scout.form.fields.wizard.WizardProgressField.js Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2014-2015 BSI Business Systems Integration AG.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
* Contributors:
* BSI Business Systems Integration AG - initial API and implementation
scout.WizardProgressField = function() {
this.steps = [];
// Used to determine direction of transition ("going backward" or "going forward")
// Helper map to find a step by step index. The step index does not necessarily correspond to the
// array index, because invisible model steps can produce "holes" in the sequence of indices.
this.stepsMap = {};
scout.inherits(scout.WizardProgressField, scout.FormField);
scout.WizardProgressField.prototype._init = function(model) {
scout.WizardProgressField.parent.prototype._init.call(this, model);
scout.WizardProgressField.prototype._render = function($parent) {
this.addContainer($parent, 'wizard-progress-field', new scout.WizardProgressFieldLayout(this));
this.$wizardStepsBody = this.$field.appendDiv('wizard-steps-body');
scout.scrollbars.install(this.$field, {
parent: this,
axis: 'x'
// If this field is the first field in a form's main box, mark the form as "wizard-container-form"
if (this.parent instanceof scout.GroupBox && this.parent.controls[0] === this && this.parent.parent instanceof scout.Form) {
var form = this.parent.parent;
scout.WizardProgressField.prototype._renderProperties = function() {
scout.WizardProgressField.prototype._syncSteps = function(steps) {
this.steps = steps;
scout.WizardProgressField.prototype._renderSteps = function() {
this.steps.forEach(function(step, index) {
// Step
var $step = this.$wizardStepsBody
.data('wizard-step', step);
step.$step = $step;
if (this.enabled && step.enabled && step.actionEnabled) {
$step.on('click', this._onStepClick.bind(this));
} else if (!this.enabled || !step.enabled) {
if (scout.strings.hasText(step.tooltipText)) {
scout.tooltips.install($step, {
parent: this,
text: step.tooltipText,
position: 'bottom'
// Inspector info
scout.inspector.applyInfo(step, $step);
if (step.classId) { // true if inspector hints are enabled
$step.attr('data-step-index', step.index);
// Content
var $content = $step.appendDiv('wizard-step-content');
// Icon
if (step.iconId) {
var $icon = $content.appendDiv('wizard-step-content-icon');
// Text
var $text = $content.appendDiv('wizard-step-content-text');
if (step.subTitle) {
// Separator
if (index < this.steps.length - 1) {
scout.WizardProgressField.prototype._syncActiveStepIndex = function(activeStepIndex) {
this.previousActiveStepIndex = this.activeStepIndex;
// Ensure this.activeStepIndex always has a value. If the server has no active step set (may
// happen during transition between steps), we use -1 as dummy value
this.activeStepIndex = scout.nvl(activeStepIndex, -1);
scout.WizardProgressField.prototype._renderActiveStepIndex = function() {
this.steps.forEach(function(step) {
// update background color for this.$wizardStepsBody, use same as for last step (otherwise there might be white space after last step)
if (this.steps.length > 0) {
this.$wizardStepsBody.css('background-color', this.steps[this.steps.length - 1].$step.css('background-color'));
scout.WizardProgressField.prototype._updateStepClasses = function(step) {
var $step = step.$step;
$step.removeClass('active before-active after-active left-of-active right-of-active first last');
// Important: those indices correspond to the UI's data structures (this.steps) and are not necessarily
// consistent with the server indices (because the server does not send invisible steps).
var stepIndex = this.steps.indexOf(step);
var activeStepIndex = this.steps.indexOf(this.stepsMap[this.activeStepIndex]);
if (stepIndex >= 0 && activeStepIndex >= 0) {
// Active
if (stepIndex < activeStepIndex) {
if (stepIndex === activeStepIndex - 1) {
} else if (stepIndex > activeStepIndex) {
if (stepIndex === activeStepIndex + 1) {
} else {
// First / last
if (stepIndex === 0) {
if (stepIndex === this.steps.length - 1) {
scout.WizardProgressField.prototype._stepIndex = function($step) {
if ($step) {
var step = $step.data('wizard-step');
if (step) {
return step.index;
return -1;
scout.WizardProgressField.prototype._updateStepsMap = function() {
this.stepsMap = {};
this.steps.forEach(function(step) {
this.stepsMap[step.index] = step;
scout.WizardProgressField.prototype._resolveStep = function(stepIndex) {
// Because "step index" does not necessarily correspond to the array indices
// (invisible model steps produce "holes"), we have to loop over the array.
for (var i = 0; i < this.steps.length; i++) {
var step = this.steps[i];
if (step.index === stepIndex) {
return step;
return null;
scout.WizardProgressField.prototype._onStepClick = function(event) {
var $step = $(event.currentTarget); // currentTarget instead of target to support event bubbling from inner divs
var targetStepIndex = this._stepIndex($step);
if (targetStepIndex >= 0 && targetStepIndex !== this.activeStepIndex) {
this._send('doStepAction', {
stepIndex: targetStepIndex
scout.WizardProgressField.prototype.scrollToActiveStep = function() {
var currentStep = this.stepsMap[this.activeStepIndex];
if (currentStep) {
var $currentStep = currentStep.$step;
var scrollLeft = this.$field.scrollLeft();
var currentStepLeft = $currentStep.position().left;
var currentStepWidth = $currentStep.width();
var fieldWidth = this.$field.width();
// If going forward, try to scroll the steps such that the center of active step is not after 75% of the available space.
// If going backward, try to scroll the steps such that the center of the active step is not before 25% of the available space.
var goingBack = (this.previousActiveStepIndex > this.activeStepIndex);
var p1 = scrollLeft + Math.floor(fieldWidth * (goingBack ? 0.25 : 0.75));
var p2 = currentStepLeft + Math.floor(currentStepWidth / 2);
if ((goingBack && p2 < p1) || (!goingBack && p2 > p1)) {
scout.scrollbars.scrollLeft(this.$field, scrollLeft + (p2 - p1));
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