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Copyright (c) 2007, Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
Code licensed under the BSD License:
version: 2.3.1
if (typeof YAHOO == "undefined") {
	var YAHOO = {};
YAHOO.namespace = function() {
	var A = arguments, E = null, C, B, D;
	for (C = 0; C < A.length; C = C + 1) {
		D = A[C].split(".");
		E = YAHOO;
		for (B = (D[0] == "YAHOO") ? 1 : 0; B < D.length; B = B + 1) {
			E[D[B]] = E[D[B]] || {};
			E = E[D[B]];
	return E;
YAHOO.log = function(D, A, C) {
	var B = YAHOO.widget.Logger;
	if (B && B.log) {
		return B.log(D, A, C);
	} else {
		return false;
YAHOO.register = function(A, E, D) {
	var I = YAHOO.env.modules;
	if (!I[A]) {
		I[A] = {
			versions : [],
			builds : []
	var B = I[A], H = D.version, G =, F = YAHOO.env.listeners; = A;
	B.version = H; = G;
	B.mainClass = E;
	for ( var C = 0; C < F.length; C = C + 1) {
	if (E) {
		E.BUILD = G;
	} else {
		YAHOO.log("mainClass is undefined for module " + A, "warn");
YAHOO.env = YAHOO.env || {
	modules : [],
	listeners : []
YAHOO.env.getVersion = function(A) {
	return YAHOO.env.modules[A] || null;
}; = function() {
	var C = {
		ie : 0,
		opera : 0,
		gecko : 0,
		webkit : 0
	var B = navigator.userAgent, A;
	if ((/KHTML/).test(B)) {
		C.webkit = 1;
	A = B.match(/AppleWebKit\/([^\s]*)/);
	if (A && A[1]) {
		C.webkit = parseFloat(A[1]);
	if (!C.webkit) {
		A = B.match(/Opera[\s\/]([^\s]*)/);
		if (A && A[1]) {
			C.opera = parseFloat(A[1]);
		} else {
			A = B.match(/MSIE\s([^;]*)/);
			if (A && A[1]) { = parseFloat(A[1]);
			} else {
				A = B.match(/Gecko\/([^\s]*)/);
				if (A) {
					C.gecko = 1;
					A = B.match(/rv:([^\s\)]*)/);
					if (A && A[1]) {
						C.gecko = parseFloat(A[1]);
	return C;
(function() {
	YAHOO.namespace("util", "widget", "example");
	if ("undefined" !== typeof YAHOO_config) {
		var B = YAHOO_config.listener, A = YAHOO.env.listeners, D = true, C;
		if (B) {
			for (C = 0; C < A.length; C = C + 1) {
				if (A[C] == B) {
					D = false;
			if (D) {
YAHOO.lang = {
	isArray : function(B) {
		if (B) {
			var A = YAHOO.lang;
			return A.isNumber(B.length) && A.isFunction(B.splice)
					&& !A.hasOwnProperty(B.length);
		return false;
	isBoolean : function(A) {
		return typeof A === "boolean";
	isFunction : function(A) {
		return typeof A === "function";
	isNull : function(A) {
		return A === null;
	isNumber : function(A) {
		return typeof A === "number" && isFinite(A);
	isObject : function(A) {
		return (A && (typeof A === "object" || YAHOO.lang.isFunction(A))) || false;
	isString : function(A) {
		return typeof A === "string";
	isUndefined : function(A) {
		return typeof A === "undefined";
	hasOwnProperty : function(A, B) {
		if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty) {
			return A.hasOwnProperty(B);
		return !YAHOO.lang.isUndefined(A[B])
				&& A.constructor.prototype[B] !== A[B];
	_IEEnumFix : function(C, B) {
		if ( {
			var E = [ "toString", "valueOf" ], A;
			for (A = 0; A < E.length; A = A + 1) {
				var F = E[A], D = B[F];
				if (YAHOO.lang.isFunction(D) && D != Object.prototype[F]) {
					C[F] = D;
	extend : function(D, E, C) {
		if (!E || !D) {
			throw new Error(
					"YAHOO.lang.extend failed, please check that all dependencies are included.");
		var B = function() {
		B.prototype = E.prototype;
		D.prototype = new B();
		D.prototype.constructor = D;
		D.superclass = E.prototype;
		if (E.prototype.constructor == Object.prototype.constructor) {
			E.prototype.constructor = E;
		if (C) {
			for ( var A in C) {
				D.prototype[A] = C[A];
			YAHOO.lang._IEEnumFix(D.prototype, C);
	augmentObject : function(E, D) {
		if (!D || !E) {
			throw new Error("Absorb failed, verify dependencies.");
		var A = arguments, C, F, B = A[2];
		if (B && B !== true) {
			for (C = 2; C < A.length; C = C + 1) {
				E[A[C]] = D[A[C]];
		} else {
			for (F in D) {
				if (B || !E[F]) {
					E[F] = D[F];
			YAHOO.lang._IEEnumFix(E, D);
	augmentProto : function(D, C) {
		if (!C || !D) {
			throw new Error("Augment failed, verify dependencies.");
		var A = [ D.prototype, C.prototype ];
		for ( var B = 2; B < arguments.length; B = B + 1) {
		YAHOO.lang.augmentObject.apply(this, A);
	dump : function(A, G) {
		var C = YAHOO.lang, D, F, I = [], J = "{...}", B = "f(){...}", H = ", ", E = " => ";
		if (!C.isObject(A)) {
			return A + "";
		} else {
			if (A instanceof Date || ("nodeType" in A && "tagName" in A)) {
				return A;
			} else {
				if (C.isFunction(A)) {
					return B;
		G = (C.isNumber(G)) ? G : 3;
		if (C.isArray(A)) {
			for (D = 0, F = A.length; D < F; D = D + 1) {
				if (C.isObject(A[D])) {
					I.push((G > 0) ? C.dump(A[D], G - 1) : J);
				} else {
			if (I.length > 1) {
		} else {
			for (D in A) {
				if (C.hasOwnProperty(A, D)) {
					I.push(D + E);
					if (C.isObject(A[D])) {
						I.push((G > 0) ? C.dump(A[D], G - 1) : J);
					} else {
			if (I.length > 1) {
		return I.join("");
	substitute : function(Q, B, J) {
		var G, F, E, M, N, P, D = YAHOO.lang, L = [], C, H = "dump", K = " ", A = "{", O = "}";
		for (;;) {
			G = Q.lastIndexOf(A);
			if (G < 0) {
			F = Q.indexOf(O, G);
			if (G + 1 >= F) {
			C = Q.substring(G + 1, F);
			M = C;
			P = null;
			E = M.indexOf(K);
			if (E > -1) {
				P = M.substring(E + 1);
				M = M.substring(0, E);
			N = B[M];
			if (J) {
				N = J(M, N, P);
			if (D.isObject(N)) {
				if (D.isArray(N)) {
					N = D.dump(N, parseInt(P, 10));
				} else {
					P = P || "";
					var I = P.indexOf(H);
					if (I > -1) {
						P = P.substring(4);
					if (N.toString === Object.prototype.toString || I > -1) {
						N = D.dump(N, parseInt(P, 10));
					} else {
						N = N.toString();
			} else {
				if (!D.isString(N) && !D.isNumber(N)) {
					N = "~-" + L.length + "-~";
					L[L.length] = C;
			Q = Q.substring(0, G) + N + Q.substring(F + 1);
		for (G = L.length - 1; G >= 0; G = G - 1) {
			Q = Q.replace(new RegExp("~-" + G + "-~"), "{" + L[G] + "}", "g");
		return Q;
	trim : function(A) {
		try {
			return A.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "");
		} catch (B) {
			return A;
	merge : function() {
		var C = {}, A = arguments, B;
		for (B = 0; B < A.length; B = B + 1) {
			YAHOO.lang.augmentObject(C, A[B], true);
		return C;
	isValue : function(B) {
		var A = YAHOO.lang;
		return (A.isObject(B) || A.isString(B) || A.isNumber(B) || A
YAHOO.util.Lang = YAHOO.lang;
YAHOO.lang.augment = YAHOO.lang.augmentProto;
YAHOO.augment = YAHOO.lang.augmentProto;
YAHOO.extend = YAHOO.lang.extend;
YAHOO.register("yahoo", YAHOO, {
	version : "2.3.1",
	build : "541"
(function() {
	var B = YAHOO.util, K, I, H = 0, J = {}, F = {};
	var C =, L =, A =, G =;
	var E = {
		HYPHEN : /(-[a-z])/i,
		ROOT_TAG : /^body|html$/i
	var M = function(O) {
		if (!E.HYPHEN.test(O)) {
			return O;
		if (J[O]) {
			return J[O];
		var P = O;
		while (E.HYPHEN.exec(P)) {
			P = P.replace(RegExp.$1, RegExp.$1.substr(1).toUpperCase());
		J[O] = P;
		return P;
	var N = function(P) {
		var O = F[P];
		if (!O) {
			O = new RegExp("(?:^|\\s+)" + P + "(?:\\s+|$)");
			F[P] = O;
		return O;
	if (document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle) {
		K = function(O, R) {
			var Q = null;
			if (R == "float") {
				R = "cssFloat";
			var P = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(O, "");
			if (P) {
				Q = P[M(R)];
			return[R] || Q;
	} else {
		if (document.documentElement.currentStyle && G) {
			K = function(O, Q) {
				switch (M(Q)) {
				case "opacity":
					var S = 100;
					try {
						S = O.filters["DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha"].opacity;
					} catch (R) {
						try {
							S = O.filters("alpha").opacity;
						} catch (R) {
					return S / 100;
				case "float":
					Q = "styleFloat";
					var P = O.currentStyle ? O.currentStyle[Q] : null;
					return ([Q] || P);
		} else {
			K = function(O, P) {
	if (G) {
		I = function(O, P, Q) {
			switch (P) {
			case "opacity":
				if (YAHOO.lang.isString( { = "alpha(opacity=" + Q * 100 + ")";
					if (!O.currentStyle || !O.currentStyle.hasLayout) { = 1;
			case "float":
				P = "styleFloat";
			default:[P] = Q;
	} else {
		I = function(O, P, Q) {
			if (P == "float") {
				P = "cssFloat";
			}[P] = Q;
	var D = function(O, P) {
		return O && O.nodeType == 1 && (!P || P(O));
	YAHOO.util.Dom = {
		get : function(Q) {
			if (Q && (Q.tagName || Q.item)) {
				return Q;
			if (YAHOO.lang.isString(Q) || !Q) {
				return document.getElementById(Q);
			if (Q.length !== undefined) {
				var R = [];
				for ( var P = 0, O = Q.length; P < O; ++P) {
					R[R.length] = B.Dom.get(Q[P]);
				return R;
			return Q;
		getStyle : function(O, Q) {
			Q = M(Q);
			var P = function(R) {
				return K(R, Q);
			return B.Dom.batch(O, P, B.Dom, true);
		setStyle : function(O, Q, R) {
			Q = M(Q);
			var P = function(S) {
				I(S, Q, R);
			B.Dom.batch(O, P, B.Dom, true);
		getXY : function(O) {
			var P = function(R) {
				if ((R.parentNode === null || R.offsetParent === null || this
						.getStyle(R, "display") == "none")
						&& R != document.body) {
					return false;
				var Q = null;
				var V = [];
				var S;
				var T = R.ownerDocument;
				if (R.getBoundingClientRect) {
					S = R.getBoundingClientRect();
					return [
									+ B.Dom
											.getDocumentScrollLeft(R.ownerDocument), + B.Dom.getDocumentScrollTop(R.ownerDocument) ];
				} else {
					V = [ R.offsetLeft, R.offsetTop ];
					Q = R.offsetParent;
					var U = this.getStyle(R, "position") == "absolute";
					if (Q != R) {
						while (Q) {
							V[0] += Q.offsetLeft;
							V[1] += Q.offsetTop;
							if (L
									&& !U
									&& this.getStyle(Q, "position") == "absolute") {
								U = true;
							Q = Q.offsetParent;
					if (L && U) {
						V[0] -= R.ownerDocument.body.offsetLeft;
						V[1] -= R.ownerDocument.body.offsetTop;
				Q = R.parentNode;
				while (Q.tagName && !E.ROOT_TAG.test(Q.tagName)) {
					if (B.Dom.getStyle(Q, "display").search(
							/^inline|table-row.*$/i)) {
						V[0] -= Q.scrollLeft;
						V[1] -= Q.scrollTop;
					Q = Q.parentNode;
				return V;
			return B.Dom.batch(O, P, B.Dom, true);
		getX : function(O) {
			var P = function(Q) {
				return B.Dom.getXY(Q)[0];
			return B.Dom.batch(O, P, B.Dom, true);
		getY : function(O) {
			var P = function(Q) {
				return B.Dom.getXY(Q)[1];
			return B.Dom.batch(O, P, B.Dom, true);
		setXY : function(O, R, Q) {
			var P = function(U) {
				var T = this.getStyle(U, "position");
				if (T == "static") {
					this.setStyle(U, "position", "relative");
					T = "relative";
				var W = this.getXY(U);
				if (W === false) {
					return false;
				var V = [ parseInt(this.getStyle(U, "left"), 10),
						parseInt(this.getStyle(U, "top"), 10) ];
				if (isNaN(V[0])) {
					V[0] = (T == "relative") ? 0 : U.offsetLeft;
				if (isNaN(V[1])) {
					V[1] = (T == "relative") ? 0 : U.offsetTop;
				if (R[0] !== null) { = R[0] - W[0] + V[0] + "px";
				if (R[1] !== null) { = R[1] - W[1] + V[1] + "px";
				if (!Q) {
					var S = this.getXY(U);
					if ((R[0] !== null && S[0] != R[0])
							|| (R[1] !== null && S[1] != R[1])) {
						this.setXY(U, R, true);
			B.Dom.batch(O, P, B.Dom, true);
		setX : function(P, O) {
			B.Dom.setXY(P, [ O, null ]);
		setY : function(O, P) {
			B.Dom.setXY(O, [ null, P ]);
		getRegion : function(O) {
			var P = function(Q) {
				if ((Q.parentNode === null || Q.offsetParent === null || this
						.getStyle(Q, "display") == "none")
						&& Q != document.body) {
					return false;
				var R = B.Region.getRegion(Q);
				return R;
			return B.Dom.batch(O, P, B.Dom, true);
		getClientWidth : function() {
			return B.Dom.getViewportWidth();
		getClientHeight : function() {
			return B.Dom.getViewportHeight();
		getElementsByClassName : function(S, W, T, U) {
			W = W || "*";
			T = (T) ? B.Dom.get(T) : null || document;
			if (!T) {
				return [];
			var P = [], O = T.getElementsByTagName(W), V = N(S);
			for ( var Q = 0, R = O.length; Q < R; ++Q) {
				if (V.test(O[Q].className)) {
					P[P.length] = O[Q];
					if (U) {[Q], O[Q]);
			return P;
		hasClass : function(Q, P) {
			var O = N(P);
			var R = function(S) {
				return O.test(S.className);
			return B.Dom.batch(Q, R, B.Dom, true);
		addClass : function(P, O) {
			var Q = function(R) {
				if (this.hasClass(R, O)) {
					return false;
				R.className = YAHOO.lang.trim( [ R.className, O ].join(" "));
				return true;
			return B.Dom.batch(P, Q, B.Dom, true);
		removeClass : function(Q, P) {
			var O = N(P);
			var R = function(S) {
				if (!this.hasClass(S, P)) {
					return false;
				var T = S.className;
				S.className = T.replace(O, " ");
				if (this.hasClass(S, P)) {
					this.removeClass(S, P);
				S.className = YAHOO.lang.trim(S.className);
				return true;
			return B.Dom.batch(Q, R, B.Dom, true);
		replaceClass : function(R, P, O) {
			if (!O || P === O) {
				return false;
			var Q = N(P);
			var S = function(T) {
				if (!this.hasClass(T, P)) {
					this.addClass(T, O);
					return true;
				T.className = T.className.replace(Q, " " + O + " ");
				if (this.hasClass(T, P)) {
					this.replaceClass(T, P, O);
				T.className = YAHOO.lang.trim(T.className);
				return true;
			return B.Dom.batch(R, S, B.Dom, true);
		generateId : function(O, Q) {
			Q = Q || "yui-gen";
			var P = function(R) {
				if (R && {
				var S = Q + H++;
				if (R) { = S;
				return S;
			return B.Dom.batch(O, P, B.Dom, true) || P.apply(B.Dom, arguments);
		isAncestor : function(P, Q) {
			P = B.Dom.get(P);
			if (!P || !Q) {
				return false;
			var O = function(R) {
				if (P.contains && R.nodeType && !L) {
					return P.contains(R);
				} else {
					if (P.compareDocumentPosition && R.nodeType) {
						return !!(P.compareDocumentPosition(R) & 16);
					} else {
						if (R.nodeType) {
							return !!this.getAncestorBy(R, function(S) {
								return S == P;
				return false;
			return B.Dom.batch(Q, O, B.Dom, true);
		inDocument : function(O) {
			var P = function(Q) {
				if (L) {
					while (Q = Q.parentNode) {
						if (Q == document.documentElement) {
							return true;
					return false;
				return this.isAncestor(document.documentElement, Q);
			return B.Dom.batch(O, P, B.Dom, true);
		getElementsBy : function(V, P, Q, S) {
			P = P || "*";
			Q = (Q) ? B.Dom.get(Q) : null || document;
			if (!Q) {
				return [];
			var R = [], U = Q.getElementsByTagName(P);
			for ( var T = 0, O = U.length; T < O; ++T) {
				if (V(U[T])) {
					R[R.length] = U[T];
					if (S) {
			return R;
		batch : function(S, V, U, Q) {
			S = (S && (S.tagName || S.item)) ? S : B.Dom.get(S);
			if (!S || !V) {
				return false;
			var R = (Q) ? U : window;
			if (S.tagName || S.length === undefined) {
				return, S, U);
			var T = [];
			for ( var P = 0, O = S.length; P < O; ++P) {
				T[T.length] =, S[P], U);
			return T;
		getDocumentHeight : function() {
			var P = (document.compatMode != "CSS1Compat") ? document.body.scrollHeight
					: document.documentElement.scrollHeight;
			var O = Math.max(P, B.Dom.getViewportHeight());
			return O;
		getDocumentWidth : function() {
			var P = (document.compatMode != "CSS1Compat") ? document.body.scrollWidth
					: document.documentElement.scrollWidth;
			var O = Math.max(P, B.Dom.getViewportWidth());
			return O;
		getViewportHeight : function() {
			var O = self.innerHeight;
			var P = document.compatMode;
			if ((P || G) && !C) {
				O = (P == "CSS1Compat") ? document.documentElement.clientHeight
						: document.body.clientHeight;
			return O;
		getViewportWidth : function() {
			var O = self.innerWidth;
			var P = document.compatMode;
			if (P || G) {
				O = (P == "CSS1Compat") ? document.documentElement.clientWidth
						: document.body.clientWidth;
			return O;
		getAncestorBy : function(O, P) {
			while (O = O.parentNode) {
				if (D(O, P)) {
					return O;
			return null;
		getAncestorByClassName : function(P, O) {
			P = B.Dom.get(P);
			if (!P) {
				return null;
			var Q = function(R) {
				return B.Dom.hasClass(R, O);
			return B.Dom.getAncestorBy(P, Q);
		getAncestorByTagName : function(P, O) {
			P = B.Dom.get(P);
			if (!P) {
				return null;
			var Q = function(R) {
				return R.tagName && R.tagName.toUpperCase() == O.toUpperCase();
			return B.Dom.getAncestorBy(P, Q);
		getPreviousSiblingBy : function(O, P) {
			while (O) {
				O = O.previousSibling;
				if (D(O, P)) {
					return O;
			return null;
		getPreviousSibling : function(O) {
			O = B.Dom.get(O);
			if (!O) {
				return null;
			return B.Dom.getPreviousSiblingBy(O);
		getNextSiblingBy : function(O, P) {
			while (O) {
				O = O.nextSibling;
				if (D(O, P)) {
					return O;
			return null;
		getNextSibling : function(O) {
			O = B.Dom.get(O);
			if (!O) {
				return null;
			return B.Dom.getNextSiblingBy(O);
		getFirstChildBy : function(O, Q) {
			var P = (D(O.firstChild, Q)) ? O.firstChild : null;
			return P || B.Dom.getNextSiblingBy(O.firstChild, Q);
		getFirstChild : function(O, P) {
			O = B.Dom.get(O);
			if (!O) {
				return null;
			return B.Dom.getFirstChildBy(O);
		getLastChildBy : function(O, Q) {
			if (!O) {
				return null;
			var P = (D(O.lastChild, Q)) ? O.lastChild : null;
			return P || B.Dom.getPreviousSiblingBy(O.lastChild, Q);
		getLastChild : function(O) {
			O = B.Dom.get(O);
			return B.Dom.getLastChildBy(O);
		getChildrenBy : function(P, R) {
			var Q = B.Dom.getFirstChildBy(P, R);
			var O = Q ? [ Q ] : [];
			B.Dom.getNextSiblingBy(Q, function(S) {
				if (!R || R(S)) {
					O[O.length] = S;
				return false;
			return O;
		getChildren : function(O) {
			O = B.Dom.get(O);
			if (!O) {
			return B.Dom.getChildrenBy(O);
		getDocumentScrollLeft : function(O) {
			O = O || document;
			return Math.max(O.documentElement.scrollLeft, O.body.scrollLeft);
		getDocumentScrollTop : function(O) {
			O = O || document;
			return Math.max(O.documentElement.scrollTop, O.body.scrollTop);
		insertBefore : function(P, O) {
			P = B.Dom.get(P);
			O = B.Dom.get(O);
			if (!P || !O || !O.parentNode) {
				return null;
			return O.parentNode.insertBefore(P, O);
		insertAfter : function(P, O) {
			P = B.Dom.get(P);
			O = B.Dom.get(O);
			if (!P || !O || !O.parentNode) {
				return null;
			if (O.nextSibling) {
				return O.parentNode.insertBefore(P, O.nextSibling);
			} else {
				return O.parentNode.appendChild(P);
YAHOO.util.Region = function(C, D, A, B) { = C;
	this[1] = C;
	this.right = D;
	this.bottom = A;
	this.left = B;
	this[0] = B;
YAHOO.util.Region.prototype.contains = function(A) {
	return (A.left >= this.left && A.right <= this.right && >= && A.bottom <= this.bottom);
YAHOO.util.Region.prototype.getArea = function() {
	return ((this.bottom - * (this.right - this.left));
YAHOO.util.Region.prototype.intersect = function(E) {
	var C = Math.max(,;
	var D = Math.min(this.right, E.right);
	var A = Math.min(this.bottom, E.bottom);
	var B = Math.max(this.left, E.left);
	if (A >= C && D >= B) {
		return new YAHOO.util.Region(C, D, A, B);
	} else {
		return null;
YAHOO.util.Region.prototype.union = function(E) {
	var C = Math.min(,;
	var D = Math.max(this.right, E.right);
	var A = Math.max(this.bottom, E.bottom);
	var B = Math.min(this.left, E.left);
	return new YAHOO.util.Region(C, D, A, B);
YAHOO.util.Region.prototype.toString = function() {
	return ("Region {top: " + + ", right: " + this.right
			+ ", bottom: " + this.bottom + ", left: " + this.left + "}");
YAHOO.util.Region.getRegion = function(D) {
	var F = YAHOO.util.Dom.getXY(D);
	var C = F[1];
	var E = F[0] + D.offsetWidth;
	var A = F[1] + D.offsetHeight;
	var B = F[0];
	return new YAHOO.util.Region(C, E, A, B);
YAHOO.util.Point = function(A, B) {
	if (YAHOO.lang.isArray(A)) {
		B = A[1];
		A = A[0];
	this.x = this.right = this.left = this[0] = A;
	this.y = = this.bottom = this[1] = B;
YAHOO.util.Point.prototype = new YAHOO.util.Region();
YAHOO.register("dom", YAHOO.util.Dom, {
	version : "2.3.1",
	build : "541"
YAHOO.util.CustomEvent = function(D, B, C, A) {
	this.type = D;
	this.scope = B || window;
	this.silent = C;
	this.signature = A || YAHOO.util.CustomEvent.LIST;
	this.subscribers = [];
	if (!this.silent) {
	var E = "_YUICEOnSubscribe";
	if (D !== E) {
		this.subscribeEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent(E, this, true);
	this.lastError = null;
YAHOO.util.CustomEvent.LIST = 0;
YAHOO.util.CustomEvent.FLAT = 1;
YAHOO.util.CustomEvent.prototype = {
	subscribe : function(B, C, A) {
		if (!B) {
			throw new Error("Invalid callback for subscriber to '" + this.type
					+ "'");
		if (this.subscribeEvent) {, C, A);
		this.subscribers.push(new YAHOO.util.Subscriber(B, C, A));
	unsubscribe : function(D, F) {
		if (!D) {
			return this.unsubscribeAll();
		var E = false;
		for ( var B = 0, A = this.subscribers.length; B < A; ++B) {
			var C = this.subscribers[B];
			if (C && C.contains(D, F)) {
				E = true;
		return E;
	fire : function() {
		var E = this.subscribers.length;
		if (!E && this.silent) {
			return true;
		var H = [], G = true, D, I = false;
		for (D = 0; D < arguments.length; ++D) {
		var A = H.length;
		if (!this.silent) {
		for (D = 0; D < E; ++D) {
			var L = this.subscribers[D];
			if (!L) {
				I = true;
			} else {
				if (!this.silent) {
				var K = L.getScope(this.scope);
				if (this.signature == YAHOO.util.CustomEvent.FLAT) {
					var B = null;
					if (H.length > 0) {
						B = H[0];
					try {
						G =, B, L.obj);
					} catch (F) {
						this.lastError = F;
				} else {
					try {
						G =, this.type, H, L.obj);
					} catch (F) {
						this.lastError = F;
				if (false === G) {
					if (!this.silent) {
					return false;
		if (I) {
			var J = [], C = this.subscribers;
			for (D = 0, E = C.length; D < E; D = D + 1) {
			this.subscribers = J;
		return true;
	unsubscribeAll : function() {
		for ( var B = 0, A = this.subscribers.length; B < A; ++B) {
			this._delete(A - 1 - B);
		this.subscribers = [];
		return B;
	_delete : function(A) {
		var B = this.subscribers[A];
		if (B) {
			delete B.fn;
			delete B.obj;
		this.subscribers[A] = null;
	toString : function() {
		return "CustomEvent: '" + this.type + "', scope: " + this.scope;
YAHOO.util.Subscriber = function(B, C, A) {
	this.fn = B;
	this.obj = YAHOO.lang.isUndefined(C) ? null : C;
	this.override = A;
YAHOO.util.Subscriber.prototype.getScope = function(A) {
	if (this.override) {
		if (this.override === true) {
			return this.obj;
		} else {
			return this.override;
	return A;
YAHOO.util.Subscriber.prototype.contains = function(A, B) {
	if (B) {
		return (this.fn == A && this.obj == B);
	} else {
		return (this.fn == A);
YAHOO.util.Subscriber.prototype.toString = function() {
	return "Subscriber { obj: " + this.obj + ", override: "
			+ (this.override || "no") + " }";
if (!YAHOO.util.Event) {
	YAHOO.util.Event = function() {
		var H = false;
		var J = false;
		var I = [];
		var K = [];
		var G = [];
		var E = [];
		var C = 0;
		var F = [];
		var B = [];
		var A = 0;
		var D = {
			63232 : 38,
			63233 : 40,
			63234 : 37,
			63235 : 39
		return {
			POLL_RETRYS : 4000,
			EL : 0,
			TYPE : 1,
			FN : 2,
			WFN : 3,
			UNLOAD_OBJ : 3,
			ADJ_SCOPE : 4,
			OBJ : 5,
			OVERRIDE : 6,
			lastError : null,
			isSafari :,
			webkit :,
			isIE :,
			_interval : null,
			startInterval : function() {
				if (!this._interval) {
					var L = this;
					var M = function() {
					this._interval = setInterval(M, this.POLL_INTERVAL);
			onAvailable : function(N, L, O, M) {
				F.push( {
					id : N,
					fn : L,
					obj : O,
					override : M,
					checkReady : false
				C = this.POLL_RETRYS;
			onDOMReady : function(L, N, M) {
				if (J) {
					setTimeout(function() {
						var O = window;
						if (M) {
							if (M === true) {
								O = N;
							} else {
								O = M;
						}, "DOMReady", [], N);
					}, 0);
				} else {
					this.DOMReadyEvent.subscribe(L, N, M);
			onContentReady : function(N, L, O, M) {
				F.push( {
					id : N,
					fn : L,
					obj : O,
					override : M,
					checkReady : true
				C = this.POLL_RETRYS;
			addListener : function(N, L, W, R, M) {
				if (!W || ! {
					return false;
				if (this._isValidCollection(N)) {
					var X = true;
					for ( var S = 0, U = N.length; S < U; ++S) {
						X = this.on(N[S], L, W, R, M) && X;
					return X;
				} else {
					if (YAHOO.lang.isString(N)) {
						var Q = this.getEl(N);
						if (Q) {
							N = Q;
						} else {
							this.onAvailable(N, function() {
								YAHOO.util.Event.on(N, L, W, R, M);
							return true;
				if (!N) {
					return false;
				if ("unload" == L && R !== this) {
					K[K.length] = [ N, L, W, R, M ];
					return true;
				var Z = N;
				if (M) {
					if (M === true) {
						Z = R;
					} else {
						Z = M;
				var O = function(a) {
					return, YAHOO.util.Event.getEvent(a, N), R);
				var Y = [ N, L, W, O, Z, R, M ];
				var T = I.length;
				I[T] = Y;
				if (this.useLegacyEvent(N, L)) {
					var P = this.getLegacyIndex(N, L);
					if (P == -1 || N != G[P][0]) {
						P = G.length;
						B[ + L] = P;
						G[P] = [ N, L, N["on" + L] ];
						E[P] = [];
						N["on" + L] = function(a) {
									.getEvent(a), P);
				} else {
					try {
						this._simpleAdd(N, L, O, false);
					} catch (V) {
						this.lastError = V;
						this.removeListener(N, L, W);
						return false;
				return true;
			fireLegacyEvent : function(P, N) {
				var R = true, L, T, S, U, Q;
				T = E[N];
				for ( var M = 0, O = T.length; M < O; ++M) {
					S = T[M];
					if (S && S[this.WFN]) {
						U = S[this.ADJ_SCOPE];
						Q = S[this.WFN].call(U, P);
						R = (R && Q);
				L = G[N];
				if (L && L[2]) {
				return R;
			getLegacyIndex : function(M, N) {
				var L = this.generateId(M) + N;
				if (typeof B[L] == "undefined") {
					return -1;
				} else {
					return B[L];
			useLegacyEvent : function(M, N) {
				if (this.webkit && ("click" == N || "dblclick" == N)) {
					var L = parseInt(this.webkit, 10);
					if (!isNaN(L) && L < 418) {
						return true;
				return false;
			removeListener : function(M, L, U) {
				var P, S, W;
				if (typeof M == "string") {
					M = this.getEl(M);
				} else {
					if (this._isValidCollection(M)) {
						var V = true;
						for (P = 0, S = M.length; P < S; ++P) {
							V = (this.removeListener(M[P], L, U) && V);
						return V;
				if (!U || ! {
					return this.purgeElement(M, false, L);
				if ("unload" == L) {
					for (P = 0, S = K.length; P < S; P++) {
						W = K[P];
						if (W && W[0] == M && W[1] == L && W[2] == U) {
							K[P] = null;
							return true;
					return false;
				var Q = null;
				var R = arguments[3];
				if ("undefined" === typeof R) {
					R = this._getCacheIndex(M, L, U);
				if (R >= 0) {
					Q = I[R];
				if (!M || !Q) {
					return false;
				if (this.useLegacyEvent(M, L)) {
					var O = this.getLegacyIndex(M, L);
					var N = E[O];
					if (N) {
						for (P = 0, S = N.length; P < S; ++P) {
							W = N[P];
							if (W && W[this.EL] == M && W[this.TYPE] == L
									&& W[this.FN] == U) {
								N[P] = null;
				} else {
					try {
						this._simpleRemove(M, L, Q[this.WFN], false);
					} catch (T) {
						this.lastError = T;
						return false;
				delete I[R][this.WFN];
				delete I[R][this.FN];
				I[R] = null;
				return true;
			getTarget : function(N, M) {
				var L = || N.srcElement;
				return this.resolveTextNode(L);
			resolveTextNode : function(L) {
				if (L && 3 == L.nodeType) {
					return L.parentNode;
				} else {
					return L;
			getPageX : function(M) {
				var L = M.pageX;
				if (!L && 0 !== L) {
					L = M.clientX || 0;
					if (this.isIE) {
						L += this._getScrollLeft();
				return L;
			getPageY : function(L) {
				var M = L.pageY;
				if (!M && 0 !== M) {
					M = L.clientY || 0;
					if (this.isIE) {
						M += this._getScrollTop();
				return M;
			getXY : function(L) {
				return [ this.getPageX(L), this.getPageY(L) ];
			getRelatedTarget : function(M) {
				var L = M.relatedTarget;
				if (!L) {
					if (M.type == "mouseout") {
						L = M.toElement;
					} else {
						if (M.type == "mouseover") {
							L = M.fromElement;
				return this.resolveTextNode(L);
			getTime : function(N) {
				if (!N.time) {
					var M = new Date().getTime();
					try {
						N.time = M;
					} catch (L) {
						this.lastError = L;
						return M;
				return N.time;
			stopEvent : function(L) {
			stopPropagation : function(L) {
				if (L.stopPropagation) {
				} else {
					L.cancelBubble = true;
			preventDefault : function(L) {
				if (L.preventDefault) {
				} else {
					L.returnValue = false;
			getEvent : function(Q, O) {
				var P = Q || window.event;
				if (!P) {
					var R = this.getEvent.caller;
					while (R) {
						P = R.arguments[0];
						if (P && Event == P.constructor) {
						R = R.caller;
				if (P && this.isIE) {
					try {
						var N = P.srcElement;
						if (N) {
							var M = N.type;
					} catch (L) { = O;
				return P;
			getCharCode : function(M) {
				var L = M.keyCode || M.charCode || 0;
				if ( && (L in D)) {
					L = D[L];
				return L;
			_getCacheIndex : function(P, Q, O) {
				for ( var N = 0, M = I.length; N < M; ++N) {
					var L = I[N];
					if (L && L[this.FN] == O && L[this.EL] == P
							&& L[this.TYPE] == Q) {
						return N;
				return -1;
			generateId : function(L) {
				var M =;
				if (!M) {
					M = "yuievtautoid-" + A;
					++A; = M;
				return M;
			_isValidCollection : function(M) {
				try {
					return (typeof M !== "string" && M.length && !M.tagName
							&& !M.alert && typeof M[0] !== "undefined");
				} catch (L) {
					return false;
			elCache : {},
			getEl : function(L) {
				return (typeof L === "string") ? document.getElementById(L) : L;
			clearCache : function() {
			DOMReadyEvent : new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("DOMReady", this),
			_load : function(M) {
				if (!H) {
					H = true;
					var L = YAHOO.util.Event;
			_ready : function(M) {
				if (!J) {
					J = true;
					var L = YAHOO.util.Event;;
					L._simpleRemove(document, "DOMContentLoaded", L._ready);
			_tryPreloadAttach : function() {
				if (this.locked) {
					return false;
				if (this.isIE) {
					if (!J) {
						return false;
				this.locked = true;
				var Q = !H;
				if (!Q) {
					Q = (C > 0);
				var P = [];
				var R = function(T, U) {
					var S = T;
					if (U.override) {
						if (U.override === true) {
							S = U.obj;
						} else {
							S = U.override;
					}, U.obj);
				var M, L, O, N;
				for (M = 0, L = F.length; M < L; ++M) {
					O = F[M];
					if (O && !O.checkReady) {
						N = this.getEl(;
						if (N) {
							R(N, O);
							F[M] = null;
						} else {
				for (M = 0, L = F.length; M < L; ++M) {
					O = F[M];
					if (O && O.checkReady) {
						N = this.getEl(;
						if (N) {
							if (H || N.nextSibling) {
								R(N, O);
								F[M] = null;
						} else {
				C = (P.length === 0) ? 0 : C - 1;
				if (Q) {
				} else {
					this._interval = null;
				this.locked = false;
				return true;
			purgeElement : function(O, P, R) {
				var Q = this.getListeners(O, R), N, L;
				if (Q) {
					for (N = 0, L = Q.length; N < L; ++N) {
						var M = Q[N];
						this.removeListener(O, M.type, M.fn, M.index);
				if (P && O && O.childNodes) {
					for (N = 0, L = O.childNodes.length; N < L; ++N) {
						this.purgeElement(O.childNodes[N], P, R);
			getListeners : function(N, L) {
				var Q = [], M;
				if (!L) {
					M = [ I, K ];
				} else {
					if (L == "unload") {
						M = [ K ];
					} else {
						M = [ I ];
				for ( var P = 0; P < M.length; P = P + 1) {
					var T = M[P];
					if (T && T.length > 0) {
						for ( var R = 0, S = T.length; R < S; ++R) {
							var O = T[R];
							if (O && O[this.EL] === N
									&& (!L || L === O[this.TYPE])) {
								Q.push( {
									type : O[this.TYPE],
									fn : O[this.FN],
									obj : O[this.OBJ],
									adjust : O[this.OVERRIDE],
									scope : O[this.ADJ_SCOPE],
									index : R
				return (Q.length) ? Q : null;
			_unload : function(S) {
				var R = YAHOO.util.Event, P, O, M, L, N;
				for (P = 0, L = K.length; P < L; ++P) {
					M = K[P];
					if (M) {
						var Q = window;
						if (M[R.ADJ_SCOPE]) {
							if (M[R.ADJ_SCOPE] === true) {
								Q = M[R.UNLOAD_OBJ];
							} else {
								Q = M[R.ADJ_SCOPE];
								.call(Q, R.getEvent(S, M[R.EL]),
						K[P] = null;
						M = null;
						Q = null;
				K = null;
				if (I && I.length > 0) {
					O = I.length;
					while (O) {
						N = O - 1;
						M = I[N];
						if (M) {
							R.removeListener(M[R.EL], M[R.TYPE], M[R.FN], N);
						O = O - 1;
					M = null;
				for (P = 0, L = G.length; P < L; ++P) {
					G[P][0] = null;
					G[P] = null;
				G = null;
				R._simpleRemove(window, "unload", R._unload);
			_getScrollLeft : function() {
				return this._getScroll()[1];
			_getScrollTop : function() {
				return this._getScroll()[0];
			_getScroll : function() {
				var L = document.documentElement, M = document.body;
				if (L && (L.scrollTop || L.scrollLeft)) {
					return [ L.scrollTop, L.scrollLeft ];
				} else {
					if (M) {
						return [ M.scrollTop, M.scrollLeft ];
					} else {
						return [ 0, 0 ];
			regCE : function() {
			_simpleAdd : function() {
				if (window.addEventListener) {
					return function(N, O, M, L) {
						N.addEventListener(O, M, (L));
				} else {
					if (window.attachEvent) {
						return function(N, O, M, L) {
							N.attachEvent("on" + O, M);
					} else {
						return function() {
			_simpleRemove : function() {
				if (window.removeEventListener) {
					return function(N, O, M, L) {
						N.removeEventListener(O, M, (L));
				} else {
					if (window.detachEvent) {
						return function(M, N, L) {
							M.detachEvent("on" + N, L);
					} else {
						return function() {
	(function() {
		var D = YAHOO.util.Event;
		D.on = D.addListener;
		if (D.isIE) {
					YAHOO.util.Event, true);
			var B, E = document, A = E.body;
			if (("undefined" !== typeof YAHOO_config) && YAHOO_config.injecting) {
				B = document.createElement("script");
				var C = E.getElementsByTagName("head")[0] || A;
				C.insertBefore(B, C.firstChild);
			} else {
				B = document.getElementById("_yui_eu_dr");
			if (B) {
				B.onreadystatechange = function() {
					if ("complete" === this.readyState) {
			} else {
			B = null;
		} else {
			if (D.webkit) {
				D._drwatch = setInterval(function() {
					var F = document.readyState;
					if ("loaded" == F || "complete" == F) {
						D._drwatch = null;
			} else {
				D._simpleAdd(document, "DOMContentLoaded", D._ready);
		D._simpleAdd(window, "load", D._load);
		D._simpleAdd(window, "unload", D._unload);
YAHOO.util.EventProvider = function() {
YAHOO.util.EventProvider.prototype = {
	__yui_events : null,
	__yui_subscribers : null,
	subscribe : function(A, C, F, E) {
		this.__yui_events = this.__yui_events || {};
		var D = this.__yui_events[A];
		if (D) {
			D.subscribe(C, F, E);
		} else {
			this.__yui_subscribers = this.__yui_subscribers || {};
			var B = this.__yui_subscribers;
			if (!B[A]) {
				B[A] = [];
			B[A].push( {
				fn : C,
				obj : F,
				override : E
	unsubscribe : function(C, E, G) {
		this.__yui_events = this.__yui_events || {};
		var A = this.__yui_events;
		if (C) {
			var F = A[C];
			if (F) {
				return F.unsubscribe(E, G);
		} else {
			var B = true;
			for ( var D in A) {
				if (YAHOO.lang.hasOwnProperty(A, D)) {
					B = B && A[D].unsubscribe(E, G);
			return B;
		return false;
	unsubscribeAll : function(A) {
		return this.unsubscribe(A);
	createEvent : function(G, D) {
		this.__yui_events = this.__yui_events || {};
		var A = D || {};
		var I = this.__yui_events;
		if (I[G]) {
		} else {
			var H = A.scope || this;
			var E = (A.silent);
			var B = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent(G, H, E,
			I[G] = B;
			if (A.onSubscribeCallback) {
			this.__yui_subscribers = this.__yui_subscribers || {};
			var F = this.__yui_subscribers[G];
			if (F) {
				for ( var C = 0; C < F.length; ++C) {
					B.subscribe(F[C].fn, F[C].obj, F[C].override);
		return I[G];
	fireEvent : function(E, D, A, C) {
		this.__yui_events = this.__yui_events || {};
		var G = this.__yui_events[E];
		if (!G) {
			return null;
		var B = [];
		for ( var F = 1; F < arguments.length; ++F) {
		return, B);
	hasEvent : function(A) {
		if (this.__yui_events) {
			if (this.__yui_events[A]) {
				return true;
		return false;
YAHOO.util.KeyListener = function(A, F, B, C) {
	if (!A) {
	} else {
		if (!F) {
		} else {
			if (!B) {
	if (!C) {
		C = YAHOO.util.KeyListener.KEYDOWN;
	var D = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("keyPressed");
	this.enabledEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("enabled");
	this.disabledEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("disabled");
	if (typeof A == "string") {
		A = document.getElementById(A);
	if (typeof B == "function") {
	} else {
		D.subscribe(B.fn, B.scope, B.correctScope);
	function E(K, J) {
		if (!F.shift) {
			F.shift = false;
		if (!F.alt) {
			F.alt = false;
		if (!F.ctrl) {
			F.ctrl = false;
		if (K.shiftKey == F.shift && K.altKey == F.alt && K.ctrlKey == F.ctrl) {
			var H;
			var G;
			if (F.keys instanceof Array) {
				for ( var I = 0; I < F.keys.length; I++) {
					H = F.keys[I];
					if (H == K.charCode) {, K);
					} else {
						if (H == K.keyCode) {, K);
			} else {
				H = F.keys;
				if (H == K.charCode) {, K);
				} else {
					if (H == K.keyCode) {, K);
	this.enable = function() {
		if (!this.enabled) {
			YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(A, C, E);;
		this.enabled = true;
	this.disable = function() {
		if (this.enabled) {
			YAHOO.util.Event.removeListener(A, C, E);;
		this.enabled = false;
	this.toString = function() {
		return "KeyListener [" + F.keys + "] " + A.tagName
				+ ( ? "[" + + "]" : "");
YAHOO.util.KeyListener.KEYDOWN = "keydown";
YAHOO.util.KeyListener.KEYUP = "keyup";
YAHOO.register("event", YAHOO.util.Event, {
	version : "2.3.1",
	build : "541"
YAHOO.register("yahoo-dom-event", YAHOO, {
	version : "2.3.1",
	build : "541"

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