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 * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 the original author or authors.
package org.fusesource.scalamd

// import ru.circumflex.core._
import java.util.regex._
import java.util.Random
import java.lang.StringBuilder
import collection.mutable.ListBuffer

// # The Markdown Processor

 * This utility converts a plain text written in [Markdown][1] into HTML fragment.
 * The typical usage is:
 *     val md = Markdown(myMarkdownText)
 *  [1]: "Markdown Syntax"
object Markdown {

  // ## SmartyPants chars

  val leftQuote = "“"
  val rightQuote = "”"
  val dash = "—"
  val copy ="©"
  val reg = "®"
  val trademark = "™"
  val ellipsis = "…"
  val leftArrow = "←"
  val rightArrow = "→"

  // ## Commons

  val keySize = 20
  val chars = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
  val rnd = new Random
  val blockTags = "p" :: "div" :: "h1" :: "h2" :: "h3" :: "h4" :: "h5" :: "h6" ::
      "blockquote" :: "pre" :: "table" :: "dl" :: "ol" :: "ul" :: "script" ::
      "noscript" :: "form" :: "fieldset" :: "iframe" :: "math" :: "ins" :: "del" ::
      "article" :: "aside" :: "footer" :: "header" :: "hgroup" :: "nav" :: "section" ::
      "figure" :: "video" :: "audio" :: "embed" :: "canvas" :: "address" :: "details" ::
      "object" ::  Nil
  val htmlNameTokenExpr = "[a-z_:][a-z0-9\\-_:.]*"

  // ## Regex patterns

  // We use precompile several regular expressions that are used for typical
  // transformations.

  // Outdent
  val rOutdent = Pattern.compile("^ {1,4}", Pattern.MULTILINE)
  // Standardize line endings
  val rLineEnds = Pattern.compile("\\r\\n|\\r")
  // Strip out whitespaces in blank lines
  val rBlankLines = Pattern.compile("^ +$", Pattern.MULTILINE)
  // Tabs
  val rTabs = Pattern.compile("\\t")
  // Trailing whitespace
  val rTrailingWS = Pattern.compile("\\s+$")
  // Start of inline HTML block
  val rInlineHtmlStart = Pattern.compile("^<(" + blockTags.mkString("|") + ")\\b[^/>]*?>",
  // HTML comments
  val rHtmlComment = Pattern.compile("^ {0,3}()\\s*?(?=\\n+|\\Z)",
    Pattern.MULTILINE | Pattern.DOTALL)
  // Link definitions
  val rLinkDefinition = Pattern.compile("^ {0,3}\\[(.+)\\]:" +
      " *\\n? *? *\\n? *" +
      "(?:[\"('](.+?)[\")'])?" +
      "(?=\\n+|\\Z)", Pattern.MULTILINE)
  // Character escaping
  val rEscAmp = Pattern.compile("&(?!#?[xX]?(?:[0-9a-fA-F]+|\\w+);)")
  val rEscLt = Pattern.compile("<(?![a-z/?\\$!])")
  val rInsideTags = Pattern.compile("<(/?" + htmlNameTokenExpr + "(?:\\s+(?:" +
      "(?:" + htmlNameTokenExpr + "\\s*=\\s*\"[^\"]*\")|" +
      "(?:" + htmlNameTokenExpr + "\\s*=\\s*'[^']*')|" +
      "(?:" + htmlNameTokenExpr + "\\s*=\\s*[a-z0-9_:.\\-]+)" +
      ")\\s*)*)>", Pattern.DOTALL | Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE)
  // Headers
  val rH1 = Pattern.compile("^ {0,3}(\\S.*?)( *\\{#(.*?)\\})?\\n=+(?=\\n+|\\Z)", Pattern.MULTILINE)
  val rH2 = Pattern.compile("^ {0,3}(\\S.*?)( *\\{#(.*?)\\})?\\n-+(?=\\n+|\\Z)", Pattern.MULTILINE)
  val rHeaders = Pattern.compile("^(#{1,6}) *(\\S.*?)(?: *#*)?( *\\{#(.*?)\\})?$", Pattern.MULTILINE)
  // Horizontal rulers
  val rHr = Pattern.compile("^ {0,3}(?:" +
      "(?:(?:\\* *){3,})|" +
      "(?:(?:- *){3,})|" +
      "(?:(?:_ *){3,})" +
      ") *$", Pattern.MULTILINE)
  val rHtmlHr = Pattern.compile("^ {0,3}()\\s*?$",
    Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.DOTALL | Pattern.MULTILINE)
  // Lists
  val listExpr = "( {0,3}([-+*]|\\d+\\.) +(?s:.+?)" +
  val rSubList = Pattern.compile("^" + listExpr, Pattern.MULTILINE)
  val rList = Pattern.compile("(?<=\\n\\n|\\A\\n?)" + listExpr, Pattern.MULTILINE)
  val rListItem = Pattern.compile("(\\n)?^( *)(?:[-+*]|\\d+\\.) +" +
      "((?s:.+?)\\n{1,2})(?=\\n*(?:\\Z|\\2(?:[-+*]|\\d+\\.) +))", Pattern.MULTILINE)
  // Code blocks
  val rCodeBlock = Pattern.compile("(?<=\\n\\n|\\A\\n?)" +
      "(^ {4}(?s:.+?))(?=\\Z|\\n+ {0,3}\\S)", Pattern.MULTILINE)
  val rCodeLangId = Pattern.compile("^\\s*lang:(.+?)(?:\\n|\\Z)")
  // Block quotes
  val rBlockQuote = Pattern.compile("((?:^ *>(?:.+(?:\\n|\\Z))+\\n*)+)",
  val rBlockQuoteTrims = Pattern.compile("(?:^ *> ?)|(?:^ *$)|(?-m:\\n+$)",
  // Paragraphs splitter
  val rParaSplit = Pattern.compile("\\n{2,}")
  // Code spans
  val rCodeSpan = Pattern.compile("(?(.*?)", Pattern.DOTALL)
  // Images
  val rImage = Pattern.compile("!\\[(.*?)\\]\\((.*?)( \"(.*?)\")?\\)")
  // Backslash escapes
  val backslashEscapes = ("\\\\\\\\" -> "\") ::
      ("\\\\`" ->  "`") ::
      ("\\\\_" ->  "_") ::
      ("\\\\>" ->  ">") ::
      ("\\\\\\*" ->  "*") ::
      ("\\\\\\{" ->  "{") ::
      ("\\\\\\}" ->  "}") ::
      ("\\\\\\[" ->  "[") ::
      ("\\\\\\]" ->  "]") ::
      ("\\\\\\(" ->  "(") ::
      ("\\\\\\)" ->  ")") ::
      ("\\\\#" ->  "#") ::
      ("\\\\\\+" ->  "+") ::
      ("\\\\-" ->  "-") ::
      ("\\\\\\." ->  ".") ::
      ("\\\\!" ->  "!") :: Nil
  // Reference-style links
  val rRefLinks = Pattern.compile("(\\[(.*?)\\] ?(?:\\n *)?\\[(.*?)\\])")
  // Inline links
  val rInlineLinks = Pattern.compile("\\[(.*?)\\]\\( *? *" +
      "((['\"])(.*?)\\4)?\\)", Pattern.DOTALL)
  // Autolinks
  val rAutoLinks = Pattern.compile("<((https?|ftp):[^'\">\\s]+)>")
  // Autoemails
  val rAutoEmail = Pattern.compile("<([-.\\w]+\\@[-a-z0-9]+(\\.[-a-z0-9]+)*\\.[a-z]+)>")
  // Ems and strongs
  val rStrong = Pattern.compile("(\\*\\*|__)(?=\\S)(.+?[*_]*)(?<=\\S)\\1")
  val rEm = Pattern.compile("(\\*|_)(?=\\S)(.+?)(?<=\\S)\\1")
  // Manual linebreaks
  val rBrs = Pattern.compile(" {2,}\n")
  // Ampersand wrapping
  val rAmp = Pattern.compile("&(?!#?[xX]?(?:[0-9a-fA-F]+|\\w+);)")
  // SmartyPants
  val smartyPants = (Pattern.compile("(?<=\\s|\\A)(?:\"|")(?=\\S)") -> leftQuote) ::
      (Pattern.compile("(?<=[\\w)?!.])(?:\"|")(?=[.,;?!*)]|\\s|\\Z)") -> rightQuote) ::
      (Pattern.compile("--") -> dash) ::
      (Pattern.compile("\\(r\\)", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE) -> reg) ::
      (Pattern.compile("\\(c\\)", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE) -> copy) ::
      (Pattern.compile("\\(tm\\)", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE) -> trademark) ::
      (Pattern.compile("\\.{3}") -> ellipsis) :: 
      (Pattern.compile("<-|<-") -> leftArrow) :: 
      (Pattern.compile("->|->") -> rightArrow) :: Nil
  // Markdown inside inline HTML
  val rInlineMd = Pattern.compile("(.*)", Pattern.DOTALL)
  // Macro definitions
  val rMacroDefs = Pattern.compile("")
  // TOC Macro
  val rToc = Pattern.compile("""\{\:toc\}""")

   * Convert the `source` from Markdown to HTML.
  def apply(source: String): String = new MarkdownText(source).toHtml

  var macros: List[MacroDefinition] = Nil


// # Processing Stuff
case class MacroDefinition(pattern: String, flags: String, replacement: (Matcher)=>String, literally: Boolean) {
  val regex: Pattern = {
    var f = 0;
    if (flags != null) flags.toList.foreach {
      case 'i' => f = f | Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE
      case 'd' => f = f | Pattern.UNIX_LINES
      case 'm' => f = f | Pattern.MULTILINE
      case 's' => f = f | Pattern.DOTALL
      case 'u' => f = f | Pattern.UNICODE_CASE
      case 'x' => f = f | Pattern.COMMENTS
      case _ =>
    Pattern.compile(pattern, f)
  override def toString = regex.toString

 * We collect all processing logic within this class.
class MarkdownText(source: CharSequence) {
  protected var listLevel = 0
  protected var text = new StringEx(source)
  import Markdown._

   * Link Definitions

  case class LinkDefinition(val url: String, val title: String) {
    override def toString = url + " (" + title + ")"

  protected var links: Map[String, LinkDefinition] = Map()

  protected var macros: List[MacroDefinition] = Markdown.macros

  // Protector for HTML blocks
  val htmlProtector = new Protector

  // ## Encoding methods

   * All unsafe chars are encoded to SGML entities.
  protected def encodeUnsafeChars(code: StringEx): StringEx = code
      .replaceAll("<", "<")
      .replaceAll(">", ">")
      .replaceAll("*", "*")
      .replaceAll("`", "`")
      .replaceAll("_", "_")
      .replaceAll("\\", "\")

   * All characters escaped with backslash are encoded to corresponding
   * SGML entities.
  protected def encodeBackslashEscapes(text: StringEx): StringEx =
    backslashEscapes.foldLeft(text)((tx, p) =>
      tx.replaceAll(Pattern.compile(p._1), p._2))

   * All unsafe chars are encoded to SGML entities inside code blocks.
  protected def encodeCode(code: StringEx): StringEx = code
      .replaceAll(rEscAmp, "&")
      .replaceAll("<", "<")
      .replaceAll(">", ">")

   * Ampersands and less-than signes are encoded to `&` and `<` respectively.
  protected def encodeAmpsAndLts(text: StringEx) = text
      .replaceAll(rEscAmp, "&")
      .replaceAll(rEscLt, "<")

   * Encodes specially-treated characters inside the HTML tags.
  protected def encodeCharsInsideTags(text: StringEx) =
    text.replaceAll(rInsideTags, m =>
      "<" + encodeUnsafeChars(new StringEx(
          .replaceAll(rEscAmp, "&")
          .toString + ">")

  // ## Processing methods

   * Normalization includes following stuff:
   * * replace DOS- and Mac-specific line endings with `\n`;
   * * replace tabs with spaces;
   * * reduce all blank lines (i.e. lines containing only spaces) to empty strings.
  protected def normalize(text: StringEx) = text
      .replaceAll(rLineEnds, "\n")
      .replaceAll(rTabs, "    ")
      .replaceAll(rBlankLines, "")

   * All inline HTML blocks are hashified, so that no harm is done to their internals.
  protected def hashHtmlBlocks(text: StringEx): StringEx = {
    text.replaceAll(rHtmlHr, m => htmlProtector.addToken( + "\n")
    val m = text.matcher(rInlineHtmlStart)
    if (m.find) {
      val tagName =
      // This regex will match either opening or closing tag;
      // opening tags will be captured by $1 leaving $2 empty,
      // while closing tags will be captured by $2 leaving $1 empty
      val mTags = text.matcher(Pattern.compile(
        "(<" + tagName + "\\b[^/>]*?>)|()",
      // Find end index of matching closing tag
      var depth = 1
      var idx = m.end
      while (depth > 0 && idx < text.length && mTags.find(idx)) {
        if ( == null) depth += 1
        else depth -= 1
        idx = mTags.end
      // Having inline HTML subsequence
      val endIdx = idx
      val startIdx = m.start
      val inlineHtml = new StringEx(text.subSequence(startIdx, endIdx))
      // Process markdown inside
      inlineHtml.replaceAll(rInlineMd, m => new MarkdownText(
      // Hashify block
      val key = htmlProtector.addToken(inlineHtml.toString)
      val sb = new StringBuilder(text.subSequence(0, startIdx))
          .append(text.subSequence(endIdx, text.length))
      // Continue recursively until all blocks are processes
      hashHtmlBlocks(new StringEx(sb))
    } else text

   * All HTML comments are hashified too.
  protected def hashHtmlComments(text: StringEx): StringEx = text.replaceAll(rHtmlComment, m => {
    val comment =
    val hash = htmlProtector.addToken(comment)
    "\n" + hash + "\n"

   * Standalone link definitions are added to the dictionary and then
   * stripped from the document.
  protected def stripLinkDefinitions(text: StringEx) =
    text.replaceAll(rLinkDefinition, m => {
      val id =
      val url =
      val title = if ( == null) "" else
      links += id -> LinkDefinition(url, title.replaceAll("\"", """))

   * Macro definitions are stripped from the document.
  protected def stripMacroDefinitions(text: StringEx) =
    text.replaceAll(rMacroDefs, m => {
      val replacement =
      macros ++= List(MacroDefinition(,, (x)=> replacement, false))

   * Block elements are processed within specified `text`.
  protected def runBlockGamut(text: StringEx): StringEx = {
    var result = text
    result = doHeaders(result)
    result = doHorizontalRulers(result)
    result = doLists(result)
    result = doCodeBlocks(result)
    result = doBlockQuotes(result)
    result = hashHtmlBlocks(result)    // Again, now hashing our generated markup
    result = formParagraphs(result)
    return result

   * Process both types of headers.
  protected def doHeaders(text: StringEx): StringEx = text
      .replaceAll(rH1, m => {
    val label = runSpanGamut(new StringEx(
    val id =
    val idAttr = if (id == null) to_id(label.toString) else " id = \"" + id + "\""
    "" + label + ""
  }).replaceAll(rH2, m => {
    val label = runSpanGamut(new StringEx(
    val id =
    val idAttr = if (id == null) to_id(label.toString) else " id = \"" + id + "\""
    "" + label + ""
  }).replaceAll(rHeaders, m => {
    val marker =
    val label = runSpanGamut(new StringEx(
    val id =
    val idAttr = if (id == null) { if(marker.length<4) to_id(label.toString) else "" } else { " id = \"" + id + "\"" }
    "" + label + ""

  // TODO: handle the dup id case.
  def to_id(label:String) = " id = \""+label.replaceAll("""[^a-zA-Z0-9\-:]""", "_") + "\""

   * Process horizontal rulers.
  protected def doHorizontalRulers(text: StringEx): StringEx =
    text.replaceAll(rHr, "\n
\n") /** * Process ordered and unordered lists and list items.. * * It is possible to have some nested block elements inside * lists, so the contents is passed to `runBlockGamut` after some * minor transformations. */ protected def doLists(text: StringEx): StringEx = { val pattern = if (listLevel == 0) rList else rSubList text.replaceAll(pattern, m => { val list = new StringEx( .append("\n") .replaceAll(rParaSplit, "\n\n\n") .replaceAll(rTrailingWS, "\n") val listType = match { case s if s.matches("[*+-]") => "ul" case _ => "ol" } val result = processListItems(list).replaceAll(rTrailingWS, "") "<" + listType + ">\n" + result + "\n\n\n" }) } protected def processListItems(text: StringEx): StringEx = { listLevel += 1 val sx = text.replaceAll(rListItem, m => { val content = val leadingLine = var item = new StringEx(content).outdent() if (leadingLine != null || content.indexOf("\n\n") != -1) item = runBlockGamut(item) else item = runSpanGamut(doLists(item)) "
  • " + item.toString.trim + "
  • \n"; }) listLevel -= 1 return sx } /** * Process code blocks. */ protected def doCodeBlocks(text: StringEx): StringEx = text.replaceAll(rCodeBlock, m => { var langExpr = "" val code = encodeCode(new StringEx( .outdent .replaceAll(rTrailingWS, "") .replaceAll(rCodeLangId, m => { langExpr = " class=\"" + + "\"" ""}) "" + code + "
    \n\n" }) /** * Process blockquotes. * * It is possible to have some nested block elements inside * blockquotes, so the contents is passed to `runBlockGamut` after some * minor transformations. */ protected def doBlockQuotes(text: StringEx): StringEx = text.replaceAll(rBlockQuote, m => { val content = new StringEx( .replaceAll(rBlockQuoteTrims, "") "
    \n" + runBlockGamut(content) + "\n
    \n\n" }) /** * At this point all HTML blocks should be hashified, so we treat all lines * separated by more than 2 linebreaks as paragraphs. */ protected def formParagraphs(text: StringEx): StringEx = new StringEx( rParaSplit.split(text.toString.trim) .map(para => htmlProtector.decode(para) match { case Some(d) => d case _ => "

    " + runSpanGamut(new StringEx(para)).toString + "

    " }).mkString("\n\n")) /** * Span elements are processed within specified `text`. */ protected def runSpanGamut(text: StringEx): StringEx = { val protector = new Protector var result = protectCodeSpans(protector, text) result = doCodeSpans(protector, text) result = encodeBackslashEscapes(text) result = doImages(text) result = doRefLinks(text) result = doInlineLinks(text) result = doAutoLinks(text) result = doLineBreaks(text) result = protectHtmlTags(protector, text) result = doSmartyPants(text) result = doAmpSpans(text) result = doEmphasis(text) result = unprotect(protector, text) return result } protected def protectHtmlTags(protector: Protector, text: StringEx): StringEx = text.replaceAll(rInsideTags, m => protector.addToken( protected def protectCodeSpans(protector: Protector, text: StringEx): StringEx = text.replaceAll(rCode, m => protector.addToken( protected def unprotect(protector: Protector, text: StringEx): StringEx = protector.keys.foldLeft(text)((t, k) => t.replaceAll(k, protector.decode(k).getOrElse(""))) /** * Process code spans. */ protected def doCodeSpans(protector: Protector, text: StringEx): StringEx = text.replaceAll(rCodeSpan, m => protector.addToken("" + encodeCode(new StringEx( + "")) /** * Process images. */ protected def doImages(text: StringEx): StringEx = text.replaceAll(rImage, m => { val alt = val src = val title = var result = "\""" }) /** * Process reference-style links. */ protected def doRefLinks(text: StringEx): StringEx = text.replaceAll(rRefLinks, m => { val wholeMatch = val linkText = var id = if (id == null || id == "") id = linkText.trim.toLowerCase links.get(id) match { case Some(ld) => val title = ld.title .replaceAll("\\*", "*") .replaceAll("_", "_") .trim val url = ld.url .replaceAll("\\*", "*") .replaceAll("_", "_") val titleAttr = if (title != "") " title=\"" + title + "\"" else "" "" + linkText + "" case _ => wholeMatch } }) /** * Process inline links. */ protected def doInlineLinks(text: StringEx): StringEx = text.replaceAll(rInlineLinks, m => { val linkText = val url = .replaceAll("\\*", "*") .replaceAll("_", "_") var titleAttr = "" var title = if (title != null) titleAttr = " title=\"" + title .replaceAll("\\*", "*") .replaceAll("_", "_") .replaceAll("\"", """) .trim + "\"" "" + linkText + "" }) /** * Process autolinks. */ protected def doAutoLinks(text: StringEx): StringEx = text .replaceAll(rAutoLinks, m => "" + + "") .replaceAll(rAutoEmail, m => { val address = val url = "mailto:" + address "" + encodeEmail(address) + "" }) /** * Process autoemails in anti-bot manner. */ protected def encodeEmail(s: String) = => { val r = rnd.nextDouble if (r < 0.45) "&#" + c.toInt + ";" else if (r < 0.9) "&#x" + Integer.toHexString(c.toInt) + ";" else c }).mkString /** * Process EMs and STRONGs. */ protected def doEmphasis(text: StringEx): StringEx = text .replaceAll(rStrong, m => "" + + "") .replaceAll(rEm, m => "" + + "") /** * Process manual linebreaks. */ protected def doLineBreaks(text: StringEx): StringEx = text .replaceAll(rBrs, "
    \n") /** * Process SmartyPants stuff. */ protected def doSmartyPants(text: StringEx): StringEx = smartyPants.foldLeft(text)((t,p) => t.replaceAll(p._1, p._2)) /** * Wrap ampersands with ``. */ protected def doAmpSpans(text: StringEx): StringEx = text.replaceAll(rAmp, "&") /** * Process user-defined macros. */ protected def doMacros(text: StringEx): StringEx = { macros.foldLeft(text)((t, m) => { t.replaceAllFunc(m.regex, m.replacement, m.literally) }) } /** * Process user-defined macros. */ protected def doToc(text: StringEx): StringEx = { text.replaceAllFunc(rToc, _=> (new TOC(text.toString)).toHtml, true); } /** * Transform the Markdown source into HTML. */ def toHtml(): String = { var result = text result = stripMacroDefinitions(result) result = doMacros(result) result = normalize(result) result = encodeCharsInsideTags(result) result = hashHtmlBlocks(result) result = hashHtmlComments(result) result = encodeAmpsAndLts(result) result = stripLinkDefinitions(result) result = runBlockGamut(result) result = doToc(result) return result.toString } } object TOC { val rHeadings = """(.*?)""".r } class TOC(val html: String) { case class Heading(level: Int, id: String, body: String) { def toHtml: String = if (id == null) "" + body + "" else "" + body + "" override def toString = toHtml } val headings: Seq[Heading] = TOC.rHeadings.findAllIn(html).matchData.toList .flatMap { m => if(!=null ) { Some(new Heading(,, } else { None } }.toList val toHtml: String = if (headings.size == 0) "" else { val sb = new StringBuilder def startList(l: Int) = sb.append(" " * l + """
    • """+"\n") def endList(l: Int) = sb.append(" " * (l - 1) + "
  • \n") def add(l: Int, h: Heading) = sb.append(" " * l + "
  • " + h.toString + "
  • \n") def formList(level: Int, index: Int): Unit = if (index < 0 || index >= headings.size) { if (level > 1) { endList(level) formList(level - 1, index) } } else { val h = headings(index) if (level < h.level) { startList(level) formList(level + 1, index) } else if (level > h.level) { endList(level) formList(level - 1, index) } else { add(level, h) formList(level, index + 1) } } formList(1, 0) """
      """+"\n" + sb.toString + "
    " } }

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