scout.layout.LogicalGridLayoutInfo.js Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2014-2015 BSI Business Systems Integration AG.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
* Contributors:
* BSI Business Systems Integration AG - initial API and implementation
* JavaScript port of org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.swing.LogicalGridLayoutInfo.
scout.LogicalGridLayoutInfo = function($components, cons, hgap, vgap) {
this.gridDatas = [];
this.$components = $components;
this.width = [];
this.height = [];
this.m_hgap = hgap;
this.m_vgap = vgap;
this.m_cellBounds = [];
// create a modifiable copy of the grid datas
var i, gd, x, y;
for (i = 0; i < cons.length; i++) {
this.gridDatas[i] = new scout.LogicalGridData(cons[i]);
if ($components.length === 0) {
this.cols = 0;
this.rows = 0;
this.width = [];
this.height = [];
this.weightX = [];
this.weightY = [];
// eliminate unused rows and columns
var usedCols = new scout.TreeSet();
var usedRows = new scout.TreeSet();
// ticket 86645 use member gridDatas instead of param cons
for (i = 0; i < this.gridDatas.length; i++) {
gd = this.gridDatas[i];
if (gd.gridx < 0) {
gd.gridx = 0;
if (gd.gridy < 0) {
gd.gridy = 0;
if (gd.gridw < 1) {
gd.gridw = 1;
if (gd.gridh < 1) {
gd.gridh = 1;
for (x = gd.gridx; x < gd.gridx + gd.gridw; x++) {
for (y = gd.gridy; y < gd.gridy + gd.gridh; y++) {
var maxCol = usedCols.last();
for (x = maxCol; x >= 0; x--) {
if (!usedCols.contains(x)) {
// eliminate column
// ticket 86645 use member gridDatas instead of param cons
for (i = 0; i < this.gridDatas.length; i++) {
gd = this.gridDatas[i];
if (gd.gridx > x) {
var maxRow = usedRows.last();
for (y = maxRow; y >= 0; y--) {
if (!usedRows.contains(y)) {
// eliminate row
// ticket 86645 use member gridDatas instead of param cons
for (i = 0; i < this.gridDatas.length; i++) {
gd = this.gridDatas[i];
if (gd.gridy > y) {
// ticket 86645
this.cols = usedCols.size();
this.rows = usedRows.size();
this.width = [];
this.height = [];
this.weightX = [];
this.weightY = [];
$.log.trace('(LogicalGridLayoutInfo#CTOR) $components.length=' + $components.length + ' usedCols=' + this.cols + ' usedRows=' + this.rows);
this._initializeInfo(hgap, vgap);
scout.LogicalGridLayoutInfo.prototype._initializeInfo = function(hgap, vgap) {
var comp,
compCount = this.$components.length,
compSize = [];
// cache component sizes and cleanup constraints
var $comp, cons, d;
for (var i = 0; i < compCount; i++) {
$comp = this.$components[i];
cons = this.gridDatas[i];
if (cons.useUiHeight || cons.useUiWidth || !cons.fillVertical || !cons.fillHorizontal) {
// Only read preferred size if really needed by the logical grid layout
d = this.uiSizeInPixel($comp);
if ($.log.isTraceEnabled()) {
comp = scout.HtmlComponent.optGet($comp);
$.log.trace('(LogicalGridLayoutInfo#initializeInfo $comp = ' + comp ? comp.debug() : '' + ' size=' + d);
} else {
d = new scout.Dimension(0, 0);
if (cons.widthHint > 0) {
d.width = cons.widthHint;
if (cons.heightHint > 0) {
d.height = cons.heightHint;
compSize[i] = d;
if (cons.gridx < 0) {
cons.gridx = 0;
if (cons.gridy < 0) {
cons.gridy = 0;
if (cons.gridw < 1) {
cons.gridw = 1;
if (cons.gridh < 1) {
cons.gridh = 1;
if (cons.gridx >= this.cols) {
cons.gridx = this.cols - 1;
if (cons.gridy >= this.rows) {
cons.gridy = this.rows - 1;
if (cons.gridx + cons.gridw - 1 >= this.cols) {
cons.gridw = this.cols - cons.gridx;
if (cons.gridy + cons.gridh >= this.rows) {
cons.gridh = this.rows - cons.gridy;
this.compSize = compSize;
this._initializeColumns(compSize, hgap);
this._initializeRows(compSize, vgap);
scout.LogicalGridLayoutInfo.prototype._initializeColumns = function(compSize, hgap) {
var compCount = compSize.length;
var prefWidths = scout.arrays.init(this.cols, 0);
var fixedWidths = scout.arrays.init(this.cols, false);
var i, j, k, prefw, cons;
for (i = 0; i < compCount; i++) {
cons = this.gridDatas[i];
if (cons.gridw === 1) {
if (cons.widthHint > 0) {
prefw = cons.widthHint;
} else if (cons.useUiWidth) {
prefw = compSize[i].width;
} else {
prefw = this.logicalWidthInPixel(cons);
prefw = Math.floor(prefw);
for (j = cons.gridx; j < cons.gridx + cons.gridw && j < this.cols; j++) {
prefWidths[j] = Math.max(prefWidths[j], prefw);
if (cons.weightx === 0) {
fixedWidths[j] = true;
for (i = 0; i < compCount; i++) {
cons = this.gridDatas[i];
if (cons.gridw > 1) {
var hSpan = cons.gridw;
var spanWidth = 0;
var distWidth;
// pref
for (j = cons.gridx; j < cons.gridx + cons.gridw && j < this.cols; j++) {
if (!fixedWidths[j]) {
spanWidth += prefWidths[j];
if (cons.widthHint > 0) {
distWidth = cons.widthHint - spanWidth - (hSpan - 1) * hgap;
} else if (cons.useUiWidth) {
distWidth = compSize[i].width - spanWidth - (hSpan - 1) * hgap;
} else {
distWidth = this.logicalWidthInPixel(cons) - spanWidth - (hSpan - 1) * hgap;
if (distWidth > 0) {
var equalWidth = Math.floor((distWidth + spanWidth) / hSpan);
var remainder = (distWidth + spanWidth) % hSpan;
var last = -1;
for (j = cons.gridx; j < cons.gridx + cons.gridw && j < this.cols; j++) {
if (fixedWidths[j]) {
prefWidths[last = j] = prefWidths[j];
} else {
prefWidths[last = j] = Math.max(equalWidth, prefWidths[j]);
if (cons.weightx === 0) {
fixedWidths[j] = true;
if (last > -1) {
prefWidths[last] += remainder;
var lc = scout.LayoutConstants;
for (i = 0; i < this.cols; i++) {
this.width[i] = [];
if (fixedWidths[i]) {
this.width[i][lc.MIN] = prefWidths[i];
this.width[i][lc.PREF] = prefWidths[i];
this.width[i][lc.MAX] = prefWidths[i];
} else {
this.width[i][lc.MIN] = 0; // must be exactly 0!
this.width[i][lc.PREF] = prefWidths[i];
this.width[i][lc.MAX] = 10240;
// averaged column weights, normalized so that sum of weights is equal to
// 1.0
for (i = 0; i < this.cols; i++) {
if (fixedWidths[i]) {
this.weightX[i] = 0;
} else {
var weightSum = 0;
var weightCount = 0;
for (k = 0; k < compCount; k++) {
cons = this.gridDatas[k];
if (cons.weightx > 0 && cons.gridx <= i && i <= cons.gridx + cons.gridw - 1) {
weightSum += (cons.weightx / cons.gridw);
this.weightX[i] = (weightCount > 0 ? weightSum / weightCount : 0);
var sumWeightX = 0;
for (i = 0; i < this.cols; i++) {
sumWeightX += this.weightX[i];
if (sumWeightX >= 1e-6) {
var f = 1.0 / sumWeightX;
for (i = 0; i < this.cols; i++) {
this.weightX[i] = this.weightX[i] * f;
scout.LogicalGridLayoutInfo.prototype._initializeRows = function(compSize, vgap) {
var compCount = compSize.length;
var prefHeights = scout.arrays.init(this.rows, 0);
var fixedHeights = scout.arrays.init(this.rows, false);
var i, j, k, prefh, cons;
for (i = 0; i < compCount; i++) {
cons = this.gridDatas[i];
if (cons.gridh === 1) {
if (cons.heightHint > 0) {
prefh = cons.heightHint;
} else if (cons.useUiHeight) {
prefh = compSize[i].height;
} else {
prefh = this.logicalHeightInPixel(cons);
prefh = Math.floor(prefh);
for (j = cons.gridy; j < cons.gridy + cons.gridh && j < this.rows; j++) {
prefHeights[j] = Math.max(prefHeights[j], prefh);
if (cons.weighty === 0) {
fixedHeights[j] = true;
for (i = 0; i < compCount; i++) {
cons = this.gridDatas[i];
if (cons.gridh > 1) {
var vSpan = cons.gridh;
var spanHeight = 0;
var distHeight;
// pref
for (j = cons.gridy; j < cons.gridy + cons.gridh && j < this.rows; j++) {
if (!fixedHeights[j]) {
spanHeight += prefHeights[j];
if (cons.heightHint > 0) {
distHeight = cons.heightHint - spanHeight - (vSpan - 1) * vgap;
} else if (cons.useUiHeight) {
distHeight = compSize[i].height - spanHeight - (vSpan - 1) * vgap;
} else {
distHeight = this.logicalHeightInPixel(cons) - spanHeight - (vSpan - 1) * vgap;
if (distHeight > 0) {
var equalHeight = Math.floor((distHeight + spanHeight) / vSpan);
var remainder = (distHeight + spanHeight) % vSpan;
var last = -1;
for (j = cons.gridy; j < cons.gridy + cons.gridh && j < this.rows; j++) {
if (fixedHeights[j]) {
prefHeights[last = j] = prefHeights[j];
} else {
prefHeights[last = j] = Math.max(equalHeight, prefHeights[j]);
if (cons.weighty === 0) {
fixedHeights[j] = true;
if (last > -1) {
prefHeights[last] += remainder;
var lc = scout.LayoutConstants;
for (i = 0; i < this.rows; i++) {
this.height[i] = [];
if (fixedHeights[i]) {
this.height[i][lc.MIN] = prefHeights[i];
this.height[i][lc.PREF] = prefHeights[i];
this.height[i][lc.MAX] = prefHeights[i];
} else {
this.height[i][lc.MIN] = 0; // must be exactly 0!
this.height[i][lc.PREF] = prefHeights[i];
this.height[i][lc.MAX] = 10240;
// averaged row weights, normalized so that sum of weights is equal to 1.0
for (i = 0; i < this.rows; i++) {
if (fixedHeights[i]) {
this.weightY[i] = 0;
} else {
var weightSum = 0;
var weightCount = 0;
for (k = 0; k < compCount; k++) {
cons = this.gridDatas[k];
if (cons.weighty > 0 && cons.gridy <= i && i <= cons.gridy + cons.gridh - 1) {
weightSum += (cons.weighty / cons.gridh);
this.weightY[i] = (weightCount > 0 ? weightSum / weightCount : 0);
var sumWeightY = 0;
for (i = 0; i < this.rows; i++) {
sumWeightY += this.weightY[i];
if (sumWeightY >= 1e-6) {
var f = 1.0 / sumWeightY;
for (i = 0; i < this.rows; i++) {
this.weightY[i] = this.weightY[i] * f;
scout.LogicalGridLayoutInfo.prototype.layoutCellBounds = function(size, insets) {
var w = this.layoutSizes(size.width - insets.horizontal() - Math.max(0, (this.cols - 1) * this.m_hgap), this.width, this.weightX);
var h = this.layoutSizes(size.height - insets.vertical() - Math.max(0, (this.rows - 1) * this.m_vgap), this.height, this.weightY);
this.m_cellBounds = scout.arrays.init(this.rows, null);
var y = insets.top,
r, x, c;
for (r = 0; r < this.rows; r++) {
x = insets.left;
this.m_cellBounds[r] = scout.arrays.init(this.cols, null);
for (c = 0; c < this.cols; c++) {
this.m_cellBounds[r][c] = new scout.Rectangle(x, y, w[c], h[r]);
x += w[c];
x += this.m_hgap;
y += h[r];
y += this.m_vgap;
return this.m_cellBounds;
scout.LogicalGridLayoutInfo.prototype.layoutSizes = function(targetSize, sizes, weights) {
var i;
var outSizes = scout.arrays.init(sizes.length, 0);
if (targetSize <= 0) {
for (i = 0; i < sizes.length; i++) {
outSizes[i] = sizes[i][scout.LayoutConstants.MIN];
return outSizes;
var sumSize = 0;
var tmpWeight = scout.arrays.init(weights.length, 0.0);
var sumWeight = 0;
for (i = 0; i < sizes.length; i++) {
outSizes[i] = sizes[i][scout.LayoutConstants.PREF];
sumSize += outSizes[i];
tmpWeight[i] = weights[i];
* auto correction: if weight is 0 and min / max sizes are NOT equal then
* set weight to 1; if weight sizes[i][scout.LayoutConstants.MIN]) {
tmpWeight[i] = 1;
} else {
tmpWeight[i] = 0;
sumWeight += tmpWeight[i];
// normalize weights
if (sumWeight > 0) {
for (i = 0; i < tmpWeight.length; i++) {
tmpWeight[i] = tmpWeight[i] / sumWeight;
var deltaInt = targetSize - sumSize;
// expand or shrink
if (Math.abs(deltaInt) > 0) {
// setup accumulators
var accWeight = scout.arrays.init(tmpWeight.length, 0.0);
var hasTargets;
if (deltaInt > 0) {
// expand
hasTargets = true;
while (deltaInt > 0 && hasTargets) {
hasTargets = false;
for (i = 0; i < outSizes.length && deltaInt > 0; i++) {
if (tmpWeight[i] > 0 && outSizes[i] < sizes[i][scout.LayoutConstants.MAX]) {
hasTargets = true;
accWeight[i] += tmpWeight[i];
if (accWeight[i] > 0) {
accWeight[i] -= 1;
outSizes[i] += 1;
deltaInt -= 1;
} else { // delta<0
// shrink
hasTargets = true;
while (deltaInt < 0 && hasTargets) {
hasTargets = false;
for (i = 0; i < outSizes.length && deltaInt < 0; i++) {
if (tmpWeight[i] > 0 && outSizes[i] > sizes[i][scout.LayoutConstants.MIN]) {
hasTargets = true;
accWeight[i] += tmpWeight[i];
if (accWeight[i] > 0) {
accWeight[i] -= 1;
outSizes[i] -= 1;
deltaInt += 1;
return outSizes;
scout.LogicalGridLayoutInfo.prototype.logicalWidthInPixel = function(cons) {
var gridW = cons.gridw;
return (scout.HtmlEnvironment.formColumnWidth * gridW) + (this.m_hgap * Math.max(0, gridW - 1));
scout.LogicalGridLayoutInfo.prototype.logicalHeightInPixel = function(cons) {
var gridH = cons.gridh,
addition = cons.logicalRowHeightAddition || 0;
return (scout.HtmlEnvironment.formRowHeight * gridH) + (this.m_vgap * Math.max(0, gridH - 1)) + addition;
scout.LogicalGridLayoutInfo.prototype.uiSizeInPixel = function($comp) {
return scout.HtmlComponent.get($comp).getPreferredSize();
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