scout.table.columns.BeanColumn.js Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2014-2015 BSI Business Systems Integration AG.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
* Contributors:
* BSI Business Systems Integration AG - initial API and implementation
scout.BeanColumn = function() {
this.additionalDivMode = scout.BeanColumn.AdditionalDivMode.AUTO;
scout.inherits(scout.BeanColumn, scout.Column);
scout.BeanColumn.AdditionalDivMode = {
scout.BeanColumn.prototype.buildCellForRow = function(row) {
var $cell, value;
$cell = $(scout.BeanColumn.parent.prototype.buildCellForRow.call(this, row));
// Clear any content (e.g. nbsp due to empty text)
value = this.table.cellValue(this, row);
this._renderValue($cell, value);
if (this.additionalDivMode === scout.BeanColumn.AdditionalDivMode.AUTO && scout.device.tableAdditionalDivRequired) {
$cell.html('' + $cell.html() + '');
return $cell[0].outerHTML;
* Override to render the value.
* If you have a large table you should consider overriding buildCellForRow instead and create the html as string instead of using jquery.
scout.BeanColumn.prototype._renderValue = function($cell, value) {
// to be implemented by the subclass
scout.BeanColumn.prototype._plainTextForRow = function(row) {
var cell = this.table.cell(this, row);
if (!cell.plainText) {
// Convert to plain text and cache it because rendering is expensive
var html = this.buildCellForRow(row);
cell.plainText = scout.strings.plainText(html);
return cell.plainText;
* Default approach reads the html using buildCellForRow and uses _preprocessTextForGrouping to generate the value. Just using text() does not work because new lines get omitted.
* If this approach does not work for a specific bean column, just override this method.
scout.BeanColumn.prototype.cellValueForGrouping = function(row) {
var plainText = this._plainTextForRow(row);
return this._preprocessTextForValueGrouping(plainText);
scout.BeanColumn.prototype.cellTextForGrouping = function(row) {
var plainText = this._plainTextForRow(row);
return this._preprocessTextForGrouping(plainText);
scout.BeanColumn.prototype.cellTextForTextFilter = function(row) {
var plainText = this._plainTextForRow(row);
return this._preprocessTextForTextFilter(plainText);
scout.BeanColumn.prototype.compare = function(row1, row2) {
var plainText1 = this._plainTextForRow(row1);
var plainText2 = this._plainTextForRow(row2);
return this.comparator.compare(plainText1, plainText2);