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webapp.vendor.js.riot+compiler.js Maven / Gradle / Ivy

There is a newer version: 2.0.0-M15
Show newest version
/* Riot v3.13.2, @license MIT */
(function (global, factory) {
  typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? module.exports = factory() :
  typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(factory) :
  (global.riot = factory());
}(this, (function () { 'use strict';

   * Shorter and fast way to select a single node in the DOM
   * @param   { String } selector - unique dom selector
   * @param   { Object } ctx - DOM node where the target of our search will is located
   * @returns { Object } dom node found
  function $(selector, ctx) {
    return (ctx || document).querySelector(selector)

    // be aware, internal usage
    // ATTENTION: prefix the global dynamic variables with `__`
    // tags instances cache
    __TAGS_CACHE = [],
    // tags implementation cache
    __TAG_IMPL = {},
    YIELD_TAG = 'yield',

     * Const
    GLOBAL_MIXIN = '__global_mixin',

    // riot specific prefixes or attributes
    ATTRS_PREFIX = 'riot-',

    // Riot Directives
    REF_DIRECTIVES = ['ref', 'data-ref'],
    IS_DIRECTIVE = 'data-is',
    LOOP_DIRECTIVE = 'each',
    LOOP_NO_REORDER_DIRECTIVE = 'no-reorder',
    SHOW_DIRECTIVE = 'show',
    HIDE_DIRECTIVE = 'hide',
    KEY_DIRECTIVE = 'key',
    RIOT_EVENTS_KEY = '__riot-events__',

    // for typeof == '' comparisons
    T_STRING = 'string',
    T_OBJECT = 'object',
    T_UNDEF  = 'undefined',
    T_FUNCTION = 'function',

    XLINK_NS = '',
    SVG_NS = '',
    XLINK_REGEX = /^xlink:(\w+)/,

    WIN = typeof window === T_UNDEF ? /* istanbul ignore next */ undefined : window,

    // special native tags that cannot be treated like the others
    RE_SPECIAL_TAGS = /^(?:t(?:body|head|foot|[rhd])|caption|col(?:group)?|opt(?:ion|group))$/,
    RE_SPECIAL_TAGS_NO_OPTION = /^(?:t(?:body|head|foot|[rhd])|caption|col(?:group)?)$/,
    RE_EVENTS_PREFIX = /^on/,
    RE_HTML_ATTRS = /([-\w]+) ?= ?(?:"([^"]*)|'([^']*)|({[^}]*}))/g,
    // some DOM attributes must be normalized
      'viewbox': 'viewBox',
      'preserveaspectratio': 'preserveAspectRatio'
     * Matches boolean HTML attributes in the riot tag definition.
     * With a long list like this, a regex is faster than `[].indexOf` in most browsers.
     * @const {RegExp}
     * @see [](
    RE_BOOL_ATTRS = /^(?:disabled|checked|readonly|required|allowfullscreen|auto(?:focus|play)|compact|controls|default|formnovalidate|hidden|ismap|itemscope|loop|multiple|muted|no(?:resize|shade|validate|wrap)?|open|reversed|seamless|selected|sortable|truespeed|typemustmatch)$/,
    // version# for IE 8-11, 0 for others
    IE_VERSION = (WIN && WIN.document || /* istanbul ignore next */ {}).documentMode | 0;

   * Create a generic DOM node
   * @param   { String } name - name of the DOM node we want to create
   * @returns { Object } DOM node just created
  function makeElement(name) {
    return name === 'svg' ? document.createElementNS(SVG_NS, name) : document.createElement(name)

   * Set any DOM attribute
   * @param { Object } dom - DOM node we want to update
   * @param { String } name - name of the property we want to set
   * @param { String } val - value of the property we want to set
  function setAttribute(dom, name, val) {
    var xlink = XLINK_REGEX.exec(name);
    if (xlink && xlink[1])
      { dom.setAttributeNS(XLINK_NS, xlink[1], val); }
      { dom.setAttribute(name, val); }

  var styleNode;
  // Create cache and shortcut to the correct property
  var cssTextProp;
  var byName = {};
  var needsInject = false;

  // skip the following code on the server
  if (WIN) {
    styleNode = ((function () {
      // create a new style element with the correct type
      var newNode = makeElement('style');
      // replace any user node or insert the new one into the head
      var userNode = $('style[type=riot]');

      setAttribute(newNode, 'type', 'text/css');
      /* istanbul ignore next */
      if (userNode) {
        if ( { =; }
        userNode.parentNode.replaceChild(newNode, userNode);
      } else { document.head.appendChild(newNode); }

      return newNode
    cssTextProp = styleNode.styleSheet;

   * Object that will be used to inject and manage the css of every tag instance
  var styleManager = {
    styleNode: styleNode,
     * Save a tag style to be later injected into DOM
     * @param { String } css - css string
     * @param { String } name - if it's passed we will map the css to a tagname
    add: function add(css, name) {
      byName[name] = css;
      needsInject = true;
     * Inject all previously saved tag styles into DOM
     * innerHTML seems slow:
    inject: function inject() {
      if (!WIN || !needsInject) { return }
      needsInject = false;
      var style = Object.keys(byName)
        .map(function (k) { return byName[k]; })
      /* istanbul ignore next */
      if (cssTextProp) { cssTextProp.cssText = style; }
      else { styleNode.innerHTML = style; }

     * Remove a tag style of injected DOM later.
     * @param {String} name a registered tagname
    remove: function remove(name) {
      delete byName[name];
      needsInject = true;

   * The riot template engine
   * @version v3.0.8

  /* istanbul ignore next */
  var skipRegex = (function () { //eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars

    var beforeReChars = '[{(,;:?=|&!^~>%*/';

    var beforeReWords = [

    var wordsLastChar = beforeReWords.reduce(function (s, w) {
      return s + w.slice(-1)
    }, '');

    var RE_REGEX = /^\/(?=[^*>/])[^[/\\]*(?:(?:\\.|\[(?:\\.|[^\]\\]*)*\])[^[\\/]*)*?\/[gimuy]*/;
    var RE_VN_CHAR = /[$\w]/;

    function prev (code, pos) {
      while (--pos >= 0 && /\s/.test(code[pos])){ }
      return pos

    function _skipRegex (code, start) {

      var re = /.*/g;
      var pos = re.lastIndex = start++;
      var match = re.exec(code)[0].match(RE_REGEX);

      if (match) {
        var next = pos + match[0].length;

        pos = prev(code, pos);
        var c = code[pos];

        if (pos < 0 || ~beforeReChars.indexOf(c)) {
          return next

        if (c === '.') {

          if (code[pos - 1] === '.') {
            start = next;

        } else if (c === '+' || c === '-') {

          if (code[--pos] !== c ||
              (pos = prev(code, pos)) < 0 ||
              !RE_VN_CHAR.test(code[pos])) {
            start = next;

        } else if (~wordsLastChar.indexOf(c)) {

          var end = pos + 1;

          while (--pos >= 0 && RE_VN_CHAR.test(code[pos])){ }
          if (~beforeReWords.indexOf(code.slice(pos + 1, end))) {
            start = next;

      return start

    return _skipRegex


   * riot.util.brackets
   * - `brackets    ` - Returns a string or regex based on its parameter
   * - `brackets.set` - Change the current riot brackets
   * @module

  /* global riot */

  /* istanbul ignore next */
  var brackets = (function (UNDEF) {

      REGLOB = 'g',

      R_MLCOMMS = /\/\*[^*]*\*+(?:[^*\/][^*]*\*+)*\//g,

      R_STRINGS = /"[^"\\]*(?:\\[\S\s][^"\\]*)*"|'[^'\\]*(?:\\[\S\s][^'\\]*)*'|`[^`\\]*(?:\\[\S\s][^`\\]*)*`/g,

      S_QBLOCKS = R_STRINGS.source + '|' +
        /(?:\breturn\s+|(?:[$\w\)\]]|\+\+|--)\s*(\/)(?![*\/]))/.source + '|' +

      UNSUPPORTED = RegExp('[\\' + 'x00-\\x1F<>a-zA-Z0-9\'",;\\\\]'),

      NEED_ESCAPE = /(?=[[\]()*+?.^$|])/g,

      S_QBLOCK2 = R_STRINGS.source + '|' + /(\/)(?![*\/])/.source,

      FINDBRACES = {
        '(': RegExp('([()])|'   + S_QBLOCK2, REGLOB),
        '[': RegExp('([[\\]])|' + S_QBLOCK2, REGLOB),
        '{': RegExp('([{}])|'   + S_QBLOCK2, REGLOB)

      DEFAULT = '{ }';

    var _pairs = [
      '{', '}',
      '{', '}',
      RegExp('\\\\(})|([[({])|(})|' + S_QBLOCK2, REGLOB),

      cachedBrackets = UNDEF,
      _cache = [],

    function _loopback (re) { return re }

    function _rewrite (re, bp) {
      if (!bp) { bp = _cache; }
      return new RegExp(
        re.source.replace(/{/g, bp[2]).replace(/}/g, bp[3]), ? REGLOB : ''

    function _create (pair) {
      if (pair === DEFAULT) { return _pairs }

      var arr = pair.split(' ');

      if (arr.length !== 2 || UNSUPPORTED.test(pair)) {
        throw new Error('Unsupported brackets "' + pair + '"')
      arr = arr.concat(pair.replace(NEED_ESCAPE, '\\').split(' '));

      arr[4] = _rewrite(arr[1].length > 1 ? /{[\S\s]*?}/ : _pairs[4], arr);
      arr[5] = _rewrite(pair.length > 3 ? /\\({|})/g : _pairs[5], arr);
      arr[6] = _rewrite(_pairs[6], arr);
      arr[7] = RegExp('\\\\(' + arr[3] + ')|([[({])|(' + arr[3] + ')|' + S_QBLOCK2, REGLOB);
      arr[8] = pair;
      return arr

    function _brackets (reOrIdx) {
      return reOrIdx instanceof RegExp ? _regex(reOrIdx) : _cache[reOrIdx]

    _brackets.split = function split (str, tmpl, _bp) {
      // istanbul ignore next: _bp is for the compiler
      if (!_bp) { _bp = _cache; }

        parts = [],
        re = _bp[6];

      var qblocks = [];
      var prevStr = '';
      var mark, lastIndex;

      isexpr = start = re.lastIndex = 0;

      while ((match = re.exec(str))) {

        lastIndex = re.lastIndex;
        pos = match.index;

        if (isexpr) {

          if (match[2]) {

            var ch = match[2];
            var rech = FINDBRACES[ch];
            var ix = 1;

            rech.lastIndex = lastIndex;
            while ((match = rech.exec(str))) {
              if (match[1]) {
                if (match[1] === ch) { ++ix; }
                else if (!--ix) { break }
              } else {
                rech.lastIndex = pushQBlock(match.index, rech.lastIndex, match[2]);
            re.lastIndex = ix ? str.length : rech.lastIndex;

          if (!match[3]) {
            re.lastIndex = pushQBlock(pos, lastIndex, match[4]);

        if (!match[1]) {
          unescapeStr(str.slice(start, pos));
          start = re.lastIndex;
          re = _bp[6 + (isexpr ^= 1)];
          re.lastIndex = start;

      if (str && start < str.length) {

      parts.qblocks = qblocks;

      return parts

      function unescapeStr (s) {
        if (prevStr) {
          s = prevStr + s;
          prevStr = '';
        if (tmpl || isexpr) {
          parts.push(s && s.replace(_bp[5], '$1'));
        } else {

      function pushQBlock(_pos, _lastIndex, slash) { //eslint-disable-line
        if (slash) {
          _lastIndex = skipRegex(str, _pos);

        if (tmpl && _lastIndex > _pos + 2) {
          mark = '\u2057' + qblocks.length + '~';
          qblocks.push(str.slice(_pos, _lastIndex));
          prevStr += str.slice(start, _pos) + mark;
          start = _lastIndex;
        return _lastIndex

    _brackets.hasExpr = function hasExpr (str) {
      return _cache[4].test(str)

    _brackets.loopKeys = function loopKeys (expr) {
      var m = expr.match(_cache[9]);

      return m
        ? { key: m[1], pos: m[2], val: _cache[0] + m[3].trim() + _cache[1] }
        : { val: expr.trim() }

    _brackets.array = function array (pair) {
      return pair ? _create(pair) : _cache

    function _reset (pair) {
      if ((pair || (pair = DEFAULT)) !== _cache[8]) {
        _cache = _create(pair);
        _regex = pair === DEFAULT ? _loopback : _rewrite;
        _cache[9] = _regex(_pairs[9]);
      cachedBrackets = pair;

    function _setSettings (o) {
      var b;

      o = o || {};
      b = o.brackets;
      Object.defineProperty(o, 'brackets', {
        set: _reset,
        get: function () { return cachedBrackets },
        enumerable: true
      _settings = o;

    Object.defineProperty(_brackets, 'settings', {
      set: _setSettings,
      get: function () { return _settings }

    /* istanbul ignore next: in the browser riot is always in the scope */
    _brackets.settings = typeof riot !== 'undefined' && riot.settings || {};
    _brackets.set = _reset;
    _brackets.skipRegex = skipRegex;

    _brackets.R_STRINGS = R_STRINGS;
    _brackets.R_MLCOMMS = R_MLCOMMS;
    _brackets.S_QBLOCKS = S_QBLOCKS;
    _brackets.S_QBLOCK2 = S_QBLOCK2;

    return _brackets


   * @module tmpl
   * tmpl          - Root function, returns the template value, render with data
   * tmpl.hasExpr  - Test the existence of a expression inside a string
   * tmpl.loopKeys - Get the keys for an 'each' loop (used by `_each`)

  /* istanbul ignore next */
  var tmpl = (function () {

    var _cache = {};

    function _tmpl (str, data) {
      if (!str) { return str }

      return (_cache[str] || (_cache[str] = _create(str))).call(
        data, _logErr.bind({
          data: data,
          tmpl: str

    _tmpl.hasExpr = brackets.hasExpr;

    _tmpl.loopKeys = brackets.loopKeys;

    // istanbul ignore next
    _tmpl.clearCache = function () { _cache = {}; };

    _tmpl.errorHandler = null;

    function _logErr (err, ctx) {

      err.riotData = {
        tagName: ctx && ctx.__ && ctx.__.tagName,
        _riot_id: ctx && ctx._riot_id  //eslint-disable-line camelcase

      if (_tmpl.errorHandler) { _tmpl.errorHandler(err); }
      else if (
        typeof console !== 'undefined' &&
        typeof console.error === 'function'
      ) {
        console.log('<%s> %s', err.riotData.tagName || 'Unknown tag', this.tmpl); // eslint-disable-line
        console.log(; // eslint-disable-line

    function _create (str) {
      var expr = _getTmpl(str);

      if (expr.slice(0, 11) !== 'try{return ') { expr = 'return ' + expr; }

      return new Function('E', expr + ';')    // eslint-disable-line no-new-func

    var RE_DQUOTE = /\u2057/g;
    var RE_QBMARK = /\u2057(\d+)~/g;

    function _getTmpl (str) {
      var parts = brackets.split(str.replace(RE_DQUOTE, '"'), 1);
      var qstr = parts.qblocks;
      var expr;

      if (parts.length > 2 || parts[0]) {
        var i, j, list = [];

        for (i = j = 0; i < parts.length; ++i) {

          expr = parts[i];

          if (expr && (expr = i & 1

              ? _parseExpr(expr, 1, qstr)

              : '"' + expr
                  .replace(/\\/g, '\\\\')
                  .replace(/\r\n?|\n/g, '\\n')
                  .replace(/"/g, '\\"') +

            )) { list[j++] = expr; }


        expr = j < 2 ? list[0]
             : '[' + list.join(',') + '].join("")';

      } else {

        expr = _parseExpr(parts[1], 0, qstr);

      if (qstr.length) {
        expr = expr.replace(RE_QBMARK, function (_, pos) {
          return qstr[pos]
            .replace(/\r/g, '\\r')
            .replace(/\n/g, '\\n')
      return expr

    var RE_CSNAME = /^(?:(-?[_A-Za-z\xA0-\xFF][-\w\xA0-\xFF]*)|\u2057(\d+)~):/;
      RE_BREND = {
        '(': /[()]/g,
        '[': /[[\]]/g,
        '{': /[{}]/g

    function _parseExpr (expr, asText, qstr) {

      expr = expr
        .replace(/\s+/g, ' ').trim()
        .replace(/\ ?([[\({},?\.:])\ ?/g, '$1');

      if (expr) {
          list = [],
          cnt = 0,

        while (expr &&
              (match = expr.match(RE_CSNAME)) &&
          ) {
            re = /,|([[{(])|$/g;

          expr = RegExp.rightContext;
          key  = match[2] ? qstr[match[2]].slice(1, -1).trim().replace(/\s+/g, ' ') : match[1];

          while (jsb = (match = re.exec(expr))[1]) { skipBraces(jsb, re); }

          jsb  = expr.slice(0, match.index);
          expr = RegExp.rightContext;

          list[cnt++] = _wrapExpr(jsb, 1, key);

        expr = !cnt ? _wrapExpr(expr, asText)
             : cnt > 1 ? '[' + list.join(',') + '].join(" ").trim()' : list[0];
      return expr

      function skipBraces (ch, re) {
          lv = 1,
          ir = RE_BREND[ch];

        ir.lastIndex = re.lastIndex;
        while (mm = ir.exec(expr)) {
          if (mm[0] === ch) { ++lv; }
          else if (!--lv) { break }
        re.lastIndex = lv ? expr.length : ir.lastIndex;

    // istanbul ignore next: not both
    var // eslint-disable-next-line max-len
      JS_CONTEXT = '"in this?this:' + (typeof window !== 'object' ? 'global' : 'window') + ').',
      JS_VARNAME = /[,{][\$\w]+(?=:)|(^ *|[^$\w\.{])(?!(?:typeof|true|false|null|undefined|in|instanceof|is(?:Finite|NaN)|void|NaN|new|Date|RegExp|Math)(?![$\w]))([$_A-Za-z][$\w]*)/g,
      JS_NOPROPS = /^(?=(\.[$\w]+))\1(?:[^.[(]|$)/;

    function _wrapExpr (expr, asText, key) {
      var tb;

      expr = expr.replace(JS_VARNAME, function (match, p, mvar, pos, s) {
        if (mvar) {
          pos = tb ? 0 : pos + match.length;

          if (mvar !== 'this' && mvar !== 'global' && mvar !== 'window') {
            match = p + '("' + mvar + JS_CONTEXT + mvar;
            if (pos) { tb = (s = s[pos]) === '.' || s === '(' || s === '['; }
          } else if (pos) {
            tb = !JS_NOPROPS.test(s.slice(pos));
        return match

      if (tb) {
        expr = 'try{return ' + expr + '}catch(e){E(e,this)}';

      if (key) {

        expr = (tb
            ? 'function(){' + expr + '}.call(this)' : '(' + expr + ')'
          ) + '?"' + key + '":""';

      } else if (asText) {

        expr = 'function(v){' + (tb
            ? expr.replace('return ', 'v=') : 'v=(' + expr + ')'
          ) + ';return v||v===0?v:""}.call(this)';

      return expr

    _tmpl.version = brackets.version = 'v3.0.8';

    return _tmpl


  /* istanbul ignore next */
  var observable = function(el) {

     * Extend the original object or create a new empty one
     * @type { Object }

    el = el || {};

     * Private variables
    var callbacks = {},
      slice = Array.prototype.slice;

     * Public Api

    // extend the el object adding the observable methods
    Object.defineProperties(el, {
       * Listen to the given `event` ands
       * execute the `callback` each time an event is triggered.
       * @param  { String } event - event id
       * @param  { Function } fn - callback function
       * @returns { Object } el
      on: {
        value: function(event, fn) {
          if (typeof fn == 'function')
            { (callbacks[event] = callbacks[event] || []).push(fn); }
          return el
        enumerable: false,
        writable: false,
        configurable: false

       * Removes the given `event` listeners
       * @param   { String } event - event id
       * @param   { Function } fn - callback function
       * @returns { Object } el
      off: {
        value: function(event, fn) {
          if (event == '*' && !fn) { callbacks = {}; }
          else {
            if (fn) {
              var arr = callbacks[event];
              for (var i = 0, cb; cb = arr && arr[i]; ++i) {
                if (cb == fn) { arr.splice(i--, 1); }
            } else { delete callbacks[event]; }
          return el
        enumerable: false,
        writable: false,
        configurable: false

       * Listen to the given `event` and
       * execute the `callback` at most once
       * @param   { String } event - event id
       * @param   { Function } fn - callback function
       * @returns { Object } el
      one: {
        value: function(event, fn) {
          function on() {
  , on);
            fn.apply(el, arguments);
          return el.on(event, on)
        enumerable: false,
        writable: false,
        configurable: false

       * Execute all callback functions that listen to
       * the given `event`
       * @param   { String } event - event id
       * @returns { Object } el
      trigger: {
        value: function(event) {
          var arguments$1 = arguments;

          // getting the arguments
          var arglen = arguments.length - 1,
            args = new Array(arglen),

          for (i = 0; i < arglen; i++) {
            args[i] = arguments$1[i + 1]; // skip first argument

          fns =[event] || [], 0);

          for (i = 0; fn = fns[i]; ++i) {
            fn.apply(el, args);

          if (callbacks['*'] && event != '*')
            { el.trigger.apply(el, ['*', event].concat(args)); }

          return el
        enumerable: false,
        writable: false,
        configurable: false

    return el


   * Short alias for Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor
  function getPropDescriptor (o, k) {
    return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(o, k)

   * Check if passed argument is undefined
   * @param   { * } value -
   * @returns { Boolean } -
  function isUndefined(value) {
    return typeof value === T_UNDEF

   * Check whether object's property could be overridden
   * @param   { Object }  obj - source object
   * @param   { String }  key - object property
   * @returns { Boolean } true if writable
  function isWritable(obj, key) {
    var descriptor = getPropDescriptor(obj, key);
    return isUndefined(obj[key]) || descriptor && descriptor.writable

   * Extend any object with other properties
   * @param   { Object } src - source object
   * @returns { Object } the resulting extended object
   * var obj = { foo: 'baz' }
   * extend(obj, {bar: 'bar', foo: 'bar'})
   * console.log(obj) => {bar: 'bar', foo: 'bar'}
  function extend(src) {
    var obj;
    var i = 1;
    var args = arguments;
    var l = args.length;

    for (; i < l; i++) {
      if (obj = args[i]) {
        for (var key in obj) {
          // check if this property of the source object could be overridden
          if (isWritable(src, key))
            { src[key] = obj[key]; }
    return src

   * Alias for Object.create
  function create(src) {
    return Object.create(src)

  var settings = extend(create(brackets.settings), {
    skipAnonymousTags: true,
    // the "value" attributes will be preserved
    keepValueAttributes: false,
    // handle the auto updates on any DOM event
    autoUpdate: true

   * Shorter and fast way to select multiple nodes in the DOM
   * @param   { String } selector - DOM selector
   * @param   { Object } ctx - DOM node where the targets of our search will is located
   * @returns { Object } dom nodes found
  function $$(selector, ctx) {
    return [] || document).querySelectorAll(selector))

   * Create a document text node
   * @returns { Object } create a text node to use as placeholder
  function createDOMPlaceholder() {
    return document.createTextNode('')

   * Toggle the visibility of any DOM node
   * @param   { Object }  dom - DOM node we want to hide
   * @param   { Boolean } show - do we want to show it?

  function toggleVisibility(dom, show) { = show ? '' : 'none';
    dom.hidden = show ? false : true;

   * Get the value of any DOM attribute on a node
   * @param   { Object } dom - DOM node we want to parse
   * @param   { String } name - name of the attribute we want to get
   * @returns { String | undefined } name of the node attribute whether it exists
  function getAttribute(dom, name) {
    return dom.getAttribute(name)

   * Remove any DOM attribute from a node
   * @param   { Object } dom - DOM node we want to update
   * @param   { String } name - name of the property we want to remove
  function removeAttribute(dom, name) {

   * Set the inner html of any DOM node SVGs included
   * @param { Object } container - DOM node where we'll inject new html
   * @param { String } html - html to inject
   * @param { Boolean } isSvg - svg tags should be treated a bit differently
  /* istanbul ignore next */
  function setInnerHTML(container, html, isSvg) {
    // innerHTML is not supported on svg tags so we neet to treat them differently
    if (isSvg) {
      var node = container.ownerDocument.importNode(
        new DOMParser()
          .parseFromString(("" + html + ""), 'application/xml')

    } else {
      container.innerHTML = html;

   * Minimize risk: only zero or one _space_ between attr & value
   * @param   { String }   html - html string we want to parse
   * @param   { Function } fn - callback function to apply on any attribute found
  function walkAttributes(html, fn) {
    if (!html) { return }
    var m;
    while (m = RE_HTML_ATTRS.exec(html))
      { fn(m[1].toLowerCase(), m[2] || m[3] || m[4]); }

   * Create a document fragment
   * @returns { Object } document fragment
  function createFragment() {
    return document.createDocumentFragment()

   * Insert safely a tag to fix #1962 #1649
   * @param   { HTMLElement } root - children container
   * @param   { HTMLElement } curr - node to insert
   * @param   { HTMLElement } next - node that should preceed the current node inserted
  function safeInsert(root, curr, next) {
    root.insertBefore(curr, next.parentNode && next);

   * Convert a style object to a string
   * @param   { Object } style - style object we need to parse
   * @returns { String } resulting css string
   * @example
   * styleObjectToString({ color: 'red', height: '10px'}) // => 'color: red; height: 10px'
  function styleObjectToString(style) {
    return Object.keys(style).reduce(function (acc, prop) {
      return (acc + " " + prop + ": " + (style[prop]) + ";")
    }, '')

   * Walk down recursively all the children tags starting dom node
   * @param   { Object }   dom - starting node where we will start the recursion
   * @param   { Function } fn - callback to transform the child node just found
   * @param   { Object }   context - fn can optionally return an object, which is passed to children
  function walkNodes(dom, fn, context) {
    if (dom) {
      var res = fn(dom, context);
      var next;
      // stop the recursion
      if (res === false) { return }

      dom = dom.firstChild;

      while (dom) {
        next = dom.nextSibling;
        walkNodes(dom, fn, res);
        dom = next;

  var dom = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
    $$: $$,
    $: $,
    createDOMPlaceholder: createDOMPlaceholder,
    mkEl: makeElement,
    setAttr: setAttribute,
    toggleVisibility: toggleVisibility,
    getAttr: getAttribute,
    remAttr: removeAttribute,
    setInnerHTML: setInnerHTML,
    walkAttrs: walkAttributes,
    createFrag: createFragment,
    safeInsert: safeInsert,
    styleObjectToString: styleObjectToString,
    walkNodes: walkNodes

   * Check against the null and undefined values
   * @param   { * }  value -
   * @returns {Boolean} -
  function isNil(value) {
    return isUndefined(value) || value === null

   * Check if passed argument is empty. Different from falsy, because we dont consider 0 or false to be blank
   * @param { * } value -
   * @returns { Boolean } -
  function isBlank(value) {
    return isNil(value) || value === ''

   * Check if passed argument is a function
   * @param   { * } value -
   * @returns { Boolean } -
  function isFunction(value) {
    return typeof value === T_FUNCTION

   * Check if passed argument is an object, exclude null
   * NOTE: use isObject(x) && !isArray(x) to excludes arrays.
   * @param   { * } value -
   * @returns { Boolean } -
  function isObject(value) {
    return value && typeof value === T_OBJECT // typeof null is 'object'

   * Check if a DOM node is an svg tag or part of an svg
   * @param   { HTMLElement }  el - node we want to test
   * @returns {Boolean} true if it's an svg node
  function isSvg(el) {
    var owner = el.ownerSVGElement;
    return !!owner || owner === null

   * Check if passed argument is a kind of array
   * @param   { * } value -
   * @returns { Boolean } -
  function isArray(value) {
    return Array.isArray(value) || value instanceof Array

   * Check if the passed argument is a boolean attribute
   * @param   { String } value -
   * @returns { Boolean } -
  function isBoolAttr(value) {
    return RE_BOOL_ATTRS.test(value)

   * Check if passed argument is a string
   * @param   { * } value -
   * @returns { Boolean } -
  function isString(value) {
    return typeof value === T_STRING

  var check = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
    isBlank: isBlank,
    isFunction: isFunction,
    isObject: isObject,
    isSvg: isSvg,
    isWritable: isWritable,
    isArray: isArray,
    isBoolAttr: isBoolAttr,
    isNil: isNil,
    isString: isString,
    isUndefined: isUndefined

   * Check whether an array contains an item
   * @param   { Array } array - target array
   * @param   { * } item - item to test
   * @returns { Boolean } -
  function contains(array, item) {
    return array.indexOf(item) !== -1

   * Specialized function for looping an array-like collection with `each={}`
   * @param   { Array } list - collection of items
   * @param   {Function} fn - callback function
   * @returns { Array } the array looped
  function each(list, fn) {
    var len = list ? list.length : 0;
    var i = 0;
    for (; i < len; i++) { fn(list[i], i); }
    return list

   * Faster String startsWith alternative
   * @param   { String } str - source string
   * @param   { String } value - test string
   * @returns { Boolean } -
  function startsWith(str, value) {
    return str.slice(0, value.length) === value

   * Function returning always a unique identifier
   * @returns { Number } - number from 0...n
  var uid = (function uid() {
    var i = -1;
    return function () { return ++i; }

   * Helper function to set an immutable property
   * @param   { Object } el - object where the new property will be set
   * @param   { String } key - object key where the new property will be stored
   * @param   { * } value - value of the new property
   * @param   { Object } options - set the propery overriding the default options
   * @returns { Object } - the initial object
  function define(el, key, value, options) {
    Object.defineProperty(el, key, extend({
      value: value,
      enumerable: false,
      writable: false,
      configurable: true
    }, options));
    return el

   * Convert a string containing dashes to camel case
   * @param   { String } str - input string
   * @returns { String } my-string -> myString
  function toCamel(str) {
    return str.replace(/-(\w)/g, function (_, c) { return c.toUpperCase(); })

   * Warn a message via console
   * @param   {String} message - warning message
  function warn(message) {
    if (console && console.warn) { console.warn(message); }

  var misc = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
    contains: contains,
    each: each,
    getPropDescriptor: getPropDescriptor,
    startsWith: startsWith,
    uid: uid,
    defineProperty: define,
    objectCreate: create,
    extend: extend,
    toCamel: toCamel,
    warn: warn

   * Set the property of an object for a given key. If something already
   * exists there, then it becomes an array containing both the old and new value.
   * @param { Object } obj - object on which to set the property
   * @param { String } key - property name
   * @param { Object } value - the value of the property to be set
   * @param { Boolean } ensureArray - ensure that the property remains an array
   * @param { Number } index - add the new item in a certain array position
  function arrayishAdd(obj, key, value, ensureArray, index) {
    var dest = obj[key];
    var isArr = isArray(dest);
    var hasIndex = !isUndefined(index);

    if (dest && dest === value) { return }

    // if the key was never set, set it once
    if (!dest && ensureArray) { obj[key] = [value]; }
    else if (!dest) { obj[key] = value; }
    // if it was an array and not yet set
    else {
      if (isArr) {
        var oldIndex = dest.indexOf(value);
        // this item never changed its position
        if (oldIndex === index) { return }
        // remove the item from its old position
        if (oldIndex !== -1) { dest.splice(oldIndex, 1); }
        // move or add the item
        if (hasIndex) {
          dest.splice(index, 0, value);
        } else {
      } else { obj[key] = [dest, value]; }

   * Detect the tag implementation by a DOM node
   * @param   { Object } dom - DOM node we need to parse to get its tag implementation
   * @returns { Object } it returns an object containing the implementation of a custom tag (template and boot function)
  function get(dom) {
    return dom.tagName && __TAG_IMPL[getAttribute(dom, IS_DIRECTIVE) ||
      getAttribute(dom, IS_DIRECTIVE) || dom.tagName.toLowerCase()]

   * Get the tag name of any DOM node
   * @param   { Object } dom - DOM node we want to parse
   * @param   { Boolean } skipDataIs - hack to ignore the data-is attribute when attaching to parent
   * @returns { String } name to identify this dom node in riot
  function getName(dom, skipDataIs) {
    var child = get(dom);
    var namedTag = !skipDataIs && getAttribute(dom, IS_DIRECTIVE);
    return namedTag && !tmpl.hasExpr(namedTag) ?
      namedTag : child ? : dom.tagName.toLowerCase()

   * Return a temporary context containing also the parent properties
   * @this Tag
   * @param { Tag } - temporary tag context containing all the parent properties
  function inheritParentProps() {
    if (this.parent) { return extend(create(this), this.parent) }
    return this

    Includes hacks needed for the Internet Explorer version 9 and below

    reHasYield  = /|>([\S\s]*?)<\/yield\s*>|>)/ig,
    reYieldSrc  = /]*)['"]\s*>([\S\s]*?)<\/yield\s*>/ig,
    reYieldDest = /|>([\S\s]*?)<\/yield\s*>)/ig,
    rootEls = { tr: 'tbody', th: 'tr', td: 'tr', col: 'colgroup' },
    GENERIC = 'div',
    SVG = 'svg';

    Creates the root element for table or select child elements:
  function specialTags(el, tmpl, tagName) {

      select = tagName[0] === 'o',
      parent = select ? 'select>' : 'table>';

    // trim() is important here, this ensures we don't have artifacts,
    // so we can check if we have only one element inside the parent
    el.innerHTML = '<' + parent + tmpl.trim() + ' 0 ) mixins[ len ] = arguments[ len + 1 ];

    each(mixins, function (mix) {
      var instance;
      var obj;
      var props = [];

      // properties blacklisted and will not be bound to the tag instance
      var propsBlacklist = ['init', '__proto__'];

      mix = isString(mix) ? mixin(mix) : mix;

      // check if the mixin is a function
      if (isFunction(mix)) {
        // create the new mixin instance
        instance = new mix();
      } else { instance = mix; }

      var proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(instance);

      // build multilevel prototype inheritance chain property list
      do { props = props.concat(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj || instance)); }
      while (obj = Object.getPrototypeOf(obj || instance))

      // loop the keys in the function prototype or the all object keys
      each(props, function (key) {
        // bind methods to tag
        // allow mixins to override other properties/parent mixins
        if (!contains(propsBlacklist, key)) {
          // check for getters/setters
          var descriptor = getPropDescriptor(instance, key) || getPropDescriptor(proto, key);
          var hasGetterSetter = descriptor && (descriptor.get || descriptor.set);

          // apply method only if it does not already exist on the instance
          if (!tag$$1.hasOwnProperty(key) && hasGetterSetter) {
            Object.defineProperty(tag$$1, key, descriptor);
          } else {
            tag$$1[key] = isFunction(instance[key]) ?
              instance[key].bind(tag$$1) :

      // init method will be called automatically
      if (instance.init)
        { instance.init.bind(tag$$1)(tag$$1.opts); }

    return tag$$1

   * Move the position of a custom tag in its parent tag
   * @this Tag
   * @param   { String } tagName - key where the tag was stored
   * @param   { Number } newPos - index where the new tag will be stored
  function moveChild(tagName, newPos) {
    var parent = this.parent;
    var tags;
    // no parent no move
    if (!parent) { return }

    tags = parent.tags[tagName];

    if (isArray(tags))
      { tags.splice(newPos, 0, tags.splice(tags.indexOf(this), 1)[0]); }
    else { arrayishAdd(parent.tags, tagName, this); }

   * Move virtual tag and all child nodes
   * @this Tag
   * @param { Node } src  - the node that will do the inserting
   * @param { Tag } target - insert before this tag's first child
  function moveVirtual(src, target) {
    var this$1 = this;

    var el = this.__.head;
    var sib;
    var frag = createFragment();

    while (el) {
      sib = el.nextSibling;
      el = sib;
      if (el === this$1.__.tail) {
        src.insertBefore(frag, target.__.head);

   * Convert the item looped into an object used to extend the child tag properties
   * @param   { Object } expr - object containing the keys used to extend the children tags
   * @param   { * } key - value to assign to the new object returned
   * @param   { * } val - value containing the position of the item in the array
   * @returns { Object } - new object containing the values of the original item
   * The variables 'key' and 'val' are arbitrary.
   * They depend on the collection type looped (Array, Object)
   * and on the expression used on the each tag
  function mkitem(expr, key, val) {
    var item = {};
    item[expr.key] = key;
    if (expr.pos) { item[expr.pos] = val; }
    return item

   * Unmount the redundant tags
   * @param   { Array } items - array containing the current items to loop
   * @param   { Array } tags - array containing all the children tags
  function unmountRedundant(items, tags, filteredItemsCount) {
    var i = tags.length;
    var j = items.length - filteredItemsCount;

    while (i > j) {
      remove.apply(tags[i], [tags, i]);

   * Remove a child tag
   * @this Tag
   * @param   { Array } tags - tags collection
   * @param   { Number } i - index of the tag to remove
  function remove(tags, i) {
    tags.splice(i, 1);
    arrayishRemove(this.parent, this, this.__.tagName, true);

   * Move the nested custom tags in non custom loop tags
   * @this Tag
   * @param   { Number } i - current position of the loop tag
  function moveNestedTags(i) {
    var this$1 = this;

    each(Object.keys(this.tags), function (tagName) {
      moveChild.apply(this$1.tags[tagName], [tagName, i]);

   * Move a child tag
   * @this Tag
   * @param   { HTMLElement } root - dom node containing all the loop children
   * @param   { Tag } nextTag - instance of the next tag preceding the one we want to move
   * @param   { Boolean } isVirtual - is it a virtual tag?
  function move(root, nextTag, isVirtual) {
    if (isVirtual)
      { moveVirtual.apply(this, [root, nextTag]); }
      { safeInsert(root, this.root, nextTag.root); }

   * Insert and mount a child tag
   * @this Tag
   * @param   { HTMLElement } root - dom node containing all the loop children
   * @param   { Tag } nextTag - instance of the next tag preceding the one we want to insert
   * @param   { Boolean } isVirtual - is it a virtual tag?
  function insert(root, nextTag, isVirtual) {
    if (isVirtual)
      { makeVirtual.apply(this, [root, nextTag]); }
      { safeInsert(root, this.root, nextTag.root); }

   * Append a new tag into the DOM
   * @this Tag
   * @param   { HTMLElement } root - dom node containing all the loop children
   * @param   { Boolean } isVirtual - is it a virtual tag?
  function append(root, isVirtual) {
    if (isVirtual)
      {, root); }
      { root.appendChild(this.root); }

   * Return the value we want to use to lookup the postion of our items in the collection
   * @param   { String }  keyAttr         - lookup string or expression
   * @param   { * }       originalItem    - original item from the collection
   * @param   { Object }  keyedItem       - object created by riot via { item, i in collection }
   * @param   { Boolean } hasKeyAttrExpr  - flag to check whether the key is an expression
   * @returns { * } value that we will use to figure out the item position via collection.indexOf
  function getItemId(keyAttr, originalItem, keyedItem, hasKeyAttrExpr) {
    if (keyAttr) {
      return hasKeyAttrExpr ?  tmpl(keyAttr, keyedItem) :  originalItem[keyAttr]

    return originalItem

   * Manage tags having the 'each'
   * @param   { HTMLElement } dom - DOM node we need to loop
   * @param   { Tag } parent - parent tag instance where the dom node is contained
   * @param   { String } expr - string contained in the 'each' attribute
   * @returns { Object } expression object for this each loop
  function _each(dom, parent, expr) {
    var mustReorder = typeof getAttribute(dom, LOOP_NO_REORDER_DIRECTIVE) !== T_STRING || removeAttribute(dom, LOOP_NO_REORDER_DIRECTIVE);
    var keyAttr = getAttribute(dom, KEY_DIRECTIVE);
    var hasKeyAttrExpr = keyAttr ? tmpl.hasExpr(keyAttr) : false;
    var tagName = getName(dom);
    var impl = __TAG_IMPL[tagName];
    var parentNode = dom.parentNode;
    var placeholder = createDOMPlaceholder();
    var child = get(dom);
    var ifExpr = getAttribute(dom, CONDITIONAL_DIRECTIVE);
    var tags = [];
    var isLoop = true;
    var innerHTML = dom.innerHTML;
    var isAnonymous = !__TAG_IMPL[tagName];
    var isVirtual = dom.tagName === 'VIRTUAL';
    var oldItems = [];

    // remove the each property from the original tag
    removeAttribute(dom, LOOP_DIRECTIVE);
    removeAttribute(dom, KEY_DIRECTIVE);

    // parse the each expression
    expr = tmpl.loopKeys(expr);
    expr.isLoop = true;

    if (ifExpr) { removeAttribute(dom, CONDITIONAL_DIRECTIVE); }

    // insert a marked where the loop tags will be injected
    parentNode.insertBefore(placeholder, dom);

    expr.update = function updateEach() {
      // get the new items collection
      expr.value = tmpl(expr.val, parent);

      var items = expr.value;
      var frag = createFragment();
      var isObject = !isArray(items) && !isString(items);
      var root = placeholder.parentNode;
      var tmpItems = [];
      var hasKeys = isObject && !!items;

      // if this DOM was removed the update here is useless
      // this condition fixes also a weird async issue on IE in our unit test
      if (!root) { return }

      // object loop. any changes cause full redraw
      if (isObject) {
        items = items ? Object.keys(items).map(function (key) { return mkitem(expr, items[key], key); }) : [];

      // store the amount of filtered items
      var filteredItemsCount = 0;

      // loop all the new items
      each(items, function (_item, index) {
        var i = index - filteredItemsCount;
        var item = !hasKeys && expr.key ? mkitem(expr, _item, index) : _item;

        // skip this item because it must be filtered
        if (ifExpr && !tmpl(ifExpr, extend(create(parent), item))) {
          filteredItemsCount ++;

        var itemId = getItemId(keyAttr, _item, item, hasKeyAttrExpr);
        // reorder only if the items are not objects
        // or a key attribute has been provided
        var doReorder = !isObject && mustReorder && typeof _item === T_OBJECT || keyAttr;
        var oldPos = oldItems.indexOf(itemId);
        var isNew = oldPos === -1;
        var pos = !isNew && doReorder ? oldPos : i;
        // does a tag exist in this position?
        var tag = tags[pos];
        var mustAppend = i >= oldItems.length;
        var mustCreate = doReorder && isNew || !doReorder && !tag || !tags[i];

        // new tag
        if (mustCreate) {
          tag = createTag(impl, {
            parent: parent,
            isLoop: isLoop,
            isAnonymous: isAnonymous,
            tagName: tagName,
            root: dom.cloneNode(isAnonymous),
            item: item,
            index: i,
          }, innerHTML);

          // mount the tag

          if (mustAppend)
            { append.apply(tag, [frag || root, isVirtual]); }
            { insert.apply(tag, [root, tags[i], isVirtual]); }

          if (!mustAppend) { oldItems.splice(i, 0, item); }
          tags.splice(i, 0, tag);
          if (child) { arrayishAdd(parent.tags, tagName, tag, true); }
        } else if (pos !== i && doReorder) {
          // move
          if (keyAttr || contains(items, oldItems[pos])) {
            move.apply(tag, [root, tags[i], isVirtual]);
            // move the old tag instance
            tags.splice(i, 0, tags.splice(pos, 1)[0]);
            // move the old item
            oldItems.splice(i, 0, oldItems.splice(pos, 1)[0]);

          // update the position attribute if it exists
          if (expr.pos) { tag[expr.pos] = i; }

          // if the loop tags are not custom
          // we need to move all their custom tags into the right position
          if (!child && tag.tags) {, i); }

        // cache the original item to use it in the events bound to this node
        // and its children
        extend(tag.__, {
          item: item,
          index: i,
          parent: parent

        tmpItems[i] = itemId;

        if (!mustCreate) { tag.update(item); }

      // remove the redundant tags
      unmountRedundant(items, tags, filteredItemsCount);

      // clone the items array
      oldItems = tmpItems.slice();

      root.insertBefore(frag, placeholder);

    expr.unmount = function () {
      each(tags, function (t) { t.unmount(); });

    return expr

  var RefExpr = {
    init: function init(dom, parent, attrName, attrValue) {
      this.dom = dom;
      this.attr = attrName;
      this.rawValue = attrValue;
      this.parent = parent;
      this.hasExp = tmpl.hasExpr(attrValue);
      return this
    update: function update() {
      var old = this.value;
      var customParent = this.parent && getImmediateCustomParent(this.parent);
      // if the referenced element is a custom tag, then we set the tag itself, rather than DOM
      var tagOrDom = this.dom.__ref || this.tag || this.dom;

      this.value = this.hasExp ? tmpl(this.rawValue, this.parent) : this.rawValue;

      // the name changed, so we need to remove it from the old key (if present)
      if (!isBlank(old) && customParent) { arrayishRemove(customParent.refs, old, tagOrDom); }
      if (!isBlank(this.value) && isString(this.value)) {
        // add it to the refs of parent tag (this behavior was changed >=3.0)
        if (customParent) { arrayishAdd(
          // use an array if it's a looped node and the ref is not an expression
        ); }

        if (this.value !== old) {
          setAttribute(this.dom, this.attr, this.value);
      } else {
        removeAttribute(this.dom, this.attr);

      // cache the ref bound to this dom node
      // to reuse it in future (see also #2329)
      if (!this.dom.__ref) { this.dom.__ref = tagOrDom; }
    unmount: function unmount() {
      var tagOrDom = this.tag || this.dom;
      var customParent = this.parent && getImmediateCustomParent(this.parent);
      if (!isBlank(this.value) && customParent)
        { arrayishRemove(customParent.refs, this.value, tagOrDom); }

   * Create a new ref directive
   * @param   { HTMLElement } dom - dom node having the ref attribute
   * @param   { Tag } context - tag instance where the DOM node is located
   * @param   { String } attrName - either 'ref' or 'data-ref'
   * @param   { String } attrValue - value of the ref attribute
   * @returns { RefExpr } a new RefExpr object
  function createRefDirective(dom, tag, attrName, attrValue) {
    return create(RefExpr).init(dom, tag, attrName, attrValue)

   * Trigger the unmount method on all the expressions
   * @param   { Array } expressions - DOM expressions
  function unmountAll(expressions) {
    each(expressions, function (expr) {
      if (expr.unmount) { expr.unmount(true); }
      else if (expr.tagName) { expr.tag.unmount(true); }
      else if (expr.unmount) { expr.unmount(); }

  var IfExpr = {
    init: function init(dom, tag, expr) {
      removeAttribute(dom, CONDITIONAL_DIRECTIVE);
      extend(this, { tag: tag, expr: expr, stub: createDOMPlaceholder(), pristine: dom });
      var p = dom.parentNode;
      p.insertBefore(this.stub, dom);

      return this
    update: function update$$1() {
      this.value = tmpl(this.expr, this.tag);

      if (!this.stub.parentNode) { return }

      if (this.value && !this.current) { // insert
        this.current = this.pristine.cloneNode(true);
        this.stub.parentNode.insertBefore(this.current, this.stub);
        this.expressions = parseExpressions.apply(this.tag, [this.current, true]);
      } else if (!this.value && this.current) { // remove
        this.current = null;
        this.expressions = [];

      if (this.value) {, this.expressions); }
    unmount: function unmount() {
      if (this.current) {
        if (this.current._tag) {
        } else if (this.current.parentNode) {

      unmountAll(this.expressions || []);

   * Create a new if directive
   * @param   { HTMLElement } dom - if root dom node
   * @param   { Tag } context - tag instance where the DOM node is located
   * @param   { String } attr - if expression
   * @returns { IFExpr } a new IfExpr object
  function createIfDirective(dom, tag, attr) {
    return create(IfExpr).init(dom, tag, attr)

   * Walk the tag DOM to detect the expressions to evaluate
   * @this Tag
   * @param   { HTMLElement } root - root tag where we will start digging the expressions
   * @param   { Boolean } mustIncludeRoot - flag to decide whether the root must be parsed as well
   * @returns { Array } all the expressions found
  function parseExpressions(root, mustIncludeRoot) {
    var this$1 = this;

    var expressions = [];

    walkNodes(root, function (dom) {
      var type = dom.nodeType;
      var attr;
      var tagImpl;

      if (!mustIncludeRoot && dom === root) { return }

      // text node
      if (type === 3 && dom.parentNode.tagName !== 'STYLE' && tmpl.hasExpr(dom.nodeValue))
        { expressions.push({dom: dom, expr: dom.nodeValue}); }

      if (type !== 1) { return }

      var isVirtual = dom.tagName === 'VIRTUAL';

      // loop. each does it's own thing (for now)
      if (attr = getAttribute(dom, LOOP_DIRECTIVE)) {
        if(isVirtual) { setAttribute(dom, 'loopVirtual', true); } // ignore here, handled in _each
        expressions.push(_each(dom, this$1, attr));
        return false

      // if-attrs become the new parent. Any following expressions (either on the current
      // element, or below it) become children of this expression.
      if (attr = getAttribute(dom, CONDITIONAL_DIRECTIVE)) {
        expressions.push(createIfDirective(dom, this$1, attr));
        return false

      if (attr = getAttribute(dom, IS_DIRECTIVE)) {
        if (tmpl.hasExpr(attr)) {
            isRtag: true,
            expr: attr,
            dom: dom,
            attrs: []

          return false

      // if this is a tag, stop traversing here.
      // we ignore the root, since parseExpressions is called while we're mounting that root
      tagImpl = get(dom);

      if(isVirtual) {
        if(getAttribute(dom, 'virtualized')) {dom.parentElement.removeChild(dom); } // tag created, remove from dom
        if(!tagImpl && !getAttribute(dom, 'virtualized') && !getAttribute(dom, 'loopVirtual'))  // ok to create virtual tag
          { tagImpl = { tmpl: dom.outerHTML }; }

      if (tagImpl && (dom !== root || mustIncludeRoot)) {
        var hasIsDirective = getAttribute(dom, IS_DIRECTIVE);
        if(isVirtual && !hasIsDirective) { // handled in update
          // can not remove attribute like directives
          // so flag for removal after creation to prevent maximum stack error
          setAttribute(dom, 'virtualized', true);
          var tag = createTag(
            {tmpl: dom.outerHTML},
            {root: dom, parent: this$1},

          expressions.push(tag); // no return, anonymous tag, keep parsing
        } else {
          if (hasIsDirective && isVirtual)
            { warn(("Virtual tags shouldn't be used together with the \"" + IS_DIRECTIVE + "\" attribute -")); }

                root: dom,
                parent: this$1
          return false

      // attribute expressions
      parseAttributes.apply(this$1, [dom, dom.attributes, function (attr, expr) {
        if (!expr) { return }

    return expressions

   * Calls `fn` for every attribute on an element. If that attr has an expression,
   * it is also passed to fn.
   * @this Tag
   * @param   { HTMLElement } dom - dom node to parse
   * @param   { Array } attrs - array of attributes
   * @param   { Function } fn - callback to exec on any iteration
  function parseAttributes(dom, attrs, fn) {
    var this$1 = this;

    each(attrs, function (attr) {
      if (!attr) { return false }

      var name =;
      var bool = isBoolAttr(name);
      var expr;

      if (contains(REF_DIRECTIVES, name) && dom.tagName.toLowerCase() !== YIELD_TAG) {
        expr =  createRefDirective(dom, this$1, name, attr.value);
      } else if (tmpl.hasExpr(attr.value)) {
        expr = {dom: dom, expr: attr.value, attr: name, bool: bool};

      fn(attr, expr);

   * Manage the mount state of a tag triggering also the observable events
   * @this Tag
   * @param { Boolean } value - ..of the isMounted flag
  function setMountState(value) {
    var ref = this.__;
    var isAnonymous = ref.isAnonymous;
    var skipAnonymous = ref.skipAnonymous;

    define(this, 'isMounted', value);

    if (!isAnonymous || !skipAnonymous) {
      if (value) { this.trigger('mount'); }
      else {
        this.__.wasCreated = false;

   * Mount the current tag instance
   * @returns { Tag } the current tag instance
  function componentMount(tag$$1, dom, expressions, opts) {
    var __ = tag$$1.__;
    var root = __.root;
    root._tag = tag$$1; // keep a reference to the tag just created

    // Read all the attrs on this instance. This give us the info we need for updateOpts
    parseAttributes.apply(__.parent, [root, root.attributes, function (attr, expr) {
      if (!__.isAnonymous && RefExpr.isPrototypeOf(expr)) { expr.tag = tag$$1; }
      attr.expr = expr;

    // update the root adding custom attributes coming from the compiler
    walkAttributes(__.impl.attrs, function (k, v) { __.implAttrs.push({name: k, value: v}); });
    parseAttributes.apply(tag$$1, [root, __.implAttrs, function (attr, expr) {
      if (expr) { expressions.push(expr); }
      else { setAttribute(root,, attr.value); }

    // initialiation
    updateOpts.apply(tag$$1, [__.isLoop, __.parent, __.isAnonymous, opts, __.instAttrs]);

    // add global mixins
    var globalMixin = mixin(GLOBAL_MIXIN);

    if (globalMixin && !__.skipAnonymous) {
      for (var i in globalMixin) {
        if (globalMixin.hasOwnProperty(i)) {

    if (__.impl.fn) {$$1, opts); }

    if (!__.skipAnonymous) { tag$$1.trigger('before-mount'); }

    // parse layout after init. fn may calculate args for nested custom tags
    each(parseExpressions.apply(tag$$1, [dom, __.isAnonymous]), function (e) { return expressions.push(e); });


    if (!__.isAnonymous && !__.isInline) {
      while (dom.firstChild) { root.appendChild(dom.firstChild); }

    define(tag$$1, 'root', root);

    // if we need to wait that the parent "mount" or "updated" event gets triggered
    if (!__.skipAnonymous && tag$$1.parent) {
      var p = getImmediateCustomParent(tag$$1.parent);!p.isMounted ? 'mount' : 'updated', function () {$$1, true);
    } else {
      // otherwise it's not a child tag we can trigger its mount event$$1, true);

    tag$$1.__.wasCreated = true;

    return tag$$1

   * Unmount the tag instance
   * @param { Boolean } mustKeepRoot - if it's true the root node will not be removed
   * @returns { Tag } the current tag instance
  function tagUnmount(tag, mustKeepRoot, expressions) {
    var __ = tag.__;
    var root = __.root;
    var tagIndex = __TAGS_CACHE.indexOf(tag);
    var p = root.parentNode;

    if (!__.skipAnonymous) { tag.trigger('before-unmount'); }

    // clear all attributes coming from the mounted tag
    walkAttributes(__.impl.attrs, function (name) {
      if (startsWith(name, ATTRS_PREFIX))
        { name = name.slice(ATTRS_PREFIX.length); }

      removeAttribute(root, name);

    // remove all the event listeners
    tag.__.listeners.forEach(function (dom) {
      Object.keys(dom[RIOT_EVENTS_KEY]).forEach(function (eventName) {
        dom.removeEventListener(eventName, dom[RIOT_EVENTS_KEY][eventName]);

    // remove tag instance from the global tags cache collection
    if (tagIndex !== -1) { __TAGS_CACHE.splice(tagIndex, 1); }

    // clean up the parent tags object
    if (__.parent && !__.isAnonymous) {
      var ptag = getImmediateCustomParent(__.parent);

      if (__.isVirtual) {
          .forEach(function (tagName) { return arrayishRemove(ptag.tags, tagName, tag.tags[tagName]); });
      } else {
        arrayishRemove(ptag.tags, __.tagName, tag);

    // unmount all the virtual directives
    if (tag.__.virts) {
      each(tag.__.virts, function (v) {
        if (v.parentNode) { v.parentNode.removeChild(v); }

    // allow expressions to unmount themselves
    each(__.instAttrs, function (a) { return a.expr && a.expr.unmount && a.expr.unmount(); });

    // clear the tag html if it's necessary
    if (mustKeepRoot) { setInnerHTML(root, ''); }
    // otherwise detach the root tag from the DOM
    else if (p) { p.removeChild(root); }

    // custom internal unmount function to avoid relying on the observable
    if (__.onUnmount) { __.onUnmount(); }

    // weird fix for a weird edge case #2409 and #2436
    // some users might use your software not as you've expected
    // so I need to add these dirty hacks to mitigate unexpected issues
    if (!tag.isMounted) {, true); }, false);

    delete root._tag;

    return tag

   * Tag creation factory function
   * @constructor
   * @param { Object } impl - it contains the tag template, and logic
   * @param { Object } conf - tag options
   * @param { String } innerHTML - html that eventually we need to inject in the tag
  function createTag(impl, conf, innerHTML) {
    if ( impl === void 0 ) impl = {};
    if ( conf === void 0 ) conf = {};

    var tag = conf.context || {};
    var opts = conf.opts || {};
    var parent = conf.parent;
    var isLoop = conf.isLoop;
    var isAnonymous = !!conf.isAnonymous;
    var skipAnonymous = settings.skipAnonymousTags && isAnonymous;
    var item = conf.item;
    // available only for the looped nodes
    var index = conf.index;
    // All attributes on the Tag when it's first parsed
    var instAttrs = [];
    // expressions on this type of Tag
    var implAttrs = [];
    var tmpl = impl.tmpl;
    var expressions = [];
    var root = conf.root;
    var tagName = conf.tagName || getName(root);
    var isVirtual = tagName === 'virtual';
    var isInline = !isVirtual && !tmpl;
    var dom;

    if (isInline || isLoop && isAnonymous) {
      dom = root;
    } else {
      if (!isVirtual) { root.innerHTML = ''; }
      dom = mkdom(tmpl, innerHTML, isSvg(root));

    // make this tag observable
    if (!skipAnonymous) { observable(tag); }

    // only call unmount if we have a valid __TAG_IMPL (has name property)
    if ( && root._tag) { root._tag.unmount(true); }

    define(tag, '__', {
      impl: impl,
      root: root,
      skipAnonymous: skipAnonymous,
      implAttrs: implAttrs,
      isAnonymous: isAnonymous,
      instAttrs: instAttrs,
      innerHTML: innerHTML,
      tagName: tagName,
      index: index,
      isLoop: isLoop,
      isInline: isInline,
      item: item,
      parent: parent,
      // tags having event listeners
      // it would be better to use weak maps here but we can not introduce breaking changes now
      listeners: [],
      // these vars will be needed only for the virtual tags
      virts: [],
      wasCreated: false,
      tail: null,
      head: null

    // tag protected properties
    return [
      ['isMounted', false],
      // create a unique id to this tag
      // it could be handy to use it also to improve the virtual dom rendering speed
      ['_riot_id', uid()],
      ['root', root],
      ['opts', opts, { writable: true, enumerable: true }],
      ['parent', parent || null],
      // protect the "tags" and "refs" property from being overridden
      ['tags', {}],
      ['refs', {}],
      ['update', function (data) { return componentUpdate(tag, data, expressions); }],
      ['mixin', function () {
        var mixins = [], len = arguments.length;
        while ( len-- ) mixins[ len ] = arguments[ len ];

        return componentMixin.apply(void 0, [ tag ].concat( mixins ));
      ['mount', function () { return componentMount(tag, dom, expressions, opts); }],
      ['unmount', function (mustKeepRoot) { return tagUnmount(tag, mustKeepRoot, expressions); }]
    ].reduce(function (acc, ref) {
      var key = ref[0];
      var value = ref[1];
      var opts = ref[2];

      define(tag, key, value, opts);
      return acc
    }, extend(tag, item))

   * Mount a tag creating new Tag instance
   * @param   { Object } root - dom node where the tag will be mounted
   * @param   { String } tagName - name of the riot tag we want to mount
   * @param   { Object } opts - options to pass to the Tag instance
   * @param   { Object } ctx - optional context that will be used to extend an existing class ( used in riot.Tag )
   * @returns { Tag } a new Tag instance
  function mount$1(root, tagName, opts, ctx) {
    var impl = __TAG_IMPL[tagName];
    var implClass = __TAG_IMPL[tagName].class;
    var context = ctx || (implClass ? create(implClass.prototype) : {});
    // cache the inner HTML to fix #855
    var innerHTML = root._innerHTML = root._innerHTML || root.innerHTML;
    var conf = extend({ root: root, opts: opts, context: context }, { parent: opts ? opts.parent : null });
    var tag;

    if (impl && root) { tag = createTag(impl, conf, innerHTML); }

    if (tag && tag.mount) {
      // add this tag to the virtualDom variable
      if (!contains(__TAGS_CACHE, tag)) { __TAGS_CACHE.push(tag); }

    return tag

  var tags = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
    arrayishAdd: arrayishAdd,
    getTagName: getName,
    inheritParentProps: inheritParentProps,
    mountTo: mount$1,
    selectTags: query,
    arrayishRemove: arrayishRemove,
    getTag: get,
    initChildTag: initChild,
    moveChildTag: moveChild,
    makeReplaceVirtual: makeReplaceVirtual,
    getImmediateCustomParentTag: getImmediateCustomParent,
    makeVirtual: makeVirtual,
    moveVirtual: moveVirtual,
    unmountAll: unmountAll,
    createIfDirective: createIfDirective,
    createRefDirective: createRefDirective

   * Riot public api
  var settings$1 = settings;
  var util = {
    tmpl: tmpl,
    brackets: brackets,
    styleManager: styleManager,
    vdom: __TAGS_CACHE,
    styleNode: styleManager.styleNode,
    // export the riot internal utils as well
    dom: dom,
    check: check,
    misc: misc,
    tags: tags

  // export the core props/methods
  var Tag$1 = Tag;
  var tag$1 = tag;
  var tag2$1 = tag2;
  var mount$2 = mount;
  var mixin$1 = mixin;
  var update$2 = update$1;
  var unregister$1 = unregister;
  var version$1 = version;
  var observable$1 = observable;

  var riot$1 = extend({}, core, {
    observable: observable,
    settings: settings$1,
    util: util,

  var riot$2 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
    settings: settings$1,
    util: util,
    Tag: Tag$1,
    tag: tag$1,
    tag2: tag2$1,
    mount: mount$2,
    mixin: mixin$1,
    update: update$2,
    unregister: unregister$1,
    version: version$1,
    observable: observable$1,
    default: riot$1

   * Compiler for riot custom tags
   * @version v3.5.2

  // istanbul ignore next
  function safeRegex (re) {
    var arguments$1 = arguments;

    var src = re.source;
    var opt = ? 'g' : '';

    if (re.ignoreCase) { opt += 'i'; }
    if (re.multiline)  { opt += 'm'; }

    for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
      src = src.replace('@', '\\' + arguments$1[i]);

    return new RegExp(src, opt)

   * @module parsers
  var parsers = (function (win) {

    var _p = {};

    function _r (name) {
      var parser = win[name];

      if (parser) { return parser }

      throw new Error('Parser "' + name + '" not loaded.')

    function _req (name) {
      var parts = name.split('.');

      if (parts.length !== 2) { throw new Error('Bad format for parsers._req') }

      var parser = _p[parts[0]][parts[1]];
      if (parser) { return parser }

      throw new Error('Parser "' + name + '" not found.')

    function extend (obj, props) {
      if (props) {
        for (var prop in props) {
          /* istanbul ignore next */
          if (props.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
            obj[prop] = props[prop];
      return obj

    function renderPug (compilerName, html, opts, url) {
      opts = extend({
        pretty: true,
        filename: url,
        doctype: 'html'
      }, opts);
      return _r(compilerName).render(html, opts)

    _p.html = {
      jade: function (html, opts, url) {
        /* eslint-disable */
        console.log('DEPRECATION WARNING: jade was renamed "pug" - The jade parser will be removed in [email protected]!');
        /* eslint-enable */
        return renderPug('jade', html, opts, url)
      pug: function (html, opts, url) {
        return renderPug('pug', html, opts, url)
    _p.css = {
      less: function (tag, css, opts, url) {
        var ret;

        opts = extend({
          sync: true,
          syncImport: true,
          filename: url
        }, opts);
        _r('less').render(css, opts, function (err, result) {
          // istanbul ignore next
          if (err) { throw err }
          ret = result.css;
        return ret
    _p.js = {

      es6: function (js, opts, url) {   // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
        return _r('Babel').transform( // eslint-disable-line
            plugins: [
              ['transform-es2015-template-literals', { loose: true }],
              ['transform-es2015-classes', { loose: true }],
              ['transform-es2015-computed-properties', { loose: true }],
              ['transform-es2015-for-of', { loose: true }],
              ['transform-es2015-spread', { loose: true }],
              ['transform-es2015-destructuring', { loose: true }],
              ['transform-es2015-modules-commonjs', { allowTopLevelThis: true }],
              ['transform-regenerator', { async: false, asyncGenerators: false }]
      buble: function (js, opts, url) {
        opts = extend({
          source: url,
          modules: false
        }, opts);
        return _r('buble').transform(js, opts).code
      coffee: function (js, opts) {
        return _r('CoffeeScript').compile(js, extend({ bare: true }, opts))
      livescript: function (js, opts) {
        return _r('livescript').compile(js, extend({ bare: true, header: false }, opts))
      typescript: function (js, opts) {
        return _r('typescript')(js, opts)
      none: function (js) {
        return js
    _p.js.javascript   = _p.js.none;
    _p.js.coffeescript =;
    _p._req  = _req;
    _p.utils = {
      extend: extend

    return _p

  })(window || global);

  var S_SQ_STR = /'[^'\n\r\\]*(?:\\(?:\r\n?|[\S\s])[^'\n\r\\]*)*'/.source;

  var S_R_SRC1 = [
    S_SQ_STR.replace(/'/g, '"'),

  var S_R_SRC2 = (S_R_SRC1.slice(0, -2)) + "{}])";

  function skipES6str (code, start, stack) {

    var re = /[`$\\]/g;

    re.lastIndex = start;
    while (re.exec(code)) {
      var end = re.lastIndex;
      var c = code[end - 1];

      if (c === '`') {
        return end
      if (c === '$' && code[end] === '{') {
        stack.push('`', '}');
        return end + 1

    throw new Error('Unclosed ES6 template')

  function jsSplitter (code, start) {

    var re1 = new RegExp(S_R_SRC1, 'g');
    var re2;

    /* istanbul ignore next */
  var skipRegex = brackets.skipRegex;
    var offset = start | 0;
    var result = [[]];
    var stack = [];
    var re = re1;

    var lastPos = re.lastIndex = offset;
    var str, ch, idx, end, match;

    while ((match = re.exec(code))) {
      idx = match.index;
      end = re.lastIndex;
      str = '';
      ch = match[1];

      if (ch) {

        if (ch === '{') {

        } else if (ch === '}') {
          if (stack.pop() !== ch) {
            throw new Error("Unexpected '}'")

          } else if (stack[stack.length - 1] === '`') {
            ch = stack.pop();

        } else if (ch === '/') {
          end = skipRegex(code, idx);

          if (end > idx + 1) {
            str = code.slice(idx, end);

        if (ch === '`') {
          end = skipES6str(code, end, stack);
          str = code.slice(idx, end);

          if (stack.length) {
            re = re2 || (re2 = new RegExp(S_R_SRC2, 'g'));
          } else {
            re = re1;

      } else {

        str = match[0];

        if (str[0] === '/') {
          str = str[1] === '*' ? ' ' : '';
          code = code.slice(offset, idx) + str + code.slice(end);
          end = idx + str.length;
          str = '';

        } else if (str.length === 2) {
          str = '';

      if (str) {
        result[0].push(code.slice(lastPos, idx));
        lastPos = end;

      re.lastIndex = end;


    return result

   * @module compiler

  var extend$1 = parsers.utils.extend;
  /* eslint-enable */

  var S_LINESTR = /"[^"\n\\]*(?:\\[\S\s][^"\n\\]*)*"|'[^'\n\\]*(?:\\[\S\s][^'\n\\]*)*'/.source;

  var S_STRINGS = brackets.R_STRINGS.source;

  var HTML_ATTRS = / *([-\w:\xA0-\xFF]+) ?(?:= ?('[^']*'|"[^"]*"|\S+))?/g;

  var HTML_COMMS = RegExp(//.source + '|' + S_LINESTR, 'g');

  var HTML_TAGS = /<(-?[A-Za-z][-\w\xA0-\xFF]*)(?:\s+([^"'/>]*(?:(?:"[^"]*"|'[^']*'|\/[^>])[^'"/>]*)*)|\s*)(\/?)>/g;

  var HTML_PACK = />[ \t]+<(-?[A-Za-z]|\/[-A-Za-z])/g;

  var RIOT_ATTRS = ['style', 'src', 'd', 'value'];

  var VOID_TAGS = /^(?:input|img|br|wbr|hr|area|base|col|embed|keygen|link|meta|param|source|track)$/;

  var PRE_TAGS = /]*|"[^"]*")*)?>([\S\s]+?)<\/pre\s*>/gi;

  var SPEC_TYPES = /^"(?:number|date(?:time)?|time|month|email|color)\b/i;

  var IMPORT_STATEMENT = /^\s*import(?!\w|(\s)?\()(?:(?:\s|[^\s'"])*)['|"].*\n?/gm;

  var TRIM_TRAIL = /[ \t]+$/gm;

    RE_HASEXPR = safeRegex(/@#\d/, 'x01'),
    RE_REPEXPR = safeRegex(/@#(\d+)/g, 'x01'),
    CH_IDEXPR  = '\x01#',
    CH_DQCODE  = '\u2057',
    DQ = '"',
    SQ = "'";

  function cleanSource (src) {
      re = HTML_COMMS;

    if (src.indexOf('\r') !== 1) {
      src = src.replace(/\r\n?/g, '\n');

    re.lastIndex = 0;
    while ((mm = re.exec(src))) {
      if (mm[0][0] === '<') {
        src = RegExp.leftContext + RegExp.rightContext;
        re.lastIndex = mm[3] + 1;
    return src

  function parseAttribs (str, pcex) {
      list = [],
      type, vexp;

    HTML_ATTRS.lastIndex = 0;

    str = str.replace(/\s+/g, ' ');

    while ((match = HTML_ATTRS.exec(str))) {
        k = match[1].toLowerCase(),
        v = match[2];

      if (!v) {
      } else {

        if (v[0] !== DQ) {
          v = DQ + (v[0] === SQ ? v.slice(1, -1) : v) + DQ;

        if (k === 'type' && SPEC_TYPES.test(v)) {
          type = v;
        } else {
          if (RE_HASEXPR.test(v)) {

            if (k === 'value') { vexp = 1; }
            if (RIOT_ATTRS.indexOf(k) !== -1) { k = 'riot-' + k; }

          list.push(k + '=' + v);

    if (type) {
      if (vexp) { type = DQ + pcex._bp[0] + SQ + type.slice(1, -1) + SQ + pcex._bp[1] + DQ; }
      list.push('type=' + type);
    return list.join(' ')

  function splitHtml (html, opts, pcex) {
    var _bp = pcex._bp;

    if (html && _bp[4].test(html)) {
        jsfn = opts.expr && (opts.parser || opts.type) ? _compileJS : 0,
        list = brackets.split(html, 0, _bp),

      for (var i = 1; i < list.length; i += 2) {
        expr = list[i];
        if (expr[0] === '^') {
          expr = expr.slice(1);
        } else if (jsfn) {
          expr = jsfn(expr, opts).trim();
          if (expr.slice(-1) === ';') { expr = expr.slice(0, -1); }
        list[i] = CH_IDEXPR + (pcex.push(expr) - 1) + _bp[1];
      html = list.join('');
    return html

  function restoreExpr (html, pcex) {
    if (pcex.length) {
      html = html.replace(RE_REPEXPR, function (_, d) {

        return pcex._bp[0] + pcex[d].trim().replace(/[\r\n]+/g, ' ').replace(/"/g, CH_DQCODE)
    return html

  function _compileHTML (html, opts, pcex) {
    if (!/\S/.test(html)) { return '' }

    html = splitHtml(html, opts, pcex)
      .replace(HTML_TAGS, function (_, name, attr, ends) {

        name = name.toLowerCase();

        ends = ends && !VOID_TAGS.test(name) ? '>'

    if (!opts.whitespace) {
      var p = [];

      if (/]/.test(html)) {
        html = html.replace(PRE_TAGS, function (q) {
          return '\u0002'

      html = html.trim().replace(/\s+/g, ' ');

      if (p.length) { html = html.replace(/\u0002/g, function () { return p.shift() }); } // eslint-disable-line

    if (opts.compact) { html = html.replace(HTML_PACK, '><$1'); }

    return restoreExpr(html, pcex).replace(TRIM_TRAIL, '')

  function compileHTML (html, opts, pcex) {

    if (Array.isArray(opts)) {
      pcex = opts;
      opts = {};
    } else {
      if (!pcex) { pcex = []; }
      if (!opts) { opts = {}; }

    pcex._bp = brackets.array(opts.brackets);

    return _compileHTML(cleanSource(html), opts, pcex)

  var JS_ES6SIGN = /^[ \t]*(((?:async|\*)\s*)?([$_A-Za-z][$\w]*))\s*\([^()]*\)\s*{/m;

  function riotjs (js) {
      parts = [],
      RE = RegExp;

    var src = jsSplitter(js);
    js = src.shift().join('<%>');

    while ((match = js.match(JS_ES6SIGN))) {

      js  = RE.rightContext;
      pos = skipBody(js);

      method = match[1];
      prefix = match[2] || '';
      name  = match[3];

      toes5 = !/^(?:if|while|for|switch|catch|function)$/.test(name);

      if (toes5) {
        name = match[0].replace(method, 'this.' + name + ' =' + prefix + ' function');
      } else {
        name = match[0];

      parts.push(name, js.slice(0, pos));
      js = js.slice(pos);

      if (toes5 && !/^\s*.\s*bind\b/.test(js)) { parts.push('.bind(this)'); }

    if (parts.length) {
      js = parts.join('') + js;

    if (src.length) {
      js = js.replace(/<%>/g, function () {
        return src.shift()

    return js

    function skipBody (s) {
      var r = /[{}]/g;
      var i = 1;

      while (i && r.exec(s)) {
        if (s[r.lastIndex - 1] === '{') { ++i; }
        else { --i; }
      return i ? s.length : r.lastIndex

  function _compileJS (js, opts, type, parserOpts, url) {
    if (!/\S/.test(js)) { return '' }
    if (!type) { type = opts.type; }

    var parser = opts.parser || type && parsers._req('js.' + type, true) || riotjs;

    return parser(js, parserOpts, url).replace(/\r\n?/g, '\n').replace(TRIM_TRAIL, '')

  function compileJS (js, opts, type, userOpts) {
    if (typeof opts === 'string') {
      userOpts = type;
      type = opts;
      opts = {};
    if (type && typeof type === 'object') {
      userOpts = type;
      type = '';
    if (!userOpts) { userOpts = {}; }

    return _compileJS(js, opts || {}, type, userOpts.parserOptions, userOpts.url)

  var CSS_SELECTOR = RegExp('([{}]|^)[; ]*((?:[^@ ;{}][^{}]*)?[^@ ;{}:] ?)(?={)|' + S_LINESTR, 'g');

  function scopedCSS (tag, css) {
    var scope = ':scope';

    return css.replace(CSS_SELECTOR, function (m, p1, p2) {

      if (!p2) { return m }

      p2 = p2.replace(/[^,]+/g, function (sel) {
        var s = sel.trim();

        if (s.indexOf(tag) === 0) {
          return sel

        if (!s || s === 'from' || s === 'to' || s.slice(-1) === '%') {
          return sel

        if (s.indexOf(scope) < 0) {
          s = tag + ' ' + s + ',[data-is="' + tag + '"] ' + s;
        } else {
          s = s.replace(scope, tag) + ',' +
              s.replace(scope, '[data-is="' + tag + '"]');
        return s

      return p1 ? p1 + ' ' + p2 : p2

  function _compileCSS (css, tag, type, opts) {
    opts = opts || {};

    if (type) {
      if (type !== 'css') {

        var parser = parsers._req('css.' + type, true);
        css = parser(tag, css, opts.parserOpts || {}, opts.url);

    css = css.replace(brackets.R_MLCOMMS, '').replace(/\s+/g, ' ').trim();
    if (tag) { css = scopedCSS(tag, css); }

    return css

  function compileCSS (css, type, opts) {
    if (type && typeof type === 'object') {
      opts = type;
      type = '';
    } else if (!opts) { opts = {}; }

    return _compileCSS(css, opts.tagName, type, opts)

  var TYPE_ATTR = /\stype\s*=\s*(?:(['"])(.+?)\1|(\S+))/i;

  var MISC_ATTR = '\\s*=\\s*(' + S_STRINGS + '|{[^}]+}|\\S+)';

  var END_TAGS = /\/>\n|^<(?:\/?-?[A-Za-z][-\w\xA0-\xFF]*\s*|-?[A-Za-z][-\w\xA0-\xFF]*\s+[-\w:\xA0-\xFF][\S\s]*?)>\n/;

  function _q (s, r) {
    if (!s) { return "''" }
    s = SQ + s.replace(/\\/g, '\\\\').replace(/'/g, "\\'") + SQ;
    return r && s.indexOf('\n') !== -1 ? s.replace(/\n/g, '\\n') : s

  function mktag (name, html, css, attr, js, imports, opts) {
      c = opts.debug ? ',\n  ' : ', ',
      s = '});';

    if (js && js.slice(-1) !== '\n') { s = '\n' + s; }

    return imports + 'riot.tag2(\'' + name + SQ +
      c + _q(html, 1) +
      c + _q(css) +
      c + _q(attr) + ', function(opts) {\n' + js + s

  function splitBlocks (str) {
    if (/<[-\w]/.test(str)) {
        k = str.lastIndexOf('<'),
        n = str.length;

      while (k !== -1) {
        m = str.slice(k, n).match(END_TAGS);
        if (m) {
          k += m.index + m[0].length;
          m = str.slice(0, k);
          if (m.slice(-5) === '<-/>\n') { m = m.slice(0, -5); }
          return [m, str.slice(k)]
        n = k;
        k = str.lastIndexOf('<', k - 1);
    return ['', str]

  function getType (attribs) {
    if (attribs) {
      var match = attribs.match(TYPE_ATTR);

      match = match && (match[2] || match[3]);
      if (match) {
        return match.replace('text/', '')
    return ''

  function getAttrib (attribs, name) {
    if (attribs) {
      var match = attribs.match(RegExp('\\s' + name + MISC_ATTR, 'i'));

      match = match && match[1];
      if (match) {
        return (/^['"]/).test(match) ? match.slice(1, -1) : match
    return ''

  function unescapeHTML (str) {
    return str
      .replace(/&/g, '&')
      .replace(/</g, '<')
      .replace(/>/g, '>')
      .replace(/"/g, '"')
      .replace(/'/g, '\'')

  function getParserOptions (attribs) {
    var opts = unescapeHTML(getAttrib(attribs, 'options'));

    return opts ? JSON.parse(opts) : null

  function getCode (code, opts, attribs, base) {
      type = getType(attribs),
      src  = getAttrib(attribs, 'src'),
      jsParserOptions = extend$1({}, opts.parserOptions.js);

    if (src) { return false }

    return _compileJS(
      extend$1(jsParserOptions, getParserOptions(attribs)),

  function cssCode (code, opts, attribs, url, tag) {
      parserStyleOptions = extend$1({},,
      extraOpts = {
        parserOpts: extend$1(parserStyleOptions, getParserOptions(attribs)),
        url: url

    return _compileCSS(code, tag, getType(attribs) ||, extraOpts)

  function compileTemplate (html, url, lang, opts) {

    var parser = parsers._req('html.' + lang, true);
    return parser(html, opts, url)


    CUST_TAG = RegExp(/^([ \t]*)<(-?[A-Za-z][-\w\xA0-\xFF]*)(?:\s+([^'"/>]+(?:(?:@|\/[^>])[^'"/>]*)*)|\s*)?(?:\/>|>[ \t]*\n?([\S\s]*)^\1<\/\2\s*>|>(.*)<\/\2\s*>)/
      .source.replace('@', S_STRINGS), 'gim'),

    SCRIPTS = /]*)?>\n?([\S\s]*?)<\/script\s*>/gi,

    STYLES = /]*)?>\n?([\S\s]*?)<\/style\s*>/gi;

  function compile (src, opts, url) {
      parts = [],
      output = src,
      defaultParserptions = {

        template: {},
        js: {},
        style: {}

    if (!opts) { opts = {}; }

    opts.parserOptions = extend$1(defaultParserptions, opts.parserOptions || {});

    included = opts.exclude
      ? function (s) { return opts.exclude.indexOf(s) < 0 } : function () { return 1 };

    if (!url) { url = ''; }

    var _bp = brackets.array(opts.brackets);

    if (opts.template) {
      output = compileTemplate(output, url, opts.template, opts.parserOptions.template);

    output = cleanSource(output)
      .replace(CUST_TAG, function (_, indent, tagName, attribs, body, body2) {
          jscode = '',
          styles = '',
          html = '',
          imports = '',
          pcex = [];

        pcex._bp = _bp;

        tagName = tagName.toLowerCase();

        attribs = attribs && included('attribs')
          ? restoreExpr(
              splitHtml(attribs, opts, pcex),
            pcex) : '';

        if ((body || (body = body2)) && /\S/.test(body)) {

          if (body2) {

            if (included('html')) { html = _compileHTML(body2, opts, pcex); }
          } else {

            body = body.replace(RegExp('^' + indent, 'gm'), '');

            body = body.replace(SCRIPTS, function (_m, _attrs, _script) {
              if (included('js')) {
                var code = getCode(_script, opts, _attrs, url);

                if (code) { jscode += (jscode ? '\n' : '') + code; }
              return ''

            body = body.replace(STYLES, function (_m, _attrs, _style) {
              if (included('css')) {
                styles += (styles ? ' ' : '') + cssCode(_style, opts, _attrs, url, tagName);
              return ''

            var blocks = splitBlocks(body.replace(TRIM_TRAIL, ''));

            if (included('html')) {
              html = _compileHTML(blocks[0], opts, pcex);

            if (included('js')) {
              body = _compileJS(blocks[1], opts, null, null, url);
              if (body) { jscode += (jscode ? '\n' : '') + body; }
              jscode = jscode.replace(IMPORT_STATEMENT, function (s) {
                imports += s.trim() + '\n';
                return ''

        jscode = /\S/.test(jscode) ? jscode.replace(/\n{3,}/g, '\n\n') : '';

        if (opts.entities) {
            tagName: tagName,
            html: html,
            css: styles,
            attribs: attribs,
            js: jscode,
            imports: imports
          return ''

        return mktag(tagName, html, styles, attribs, jscode, imports, opts)

    if (opts.entities) { return parts }

    return output

  var version$2 = 'v3.5.2';

  var compiler = {
    compile: compile,
    compileHTML: compileHTML,
    compileCSS: compileCSS,
    compileJS: compileJS,
    parsers: parsers,
    version: version$2

    promise,    // emits the 'ready' event and runs the first callback
    ready;       // all the scripts were compiled?

  // gets the source of an external tag with an async call
  function GET (url, fn, opts) {
    var req = new XMLHttpRequest();

    req.onreadystatechange = function () {
      if (req.readyState === 4) {
        if (req.status === 200 || !req.status && req.responseText.length) {
          fn(req.responseText, opts, url);
        } else {
          compile$1.error(("\"" + url + "\" not found"));

    req.onerror = function (e) { return compile$1.error(e); };'GET', url, true);

  // evaluates a compiled tag within the global context
  function globalEval (js, url) {
    if (typeof js === T_STRING) {
        node = makeElement('script'),
        root = document.documentElement;

      // make the source available in the "(no domain)" tab
      // of Chrome DevTools, with a .js extension
      if (url) { js += '\n//# sourceURL=' + url + '.js'; }

      node.text = js;

  // compiles all the internal and external tags on the page
  function compileScripts (fn, xopt) {
      scripts = $$('script[type="riot/tag"]'),
      scriptsAmount = scripts.length;

    function done() {
      ready = true;
      if (fn) { fn(); }

    function compileTag (src, opts, url) {
      var code = compiler.compile(src, opts, url);

      globalEval(code, url);
      if (!--scriptsAmount) { done(); }

    if (!scriptsAmount) { done(); }
    else {
      for (var i = 0; i < scripts.length; ++i) {
          script = scripts[i],
          opts = extend({template: getAttribute(script, 'template')}, xopt),
          url = getAttribute(script, 'src') || getAttribute(script, 'data-src');

        url ? GET(url, compileTag, opts) : compileTag(script.innerHTML, opts);

  var parsers$1 = compiler.parsers;

    Compilation for the browser
  function compile$1 (arg, fn, opts) {

    if (typeof arg === T_STRING) {

      // 2nd parameter is optional, but can be null
      if (isObject(fn)) {
        opts = fn;
        fn = false;

      // `riot.compile(tag [, callback | true][, options])`
      if (/^\s*

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