rwt.widgets.Shell.js Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2002, 2016 Innoopract Informationssysteme GmbH and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Innoopract Informationssysteme GmbH - initial API and implementation
* EclipseSource - ongoing development
rwt.qx.Class.define( "rwt.widgets.Shell", {
extend : rwt.widgets.base.Window,
include : rwt.animation.VisibilityAnimationMixin,
construct : function( styles ) {
this.base( arguments );
this.setShowMinimize( styles.MIN === true );
this.setAllowMinimize( styles.MIN === true );
this.setShowMaximize( styles.MAX === true );
this.setAllowMaximize(styles.MAX === true );
this.setShowClose( styles.CLOSE === true );
this.setAllowClose( styles.CLOSE === true );
this.setResizableWest( styles.RESIZE === true );
this.setResizableNorth( styles.RESIZE === true );
this.setResizableEast( styles.RESIZE === true );
this.setResizableSouth( styles.RESIZE === true );
this.setOverflow( "hidden" );
// Note: This prevents a laoyut-glitch on the ipad:
this.setRestrictToPageOnOpen( false );
// TODO [rh] HACK to set mode on Label that shows the caption, _captionTitle
// is a 'protected' field on class Window
this._captionTitle.setMode( "html" );
this._activeControl = null;
this._focusControl = null;
this._parentShell = null;
this._renderZIndex = true;
this._sendBoundsTimer = new rwt.client.Timer( 0 );
this._sendBoundsTimer.addEventListener( "interval", this._sendBounds, this );
this._sendMoveFlag = false;
this._sendResizeFlag = false;
this._sendResizeDelayed = false;
this.addEventListener( "changeActiveChild", this._onChangeActiveChild );
this.addEventListener( "changeFocusedChild", this._onChangeFocusedChild );
this.addEventListener( "changeActive", this._onChangeActive );
this.addEventListener( "changeLeft", this._onChangeLocation, this );
this.addEventListener( "changeTop", this._onChangeLocation, this );
this.addEventListener( "changeWidth", this._onChangeSize, this );
this.addEventListener( "changeHeight", this._onChangeSize, this );
this.addEventListener( "keydown", this._onKeydown );
var req = rwt.remote.Connection.getInstance();
req.addEventListener( "send", this._onSend, this );
this.getCaptionBar().setWidth( "100%" );
// [if] Listen for DOM event instead of qooxdoo event - see bug 294846.
this.removeEventListener( "mousedown", this._onwindowmousedown );
this.addEventListener( "create", this._onCreate, this );
this.__onwindowmousedown = rwt.util.Functions.bind( this._onwindowmousedown, this );
statics : {
TOP_LEFT : "topLeft",
TOP_RIGHT : "topRight",
BOTTOM_LEFT : "bottomLeft",
BOTTOM_RIGHT : "bottomRight",
_onParentClose : function() {
if( !rwt.remote.EventUtil.getSuspended() ) {
reorderShells : function( vWindowManager ) {
var shells = rwt.util.Objects.getValues( vWindowManager.getAll() );
shells = shells.sort( rwt.widgets.Shell._compareShells );
var vLength = shells.length;
var upperModalShell = null;
if( vLength > 0 ) {
var vTop = shells[ 0 ].getTopLevelWidget();
var vZIndex = rwt.widgets.Shell.MIN_ZINDEX;
for( var i = 0; i < vLength; i++ ) {
vZIndex += 10;
shells[ i ].setZIndex( vZIndex );
if( shells[ i ]._appModal && shells[ i ].getVisibility() && shells[ i ].getDisplay() ) {
upperModalShell = shells[ i ];
if( upperModalShell != null ) {
this._copyStates( upperModalShell, vTop._getBlocker() );
vTop._getBlocker().setZIndex( upperModalShell.getZIndex() - 1 );
} else {
rwt.widgets.Shell._upperModalShell = upperModalShell;
_copyStates : function( source, target ) {
target.__states = {};
for( var state in source.__states ) {
if( source._isRelevantState( state ) ) {
target.addState( state );
rwt.widgets.base.Widget.removeFromGlobalLayoutQueue( target );
* Compares two Shells regarding their desired z-order.
* Result is
* - positive if sh1 is higher
* - negative if sh2 is higher
* - zero if equal
_compareShells : function( sh1, sh2 ) {
var result = 0;
// check for dialog relationship
if( sh1.isDialogOf( sh2 ) ) {
result = 1;
} else if( sh2.isDialogOf( sh1 ) ) {
result = -1;
// compare by onTop property
if( result === 0 ) {
result = ( sh1._onTop ? 1 : 0 ) - ( sh2._onTop ? 1 : 0 );
// compare by appModal property
if( result === 0 ) {
result = ( sh1._appModal ? 1 : 0 ) - ( sh2._appModal ? 1 : 0 );
// compare by top-level parent's z-order
if( result === 0 ) {
var top1 = sh1.getTopLevelShell();
var top2 = sh2.getTopLevelShell();
result = top1.getZIndex() - top2.getZIndex();
// compare by actual z-order
if( result === 0 ) {
result = sh1.getZIndex() - sh2.getZIndex();
return result;
destruct : function() {
this.setParentShell( null );
var connection = rwt.remote.Connection.getInstance();
connection.removeEventListener( "send", this._onSend, this );
var document = rwt.widgets.base.ClientDocument.getInstance();
document.removeEventListener( "windowresize", this._onWindowResize, this );
if( this.isCreated() ) {
this.getElement().removeEventListener( "mousedown", this.__onwindowmousedown, false );
this._disposeObjects( "_sendBoundsTimer" );
members : {
destroy : function() {
this.getWindowManager().remove( this );
this.base( arguments );
_onCreate : function() {
this.getElement().addEventListener( "mousedown", this.__onwindowmousedown, false );
this.removeEventListener( "create", this._onCreate, this );
// [if] Override to prevent the new open shell to automaticaly become
// an active shell (see bug 297167).
_beforeAppear : function() { this );
var activeWindow = this.getWindowManager().getActiveWindow();
this.getWindowManager().add( this );
this.getWindowManager().setActiveWindow( activeWindow );
setDefaultButton : function( value ) {
this._defaultButton = value;
_renderHighlightButton : function() {
var button = this._defaultButton;
var focused = this.getFocusedChild();
if ( focused instanceof rwt.widgets.Button && focused.hasState( "push" ) ) {
button = focused;
if( this._highlightButton != null ) {
this._highlightButton.removeState( "default" );
this._highlightButton = button;
if( this._highlightButton != null ) {
this._highlightButton.addState( "default" );
getDefaultButton : function() {
return this._defaultButton;
setParentShell : function( parentShell ) {
var oldParentShell = this._parentShell;
this._parentShell = parentShell;
var listener = rwt.widgets.Shell._onParentClose;
if( oldParentShell != null ) {
oldParentShell.removeEventListener( "close", listener, this );
if( parentShell != null ) {
parentShell.addEventListener( "close", listener, this );
this.dispatchSimpleEvent( "parentShellChanged" );
isDisableResize : function() {
return this._disableResize ? true : false;
setActiveControl : function( control ) {
this._activeControl = control;
/** To be called after rwt_XXX states are set */
initialize : function() {
this.setShowCaption( this.hasState( "rwt_TITLE" ) );
this._onTop = ( this._parentShell != null && this._parentShell._onTop )
|| this.hasState( "rwt_ON_TOP" );
this._appModal = this.hasState( "rwt_APPLICATION_MODAL" )
|| this.hasState( "rwt_PRIMARY_MODAL" )
|| this.hasState( "rwt_SYSTEM_MODAL" );
if( this._appModal ) {
this.setStyleProperty( "position", "fixed" );
// TODO [rst] Find a generic solution for state inheritance
addState : function( state ) {
this.base( arguments, state );
if( this._isRelevantState( state ) ) {
this._captionBar.addState( state );
this._captionTitle.addState( state );
this._minimizeButton.addState( state );
this._maximizeButton.addState( state );
this._restoreButton.addState( state );
this._closeButton.addState( state );
var blocker = this._getClientDocumentBlocker();
if( blocker != null ) {
blocker.addState( state );
removeState : function( state ) {
this.base( arguments, state );
if( this._isRelevantState( state ) ) {
this._captionBar.removeState( state );
this._captionTitle.removeState( state );
this._minimizeButton.removeState( state );
this._maximizeButton.removeState( state );
this._restoreButton.removeState( state );
this._closeButton.removeState( state );
var blocker = this._getClientDocumentBlocker();
if( blocker != null ) {
blocker.removeState( state );
_getClientDocumentBlocker : function() {
var result = null;
if( this._appModal
&& rwt.widgets.Shell._upperModalShell == this )
result = this.getTopLevelWidget()._getBlocker();
return result;
_isRelevantState : function( state ) {
return state == "active"
|| state == "maximized"
|| state == "minimized"
|| state.substr( 0, 8 ) == "variant_"
|| state.substr( 0, 4 ) == "rwt_";
* Overrides rwt.widgets.base.Window#close()
* Called when user tries to close the shell.
close : function() {
if( !rwt.remote.EventUtil.getSuspended() ) {
rwt.remote.Connection.getInstance().getRemoteObject( this ).notify( "Close" );
* Really closes the shell.
doClose : function() {
// Note [rst]: Fixes bug 232977
// Background: There are situations where a shell is disposed twice, thus
// doClose is called on an already disposed shell at the second time
if( !this.isDisposed() ) {
if( this.hasEventListeners( "close" ) ) {
var event = new rwt.event.DataEvent( "close", this );
this.dispatchEvent( event, true );
var wm = this.getWindowManager();
rwt.widgets.Shell.reorderShells( wm );
_onChangeActiveChild : function( evt ) {
// Work around qooxdoo bug #254: the changeActiveChild is fired twice when
// a widget was activated by keyboard (getData() is null in this case)
var widget = this._getParentControl( evt.getValue() );
if( !rwt.remote.EventUtil.getSuspended()
&& widget != null
&& widget !== this._activeControl )
this._notifyDeactivate( this._activeControl, widget );
var id = rwt.remote.WidgetManager.getInstance().findIdByWidget( widget );
var remoteObject = rwt.remote.Connection.getInstance().getRemoteObject( this );
remoteObject.set( "activeControl", id );
this._notifyActivate( this._activeControl, widget );
this._activeControl = widget;
_notifyDeactivate : function( oldActive, newActive ) {
var target = oldActive;
while( target != null && !this._hasDeactivateListener( target ) ) {
if( target.getParent ) {
target = target.getParent();
} else {
target = null;
if( target != null && !target.contains( newActive ) ) {
var remoteObject = rwt.remote.Connection.getInstance().getRemoteObject( target );
remoteObject.notify( "Deactivate" );
_notifyActivate : function( oldActive, newActive ) {
var target = newActive;
while( target != null && !this._hasActivateListener( target ) ) {
if( target.getParent ) {
target = target.getParent();
} else {
target = null;
if( target != null && !target.contains( oldActive ) ) {
var remoteObject = rwt.remote.Connection.getInstance().getRemoteObject( target );
remoteObject.notify( "Activate" );
_hasDeactivateListener : function( widget ) {
return widget.getUserData( "deactivateListener" ) === true;
_hasActivateListener : function( widget ) {
return widget.getUserData( "activateListener" ) === true;
_onChangeFocusedChild : function() {
if( rwt.remote.EventUtil.getSuspended() ) {
this._focusControl = this.getFocusedChild();
_onChangeActive : function( evt ) {
// TODO [rst] This hack is a workaround for bug 345 in qooxdoo, remove this
// block as soon as the bug is fixed.
// See
if( !this.getActive() && !isFinite( this.getZIndex() ) ) {
this.setZIndex( 1e8 );
// end of workaround
if( !rwt.remote.EventUtil.getSuspended() && this.getActive() ) {
rwt.remote.Connection.getInstance().getRemoteObject( this ).notify( "Activate" );
var active = evt.getValue();
if( active ) {
// workaround: Do not activate Shells that are blocked by a modal Shell
var modalShell = rwt.widgets.Shell._upperModalShell;
if( modalShell != null && modalShell.getZIndex() > this.getZIndex() ) {
this.setActive( false );
modalShell.setActive( true );
// end of workaround
_applyMode : function( value, oldValue ) {
var mode = value == null ? "normal" : value;
rwt.remote.Connection.getInstance().getRemoteObject( this ).set( "mode", mode );
var document = rwt.widgets.base.ClientDocument.getInstance();
if( value == "maximized" ) {
// User may change browser window size during long running request (before windowresize
// listener is attached). Sync current shell bounds back to server - see bug 440948.
document.addEventListener( "windowresize", this._onWindowResize, this );
} else {
document.removeEventListener( "windowresize", this._onWindowResize, this );
this.base( arguments, value, oldValue );
_onWindowResize : function() {
this._sendResizeDelayed = true;
this._sendResizeFlag = true;
_onChangeSize : function() {
if( !rwt.remote.EventUtil.getSuspended() ) {
this._sendResizeFlag = true;
_onChangeLocation : function() {
if( !rwt.remote.EventUtil.getSuspended() ) {
this._sendMoveFlag = true;
_sendBounds : function() {
var left = this._parseNumber( this.getLeft() );
var top = this._parseNumber( this.getTop() );
var height = this._parseNumber( this.getHeightValue() );
var width = this._parseNumber( this.getWidthValue() );
var remoteObject = rwt.remote.Connection.getInstance().getRemoteObject( this );
remoteObject.set( "bounds", [ left, top, width, height ] );
if( this._sendMoveFlag ) {
remoteObject.notify( "Move", {} );
if( this._sendResizeFlag ) {
remoteObject.notify( "Resize", {}, this._sendResizeDelayed ? 500 : undefined );
this._sendMoveFlag = false;
this._sendResizeFlag = false;
this._sendResizeDelayed = false;
_parseNumber : function( value ) {
var result = parseInt( value, 10 );
return isNaN( result ) ? 0 : result;
_onKeydown : function( evt ) {
var keyId = evt.getKeyIdentifier();
if( keyId == "Enter"
&& !evt.isShiftPressed()
&& !evt.isAltPressed()
&& !evt.isCtrlPressed()
&& !evt.isMetaPressed() )
var defButton = this.getDefaultButton();
if( defButton != null && defButton.isSeeable() && defButton.getEnabled() ) {
defButton.setFocused( true );
} else if( keyId == "Escape" && this._parentShell != null ) {
_onSend : function() {
if( this.getActive() ) {
var focusedChild = this.getFocusedChild();
if( focusedChild != null && focusedChild != this._focusControl ) {
this._focusControl = focusedChild;
var widgetManager = rwt.remote.WidgetManager.getInstance();
var focusedChildId = widgetManager.findIdByWidget( focusedChild );
var server = rwt.remote.Connection.getInstance();
var serverDisplay = server.getRemoteObject( rwt.widgets.Display.getCurrent() );
serverDisplay.set( "focusControl", focusedChildId );
* Returns the parent Control for the given widget. If widget is a Control
* itself, the widget is returned. Otherwise its parent is returned or null
* if there is no parent
_getParentControl : function( widget ) {
var widgetMgr = rwt.remote.WidgetManager.getInstance();
var result = widget;
while( result != null && !widgetMgr.isControl( result ) ) {
if( result.getParent ) {
result = result.getParent();
} else {
result = null;
return result;
* Returns true if the receiver is a dialog shell of the given parent shell,
* directly or indirectly.
isDialogOf : function( shell ) {
var result = false;
var parentShell = this._parentShell;
while( !result && parentShell != null ) {
result = shell === parentShell;
parentShell = parentShell._parentShell;
return result;
* Returns the top-level shell if the receiver is a dialog or the shell
* itself if it is a top-level shell.
getTopLevelShell : function() {
var result = this;
while( result._parentShell != null ) {
result = result._parentShell;
return result;
/* TODO [rst] Revise when upgrading: overrides the _sendTo() function in
* superclass Window to allow for always-on-top.
* -->
_sendTo : function() {
rwt.widgets.Shell.reorderShells( this.getWindowManager() );
* Overwrites Popup#bringToFront
bringToFront : function() {
var targetShell = this;
while( targetShell._parentShell != null ) {
targetShell = targetShell._parentShell;
this._setRenderZIndex( false );
this.setZIndex( rwt.widgets.Shell.MAX_ZINDEX + 1 );
targetShell.setZIndex( rwt.widgets.Shell.MAX_ZINDEX + 1 );
rwt.widgets.Shell.reorderShells( this.getWindowManager() );
this._setRenderZIndex( true );
_applyZIndex : function( newValue, oldValue ) {
if( this._renderZIndex ) {
this.base( arguments, newValue, oldValue );
_setRenderZIndex : function( value ) {
// Needed to prevent flickering during display-overlay animations.
this._renderZIndex = value;
if( value ) {
this._applyZIndex( this.getZIndex() );
_applyDirection : function( value ) {
this.base( arguments, value );
var isRTL = value === "rtl";
this.getCaptionBar().setReverseChildrenOrder( isRTL );
this.getCaptionBar().setHorizontalChildrenAlign( isRTL ? "right" : "left" );
this.getLayoutImpl().setMirror( isRTL );
* E X P E R I M E N T A L
* (for future PRIMARY_MODAL support)
setBlocked : function( blocked ) {
if( blocked ) {
if( !this._blocker ) {
this._blocker = new rwt.widgets.base.Parent();
this._blocker.setAppearance( "client-document-blocker" );
this.add( this._blocker );
this._blocker.setSpace( 0, 0, 10000, 10000 );
this._blocker.setZIndex( 1000 );
} else {
if( this._blocker ) {
this.remove( this._blocker );
this._blocker = null;
setFullScreen : function( fullScreen ) {
if( fullScreen ) {
this._captionBar.setDisplay( false );
} else {
this._captionBar.setDisplay( this.hasState( "rwt_TITLE" ) );
} );
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