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META-INF.resources.js.geojsf.TimeManager.js Maven / Gradle / Ivy

/* Copyright (c) 2006-2011 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for 
 * full list of contributors). Published under the Clear BSD license.  
 * See for the
 * full text of the license. */

 * @requires OpenLayers/Control.js
 * @requires OpenLayers/BaseTypes/Date.js

 * Class: OpenLayers.Control.TimeManager
 * Control to display and animate map layers across time.
 * Inherits From:
 *  - 
OpenLayers.Control.TimeManager = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Control, {

     * Constant: EVENT_TYPES
     * Supported event types:
     *  - *beforetick* Triggered before the control advances one step in time.
     *      Return false to prevent the tick from occuring.
     *  - *tick* Triggered when the control advances one step in time.
     *      Listeners receive an event object with a *currentTime* parameter.
     *      Event is fired after the time has been incremented but before the
     *      map or layer display is modified.
     *  - *play* Triggered when the control begins a time-series animation.
     *  - *stop* Triggered when the control stops a time-series animation.
     *      Listeners receive an event object with a {Boolean} *rangeExceeded*
     *      property indicating the control stopped due to reaching the end of
     *      its configured time range (true) or due to the stop function call
     *      (false). This event will only fire on the stop function call during
     *      a loop-mode animation.
     *  - *rangemodified* Triggered when the control adds or removes layers which
     *      affect the range or interval of the control or when the range is set
     *      programattically.     
     *  - *reset* Triggered when the control resets a time-series animation.
     *      Listeners receive an event object with a {Boolean} *looped*
     *      property indicating the control reset due to running in looped mode
     *      (true) or the reset function call (false)
    EVENT_TYPES: ["beforetick","tick","play","stop","reset","rangemodified"],

     * APIProperty: layers
     * {Array()}
    layers: null,
     * APIProperty: units
     * {OpenLayers.TimeUnit}
     * APIProperty: step
     * {Number} The number of time units each tick will advance the current 
     *     animation time. Negative units with tick time in reverse.
     *     Default : 1.
     * APIProperty: range
     * {Array(Date|String)} 2 member array containing the minimum and maximum times
     *     in UTC that the time-series animation will use. (Optional if using
     *     the intervals property). The 1st value should ALWAYS be less than
     *     the second value. Use negative step values to do reverse time.
     *     Note: You can use an ISO 8601 formated string (see 
     * or Date objects.
	 * APIProperty: intervals
	 * {Array(Date|String)} Array of valid distinct UTC dates/times that the time-
	 * 	   series animation can use. (Optional)
	 *     Note: You can use an ISO 8601 formated string (see 
     * or Date objects.
     * APIProperty: timespans
     * {Array(Object|String)} Array of valid start,end,resolution objects
     *     series animation can use. (Optional)
     *     Note: You can use an ISO 8601 formated string (see 
     * or Date objects.
	 * APIProperty: frameRate
	 * {Number} A positive floating point number of frames (or ticks) per 
	 *     second to use in time-series animations. Values less than 1 will
	 *     make each tick last for more than 1 second. Example: 0.5 = 1 tick
	 *     every 2 seconds. 3 = 3 ticks per second.  
	 *     Default : 1. 
	 * APIProperty: loop
	 * {Boolean} true to continue running the animation until stop is called
	 *     Default:false
	 * APIProperty: snapToIntervals
	 * {Boolean} If intervals are configured and this property is true then
	 *     tick will advance to the next time/date in the intervals array
	 *     regardless of the step value.
	 * APIProperty: maxFrameDelay
	 * {Number} The number of frame counts to delay the firing of the tick event
	 *     while the control waits for its time agents to be ready to advance.
	 *     Default: 1
    maxFrameDelay: 1,
	 * APIProperty: currentTime
	 * {Date} The current time of the time-series animation
	 * Property: timeAgents
	 * {Array()} An array of the agents that
	 *     this control "manages". Read-Only
     * Property: lastTimeIndex
     * {Number} The array index of the last time used in the control when
     * snapToIntevals is true.
     * Constructor: OpenLayers.Control.TimeManager
     * Create a new time manager control.
     * Parameters:
     * options - {Object} Optional object whose properties will be set on the
     *     control.

    initialize: function(options) {
        options = options || {};, options);
        if(this.intervals) {
            for(var i = 0, len = this.intervals.length; i < len; i++) {
                var interval = this.intervals[i];
                if(!(interval[i] instanceof Date)) {
                    this.intervals[i] = OpenLayers.Date.parse(interval);
            this.intervals.sort(function(a, b) {
                return a - b;

            this.range = [this.intervals[0], this.intervals[this.intervals.length - 1]];
            this.fixedIntervals = true;
        else if(this.range) {
            if(!(this.range[0] instanceof Date)) {
                this.range[0] = OpenLayers.Date.parse(this.range[0]);
            if(!(this.range[1] instanceof Date)) {
                this.range[1] = OpenLayers.Date.parse(this.range[1]);
            this.fixedRange = true;
        if(this.range && this.range.length) {
            this.currentTime = this.currentTime || new Date(this.range[0].getTime());
        if(options.layers && !this.timeAgents) {
            this.timeAgents = this.buildTimeAgents(options.layers);
            if(this.timeAgents.length) {
                this.fixedLayers = true;
        else if(this.timeAgents){
            for(var i=0,len=this.timeAgents.length;i-1;i--){
     * APIMethod: setMap
     * Sets the map parameter of the control. Also called automattically when
     * the control is added to the map.
     * Parameter:
     *    map {}
    setMap:function(map) {, map);
        //if the control was not directly intialized with specific layers, then
        //get layers from map and build appropiate time agents
        var layers = this.layers || map.layers;
            this.layers = [];
        for(var i = 0, len = layers.length; i < len; i++) {
            var lyr = layers[i];
            if(lyr.dimensions && lyr.dimensions.time) {!lyr.metadata && (lyr.metadata = {});
                lyr.metadata.timeInterval = this.timeExtentsToIntervals(lyr.dimensions.time.values);
            if((lyr.dimensions && lyr.dimensions.time) || (lyr.metadata.timeInterval && lyr.metadata.timeInterval.length)) {
        if(!this.timeAgents) {
            this.timeAgents = this.buildTimeAgents(this.layers);
        this.timeSpans = this.getValidTimeSpans();

        //if no interval was specified & interval !== false, get from timeAgents
        if(!this.intervals && this.intervals !== false) {
            this.intervals = this.buildIntervals(this.timeAgents);
        //if no range was specified then get from timeAgents
        if(!this.range) {
            this.range = this.buildRange(this.timeAgents);
        if(this.range || this.intervals) {
            //handle when the current time is at the range endpoint and not the same as the interval endpoints
            if(this.range && this.intervals){
                var rIndex = (this.step>0) ? 0 : 1;
                var inIndex = (this.step>0) ? 0 : this.intervals.length-1;
                if(this.range[rIndex] > this.intervals[inIndex] || this.range[rIndex] < this.intervals[inIndex]){
                    if(this.currentTime.getTime() == this.range[rIndex].getTime()){
        if(this.range && !this.currentTime) {
            this.setTime(new Date(this.range[(this.step > 0) ? 0 : 1].getTime()));
        } else if(this.currentTime){
            //force a tick call and maybe a tick event
        //set map agents for layer additions and removal{
            'addlayer' : this.onAddLayer,
            'removelayer' : this.onRemoveLayer,
            scope : this
    onAddLayer: function(evt) {
        var lyr = evt.layer;
        if(lyr.dimensions && lyr.dimensions.time) {
            lyr.metadata.timeInterval = this.timeExtentsToIntervals(lyr.dimensions.time.values);
        //don't do anything if layer is non-temporal
        if(!lyr.metadata.timeInterval) {
        else {
            var added = false;
            if(lyr.metadata.timeInterval && !this.fixedLayers) {
                this.timeAgents || (this.timeAgents = []);
                var agentClass = lyr.CLASS_NAME.match(/\.Layer\.(\w+)/)[1];
                if( agentClass in OpenLayers.TimeAgent) {
                    for(var i = 0, len = this.timeAgents.length; i < len; i++) {
                        if(!lyr.timeAgent && this.timeAgents[i] instanceof OpenLayers.TimeAgent[agentClass]) {
                            added = true;
                if(!added) {
                    var agents = this.buildTimeAgents([lyr]);
                    if(agents) {
                        added = true;
                //check if layer could be used in a time agent & if so modify the
                //control range & interval as needed. time agent will convert timeInterval
                //values to real dates
                if(added) {
                    var lyrIntervals = lyr.metadata.timeInterval;
                    if(lyrIntervals.length && lyrIntervals[0] instanceof Date && !this.fixedIntervals) {
                        this.intervals || (this.intervals = []);
                        var oldIntervalsLen = this.intervals.length, oldRange = [this.range[0] || new Date(1), this.range[1] || new Date(1)];
                        this.intervals = this.getUniqueDates(this.intervals.concat(lyrIntervals));
                        this.timeSpans = this.getValidTimeSpans();
                        //adjust range as needed
                        if(!this.range) {
                            this.setRange([this.intervals[0], this.intervals[this.intervals.length - 1]]);
                        else if(this.intervals[0] < this.range[0] || this.intervals[1] > this.range[1]) {
                            this.setRange([Math.min(this.intervals[0], this.range[0]), Math.max(this.intervals[1], this.range[1])]);
                        if(oldIntervalsLen != this.intervals.length || oldRange[0].getTime() != range[0].getTime() || oldRange[1].getTime() != range[1].getTime()) {
                    else if(!this.fixedRange) {
                        if(!this.range) {
                            this.setRange([lyrIntervals.start, lyrIntervals.end]);
                        else if(lyrIntervals.start < this.range[0] || lyrIntervals.end > this.range[1]) {
                            this.setRange([Math.min(lyrIntervals.start, this.range[0]), Math.max(lyrIntervals.end, this.range[1])]);
                    //handle when the current time is at the range endpoint and not the same as the interval endpoints
                    if(this.range && this.intervals){
                        var rIndex = (this.step>0) ? 0 : 1;
                        var inIndex = (this.step>0) ? 0 : this.intervals.length-1;
                        if(this.range[rIndex] > this.intervals[inIndex] || this.range[rIndex] < this.intervals[inIndex]){
                            if(this.currentTime.getTime() == this.range[rIndex].getTime()){

    onRemoveLayer:function(evt) {
        var lyr = evt.layer;
        if(lyr.metadata.timeInterval) {
            var lyrIntervals = lyr.metadata.timeInterval;
            var lyrIndex = OpenLayers.Util.indexOf(this.layers, lyr);
            this.layers.splice(lyrIndex, 1);

            if(lyrIntervals.length && lyrIntervals[0] instanceof Date && !this.fixedIntervals) {
                this.intervals = this.buildIntervals(this.timeAgents);
                if(this.intervals) {
                    if(this.intervals[0] < this.range[0] || this.intervals[1] > this.range[1]) {
                        this.setRange([Math.max(this.intervals[0], this.range[0]), Math.min(this.intervals[1], this.range[1])]);
            else if(!this.fixedRange) {
                if(this.timeSpans) {
                    if(lyrIntervals.start < this.range[0] || lyrIntervals.end > this.range[1]) {
                        this.setRange([Math.max(lyrIntervals.start, this.range[0]), Math.min(lyrIntervals.end, this.range[1])]);
            if(!this.fixedRange && !this.fixedIntervals && !this.intervals && !this.timeSpans) {
                //we have NO time layers
                this.setRange([null, null]);
     * Method: tick
     * Advance/reverse time one step forward/backward. Fires the 'tick' event
     * if time can be incremented without exceeding the time range.
	 tick:function() {
        if(this.intervals && this.snapToIntervals) {
            var newIndex = this.lastTimeIndex + ((this.step > 0) ? 1 : -1);
            if(newIndex < this.intervals.length && newIndex > -1) {
                this.currentTime = this.intervals[newIndex];
                this.lastTimeIndex = newIndex;
            else {
                //force the currentTime beyond the range
                this.currentTime = (this.step > 0) ? new Date(this.range[1].getTime() + 100) : new Date(this.range[0].getTime() - 100);
        else {
        //test that we have reached the end of our range
        if(this.currentTime > this.range[1] || this.currentTime < this.range[0]) {
            //loop in looping mode
            if(this.loop) {
            //stop in normal mode
            else {
      'stop', {
                    'rangeExceeded' : true
        else {
            if(this.canTickCheck()) {
      'tick', {
                    currentTime : this.currentTime
            else {
                var intervalId, checkCount = 0, maxDelays = this.maxFrameDelay * 4;
                intervalId = setInterval(OpenLayers.Function.bind(function() {
                    var doTick = this.canTickCheck() || checkCount++ >= maxDelays;
                    if(checkCount > maxDelays) {
                        //console.debug('ADVANCED DUE TO TIME LIMIT');
                    if(doTick) {
              'tick', {
                            currentTime : this.currentTime
                            this.timer = setInterval(OpenLayers.Function.bind(this.tick, this), 1000 / this.frameRate);
                }, this), 1000 / (this.frameRate * 4));
     * APIMethod: play
     * Begins/resumes the time-series animation. Fires the 'play' event,
     * then calls 'tick' at the interval set by the frameRate property
	 play:function() {
        //ensure that we don't have multiple timers running
        //start playing
        if('play') !== false) {
            delete this._stopped;
            this.clearTimer(); //no seriously we really really only want 1 timer
            this.timer = setInterval(OpenLayers.Function.bind(this.tick, this), 1000 / this.frameRate);
	 * APIMethod: stop
	 * Stops the time-series animation. Fires the 'stop' event.
	 * APIMethod: setRange
	 * Sets the time range used by this control. Will modify the start time or
	 * current time only if the animation is not currently running
	 * Parameters:
	 * range - {Arrray(Date|String)} UTC time range using either Date objects
	 *     or ISO 8601 formatted strings
    setRange:function(range) {
        var oldRange = [this.range[0].getTime(), this.range[1].getTime()];
        for(var i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
            if(!range[i]) {
                //go ahead and make this a dummy date since so many functions expect this to be a date
                range[i]=new Date(-8e15);
            if(!(range[i] instanceof Date)) {
                range[i] = OpenLayers.Date.parse(range[i]);
        this.range = range;
        //set current time to correct location if the timer isn't running yet.
        if(!this.timer) {
            var newTime = new Date(this.range[(this.step > 0) ? 0 : 1].getTime());
        if(this.range[0].getTime() != oldRange[0] || this.range[1].getTime() != oldRange[1]) {
	 * APIMethod:setStart
	 * Sets the start time for an animation. If the step is negative then this
	 * sets the maximum time in the control's range parameter. Will only effect
	 * the currentTime if an animation has not begun.
	 * Parameters:
	 * time - {Date|String} UTC start time/date using either a Date object or
	 *     ISO 8601 formatted string.
        } else {
	 * APIMethod:setEnd
	 * Sets the end time for an animation. If the step is negative then this
	 * sets the minimum time in the control's range parameter. Will not effect
	 * the current time.
	 * Parameters:
	 * time - {Date|String} UTC stop time/date using either a Date object or
	 *     ISO 8601 formatted string.
        } else {
     * APIMethod:setTime
     * Manually sets the currentTime used in the control's animation.
     * Parameters: {Object} time
     * time - {Date|String} UTC current animantion time/date using either a
     *     Date object or ISO 8601 formatted string.
     setTime:function(time) {
        if(!( time instanceof Date)) {
            time = OpenLayers.Date.parse(time);
        if(this.snapToIntervals) {
            var nearest = OpenLayers.TimeAgent.WMS.prototype.findNearestTimes.apply(this, [time, this.intervals]);
            var index = this.lastTimeIndex;
            if(nearest.exact > -1){
                index = nearest.exact;
            } else if(nearest.before > -1 &&  nearest.after > -1) {
                //requested time is somewhere between 2 valid times
                //find the actual closest one.
                var bdiff = this.intervals[nearest.before] - this.currentTime;
                var adiff = this.currentTime - this.intervals[nearest.after];
                index = (adiff > bdiff) ? nearest.before : nearest.after;
            } else if (nearest.before > -1){
                index = nearest.before;
            } else if (nearest.after >-1){
                index = nearest.after;
            this.currentTime = this.intervals[index];
            this.lastTimeIndex = index;
        else {
            this.currentTime = time;
        }'tick', {
            'currentTime' : this.currentTime
     * APIMethod:setFrameRate
     * Sets the control's playback frameRate (ticks/second)
     * Parameters: {Number} rate - the ticks/second rate
    setFrameRate: function(rate){
        var playing = !!this.timer;
        this.frameRate = rate;
            this.timer = setInterval(OpenLayers.Function.bind(this.tick, this), 1000 / this.frameRate);
     * APIMethod:reset
     * Resets the time to the animation start time. Fires the 'reset' event.
     * Parameters: {Boolean} looped - trigger reset event with looped = true
     * Returns:
     * {Date} the control's currentTime, which is also the control's start time
     reset:function(looped) {
        var newTime = new Date(this.range[(this.step > 0) ? 0 : 1].getTime());
        this.setTime(newTime);'reset', {
            'looped' : !!looped
        return this.currentTime;
     * APIMethod: incrementTime
     * Moves the current animation time forward by the specified step & stepUnit
     * Parameters:
     * step - {Number}
     * stepUnit - {}
     incrementTime:function(step,stepUnit) {
        var step = step || this.step;
        var stepUnit = stepUnit || this.units;
        var newTime = parseFloat(this.currentTime['getUTC'+stepUnit]()) + parseFloat(step);

	 * Method: buildTimeAgents
	 * Creates the controls "managed" by this control.
	 * Parameters:
	 * layers - {Array()}
	 * Returns:
	 * {Array()}

    buildTimeAgents:function(layers) {
        layers = layers || this.layers || [];
        var layerTypes = {}, agents = [];
        //categorize layers and separate into arrays for use in subclasses
        for(var i = 0, len = layers.length; i < len; i++) {
            var lyr = layers[i];
            if(lyr.dimensions && lyr.dimensions.time) {
                lyr.metadata.timeInterval = this.timeExtentsToIntervals(lyr.dimensions.time.values);
            //allow user specified overrides and custom behavior
            if(lyr.timeAgent) {
                var agent;
                if(lyr.timeAgent instanceof Function) {
                    agent = new OpenLayers.TimeAgent({
                        onTick : lyr.timeAgent,
                        layers : [lyr],
                        timeManager : this
                    tick : agent.onTick,
                    scope : agent
            else {
                var lyrClass = lyr.CLASS_NAME.match(/\.Layer\.(\w+)/)[1];
                if(OpenLayers.TimeAgent[lyrClass]) {
                    if(!layerTypes[lyrClass]) {
                        layerTypes[lyrClass] = [];

        //create subclassed time agents
        for(var k in layerTypes) {
            var agentOpts = {
                layers : layerTypes[k],
                timeManager : this
            if(this.agentOptions && this.agentOptions[k]) {
                OpenLayers.Util.applyDefaults(agentOpts, this.agentOptions[k]);
            var agent = new OpenLayers.TimeAgent[k](agentOpts);
                'tick' : agent.onTick,
                scope : agent
        return (agents.length) ? agents : null;
    removeAgentLayer: function(lyr) {
        //find the agent with the layer
        for(var i = 0, len = this.timeAgents.length; i < len; i++) {
            var agent = this.timeAgents[i];
            if(OpenLayers.Util.indexOf(agent.layers, lyr) > -1) {
                //if the agent doesn't handle any layers, get rid of it
                if(!agent.layers.length) {
                    this.timeAgents.splice(i, 1);
                this.timeSpans = this.getValidTimeSpans();


	 * Method: buildIntervals
	 * Builds an array of distinct date/times that the time agents are
	 * configured with
	 * Parameters:
	 *    agents - {Array()}
	 *       (Optional) An array of time agents to calculate the intervals from.
	 *       Defaults to the control's timeAgents property. 
	 * Returns: {Array(Date)}
        agents = agents || this.timeAgents || [];
        var intervals = [];
        for(var i=0,len=agents.length;i)}
	 *       (Optional) An array of time agents to calculate the intervals from.
	 *       Defaults to the control's timeAgents property. 
	 * Returns: {Array(Date)}
        agents = agents || this.timeAgents || [];
        var range = [];
        for(var i=0,len=agents.length;irange[1]){range[1]=new Date(subrange[1].getTime());}
        return (range.length)?range:null;
        if(!this.timeAgents){return false;}
        var timeSpans=this.getValidTimeSpans();
        if (timeSpans) {
            timeSpans.sort(function(a, b){
                //sort by most restrictive range
                var arange = a.end - a.start, brange = b.end - b.start;
                if (arange != brange) {
                    return (arange < brange) ? 1 : -1;
                else if (a.resolution.units != b.resolution.units) {
                    //same range find biggest step unit
                    switch (a.resolution.units) {
                        case OpenLayers.TimeUnit.YEARS:
                            return 1;
                        case OpenLayers.TimeUnit.SECONDS:
                            return -1;
                        case OpenLayers.TimeUnit.MONTHS:
                            return (b.resolution.units == OpenLayers.TimeUnit.YEARS) ? -1 : 1;
                        case OpenLayers.TimeUnit.MINUTES:
                            return (b.resolution.units == OpenLayers.TimeUnit.SECONDS) ? 1 : -1;
                        case OpenLayers.TimeUnit.HOURS:
                            if (b.resolution.units == OpenLayers.TimeUnit.MINUTES || b.resolution.units == OpenLayers.TimeUnit.SECONDS) {
                                return 1;
                            else {
                                return -1;
                        case OpenLayers.TimeUnit.DAYS:
                            if (b.resolution.units == OpenLayers.TimeUnit.MONTHS || b.resolution.units == OpenLayers.TimeUnit.YEARS) {
                                return -1;
                            else {
                                return 1;
                else {
                    //same range and units, pick largest step
                    return a.resolution.step - b.resolution.step;
            this.setRange([timeSpans[0].start, timeSpans[0].end]);
            this.units = timeSpans[0].resolution.units;
            this.step = timeSpans[0].resolution.step;
        else if (this.intervals) {
            this.snapToIntervals = true;
        else {
            //guess based on range, keep step at 1
            var diff = this.range[1] - this.range[0];
            if (diff < 6e3) {
                this.units = OpenLayers.TimeUnit.SECONDS;
            else if (diff < 36e5) {
                this.units = OpenLayers.TimeUnit.MINUTES;
            else if (diff < 864e5) {
                this.units = OpenLayers.TimeUnit.HOURS;
            else if (diff < 2628e6) {
                this.units = OpenLayers.TimeUnit.DAYS;
            else if (diff < 31536e6) {
                this.units = OpenLayers.TimeUnit.MONTHS;
            else {
                this.units = OpenLayers.TimeUnit.YEARS;

    getValidTimeSpans:function(agents) {
        agents = agents || this.timeAgents || [];
        var validTimes = [];
        for(var i = 0, len = agents.length; i < len; i++) {
            if(agents[i].timeSpans) {
                validTimes = validTimes.concat(agents[i].timeSpans);
        return (validTimes.length) ? validTimes : null;
    timeExtentsToIntervals: function(timeExtents) {
        var intervals = [];
        for(var i = 0; i < timeExtents.length; ++i) {
            var timeParts = timeExtents[i].split("/");
            if(timeParts.length > 1) {
                var min = timeParts[0], max = timeParts[1], res = timeParts[2];
                intervals.push([min, max, res]);
            else {
        return (intervals.length) ? intervals : null;
    getUniqueDates:function(dates) {
        //sort the times
        dates.sort(function(a, b) {
            return a - b;

        //filter for unique
        dates = OpenLayers.Array.filter(dates, function(item, index, array) {
            for(var i = index + 1; i < array.length; i++) {
                if(item.getTime() == array[i].getTime()) {
                    return false;
            return true;

        return dates;
    canTickCheck: function() {
        var canTick = false;
        for(var i = 0, len = this.timeAgents.length; i < len; i++) {
            canTick = this.timeAgents[i].canTick;
            if(!canTick) {
        return canTick;
    clearTimer: function() {
        if(this.timer) {
            this.timer = null;

OpenLayers.TimeUnit = {

//Adjust the OpenLayers date parse regex to handle BCE dates & years longer than 4 digits
OpenLayers.Date.dateRegEx = 

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