META-INF.resources.js.geojsf.GeoJSF3.js Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Protect window.console method calls, e.g. console is not defined on IE
* unless dev tools are open, and IE doesn't define console.debug
(function() {
if (!window.console) {
window.console = {};
// union of Chrome, FF, IE, and Safari console methods
var m = [
"log", "info", "warn", "error", "debug", "trace", "dir", "group",
"groupCollapsed", "groupEnd", "time", "timeEnd", "profile", "profileEnd",
"dirxml", "assert", "count", "markTimeline", "timeStamp", "clear"
// define undefined methods as noops to prevent errors
for (var i = 0; i < m.length; i++) {
if (!window.console[m[i]]) {
window.console[m[i]] = function() {};
var GeoJSF = {
map: null,
switcher: null,
commandCorrect: true,
updateOnClick: null,
updateOnMove: null,
id: null,
lastLayer: null,
baseLayer: null,
scaleValues: null,
setAjaxUpdates : function(updateClicks, updateMove)
this.updateOnClick = updateClicks;
this.updateOnMove = updateMove;
setScaleValues : function(values)
GeoJSF.scaleValues = values;
console.log('Allowed scale values are: ' +this.scaleValues);
getCurrentLocation : function()
processCurrentLocation : function(location)
console.log("You are at: (lat/lon) (" +location.coords.latitude +"/" +location.coords.longitude +") with an accurancy of " +location.coords.accuracy);
registerEventHandlers : function()
try {
console.log("Trying to register event handlers");
GeoJSF.map.on("singleclick", GeoJSF.processEventClick);
GeoJSF.map.on("moveend" , GeoJSF.processEventMove);
console.log("Done registering.");
catch (e) {alert("Problem with registering Map events: " +e)}
processEventMove : function(event)
this.centerLat = ol.proj.transform(event.map.getView().getCenter(), 'EPSG:3857', 'EPSG:4326')[0];
this.centerLon = ol.proj.transform(event.map.getView().getCenter(), 'EPSG:3857', 'EPSG:4326')[1];
// var extent = event.map.getView().calculateExtent(event.map.getSize());
var extent = ol.extent.applyTransform(event.map.getView().calculateExtent(event.map.getSize()), ol.proj.getTransform("EPSG:3857", "EPSG:4326"));
this.viewportBoundTop = extent[0];
this.viewportBoundBottom = extent[1];
this.viewportBoundLeft = extent[2];
this.viewportBoundRight = extent[3];
console.log(event.type +" has triggered change to center " +this.centerLat +"/" +this.centerLon);
try {
process: '@form',
source: GeoJSF.map.getTarget(),
event: 'mapMove',
update: GeoJSF.updateOnMove,
params: [
{name: 'org.geojsf.viewport.center.lon', value: this.centerLon},
{name: 'org.geojsf.viewport.center.lat', value: this.centerLat},
{name: 'org.geojsf.viewport.bottom', value: this.viewportBoundBottom},
{name: 'org.geojsf.viewport.top', value: ol.extent.applyTransform(event.map.getView().calculateExtent(event.map.getSize()), ol.proj.getTransform("EPSG:3857", "EPSG:4326"))[0]},
{name: 'org.geojsf.viewport.left', value: this.viewportBoundLeft},
{name: 'org.geojsf.viewport.right', value: this.viewportBoundRight},
{name: 'org.geojsf.viewport.scale', value: Math.floor( GeoJSF.map.getView().getResolution())},
oncomplete: function(xhr, status, args) {console.log('map move AJAX request sent.')}
} catch(e) {
console.log("MapMove failed." +e);
finally {}
processEventClick : function(event)
console.log("mapClick detected");
this.centerLat = event.map.getView().getCenter()[0];
this.centerLon = event.map.getView().getCenter()[1];
var extent = event.map.getView().calculateExtent(event.map.getSize());
this.viewportBoundTop = extent[0];
this.viewportBoundBottom = extent[1];
this.viewportBoundLeft = extent[2];
this.viewportBoundRight = extent[3];
var lonlat = ol.proj.transform(event.coordinate, 'EPSG:3857', 'EPSG:4326');
try {
process: '@form',
source: GeoJSF.map.getTarget(),
event: 'mapClick',
update: GeoJSF.updateOnClick,
params: [
{name: 'org.geojsf.click.lat', value: lonlat[1]},
{name: 'org.geojsf.click.lon', value: lonlat[0]},
{name: 'org.geojsf.viewport.center.lon', value: this.centerLon},
{name: 'org.geojsf.viewport.center.lat', value: this.centerLat},
{name: 'org.geojsf.viewport.bottom', value: this.viewportBoundBottom},
{name: 'org.geojsf.viewport.top', value: this.viewportBoundTop},
{name: 'org.geojsf.viewport.left', value: this.viewportBoundLeft},
{name: 'org.geojsf.viewport.right', value: this.viewportBoundRight},
{name: 'org.geojsf.viewport.resolution', value: GeoJSF.map.getView().getResolution()},
{name: 'org.geojsf.viewport.unit', value: GeoJSF.map.getView().getProjection().getUnits()},
{name: 'org.geojsf.viewport.scale', value: Math.floor( GeoJSF.map.getView().getResolution())},
oncomplete: function(xhr, status, args) {console.log('mapClick AJAX request sent. Resolution : ' +GeoJSF.map.getView().getResolution()+ ' ' +GeoJSF.map.getView().getProjection().getUnits())}
} catch(e) {
console.log("MapClick failed." +e);
finally {}
initMap : function(mapDiv,baseMap)
var layers = [];
if (baseMap=="osm")
layers.push(new ol.layer.Tile({
source: new ol.source.OSM()
GeoJSF.map = new ol.Map({
controls : ol.control.defaults({
attribution: false,
zoom : false,
rotate : false
layers : layers,
target : mapDiv
// This is important due to the calculations of the extent needed
// in initial TILED parameter TILESORIGIN in WMS
// Remove all layers and add the base layer again
resetLayers : function()
if (GeoJSF.map.layers)
for (var i = GeoJSF.map.layers.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
addLayer : function(name, url, params, options)
console.log("Trying to add " +params.layers);
var sizeOfMap = GeoJSF.map.getSize();
console.log("Size of Map:" +sizeOfMap);
var viewOfMap = GeoJSF.map.getView();
console.log("View of Map:" +viewOfMap);
console.log("View Projection: " +viewOfMap.getProjection().getCode());
console.log("View Center: " +viewOfMap.getCenter());
var bounds = viewOfMap.calculateExtent(sizeOfMap);
console.log("Bounds: " +bounds);
// Get an array of bounds
// e.g. [1555173.7562473097, 1494886.6852190704, 1603273.7562473097, 1534886.6852190704]
var extents = GeoJSF.map.getView().calculateExtent(GeoJSF.map.getSize());
console.log("Extents:" +extents);
// Transform this extent array to GPS coordinates (from Mercator)
// e.g. [13.970363546985254, 13.30751144611122, 14.402453198646745, 13.656934756062881]
var extent = ol.proj.transformExtent(extents, 'EPSG:3857', 'EPSG:4326');
// Now get the bottom left of this extent array
// e.g. [13.970363546985254, 13.30751144611122]
var coordinates = ol.extent.getBottomLeft(extent);
var layer = new ol.layer.Tile({
source: new ol.source.TileWMS({
url : url,
params : {'LAYERS' : params.layers,
'TILED' : true,
'TILESORIGIN': coordinates[0] +", " +coordinates[1],
serverType : 'geoserver'
layer.set('name', name);
ajaxResponse : function(data)
updateTime : function(layerName, time)
var layers = this.map.getLayersByName(layerName);
var layer = layers[0];
var params = {};
var date = new Date(time);
var isoTime = date.toISOString();
params.time = isoTime;
console.log("Merging new Time parameter: " +isoTime);
// This is the PrimeFaces based solution along with an 'oncomplete' call
PrimeFaces.ab({process: '@all',
source: this.map.div,
event: 'updateTime',
params: [{name: 'org.geojsf.update.time', value: time}],
oncomplete: function(xhr, status, args) {console.log("Back in client.");}});
updateSqlViewParams : function(parameters)
console.log("SQL View Parameter Update requested.");
var params = {};
params.viewparams = parameters;
if (GeoJSF.map.getLayers())
GeoJSF.map.getLayers().forEach(function (layer) {
if (layer.getSource() instanceof ol.source.OSM)
console.log("Ignoring OSM base layer");
console.log("Merging new SqlParameter parameter: " +params.viewparams);
updateSldParams : function(parameters)
console.log("SLD Parameter Update requested.");
var params = {};
params.env = parameters;
if (GeoJSF.map.getLayers())
GeoJSF.map.getLayers().forEach(function (layer) {
if (layer.getSource() instanceof ol.source.OSM)
console.log("Ignoring OSM base layer");
console.log("Merging new SldParameter parameter: " +params.env);
switchLayerClassic : function(layerId)
// This is the pure JSF based approach, not having an 'oncomplete' method:
// jsf.ajax.request(elementId, 'layerChange', {execute: '@form', 'javax.faces.behavior.event': 'layerSwitch','javax.faces.partial.event': 'layerSwitch','org.geojsf.switch.service': serviceId, 'org.geojsf.switch.layer': layerId, 'org.geojsf.switch.on': active});
console.log("switch request detected for layer " +layerId);
process: '@form',
source: GeoJSF.map.getTarget(),
event: 'layerSwitch',
update: '@form',
params: [{name: 'org.geojsf.switch.layer', value: layerId}],
oncomplete: function(xhr, status, args) {GeoJSF.performLayerSwitch(xhr, status, args);}
} catch(e) {
console.log("layer switch failed." +e);
finally {}
secondRun : function()
PrimeFaces.ab({process: '@all',
source: GeoJSF.map.getTarget(),
update: '@form',
event: 'updateModel',
oncomplete: function(xhr, status, args) {console.log("Update complete.");}
refreshMap : function()
// This is the pure JSF based approach, not having an 'oncomplete' method:
// jsf.ajax.request(elementId, 'layerChange', {execute: '@form', 'javax.faces.behavior.event': 'layerSwitch','javax.faces.partial.event': 'layerSwitch','org.geojsf.switch.service': serviceId, 'org.geojsf.switch.layer': layerId, 'org.geojsf.switch.on': active});
// This is the PrimeFaces based solution along with an 'oncomplete' call
PrimeFaces.ab({process: '@all',
source: GeoJSF.map.getTarget(),
event: 'updateMap',
params: [],
oncomplete: function(xhr, status, args) {GeoJSF.performLayerSwitch(xhr, status, args);}});
performLayerSwitch : function(xhr, status, args)
try {
console.log("Performing layer switch via OpenLayers.");
var command = JSON.parse(args.toggleLayer);
console.log("Map has " +GeoJSF.map.getLayers().getLength() +" layers");
console.log("OpenLayers: Please set " +command.serviceId +" to have the layers " +command.layer +" using the method " +command.command);
if (command.command == "hide")
for (var i = GeoJSF.map.getLayers().getLength() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if(GeoJSF.map.getLayers().item(i).get('name') == command.serviceId )
} else {console.log('big problem');}
if (command.command == "show")
for (var i = GeoJSF.map.getLayers().getLength() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if(GeoJSF.map.getLayers().item(i).get('name') == command.serviceId )
} else {console.log('big problem');}
if (command.command == "merge")
var layersToAdd = "";
for (var i = GeoJSF.map.getLayers().getLength() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if(GeoJSF.map.getLayers().item(i).get('name') == command.serviceId )
for (var counter in command.layer)
layersToAdd += command.layer[counter];
layersToAdd += ",";
var layerList = layersToAdd.substring(0, layersToAdd.length - 1);
console.log("Trying to add " +layerList +" to Layer " +GeoJSF.map.getLayers().item(i).get('name'));
var params = {};
params.LAYERS = layerList;
console.log("New parameter set: " +params);
} else {console.log('big problem');}
} catch(e) {
console.log("A problem occured when interpreting layer switch command. Maybe NULL?" +e);
finally {}
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