scout.util.Device.js Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2014-2015 BSI Business Systems Integration AG.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
* Contributors:
* BSI Business Systems Integration AG - initial API and implementation
/* global FastClick */
* Provides information about the device and its supported features.
* The informations are detected lazily.
* @singleton
scout.Device = function(userAgent) {
this.userAgent = userAgent;
this.features = {};
this.system = scout.Device.System.UNKNOWN;
this.type = scout.Device.Type.DESKTOP;
this.browser = scout.Device.Browser.UNKNOWN;
this.browserVersion = 0;
// --- device specific configuration
// initialize with empty string so that it can be used without calling initUnselectableAttribute()
// this property is used with regular JQuery attr(key, value) Syntax and in cases where we create
// DOM elements by creating a string.
this.unselectableAttribute = scout.Device.DEFAULT_UNSELECTABLE_ATTRIBUTE;
this.tableAdditionalDivRequired = false;
if (userAgent) {
key: null,
value: null,
string: ''
scout.Device.vendorPrefixes = ['Webkit', 'Moz', 'O', 'ms', 'Khtml'];
scout.Device.Browser = {
UNKNOWN: 'Unknown',
FIREFOX: 'Firefox',
CHROME: 'Chrome',
INTERNET_EXPLORER: 'InternetExplorer',
EDGE: 'Edge',
SAFARI: 'Safari'
scout.Device.System = {
UNKNOWN: 'Unknown',
scout.Device.Type = {
* Called during bootstrap by index.html before the session startup.
* Precalculates the value of some attributes to store them
* in a static way (and prevent many repeating function calls within loops).
* Also loads device specific scripts (e.g. fast click for ios devices)
scout.Device.prototype.bootstrap = function() {
var deferreds = [];
// Precalculate value and store in a simple property, to prevent many function calls inside loops (e.g. when generating table rows)
this.unselectableAttribute = this.getUnselectableAttribute();
this.tableAdditionalDivRequired = this.isTableAdditionalDivRequired();
this.scrollbarWidth = this._detectScrollbarWidth();
this.type = this._detectType(this.userAgent);
if (this._needsFastClick()) {
// We use Fastclick to prevent the 300ms delay when touching an element.
} else if (this.isIos()){
if (this.hasOnScreenKeyboard()) {
return deferreds;
* The 300ms delay exists because the browser does not know whether the user wants to just tab or wants to zoom using double tab.
* Therefore most browsers add the delay only if zoom is enabled. This works for firefox, chrome (>=32) and safari/ios (>=9.3).
* It does not work if safari is opened in standalone/homescreen mode. For IE (and safari since ios 9.3) it can be disabled using a css property called touch-action.
* By default, zooming is disabled and home screen mode is enabled, see meta tags viewport and apple-mobile-web-app-capable in head.html
scout.Device.prototype._needsFastClick = function() {
if (!this.isIos()) {
// Currently only IOS still has the issue -> don't load the script for other systems and browsers
return false;
if (this.systemVersion >= 9.3 && !this.isStandalone()) {
// With Safari >= 9.3 the delay is gone if zooming is disabled, but not for the home screen / web app mode.
return false;
// -> load only for older IOS devices or if standalone mode is enabled
return true;
scout.Device.prototype._loadFastClickDeferred = function() {
return this._loadScriptDeferred('res/fastclick-1.0.6.js', function() {
$.log.info('FastClick script loaded and attached');
scout.Device.prototype._loadJQueryMobileDeferred = function() {
return this._loadScriptDeferred('res/jquery.mobile.custom-1.4.5.js', function() {
$.log.info('JQuery Mobile script loaded');
scout.Device.prototype._loadScriptDeferred = function(scriptUrl, doneFunc) {
return $
* IOs does only trigger :active when touching an element if a touchstart listener is attached
* Unfortunately, the :active is also triggered when scrolling, there is no delay.
* To fix this we would have to work with a custom active class which will be toggled on touchstart/end
scout.Device.prototype._installActiveHandler = function() {
document.addEventListener('touchstart', function() {}, false);
scout.Device.prototype.hasOnScreenKeyboard = function() {
return this.supportsFeature('_onScreenKeyboard', function() {
return this.isIos() || this.isAndroid() || this.isWindowsTablet();
* Safari shows a tooltip if ellipsis are displayed due to text truncation. This is fine but, unfortunately, it cannot be prevented.
* Because showing two tooltips at the same time (native and custom) is bad, the custom tooltip cannot be displayed.
* @returns {Boolean}
scout.Device.prototype.isCustomEllipsisTooltipPossible = function() {
return this.browser !== scout.Device.Browser.SAFARI;
scout.Device.prototype.isIos = function() {
return scout.Device.System.IOS === this.system;
scout.Device.prototype.isAndroid = function() {
return scout.Device.System.ANDROID === this.system;
* The best way we have to detect a Microsoft Surface Tablet in table mode is to check if
* the scrollbar width is 0 pixel. In desktop mode the scrollbar width is > 0 pixel.
scout.Device.prototype.isWindowsTablet = function() {
return scout.Device.Browser.EDGE === this.browser && this.scrollbarWidth === 0;
* @returns true if navigator.standalone is true which is the case for iOS home screen mode
scout.Device.prototype.isStandalone = function() {
return !!window.navigator.standalone;
* This method returns false for very old browsers. Basically we check for the first version
* that supports ECMAScript 5. This methods excludes all browsers that are known to be
* unsupported, all others (e.g. unknown engines) are allowed by default.
scout.Device.prototype.isSupportedBrowser = function(browser, version) {
browser = scout.nvl(browser, this.browser);
version = scout.nvl(version, this.browserVersion);
var browsers = scout.Device.Browser;
if ((browser === browsers.INTERNET_EXPLORER && version < 9) ||
(browser === browsers.CHROME && version < 23) ||
(browser === browsers.FIREFOX && version < 21) ||
(browser === browsers.SAFARI && version < 7)) {
return false;
return true;
* Can not detect type until DOM is ready because we must create a DIV to measure the scrollbars.
scout.Device.prototype._detectType = function(userAgent) {
if (scout.Device.System.ANDROID === this.system) {
if (userAgent.indexOf('Mobile') > -1) {
return scout.Device.Type.MOBILE;
} else {
return scout.Device.Type.TABLET;
} else if (scout.Device.System.IOS === this.system) {
if (userAgent.indexOf('iPad') > -1) {
return scout.Device.Type.TABLET;
} else {
return scout.Device.Type.MOBILE;
} else if (this.isWindowsTablet()) {
return scout.Device.Type.TABLET;
return scout.Device.Type.DESKTOP;
scout.Device.prototype._parseSystem = function(userAgent) {
if (userAgent.indexOf('iPhone') > -1 || userAgent.indexOf('iPad') > -1) {
this.system = scout.Device.System.IOS;
} else if (userAgent.indexOf('Android') > -1) {
this.system = scout.Device.System.ANDROID;
* Currently only supports IOS
scout.Device.prototype._parseSystemVersion = function(userAgent) {
var versionRegex,
System = scout.Device.System;
if (this.system === System.IOS) {
versionRegex = / OS ([0-9]+\.?[0-9]*)/;
// replace all _ with .
userAgent = userAgent.replace(/_/g, '.');
if (versionRegex) {
this.systemVersion = this._parseVersion(userAgent, versionRegex);
scout.Device.prototype._parseBrowser = function(userAgent) {
if (userAgent.indexOf('Firefox') > -1) {
this.browser = scout.Device.Browser.FIREFOX;
} else if (userAgent.indexOf('MSIE') > -1 || userAgent.indexOf('Trident') > -1) {
this.browser = scout.Device.Browser.INTERNET_EXPLORER;
} else if (userAgent.indexOf('Edge') > -1) {
// must check for Edge before we do other checks, because the Edge user-agent string
// also contains matches for Chrome and Webkit.
this.browser = scout.Device.Browser.EDGE;
} else if (userAgent.indexOf('Chrome') > -1) {
this.browser = scout.Device.Browser.CHROME;
} else if (userAgent.indexOf('Safari') > -1) {
this.browser = scout.Device.Browser.SAFARI;
* Version regex only matches the first number pair
* but not the revision-version. Example:
* - 21 match: 21
* - 21.1 match: 21.1
* - 21.1.3 match: 21.1
scout.Device.prototype._parseBrowserVersion = function(userAgent) {
var versionRegex, browsers = scout.Device.Browser;
if (this.browser === browsers.INTERNET_EXPLORER) {
// with internet explorer 11 user agent string does not contain the 'MSIE' string anymore
// additionally in new version the version-number after Trident/ is not the browser-version
// but the engine-version.
if (userAgent.indexOf('MSIE') > -1) {
versionRegex = /MSIE ([0-9]+\.?[0-9]*)/;
} else {
versionRegex = /rv:([0-9]+\.?[0-9]*)/;
} else if (this.browser === browsers.EDGE) {
versionRegex = /Edge\/([0-9]+\.?[0-9]*)/;
} else if (this.browser === browsers.SAFARI) {
versionRegex = /Version\/([0-9]+\.?[0-9]*)/;
} else if (this.browser === browsers.FIREFOX) {
versionRegex = /Firefox\/([0-9]+\.?[0-9]*)/;
} else if (this.browser === browsers.CHROME) {
versionRegex = /Chrome\/([0-9]+\.?[0-9]*)/;
if (versionRegex) {
this.browserVersion = this._parseVersion(userAgent, versionRegex);
scout.Device.prototype._parseVersion = function(userAgent, versionRegex) {
var matches = versionRegex.exec(userAgent);
if (Array.isArray(matches) && matches.length === 2) {
return parseFloat(matches[1]);
scout.Device.prototype.supportsFeature = function(property, checkFunc) {
if (this.features[property] === undefined) {
this.features[property] = checkFunc(property);
return this.features[property];
* Currently this method should be used when you want to check if the device is "touch only" -
* which means the user has no keyboard or mouse. Some hybrids like Surface tablets in desktop mode are
* still touch devices, but support keyboard and mouse at the same time. In such cases this method will
* return false, since the device is not touch only.
* Currently this method returns the same as hasOnScreenKeyboard(). Maybe the implementation here will be
* different in the future.
scout.Device.prototype.supportsTouch = function() {
return this.supportsFeature('_touch', this.hasOnScreenKeyboard.bind(this));
scout.Device.prototype.supportsFile = function() {
return (window.File ? true : false);
scout.Device.prototype.supportsCssAnimation = function() {
return this.supportsCssProperty('animation');
* Used to determine if browser supports full history API.
* Note that IE9 only partially supports the API, pushState and replaceState functions are missing.
* @see: https://developer.mozilla.org/de/docs/Web/API/Window/history
scout.Device.prototype.supportsHistoryApi = function() {
return !!(window.history && window.history.pushState);
scout.Device.prototype.supportsCssGradient = function() {
var testValue = 'linear-gradient(to left, #000 0%, #000 50%, transparent 50%, transparent 100% )';
return this.supportsFeature('gradient', this.checkCssValue.bind(this, 'backgroundImage', testValue, function(actualValue) {
return (actualValue + '').indexOf('gradient') > 0;
scout.Device.prototype.supportsCssUserSelect = function() {
return this.supportsCssProperty('userSelect');
scout.Device.prototype.supportsInternationalization = function() {
return window.Intl && typeof window.Intl === 'object';
* Returns true if the device supports the download of resources in the same window as the single page app is running.
* With "download" we mean: change window.location.href
to the URL of the resource to download. Some browsers don't
* support this behavior and require the resource to be opened in a new window with window.open
scout.Device.prototype.supportsDownloadInSameWindow = function() {
return scout.Device.Browser.FIREFOX !== this.browser;
scout.Device.prototype.hasPrettyScrollbars = function() {
return this.supportsFeature('_prettyScrollbars', function check(property) {
return this.scrollbarWidth === 0;
scout.Device.prototype.supportsCopyFromDisabledInputFields = function() {
return scout.Device.Browser.FIREFOX !== this.browser;
scout.Device.prototype.supportsFocusEmptyBeforeDiv = function() {
// preventing blur is bad for touch devices because it prevents that the keyboard can close -> return true for touch devices
// TODO [6.1] cgu we should look for a better solution which doesn't require preventDefault -> Maybe create separate divs instead of :before for checkbox and radiobuttons
return scout.Device.Browser.FIREFOX !== this.browser || this.supportsTouch();
scout.Device.prototype.supportsCssProperty = function(property) {
return this.supportsFeature(property, function check(property) {
if (document.body.style[property] !== undefined) {
return true;
property = property.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + property.slice(1);
for (var i = 0; i < scout.Device.vendorPrefixes.length; i++) {
if (document.body.style[scout.Device.vendorPrefixes[i] + property] !== undefined) {
return true;
return false;
scout.Device.prototype.checkCssValue = function(property, value, checkFunc) {
// Check if property is supported at all, otherwise div.style[property] would just add it and checkFunc would always return true
if (document.body.style[property] === undefined) {
return false;
var div = document.createElement('div');
div.style[property] = value;
if (checkFunc(div.style[property])) {
return true;
property = property.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + property.slice(1);
for (var i = 0; i < scout.Device.vendorPrefixes.length; i++) {
var vendorProperty = scout.Device.vendorPrefixes[i] + property;
if (document.body.style[vendorProperty] !== undefined) {
div.style[vendorProperty] = value;
if (checkFunc(div.style[vendorProperty])) {
return true;
return false;
* Returns '' for modern browsers, that support the 'user-select' CSS property.
* Returns ' unselectable="on"' for IE9.
* This string can be used to add to any HTML element as attribute.
scout.Device.prototype.getUnselectableAttribute = function() {
return this.supportsFeature('_unselectableAttribute', function(property) {
if (this.supportsCssUserSelect()) {
// required for IE 9
return {
key: 'unselectable',
value: 'on',
string: ' unselectable="on"'
* Returns false for modern browsers, that support CSS table-cell properties restricted
* with a max-width and hidden overflow. Returns true if an additional div level is required.
scout.Device.prototype.isTableAdditionalDivRequired = function() {
return this.supportsFeature('_tableAdditionalDivRequired', function(property) {
var $test = $('body')
.css('visibility', 'hidden')
.css('display', 'table-cell')
.css('max-width', '1px')
.css('overflow', 'hidden');
var result = $test.width() > 1;
return result;
scout.Device.prototype.requiresIframeSecurityAttribute = function() {
return this.supportsFeature('_requiresIframeSecurityAttribute', function(property) {
var test = document.createElement('iframe');
var supportsSandbox = ('sandbox' in test);
if (supportsSandbox) {
return false;
} else {
return ('security' in test);
scout.Device.prototype._detectScrollbarWidth = function(userAgent) {
var $measure = $('body')
.attr('id', 'MeasureScrollbar')
.css('width', 50)
.css('height', 50)
.css('overflow-y', 'scroll'),
measureElement = $measure[0];
var scrollbarWidth = measureElement.offsetWidth - measureElement.clientWidth;
return scrollbarWidth;
scout.Device.prototype.toString = function() {
return 'scout.Device[' +
'system=' + this.system +
' browser=' + this.browser +
' browserVersion=' + this.browserVersion +
' type=' + this.type +
' scrollbarWidth=' + this.scrollbarWidth +
' features=' + JSON.stringify(this.features) + ']';
scout.device = new scout.Device(navigator.userAgent);