-Heap Memory"}], {
series: {
lines: {
show: true,
lineWidth: 2
grid: {
hoverable: true,
clickable: true,
tickColor: "#dddddd",
borderWidth: 0
yaxis: {min: 0, max: 100.0},
colors: ["#FA5833", "#2FABE9"]
function showTooltip(x, y, contents) {
$('' + contents + '').css({
position: 'absolute',
display: 'none',
top: y + 8,
left: x + 10,
border: '1px solid #fdd',
padding: '2px',
'background-color': '#dfeffc',
opacity: 0.80
var previousPoint = null;
systemChart.bind("plothover", function (event, pos, item) {
var xPos = pos.x.toFixed(0);
$("#x").text(xPos < 0 || xPos == "-0" ? "" : xPos);
var tempY = Math.min(100.0, pos.y);
tempY = Math.max(tempY, 0.0);
var asBytesJvm = formatBytes(tempY * jvmMaxLastIter / 100.0, 2);
var asBytesOffHeap = formatBytes(tempY * offHeapMaxLastIter / 100.0, 2);
$("#y").text(tempY.toFixed(2) + "% (" + asBytesJvm + ", " + asBytesOffHeap + ")");
if (item) {
if (previousPoint != item.dataIndex) {
previousPoint = item.dataIndex;
var x = item.datapoint[0].toFixed(0);
var y = Math.min(100.0, item.datapoint[1]).toFixed(2);
var label = item.series.label;
var bytes;
if (label.toLowerCase().startsWith("jvm")) {
bytes = (item.datapoint[1] * jvmMaxLastIter / 100.0).toFixed(0);
} else {
bytes = (item.datapoint[1] * offHeapMaxLastIter / 100.0).toFixed(0);
showTooltip(item.pageX - systemChart.offset().left, item.pageY - systemChart.offset().top,
item.series.label + " (" + x + ", " + y + "%; " + formatBytes(bytes, 2) + ")");
else {
previousPoint = null;
/* ---------- GPU Utilization Chart (TBD) ---------- */
var gpuMaxLastIter = {};
function renderGpuMemoryChart(data) {
var gpuFrac = data["memory"][machineID]["values"][1];
var gpuChart = $("#gpuMemoryChartPlot");
var isDevice = data["memory"][machineID]["isDevice"];
var deviceIdxs = [];
if(isDevice ){
for(var i=0; i render them...
if (gpuChart.length) {
var toRender = [];
for(var i=0; i' + contents + '