.cdm-java.6.0.0-dev.82.source-code.margin-schedule-func.rosetta Maven / Gradle / Ivy
namespace cdm.margin.schedule
version "${project.version}"
import cdm.event.common.*
import cdm.event.position.*
import cdm.base.datetime.*
import cdm.base.math.*
import cdm.product.qualification.*
import cdm.product.template.*
import cdm.product.common.settlement.*
func BuildStandardizedSchedule: <"Takes a trade and uses qualification to extract the relevant information to populate the grid that will be used to calculate the gross initial margin.">
trade Trade (1..1)
standardizedSchedule StandardizedSchedule (1..1)
set standardizedSchedule -> assetClass: StandardizedScheduleAssetClass(trade)
set standardizedSchedule -> productClass: StandardizedScheduleProductClass(trade)
set standardizedSchedule -> notional: StandardizedScheduleNotional(trade)
set standardizedSchedule -> notionalCurrency:
set standardizedSchedule -> durationInYears: StandardizedScheduleDuration(trade)
func GetGrossInitialMarginFromStandardizedSchedule: <"Takes the grid information from an specific trade and calculates the gross initial margin.">
standardizedSchedule StandardizedSchedule (1..1)
grossInitialMargin Quantity (0..1)
alias initialMarginRequirement:
standardizedSchedule -> assetClass,
standardizedSchedule -> durationInYears
set grossInitialMargin -> value:
standardizedSchedule -> notional * initialMarginRequirement * 0.01
set grossInitialMargin -> unit -> currency: standardizedSchedule -> notionalCurrency
func StandardizedScheduleAssetClass: <"Identifies the asset class of a trade, according to the standardized schedule classification.">
trade Trade (1..1)
assetClass StandardizedScheduleAssetClassEnum (0..1)
alias economicTerms: trade -> product -> economicTerms
set assetClass:
if Qualify_AssetClass_InterestRate(economicTerms)
then StandardizedScheduleAssetClassEnum -> InterestRates
else if Qualify_AssetClass_Credit(economicTerms)
then StandardizedScheduleAssetClassEnum -> Credit
else if Qualify_AssetClass_ForeignExchange(economicTerms)
then StandardizedScheduleAssetClassEnum -> ForeignExchange
else if Qualify_AssetClass_Equity(economicTerms)
then StandardizedScheduleAssetClassEnum -> Equity
else if Qualify_AssetClass_Commodity(economicTerms)
then StandardizedScheduleAssetClassEnum -> Commodity
func StandardizedScheduleProductClass: <"Identifies the product class of a trade, according to the standardized schedule classification.">
trade Trade (1..1)
productClass StandardizedScheduleProductClassEnum (0..1)
alias economicTerms: trade -> product -> economicTerms
set productClass:
if IsIRSwapWithCallableBermudanRightToEnterExitSwaps(economicTerms)
then StandardizedScheduleProductClassEnum -> SwapWithCallableBermudanRightToEnterExitSwaps
else if Qualify_BaseProduct_IRSwap(economicTerms)
then StandardizedScheduleProductClassEnum -> Swap
else if Qualify_BaseProduct_CrossCurrency(economicTerms)
then StandardizedScheduleProductClassEnum -> CrossCurrencySwap
else if IsIRSwaptionStraddle(economicTerms)
then StandardizedScheduleProductClassEnum -> SwaptionStraddle
else if Qualify_InterestRate_Option_Swaption(economicTerms)
then StandardizedScheduleProductClassEnum -> Swaption
// IR Exotic swap with an exotic coupon against a floating leg not supported
else if Qualify_InterestRate_CapFloor(economicTerms)
then StandardizedScheduleProductClassEnum -> Option
else if Qualify_InterestRate_Fra(economicTerms)
then StandardizedScheduleProductClassEnum -> ForwardRateAgreement
else if Qualify_CreditDefaultSwap_SingleName(economicTerms)
then StandardizedScheduleProductClassEnum -> SingleNameCreditDefaultSwap
else if Qualify_CreditDefaultSwap_Index(economicTerms)
then StandardizedScheduleProductClassEnum -> IndexCDS
else if Qualify_CreditDefaultSwap_IndexTranche(economicTerms)
then StandardizedScheduleProductClassEnum -> IndexTranche
else if Qualify_CreditDefaultSwaption(economicTerms)
then StandardizedScheduleProductClassEnum -> Swaption
else if IsCreditNthToDefault(economicTerms)
then StandardizedScheduleProductClassEnum -> CreditNthToDefault
// Credit Total return swap on a bond not supported
else if Qualify_ForeignExchange_Swap(economicTerms)
then StandardizedScheduleProductClassEnum -> DeliverableSwap
else if Qualify_ForeignExchange_NDS(economicTerms)
then StandardizedScheduleProductClassEnum -> NonDeliverableCrossCurrencySwap
else if Qualify_ForeignExchange_Spot_Forward(economicTerms)
then StandardizedScheduleProductClassEnum -> DeliverableForward
else if Qualify_ForeignExchange_NDF(economicTerms)
then StandardizedScheduleProductClassEnum -> NonDeliverableForward
else if IsFXDeliverableOption(economicTerms)
then StandardizedScheduleProductClassEnum -> DeliverableOption
else if IsFXNonDeliverableOption(economicTerms)
then StandardizedScheduleProductClassEnum -> NonDeliverableOption
else if Qualify_ForeignExchange_ParameterReturnVariance(economicTerms)
then StandardizedScheduleProductClassEnum -> VarianceSwap
else if Qualify_ForeignExchange_ParameterReturnVolatility(economicTerms)
then StandardizedScheduleProductClassEnum -> VolatilitySwap
else if Qualify_ForeignExchange_ParameterReturnCorrelation(economicTerms)
then StandardizedScheduleProductClassEnum -> CorrelationSwap
else if Qualify_EquityOption_PriceReturnBasicPerformance_Basket(economicTerms)
or Qualify_EquityOption_PriceReturnBasicPerformance_Index(economicTerms)
or Qualify_EquityOption_PriceReturnBasicPerformance_SingleName(
or Qualify_EquityOption_ParameterReturnVolatility_Basket(economicTerms)
or Qualify_EquityOption_ParameterReturnVolatility_Index(economicTerms)
or Qualify_EquityOption_ParameterReturnVolatility_SingleName(economicTerms)
or Qualify_EquityOption_ParameterReturnVariance_Basket(economicTerms)
or Qualify_EquityOption_ParameterReturnVariance_Index(economicTerms)
or Qualify_EquityOption_ParameterReturnVariance_SingleName(economicTerms)
or Qualify_EquityOption_ParameterReturnCorrelation_Basket(economicTerms)
// or Qualify_EquityOption_ParameterReturnCorrelation_Index(economicTerms)
// or Qualify_EquityOption_ParameterReturnCorrelation_SingleName(economicTerms)
or Qualify_EquityOption_ParameterReturnDividend_Basket(economicTerms)
or Qualify_EquityOption_ParameterReturnDividend_Index(economicTerms)
or Qualify_EquityOption_ParameterReturnDividend_SingleName(economicTerms)
then StandardizedScheduleProductClassEnum -> Option
else if Qualify_BaseProduct_EquityForward(economicTerms)
then StandardizedScheduleProductClassEnum -> Forward
else if Qualify_EquitySwap_ParameterReturnDividend_Basket(economicTerms)
or Qualify_EquitySwap_ParameterReturnDividend_Index(economicTerms)
or Qualify_EquitySwap_ParameterReturnDividend_SingleName(economicTerms)
then StandardizedScheduleProductClassEnum -> DividendSwap
else if Qualify_EquitySwap_ParameterReturnVariance_Basket(economicTerms)
or Qualify_EquitySwap_ParameterReturnVariance_Index(economicTerms)
or Qualify_EquitySwap_ParameterReturnVariance_SingleName(economicTerms)
then StandardizedScheduleProductClassEnum -> VarianceSwap
else if Qualify_EquitySwap_ParameterReturnVolatility_Basket(economicTerms)
or Qualify_EquitySwap_ParameterReturnVolatility_Index(economicTerms)
or Qualify_EquitySwap_ParameterReturnVolatility_SingleName(economicTerms)
then StandardizedScheduleProductClassEnum -> VolatilitySwap
// EQ Contract fo Difference (CFD) not supported
else if Qualify_BaseProduct_EquitySwap(economicTerms)
then StandardizedScheduleProductClassEnum -> SwapsAndPortfolioSwaps
else if Qualify_Commodity_Forward(economicTerms)
then StandardizedScheduleProductClassEnum -> Forward
else if Qualify_Commodity_Option(economicTerms)
then StandardizedScheduleProductClassEnum -> Option
else if Qualify_Commodity_Swap_FixedFloat(economicTerms)
then StandardizedScheduleProductClassEnum -> FixedFloatSwap
else if Qualify_Commodity_Swap_Basis(economicTerms)
then StandardizedScheduleProductClassEnum -> BasisSwap
else if Qualify_Commodity_Swaption(economicTerms)
then StandardizedScheduleProductClassEnum -> Swaption
// CO Contract for Difference (CFD) not supported
func StandardizedScheduleNotional: <"Extracts the notional amount of a trade, according to the product class-depending extraction method defined in the ISDA industry survey.">
inputs: trade Trade (1..1)
output: notional number (0..1)
alias product:
trade -> product
alias economicTerms:
product -> economicTerms
set notional:
if Qualify_BaseProduct_IRSwap(economicTerms) or IsIRSwapWithCallableBermudanRightToEnterExitSwaps(economicTerms)
then (
economicTerms -> payout -> InterestRatePayout
filter priceQuantity -> quantitySchedule exists
then first
then priceQuantity
then StandardizedScheduleMonetaryNotionalFromResolvablePQ
else if Qualify_BaseProduct_CrossCurrency(economicTerms)
then (
economicTerms -> payout -> InterestRatePayout
filter (True /*how do we identify the receiver party?*/)
then first
then priceQuantity
then StandardizedScheduleMonetaryNotionalFromResolvablePQ
else if Qualify_InterestRate_Option_Swaption(economicTerms) or IsIRSwaptionStraddle(economicTerms)
then (
UnderlierForProduct(product) -> Product ->> economicTerms -> payout -> InterestRatePayout
filter (priceQuantity -> quantitySchedule exists)
then first
then priceQuantity
then StandardizedScheduleMonetaryNotionalFromResolvablePQ
// IR Exotic swap with an exotic coupon against a floating leg not supported
else if Qualify_InterestRate_CapFloor(economicTerms)
then (
economicTerms -> payout -> InterestRatePayout only-element -> priceQuantity
then StandardizedScheduleMonetaryNotionalFromResolvablePQ
else if Qualify_InterestRate_Fra(economicTerms)
then (
economicTerms -> payout -> InterestRatePayout
filter rateSpecification -> FixedRateSpecification exists
then only-element
then priceQuantity
then StandardizedScheduleMonetaryNotionalFromResolvablePQ
else if Qualify_CreditDefaultSwap_SingleName(economicTerms)
or Qualify_CreditDefaultSwap_Index(economicTerms)
or Qualify_CreditDefaultSwap_IndexTranche(economicTerms)
or IsCreditNthToDefault(economicTerms)
then (
economicTerms -> payout -> CreditDefaultPayout only-element -> priceQuantity
then StandardizedScheduleMonetaryNotionalFromResolvablePQ
else if Qualify_CreditDefaultSwaption(economicTerms)
then (
UnderlierForProduct(product) -> Product ->> economicTerms -> payout -> CreditDefaultPayout only-element -> priceQuantity
then StandardizedScheduleMonetaryNotionalFromResolvablePQ
// Credit Total return swap on a bond not supported
else if Qualify_ForeignExchange_Swap(economicTerms)
then (
economicTerms -> payout -> SettlementPayout only-element -> priceQuantity -> quantitySchedule -> value
else if Qualify_ForeignExchange_NDS(economicTerms)
then 0.0 //Recieve side notional and currency. What does that mean?
else if Qualify_ForeignExchange_Spot_Forward(economicTerms)
then (
economicTerms -> payout -> SettlementPayout only-element -> priceQuantity -> quantitySchedule -> value
else if Qualify_ForeignExchange_NDF(economicTerms)
then (
economicTerms -> payout -> SettlementPayout only-element -> settlementTerms -> cashSettlementTerms -> cashSettlementAmount only-element -> value
else if IsFXDeliverableOption(economicTerms)
then (
economicTerms -> payout -> OptionPayout only-element -> priceQuantity -> quantitySchedule -> value
else if IsFXNonDeliverableOption(economicTerms)
then (
StandardizedScheduleFXNDONotional(economicTerms -> payout -> OptionPayout only-element) -> value
else if Qualify_ForeignExchange_ParameterReturnVariance(economicTerms)
then (
StandardizedScheduleFXVarianceNotionalAmount(economicTerms -> payout -> PerformancePayout only-element)
else if Qualify_ForeignExchange_ParameterReturnVolatility(economicTerms)
then 0.0 //Vega notional amount not mapped in the product
else if Qualify_ForeignExchange_ParameterReturnCorrelation(economicTerms)
then 0.0 //No sample trades
else if Qualify_EquityOption_PriceReturnBasicPerformance_Basket(economicTerms)
or Qualify_EquityOption_PriceReturnBasicPerformance_Index(economicTerms)
or Qualify_EquityOption_PriceReturnBasicPerformance_SingleName(economicTerms)
//To determine if the method used applies to the following equity options:
// or Qualify_EquityOption_ParameterReturnVolatility_Basket(economicTerms)
// or Qualify_EquityOption_ParameterReturnVolatility_Index(economicTerms)
// or Qualify_EquityOption_ParameterReturnVolatility_SingleName(economicTerms)
// or Qualify_EquityOption_ParameterReturnVariance_Basket(economicTerms)
// or Qualify_EquityOption_ParameterReturnVariance_Index(economicTerms)
// or Qualify_EquityOption_ParameterReturnVariance_SingleName(economicTerms)
// or Qualify_EquityOption_ParameterReturnCorrelation_Basket(economicTerms)
// // or Qualify_EquityOption_ParameterReturnCorrelation_Index(economicTerms)
// // or Qualify_EquityOption_ParameterReturnCorrelation_SingleName(economicTerms)
// or Qualify_EquityOption_ParameterReturnDividend_Basket(economicTerms)
// or Qualify_EquityOption_ParameterReturnDividend_Index(economicTerms)
// or Qualify_EquityOption_ParameterReturnDividend_SingleName(economicTerms)
then (
StandardizedScheduleOptionNotionalAmount(economicTerms -> payout -> OptionPayout only-element)
else if Qualify_BaseProduct_EquityForward(economicTerms)
then (
StandardizedScheduleEquityForwardNotionalAmount(economicTerms -> payout -> SettlementPayout only-element)
else if Qualify_EquitySwap_ParameterReturnDividend_Basket(economicTerms)
or Qualify_EquitySwap_ParameterReturnDividend_Index(economicTerms)
or Qualify_EquitySwap_ParameterReturnDividend_SingleName(economicTerms)
then 0.0 //All dividend swaps are defined with a monetary payment, no strike price or number of shares
else if Qualify_EquitySwap_ParameterReturnVariance_Basket(economicTerms)
or Qualify_EquitySwap_ParameterReturnVariance_Index(economicTerms)
or Qualify_EquitySwap_ParameterReturnVariance_SingleName(economicTerms)
then (
StandardizedScheduleVarianceSwapNotionalAmount(economicTerms -> payout -> PerformancePayout only-element)
else if Qualify_EquitySwap_ParameterReturnVolatility_Basket(economicTerms)
or Qualify_EquitySwap_ParameterReturnVolatility_Index(economicTerms)
or Qualify_EquitySwap_ParameterReturnVolatility_SingleName(economicTerms)
then 0.0 //Is volatility amount = vega notional amount?
// EQ Contract fo Difference (CFD) not supported
else if Qualify_BaseProduct_EquitySwap(economicTerms)
then 0.0 //No initial value or current value available in the test samples
else if Qualify_Commodity_Forward(economicTerms)
then (
StandardizedScheduleCommodityForwardNotionalAmount(economicTerms) //Floating price forwards not supported
else if Qualify_Commodity_Option(economicTerms)
then (
StandardizedScheduleOptionNotionalAmount(economicTerms -> payout -> OptionPayout only-element)
else if Qualify_Commodity_Swap_FixedFloat(economicTerms)
then (
else if Qualify_Commodity_Swap_Basis(economicTerms)
then 0.0 //No spot price available
else if Qualify_Commodity_Swaption(economicTerms)
then (
StandardizedScheduleCommoditySwapFixedFloatNotionalAmount(UnderlierForProduct(product) -> Product ->> economicTerms)
// CO Contract for Difference (CFD) not supported
func StandardizedScheduleNotionalCurrency: <"Extracts the notional currency of a trade, according to the product class-depending extraction method defined in the ISDA industry survey.">
inputs: trade Trade (1..1)
output: notionalCurrency string (0..1)
alias product: trade -> product
alias economicTerms: trade -> product -> economicTerms
set notionalCurrency:
if Qualify_BaseProduct_IRSwap(economicTerms) or IsIRSwapWithCallableBermudanRightToEnterExitSwaps(economicTerms)
then (
economicTerms -> payout -> InterestRatePayout
filter priceQuantity -> quantitySchedule exists
then first
then priceQuantity
then StandardizedScheduleMonetaryNotionalCurrencyFromResolvablePQ
else if Qualify_BaseProduct_CrossCurrency(economicTerms)
then (
economicTerms -> payout -> InterestRatePayout
filter (True /*how do we identify the receiver party?*/)
then first
then priceQuantity
then StandardizedScheduleMonetaryNotionalCurrencyFromResolvablePQ
else if Qualify_InterestRate_Option_Swaption(economicTerms) or IsIRSwaptionStraddle(economicTerms)
then (
UnderlierForProduct(product) -> Product ->> economicTerms -> payout -> InterestRatePayout
filter priceQuantity -> quantitySchedule exists
then first
then priceQuantity
then StandardizedScheduleMonetaryNotionalCurrencyFromResolvablePQ
// IR Exotic swap with an exotic coupon against a floating leg not supported
else if Qualify_InterestRate_CapFloor(economicTerms)
then (
economicTerms -> payout -> InterestRatePayout only-element -> priceQuantity
then StandardizedScheduleMonetaryNotionalCurrencyFromResolvablePQ
else if Qualify_InterestRate_Fra(economicTerms)
then (
economicTerms -> payout -> InterestRatePayout
filter rateSpecification -> FixedRateSpecification exists
then only-element
then priceQuantity
then StandardizedScheduleMonetaryNotionalCurrencyFromResolvablePQ
else if Qualify_CreditDefaultSwap_SingleName(economicTerms)
or Qualify_CreditDefaultSwap_Index(economicTerms)
or Qualify_CreditDefaultSwap_IndexTranche(economicTerms)
or IsCreditNthToDefault(economicTerms)
then (
economicTerms -> payout -> CreditDefaultPayout only-element -> priceQuantity
then StandardizedScheduleMonetaryNotionalCurrencyFromResolvablePQ
else if Qualify_CreditDefaultSwaption(economicTerms)
then (
UnderlierForProduct(product) -> Product ->> economicTerms -> payout -> CreditDefaultPayout only-element -> priceQuantity
then StandardizedScheduleMonetaryNotionalCurrencyFromResolvablePQ
// Credit Total return swap on a bond not supported
else if Qualify_ForeignExchange_Swap(economicTerms)
then (
economicTerms -> payout -> SettlementPayout only-element -> priceQuantity -> quantitySchedule -> unit -> currency
else if Qualify_ForeignExchange_NDS(economicTerms)
then "AAA" // Receive side notional and currency. What does that mean?
else if Qualify_ForeignExchange_Spot_Forward(economicTerms)
then (
economicTerms -> payout -> SettlementPayout only-element -> priceQuantity -> quantitySchedule -> unit -> currency
else if Qualify_ForeignExchange_NDF(economicTerms)
then (
StandardizedScheduleFXNDFNotional(economicTerms -> payout -> SettlementPayout only-element) -> unit -> currency
else if IsFXDeliverableOption(economicTerms)
then (
economicTerms -> payout -> OptionPayout only-element -> priceQuantity -> quantitySchedule -> unit -> currency
else if IsFXNonDeliverableOption(economicTerms)
then (
StandardizedScheduleFXNDONotional(economicTerms -> payout -> OptionPayout only-element) -> unit -> currency
else if Qualify_ForeignExchange_ParameterReturnVariance(economicTerms)
then (
economicTerms -> payout -> PerformancePayout only-element -> returnTerms -> varianceReturnTerms -> varianceStrikePrice -> unit -> currency
else if Qualify_ForeignExchange_ParameterReturnVolatility(economicTerms)
then "AAA" //Vega notional amount not mapped in the product
else if Qualify_ForeignExchange_ParameterReturnCorrelation(economicTerms)
then "AAA" //No sample trades
else if Qualify_EquityOption_PriceReturnBasicPerformance_Basket(economicTerms)
or Qualify_EquityOption_PriceReturnBasicPerformance_Index(economicTerms)
or Qualify_EquityOption_PriceReturnBasicPerformance_SingleName(economicTerms)
//To determine if the method used applies to the following equity options:
// or Qualify_EquityOption_ParameterReturnVolatility_Basket(economicTerms)
// or Qualify_EquityOption_ParameterReturnVolatility_Index(economicTerms)
// or Qualify_EquityOption_ParameterReturnVolatility_SingleName(economicTerms)
// or Qualify_EquityOption_ParameterReturnVariance_Basket(economicTerms)
// or Qualify_EquityOption_ParameterReturnVariance_Index(economicTerms)
// or Qualify_EquityOption_ParameterReturnVariance_SingleName(economicTerms)
// or Qualify_EquityOption_ParameterReturnCorrelation_Basket(economicTerms)
// // or Qualify_EquityOption_ParameterReturnCorrelation_Index(economicTerms)
// // or Qualify_EquityOption_ParameterReturnCorrelation_SingleName(economicTerms)
// or Qualify_EquityOption_ParameterReturnDividend_Basket(economicTerms)
// or Qualify_EquityOption_ParameterReturnDividend_Index(economicTerms)
// or Qualify_EquityOption_ParameterReturnDividend_SingleName(economicTerms)
then (
economicTerms -> payout -> OptionPayout only-element -> strike -> strikePrice -> unit -> currency
else if Qualify_BaseProduct_EquityForward(economicTerms)
then (
economicTerms -> payout -> SettlementPayout only-element -> priceQuantity -> quantitySchedule -> unit -> currency
else if Qualify_EquitySwap_ParameterReturnDividend_Basket(economicTerms)
or Qualify_EquitySwap_ParameterReturnDividend_Index(economicTerms)
or Qualify_EquitySwap_ParameterReturnDividend_SingleName(economicTerms)
then "AAA" //All dividend swaps are defined with a monetary payment, no strike price or number of shares
// EQ Deliverable Option F not supported
else if Qualify_EquitySwap_ParameterReturnVariance_Basket(economicTerms)
or Qualify_EquitySwap_ParameterReturnVariance_Index(economicTerms)
or Qualify_EquitySwap_ParameterReturnVariance_SingleName(economicTerms)
then (
economicTerms -> payout -> PerformancePayout only-element -> returnTerms -> varianceReturnTerms -> volatilityStrikePrice -> unit -> currency
else if Qualify_EquitySwap_ParameterReturnVolatility_Basket(economicTerms)
or Qualify_EquitySwap_ParameterReturnVolatility_Index(economicTerms)
or Qualify_EquitySwap_ParameterReturnVolatility_SingleName(economicTerms)
then "AAA" //Is volatility amount = vega notional amount?
// EQ Contract fo Difference (CFD) not supported
else if Qualify_BaseProduct_EquitySwap(economicTerms)
then "AAA" //No initial value or current value available in the test samples
else if Qualify_Commodity_Forward(economicTerms)
then (
economicTerms -> payout -> FixedPricePayout only-element -> fixedPrice -> price -> unit -> currency //Floating price forwards not supported
else if Qualify_Commodity_Option(economicTerms)
then (
economicTerms -> payout -> OptionPayout only-element -> strike -> strikePrice -> unit -> currency
else if Qualify_Commodity_Swap_FixedFloat(economicTerms)
then (
economicTerms -> payout -> FixedPricePayout only-element -> fixedPrice -> price -> unit -> currency
else if Qualify_Commodity_Swap_Basis(economicTerms)
then "AAA" //No spot price available
else if Qualify_Commodity_Swaption(economicTerms)
then (
UnderlierForProduct(product) -> Product ->> economicTerms -> payout -> FixedPricePayout only-element -> fixedPrice -> price -> unit -> currency
// CO Contract for Difference (CFD) not supported
func AuxiliarEffectiveDate: <"Extracts the effective date of specific products such as interest rate swaps and swaptions.">
trade Trade (1..1)
effectiveDate date (0..1)
alias economicTerms: trade -> product -> economicTerms
set effectiveDate:
// interestRatePayout
if economicTerms -> payout -> InterestRatePayout -> calculationPeriodDates -> effectiveDate -> adjustableDate exists
then (economicTerms -> payout -> InterestRatePayout -> calculationPeriodDates -> effectiveDate -> adjustableDate
extract AdjustableDateResolution
then min)
// interestRateSwaptions
else if economicTerms -> payout -> OptionPayout only-element -> underlier -> Product ->> economicTerms -> payout -> InterestRatePayout -> calculationPeriodDates -> effectiveDate -> adjustableDate exists
then (economicTerms -> payout -> OptionPayout only-element -> underlier -> Product ->> economicTerms -> payout -> InterestRatePayout -> calculationPeriodDates -> effectiveDate -> adjustableDate
extract AdjustableDateResolution
then min)
func AuxiliarTerminationDate: <"Extracts the termination date of specific products such as interest rate swaps and swaptions.">
inputs: trade Trade (1..1)
output: terminationDate date (0..1)
alias economicTerms: trade -> product -> economicTerms
set terminationDate:
// interestRatePayout
if economicTerms -> payout -> InterestRatePayout -> calculationPeriodDates -> terminationDate -> adjustableDate exists
then (economicTerms -> payout -> InterestRatePayout -> calculationPeriodDates -> terminationDate -> adjustableDate
extract AdjustableDateResolution
then max)
// interestRateSwaptions
else if economicTerms -> payout -> OptionPayout only-element -> underlier -> Product ->> economicTerms -> payout -> InterestRatePayout -> calculationPeriodDates -> terminationDate -> adjustableDate exists
then (economicTerms -> payout -> OptionPayout only-element -> underlier -> Product ->> economicTerms -> payout -> InterestRatePayout -> calculationPeriodDates -> terminationDate -> adjustableDate
extract AdjustableDateResolution
then max)
func StandardizedScheduleDuration: <"Extracts the duration of a trade, according to the product class-depending extraction method defined in the ISDA industry survey.">
trade Trade (1..1)
durationInYears number (0..1)
alias product: trade -> product
alias economicTerms: trade -> product -> economicTerms
alias underlier: UnderlierForProduct(product)
alias transactionEffectiveDate:
ConvertToAdjustableOrAdjustedOrRelativeDate(economicTerms -> effectiveDate)
alias transactionTerminationDate:
economicTerms -> terminationDate
alias transactionTenorInYears:
if transactionEffectiveDate exists and transactionTerminationDate exists
then DateDifferenceYears(transactionEffectiveDate, transactionTerminationDate)
alias underlyingTransactionEffectiveDate:
underlier -> Product ->> economicTerms -> effectiveDate
alias underlyingTransactionTerminationDate:
underlier -> Product ->> economicTerms -> terminationDate
alias underlyingTransactionTenorInYears:
if underlyingTransactionEffectiveDate exists
and underlyingTransactionTerminationDate exists
then DateDifferenceYears(
alias optionExpiry:
economicTerms -> payout -> OptionPayout only-element -> exerciseTerms
then extract
if style = OptionExerciseStyleEnum -> American
then AdjustableOrAdjustedOrRelativeDateResolution(
expirationDate only-element
else if style = OptionExerciseStyleEnum -> European
then (expirationDate
max [
else if style = OptionExerciseStyleEnum -> Bermuda
then (if exerciseDates -> adjustableDates exists
then AdjustableDatesResolution(exerciseDates -> adjustableDates)
max [ item ]
extract item)
alias timeToOptionExpiryInYears:
if transactionEffectiveDate exists and optionExpiry exists
then DateDifferenceYears(transactionEffectiveDate, optionExpiry)
alias genericDurationInYears:
if Qualify_BaseProduct_IRSwap(economicTerms)
or IsIRSwapWithCallableBermudanRightToEnterExitSwaps(economicTerms)
or Qualify_BaseProduct_CrossCurrency(economicTerms)
or Qualify_InterestRate_Fra(economicTerms)
or Qualify_CreditDefaultSwap_SingleName(economicTerms)
or Qualify_CreditDefaultSwap_Index(economicTerms)
or Qualify_CreditDefaultSwap_IndexTranche(economicTerms)
or IsCreditNthToDefault(economicTerms)
then transactionTenorInYears
else if Qualify_InterestRate_Option_Swaption(economicTerms)
or Qualify_CreditDefaultSwaption(economicTerms)
or IsIRSwaptionStraddle(economicTerms)
then (if timeToOptionExpiryInYears exists
and underlyingTransactionTenorInYears exists
then timeToOptionExpiryInYears + underlyingTransactionTenorInYears
else if timeToOptionExpiryInYears exists
then timeToOptionExpiryInYears
else if underlyingTransactionTenorInYears exists
then underlyingTransactionTenorInYears)
else if Qualify_InterestRate_CapFloor(economicTerms)
or Qualify_InterestRate_Option_DebtOption(economicTerms)
then timeToOptionExpiryInYears
// IR Exotic swap with an exotic coupon against a floating leg not supported
// Credit Total return swap on a bond not supported
alias auxiliarDurationInYears:
DateDifferenceYears(AuxiliarEffectiveDate(trade), AuxiliarTerminationDate(trade))
set durationInYears:
if genericDurationInYears exists
then genericDurationInYears
else auxiliarDurationInYears
func GetIMRequirement: <"Computes the IM requirement, which is required in the calculation of the gross initial margin. It depends exclusively on the asset class of the trade and, in some cases, on the duration as well.">
assetClass StandardizedScheduleAssetClassEnum (1..1)
durationInYears number (1..1)
percentage number (1..1)
set percentage:
if assetClass = StandardizedScheduleAssetClassEnum -> InterestRates
then (if durationInYears <= 2
then 1.0
else if durationInYears > 2 and durationInYears <= 5
then 2.0
else if durationInYears > 5
then 4.0)
else if assetClass = StandardizedScheduleAssetClassEnum -> Credit
then (if durationInYears <= 2
then 2.0
else if durationInYears > 2 and durationInYears <= 5
then 5.0
else if durationInYears > 5
then 10.0)
else if assetClass = StandardizedScheduleAssetClassEnum -> ForeignExchange
then 6.0
else if assetClass = StandardizedScheduleAssetClassEnum -> Equity
then 15.0
else if assetClass = StandardizedScheduleAssetClassEnum -> Commodity
then 15.0
func UnderlierForProduct: <"Extracts the underlier product.">
product NonTransferableProduct (1..1)
underlier Underlier (1..1)
set underlier:
if product -> economicTerms -> payout -> OptionPayout exists
then product -> economicTerms -> payout -> OptionPayout only-element-> underlier
else if product -> economicTerms -> payout -> SettlementPayout exists
then product -> economicTerms -> payout -> SettlementPayout only-element -> underlier
func AdjustableOrAdjustedOrRelativeDateResolution: <"A fall back for unadjustedDate when adjustedDate is only available.">
adjustableDate AdjustableOrAdjustedOrRelativeDate (1..1)
date date (0..1)
set date:
if adjustableDate -> unadjustedDate exists
then adjustableDate -> unadjustedDate
else adjustableDate -> adjustedDate
func AdjustableDateResolution: <"A fall back for unadjustedDate when adjustedDate is only available.">
adjustableDate AdjustableDate (1..1)
date date (0..1)
set date:
if adjustableDate -> unadjustedDate exists
then adjustableDate -> unadjustedDate
else adjustableDate -> adjustedDate
func AdjustableDatesResolution: <"A fall back for unadjustedDate when adjustedDate is only available.">
adjustableDates AdjustableDates (1..1)
date date (0..*)
add date:
if adjustableDates -> unadjustedDate exists
then adjustableDates -> unadjustedDate
else adjustableDates -> adjustedDate
func StandardizedScheduleMonetaryNotionalFromResolvablePQ: <"Extracts the notional amount for all products that have it populated in the resolvable priceQuantity.">
priceQuantity ResolvablePriceQuantity (0..1)
notional number (0..1)
set notional:
if priceQuantity -> quantitySchedule exists
and priceQuantity -> quantitySchedule -> unit -> currency exists
then (if priceQuantity -> quantitySchedule -> multiplier exists
then priceQuantity -> quantitySchedule -> value * priceQuantity -> quantitySchedule -> multiplier -> value
else priceQuantity -> quantitySchedule -> value)
func StandardizedScheduleMonetaryNotionalCurrencyFromResolvablePQ: <"Extracts the notional currency for all products that have it populated in the resolvable priceQuantity.">
priceQuantity ResolvablePriceQuantity (0..1)
notionalCurrency string (0..1)
set notionalCurrency:
if priceQuantity -> quantitySchedule exists
and priceQuantity -> quantitySchedule -> unit -> currency exists
then (if priceQuantity -> quantitySchedule -> multiplier exists
then priceQuantity -> quantitySchedule -> multiplier -> unit -> currency
else priceQuantity -> quantitySchedule -> unit -> currency)
func FXFarLeg: <"Extracts the far leg of an FX swap (deliverable or not) based on two criteria: the forward payout with the latest value date or the forward payout with the latest settlement date.">
product NonTransferableProduct (1..1)
farLegPayout SettlementPayout (0..1)
alias settlementPayout: product -> economicTerms -> payout -> SettlementPayout
set farLegPayout:
// value date
if (Qualify_ForeignExchange_Swap(product -> economicTerms) or Qualify_ForeignExchange_NDS(product -> economicTerms))
and settlementPayout -> settlementTerms -> settlementDate -> valueDate exists
then settlementPayout max [ item -> settlementTerms -> settlementDate -> valueDate ]
// adjustable or relative date
else if (Qualify_ForeignExchange_Swap(product -> economicTerms) or Qualify_ForeignExchange_NDS(product -> economicTerms))
and settlementPayout -> settlementTerms -> settlementDate -> adjustableOrRelativeDate exists
then settlementPayout
max [
item -> settlementTerms -> settlementDate -> adjustableOrRelativeDate
// func StandardizedScheduleFXSwapNotional: <"Extracts the notional amount and currency of an FX swap.">
// inputs: farLeg SettlementPayout (0..1)
// output: quantity NonNegativeQuantitySchedule (0..1)
// // alias exchangedCurrencies:
// // [
// // farLeg -> underlier -> foreignExchange -> exchangedCurrency1,
// // farLeg -> underlier -> foreignExchange -> exchangedCurrency2
// // ]
// // alias extractedExchangedCurrency:
// // if exchangedCurrencies -> priceQuantity -> quantitySchedule -> unit -> currency any = "USD" then (
// // exchangedCurrencies filter priceQuantity -> quantitySchedule -> unit -> currency = "USD"
// // )
// // else if exchangedCurrencies -> priceQuantity -> quantitySchedule -> unit -> currency any = "EUR" then (
// // exchangedCurrencies filter priceQuantity -> quantitySchedule -> unit -> currency = "EUR"
// // )
// // else if exchangedCurrencies -> priceQuantity -> quantitySchedule -> unit -> currency any = "JPY" then (
// // exchangedCurrencies filter priceQuantity -> quantitySchedule -> unit -> currency = "JPY"
// // )
// // else if exchangedCurrencies -> priceQuantity -> quantitySchedule -> unit -> currency any = "GBP" then (
// // exchangedCurrencies filter priceQuantity -> quantitySchedule -> unit -> currency = "GBP"
// // )
// // else if exchangedCurrencies -> priceQuantity -> quantitySchedule -> unit -> currency any = "CHF" then (
// // exchangedCurrencies filter priceQuantity -> quantitySchedule -> unit -> currency = "CHF"
// // )
// // else (
// // exchangedCurrencies then
// // min [item -> priceQuantity -> quantitySchedule -> unit -> currency]
// // )
// set quantity:
// // extractedExchangedCurrency only-element -> priceQuantity -> quantitySchedule
// farLeg -> priceQuantity -> quantitySchedule
func StandardizedScheduleFXNDFNotional: <"Extracts the notional amount and currency of an FX non-deliverable forward.">
settlementPayout SettlementPayout (0..1)
quantity NonNegativeQuantitySchedule (0..1)
// alias settlementCurrency: settlementPayout -> settlementTerms -> settlementCurrency
// alias exchangedCurrencies:
// [
// forwardPayout -> underlier -> foreignExchange -> exchangedCurrency1,
// forwardPayout -> underlier -> foreignExchange -> exchangedCurrency2
// ]
set quantity:
// exchangedCurrencies filter priceQuantity -> quantitySchedule -> unit -> currency = settlementCurrency then only-element then priceQuantity -> quantitySchedule
settlementPayout -> priceQuantity -> quantitySchedule
func StandardizedScheduleFXNDONotional: <"Extracts the notional amount and currency of an FX non-deliverable option.">
optionPayout OptionPayout (0..1)
quantity NonNegativeQuantitySchedule (0..1)
// alias settlementCurrency:
// optionPayout -> settlementTerms -> settlementCurrency
// alias exchangedCurrencies:
// [
// optionPayout -> underlier -> foreignExchange -> exchangedCurrency1,
// optionPayout -> underlier -> foreignExchange -> exchangedCurrency2
// ]
set quantity:
// exchangedCurrencies filter priceQuantity -> quantitySchedule -> unit -> currency = settlementCurrency then only-element then priceQuantity -> quantitySchedule
optionPayout -> priceQuantity -> quantitySchedule
func StandardizedScheduleFXVarianceNotionalAmount: <"Extracts the notional amount of an FX variance swap.">
performancePayout PerformancePayout (0..1)
amount number (0..1)
alias varianceReturnTerms: performancePayout -> returnTerms -> varianceReturnTerms
alias vegaNotionalAmount: varianceReturnTerms -> vegaNotionalAmount
alias fixedRate: varianceReturnTerms -> varianceStrikePrice
set amount: (vegaNotionalAmount -> value) / (0.02 * (fixedRate -> value))
func StandardizedScheduleOptionNotionalAmount: <"Extracts the notional amount of a CO or EQ option.">
optionPayout OptionPayout (0..1)
amount number (0..1)
alias strikePrice:
optionPayout -> strike -> strikePrice -> value
alias notionalQuantity:
optionPayout -> priceQuantity -> quantitySchedule
then (
if multiplier exists then value * multiplier -> value
else value
set amount:
strikePrice * notionalQuantity
func StandardizedScheduleEquityForwardNotionalAmount: <"Extracts the notional amount of an EQ forward.">
settlementPayout SettlementPayout (0..1)
amount number (0..1)
alias forwardPrice:
settlementPayout -> priceQuantity -> priceSchedule only-element -> value
alias notionalQuantity:
settlementPayout -> priceQuantity -> quantitySchedule then
(if multiplier exists then value * multiplier -> value else value)
set amount:
forwardPrice * notionalQuantity
func StandardizedScheduleVarianceSwapNotionalAmount: <"Extracts the notional amount of an EQ variance swap.">
performancePayout PerformancePayout (0..1)
amount number (0..1)
alias varianceAmount:
performancePayout -> priceQuantity -> quantitySchedule
then (if multiplier exists
then value * multiplier -> value
else value)
then if item >= 1 then 0.01 * item else item
alias volatilityStrikePrice:
performancePayout -> returnTerms -> varianceReturnTerms -> volatilityStrikePrice -> value
set amount: 200 * varianceAmount * volatilityStrikePrice
func StandardizedScheduleCommodityForwardNotionalAmount: <"Extracts the notional amount of a CO forward. Floating price forwards not supported.">
economicTerms EconomicTerms (0..1)
amount number (0..1)
alias forwardPrice:
economicTerms -> payout -> FixedPricePayout only-element -> fixedPrice -> price -> value
alias notionalQuantity:
economicTerms -> payout -> SettlementPayout only-element -> priceQuantity -> quantitySchedule
then (if multiplier exists
then value * multiplier -> value
else value)
set amount: forwardPrice * notionalQuantity
func StandardizedScheduleCommoditySwapFixedFloatNotionalAmount: <"Extracts the notional amount of a CO fixed float swap.">
economicTerms EconomicTerms (0..1)
amount number (0..1)
alias fixedPrice:
economicTerms -> payout -> FixedPricePayout only-element -> fixedPrice -> price -> value
alias notionalQuantity:
economicTerms -> payout -> CommodityPayout only-element -> priceQuantity -> quantitySchedule
then (if multiplier exists
then value * multiplier -> value
else value)
set amount: fixedPrice * notionalQuantity
func DateDifferenceYears: <"Computes the difference in years between two dates. All years are supposed to have 365 days.">
firstDate date (1..1) <"The earlier date.">
secondDate date (1..1) <"The later date.">
difference number (1..1)
set difference: DateDifference(firstDate, secondDate) / 365.0
func IsCreditNthToDefault: <"Identifies a product as a CR basket Nth to default.">
economicTerms EconomicTerms (1..1)
is_Product boolean (1..1)
set is_Product:
economicTerms -> payout -> CreditDefaultPayout only-element -> generalTerms -> basketReferenceInformation -> nthToDefault exists
func IsFXDeliverableOption: <"Identifies a product as an FX deliverable option.">
economicTerms EconomicTerms (1..1)
is_Product boolean (1..1)
set is_Product:
and economicTerms -> payout -> OptionPayout only-element -> settlementTerms -> settlementType = SettlementTypeEnum -> Physical
func IsFXNonDeliverableOption: <"Identifies a product as an FX non-deliverable option.">
economicTerms EconomicTerms (1..1)
is_Product boolean (1..1)
set is_Product:
and economicTerms -> payout -> OptionPayout only-element -> settlementTerms -> settlementType = SettlementTypeEnum -> Cash
func IsIRSwaptionStraddle: <"Identifies a product as an IR swaption straddle.">
economicTerms EconomicTerms (1..1)
is_Product boolean (1..1)
set is_Product:
and economicTerms -> payout -> OptionPayout only-element -> optionType = OptionTypeEnum -> Straddle
func IsIRSwapWithCallableBermudanRightToEnterExitSwaps: <"Identifies a product as an IR swap with bermudan/callable right to enter/exit swaps.">
economicTerms EconomicTerms (1..1)
is_Product boolean (1..1)
set is_Product:
and economicTerms -> terminationProvision -> earlyTerminationProvision -> optionalEarlyTermination -> exerciseTerms -> style = OptionExerciseStyleEnum -> Bermuda
func GetNetInitialMarginFromExposure: <"Computes the net initial margin, taking the gross initial margin result and the mark to market value for each trade in the portfolio.">
exposure Exposure (0..1)
initialMargin StandardizedScheduleInitialMargin (0..1)
alias tradePortfolio: exposure -> tradePortfolio
alias positions: tradePortfolio -> positions
alias tradeInitialMargin:
StandardizedScheduleTradeInfo {
assetClass: BuildStandardizedSchedule(item -> tradeReference -> trade) -> assetClass,
productClass: BuildStandardizedSchedule(item -> tradeReference -> trade) -> productClass,
grossInitialMargin: GetGrossInitialMarginFromStandardizedSchedule(
BuildStandardizedSchedule(item -> tradeReference -> trade)
markToMarketValue: item -> tradeReference -> valuationHistory
filter method = ValuationTypeEnum -> MarkToMarket
then only-element
then amount
alias totalGIM: tradeInitialMargin -> grossInitialMargin -> value sum
alias netCurrentReplacementCost: tradeInitialMargin -> markToMarketValue -> value sum
alias grossCurrentReplacementCost:
tradeInitialMargin -> markToMarketValue
filter item -> value > 0
then value sum
alias netToGrossRatio: netCurrentReplacementCost / grossCurrentReplacementCost
add initialMargin -> tradeInfo: tradeInitialMargin
set initialMargin -> netInitialMargin -> value:
0.4 * totalGIM + 0.6 * totalGIM * netToGrossRatio
set initialMargin -> netInitialMargin -> unit -> currency:
tradeInitialMargin -> markToMarketValue -> unit -> currency distinct only-element
func Create_ExposureFromTrades: <"Builds an Exposure structure from a collection of trades.">
trades TradeState (0..*)
exposure Exposure (0..1)
add exposure -> tradePortfolio -> positions:
Position {
cashBalance: empty,
priceQuantity: item -> trade -> tradeLot -> priceQuantity,
tradeReference: empty,
product: Product {
NonTransferableProduct: item -> trade -> product,
set exposure -> tradePortfolio -> lineage -> tradeReference: trades -> trade first
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