scout.datepicker.DatePicker.js Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2014-2015 BSI Business Systems Integration AG.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
* Contributors:
* BSI Business Systems Integration AG - initial API and implementation
scout.DatePicker = function() {
// Preselected date can only be set if selectedDate is null. The preselected date is rendered differently, but
// has no function otherwise. (It is used to indicate the day that will be selected when the user presses
// the UP or DOWN key while no date is selected.)
scout.inherits(scout.DatePicker, scout.Widget);
scout.DatePicker.prototype._init = function(options) {
scout.DatePicker.parent.prototype._init.call(this, options);
options = options || {};
this.dateFormat = options.dateFormat;
this.allowedDates = options.allowedDates;
scout.DatePicker.prototype._render = function($parent) {
this.$container = $parent
.on('swipe', this._onSwipe.bind(this));
this.htmlComp = new scout.HtmlComponent(this.$container, this.session);
this.htmlComp.setLayout(new scout.DatePickerLayout(this));
this._$header = this._append$Header();
.find('.date-picker-left-y, .date-picker-left-m, .date-picker-right-m, .date-picker-right-y')
this.$scrollable = this.$container.appendDiv('date-picker-scrollable');
this._scrollableTop = this.$scrollable.position().top;
this._scrollableLeft = this.$scrollable.position().left;
// Fix the position of the scrollable in order to do proper scrollable shifting (see _appendAnimated)
'position': 'absolute',
left: this._scrollableLeft,
top: this._scrollableTop
scout.DatePicker.prototype.preselectDate = function(date, animated) {
this.preselectedDate = date;
this.show(date, null, animated);
scout.DatePicker.prototype.selectDate = function(date, animated) {
this.show(null, date, animated);
scout.DatePicker.prototype.show = function(viewDate, selectedDate, animated) {
var viewDateDiff = 0;
this.selectedDate = selectedDate;
if (this.selectedDate) {
// Clear preselection when a date is selected
this.preselectedDate = null;
if (!viewDate) {
viewDate = this.selectedDate || new Date();
if (this.viewDate && viewDate) {
viewDateDiff = scout.dates.compareMonths(viewDate, this.viewDate);
this.viewDate = viewDate;
var $box = this._build$DateBox();
$box[0].addEventListener('mousewheel', this._onMouseWheel.bind(this), false);
if (animated && this.$currentBox && viewDateDiff) {
this._appendAnimated(viewDateDiff, $box);
} else {
// Just replace the current month box (new day in the same month has been chosen)
if (this.$currentBox) {
this.$currentBox = $box;
scout.DatePicker.prototype._appendAnimated = function(viewDateDiff, $box) {
var $currentBox = this.$currentBox;
var newLeft = 0,
that = this;
var monthBoxCount = this.$scrollable.find('.date-picker-month').length + 1;
this._boxWidth = $box.width();
var scrollableWidth = monthBoxCount * this._boxWidth;
// Fix the size of the boxes
if (viewDateDiff > 0) {
// New view date is larger -> shift left
newLeft = this._scrollableLeft - (scrollableWidth - this._boxWidth);
} else {
// New view date is smaller -> shift right
this.$scrollable.cssLeft(this._scrollableLeft - this._boxWidth);
newLeft = this._scrollableLeft;
// Animate
// At first: stop existing animation when shifting multiple dates in a row (e.g. with mouse wheel)
left: newLeft
}, 300, function() {
// Remove every month box beside the new one
// Its important to use that.$currentBox because $box may already be removed
// if a new day in the current month has been chosen while the animation is in progress (e.g. by holding down key)
// Reset scrollable settings
scout.DatePicker.prototype._onNavigationMouseDown = function(event) {
var $target = $(event.currentTarget);
var diff = $target.data('shift');
this.shiftViewDate(0, diff, 0);
scout.DatePicker.prototype._onDayClick = function(event) {
var $target = $(event.currentTarget);
var date = $target.data('date');
this.trigger('dateSelect', {
date: date
scout.DatePicker.prototype._onSwipe = function(event) {
var direction = event.swipestop.coords[0] - event.swipestart.coords[0] >= 0 ? -1 : 1;
this.shiftViewDate(0, direction, 0);
scout.DatePicker.prototype._onMouseWheel = function(event) {
event = event || this.$container.window(true).event;
var wheelData = event.wheelDelta ? event.wheelDelta / 10 : -event.detail * 3;
var diff = (wheelData >= 0 ? -1 : 1);
this.shiftViewDate(0, diff, 0);
scout.DatePicker.prototype.shiftViewDate = function(years, months, days) {
var date = this.viewDate;
date = scout.dates.shift(date, years, months, days);
this.show(date, null, true);
scout.DatePicker.prototype.shiftSelectedDate = function(years, months, days) {
var date = this.preselectedDate;
if (this.selectedDate) {
if (this.allowedDates) {
date = this._findNextAllowedDate(years, months, days);
} else {
date = scout.dates.shift(this.selectedDate, years, months, days);
if (!date) {
return; // do nothing when no date was found
this.trigger('dateSelect', {
date: date,
shifting: true
this.selectDate(date, true);
scout.DatePicker.prototype._findNextAllowedDate = function(years, months, days) {
var i, date,
sum = years + months + days,
dir = sum > 0 ? 1 : -1,
now = this.selectedDate || scout.dates.trunc(new Date());
// if we shift by year or month, shift the 'now' date and then use that date as starting point
// to find the next allowed date.
if (years !== 0) {
now = scout.dates.shift(now, years, 0, 0);
} else if (months !== 0) {
now = scout.dates.shift(now, 0, months, 0);
if (dir === 1) { // find next allowed date, starting from currently selected date
for (i = 0; i < this.allowedDates.length; i++) {
date = this.allowedDates[i];
if (scout.dates.compare(now, date) < 0) {
return date;
} else if (dir === -1) { // find previous allowed date, starting from currently selected date
for (i = this.allowedDates.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
date = this.allowedDates[i];
if (scout.dates.compare(now, date) > 0) {
return date;
return null;
scout.DatePicker.prototype._build$DateBox = function() {
var cl, i, now = new Date();
var day, dayEnabled, dayInMonth, $day;
var weekdays = this.dateFormat.symbols.weekdaysShortOrdered;
var start = new Date(this.viewDate);
var $box = this.$container
.data('viewDate', this.viewDate);
// Create weekday header
for (i in weekdays) {
$box.appendDiv('date-picker-weekday', weekdays[i]);
// Find start date (-1)
for (var offset = 0; offset < 42; offset++) {
start.setDate(start.getDate() - 1);
var diff = new Date(start.getYear(), this.viewDate.getMonth(), 0).getDate() - start.getDate();
if ((start.getDay() === 0) && (start.getMonth() !== this.viewDate.getMonth()) && (diff > 1)) {
// Create days
for (i = 0; i < 42; i++) {
start.setDate(start.getDate() + 1);
dayInMonth = start.getDate();
if ((start.getDay() === 6) || (start.getDay() === 0)) {
cl = (start.getMonth() !== this.viewDate.getMonth() ? ' date-picker-out-weekend' : ' date-picker-weekend');
} else {
cl = (start.getMonth() !== this.viewDate.getMonth() ? ' date-picker-out' : '');
if (scout.dates.isSameDay(start, now)) {
cl += ' date-picker-now';
if (scout.dates.isSameDay(start, this.preselectedDate)) {
cl += ' date-picker-preselected';
} else if (scout.dates.isSameDay(start, this.selectedDate)) {
cl += ' date-picker-selected';
dayEnabled = this._isDateAllowed(start);
if (!dayEnabled) {
cl += ' date-picker-disabled';
day = (dayInMonth <= 9 ? '0' + dayInMonth : dayInMonth);
$day = $box
.appendDiv('date-picker-day' + cl, day)
.data('dayInMonth', dayInMonth)
.data('date', new Date(start));
if (dayEnabled) {
$day.on('click', this._onDayClick.bind(this));
return $box;
scout.DatePicker.prototype._isDateAllowed = function(date) {
// when allowedDates is empty or not set, any date is allowed
if (!this.allowedDates || this.allowedDates.length === 0) {
return true;
// when allowedDates is set, only dates contained in this array are allowed
var allowedDateAsTimestamp,
dateAsTimestamp = date.getTime();
return this.allowedDates.some(function(allowedDate) {
allowedDateAsTimestamp = allowedDate.getTime();
return allowedDateAsTimestamp === dateAsTimestamp;
scout.DatePicker.prototype._append$Header = function() {
var headerHtml =
'' +
' ' +
' ' +
' ' +
' ' +
' ' +
return this.$container
.toggleClass('touch', scout.device.supportsTouch());
scout.DatePicker.prototype._updateHeader = function(viewDate) {
scout.DatePicker.prototype._createHeaderText = function(viewDate) {
var months = this.dateFormat.symbols.months;
return months[viewDate.getMonth()] + ' ' + viewDate.getFullYear();
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