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.cdm-java.6.0.0-dev.82.source-code.base-datetime-func.rosetta Maven / Gradle / Ivy

namespace cdm.base.datetime: <"Basic date and time concepts: relative date, date range, offset, business centre etc.">
version "${project.version}"

func TimeZoneFromBusinessCenterTime: <"Function to resolve a time passed as BusinessCenterTime into a TimeZone time.">
        time BusinessCenterTime (1..1)
        result TimeZone (1..1)

func ResolveAdjustableDate:
        adjustableOrRelativeDate AdjustableOrRelativeDate (1..1)
        adjustedDate date (0..1)

func ResolveAdjustableDates:
        adjustableRelativeOrPeriodicDates AdjustableRelativeOrPeriodicDates (1..1)
        adjustedDates date (0..*)

func ToDateTime: <"Creates a ZonedDateTime from the provided Date, and defaults the time to 00:00:00 and timezone to UTC.">
        date date (0..1)
        zonedDateTime zonedDateTime (0..1)

    set zonedDateTime:
        zonedDateTime {
            date: date,
            time: ToTime(0, 0, 0),
            timezone: "Z" // UTC

func ToTime: <"Implemented by Java function.">
        hours int (1..1)
        minutes int (1..1)
        seconds int (1..1)
        time time (1..1)

func ConvertToAdjustableOrRelativeDate: <"Utility function to convert from AdjustableOrAdjustedOrRelativeDate to AdjustableOrRelativeDate">
        adjustableOrAdjustedOrRelativeDate AdjustableOrAdjustedOrRelativeDate (0..1)
        adjustableOrRelativeDate AdjustableOrRelativeDate (0..1)

    alias relativeDate: adjustableOrAdjustedOrRelativeDate -> relativeDate

    set adjustableOrRelativeDate -> adjustableDate -> adjustedDate:
        adjustableOrAdjustedOrRelativeDate -> adjustedDate

    set adjustableOrRelativeDate -> adjustableDate -> unadjustedDate:
        adjustableOrAdjustedOrRelativeDate -> unadjustedDate

    set adjustableOrRelativeDate -> adjustableDate -> dateAdjustments:
        adjustableOrAdjustedOrRelativeDate -> dateAdjustments

    set adjustableOrRelativeDate -> relativeDate -> adjustedDate:
        if relativeDate exists then relativeDate -> adjustedDate

    set adjustableOrRelativeDate -> relativeDate -> businessCenters:
        if relativeDate exists then relativeDate -> businessCenters

    set adjustableOrRelativeDate -> relativeDate -> businessDayConvention:
        if relativeDate exists
        then relativeDate -> businessDayConvention

    set adjustableOrRelativeDate -> relativeDate -> dateRelativeTo:
        if relativeDate exists then relativeDate -> dateRelativeTo

    set adjustableOrRelativeDate -> relativeDate -> dayType:
        if relativeDate exists then relativeDate -> dayType

    set adjustableOrRelativeDate -> relativeDate -> period:
        if relativeDate exists then relativeDate -> period

    set adjustableOrRelativeDate -> relativeDate -> periodMultiplier:
        if relativeDate exists then relativeDate -> periodMultiplier

func ConvertToAdjustableOrAdjustedOrRelativeDate: <"Utility function to convert from AdjustableOrAdjustedOrRelativeDate to AdjustableOrAdjustedOrRelativeDate">
        adjustableOrRelativeDate AdjustableOrRelativeDate (0..1)
        adjustableOrAdjustedOrRelativeDate AdjustableOrAdjustedOrRelativeDate (0..1)

    alias relativeDate: adjustableOrRelativeDate -> relativeDate

    set adjustableOrAdjustedOrRelativeDate -> adjustedDate:
        adjustableOrRelativeDate -> adjustableDate -> adjustedDate

    set adjustableOrAdjustedOrRelativeDate -> unadjustedDate:
        adjustableOrRelativeDate -> adjustableDate -> unadjustedDate

    set adjustableOrAdjustedOrRelativeDate -> dateAdjustments:
        adjustableOrRelativeDate -> adjustableDate -> dateAdjustments

    set adjustableOrAdjustedOrRelativeDate -> relativeDate -> adjustedDate:
        if relativeDate exists then relativeDate -> adjustedDate

    set adjustableOrAdjustedOrRelativeDate -> relativeDate -> businessCenters:
        if relativeDate exists then relativeDate -> businessCenters

    set adjustableOrAdjustedOrRelativeDate -> relativeDate -> businessDayConvention:
        if relativeDate exists
        then relativeDate -> businessDayConvention

    set adjustableOrAdjustedOrRelativeDate -> relativeDate -> dateRelativeTo:
        if relativeDate exists then relativeDate -> dateRelativeTo

    set adjustableOrAdjustedOrRelativeDate -> relativeDate -> dayType:
        if relativeDate exists then relativeDate -> dayType

    set adjustableOrAdjustedOrRelativeDate -> relativeDate -> period:
        if relativeDate exists then relativeDate -> period

    set adjustableOrAdjustedOrRelativeDate -> relativeDate -> periodMultiplier:
        if relativeDate exists then relativeDate -> periodMultiplier

func Now: <"Current date time.">
        now zonedDateTime (1..1)

func Today: <"Current date.">
        today date (1..1)

func GetAllBusinessCenters: <"Returns a merged list of BusinessCenterEnums for the supplied BusinessCenters.">
        businessCenters BusinessCenters (1..1)
        businessCenterEnums BusinessCenterEnum (0..*)

    add businessCenterEnums: <"Get list of BusinessCenterEnum.">
        businessCenters -> businessCenter

    add businessCenterEnums: <"Get list of BusinessCenterEnum from referenced BusinessCenters.">
        if businessCenters -> businessCentersReference exists
        then GetAllBusinessCenters(businessCenters -> businessCentersReference)

    set businessCenterEnums: <"Remove any duplicates from the list.">
        businessCenterEnums distinct

func BusinessCenterHolidaysMultiple: <"Returns a merged list of holidays for the supplied business centers.">
        businessCenters BusinessCenterEnum (0..*) <"The business centers for which the holiday list is required.">
        holidayDates date (0..*) <"The combined list of holidays in all of the supplied business centers.">

    add holidayDates:
            extract BusinessCenterHolidays(item)
            then flatten
            then distinct
            then sort

func BusinessCenterHolidays:
    // data provider - implementation provides dates from data source
        businessCenter BusinessCenterEnum (1..1)
        holidayDates date (0..*)

func DayOfWeek: <"Returns the day of week corresponding to the supplied date.">
        date date (1..1) <"The date for which the weekday is needed.">
        dayOfWeek DayOfWeekEnum (1..1) <"The day of the week as an enumerated value.">

func AddDays: <"Adds the specified number of calendar days to the supplied date.  A negative number will generate a date before the supplied date.">
        inputDate date (1..1) <"The base date for the calculation.">
        numDays int (1..1) <"The number of days to add.">
        resultDate date (1..1) <"The date shifted by the specified number of days.">

func DateDifference: <"Subtracts the two supplied dates to return the number of calendar days between them.  A negative number implies first is after second.">
        firstDate date (1..1) <"The earlier date.">
        secondDate date (1..1) <"The later date.">
        difference int (1..1) <"The number of calendar days second date is after firstDate. Negative means secondDate is before firstDate.">

func LeapYearDateDifference: <"Subtracts the two supplied dates to return the number of leap year calendar days between them. A negative number implies firstDate is after secondDate.">
        firstDate date (1..1) <"The left side of the subtraction.">
        secondDate date (1..1) <"The right side of the subtraction.">
        difference int (1..1) <"The number of leap year calendar days secondDate is after firstDate. Negative means secondDate is before firstDate.">

func AppendDateToList: <"Add a date to a list of dates.">
        origDates date (0..*) <"List of dates.">
        newDate date (1..1) <"Date to add to the list.">
        newList date (0..*) <"The newly increased list.">

    set newList: origDates
    add newList: newDate

func PopOffDateList: <"Remove last element from a list of dates.">
        dates date (0..*) <"List of dates.">
        newList date (0..*) <"The newly created list, omitting the last element of the original list.">

func IsWeekend: <"returns whether the supplied date is a weekend. This assumes a 5 day week with Saturday and Sunday as holidays. A more sophisticated implementation might use the business centers to determine which days are weekends, but most jurisdictions where derivatives are traded follow this convention.">
        date date (1..1) <"The date for which the weekday is needed">
        businessCenters BusinessCenterEnum (0..*) <"Not needed for the current implementation so ignored, but kept for future extensibility">
        isWeekend boolean (1..1)

    alias dayOfWeek: DayOfWeek(date) // determine the day of the week
    // output whether the date is on a weekend by comparing against SAT or SUN
    set isWeekend: dayOfWeek = DayOfWeekEnum -> SAT or dayOfWeek = DayOfWeekEnum -> SUN

func IsHoliday: <"Returns whether a day is a holiday for the specified business centers">
        checkDate date (1..1) <"The date being tested">
        businessCenters BusinessCenterEnum (0..*) <"The business centers for which the test is required">
        isHoliday boolean (1..1) <"true if the supplied date is a holiday">

    // get the combined list of holidays for the supplied business centers
    alias holidays: BusinessCenterHolidaysMultiple(businessCenters)

    // check if the supplied date is contained in the holiday list
    set isHoliday: holidays contains checkDate

func IsBusinessDay: <"returns an indicator of whether the supplied date is a good business date given the supplied business centers. True => good date, i.e. not a weekend or holiday. False means that it is either a weekend or a holiday">
        date date (1..1) <"The date for which we want to determine whether it's a good business day">
        businessCenters BusinessCenterEnum (0..*) <"The list of business centers to use">
        isGoodBusinessDay boolean (1..1) <"True if a good business day, false if a weekend or holiday">

    // determine if a weekend or holiday
    alias weekend: IsWeekend(date, businessCenters)
    alias holiday: IsHoliday(date, businessCenters)
    // return whether it's a good business day
    set isGoodBusinessDay:
        if weekend then False else if holiday then False else True

func AddBusinessDays: <"Returns a good business date that has been offset by the given number of business days given the supplied business centers. A negative value implies an earlier date (before the supplied originalDate), and a positive value a later date (after the supplied date).">
        originalDate date (1..1) <"date to be shifted. If not a good business day, a supplied shift of 0 will shift it to the next business day">
        offsetBusinessDays int (1..1) <"number of business days to shift the original date">
        businessCenters BusinessCenterEnum (0..*) <"business centers to use in the shifting">
        shiftedDate date (1..1)

    alias isGoodBusinessDay: IsBusinessDay(originalDate, businessCenters) // check if a good business day
    alias shift: if offsetBusinessDays < 0 then -1 else 1 // determine the direction of shifting, earlier or later
    // calculate the new offset: if we're at a good business day, reduce by one, else keep it
    alias shiftedByOne: AddDays(originalDate, shift) // add/subtract one calendar day
    alias isShiftedGood: IsBusinessDay(shiftedByOne, businessCenters)
    alias newShift: if isShiftedGood then shift else 0
    alias newOffset:
        if offsetBusinessDays = 0
        then 0
        else offsetBusinessDays - newShift
    alias done: offsetBusinessDays = 0 and isGoodBusinessDay = True // we're done if the offsetBusinessDays is 0 and it's a good business day
    // calculate the shifted date: if we're done, return the supplied date, else recursively try after having shifted by one day (recursion because iteration isn't supported by the Rosetta DSL)
    alias newDate:
        if done
        then originalDate
        else AddBusinessDays(shiftedByOne, newOffset, businessCenters)
    set shiftedDate: newDate

func GenerateDateList: <"Creates a list of good business days starting from the startDate and going to the end date, inclusive, omitting any days that are weekends or holidays according to the supplied business centers.">
        startDate date (1..1) <"Start of the date range to be generated.">
        endDate date (1..1) <"End of the date range to be generated">
        businessCenters BusinessCenterEnum (0..*) <"Business centers to be used to generate the list of good business days">
        dateList date (0..*) <"Resulting list of good business days.">

    alias active: startDate <= endDate // do we have anything to do? Nothing to do if start date is after end date
    alias isGoodBusinessDay: IsBusinessDay(endDate, businessCenters) // is endDate a good business day?
    alias priorDate: AddBusinessDays(endDate, -1, businessCenters) // find the previous good business day before the endDate
    alias priorList: GenerateDateList(startDate, priorDate, businessCenters) // recursively find the list of dates from the start to the prior business day
    // add the current end date to the previous list if it is a good business day (the test handles the case when the first supplied end date is not a business day)
    alias newList:
        if isGoodBusinessDay
        then AppendDateToList(priorList, endDate)
        else priorList
    add dateList: if active then newList

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