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4j.3.2.0.source-code.release-notes.txt Maven / Gradle / Ivy

There is a newer version: 5.0.2
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Version 3.2.0
New Features:
  - Performance improvements.
Bug Fixes:
  - Body.setMass() it was odd that it set the mass type to Mass.Type.NORMAL.
    use the Body.setMass(MassType) method instead.
Breaking Changes:
  - The Mass.Type enumeration has been renamed to MassType.
  - The BroadphaseDetector interface has changed drastically.
  - The three SAP algorithms have been replaced by one.
  - The CollisionListener.collision(Body,Body) method has been removed due
    to changes made to the broad-phase.
  - The Body.getFixtures() method now returns an unmodifiable list.
  - The World.getBodies() and World.getJoints() methods now return unmodifiable
  - The Bounds interface changed to only include the Translatable
    interface due to the some bounds types not supporting rotation.
  - Many member variables and methods have been made final, package private and
  - Made a few internal classes package private.
  - Many deprecated methods and classes have been removed.
  - The Settings.ContinuousDetectionMode enumeration has been moved to its own
    class file with the same name.
  - Renamed the MouseJoint to PinJoint.
  - Cleaner API with less classes, methods and members to sift through and more 
    interface options for extensibility.
  - More & revised Javadoc comments.

Version 3.1.11
New Features:
  - A few minor performance improvements.
Bug Fixes:
  - Fixed a bug in the raycast(Ray,double,boolean,boolean,List)
    method where it was calling itself, causing a StackOverflowException. 

Breaking Changes:
  - Changed the Math.hypot calls to Math.sqrt since the former is much
    slower.  It's slower due to the overflow/underflow handling, which dyn4j
    doesn't need.
  - Added code to export Rays for the Java exporter.

Version 3.1.10
New Features:
  - Added a new update(double, int) method to the World class that will 
    execute any number of steps given the elapsed time.
  - Added get/set methods for the time accumulator on the World class.
Bug Fixes:
  - Fixed a bug in the WeldJoint class when using two fixed angular velocity
  - Fixed a NPE bug in the World.detect methods.
  - Fixed a bug in the EarClipping class where the decomposition would lead
    to a colinear vertex situation.
  - Fixed a bug in Bayazit class where it would select a closest vertex that
    was not visible by the current vertex.  Sadly, this has made it much

Breaking Changes:
  - Updated license dates.

Version 3.1.9
New Features:
  - Added a new interface, Triangulator, that both the EarClipping and
    SweepLine algorithms implement that allows you to get a triangulation of
    a simple polygon.
  - Added a bunch of new detect methods to the World class to allow filtering
    of sensor bodies, inactive bodies, or by a Filter object and some other
  - Added a new DetectListener interface specifically for the World.detect
    methods that allow arbitrary filtering of collision tests.
  - Added new raycast and convexCast methods that include a Filter and
    ignoreInactive parameters.
Bug Fixes:
  - Fixed a bug in the SweepLine class where it would get a NPE when there
    were vertices who had close to the same y value (were sorted incorrectly).
  - Fixed a bug in the EarClipping class where extra half edges were added
    to the DCEL at termination that didn't need to be.
  - Fixed a bug in the Interval.intersection(Interval) class where it was
    performing the union rather than the intersection.
  - Fixed a bug in the SweepLine class where it would enter an infinite loop
    due to a poor sort condition during the decompose to y-monotone phase.
  - Fixed a bug in the convexCast methods where it would exit early instead
    of continuing to test other fixtures when false was returned from a
    particular ConvexCastListener method.
  - Fixed a bug in the Sandbox app where null would be output instead
    of the correct body instance.
  - World.detect(AABB), World.detect(Convex), and 
    World.detect(Convex, Transform) have been replaced by with new
    World.detect methods that have more input and output options.

Breaking Changes:
  - The World.detect, World.raycast, and World.convexCast methods now filter
    out inactive bodies by default (they were included in versions before).
  - Regression JUnit tests for bugs listed above.
  - Made a few small changes to some classes (added hashcode methods and
    changes like this) that have zero effect on usage, output or 

Version 3.1.8
New Features:
  - Added the methods Body.getFixture(Vector2), Body.getFixtures(Vector2),
    Body.removeFixture(Vector2), and Body.removeFixtures(Vector2) which allow
    you to get/remove fixtures given a world space point.
Bug Fixes:
  - Fixed a bug in the Vector2.distance(double, double) method (wrong since 
    1.1.0, yikes!).  Thankfully its not used anywhere in the engine so no 
  - Fixed a bug in Body.applyImpulse(Vector2, Vector2) where the body would
    not be awakened.

Breaking Changes:
  - Regression JUnit test for Vector2.distance(double, double) method.
  - Added documentation to the World.convexCast methods to explain the
    limitation of the start of the cast (its a similar limitation as the
    raycast methods).
  - The Body.setLinearVelocity(Vector2) method now transfers the x,y values
    of the given velocity to the body's velocity vector.  This has no effect
    on anything, except this way you can reuse the vector passed to this
    method now (earlier it was doing a reference assignment).

Version 3.1.7
New Features:
Bug Fixes:
  - Fixed a bug in the Ellipse.getHalfHeight method where it was returning
    the half width instead.
  - Fixed a bug in the Ellipse.contains method where it would fail if there 
    was a local translation and a local rotation.
  - Fixed a bug in the Graphics2DRenderer that would incorrectly render the
    Ellipse shapes (this was why the above bug existed).
  - Fixed a bug in the HalfEllipse.contains method where it would fail if
    there was a local translation and a local rotation.

Breaking Changes:
  - Had to remove the Ellipse.getPointClosestToPoint method due to an 
    incorrect assumption resulting in incorrect return values.  The real
    solution to this problem involves solving a quartic equation which
    is typically done by a root finding algorithm.
  - Regression JUnit test for Ellipse.getHalfHeight, Ellipse.contains, 
    and HalfEllipse.contains methods

Version 3.1.6
New Features:
  - Added a "slack" flag to the PulleyJoint to allow the constraint to be
    applied only when the current length is greater than the total length.
    To turn this feature on, use the setSlackEnabled method.
Bug Fixes:
  - Fixed a bug in the Segment.getSegmentIntersection methods where it would
    return an intersection point falsely.

Breaking Changes:
  - Regression JUnit test for Segment.getSegmentIntersection

Version 3.1.5
New Features:
  - Added a new Capsule shape primitive.
  - Added a new Slice shape primitive.
  - Updated the createUnitCirclePolygon method to be more efficient.
  - Added methods to generate polygonal capsules, slices, ellipses, and half 
    ellipses to the Geometry class.
  - Added a new Ellipse shape primitive (GJK support only).
  - Added a new HalfEllipse shape primitive (GJK support only).
  - Added a Graphics2DRenderer class to the examples directory to show how to
    render the shapes using Java2D.  Some of the new shapes are difficult to
    render properly due to local rotation and curved features.
  - Added a new FallbackNarrowphaseDetector which uses FallbackConditions to 
    determine when to use a fallback NarrowphaseDetector rather than the
    primary. This is useful when you want to use the SAT algorithm with the
    ellipse or half ellipse shapes (fallback to GJK on these types). See the
    SingleTypedFallbackCondition and PairwiseTypedFallbackCondition classes.
  - Added equivalent instance methods for common Segment and line operations
    to the Segment class.
  - Added a couple of methods to do a fast radial expansion of a polygon.
  - Added scaling operations to the Geometry class.
  - Added Convex Casting to the World class.  This also included a rework
    of the Time of Impact and CCD code.
Bug Fixes:
  - Fixed a bug in the Vector2.getAngleBetween method where it would return
    an angle outside the range of [-pi, pi]
  - Fixed a bug in the Gjk algorithm where a near zero vector was not being
    caught, causing a false negative during collision and a false positive
    in the distance method.
  - Fixed some bugs in the JUnit tests (no real effect but still important
    so that future releases do not impact existing functionality)
  - Body.setVelocity and Body.getVelocity have been replaced by
    Body.setLinearVelocity and Body.getLinearVelocity respectively.

Breaking Changes:
  - The addition of convex casting caused an overhaul of the Time of Impact
    and CCD code.  This could have breaking changes if you were hooking
    directly into any of this functionality.
  - Many more JUnit tests.
  - Updated license dates to be consistent.
  - Removed the TestBed code.  You can always go get it from any version
    tagged 3.1.4 or lower under the tags folder in SVN.

Version 3.1.4
New Features:
  - Added a new feature to the Geometry class for flipping shapes about
    an arbitrary line (defined as an axis and point).
  - Not really a feature, but a createAABB accepting no arguments was added
    to the shape interface for convenience.
Bug Fixes:
  - Fixed a bug that was introduced in 3.1.3 where the average center was not
    computed correctly since the vertex indexer was a 1 instead of an i.


Breaking Changes:
  - The shape, fixture, body, etc ids were updated from string to their UUID
    counter parts for better flexibility.  However, if you were saving or
    doing anything with the ids, that will need to change to something like

Version 3.1.3
New Features:

Bug Fixes:
  - Fixed a major bug in the Polygon inertia calculation where it did not
    take into account the local center.  This in turn made multi-fixture
    masses incorrect as well.


Breaking Changes:

Version 3.1.2
New Features:
  - Added ids to ContactPoint objects to help track them.

Bug Fixes:


Breaking Changes:
  - The ContactPoint and subclasses now must take in a ContactPointId object
  - The IndexedManifoldPointId class no longer has the setXXX methods

Version 3.1.1
New Features:
  - Added detect methods to the World class to do collision detection on a
    area bounded by an AABB or Convex.
  - Added contains methods for bodies, joints and listeners to the World
  - Added the createSweptAABB method to the Swept interface. Used in the CCD
    code to help cull collision tests.
  - Added contains(Vector2) and contains(double,double) to the AABB class to
    test for point in AABB.
  - Added a addFixture method to the Body class that accepts density, friction
    and restitution values for convenience.
  - Added a contains(BodyFixture) method to the Body class.
  - Added applyImpulse(Vector2), applyImpulse(double) and 
    applyImpulse(Vector2, Vector2) methods to the Body class.
  - Added a getExpanded methods to the AABB and Interval classes.  Added 
    intersection and getIntersection methods to the AABB class.  Added a
    getLength method to the Interval class.
  - Moved getUserData to the Constraint class so that you can now assign a
    user object to contact constraints.
  - Added initial capacity parameters to the constructors of relevant classes
    to help size internal structures appropriately for better performance.
  - Added line and segment intersection methods to the Segment class

Bug Fixes:
  - Fixed a bug in the ContactConstraintSolver where if there were two contacts
    and just one was disabled, it was still possible that they would both
    be solved.
  - The expand methods in the Interval and AABB classes would accept a negative
    expansion amount.  If the expansion was larger than the size, the interval
    or AABB would be invalid.  This has been fixed to return degenerate
    versions (about the mid point) instead.

  - World class methods remove(Body,boolean), remove(Body), remove(Joint),
    removeAll, removeAll(boolean), add(Body), add(Joint), and removeListeners
    replaced with removeBody(Body,boolean), removeBody(Body), 
    removeJoint(Joint), removeAllBodiesAndJoints, 
    removeAllBodiesAndJoints(boolean), addBody(Body), addJoint(Joint), and
    removeAllListeners respectively.
  - RectangularBounds replaced with AxisAlignedBounds.
  - Body class methods apply(double), apply(Force), apply(Torque), 
    apply(Vector2), and apply(Vector2, Vector2) replaced with 
    applyTorque(double), applyForce(Force), applyTorque(Torque), 
    applyForce(Vector2), and applyForce(Vector2, Vector2) respectively.
  - ContactManager.isEmpty() replaced with ContactManager.isCacheEmpty()

Breaking Changes:
  - The Step.update(double) method has been changed from public to protected.
  - Changed the ContactConstraint to have a List of Contacts instead of the
    Contact array.
  - The Settings.setStepFrequency method has been changed to accept 
    1/frequency (1/60) instead of frequency (60) as before. In versions before
    3.1.1 one you could pass in 60 and it would be automatically inverted.
  - The Shape.rotate(double) method's purpose has been changed to rotate the
    shape about the origin.  A new method, rotateAboutCenter has been created
    to replace the old functionality.
  - The Broadphase detectors were returning a locally stored list that was
    cleared and re-populated on the detect method.  These methods now return
    a new list each time.  They now also return an empty list when there are
    no collisions via the Collections.emptyList() method.
  - Small performance enhancements via manual inlining of methods.
  - Small performance enhancements via appropriate collection sizing.
  - Small performance hit from returning a new list from the broadphase
    detect methods.
  - Small performance enhancement to DynamicAABBTree.detect methods by
    changing the recursive search to a stackless iterative search.
  - Small performance hit from returning new Penetration and Manifold objects
    from the CollisionListener methods.
  - The Settings class now allows any values one or greater for the velocity
    and position constraint solver iterations.  In addition any value greater
    than zero can be used for the step frequency.
  - Updated Javadocs for the convex shape classes with documentation on where
    the center of the shape will be and general restrictions on construction.
  - Updated Javadocs for all listener types to help aid understanding of
    their use and pitfalls.
  - Replaced the usage of the synchronized Stack class with ArrayDeque or
    ArrayList to improve performance.
  - Many more JUnit tests.

Version 3.1.0
New Features:
  - MotorJoint - Best for character movement.
  - Coordinate Shifting - For large worlds.
  - AngleJoint ratio - For creating gears.
  - Multiple listeners
  - Runtime version checking
Bug Fixes:
  - Added checks for bodies and joints already added to another world.
  - Fixed a bug in the World.removeAll method where it would still report a 
    destoryed body even if notify was false.
  - Fixed a bug in the Transform.setRotation method where it was set 
  - Fixed a bug in the FrictionJoint class where the linear constraint was 
    not being satisfied.
  - Fixed a bug in the MouseJoint class where it wouldn't work if the body 
    was FIXED_LINEAR_VELOCITY mass type.
  - Fixed a bug in the World.getJoinedBodies and World.getInContactBodies 
    methods to only return one instance of a joined/contact body if it was 
    joined or in contact multiple times.

API Changes (breaking ones):
  - The World.remove(Body) no longer automatically notifies of destroyed 
    contacts or joints. Use the World.remove(Body,boolean) method to receive 
  - The entire listener scheme has been revamped to allow multiple listeners 
    of all types. There are new methods that replace all the old methods on 
    the World class: World.addListener, World.removeListener, 
    World.getListeners(class), etc.
  - The Version class no longer has the version numbers public. Instead use 
    the getXXX methods. This allows runtime version checking of the dyn4j jar.
  - The Force.isComplete and Torque.isComplete methods have changed to add an 
    elapsed time parameter. This allows better tracking of when a force/torque
    is completed.

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