ework.profiles.profile.2022.2.5.source-code.create-creator-command.groovy Maven / Gradle / Ivy
description( "Creates a new create-* command for the profile" ) {
usage """grace create-creator-command [Command Name] [Target Dir] [Convention]
Example: grace create-creator-command Controller controllers"""
argument name:'Command Name', description:"The name of the command", required:true
argument name:'Target Directory', description:"The target directory", required:true
argument name:'Convention', description:"The convention to use for file names, defaults to command name", required:false
flag name:'force', description:"Whether to overwrite existing files"
if(args) {
def scriptName = GrailsNameUtils.getClassNameForLowerCaseHyphenSeparatedName(args[0])
def model = model( scriptName ).asMap()
model.put('targetDirectory', args[1])
model.put('convention', args.size() == 3 ? args[2] : model.simpleName)
render template:'commands/CreatorCommand.groovy',
model: model,
overwrite: flag('force')
render template:'templates/GeneratorTemplate.groovy',
model: model,
overwrite: flag('force')
else {
error "No command name specified"