org.hisrc.jsonix.Jsonix-all.js Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
var _jsonix_factory = function(_jsonix_xmldom, _jsonix_xmlhttprequest, _jsonix_fs)
// Complete Jsonix script is included below
var Jsonix = {
singleFile : true
Jsonix.Util = {};
Jsonix.Util.extend = function(destination, source) {
destination = destination || {};
if (source) {
/*jslint forin: true */
for ( var property in source) {
var value = source[property];
if (value !== undefined) {
destination[property] = value;
* IE doesn't include the toString property when iterating over an
* object's properties with the for(property in object) syntax.
* Explicitly check if the source has its own toString property.
* FF/Windows < reports "Illegal operation on WrappedNative
* prototype object" when calling hawOwnProperty if the source object is
* an instance of window.Event.
// Node.js
sourceIsEvt = typeof window !== 'undefined' && window !== null && typeof window.Event === "function" && source instanceof window.Event;
if (!sourceIsEvt && source.hasOwnProperty && source.hasOwnProperty('toString')) {
destination.toString = source.toString;
return destination;
Jsonix.Class = function() {
var Class = function() {
this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
var extended = {};
var empty = function() {
var parent, initialize, Type;
for (var i = 0, len = arguments.length; i < len; ++i) {
Type = arguments[i];
if (typeof Type == "function") {
// make the class passed as the first argument the superclass
if (i === 0 && len > 1) {
initialize = Type.prototype.initialize;
// replace the initialize method with an empty function,
// because we do not want to create a real instance here
Type.prototype.initialize = empty;
// the line below makes sure that the new class has a
// superclass
extended = new Type();
// restore the original initialize method
if (initialize === undefined) {
delete Type.prototype.initialize;
} else {
Type.prototype.initialize = initialize;
// get the prototype of the superclass
parent = Type.prototype;
} else {
// in this case we're extending with the prototype
parent = Type;
Jsonix.Util.extend(extended, parent);
Class.prototype = extended;
return Class;
Jsonix.XML = {
XMLNS_NS : 'http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/',
XMLNS_P : 'xmlns'
Jsonix.DOM = {
isDomImplementationAvailable : function () {
if (typeof _jsonix_xmldom !== 'undefined')
return true;
} else if (typeof document !== 'undefined' && Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(document.implementation) && Jsonix.Util.Type.isFunction(document.implementation.createDocument)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
createDocument : function() {
// Node.js
if (typeof _jsonix_xmldom !== 'undefined')
return new (_jsonix_xmldom.DOMImplementation)().createDocument();
} else if (typeof document !== 'undefined' && Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(document.implementation) && Jsonix.Util.Type.isFunction(document.implementation.createDocument)) {
return document.implementation.createDocument('', '', null);
} else if (typeof ActiveXObject !== 'undefined') {
return new ActiveXObject('MSXML2.DOMDocument');
} else {
throw new Error('Error created the DOM document.');
serialize : function(node) {
// Node.js
if (typeof _jsonix_xmldom !== 'undefined')
return (new (_jsonix_xmldom).XMLSerializer()).serializeToString(node);
} else if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(XMLSerializer)) {
return (new XMLSerializer()).serializeToString(node);
} else if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(node.xml)) {
return node.xml;
} else {
throw new Error('Could not serialize the node, neither XMLSerializer nor the [xml] property were found.');
parse : function(text) {
if (typeof _jsonix_xmldom !== 'undefined')
return (new (_jsonix_xmldom).DOMParser()).parseFromString(text, 'application/xml');
} else if (typeof DOMParser != 'undefined') {
return (new DOMParser()).parseFromString(text, 'application/xml');
} else if (typeof ActiveXObject != 'undefined') {
var doc = Jsonix.DOM.createDocument('', '');
return doc;
} else {
var url = 'data:text/xml;charset=utf-8,' + encodeURIComponent(text);
var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
request.open('GET', url, false);
if (request.overrideMimeType) {
return request.responseXML;
load : function(url, callback, options) {
var request = Jsonix.Request.INSTANCE;
function(transport) {
var result;
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(transport.responseXML) && Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(transport.responseXML.documentElement)) {
result = transport.responseXML;
} else if (Jsonix.Util.Type.isString(transport.responseText)) {
result = Jsonix.DOM.parse(transport.responseText);
} else {
throw new Error('Response does not have valid [responseXML] or [responseText].');
}, function(transport) {
throw new Error('Could not retrieve XML from URL [' + url + '].');
}, options);
xlinkFixRequired : null,
isXlinkFixRequired : function ()
if (Jsonix.DOM.xlinkFixRequired === null)
if (typeof navigator === 'undefined')
Jsonix.DOM.xlinkFixRequired = false;
else if (!!navigator.userAgent && (/Chrome/.test(navigator.userAgent) && /Google Inc/.test(navigator.vendor)))
var doc = Jsonix.DOM.createDocument();
var el = doc.createElement('test');
el.setAttributeNS('http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink', 'xlink:href', 'urn:test');
var testString = Jsonix.DOM.serialize(doc);
Jsonix.DOM.xlinkFixRequired = (testString.indexOf('xmlns:xlink') === -1);
Jsonix.DOM.xlinkFixRequired = false;
return Jsonix.DOM.xlinkFixRequired;
Jsonix.Request = Jsonix
factories : [ function() {
return new XMLHttpRequest();
}, function() {
return new ActiveXObject('Msxml2.XMLHTTP');
}, function() {
return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP.6.0");
}, function() {
return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP.3.0");
}, function() {
return new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP');
}, function() {
// Node.js
if (typeof _jsonix_xmlhttprequest !== 'undefined')
var XMLHttpRequest = _jsonix_xmlhttprequest.XMLHttpRequest;
return new XMLHttpRequest();
return null;
initialize : function() {
issue : function(url, onSuccess, onFailure, options) {
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(onSuccess)) {
} else {
onSuccess = function() {
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(onFailure)) {
} else {
onFailure = function() {
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(options)) {
} else {
options = {};
var transport = this.createTransport();
var method = Jsonix.Util.Type.isString(options.method) ? options.method
: 'GET';
var async = Jsonix.Util.Type.isBoolean(options.async) ? options.async
: true;
var proxy = Jsonix.Util.Type.isString(options.proxy) ? options.proxy
: Jsonix.Request.PROXY;
var user = Jsonix.Util.Type.isString(options.user) ? options.user
: null;
var password = Jsonix.Util.Type.isString(options.password) ? options.password
: null;
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.isString(proxy) && (url.indexOf("http") === 0)) {
url = proxy + encodeURIComponent(url);
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.isString(user)) {
transport.open(method, url, async, user, password);
} else {
transport.open(method, url, async);
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.isObject(options.headers)) {
for ( var header in options.headers) {
if (options.headers.hasOwnProperty(header)) {
var data = Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(options.data) ? options.data
: null;
if (!async) {
this.handleTransport(transport, onSuccess, onFailure);
} else {
var that = this;
if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
transport.onreadystatechange = function() {
that.handleTransport(transport, onSuccess,
window.setTimeout(function() {
}, 0);
} else {
transport.onreadystatechange = function() {
that.handleTransport(transport, onSuccess, onFailure);
return transport;
handleTransport : function(transport, onSuccess, onFailure) {
if (transport.readyState == 4) {
if (!transport.status || (transport.status >= 200 && transport.status < 300)) {
if (transport.status && (transport.status < 200 || transport.status >= 300)) {
createTransport : function() {
for ( var index = 0, length = this.factories.length; index < length; index++) {
try {
var transport = this.factories[index]();
if (transport !== null) {
return transport;
} catch (e) {
// TODO log
throw new Error('Could not create XML HTTP transport.');
CLASS_NAME : 'Jsonix.Request'
Jsonix.Request.INSTANCE = new Jsonix.Request();
Jsonix.Request.PROXY = null;
Jsonix.Schema = {};
Jsonix.Model = {};
Jsonix.Util.Type = {
exists : function(value) {
return (typeof value !== 'undefined' && value !== null);
isUndefined : function(value) {
return typeof value === 'undefined';
isString : function(value) {
return typeof value === 'string';
isBoolean : function(value) {
return typeof value === 'boolean';
isObject : function(value) {
return typeof value === 'object';
isFunction : function(value) {
return typeof value === 'function';
isNumber : function(value) {
return (typeof value === 'number') && !isNaN(value);
isNumberOrNaN : function(value) {
return (value === +value) || (Object.prototype.toString.call(value) === '[object Number]');
isNaN : function(value) {
return Jsonix.Util.Type.isNumberOrNaN(value) && isNaN(value);
isArray : function(value) {
// return value instanceof Array;
return !!(value && value.concat && value.unshift && !value.callee);
isDate : function(value) {
return !!(value && value.getTimezoneOffset && value.setUTCFullYear);
isRegExp : function(value) {
return !!(value && value.test && value.exec && (value.ignoreCase || value.ignoreCase === false));
isNode : function(value) {
return (typeof Node === "object" || typeof Node === "function") ? (value instanceof Node) : (value && (typeof value === "object") && (typeof value.nodeType === "number") && (typeof value.nodeName==="string"));
isEqual : function(a, b, report) {
var doReport = Jsonix.Util.Type.isFunction(report);
// TODO rework
var _range = function(start, stop, step) {
var args = slice.call(arguments);
var solo = args.length <= 1;
var start_ = solo ? 0 : args[0];
var stop_ = solo ? args[0] : args[1];
var step_ = args[2] || 1;
var len = Math.max(Math.ceil((stop_ - start_) / step_), 0);
var idx = 0;
var range = new Array(len);
while (idx < len) {
range[idx++] = start_;
start_ += step_;
return range;
var _keys = Object.keys || function(obj) {
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.isArray(obj)) {
return _range(0, obj.length);
var keys = [];
for ( var key in obj) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
keys[keys.length] = key;
return keys;
// Check object identity.
if (a === b) {
return true;
// Check if both are NaNs
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.isNaN(a) && Jsonix.Util.Type.isNaN(b)) {
return true;
// Different types?
var atype = typeof a;
var btype = typeof b;
if (atype != btype) {
if (doReport) {
report('Types differ [' + atype + '], [' + btype + '].');
return false;
// Basic equality test (watch out for coercions).
if (a == b) {
return true;
// One is falsy and the other truthy.
if ((!a && b) || (a && !b)) {
if (doReport) {
report('One is falsy, the other is truthy.');
return false;
// Check dates' integer values.
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.isDate(a) && Jsonix.Util.Type.isDate(b)) {
return a.getTime() === b.getTime();
// Both are NaN?
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.isNaN(a) && Jsonix.Util.Type.isNaN(b)) {
return false;
// Compare regular expressions.
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.isRegExp(a) && Jsonix.Util.Type.isRegExp(b)) {
return a.source === b.source && a.global === b.global && a.ignoreCase === b.ignoreCase && a.multiline === b.multiline;
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.isNode(a) && Jsonix.Util.Type.isNode(b))
var aSerialized = Jsonix.DOM.serialize(a);
var bSerialized = Jsonix.DOM.serialize(b);
if (aSerialized !== bSerialized)
if (doReport)
report('Nodes differ.');
report('A=' + aSerialized);
report('B=' + bSerialized);
return false;
return true;
// If a is not an object by this point, we can't handle it.
if (atype !== 'object') {
return false;
// Check for different array lengths before comparing contents.
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.isArray(a) && (a.length !== b.length)) {
if (doReport) {
report('Lengths differ.');
report('A.length=' + a.length);
report('B.length=' + b.length);
return false;
// Nothing else worked, deep compare the contents.
var aKeys = _keys(a);
var bKeys = _keys(b);
// Different object sizes?
if (aKeys.length !== bKeys.length) {
if (doReport) {
report('Different number of properties [' + aKeys.length + '], [' + bKeys.length + '].');
for ( var andex = 0; andex < aKeys.length; andex++) {
if (doReport) {
report('A [' + aKeys[andex] + ']=' + a[aKeys[andex]]);
for ( var bndex = 0; bndex < bKeys.length; bndex++) {
if (doReport) {
report('B [' + bKeys[bndex] + ']=' + b[bKeys[bndex]]);
return false;
// Recursive comparison of contents.
for (var kndex = 0; kndex < aKeys.length; kndex++) {
var key = aKeys[kndex];
if (!(key in b) || !Jsonix.Util.Type.isEqual(a[key], b[key], report)) {
if (doReport) {
report('One of the properties differ.');
report('Key: [' + key + '].');
report('Left: [' + a[key] + '].');
report('Right: [' + b[key] + '].');
return false;
return true;
cloneObject : function (source, target)
target = target || {};
for (var p in source)
if (source.hasOwnProperty(p))
target[p] = source[p];
return target;
defaultValue : function()
var args = arguments;
if (args.length === 0)
return undefined;
var defaultValue = args[args.length - 1];
var typeOfDefaultValue = typeof defaultValue;
for (var index = 0; index < args.length - 1; index++)
var candidateValue = args[index];
if (typeof candidateValue === typeOfDefaultValue)
return candidateValue;
return defaultValue;
Jsonix.Util.NumberUtils = {
isInteger : function(value) {
return Jsonix.Util.Type.isNumber(value) && ((value % 1) === 0);
Jsonix.Util.StringUtils = {
trim : (!!String.prototype.trim) ?
function(str) {
return str.trim();
} :
function(str) {
return str.replace(/^\s\s*/, '').replace(/\s\s*$/, '');
/* isEmpty : function(str) {
var wcm = Jsonix.Util.StringUtils.whitespaceCharactersMap;
for (var index = 0; index < str.length; index++)
if (!wcm[str[index]])
return false;
return true;
}, */
isEmpty : function(str) {
var length = str.length;
if (!length) {
return true;
for (var index = 0; index < length; index++)
var c = str[index];
if (c === ' ')
// skip
else if (c > '\u000D' && c < '\u0085')
return false;
else if (c < '\u00A0')
if (c < '\u0009')
return false;
else if (c > '\u0085')
return false;
else if (c > '\u00A0')
if (c < '\u2028')
if (c < '\u180E')
if (c < '\u1680')
return false;
else if(c > '\u1680')
return false;
else if (c > '\u180E')
if (c < '\u2000')
return false;
else if (c > '\u200A')
return false;
else if (c > '\u2029')
if (c < '\u205F')
if (c < '\u202F')
return false;
else if (c > '\u202F')
return false;
else if (c > '\u205F')
if (c < '\u3000')
return false;
else if (c > '\u3000')
return false;
return true;
isNotBlank : function(str) {
return Jsonix.Util.Type.isString(str) && !Jsonix.Util.StringUtils.isEmpty(str);
whitespaceCharacters: '\u0009\u000A\u000B\u000C\u000D \u0085\u00A0\u1680\u180E\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200A\u2028\u2029\u202F\u205F\u3000',
whitespaceCharactersMap: {
'\u0009' : true,
'\u000A' : true,
'\u000B' : true,
'\u000C' : true,
'\u000D' : true,
' ' : true,
'\u0085' : true,
'\u00A0' : true,
'\u1680' : true,
'\u180E' : true,
'\u2000' : true,
'\u2001' : true,
'\u2002' : true,
'\u2003' : true,
'\u2004' : true,
'\u2005' : true,
'\u2006' : true,
'\u2007' : true,
'\u2008' : true,
'\u2009' : true,
'\u200A' : true,
'\u2028' : true,
'\u2029' : true,
'\u202F' : true,
'\u205F' : true,
'\u3000' : true
splitBySeparatorChars : function(str, separatorChars) {
var len = str.length;
if (len === 0) {
return [];
if (separatorChars.length === 1)
return str.split(separatorChars);
var list = [];
var sizePlus1 = 1;
var i = 0;
var start = 0;
var match = false;
var lastMatch = false;
var max = -1;
var preserveAllTokens = false;
// standard case
while (i < len) {
if (separatorChars.indexOf(str.charAt(i)) >= 0) {
if (match || preserveAllTokens) {
lastMatch = true;
if (sizePlus1++ == max) {
i = len;
lastMatch = false;
list.push(str.substring(start, i));
match = false;
start = ++i;
lastMatch = false;
match = true;
if (match || (preserveAllTokens && lastMatch)) {
list.push(str.substring(start, i));
return list;
Jsonix.Util.Ensure = {
ensureBoolean : function(value) {
if (!Jsonix.Util.Type.isBoolean(value)) {
throw new Error('Argument [' + value + '] must be a boolean.');
ensureString : function(value) {
if (!Jsonix.Util.Type.isString(value)) {
throw new Error('Argument [' + value + '] must be a string.');
ensureNumber : function(value) {
if (!Jsonix.Util.Type.isNumber(value)) {
throw new Error('Argument [' + value + '] must be a number.');
ensureNumberOrNaN : function(value) {
if (!Jsonix.Util.Type.isNumberOrNaN(value)) {
throw new Error('Argument [' + value + '] must be a number or NaN.');
ensureInteger : function(value) {
if (!Jsonix.Util.Type.isNumber(value)) {
throw new Error('Argument [' + value + '] must be an integer, but it is not a number.');
} else if (!Jsonix.Util.NumberUtils.isInteger(value)) {
throw new Error('Argument [' + value + '] must be an integer.');
ensureDate : function(value) {
if (!(value instanceof Date)) {
throw new Error('Argument [' + value + '] must be a date.');
ensureObject : function(value) {
if (!Jsonix.Util.Type.isObject(value)) {
throw new Error('Argument [' + value + '] must be an object.');
ensureArray : function(value) {
if (!Jsonix.Util.Type.isArray(value)) {
throw new Error('Argument [' + value + '] must be an array.');
ensureFunction : function(value) {
if (!Jsonix.Util.Type.isFunction(value)) {
throw new Error('Argument [' + value + '] must be a function.');
ensureExists : function(value) {
if (!Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(value)) {
throw new Error('Argument [' + value + '] does not exist.');
Jsonix.XML.QName = Jsonix.Class({
key : null,
namespaceURI : null,
localPart : null,
prefix : null,
string : null,
initialize : function(one, two, three) {
var namespaceURI;
var localPart;
var prefix;
var key;
var string;
if (!Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(two)) {
namespaceURI = '';
localPart = one;
prefix = '';
} else if (!Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(three)) {
namespaceURI = Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(one) ? one : '';
localPart = two;
var colonPosition = two.indexOf(':');
if (colonPosition > 0 && colonPosition < two.length) {
prefix = two.substring(0, colonPosition);
localPart = two.substring(colonPosition + 1);
} else {
prefix = '';
localPart = two;
} else {
namespaceURI = Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(one) ? one : '';
localPart = two;
prefix = Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(three) ? three : '';
this.namespaceURI = namespaceURI;
this.localPart = localPart;
this.prefix = prefix;
this.key = (namespaceURI !== '' ? ('{' + namespaceURI + '}') : '') + localPart;
this.string = (namespaceURI !== '' ? ('{' + namespaceURI + '}') : '') + (prefix !== '' ? (prefix + ':') : '') + localPart;
toString : function() {
return this.string;
// foo:bar
toCanonicalString: function(namespaceContext) {
var canonicalPrefix = namespaceContext ? namespaceContext.getPrefix(this.namespaceURI, this.prefix) : this.prefix;
return this.prefix + (this.prefix === '' ? '' : ':') + this.localPart;
clone : function() {
return new Jsonix.XML.QName(this.namespaceURI, this.localPart, this.prefix);
equals : function(that) {
if (!that) {
return false;
} else {
return (this.namespaceURI == that.namespaceURI) && (this.localPart == that.localPart);
CLASS_NAME : "Jsonix.XML.QName"
Jsonix.XML.QName.fromString = function(qNameAsString, namespaceContext, defaultNamespaceURI) {
var leftBracket = qNameAsString.indexOf('{');
var rightBracket = qNameAsString.lastIndexOf('}');
var namespaceURI;
var prefixedName;
if ((leftBracket === 0) && (rightBracket > 0) && (rightBracket < qNameAsString.length)) {
namespaceURI = qNameAsString.substring(1, rightBracket);
prefixedName = qNameAsString.substring(rightBracket + 1);
} else {
namespaceURI = null;
prefixedName = qNameAsString;
var colonPosition = prefixedName.indexOf(':');
var prefix;
var localPart;
if (colonPosition > 0 && colonPosition < prefixedName.length) {
prefix = prefixedName.substring(0, colonPosition);
localPart = prefixedName.substring(colonPosition + 1);
} else {
prefix = '';
localPart = prefixedName;
// If namespace URI was not set and we have a namespace context, try to find the namespace URI via this context
if (namespaceURI === null)
if (prefix === '' && Jsonix.Util.Type.isString(defaultNamespaceURI))
namespaceURI = defaultNamespaceURI;
else if (namespaceContext)
namespaceURI = namespaceContext.getNamespaceURI(prefix);
// If we don't have a namespace URI, assume '' by default
// TODO document the assumption
if (!Jsonix.Util.Type.isString(namespaceURI))
namespaceURI = defaultNamespaceURI || '';
return new Jsonix.XML.QName(namespaceURI, localPart, prefix);
Jsonix.XML.QName.fromObject = function(object) {
if (object instanceof Jsonix.XML.QName || (Jsonix.Util.Type.isString(object.CLASS_NAME) && object.CLASS_NAME === 'Jsonix.XML.QName')) {
return object;
var localPart = object.localPart||object.lp||null;
var namespaceURI = object.namespaceURI||object.ns||'';
var prefix = object.prefix||object.p||'';
return new Jsonix.XML.QName(namespaceURI, localPart, prefix);
Jsonix.XML.QName.fromObjectOrString = function(value, namespaceContext, defaultNamespaceURI) {
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.isString(value))
return Jsonix.XML.QName.fromString(value, namespaceContext, defaultNamespaceURI);
return Jsonix.XML.QName.fromObject(value);
Jsonix.XML.QName.key = function(namespaceURI, localPart) {
if (namespaceURI) {
var colonPosition = localPart.indexOf(':');
var localName;
if (colonPosition > 0 && colonPosition < localPart.length) {
localName = localPart.substring(colonPosition + 1);
} else {
localName = localPart;
return '{' + namespaceURI + '}' + localName;
} else {
return localPart;
Jsonix.XML.Calendar = Jsonix.Class({
year : NaN,
month : NaN,
day : NaN,
hour : NaN,
minute : NaN,
second : NaN,
fractionalSecond : NaN,
timezone : NaN,
date : null,
initialize : function(data) {
// Year
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(data.year)) {
this.year = data.year;
} else {
this.year = NaN;
// Month
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(data.month)) {
this.month = data.month;
} else {
this.month = NaN;
// Day
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(data.day)) {
if (Jsonix.Util.NumberUtils.isInteger(data.year) && Jsonix.Util.NumberUtils.isInteger(data.month)) {
Jsonix.XML.Calendar.validateYearMonthDay(data.year, data.month, data.day);
} else if (Jsonix.Util.NumberUtils.isInteger(data.month)) {
Jsonix.XML.Calendar.validateMonthDay(data.month, data.day);
} else {
this.day = data.day;
} else {
this.day = NaN;
// Hour
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(data.hour)) {
this.hour = data.hour;
} else {
this.hour = NaN;
// Minute
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(data.minute)) {
this.minute = data.minute;
} else {
this.minute = NaN;
// Second
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(data.second)) {
this.second = data.second;
} else {
this.second = NaN;
// Fractional second
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(data.fractionalSecond)) {
this.fractionalSecond = data.fractionalSecond;
} else {
this.fractionalSecond = NaN;
// Timezone
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(data.timezone)) {
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.isNaN(data.timezone)) {
this.timezone = NaN;
} else {
this.timezone = data.timezone;
} else {
this.timezone = NaN;
var initialDate = new Date(0);
initialDate.setUTCFullYear(this.year || 1970);
initialDate.setUTCMonth(this.month - 1 || 0);
initialDate.setUTCDate(this.day || 1);
initialDate.setUTCHours(this.hour || 0);
initialDate.setUTCMinutes(this.minute || 0);
initialDate.setUTCSeconds(this.second || 0);
initialDate.setUTCMilliseconds((this.fractionalSecond || 0) * 1000);
var timezoneOffset = -60000 * (this.timezone || 0);
this.date = new Date(initialDate.getTime() + timezoneOffset);
CLASS_NAME : "Jsonix.XML.Calendar"
Jsonix.XML.Calendar.MIN_TIMEZONE = -14 * 60;
Jsonix.XML.Calendar.MAX_TIMEZONE = 14 * 60;
Jsonix.XML.Calendar.DAYS_IN_MONTH = [ 31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 ];
Jsonix.XML.Calendar.fromObject = function(object) {
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.isString(object.CLASS_NAME) && object.CLASS_NAME === 'Jsonix.XML.Calendar') {
return object;
return new Jsonix.XML.Calendar(object);
Jsonix.XML.Calendar.validateYear = function(year) {
if (year === 0) {
throw new Error('Invalid year [' + year + ']. Year must not be [0].');
Jsonix.XML.Calendar.validateMonth = function(month) {
if (month < 1 || month > 12) {
throw new Error('Invalid month [' + month + ']. Month must be in range [1, 12].');
Jsonix.XML.Calendar.validateDay = function(day) {
if (day < 1 || day > 31) {
throw new Error('Invalid day [' + day + ']. Day must be in range [1, 31].');
Jsonix.XML.Calendar.validateMonthDay = function(month, day) {
var maxDaysInMonth = Jsonix.XML.Calendar.DAYS_IN_MONTH[month - 1];
if (day < 1 || day > Jsonix.XML.Calendar.DAYS_IN_MONTH[month - 1]) {
throw new Error('Invalid day [' + day + ']. Day must be in range [1, ' + maxDaysInMonth + '].');
Jsonix.XML.Calendar.validateYearMonthDay = function(year, month, day) {
// #93 TODO proper validation of 28/29 02
Jsonix.XML.Calendar.validateMonthDay(month, day);
Jsonix.XML.Calendar.validateHour = function(hour) {
if (hour < 0 || hour > 23) {
throw new Error('Invalid hour [' + hour + ']. Hour must be in range [0, 23].');
Jsonix.XML.Calendar.validateMinute = function(minute) {
if (minute < 0 || minute > 59) {
throw new Error('Invalid minute [' + minute + ']. Minute must be in range [0, 59].');
Jsonix.XML.Calendar.validateSecond = function(second) {
if (second < 0 || second > 59) {
throw new Error('Invalid second [' + second + ']. Second must be in range [0, 59].');
Jsonix.XML.Calendar.validateFractionalSecond = function(fractionalSecond) {
if (fractionalSecond < 0 || fractionalSecond > 59) {
throw new Error('Invalid fractional second [' + fractionalSecond + ']. Fractional second must be in range [0, 1).');
Jsonix.XML.Calendar.validateTimezone = function(timezone) {
if (timezone < Jsonix.XML.Calendar.MIN_TIMEZONE || timezone > Jsonix.XML.Calendar.MAX_TIMEZONE) {
throw new Error('Invalid timezone [' + timezone + ']. Timezone must not be in range [' + Jsonix.XML.Calendar.MIN_TIMEZONE + ', ' + Jsonix.XML.Calendar.MAX_TIMEZONE + '].');
Jsonix.XML.Input = Jsonix.Class({
root : null,
node : null,
attributes : null,
eventType : null,
pns : null,
initialize : function(node) {
this.root = node;
var rootPnsItem =
'' : ''
rootPnsItem[Jsonix.XML.XMLNS_P] = Jsonix.XML.XMLNS_NS;
this.pns = [rootPnsItem];
hasNext : function() {
// No current node, we've not started yet
if (this.node === null) {
return true;
} else if (this.node === this.root) {
var nodeType = this.node.nodeType;
// Root node is document, last event type is END_DOCUMENT
if (nodeType === 9 && this.eventType === 8) {
return false;
// Root node is element, last event type is END_ELEMENT
else if (nodeType === 1 && this.eventType === 2) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
} else {
return true;
next : function() {
if (this.eventType === null) {
return this.enter(this.root);
if (this.eventType === 7) {
var documentElement = this.node.documentElement;
if (documentElement) {
return this.enter(documentElement);
} else {
return this.leave(this.node);
} else if (this.eventType === 1) {
var firstChild = this.node.firstChild;
if (firstChild) {
return this.enter(firstChild);
} else {
return this.leave(this.node);
} else if (this.eventType === 2) {
var nextSibling = this.node.nextSibling;
if (nextSibling) {
return this.enter(nextSibling);
} else {
return this.leave(this.node);
} else {
return this.leave(this.node);
enter : function(node) {
var nodeType = node.nodeType;
this.node = node;
this.attributes = null;
// Document node
if (nodeType === 1) {
this.eventType = 1;
return this.eventType;
} else if (nodeType === 2) {
this.eventType = 10;
return this.eventType;
} else if (nodeType === 3) {
var nodeValue = node.nodeValue;
if (Jsonix.Util.StringUtils.isEmpty(nodeValue)) {
this.eventType = 6;
} else {
this.eventType = 4;
return this.eventType;
} else if (nodeType === 4) {
this.eventType = 12;
return this.eventType;
} else if (nodeType === 5) {
this.eventType = 9;
return this.eventType;
} else if (nodeType === 6) {
this.eventType = 15;
return this.eventType;
} else if (nodeType === 7) {
this.eventType = 3;
return this.eventType;
} else if (nodeType === 8) {
this.eventType = 5;
return this.eventType;
} else if (nodeType === 9) {
this.eventType = 7;
return this.eventType;
} else if (nodeType === 10) {
// DTD
this.eventType = 12;
return this.eventType;
} else if (nodeType === 12) {
this.eventType = 14;
return this.eventType;
} else {
throw new Error("Node type [" + nodeType + '] is not supported.');
leave : function(node) {
if (node.nodeType === 9) {
if (this.eventType == 8) {
throw new Error("Invalid state.");
} else {
this.node = node;
this.attributes = null;
this.eventType = 8;
return this.eventType;
} else if (node.nodeType === 1) {
if (this.eventType == 2) {
var nextSibling = node.nextSibling;
if (nextSibling) {
return this.enter(nextSibling);
} else {
this.node = node;
this.attributes = null;
this.eventType = 2;
return this.eventType;
var nextSibling1 = node.nextSibling;
if (nextSibling1) {
return this.enter(nextSibling1);
} else {
var parentNode = node.parentNode;
this.node = parentNode;
this.attributes = null;
if (parentNode.nodeType === 9) {
this.eventType = 8;
} else {
this.eventType = 2;
return this.eventType;
getName : function() {
var node = this.node;
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.isString(node.nodeName)) {
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.isString(node.namespaceURI)) {
return new Jsonix.XML.QName(node.namespaceURI, node.nodeName);
} else {
return new Jsonix.XML.QName(node.nodeName);
} else {
return null;
getNameKey : function() {
var node = this.node;
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.isString(node.nodeName)) {
return Jsonix.XML.QName.key(node.namespaceURI, node.nodeName);
} else {
return null;
getText : function() {
return this.node.nodeValue;
nextTag : function() {
var et = this.next();
// TODO isWhiteSpace
while (et === 7 || et === 4 || et === 12 || et === 6 || et === 3 || et === 5) {
et = this.next();
if (et !== 1 && et !== 2) {
// TODO location
throw new Error('Expected start or end tag.');
return et;
skipElement : function() {
if (this.eventType !== Jsonix.XML.Input.START_ELEMENT) {
throw new Error("Parser must be on START_ELEMENT to skip element.");
var numberOfOpenTags = 1;
var et;
do {
et = this.nextTag();
numberOfOpenTags += (et === Jsonix.XML.Input.START_ELEMENT) ? 1 : -1;
} while (numberOfOpenTags > 0);
return et;
getElementText : function() {
if (this.eventType != 1) {
throw new Error("Parser must be on START_ELEMENT to read next text.");
var et = this.next();
var content = '';
while (et !== 2) {
if (et === 4 || et === 12 || et === 6 || et === 9) {
content = content + this.getText();
} else if (et === 3 || et === 5) {
// Skip PI or comment
} else if (et === 8) {
// End document
throw new Error("Unexpected end of document when reading element text content.");
} else if (et === 1) {
// End element
// TODO location
throw new Error("Element text content may not contain START_ELEMENT.");
} else {
// TODO location
throw new Error("Unexpected event type [" + et + "].");
et = this.next();
return content;
retrieveElement : function () {
var element;
if (this.eventType === 1) {
element = this.node;
} else if (this.eventType === 10) {
element = this.node.parentNode;
} else {
throw new Error("Element can only be retrieved for START_ELEMENT or ATTRIBUTE nodes.");
return element;
retrieveAttributes : function () {
var attributes;
if (this.attributes)
attributes = this.attributes;
} else if (this.eventType === 1) {
attributes = this.node.attributes;
this.attributes = attributes;
} else if (this.eventType === 10) {
attributes = this.node.parentNode.attributes;
this.attributes = attributes;
} else {
throw new Error("Attributes can only be retrieved for START_ELEMENT or ATTRIBUTE nodes.");
return attributes;
getAttributeCount : function() {
var attributes = this.retrieveAttributes();
return attributes.length;
getAttributeName : function(index) {
var attributes = this.retrieveAttributes();
if (index < 0 || index >= attributes.length) {
throw new Error("Invalid attribute index [" + index + "].");
var attribute = attributes[index];
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.isString(attribute.namespaceURI)) {
return new Jsonix.XML.QName(attribute.namespaceURI, attribute.nodeName);
} else {
return new Jsonix.XML.QName(attribute.nodeName);
getAttributeNameKey : function(index) {
var attributes = this.retrieveAttributes();
if (index < 0 || index >= attributes.length) {
throw new Error("Invalid attribute index [" + index + "].");
var attribute = attributes[index];
return Jsonix.XML.QName.key(attribute.namespaceURI, attribute.nodeName);
getAttributeValue : function(index) {
var attributes = this.retrieveAttributes();
if (index < 0 || index >= attributes.length) {
throw new Error("Invalid attribute index [" + index + "].");
var attribute = attributes[index];
return attribute.value;
getAttributeValueNS : null,
getAttributeValueNSViaElement : function(namespaceURI, localPart) {
var element = this.retrieveElement();
return element.getAttributeNS(namespaceURI, localPart);
getAttributeValueNSViaAttribute : function(namespaceURI, localPart) {
var attributeNode = this.getAttributeNodeNS(namespaceURI, localPart);
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(attributeNode)) {
return attributeNode.nodeValue;
return null;
getAttributeNodeNS : null,
getAttributeNodeNSViaElement : function(namespaceURI, localPart) {
var element = this.retrieveElement();
return element.getAttributeNodeNS(namespaceURI, localPart);
getAttributeNodeNSViaAttributes : function(namespaceURI, localPart) {
var attributeNode = null;
var attributes = this.retrieveAttributes();
var potentialNode, fullName;
for (var i = 0, len = attributes.length; i < len; ++i) {
potentialNode = attributes[i];
if (potentialNode.namespaceURI === namespaceURI) {
fullName = (potentialNode.prefix) ? (potentialNode.prefix + ':' + localPart) : localPart;
if (fullName === potentialNode.nodeName) {
attributeNode = potentialNode;
return attributeNode;
getElement : function() {
if (this.eventType === 1 || this.eventType === 2) {
// Go to the END_ELEMENT
this.eventType = 2;
return this.node;
} else {
throw new Error("Parser must be on START_ELEMENT or END_ELEMENT to return current element.");
pushNS : function (node) {
var pindex = this.pns.length - 1;
var parentPnsItem = this.pns[pindex];
var pnsItem = Jsonix.Util.Type.isObject(parentPnsItem) ? pindex : parentPnsItem;
var reference = true;
if (node.attributes)
var attributes = node.attributes;
var alength = attributes.length;
if (alength > 0)
// If given node has attributes
for (var aindex = 0; aindex < alength; aindex++)
var attribute = attributes[aindex];
var attributeName = attribute.nodeName;
var p = null;
var ns = null;
var isNS = false;
if (attributeName === 'xmlns')
p = '';
ns = attribute.value;
isNS = true;
else if (attributeName.substring(0, 6) === 'xmlns:')
p = attributeName.substring(6);
ns = attribute.value;
isNS = true;
// Attribute is a namespace declaration
if (isNS)
if (reference)
pnsItem = Jsonix.Util.Type.cloneObject(this.pns[pnsItem], {});
this.pns[pindex] = pnsItem;
reference = false;
pnsItem[p] = ns;
popNS : function () {
getNamespaceURI : function (p) {
var pindex = this.pns.length - 1;
var pnsItem = this.pns[pindex];
pnsItem = Jsonix.Util.Type.isObject(pnsItem) ? pnsItem : this.pns[pnsItem];
return pnsItem[p];
CLASS_NAME : "Jsonix.XML.Input"
Jsonix.XML.Input.prototype.getAttributeValueNS = (Jsonix.DOM.isDomImplementationAvailable()) ? Jsonix.XML.Input.prototype.getAttributeValueNSViaElement : Jsonix.XML.Input.prototype.getAttributeValueNSViaAttribute;
Jsonix.XML.Input.prototype.getAttributeNodeNS = (Jsonix.DOM.isDomImplementationAvailable()) ? Jsonix.XML.Input.prototype.getAttributeNodeNSViaElement : Jsonix.XML.Input.prototype.getAttributeNodeNSViaAttributes;
Jsonix.XML.Input.START_ELEMENT = 1;
Jsonix.XML.Input.END_ELEMENT = 2;
Jsonix.XML.Input.CHARACTERS = 4;
Jsonix.XML.Input.COMMENT = 5;
Jsonix.XML.Input.SPACE = 6;
Jsonix.XML.Input.START_DOCUMENT = 7;
Jsonix.XML.Input.END_DOCUMENT = 8;
Jsonix.XML.Input.ATTRIBUTE = 10;
Jsonix.XML.Input.DTD = 11;
Jsonix.XML.Input.CDATA = 12;
Jsonix.XML.Input.NAMESPACE = 13;
Jsonix.XML.Output = Jsonix.Class({
document : null,
documentElement : null,
node : null,
nodes : null,
nsp : null,
pns : null,
namespacePrefixIndex : 0,
xmldom : null,
initialize : function(options) {
if (typeof ActiveXObject !== 'undefined') {
this.xmldom = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");
} else {
this.xmldom = null;
this.nodes = [];
var rootNspItem =
'' : ''
rootNspItem[Jsonix.XML.XMLNS_NS] = Jsonix.XML.XMLNS_P;
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.isObject(options)) {
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.isObject(options.namespacePrefixes)) {
Jsonix.Util.Type.cloneObject(options.namespacePrefixes, rootNspItem);
this.nsp = [rootNspItem];
var rootPnsItem =
'' : ''
rootPnsItem[Jsonix.XML.XMLNS_P] = Jsonix.XML.XMLNS_NS;
this.pns = [rootPnsItem];
destroy : function() {
this.xmldom = null;
writeStartDocument : function() {
// TODO Check
var doc = Jsonix.DOM.createDocument();
this.document = doc;
return this.push(doc);
writeEndDocument : function() {
return this.pop();
writeStartElement : function(name) {
var localPart = name.localPart || name.lp || null;
var ns = name.namespaceURI || name.ns || null;
var namespaceURI = Jsonix.Util.Type.isString(ns) ? ns : '';
var p = name.prefix || name.p;
var prefix = this.getPrefix(namespaceURI, p);
var qualifiedName = (!prefix ? localPart : prefix + ':' + localPart);
var element;
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.isFunction(this.document.createElementNS)) {
element = this.document.createElementNS(namespaceURI, qualifiedName);
else if (this.xmldom) {
element = this.xmldom.createNode(1, qualifiedName, namespaceURI);
} else {
throw new Error("Could not create an element node.");
this.declareNamespace(namespaceURI, prefix);
if (this.documentElement === null)
this.documentElement = element;
return element;
writeEndElement : function() {
return this.pop();
writeCharacters : function(text) {
var node;
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.isFunction(this.document.createTextNode)) {
node = this.document.createTextNode(text);
else if (this.xmldom) {
node = this.xmldom.createTextNode(text);
} else {
throw new Error("Could not create a text node.");
return node;
writeCdata : function(text) {
var parts = text.split(']]>');
for (var index = 0; index < parts.length; index++) {
if (index + 1 < parts.length) {
parts[index] = parts[index] + ']]';
parts[index + 1] = '>' + parts[index + 1];
var node;
for (var jndex = 0; jndex < parts.length; jndex ++) {
node = this.writeCdataWithoutCdend(parts[jndex]);
return node;
writeCdataWithoutCdend : function(text) {
var node;
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.isFunction(this.document.createCDATASection)) {
node = this.document.createCDATASection(text);
else if (this.xmldom) {
node = this.xmldom.createCDATASection(text);
} else {
throw new Error("Could not create a CDATA section node.");
return node;
writeAttribute : function(name, value) {
var localPart = name.localPart || name.lp || null;
var ns = name.namespaceURI || name.ns || null;
var namespaceURI = Jsonix.Util.Type.isString(ns) ? ns : '';
var p = name.prefix || name.p || null;
var prefix = this.getPrefix(namespaceURI, p);
var qualifiedName = (!prefix ? localPart : prefix + ':' + localPart);
var node = this.peek();
if (namespaceURI === '') {
node.setAttribute(qualifiedName, value);
} else {
if (node.setAttributeNS) {
node.setAttributeNS(namespaceURI, qualifiedName, value);
} else {
if (this.xmldom) {
var attribute = this.document.createNode(2, qualifiedName, namespaceURI);
attribute.nodeValue = value;
else if (namespaceURI === Jsonix.XML.XMLNS_NS)
// XMLNS namespace may be processed unqualified
node.setAttribute(qualifiedName, value);
throw new Error("The [setAttributeNS] method is not implemented");
this.declareNamespace(namespaceURI, prefix);
writeNode : function(node) {
var importedNode;
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(this.document.importNode)) {
importedNode = this.document.importNode(node, true);
} else {
importedNode = node;
return importedNode;
push : function(node) {
return node;
peek : function() {
return this.nodes[this.nodes.length - 1];
pop : function() {
var result = this.nodes.pop();
return result;
pushNS : function ()
var nindex = this.nsp.length - 1;
var pindex = this.pns.length - 1;
var parentNspItem = this.nsp[nindex];
var parentPnsItem = this.pns[pindex];
var nspItem = Jsonix.Util.Type.isObject(parentNspItem) ? nindex : parentNspItem;
var pnsItem = Jsonix.Util.Type.isObject(parentPnsItem) ? pindex : parentPnsItem;
popNS : function ()
declareNamespaces : function ()
var index = this.nsp.length - 1;
var nspItem = this.nsp[index];
nspItem = Jsonix.Util.Type.isNumber(nspItem) ? this.nsp[nspItem] : nspItem;
var ns, p;
for (ns in nspItem)
if (nspItem.hasOwnProperty(ns))
p = nspItem[ns];
this.declareNamespace(ns, p);
declareNamespace : function (ns, p)
var index = this.pns.length - 1;
var pnsItem = this.pns[index];
var reference;
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.isNumber(pnsItem))
// Resolve the reference
reference = true;
pnsItem = this.pns[pnsItem];
reference = false;
// If this prefix is mapped to a different namespace and must be redeclared
if (pnsItem[p] !== ns)
if (p === '')
this.writeAttribute({lp : Jsonix.XML.XMLNS_P}, ns);
this.writeAttribute({ns : Jsonix.XML.XMLNS_NS, lp : p, p : Jsonix.XML.XMLNS_P}, ns);
if (reference)
// If this was a reference, clone it and replace the reference
pnsItem = Jsonix.Util.Type.cloneObject(pnsItem, {});
this.pns[index] = pnsItem;
pnsItem[p] = ns;
getPrefix : function (ns, p)
var index = this.nsp.length - 1;
var nspItem = this.nsp[index];
var reference;
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.isNumber(nspItem))
// This is a reference, the item is the index of the parent item
reference = true;
nspItem = this.nsp[nspItem];
reference = false;
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.isString(p))
var oldp = nspItem[ns];
// If prefix is already declared and equals the proposed prefix
if (p === oldp)
// Nothing to do
// If this was a reference, we have to clone it now
if (reference)
nspItem = Jsonix.Util.Type.cloneObject(nspItem, {});
this.nsp[index] = nspItem;
nspItem[ns] = p;
p = nspItem[ns];
if (!Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(p)) {
p = 'p' + (this.namespacePrefixIndex++);
// If this was a reference, we have to clone it now
if (reference)
nspItem = Jsonix.Util.Type.cloneObject(nspItem, {});
this.nsp[index] = nspItem;
nspItem[ns] = p;
return p;
getNamespaceURI : function (p) {
var pindex = this.pns.length - 1;
var pnsItem = this.pns[pindex];
pnsItem = Jsonix.Util.Type.isObject(pnsItem) ? pnsItem : this.pns[pnsItem];
return pnsItem[p];
CLASS_NAME : "Jsonix.XML.Output"
Jsonix.Mapping = {};
Jsonix.Mapping.Style = Jsonix.Class({
marshaller : null,
unmarshaller : null,
module : null,
elementInfo : null,
classInfo : null,
enumLeafInfo : null,
anyAttributePropertyInfo : null,
anyElementPropertyInfo : null,
attributePropertyInfo : null,
elementMapPropertyInfo : null,
elementPropertyInfo : null,
elementsPropertyInfo : null,
elementRefPropertyInfo : null,
elementRefsPropertyInfo : null,
valuePropertyInfo : null,
initialize : function() {
CLASS_NAME : 'Jsonix.Mapping.Style'
Jsonix.Mapping.Style.STYLES = {};
Jsonix.Mapping.Styled = Jsonix.Class({
mappingStyle : null,
initialize : function(options) {
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(options)) {
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.isString(options.mappingStyle)) {
var mappingStyle = Jsonix.Mapping.Style.STYLES[options.mappingStyle];
if (!mappingStyle) {
throw new Error("Mapping style [" + options.mappingStyle + "] is not known.");
this.mappingStyle = mappingStyle;
} else if (Jsonix.Util.Type.isObject(options.mappingStyle)) {
this.mappingStyle = options.mappingStyle;
if (!this.mappingStyle) {
this.mappingStyle = Jsonix.Mapping.Style.STYLES.standard;
CLASS_NAME : 'Jsonix.Mapping.Styled'
Jsonix.Binding = {};
Jsonix.Binding.Marshalls = {
Jsonix.Binding.Marshalls.Element = Jsonix.Class({
marshalElement : function(value, context, output, scope) {
var elementValue = this.convertToTypedNamedValue(value, context, output, scope);
var declaredTypeInfo = elementValue.typeInfo;
var actualTypeInfo = undefined;
if (context.supportXsiType && Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(elementValue.value))
var typeInfoByValue = context.getTypeInfoByValue(elementValue.value);
if (typeInfoByValue && typeInfoByValue.typeName)
actualTypeInfo = typeInfoByValue;
var typeInfo = actualTypeInfo || declaredTypeInfo;
if (typeInfo) {
if (actualTypeInfo && declaredTypeInfo !== actualTypeInfo) {
var xsiTypeName = actualTypeInfo.typeName;
var xsiType = Jsonix.Schema.XSD.QName.INSTANCE.print(xsiTypeName, context, output, scope);
output.writeAttribute(Jsonix.Schema.XSI.TYPE_QNAME, xsiType);
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(elementValue.value)) {
typeInfo.marshal(elementValue.value, context, output, scope);
} else {
throw new Error("Element [" + elementValue.name.key + "] is not known in this context, could not determine its type.");
getTypeInfoByElementName : function(name, context, scope) {
var elementInfo = context.getElementInfo(name, scope);
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(elementInfo)) {
return elementInfo.typeInfo;
} else {
return undefined;
Jsonix.Binding.Marshalls.Element.AsElementRef = Jsonix.Class({
convertToTypedNamedValue : function(value, context, output, scope) {
var elementValue = this.convertToNamedValue(value, context, output, scope);
return {
name : elementValue.name,
value : elementValue.value,
typeInfo : this.getTypeInfoByElementName(elementValue.name, context, scope)
convertToNamedValue : function(elementValue, context, output, scope) {
var name;
var value;
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(elementValue.name) && !Jsonix.Util.Type.isUndefined(elementValue.value)) {
name = Jsonix.XML.QName.fromObjectOrString(elementValue.name, context);
value = Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(elementValue.value) ? elementValue.value : null;
return {
name : name,
value : value
} else {
for ( var propertyName in elementValue) {
if (elementValue.hasOwnProperty(propertyName)) {
name = Jsonix.XML.QName.fromObjectOrString(propertyName, context);
value = elementValue[propertyName];
return {
name : name,
value : value
throw new Error("Invalid element value [" + elementValue + "]. Element values must either have {name:'myElementName', value: elementValue} or {myElementName:elementValue} structure.");
Jsonix.Binding.Unmarshalls = {};
Jsonix.Binding.Unmarshalls.WrapperElement = Jsonix.Class({
mixed : false,
unmarshalWrapperElement : function(context, input, scope, callback) {
var et = input.next();
while (et !== Jsonix.XML.Input.END_ELEMENT) {
if (et === Jsonix.XML.Input.START_ELEMENT) {
this.unmarshalElement(context, input, scope, callback);
} else
// Characters
if (this.mixed && (et === Jsonix.XML.Input.CHARACTERS || et === Jsonix.XML.Input.CDATA || et === Jsonix.XML.Input.ENTITY_REFERENCE)) {
} else if (et === Jsonix.XML.Input.SPACE || et === Jsonix.XML.Input.COMMENT || et === Jsonix.XML.Input.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION) {
// Skip whitespace
} else {
throw new Error("Illegal state: unexpected event type [" + et + "].");
et = input.next();
Jsonix.Binding.Unmarshalls.Element = Jsonix.Class({
allowTypedObject : true,
allowDom : false,
unmarshalElement : function(context, input, scope, callback) {
if (input.eventType != 1) {
throw new Error("Parser must be on START_ELEMENT to read next element.");
var typeInfo = this.getTypeInfoByInputElement(context, input, scope);
var name = input.getName();
var elementValue;
if (this.allowTypedObject) {
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(typeInfo)) {
var value = typeInfo.unmarshal(context, input, scope);
var typedNamedValue = {
name : name,
value : value,
typeInfo : typeInfo
elementValue = this.convertFromTypedNamedValue(typedNamedValue, context, input, scope);
} else if (this.allowDom) {
elementValue = input.getElement();
} else {
throw new Error("Element [" + name.toString() + "] could not be unmarshalled as is not known in this context and the property does not allow DOM content.");
} else if (this.allowDom) {
elementValue = input.getElement();
} else {
throw new Error("Element [" + name.toString() + "] could not be unmarshalled as the property neither allows typed objects nor DOM as content. This is a sign of invalid mappings, do not use [allowTypedObject : false] and [allowDom : false] at the same time.");
getTypeInfoByInputElement : function(context, input, scope) {
var xsiTypeInfo = null;
if (context.supportXsiType) {
var xsiType = input.getAttributeValueNS(Jsonix.Schema.XSI.NAMESPACE_URI, Jsonix.Schema.XSI.TYPE);
if (Jsonix.Util.StringUtils.isNotBlank(xsiType)) {
var xsiTypeName = Jsonix.Schema.XSD.QName.INSTANCE.parse(xsiType, context, input, scope);
xsiTypeInfo = context.getTypeInfoByTypeNameKey(xsiTypeName.key);
var name = input.getName();
var typeInfo = xsiTypeInfo ? xsiTypeInfo : this.getTypeInfoByElementName(name, context, scope);
return typeInfo;
getTypeInfoByElementName : function(name, context, scope) {
var elementInfo = context.getElementInfo(name, scope);
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(elementInfo)) {
return elementInfo.typeInfo;
} else {
return undefined;
Jsonix.Binding.Unmarshalls.Element.AsElementRef = Jsonix.Class({
convertFromTypedNamedValue : function(typedNamedValue, context, input, scope) {
return {
name : typedNamedValue.name,
value : typedNamedValue.value
Jsonix.Binding.Unmarshalls.Element.AsSimplifiedElementRef = Jsonix.Class({
convertFromTypedNamedValue : function(typedNamedValue, context, input, scope) {
var propertyName = typedNamedValue.name.toCanonicalString(context);
var value = {};
value[propertyName] = typedNamedValue.value;
return value;
Jsonix.Binding.Marshaller = Jsonix.Class(Jsonix.Binding.Marshalls.Element, Jsonix.Binding.Marshalls.Element.AsElementRef, {
context : null,
initialize : function(context) {
this.context = context;
marshalString : function(value) {
var doc = this.marshalDocument(value);
var text = Jsonix.DOM.serialize(doc);
return text;
marshalDocument : function(value) {
var output = new Jsonix.XML.Output({
namespacePrefixes : this.context.namespacePrefixes
var doc = output.writeStartDocument();
this.marshalElement(value, this.context, output, undefined);
return doc;
CLASS_NAME : 'Jsonix.Binding.Marshaller'
Jsonix.Binding.Marshaller.Simplified = Jsonix.Class(Jsonix.Binding.Marshaller, {
CLASS_NAME : 'Jsonix.Binding.Marshaller.Simplified'
Jsonix.Binding.Unmarshaller = Jsonix.Class(Jsonix.Binding.Unmarshalls.Element, Jsonix.Binding.Unmarshalls.Element.AsElementRef, {
context : null,
allowTypedObject : true,
allowDom : false,
initialize : function(context) {
this.context = context;
unmarshalString : function(text) {
var doc = Jsonix.DOM.parse(text);
return this.unmarshalDocument(doc);
unmarshalURL : function(url, callback, options) {
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(options)) {
that = this;
Jsonix.DOM.load(url, function(doc) {
}, options);
unmarshalFile : function(fileName, callback, options) {
if (typeof _jsonix_fs === 'undefined') {
throw new Error("File unmarshalling is only available in environments which support file systems.");
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(options)) {
that = this;
var fs = _jsonix_fs;
fs.readFile(fileName, options, function(err, data) {
if (err) {
throw err;
} else {
var text = data.toString();
var doc = Jsonix.DOM.parse(text);
unmarshalDocument : function(doc, scope) {
var input = new Jsonix.XML.Input(doc);
var result = null;
var callback = function(_result) {
result = _result;
this.unmarshalElement(this.context, input, scope, callback);
return result;
CLASS_NAME : 'Jsonix.Binding.Unmarshaller'
Jsonix.Binding.Unmarshaller.Simplified = Jsonix.Class(Jsonix.Binding.Unmarshaller, Jsonix.Binding.Unmarshalls.Element.AsSimplifiedElementRef, {
CLASS_NAME : 'Jsonix.Binding.Unmarshaller.Simplified'
Jsonix.Model.TypeInfo = Jsonix.Class({
module: null,
name : null,
baseTypeInfo : null,
initialize : function() {
isBasedOn : function(typeInfo) {
var currentTypeInfo = this;
while (currentTypeInfo) {
if (typeInfo === currentTypeInfo) {
return true;
currentTypeInfo = currentTypeInfo.baseTypeInfo;
return false;
CLASS_NAME : 'Jsonix.Model.TypeInfo'
Jsonix.Model.ClassInfo = Jsonix
.Class(Jsonix.Model.TypeInfo, Jsonix.Mapping.Styled, {
name : null,
localName : null,
typeName : null,
instanceFactory : null,
properties : null,
propertiesMap : null,
structure : null,
targetNamespace : '',
defaultElementNamespaceURI : '',
defaultAttributeNamespaceURI : '',
built : false,
initialize : function(mapping, options) {
Jsonix.Model.TypeInfo.prototype.initialize.apply(this, []);
Jsonix.Mapping.Styled.prototype.initialize.apply(this, [options]);
var n = mapping.name||mapping.n||undefined;
this.name = n;
var ln = mapping.localName||mapping.ln||null;
this.localName = ln;
var dens = mapping.defaultElementNamespaceURI||mapping.dens||mapping.targetNamespace||mapping.tns||'';
this.defaultElementNamespaceURI = dens;
var tns = mapping.targetNamespace||mapping.tns||mapping.defaultElementNamespaceURI||mapping.dens||this.defaultElementNamespaceURI;
this.targetNamespace = tns;
var dans = mapping.defaultAttributeNamespaceURI||mapping.dans||'';
this.defaultAttributeNamespaceURI = dans;
var bti = mapping.baseTypeInfo||mapping.bti||null;
this.baseTypeInfo = bti;
var inF = mapping.instanceFactory||mapping.inF||undefined;
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(inF)) {
// TODO: should we support instanceFactory as functions?
// For the pure JSON configuration?
this.instanceFactory = inF;
var tn = mapping.typeName||mapping.tn||undefined;
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(tn))
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.isString(tn))
this.typeName = new Jsonix.XML.QName(this.targetNamespace, tn);
else {
this.typeName = Jsonix.XML.QName.fromObject(tn);
else if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(ln))
this.typeName = new Jsonix.XML.QName(tns, ln);
this.properties = [];
this.propertiesMap = {};
var ps = mapping.propertyInfos||mapping.ps||[];
for ( var index = 0; index < ps.length; index++) {
getPropertyInfoByName : function(name) {
return this.propertiesMap[name];
// Obsolete
destroy : function() {
build : function(context) {
if (!this.built) {
this.baseTypeInfo = context.resolveTypeInfo(this.baseTypeInfo, this.module);
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(this.baseTypeInfo)) {
// Build properties in this context
for ( var index = 0; index < this.properties.length; index++) {
var propertyInfo = this.properties[index];
propertyInfo.build(context, this.module);
// Build the structure
var structure = {
elements : null,
attributes : {},
anyAttribute : null,
value : null,
any : null
this.buildStructure(context, structure);
this.structure = structure;
buildStructure : function(context, structure) {
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(this.baseTypeInfo)) {
this.baseTypeInfo.buildStructure(context, structure);
for ( var index = 0; index < this.properties.length; index++) {
var propertyInfo = this.properties[index];
propertyInfo.buildStructure(context, structure);
unmarshal : function(context, input) {
var result;
if (this.instanceFactory) {
result = new this.instanceFactory();
result = { TYPE_NAME : this.name };
if (input.eventType !== 1) {
throw new Error("Parser must be on START_ELEMENT to read a class info.");
// Read attributes
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(this.structure.attributes)) {
var attributeCount = input.getAttributeCount();
if (attributeCount !== 0) {
for ( var index = 0; index < attributeCount; index++) {
var attributeNameKey = input
if (Jsonix.Util.Type
.exists(this.structure.attributes[attributeNameKey])) {
var attributeValue = input
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.isString(attributeValue)) {
var attributePropertyInfo = this.structure.attributes[attributeNameKey];
this.unmarshalPropertyValue(context, input,
attributePropertyInfo, result,
// Read any attribute
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(this.structure.anyAttribute)) {
var propertyInfo = this.structure.anyAttribute;
.unmarshalProperty(context, input, propertyInfo,
// Read elements
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(this.structure.elements)) {
var et = input.next();
while (et !== Jsonix.XML.Input.END_ELEMENT) {
if (et === Jsonix.XML.Input.START_ELEMENT) {
// New sub-element starts
var elementNameKey = input.getNameKey();
if (Jsonix.Util.Type
.exists(this.structure.elements[elementNameKey])) {
var elementPropertyInfo = this.structure.elements[elementNameKey];
this.unmarshalProperty(context, input,
elementPropertyInfo, result);
} else if (Jsonix.Util.Type
.exists(this.structure.any)) {
// TODO Refactor
var anyPropertyInfo = this.structure.any;
this.unmarshalProperty(context, input,
anyPropertyInfo, result);
} else {
// TODO optionally report a validation error that the element is not expected
et = input.skipElement();
} else if ((et === Jsonix.XML.Input.CHARACTERS || et === Jsonix.XML.Input.CDATA || et === Jsonix.XML.Input.ENTITY_REFERENCE)) {
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(this.structure.mixed))
// Characters and structure has a mixed property
var mixedPropertyInfo = this.structure.mixed;
this.unmarshalProperty(context, input,
mixedPropertyInfo, result);
} else if (et === Jsonix.XML.Input.SPACE || et === Jsonix.XML.Input.COMMENT || et === Jsonix.XML.Input.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION) {
// Ignore
} else {
throw new Error("Illegal state: unexpected event type [" + et + "].");
et = input.next();
} else if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(this.structure.value)) {
var valuePropertyInfo = this.structure.value;
this.unmarshalProperty(context, input, valuePropertyInfo,
} else {
// Just skip everything
if (input.eventType !== 2) {
throw new Error("Illegal state: must be END_ELEMENT.");
return result;
unmarshalProperty : function(context, input, propertyInfo, result) {
var propertyValue = propertyInfo
.unmarshal(context, input, this);
propertyInfo.setProperty(result, propertyValue);
unmarshalPropertyValue : function(context, input, propertyInfo,
result, value) {
var propertyValue = propertyInfo.unmarshalValue(value, context, input, this);
propertyInfo.setProperty(result, propertyValue);
marshal : function(value, context, output, scope) {
if (this.isMarshallable(value, context, scope))
// TODO This must be reworked
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(this.baseTypeInfo)) {
this.baseTypeInfo.marshal(value, context, output);
for ( var index = 0; index < this.properties.length; index++) {
var propertyInfo = this.properties[index];
var propertyValue = value[propertyInfo.name];
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(propertyValue)) {
propertyInfo.marshal(propertyValue, context, output, this);
// Otherwise if there is just one property, use this property to marshal
if (this.structure.value)
var valuePropertyInfo = this.structure.value;
valuePropertyInfo.marshal(value, context, output, this);
else if (this.properties.length === 1)
var singlePropertyInfo = this.properties[0];
singlePropertyInfo.marshal(value, context, output, this);
// TODO throw an error
throw new Error("The passed value [" + value + "] is not an object and there is no single suitable property to marshal it.");
// Checks if the value is marshallable
isMarshallable : function(value, context, scope) {
return this.isInstance(value, context, scope) || (Jsonix.Util.Type.isObject(value) && !Jsonix.Util.Type.isArray(value));
isInstance : function(value, context, scope) {
if (this.instanceFactory) {
return value instanceof this.instanceFactory;
else {
return Jsonix.Util.Type.isObject(value) && Jsonix.Util.Type.isString(value.TYPE_NAME) && value.TYPE_NAME === this.name;
// Obsolete, left for backwards compatibility
b : function(baseTypeInfo) {
this.baseTypeInfo = baseTypeInfo;
return this;
// Obsolete, left for backwards compatibility
ps : function() {
return this;
p : function(mapping) {
// If mapping is an instance of the property class
if (mapping instanceof Jsonix.Model.PropertyInfo) {
// Else create it via generic mapping configuration
else {
mapping = Jsonix.Util.Type.cloneObject(mapping);
var type = mapping.type||mapping.t||'element';
// Locate the creator function
if (Jsonix.Util.Type
.isFunction(this.propertyInfoCreators[type])) {
var propertyInfoCreator = this.propertyInfoCreators[type];
// Call the creator function
propertyInfoCreator.call(this, mapping);
} else {
throw new Error("Unknown property info type [" + type + "].");
aa : function(mapping) {
return this
.addProperty(new this.mappingStyle.anyAttributePropertyInfo(
mapping, {
mappingStyle : this.mappingStyle
ae : function(mapping) {
return this
.addProperty(new this.mappingStyle.anyElementPropertyInfo(
mapping, {
mappingStyle : this.mappingStyle
a : function(mapping) {
return this.addProperty(new this.mappingStyle.attributePropertyInfo(
mapping, {
mappingStyle : this.mappingStyle
em : function(mapping) {
return this
.addProperty(new this.mappingStyle.elementMapPropertyInfo(
mapping, {
mappingStyle : this.mappingStyle
e : function(mapping) {
return this.addProperty(new this.mappingStyle.elementPropertyInfo(
mapping, {
mappingStyle : this.mappingStyle
es : function(mapping) {
return this.addProperty(new this.mappingStyle.elementsPropertyInfo(
mapping, {
mappingStyle : this.mappingStyle
er : function(mapping) {
return this
.addProperty(new this.mappingStyle.elementRefPropertyInfo(
mapping, {
mappingStyle : this.mappingStyle
ers : function(mapping) {
return this
.addProperty(new this.mappingStyle.elementRefsPropertyInfo(
mapping, {
mappingStyle : this.mappingStyle
v : function(mapping) {
return this.addProperty(new this.mappingStyle.valuePropertyInfo(
mapping, {
mappingStyle : this.mappingStyle
addDefaultNamespaces : function(mapping) {
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.isObject(mapping)) {
if (!Jsonix.Util.Type
.isString(mapping.defaultElementNamespaceURI)) {
mapping.defaultElementNamespaceURI = this.defaultElementNamespaceURI;
if (!Jsonix.Util.Type
.isString(mapping.defaultAttributeNamespaceURI)) {
mapping.defaultAttributeNamespaceURI = this.defaultAttributeNamespaceURI;
addProperty : function(property) {
this.propertiesMap[property.name] = property;
return this;
CLASS_NAME : 'Jsonix.Model.ClassInfo'
Jsonix.Model.ClassInfo.prototype.propertyInfoCreators = {
"aa" : Jsonix.Model.ClassInfo.prototype.aa,
"anyAttribute" : Jsonix.Model.ClassInfo.prototype.aa,
"ae" : Jsonix.Model.ClassInfo.prototype.ae,
"anyElement" : Jsonix.Model.ClassInfo.prototype.ae,
"a" : Jsonix.Model.ClassInfo.prototype.a,
"attribute" : Jsonix.Model.ClassInfo.prototype.a,
"em" : Jsonix.Model.ClassInfo.prototype.em,
"elementMap" : Jsonix.Model.ClassInfo.prototype.em,
"e" : Jsonix.Model.ClassInfo.prototype.e,
"element" : Jsonix.Model.ClassInfo.prototype.e,
"es" : Jsonix.Model.ClassInfo.prototype.es,
"elements" : Jsonix.Model.ClassInfo.prototype.es,
"er" : Jsonix.Model.ClassInfo.prototype.er,
"elementRef" : Jsonix.Model.ClassInfo.prototype.er,
"ers" : Jsonix.Model.ClassInfo.prototype.ers,
"elementRefs" : Jsonix.Model.ClassInfo.prototype.ers,
"v" : Jsonix.Model.ClassInfo.prototype.v,
"value" : Jsonix.Model.ClassInfo.prototype.v
Jsonix.Model.EnumLeafInfo = Jsonix.Class(Jsonix.Model.TypeInfo, {
name : null,
baseTypeInfo : 'String',
entries : null,
keys : null,
values : null,
built : false,
initialize : function(mapping) {
Jsonix.Model.TypeInfo.prototype.initialize.apply(this, []);
var n = mapping.name||mapping.n||undefined;
this.name = n;
var bti = mapping.baseTypeInfo||mapping.bti||'String';
this.baseTypeInfo = bti;
var vs = mapping.values||mapping.vs||undefined;
if (!(Jsonix.Util.Type.isObject(vs) || Jsonix.Util.Type.isArray(vs))) {
throw new Error('Enum values must be either an array or an object.');
this.entries = vs;
build : function(context) {
if (!this.built) {
this.baseTypeInfo = context.resolveTypeInfo(this.baseTypeInfo, this.module);
var items = this.entries;
var entries = {};
var keys = [];
var values = [];
var index = 0;
var key;
var value;
// If values is an array, process individual items
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.isArray(items))
// Build properties in this context
for (index = 0; index < items.length; index++) {
value = items[index];
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.isString(value)) {
key = value;
if (!(Jsonix.Util.Type.isFunction(this.baseTypeInfo.parse)))
throw new Error('Enum value is provided as string but the base type ['+this.baseTypeInfo.name+'] of the enum info [' + this.name + '] does not implement the parse method.');
// Using null as input since input is not available
value = this.baseTypeInfo.parse(value, context, null, this);
if (this.baseTypeInfo.isInstance(value, context, this))
if (!(Jsonix.Util.Type.isFunction(this.baseTypeInfo.print)))
throw new Error('The base type ['+this.baseTypeInfo.name+'] of the enum info [' + this.name + '] does not implement the print method, unable to produce the enum key as string.');
// Using null as output since output is not available at this moment
key = this.baseTypeInfo.print(value, context, null, this);
throw new Error('Enum value [' + value + '] is not an instance of the enum base type [' + this.baseTypeInfo.name + '].');
entries[key] = value;
keys[index] = key;
values[index] = value;
else if (Jsonix.Util.Type.isObject(items))
for (key in items) {
if (items.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
value = items[key];
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.isString(value)) {
if (!(Jsonix.Util.Type.isFunction(this.baseTypeInfo.parse)))
throw new Error('Enum value is provided as string but the base type ['+this.baseTypeInfo.name+'] of the enum info [' + this.name + '] does not implement the parse method.');
// Using null as input since input is not available
value = this.baseTypeInfo.parse(value, context, null, this);
if (!this.baseTypeInfo.isInstance(value, context, this))
throw new Error('Enum value [' + value + '] is not an instance of the enum base type [' + this.baseTypeInfo.name + '].');
entries[key] = value;
keys[index] = key;
values[index] = value;
else {
throw new Error('Enum values must be either an array or an object.');
this.entries = entries;
this.keys = keys;
this.values = values;
this.built = true;
unmarshal : function(context, input, scope) {
var text = input.getElementText();
return this.parse(text, context, input, scope);
marshal : function(value, context, output, scope) {
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(value)) {
output.writeCharacters(this.reprint(value, context, output, scope));
reprint : function(value, context, output, scope) {
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.isString(value) && !this.isInstance(value, context, scope)) {
// Using null as input since input is not available
return this.print(this.parse(value, context, null, scope), context, output, scope);
} else {
return this.print(value, context, output, scope);
print : function(value, context, output, scope) {
for (var index = 0; index < this.values.length; index++)
if (this.values[index] === value)
return this.keys[index];
throw new Error('Value [' + value + '] is invalid for the enum type [' + this.name + '].');
parse : function(text, context, input, scope) {
if (this.entries.hasOwnProperty(text))
return this.entries[text];
throw new Error('Value [' + text + '] is invalid for the enum type [' + this.name + '].');
isInstance : function(value, context, scope) {
for (var index = 0; index < this.values.length; index++)
if (this.values[index] === value)
return true;
return false;
CLASS_NAME : 'Jsonix.Model.EnumLeafInfo'
Jsonix.Model.ElementInfo = Jsonix.Class({
module: null,
elementName : null,
typeInfo : null,
substitutionHead : null,
scope : null,
built : false,
initialize : function(mapping) {
var dens = mapping.defaultElementNamespaceURI||mapping.dens||'';
this.defaultElementNamespaceURI = dens;
var en = mapping.elementName || mapping.en||undefined;
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.isObject(en)) {
this.elementName = Jsonix.XML.QName.fromObject(en);
} else {
this.elementName = new Jsonix.XML.QName(this.defaultElementNamespaceURI, en);
var ti = mapping.typeInfo||mapping.ti||'String';
this.typeInfo = ti;
var sh = mapping.substitutionHead||mapping.sh||null;
this.substitutionHead = sh;
var sc = mapping.scope||mapping.sc||null;
this.scope = sc;
build : function(context) {
// If element info is not yet built
if (!this.built) {
this.typeInfo = context.resolveTypeInfo(this.typeInfo, this.module);
this.scope = context.resolveTypeInfo(this.scope, this.module);
this.built = true;
CLASS_NAME : 'Jsonix.Model.ElementInfo'
Jsonix.Model.PropertyInfo = Jsonix.Class({
name : null,
collection : false,
targetNamespace : '',
defaultElementNamespaceURI : '',
defaultAttributeNamespaceURI : '',
built : false,
initialize : function(mapping) {
var n = mapping.name || mapping.n || undefined;
this.name = n;
var dens = mapping.defaultElementNamespaceURI || mapping.dens || mapping.targetNamespace || mapping.tns || '';
this.defaultElementNamespaceURI = dens;
var tns = mapping.targetNamespace || mapping.tns || mapping.defaultElementNamespaceURI || mapping.dens || this.defaultElementNamespaceURI;
this.targetNamespace = tns;
var dans = mapping.defaultAttributeNamespaceURI || mapping.dans || '';
this.defaultAttributeNamespaceURI = dans;
var col = mapping.collection || mapping.col || false;
this.collection = col;
var rq = mapping.required || mapping.rq || false;
this.required = rq;
if (this.collection) {
var mno;
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.isNumber(mapping.minOccurs)) {
mno = mapping.minOccurs;
else if (Jsonix.Util.Type.isNumber(mapping.mno)) {
mno = mapping.mno;
else {
mno = 1;
this.minOccurs = mno;
var mxo;
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.isNumber(mapping.maxOccurs)) {
mxo = mapping.maxOccurs;
else if (Jsonix.Util.Type.isNumber(mapping.mxo)) {
mxo = mapping.mxo;
else {
mxo = null;
this.maxOccurs = mxo;
build : function(context, module) {
if (!this.built) {
this.doBuild(context, module);
this.built = true;
doBuild : function(context, module) {
throw new Error("Abstract method [doBuild].");
buildStructure : function(context, structure) {
throw new Error("Abstract method [buildStructure].");
setProperty : function(object, value) {
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(value)) {
if (this.collection) {
Jsonix.Util.Ensure.ensureArray(value, 'Collection property requires an array value.');
if (!Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(object[this.name])) {
object[this.name] = [];
for (var index = 0; index < value.length; index++) {
} else {
object[this.name] = value;
CLASS_NAME : 'Jsonix.Model.PropertyInfo'
Jsonix.Model.AnyAttributePropertyInfo = Jsonix.Class(Jsonix.Model.PropertyInfo, {
initialize : function(mapping) {
Jsonix.Model.PropertyInfo.prototype.initialize.apply(this, [ mapping ]);
unmarshal : function(context, input, scope) {
var attributeCount = input.getAttributeCount();
if (attributeCount === 0) {
return null;
} else {
var result = {};
for ( var index = 0; index < attributeCount; index++) {
var value = input.getAttributeValue(index);
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.isString(value)) {
var propertyName = this.convertFromAttributeName(input.getAttributeName(index), context, input, scope);
result[propertyName] = value;
return result;
marshal : function(value, context, output, scope) {
if (!Jsonix.Util.Type.isObject(value)) {
// Nothing to do
for ( var propertyName in value) {
if (value.hasOwnProperty(propertyName)) {
var propertyValue = value[propertyName];
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.isString(propertyValue)) {
var attributeName = this.convertToAttributeName(propertyName, context, output, scope);
output.writeAttribute(attributeName, propertyValue);
convertFromAttributeName : function(attributeName, context, input, scope) {
return attributeName.key;
convertToAttributeName : function(propertyName, context, output, scope) {
return Jsonix.XML.QName.fromObjectOrString(propertyName, context);
doBuild : function(context, module) {
// Nothing to do
buildStructure : function(context, structure) {
// if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(structure.anyAttribute))
// {
// // TODO better exception
// throw new Error("The structure already defines an any attribute
// property.");
// } else
// {
structure.anyAttribute = this;
// }
CLASS_NAME : 'Jsonix.Model.AnyAttributePropertyInfo'
Jsonix.Model.AnyAttributePropertyInfo.Simplified = Jsonix.Class(Jsonix.Model.AnyAttributePropertyInfo, {
convertFromAttributeName : function(attributeName, context, input, scope)
return attributeName.toCanonicalString(context);
Jsonix.Model.SingleTypePropertyInfo = Jsonix.Class(Jsonix.Model.PropertyInfo, {
typeInfo : 'String',
initialize : function(mapping) {
Jsonix.Model.PropertyInfo.prototype.initialize.apply(this, [ mapping ]);
var ti = mapping.typeInfo || mapping.ti || 'String';
this.typeInfo = ti;
doBuild : function(context, module) {
this.typeInfo = context.resolveTypeInfo(this.typeInfo, module);
unmarshalValue : function(value, context, input, scope) {
return this.parse(value, context, input, scope);
parse : function(value, context, input, scope) {
return this.typeInfo.parse(value, context, input, scope);
print : function(value, context, output, scope) {
return this.typeInfo.reprint(value, context, output, scope);
CLASS_NAME : 'Jsonix.Model.SingleTypePropertyInfo'
Jsonix.Model.AttributePropertyInfo = Jsonix.Class(Jsonix.Model.SingleTypePropertyInfo, {
attributeName : null,
initialize : function(mapping) {
Jsonix.Model.SingleTypePropertyInfo.prototype.initialize.apply(this, [ mapping ]);
var an = mapping.attributeName||mapping.an||undefined;
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.isObject(an)) {
this.attributeName = Jsonix.XML.QName.fromObject(an);
} else if (Jsonix.Util.Type.isString(an)) {
this.attributeName = new Jsonix.XML.QName(this.defaultAttributeNamespaceURI, an);
} else {
this.attributeName = new Jsonix.XML.QName(this.defaultAttributeNamespaceURI, this.name);
unmarshal : function(context, input, scope) {
var attributeCount = input.getAttributeCount();
var result = null;
for ( var index = 0; index < attributeCount; index++) {
var attributeNameKey = input.getAttributeNameKey(index);
if (this.attributeName.key === attributeNameKey) {
var attributeValue = input.getAttributeValue(index);
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.isString(attributeValue)) {
result = this.unmarshalValue(attributeValue, context, input, scope);
return result;
marshal : function(value, context, output, scope) {
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(value)) {
output.writeAttribute(this.attributeName, this.print(value, context, output, scope));
buildStructure : function(context, structure) {
var key = this.attributeName.key;
// if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(structure.attributes[key])) {
// // TODO better exception
// throw new Error("The structure already defines an attribute for the key
// ["
// + key + "].");
// } else
// {
structure.attributes[key] = this;
// }
CLASS_NAME : 'Jsonix.Model.AttributePropertyInfo'
Jsonix.Model.ValuePropertyInfo = Jsonix.Class(Jsonix.Model.SingleTypePropertyInfo, {
initialize : function(mapping) {
Jsonix.Model.SingleTypePropertyInfo.prototype.initialize.apply(this, [ mapping ]);
var cdata = mapping.asCDATA || mapping.cdata || false;
this.asCDATA = cdata;
unmarshal : function(context, input, scope) {
var text = input.getElementText();
return this.unmarshalValue(text, context, input, scope);
marshal : function(value, context, output, scope) {
if (!Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(value)) {
if (this.asCDATA) {
output.writeCdata(this.print(value, context, output, scope));
} else {
output.writeCharacters(this.print(value, context, output, scope));
buildStructure : function(context, structure) {
// if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(structure.value)) {
// // TODO better exception
// throw new Error("The structure already defines a value
// property.");
// } else
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(structure.elements)) {
// TODO better exception
throw new Error("The structure already defines element mappings, it cannot define a value property.");
} else {
structure.value = this;
CLASS_NAME : 'Jsonix.Model.ValuePropertyInfo'
Jsonix.Model.AbstractElementsPropertyInfo = Jsonix.Class(Jsonix.Binding.Unmarshalls.Element, Jsonix.Binding.Unmarshalls.WrapperElement, Jsonix.Model.PropertyInfo, {
wrapperElementName : null,
allowDom : false,
allowTypedObject : true,
mixed : false,
initialize : function(mapping) {
Jsonix.Model.PropertyInfo.prototype.initialize.apply(this, [ mapping ]);
var wen = mapping.wrapperElementName||mapping.wen||undefined;
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.isObject(wen)) {
this.wrapperElementName = Jsonix.XML.QName.fromObject(wen);
} else if (Jsonix.Util.Type.isString(wen)) {
this.wrapperElementName = new Jsonix.XML.QName(this.defaultElementNamespaceURI, wen);
} else {
this.wrapperElementName = null;
unmarshal : function(context, input, scope) {
var result = null;
var that = this;
var callback = function(value) {
if (that.collection) {
if (result === null) {
result = [];
} else {
if (result === null) {
result = value;
} else {
// TODO Report validation error
throw new Error("Value already set.");
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(this.wrapperElementName)) {
this.unmarshalWrapperElement(context, input, scope, callback);
} else {
this.unmarshalElement(context, input, scope, callback);
return result;
marshal : function(value, context, output, scope) {
if (!Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(value)) {
// Do nothing
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(this.wrapperElementName)) {
if (!this.collection) {
this.marshalElement(value, context, output, scope);
} else {
// TODO Exception if not array
for ( var index = 0; index < value.length; index++) {
var item = value[index];
// TODO Exception if item does not exist
this.marshalElement(item, context, output, scope);
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(this.wrapperElementName)) {
convertFromTypedNamedValue : function(elementValue, context, input, scope) {
return elementValue.value;
buildStructure : function(context, structure) {
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(structure.value)) {
// TODO better exception
throw new Error("The structure already defines a value property.");
} else if (!Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(structure.elements)) {
structure.elements = {};
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(this.wrapperElementName)) {
structure.elements[this.wrapperElementName.key] = this;
} else {
this.buildStructureElements(context, structure);
buildStructureElements : function(context, structure) {
throw new Error("Abstract method [buildStructureElements].");
CLASS_NAME : 'Jsonix.Model.AbstractElementsPropertyInfo'
Jsonix.Model.ElementPropertyInfo = Jsonix.Class(Jsonix.Model.AbstractElementsPropertyInfo, Jsonix.Binding.Marshalls.Element, {
typeInfo : 'String',
elementName : null,
initialize : function(mapping) {
Jsonix.Model.AbstractElementsPropertyInfo.prototype.initialize.apply(this, [ mapping ]);
var ti = mapping.typeInfo || mapping.ti || 'String';
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.isObject(ti)) {
this.typeInfo = ti;
} else {
this.typeInfo = ti;
var en = mapping.elementName || mapping.en || undefined;
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.isObject(en)) {
this.elementName = Jsonix.XML.QName.fromObject(en);
} else if (Jsonix.Util.Type.isString(en)) {
this.elementName = new Jsonix.XML.QName(this.defaultElementNamespaceURI, en);
} else {
this.elementName = new Jsonix.XML.QName(this.defaultElementNamespaceURI, this.name);
getTypeInfoByElementName : function(elementName, context, scope) {
return this.typeInfo;
convertToTypedNamedValue : function(value, context, output, scope) {
return {
name : this.elementName,
value : value,
typeInfo : this.typeInfo
doBuild : function(context, module) {
this.typeInfo = context.resolveTypeInfo(this.typeInfo, module);
buildStructureElements : function(context, structure) {
structure.elements[this.elementName.key] = this;
CLASS_NAME : 'Jsonix.Model.ElementPropertyInfo'
Jsonix.Model.ElementsPropertyInfo = Jsonix.Class(Jsonix.Model.AbstractElementsPropertyInfo, Jsonix.Binding.Marshalls.Element, {
elementTypeInfos : null,
elementTypeInfosMap : null,
initialize : function(mapping) {
Jsonix.Model.AbstractElementsPropertyInfo.prototype.initialize.apply(this, [ mapping ]);
var etis = mapping.elementTypeInfos || mapping.etis || [];
this.elementTypeInfos = [];
for (var index = 0; index < etis.length; index++) {
this.elementTypeInfos[index] = Jsonix.Util.Type.cloneObject(etis[index]);
getTypeInfoByElementName : function(elementName, context, scope) {
return this.elementTypeInfosMap[elementName.key];
convertToTypedNamedValue : function(value, context, output, scope) {
for (var index = 0; index < this.elementTypeInfos.length; index++) {
var elementTypeInfo = this.elementTypeInfos[index];
var typeInfo = elementTypeInfo.typeInfo;
if (typeInfo.isInstance(value, context, scope)) {
var elementName = elementTypeInfo.elementName;
return {
name : elementName,
value : value,
typeInfo : typeInfo
// If xsi:type is supported
if (context.supportXsiType) {
// Find the actual type
var actualTypeInfo = context.getTypeInfoByValue(value);
if (actualTypeInfo && actualTypeInfo.typeName) {
for (var jndex = 0; jndex < this.elementTypeInfos.length; jndex++) {
var eti = this.elementTypeInfos[jndex];
var ti = eti.typeInfo;
// TODO Can be optimized
// Find an element type info which has a type info that is a
// supertype of the actual type info
if (actualTypeInfo.isBasedOn(ti)) {
var en = eti.elementName;
return {
name : en,
value : value,
typeInfo : ti
// TODO harmonize error handling. See also marshallElement. Error must
// only be on one place.
throw new Error("Could not find an element with type info supporting the value [" + value + "].");
doBuild : function(context, module) {
this.elementTypeInfosMap = {};
var etiti, etien;
for (var index = 0; index < this.elementTypeInfos.length; index++) {
var elementTypeInfo = this.elementTypeInfos[index];
etiti = elementTypeInfo.typeInfo || elementTypeInfo.ti || 'String';
elementTypeInfo.typeInfo = context.resolveTypeInfo(etiti, module);
etien = elementTypeInfo.elementName || elementTypeInfo.en || undefined;
elementTypeInfo.elementName = Jsonix.XML.QName.fromObjectOrString(etien, context, this.defaultElementNamespaceURI);
this.elementTypeInfosMap[elementTypeInfo.elementName.key] = elementTypeInfo.typeInfo;
buildStructureElements : function(context, structure) {
for (var index = 0; index < this.elementTypeInfos.length; index++) {
var elementTypeInfo = this.elementTypeInfos[index];
structure.elements[elementTypeInfo.elementName.key] = this;
CLASS_NAME : 'Jsonix.Model.ElementsPropertyInfo'
Jsonix.Model.ElementMapPropertyInfo = Jsonix.Class(Jsonix.Model.AbstractElementsPropertyInfo, {
elementName : null,
key : null,
value : null,
entryTypeInfo : null,
initialize : function(mapping) {
Jsonix.Model.AbstractElementsPropertyInfo.prototype.initialize.apply(this, [ mapping ]);
// TODO Ensure correct argument
var k = mapping.key || mapping.k || undefined;
var v = mapping.value || mapping.v || undefined;
// TODO Ensure correct argument
var en = mapping.elementName || mapping.en || undefined;
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.isObject(en)) {
this.elementName = Jsonix.XML.QName.fromObject(en);
} else if (Jsonix.Util.Type.isString(en)) {
this.elementName = new Jsonix.XML.QName(this.defaultElementNamespaceURI, en);
} else {
this.elementName = new Jsonix.XML.QName(this.defaultElementNamespaceURI, this.name);
this.entryTypeInfo = new Jsonix.Model.ClassInfo({
name : 'Map<' + k.name + ',' + v.name + '>',
propertyInfos : [ k, v ]
unmarshal : function(context, input, scope) {
var result = null;
var that = this;
var callback = function(value) {
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(value)) {
Jsonix.Util.Ensure.ensureObject(value, 'Map property requires an object.');
if (!Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(result)) {
result = {};
for ( var attributeName in value) {
if (value.hasOwnProperty(attributeName)) {
var attributeValue = value[attributeName];
if (that.collection) {
if (!Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(result[attributeName])) {
result[attributeName] = [];
} else {
if (!Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(result[attributeName])) {
result[attributeName] = attributeValue;
} else {
// TODO Report validation error
throw new Error("Value was already set.");
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(this.wrapperElementName)) {
this.unmarshalWrapperElement(context, input, scope, callback);
} else {
this.unmarshalElement(context, input, scope, callback);
return result;
getTypeInfoByInputElement : function(context, input, scope) {
return this.entryTypeInfo;
convertFromTypedNamedValue : function(elementValue, context, input, scope) {
var entry = elementValue.value;
var result = {};
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.isString(entry[this.key.name])) {
result[entry[this.key.name]] = entry[this.value.name];
return result;
marshal : function(value, context, output, scope) {
if (!Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(value)) {
// Do nothing
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(this.wrapperElementName)) {
this.marshalElement(value, context, output, scope);
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(this.wrapperElementName)) {
marshalElement : function(value, context, output, scope) {
if (!!value) {
for ( var attributeName in value) {
if (value.hasOwnProperty(attributeName)) {
var attributeValue = value[attributeName];
if (!this.collection) {
var singleEntry = {};
singleEntry[this.key.name] = attributeName;
singleEntry[this.value.name] = attributeValue;
this.entryTypeInfo.marshal(singleEntry, context, output, scope);
} else {
for (var index = 0; index < attributeValue.length; index++) {
var collectionEntry = {};
collectionEntry[this.key.name] = attributeName;
collectionEntry[this.value.name] = attributeValue[index];
this.entryTypeInfo.marshal(collectionEntry, context, output, scope);
doBuild : function(context, module) {
this.entryTypeInfo.build(context, module);
// TODO get property by name
this.key = this.entryTypeInfo.properties[0];
this.value = this.entryTypeInfo.properties[1];
buildStructureElements : function(context, structure) {
structure.elements[this.elementName.key] = this;
setProperty : function(object, value) {
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(value)) {
Jsonix.Util.Ensure.ensureObject(value, 'Map property requires an object.');
if (!Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(object[this.name])) {
object[this.name] = {};
var map = object[this.name];
for ( var attributeName in value) {
if (value.hasOwnProperty(attributeName)) {
var attributeValue = value[attributeName];
if (this.collection) {
if (!Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(map[attributeName])) {
map[attributeName] = [];
for (var index = 0; index < attributeValue.length; index++) {
} else {
map[attributeName] = attributeValue;
CLASS_NAME : 'Jsonix.Model.ElementMapPropertyInfo'
Jsonix.Model.AbstractElementRefsPropertyInfo = Jsonix.Class(Jsonix.Binding.Marshalls.Element, Jsonix.Binding.Marshalls.Element.AsElementRef, Jsonix.Binding.Unmarshalls.Element, Jsonix.Binding.Unmarshalls.WrapperElement, Jsonix.Binding.Unmarshalls.Element.AsElementRef, Jsonix.Model.PropertyInfo, {
wrapperElementName : null,
allowDom : true,
allowTypedObject : true,
mixed : true,
initialize : function(mapping) {
Jsonix.Util.Ensure.ensureObject(mapping, 'Mapping must be an object.');
Jsonix.Model.PropertyInfo.prototype.initialize.apply(this, [ mapping ]);
var wen = mapping.wrapperElementName || mapping.wen || undefined;
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.isObject(wen)) {
this.wrapperElementName = Jsonix.XML.QName.fromObject(wen);
} else if (Jsonix.Util.Type.isString(wen)) {
this.wrapperElementName = new Jsonix.XML.QName(this.defaultElementNamespaceURI, wen);
} else {
this.wrapperElementName = null;
var dom = Jsonix.Util.Type.defaultValue(mapping.allowDom, mapping.dom, true);
var typed = Jsonix.Util.Type.defaultValue(mapping.allowTypedObject, mapping.typed, true);
var mx = Jsonix.Util.Type.defaultValue(mapping.mixed, mapping.mx, true);
this.allowDom = dom;
this.allowTypedObject = typed;
this.mixed = mx;
unmarshal : function(context, input, scope) {
var result = null;
var that = this;
var callback = function(value) {
if (that.collection) {
if (result === null) {
result = [];
} else {
if (result === null) {
result = value;
} else {
// TODO Report validation error
throw new Error("Value already set.");
var et = input.eventType;
if (et === Jsonix.XML.Input.START_ELEMENT) {
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(this.wrapperElementName)) {
this.unmarshalWrapperElement(context, input, scope, callback);
} else {
this.unmarshalElement(context, input, scope, callback);
} else if (this.mixed && (et === Jsonix.XML.Input.CHARACTERS || et === Jsonix.XML.Input.CDATA || et === Jsonix.XML.Input.ENTITY_REFERENCE)) {
} else if (et === Jsonix.XML.Input.SPACE || et === Jsonix.XML.Input.COMMENT || et === Jsonix.XML.Input.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION) {
// Skip whitespace
} else {
// TODO better exception
throw new Error("Illegal state: unexpected event type [" + et + "].");
return result;
marshal : function(value, context, output, scope) {
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(value)) {
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(this.wrapperElementName)) {
if (!this.collection) {
this.marshalItem(value, context, output, scope);
} else {
Jsonix.Util.Ensure.ensureArray(value, 'Collection property requires an array value.');
for (var index = 0; index < value.length; index++) {
var item = value[index];
this.marshalItem(item, context, output, scope);
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(this.wrapperElementName)) {
marshalItem : function(value, context, output, scope) {
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.isString(value)) {
if (!this.mixed) {
throw new Error("Property is not mixed, can't handle string values.");
} else {
} else if (this.allowDom && Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(value.nodeType)) {
// DOM node
} else if (Jsonix.Util.Type.isObject(value)) {
this.marshalElement(value, context, output, scope);
} else {
if (this.mixed) {
throw new Error("Unsupported content type, either objects or strings are supported.");
} else {
throw new Error("Unsupported content type, only objects are supported.");
getTypeInfoByElementName : function(elementName, context, scope) {
var propertyElementTypeInfo = this.getPropertyElementTypeInfo(elementName, context);
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(propertyElementTypeInfo)) {
return propertyElementTypeInfo.typeInfo;
} else {
var contextElementTypeInfo = context.getElementInfo(elementName, scope);
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(contextElementTypeInfo)) {
return contextElementTypeInfo.typeInfo;
} else {
return undefined;
getPropertyElementTypeInfo : function(elementName, context) {
throw new Error("Abstract method [getPropertyElementTypeInfo].");
buildStructure : function(context, structure) {
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(structure.value)) {
// TODO better exception
throw new Error("The structure already defines a value property.");
} else if (!Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(structure.elements)) {
structure.elements = {};
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(this.wrapperElementName)) {
structure.elements[this.wrapperElementName.key] = this;
} else {
this.buildStructureElements(context, structure);
// if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(structure.elements[key]))
// {
// // TODO better exception
// throw new Error("The structure already defines an element for
// the key ["
// + key + "].");
// } else
// {
// structure.elements[key] = this;
// }
if ((this.allowDom || this.allowTypedObject)) {
structure.any = this;
if (this.mixed && !Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(this.wrapperElementName)) {
// if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(structure.mixed)) {
// // TODO better exception
// throw new Error("The structure already defines the mixed
// property.");
// } else
// {
structure.mixed = this;
// }
buildStructureElements : function(context, structure) {
throw new Error("Abstract method [buildStructureElements].");
buildStructureElementTypeInfos : function(context, structure, elementTypeInfo) {
structure.elements[elementTypeInfo.elementName.key] = this;
var substitutionMembers = context.getSubstitutionMembers(elementTypeInfo.elementName);
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.isArray(substitutionMembers)) {
for (var jndex = 0; jndex < substitutionMembers.length; jndex++) {
var substitutionElementInfo = substitutionMembers[jndex];
this.buildStructureElementTypeInfos(context, structure, substitutionElementInfo);
CLASS_NAME : 'Jsonix.Model.AbstractElementRefsPropertyInfo'
Jsonix.Model.ElementRefPropertyInfo = Jsonix.Class(Jsonix.Model.AbstractElementRefsPropertyInfo, {
typeInfo : 'String',
elementName : null,
initialize : function(mapping) {
Jsonix.Model.AbstractElementRefsPropertyInfo.prototype.initialize.apply(this, [ mapping ]);
// TODO Ensure correct argument
var ti = mapping.typeInfo || mapping.ti || 'String';
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.isObject(ti)) {
this.typeInfo = ti;
} else {
this.typeInfo = ti;
var en = mapping.elementName || mapping.en || undefined;
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.isObject(en)) {
this.elementName = Jsonix.XML.QName.fromObject(en);
} else if (Jsonix.Util.Type.isString(en)) {
this.elementName = new Jsonix.XML.QName(this.defaultElementNamespaceURI, en);
} else {
this.elementName = new Jsonix.XML.QName(this.defaultElementNamespaceURI, this.name);
getPropertyElementTypeInfo : function(elementName, context) {
var name = Jsonix.XML.QName.fromObjectOrString(elementName, context);
if (name.key === this.elementName.key) {
return this;
} else {
return null;
doBuild : function(context, module) {
this.typeInfo = context.resolveTypeInfo(this.typeInfo, module);
buildStructureElements : function(context, structure) {
this.buildStructureElementTypeInfos(context, structure, this);
CLASS_NAME : 'Jsonix.Model.ElementRefPropertyInfo'
Jsonix.Model.ElementRefPropertyInfo.Simplified = Jsonix.Class(Jsonix.Model.ElementRefPropertyInfo, Jsonix.Binding.Unmarshalls.Element.AsSimplifiedElementRef, {
CLASS_NAME : 'Jsonix.Model.ElementRefPropertyInfo.Simplified'
Jsonix.Model.ElementRefsPropertyInfo = Jsonix.Class(Jsonix.Model.AbstractElementRefsPropertyInfo, {
elementTypeInfos : null,
elementTypeInfosMap : null,
initialize : function(mapping) {
Jsonix.Model.AbstractElementRefsPropertyInfo.prototype.initialize.apply(this, [ mapping ]);
// TODO Ensure correct arguments
var etis = mapping.elementTypeInfos || mapping.etis || [];
this.elementTypeInfos = [];
for (var index = 0; index < etis.length; index++)
this.elementTypeInfos[index] = Jsonix.Util.Type.cloneObject(etis[index]);
getPropertyElementTypeInfo : function(elementName, context) {
var name = Jsonix.XML.QName.fromObjectOrString(elementName, context);
var typeInfo = this.elementTypeInfosMap[name.key];
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(typeInfo)) {
return {
elementName : name,
typeInfo : typeInfo
} else {
return null;
doBuild : function(context, module) {
this.elementTypeInfosMap = {};
var etiti, etien;
for (var index = 0; index < this.elementTypeInfos.length; index++) {
var elementTypeInfo = this.elementTypeInfos[index];
etiti = elementTypeInfo.typeInfo || elementTypeInfo.ti || 'String';
elementTypeInfo.typeInfo = context.resolveTypeInfo(etiti, module);
etien = elementTypeInfo.elementName || elementTypeInfo.en || undefined;
elementTypeInfo.elementName = Jsonix.XML.QName.fromObjectOrString(etien, context, this.defaultElementNamespaceURI);
this.elementTypeInfosMap[elementTypeInfo.elementName.key] = elementTypeInfo.typeInfo;
buildStructureElements : function(context, structure) {
for (var index = 0; index < this.elementTypeInfos.length; index++) {
var elementTypeInfo = this.elementTypeInfos[index];
this.buildStructureElementTypeInfos(context, structure, elementTypeInfo);
CLASS_NAME : 'Jsonix.Model.ElementRefsPropertyInfo'
Jsonix.Model.ElementRefsPropertyInfo.Simplified = Jsonix.Class(Jsonix.Model.ElementRefsPropertyInfo, Jsonix.Binding.Unmarshalls.Element.AsSimplifiedElementRef, {
CLASS_NAME : 'Jsonix.Model.ElementRefsPropertyInfo.Simplified'
Jsonix.Model.AnyElementPropertyInfo = Jsonix.Class(Jsonix.Binding.Marshalls.Element, Jsonix.Binding.Marshalls.Element.AsElementRef, Jsonix.Binding.Unmarshalls.Element, Jsonix.Binding.Unmarshalls.Element.AsElementRef, Jsonix.Model.PropertyInfo, {
allowDom : true,
allowTypedObject : true,
mixed : true,
initialize : function(mapping) {
Jsonix.Model.PropertyInfo.prototype.initialize.apply(this, [ mapping ]);
var dom = Jsonix.Util.Type.defaultValue(mapping.allowDom, mapping.dom, true);
var typed = Jsonix.Util.Type.defaultValue(mapping.allowTypedObject, mapping.typed, true);
var mx = Jsonix.Util.Type.defaultValue(mapping.mixed, mapping.mx, true);
this.allowDom = dom;
this.allowTypedObject = typed;
this.mixed = mx;
unmarshal : function(context, input, scope) {
var result = null;
var that = this;
var callback = function(value) {
if (that.collection) {
if (result === null) {
result = [];
} else {
if (result === null) {
result = value;
} else {
// TODO Report validation error
throw new Error("Value already set.");
var et = input.eventType;
if (et === Jsonix.XML.Input.START_ELEMENT) {
this.unmarshalElement(context, input, scope, callback);
} else if (this.mixed && (et === Jsonix.XML.Input.CHARACTERS || et === Jsonix.XML.Input.CDATA || et === Jsonix.XML.Input.ENTITY_REFERENCE)) {
} else if (this.mixed && (et === Jsonix.XML.Input.SPACE)) {
// Whitespace
// return null;
} else if (et === Jsonix.XML.Input.COMMENT || et === Jsonix.XML.Input.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION) {
// return null;
} else {
// TODO better exception
throw new Error("Illegal state: unexpected event type [" + et + "].");
return result;
marshal : function(value, context, output, scope) {
if (!Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(value)) {
if (!this.collection) {
this.marshalItem(value, context, output, scope);
} else {
for (var index = 0; index < value.length; index++) {
this.marshalItem(value[index], context, output, scope);
marshalItem : function(value, context, output, scope) {
if (this.mixed && Jsonix.Util.Type.isString(value)) {
// Mixed
} else if (this.allowDom && Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(value.nodeType)) {
// DOM node
} else {
if (this.allowTypedObject) {
this.marshalElement(value, context, output, scope);
doBuild : function(context, module) {
// Nothing to do
buildStructure : function(context, structure) {
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(structure.value)) {
// TODO better exception
throw new Error("The structure already defines a value property.");
} else if (!Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(structure.elements)) {
structure.elements = {};
if ((this.allowDom || this.allowTypedObject)) {
// if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(structure.any)) {
// // TODO better exception
// throw new Error("The structure already defines the any
// property.");
// } else
// {
structure.any = this;
// }
if (this.mixed) {
// if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(structure.mixed)) {
// // TODO better exception
// throw new Error("The structure already defines the mixed
// property.");
// } else
// {
structure.mixed = this;
// }
CLASS_NAME : 'Jsonix.Model.AnyElementPropertyInfo'
Jsonix.Model.AnyElementPropertyInfo.Simplified = Jsonix.Class(Jsonix.Model.AnyElementPropertyInfo, Jsonix.Binding.Unmarshalls.Element.AsSimplifiedElementRef, {
CLASS_NAME : 'Jsonix.Model.AnyElementPropertyInfo.Simplified'
Jsonix.Model.Module = Jsonix.Class(Jsonix.Mapping.Styled, {
name : null,
typeInfos : null,
elementInfos : null,
targetNamespace : '',
defaultElementNamespaceURI : '',
defaultAttributeNamespaceURI : '',
initialize : function(mapping, options) {
Jsonix.Mapping.Styled.prototype.initialize.apply(this, [ options ]);
this.typeInfos = [];
this.elementInfos = [];
if (typeof mapping !== 'undefined') {
var n = mapping.name || mapping.n || null;
this.name = n;
var dens = mapping.defaultElementNamespaceURI || mapping.dens || mapping.targetNamespace || mapping.tns || '';
this.defaultElementNamespaceURI = dens;
var tns = mapping.targetNamespace || mapping.tns || mapping.defaultElementNamespaceURI || mapping.dens || this.defaultElementNamespaceURI;
this.targetNamespace = tns;
var dans = mapping.defaultAttributeNamespaceURI || mapping.dans || '';
this.defaultAttributeNamespaceURI = dans;
// Initialize type infos
var tis = mapping.typeInfos || mapping.tis || [];
// Backwards compatibility: class infos can also be defined
// as properties of the schema, for instance Schema.MyType
for ( var typeInfoName in mapping) {
if (mapping.hasOwnProperty(typeInfoName)) {
if (mapping[typeInfoName] instanceof this.mappingStyle.classInfo) {
var eis = mapping.elementInfos || mapping.eis || [];
// Initialize element infos
initializeTypeInfos : function(typeInfoMappings) {
var index, typeInfoMapping, typeInfo;
for (index = 0; index < typeInfoMappings.length; index++) {
typeInfoMapping = typeInfoMappings[index];
typeInfo = this.createTypeInfo(typeInfoMapping);
initializeElementInfos : function(elementInfoMappings) {
var index, elementInfoMapping, elementInfo;
for (index = 0; index < elementInfoMappings.length; index++) {
elementInfoMapping = elementInfoMappings[index];
elementInfo = this.createElementInfo(elementInfoMapping);
createTypeInfo : function(mapping) {
var typeInfo;
// If mapping is already a type info, do nothing
if (mapping instanceof Jsonix.Model.TypeInfo) {
typeInfo = mapping;
// Else create it via generic mapping configuration
else {
mapping = Jsonix.Util.Type.cloneObject(mapping);
var type = mapping.type || mapping.t || 'classInfo';
// Locate the creator function
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.isFunction(this.typeInfoCreators[type])) {
var typeInfoCreator = this.typeInfoCreators[type];
// Call the creator function
typeInfo = typeInfoCreator.call(this, mapping);
} else {
throw new Error("Unknown type info type [" + type + "].");
return typeInfo;
initializeNames : function(mapping) {
var ln = mapping.localName || mapping.ln || null;
mapping.localName = ln;
var n = mapping.name || mapping.n || null;
mapping.name = n;
// Calculate both name as well as localName
// name is provided
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.isString(mapping.name)) {
// Obsolete code below
// // localName is not provided
// if (!Jsonix.Util.Type.isString(mapping.localName)) {
// // But module name is provided
// if (Jsonix.Util.Type.isString(this.name)) {
// // If name starts with module name, use second part
// // as local name
// if (mapping.name.indexOf(this.name + '.') === 0) {
// mapping.localName = mapping.name
// .substring(this.name.length + 1);
// }
// // Else use name as local name
// else {
// mapping.localName = mapping.name;
// }
// }
// // Module name is not provided, use name as local name
// else {
// mapping.localName = mapping.name;
// }
// }
if (mapping.name.length > 0 && mapping.name.charAt(0) === '.' && Jsonix.Util.Type.isString(this.name)) {
mapping.name = this.name + mapping.name;
// name is not provided but local name is provided
else if (Jsonix.Util.Type.isString(ln)) {
// Module name is provided
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.isString(this.name)) {
mapping.name = this.name + '.' + ln;
// Module name is not provided
else {
mapping.name = ln;
} else {
throw new Error("Neither [name/n] nor [localName/ln] was provided for the class info.");
createClassInfo : function(mapping) {
var dens = mapping.defaultElementNamespaceURI || mapping.dens || this.defaultElementNamespaceURI;
mapping.defaultElementNamespaceURI = dens;
var tns = mapping.targetNamespace || mapping.tns || this.targetNamespace;
mapping.targetNamespace = tns;
var dans = mapping.defaultAttributeNamespaceURI || mapping.dans || this.defaultAttributeNamespaceURI;
mapping.defaultAttributeNamespaceURI = dans;
// Now both name an local name are initialized
var classInfo = new this.mappingStyle.classInfo(mapping, {
mappingStyle : this.mappingStyle
classInfo.module = this;
return classInfo;
createEnumLeafInfo : function(mapping) {
// Now both name an local name are initialized
var enumLeafInfo = new this.mappingStyle.enumLeafInfo(mapping, {
mappingStyle : this.mappingStyle
enumLeafInfo.module = this;
return enumLeafInfo;
createList : function(mapping) {
var ti = mapping.baseTypeInfo || mapping.typeInfo || mapping.bti || mapping.ti || 'String';
var tn = mapping.typeName || mapping.tn || null;
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(tn)) {
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.isString(tn)) {
tn = new Jsonix.XML.QName(this.targetNamespace, tn);
} else {
tn = Jsonix.XML.QName.fromObject(tn);
var s = mapping.separator || mapping.sep || ' ';
var listTypeInfo = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.List(ti, tn, s);
listTypeInfo.module = this;
return listTypeInfo;
createElementInfo : function(mapping) {
mapping = Jsonix.Util.Type.cloneObject(mapping);
var dens = mapping.defaultElementNamespaceURI || mapping.dens || this.defaultElementNamespaceURI;
mapping.defaultElementNamespaceURI = dens;
var en = mapping.elementName || mapping.en || undefined;
var ti = mapping.typeInfo || mapping.ti || 'String';
mapping.typeInfo = ti;
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.isObject(en)) {
mapping.elementName = Jsonix.XML.QName.fromObject(en);
} else if (Jsonix.Util.Type.isString(en)) {
mapping.elementName = new Jsonix.XML.QName(this.defaultElementNamespaceURI, en);
} else {
throw new Error('Element info [' + mapping + '] must provide an element name.');
var sh = mapping.substitutionHead || mapping.sh || null;
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(sh)) {
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.isObject(sh)) {
mapping.substitutionHead = Jsonix.XML.QName.fromObject(sh);
} else {
mapping.substitutionHead = new Jsonix.XML.QName(this.defaultElementNamespaceURI, sh);
var elementInfo = new this.mappingStyle.elementInfo(mapping, {
mappingStyle : this.mappingStyle
elementInfo.module = this;
return elementInfo;
registerTypeInfos : function(context) {
for (var index = 0; index < this.typeInfos.length; index++) {
var typeInfo = this.typeInfos[index];
context.registerTypeInfo(typeInfo, this);
buildTypeInfos : function(context) {
for (var index = 0; index < this.typeInfos.length; index++) {
var typeInfo = this.typeInfos[index];
typeInfo.build(context, this);
registerElementInfos : function(context) {
for (var index = 0; index < this.elementInfos.length; index++) {
var elementInfo = this.elementInfos[index];
context.registerElementInfo(elementInfo, this);
buildElementInfos : function(context) {
for (var index = 0; index < this.elementInfos.length; index++) {
var elementInfo = this.elementInfos[index];
elementInfo.build(context, this);
// Obsolete, retained for backwards compatibility
cs : function() {
return this;
// Obsolete, retained for backwards compatibility
es : function() {
return this;
CLASS_NAME : 'Jsonix.Model.Module'
Jsonix.Model.Module.prototype.typeInfoCreators = {
"classInfo" : Jsonix.Model.Module.prototype.createClassInfo,
"c" : Jsonix.Model.Module.prototype.createClassInfo,
"enumInfo" : Jsonix.Model.Module.prototype.createEnumLeafInfo,
"enum" : Jsonix.Model.Module.prototype.createEnumLeafInfo,
"list" : Jsonix.Model.Module.prototype.createList,
"l" : Jsonix.Model.Module.prototype.createList
Jsonix.Mapping.Style.Standard = Jsonix.Class(Jsonix.Mapping.Style, {
marshaller : Jsonix.Binding.Marshaller,
unmarshaller : Jsonix.Binding.Unmarshaller,
module : Jsonix.Model.Module,
elementInfo : Jsonix.Model.ElementInfo,
classInfo : Jsonix.Model.ClassInfo,
enumLeafInfo : Jsonix.Model.EnumLeafInfo,
anyAttributePropertyInfo : Jsonix.Model.AnyAttributePropertyInfo,
anyElementPropertyInfo : Jsonix.Model.AnyElementPropertyInfo,
attributePropertyInfo : Jsonix.Model.AttributePropertyInfo,
elementMapPropertyInfo : Jsonix.Model.ElementMapPropertyInfo,
elementPropertyInfo : Jsonix.Model.ElementPropertyInfo,
elementsPropertyInfo : Jsonix.Model.ElementsPropertyInfo,
elementRefPropertyInfo : Jsonix.Model.ElementRefPropertyInfo,
elementRefsPropertyInfo : Jsonix.Model.ElementRefsPropertyInfo,
valuePropertyInfo : Jsonix.Model.ValuePropertyInfo,
initialize : function() {
CLASS_NAME : 'Jsonix.Mapping.Style.Standard'
Jsonix.Mapping.Style.STYLES.standard = new Jsonix.Mapping.Style.Standard();
Jsonix.Mapping.Style.Simplified = Jsonix.Class(Jsonix.Mapping.Style, {
marshaller : Jsonix.Binding.Marshaller.Simplified,
unmarshaller : Jsonix.Binding.Unmarshaller.Simplified,
module : Jsonix.Model.Module,
elementInfo : Jsonix.Model.ElementInfo,
classInfo : Jsonix.Model.ClassInfo,
enumLeafInfo : Jsonix.Model.EnumLeafInfo,
anyAttributePropertyInfo : Jsonix.Model.AnyAttributePropertyInfo.Simplified,
anyElementPropertyInfo : Jsonix.Model.AnyElementPropertyInfo.Simplified,
attributePropertyInfo : Jsonix.Model.AttributePropertyInfo,
elementMapPropertyInfo : Jsonix.Model.ElementMapPropertyInfo,
elementPropertyInfo : Jsonix.Model.ElementPropertyInfo,
elementsPropertyInfo : Jsonix.Model.ElementsPropertyInfo,
elementRefPropertyInfo : Jsonix.Model.ElementRefPropertyInfo.Simplified,
elementRefsPropertyInfo : Jsonix.Model.ElementRefsPropertyInfo.Simplified,
valuePropertyInfo : Jsonix.Model.ValuePropertyInfo,
initialize : function() {
CLASS_NAME : 'Jsonix.Mapping.Style.Simplified'
Jsonix.Mapping.Style.STYLES.simplified = new Jsonix.Mapping.Style.Simplified();
Jsonix.Schema.XSD = {};
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.NAMESPACE_URI = 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema';
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.PREFIX = 'xsd';
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.qname = function(localPart) {
return new Jsonix.XML.QName(Jsonix.Schema.XSD.NAMESPACE_URI, localPart,
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.AnyType = Jsonix.Class(Jsonix.Model.ClassInfo, {
typeName : Jsonix.Schema.XSD.qname('anyType'),
initialize : function() {
Jsonix.Model.ClassInfo.prototype.initialize.call(this, {
name : 'AnyType',
propertyInfos : [ {
type : 'anyAttribute',
name : 'attributes'
}, {
type : 'anyElement',
name : 'content',
collection : true
} ]
CLASS_NAME : 'Jsonix.Schema.XSD.AnyType'
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.AnyType.INSTANCE = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.AnyType();
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.AnySimpleType = Jsonix.Class(Jsonix.Model.TypeInfo, {
name : 'AnySimpleType',
typeName : Jsonix.Schema.XSD.qname('anySimpleType'),
initialize : function() {
Jsonix.Model.TypeInfo.prototype.initialize.apply(this, []);
print : function(value, context, output, scope) {
return value;
parse : function(text, context, input, scope) {
return text;
isInstance : function(value, context, scope) {
return true;
reprint : function(value, context, output, scope) {
// Only reprint when the value is a string but not an instance
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.isString(value) && !this.isInstance(value, context, scope)) {
// Using null as input as input is not available
return this.print(this.parse(value, context, null, scope), context, output, scope);
return this.print(value, context, output, scope);
unmarshal : function(context, input, scope) {
var text = input.getElementText();
if (Jsonix.Util.StringUtils.isNotBlank(text)) {
return this.parse(text, context, input, scope);
return null;
marshal : function(value, context, output, scope) {
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(value)) {
output.writeCharacters(this.reprint(value, context, output, scope));
build: function(context, module)
// Nothing to do
CLASS_NAME : 'Jsonix.Schema.XSD.AnySimpleType'
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.AnySimpleType.INSTANCE = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.AnySimpleType();
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.List = Jsonix
name : null,
typeName : null,
typeInfo : null,
separator : ' ',
trimmedSeparator : Jsonix.Util.StringUtils.whitespaceCharacters,
simpleType : true,
built : false,
initialize : function(typeInfo, typeName, separator) {
// TODO Ensure correct argument
this.typeInfo = typeInfo;
if (!Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(this.name)) {
this.name = typeInfo.name + "*";
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(typeName)) {
// TODO Ensure correct argument
this.typeName = typeName;
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.isString(separator)) {
// TODO Ensure correct argument
this.separator = separator;
} else {
this.separator = ' ';
var trimmedSeparator = Jsonix.Util.StringUtils
if (trimmedSeparator.length === 0) {
this.trimmedSeparator = Jsonix.Util.StringUtils.whitespaceCharacters;
} else {
this.trimmedSeparator = trimmedSeparator;
build : function(context) {
if (!this.built) {
this.typeInfo = context.resolveTypeInfo(this.typeInfo, this.module);
this.built = true;
print : function(value, context, output, scope) {
if (!Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(value)) {
return null;
// TODO Exception if not an array
var result = '';
for ( var index = 0; index < value.length; index++) {
if (index > 0) {
result = result + this.separator;
result = result + this.typeInfo.reprint(value[index], context, output, scope);
return result;
parse : function(text, context, input, scope) {
var items = Jsonix.Util.StringUtils
var result = [];
for ( var index = 0; index < items.length; index++) {
.parse(Jsonix.Util.StringUtils.trim(items[index]), context, input, scope));
return result;
// TODO isInstance?
CLASS_NAME : 'Jsonix.Schema.XSD.List'
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.String = Jsonix.Class(Jsonix.Schema.XSD.AnySimpleType, {
name : 'String',
typeName : Jsonix.Schema.XSD.qname('string'),
unmarshal : function(context, input, scope) {
var text = input.getElementText();
return this.parse(text, context, input, scope);
print : function(value, context, output, scope) {
return value;
parse : function(text, context, input, scope) {
return text;
isInstance : function(value, context, scope) {
return Jsonix.Util.Type.isString(value);
CLASS_NAME : 'Jsonix.Schema.XSD.String'
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.String.INSTANCE = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.String();
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.String.INSTANCE.LIST = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.List(
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Strings = Jsonix.Class(Jsonix.Schema.XSD.List, {
name : 'Strings',
initialize : function() {
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.List.prototype.initialize.apply(this, [ Jsonix.Schema.XSD.String.INSTANCE, Jsonix.Schema.XSD.qname('strings'), ' ' ]);
// TODO Constraints
CLASS_NAME : 'Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Strings'
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Strings.INSTANCE = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Strings();
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.NormalizedString = Jsonix.Class(Jsonix.Schema.XSD.String, {
name : 'NormalizedString',
typeName : Jsonix.Schema.XSD.qname('normalizedString'),
// TODO Constraints
CLASS_NAME : 'Jsonix.Schema.XSD.NormalizedString'
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.NormalizedString.INSTANCE = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.NormalizedString();
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.NormalizedString.INSTANCE.LIST = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.List(Jsonix.Schema.XSD.NormalizedString.INSTANCE);
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Token = Jsonix.Class(Jsonix.Schema.XSD.NormalizedString, {
name : 'Token',
typeName : Jsonix.Schema.XSD.qname('token'),
// TODO Constraints
CLASS_NAME : 'Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Token'
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Token.INSTANCE = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Token();
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Token.INSTANCE.LIST = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.List(Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Token.INSTANCE);
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Language = Jsonix.Class(Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Token, {
name : 'Language',
typeName : Jsonix.Schema.XSD.qname('language'),
// TODO Constraints
CLASS_NAME : 'Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Language'
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Language.INSTANCE = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Language();
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Language.INSTANCE.LIST = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.List(Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Language.INSTANCE);
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Name = Jsonix.Class(Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Token, {
name : 'Name',
typeName : Jsonix.Schema.XSD.qname('Name'),
// TODO Constraints
CLASS_NAME : 'Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Name'
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Name.INSTANCE = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Name();
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Name.INSTANCE.LIST = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.List(Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Name.INSTANCE);
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.NCName = Jsonix.Class(Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Name, {
name : 'NCName',
typeName : Jsonix.Schema.XSD.qname('NCName'),
// TODO Constraints
CLASS_NAME : 'Jsonix.Schema.XSD.NCName'
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.NCName.INSTANCE = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.NCName();
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.NCName.INSTANCE.LIST = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.List(Jsonix.Schema.XSD.NCName.INSTANCE);
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.NMToken = Jsonix.Class(Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Token, {
name : 'NMToken',
typeName : Jsonix.Schema.XSD.qname('NMTOKEN'),
// TODO Constraints
CLASS_NAME : 'Jsonix.Schema.XSD.NMToken'
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.NMToken.INSTANCE = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.NMToken();
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.NMTokens = Jsonix.Class(Jsonix.Schema.XSD.List, {
name : 'NMTokens',
initialize : function() {
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.List.prototype.initialize.apply(this, [ Jsonix.Schema.XSD.NMToken.INSTANCE, Jsonix.Schema.XSD.qname('NMTOKEN'), ' ' ]);
// TODO Constraints
CLASS_NAME : 'Jsonix.Schema.XSD.NMTokens'
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.NMTokens.INSTANCE = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.NMTokens();
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Boolean = Jsonix.Class(Jsonix.Schema.XSD.AnySimpleType, {
name : 'Boolean',
typeName : Jsonix.Schema.XSD.qname('boolean'),
print : function(value, context, output, scope) {
return value ? 'true' : 'false';
parse : function(text, context, input, scope) {
if (text === 'true' || text === '1') {
return true;
} else if (text === 'false' || text === '0') {
return false;
} else {
throw new Error("Either [true], [1], [0] or [false] expected as boolean value.");
isInstance : function(value, context, scope) {
return Jsonix.Util.Type.isBoolean(value);
CLASS_NAME : 'Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Boolean'
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Boolean.INSTANCE = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Boolean();
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Boolean.INSTANCE.LIST = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.List(Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Boolean.INSTANCE);
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Base64Binary = Jsonix.Class(Jsonix.Schema.XSD.AnySimpleType, {
name : 'Base64Binary',
typeName : Jsonix.Schema.XSD.qname('base64Binary'),
charToByte : {},
byteToChar : [],
initialize : function() {
// Initialize charToByte and byteToChar table for fast
// lookups
var charTable = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=";
for (var i = 0; i < charTable.length; i++) {
var _char = charTable.charAt(i);
var _byte = charTable.charCodeAt(i);
this.byteToChar[i] = _char;
this.charToByte[_char] = i;
print : function(value, context, output, scope) {
return this.encode(value);
parse : function(text, context, input, scope) {
return this.decode(text);
encode : function(uarray) {
var output = "";
var byte0;
var byte1;
var byte2;
var char0;
var char1;
var char2;
var char3;
var i = 0;
var j = 0;
var length = uarray.length;
for (i = 0; i < length; i += 3) {
byte0 = uarray[i] & 0xFF;
char0 = this.byteToChar[byte0 >> 2];
if (i + 1 < length) {
byte1 = uarray[i + 1] & 0xFF;
char1 = this.byteToChar[((byte0 & 0x03) << 4) | (byte1 >> 4)];
if (i + 2 < length) {
byte2 = uarray[i + 2] & 0xFF;
char2 = this.byteToChar[((byte1 & 0x0F) << 2) | (byte2 >> 6)];
char3 = this.byteToChar[byte2 & 0x3F];
} else {
char2 = this.byteToChar[(byte1 & 0x0F) << 2];
char3 = "=";
} else {
char1 = this.byteToChar[(byte0 & 0x03) << 4];
char2 = "=";
char3 = "=";
output = output + char0 + char1 + char2 + char3;
return output;
decode : function(text) {
input = text.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9\+\/\=]/g, "");
var length = Math.floor(input.length / 4 * 3);
if (input.charAt(input.length - 1) === "=") {
if (input.charAt(input.length - 2) === "=") {
var uarray = new Array(length);
var byte0;
var byte1;
var byte2;
var char0;
var char1;
var char2;
var char3;
var i = 0;
var j = 0;
for (i = 0; i < length; i += 3) {
// get the 3 octects in 4 ascii chars
char0 = this.charToByte[input.charAt(j++)];
char1 = this.charToByte[input.charAt(j++)];
char2 = this.charToByte[input.charAt(j++)];
char3 = this.charToByte[input.charAt(j++)];
byte0 = (char0 << 2) | (char1 >> 4);
byte1 = ((char1 & 0x0F) << 4) | (char2 >> 2);
byte2 = ((char2 & 0x03) << 6) | char3;
uarray[i] = byte0;
if (char2 != 64) {
uarray[i + 1] = byte1;
if (char3 != 64) {
uarray[i + 2] = byte2;
return uarray;
isInstance : function(value, context, scope) {
return Jsonix.Util.Type.isArray(value);
CLASS_NAME : 'Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Base64Binary'
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Base64Binary.INSTANCE = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Base64Binary();
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Base64Binary.INSTANCE.LIST = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.List(Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Base64Binary.INSTANCE);
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.HexBinary = Jsonix.Class(Jsonix.Schema.XSD.AnySimpleType, {
name : 'HexBinary',
typeName : Jsonix.Schema.XSD.qname('hexBinary'),
charToQuartet : {},
byteToDuplet : [],
initialize : function() {
var charTableUpperCase = "0123456789ABCDEF";
var charTableLowerCase = charTableUpperCase.toLowerCase();
var i;
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
this.charToQuartet[charTableUpperCase.charAt(i)] = i;
if (i >= 0xA) {
this.charToQuartet[charTableLowerCase.charAt(i)] = i;
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
this.byteToDuplet[i] =
charTableUpperCase[i >> 4] + charTableUpperCase[i & 0xF];
print : function(value, context, output, scope) {
return this.encode(value);
parse : function(text, context, input, scope) {
return this.decode(text);
encode : function(uarray) {
var output = "";
for ( var i = 0; i < uarray.length; i++) {
output = output + this.byteToDuplet[uarray[i] & 0xFF];
return output;
decode : function(text) {
var input = text.replace(/[^A-Fa-f0-9]/g, "");
// Round by two
var length = input.length >> 1;
var uarray = new Array(length);
for ( var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
var char0 = input.charAt(2 * i);
var char1 = input.charAt(2 * i + 1);
uarray[i] = this.charToQuartet[char0] << 4
| this.charToQuartet[char1];
return uarray;
isInstance : function(value, context, scope) {
return Jsonix.Util.Type.isArray(value);
CLASS_NAME : 'Jsonix.Schema.XSD.HexBinary'
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.HexBinary.INSTANCE = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.HexBinary();
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.HexBinary.INSTANCE.LIST = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.List(
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Number = Jsonix.Class(Jsonix.Schema.XSD.AnySimpleType, {
name : 'Number',
typeName : Jsonix.Schema.XSD.qname('number'),
print : function(value, context, output, scope) {
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.isNaN(value)) {
return 'NaN';
} else if (value === Infinity) {
return 'INF';
} else if (value === -Infinity) {
return '-INF';
} else {
var text = String(value);
return text;
parse : function(text, context, input, scope) {
if (text === '-INF') {
return -Infinity;
} else if (text === 'INF') {
return Infinity;
} else if (text === 'NaN') {
return NaN;
} else {
var value = Number(text);
return value;
isInstance : function(value, context, scope) {
return Jsonix.Util.Type.isNumberOrNaN(value);
CLASS_NAME : 'Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Number'
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Number.INSTANCE = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Number();
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Number.INSTANCE.LIST = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.List(Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Number.INSTANCE);
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Float = Jsonix.Class(Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Number, {
name : 'Float',
typeName : Jsonix.Schema.XSD.qname('float'),
isInstance : function(value, context, scope) {
return Jsonix.Util.Type.isNaN(value) || value === -Infinity || value === Infinity || (Jsonix.Util.Type.isNumber(value) && value >= this.MIN_VALUE && value <= this.MAX_VALUE);
MIN_VALUE : -3.4028235e+38,
MAX_VALUE : 3.4028235e+38,
CLASS_NAME : 'Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Float'
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Float.INSTANCE = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Float();
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Float.INSTANCE.LIST = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.List(Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Float.INSTANCE);
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Decimal = Jsonix.Class(Jsonix.Schema.XSD.AnySimpleType, {
name : 'Decimal',
typeName : Jsonix.Schema.XSD.qname('decimal'),
print : function(value, context, output, scope) {
var text = String(value);
return text;
parse : function(text, context, input, scope) {
var value = Number(text);
return value;
isInstance : function(value, context, scope) {
return Jsonix.Util.Type.isNumber(value);
CLASS_NAME : 'Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Decimal'
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Decimal.INSTANCE = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Decimal();
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Decimal.INSTANCE.LIST = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.List(Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Decimal.INSTANCE);
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Integer = Jsonix.Class(Jsonix.Schema.XSD.AnySimpleType, {
name : 'Integer',
typeName : Jsonix.Schema.XSD.qname('integer'),
print : function(value, context, output, scope) {
var text = String(value);
return text;
parse : function(text, context, input, scope) {
var value = Number(text);
return value;
isInstance : function(value, context, scope) {
return Jsonix.Util.NumberUtils.isInteger(value) && value >= this.MIN_VALUE && value <= this.MAX_VALUE;
MIN_VALUE : -9223372036854775808,
MAX_VALUE : 9223372036854775807,
CLASS_NAME : 'Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Integer'
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Integer.INSTANCE = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Integer();
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Integer.INSTANCE.LIST = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.List(Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Integer.INSTANCE);
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.NonPositiveInteger = Jsonix.Class(Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Integer, {
name : 'NonPositiveInteger',
typeName : Jsonix.Schema.XSD.qname('nonPositiveInteger'),
MIN_VALUE: -9223372036854775808,
CLASS_NAME : 'Jsonix.Schema.XSD.NonPositiveInteger'
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.NonPositiveInteger.INSTANCE = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.NonPositiveInteger();
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.NonPositiveInteger.INSTANCE.LIST = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.List(
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.NegativeInteger = Jsonix.Class(Jsonix.Schema.XSD.NonPositiveInteger, {
name : 'NegativeInteger',
typeName : Jsonix.Schema.XSD.qname('negativeInteger'),
MIN_VALUE: -9223372036854775808,
CLASS_NAME : 'Jsonix.Schema.XSD.NegativeInteger'
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.NegativeInteger.INSTANCE = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.NegativeInteger();
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.NegativeInteger.INSTANCE.LIST = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.List(
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Long = Jsonix.Class(Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Integer, {
name : 'Long',
typeName : Jsonix.Schema.XSD.qname('long'),
MIN_VALUE : -9223372036854775808,
MAX_VALUE : 9223372036854775807,
CLASS_NAME : 'Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Long'
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Long.INSTANCE = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Long();
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Long.INSTANCE.LIST = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.List(
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Int = Jsonix.Class(Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Long, {
name : 'Int',
typeName : Jsonix.Schema.XSD.qname('int'),
MIN_VALUE : -2147483648,
MAX_VALUE : 2147483647,
CLASS_NAME : 'Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Int'
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Int.INSTANCE = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Int();
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Int.INSTANCE.LIST = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.List(
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Short = Jsonix.Class(Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Int, {
name : 'Short',
typeName : Jsonix.Schema.XSD.qname('short'),
MIN_VALUE : -32768,
MAX_VALUE : 32767,
CLASS_NAME : 'Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Short'
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Short.INSTANCE = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Short();
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Short.INSTANCE.LIST = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.List(Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Short.INSTANCE);
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Byte = Jsonix.Class(Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Short, {
name : 'Byte',
typeName : Jsonix.Schema.XSD.qname('byte'),
MIN_VALUE : -128,
MAX_VALUE : 127,
CLASS_NAME : 'Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Byte'
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Byte.INSTANCE = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Byte();
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Byte.INSTANCE.LIST = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.List(Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Byte.INSTANCE);
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.NonNegativeInteger = Jsonix.Class(Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Integer, {
name : 'NonNegativeInteger',
typeName : Jsonix.Schema.XSD.qname('nonNegativeInteger'),
MAX_VALUE: 9223372036854775807,
CLASS_NAME : 'Jsonix.Schema.XSD.NonNegativeInteger'
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.NonNegativeInteger.INSTANCE = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.NonNegativeInteger();
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.NonNegativeInteger.INSTANCE.LIST = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.List(
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.UnsignedLong = Jsonix.Class(Jsonix.Schema.XSD.NonNegativeInteger, {
name : 'UnsignedLong',
typeName : Jsonix.Schema.XSD.qname('unsignedLong'),
MAX_VALUE : 18446744073709551615,
CLASS_NAME : 'Jsonix.Schema.XSD.UnsignedLong'
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.UnsignedLong.INSTANCE = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.UnsignedLong();
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.UnsignedLong.INSTANCE.LIST = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.List(Jsonix.Schema.XSD.UnsignedLong.INSTANCE);
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.UnsignedInt = Jsonix.Class(Jsonix.Schema.XSD.UnsignedLong, {
name : 'UnsignedInt',
typeName : Jsonix.Schema.XSD.qname('unsignedInt'),
MAX_VALUE : 4294967295,
CLASS_NAME : 'Jsonix.Schema.XSD.UnsignedInt'
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.UnsignedInt.INSTANCE = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.UnsignedInt();
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.UnsignedInt.INSTANCE.LIST = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.List(Jsonix.Schema.XSD.UnsignedInt.INSTANCE);
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.UnsignedShort = Jsonix.Class(Jsonix.Schema.XSD.UnsignedInt, {
name : 'UnsignedShort',
typeName : Jsonix.Schema.XSD.qname('unsignedShort'),
MAX_VALUE : 65535,
CLASS_NAME : 'Jsonix.Schema.XSD.UnsignedShort'
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.UnsignedShort.INSTANCE = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.UnsignedShort();
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.UnsignedShort.INSTANCE.LIST = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.List(Jsonix.Schema.XSD.UnsignedShort.INSTANCE);
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.UnsignedByte = Jsonix.Class(Jsonix.Schema.XSD.UnsignedShort, {
name : 'UnsignedByte',
typeName : Jsonix.Schema.XSD.qname('unsignedByte'),
MAX_VALUE : 255,
CLASS_NAME : 'Jsonix.Schema.XSD.UnsignedByte'
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.UnsignedByte.INSTANCE = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.UnsignedByte();
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.UnsignedByte.INSTANCE.LIST = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.List(Jsonix.Schema.XSD.UnsignedByte.INSTANCE);
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.PositiveInteger = Jsonix.Class(Jsonix.Schema.XSD.NonNegativeInteger, {
name : 'PositiveInteger',
typeName : Jsonix.Schema.XSD.qname('positiveInteger'),
MAX_VALUE : 9223372036854775807,
CLASS_NAME : 'Jsonix.Schema.XSD.PositiveInteger'
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.PositiveInteger.INSTANCE = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.PositiveInteger();
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.PositiveInteger.INSTANCE.LIST = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.List(Jsonix.Schema.XSD.PositiveInteger.INSTANCE);
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Double = Jsonix.Class(Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Number, {
name : 'Double',
typeName : Jsonix.Schema.XSD.qname('double'),
isInstance : function(value, context, scope) {
return Jsonix.Util.Type.isNaN(value) || value === -Infinity || value === Infinity || (Jsonix.Util.Type.isNumber(value) && value >= this.MIN_VALUE && value <= this.MAX_VALUE);
MIN_VALUE : -1.7976931348623157e+308,
MAX_VALUE : 1.7976931348623157e+308,
CLASS_NAME : 'Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Double'
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Double.INSTANCE = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Double();
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Double.INSTANCE.LIST = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.List(Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Double.INSTANCE);
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.AnyURI = Jsonix.Class(Jsonix.Schema.XSD.AnySimpleType, {
name : 'AnyURI',
typeName : Jsonix.Schema.XSD.qname('anyURI'),
print : function(value, context, output, scope) {
return value;
parse : function(text, context, input, scope) {
return text;
isInstance : function(value, context, scope) {
return Jsonix.Util.Type.isString(value);
CLASS_NAME : 'Jsonix.Schema.XSD.AnyURI'
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.AnyURI.INSTANCE = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.AnyURI();
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.AnyURI.INSTANCE.LIST = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.List(Jsonix.Schema.XSD.AnyURI.INSTANCE);
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.QName = Jsonix.Class(Jsonix.Schema.XSD.AnySimpleType, {
name : 'QName',
typeName : Jsonix.Schema.XSD.qname('QName'),
print : function(value, context, output, scope) {
var qName = Jsonix.XML.QName.fromObject(value);
var prefix;
var localPart = qName.localPart;
if (output) {
// If QName does not provide the prefix, let it be generated
prefix = output.getPrefix(qName.namespaceURI, qName.prefix||null);
output.declareNamespace(qName.namespaceURI, prefix);
} else {
prefix = qName.prefix;
return !prefix ? localPart : (prefix + ':' + localPart);
parse : function(value, context, input, scope) {
value = Jsonix.Util.StringUtils.trim(value);
var prefix;
var localPart;
var colonPosition = value.indexOf(':');
if (colonPosition === -1) {
prefix = '';
localPart = value;
} else if (colonPosition > 0 && colonPosition < (value.length - 1)) {
prefix = value.substring(0, colonPosition);
localPart = value.substring(colonPosition + 1);
} else {
throw new Error('Invalid QName [' + value + '].');
var namespaceContext = input || context || null;
if (!namespaceContext)
return value;
var namespaceURI = namespaceContext.getNamespaceURI(prefix);
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.isString(namespaceURI))
return new Jsonix.XML.QName(namespaceURI, localPart, prefix);
throw new Error('Prefix [' + prefix + '] of the QName [' + value + '] is not bound in this context.');
isInstance : function(value, context, scope) {
return (value instanceof Jsonix.XML.QName) || (Jsonix.Util.Type.isObject(value) && Jsonix.Util.Type.isString(value.localPart || value.lp));
CLASS_NAME : 'Jsonix.Schema.XSD.QName'
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.QName.INSTANCE = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.QName();
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.QName.INSTANCE.LIST = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.List(
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Calendar = Jsonix.Class(Jsonix.Schema.XSD.AnySimpleType, {
name : 'Calendar',
typeName : Jsonix.Schema.XSD.qname('calendar'),
parse : function(text, context, input, scope) {
if (text.match(new RegExp("^" + Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Calendar.DATETIME_PATTERN + "$"))) {
return this.parseDateTime(text, context, input, scope);
} else if (text.match(new RegExp("^" + Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Calendar.DATE_PATTERN + "$"))) {
return this.parseDate(text, context, input, scope);
} else if (text.match(new RegExp("^" + Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Calendar.TIME_PATTERN + "$"))) {
return this.parseTime(text, context, input, scope);
} else if (text.match(new RegExp("^" + Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Calendar.GYEAR_MONTH_PATTERN + "$"))) {
return this.parseGYearMonth(text, context, input, scope);
} else if (text.match(new RegExp("^" + Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Calendar.GYEAR_PATTERN + "$"))) {
return this.parseGYear(text, context, input, scope);
} else if (text.match(new RegExp("^" + Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Calendar.GMONTH_DAY_PATTERN + "$"))) {
return this.parseGMonthDay(text, context, input, scope);
} else if (text.match(new RegExp("^" + Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Calendar.GMONTH_PATTERN + "$"))) {
return this.parseGMonth(text, context, input, scope);
} else if (text.match(new RegExp("^" + Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Calendar.GDAY_PATTERN + "$"))) {
return this.parseGDay(text, context, input, scope);
} else {
throw new Error('Value [' + text + '] does not match xs:dateTime, xs:date, xs:time, xs:gYearMonth, xs:gYear, xs:gMonthDay, xs:gMonth or xs:gDay patterns.');
parseGYearMonth : function(value, context, input, scope) {
var gYearMonthExpression = new RegExp("^" + Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Calendar.GYEAR_MONTH_PATTERN + "$");
var results = value.match(gYearMonthExpression);
if (results !== null) {
var data = {
year : parseInt(results[1], 10),
month : parseInt(results[5], 10),
timezone : this.parseTimezoneString(results[7])
return new Jsonix.XML.Calendar(data);
throw new Error('Value [' + value + '] does not match the xs:gYearMonth pattern.');
parseGYear : function(value, context, input, scope) {
var gYearExpression = new RegExp("^" + Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Calendar.GYEAR_PATTERN + "$");
var results = value.match(gYearExpression);
if (results !== null) {
var data = {
year : parseInt(results[1], 10),
timezone : this.parseTimezoneString(results[5])
return new Jsonix.XML.Calendar(data);
throw new Error('Value [' + value + '] does not match the xs:gYear pattern.');
parseGMonthDay : function(value, context, input, scope) {
var gMonthDayExpression = new RegExp("^" + Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Calendar.GMONTH_DAY_PATTERN + "$");
var results = value.match(gMonthDayExpression);
if (results !== null) {
var data = {
month : parseInt(results[2], 10),
day : parseInt(results[3], 10),
timezone : this.parseTimezoneString(results[5])
return new Jsonix.XML.Calendar(data);
throw new Error('Value [' + value + '] does not match the xs:gMonthDay pattern.');
parseGMonth : function(value, context, input, scope) {
var gMonthExpression = new RegExp("^" + Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Calendar.GMONTH_PATTERN + "$");
var results = value.match(gMonthExpression);
if (results !== null) {
var data = {
month : parseInt(results[2], 10),
timezone : this.parseTimezoneString(results[3])
return new Jsonix.XML.Calendar(data);
throw new Error('Value [' + value + '] does not match the xs:gMonth pattern.');
parseGDay : function(value, context, input, scope) {
var gDayExpression = new RegExp("^" + Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Calendar.GDAY_PATTERN + "$");
var results = value.match(gDayExpression);
if (results !== null) {
var data = {
day : parseInt(results[2], 10),
timezone : this.parseTimezoneString(results[3])
return new Jsonix.XML.Calendar(data);
throw new Error('Value [' + value + '] does not match the xs:gDay pattern.');
parseDateTime : function(text, context, input, scope) {
var expression = new RegExp("^" + Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Calendar.DATETIME_PATTERN + "$");
var results = text.match(expression);
if (results !== null) {
var data = {
year : parseInt(results[1], 10),
month : parseInt(results[5], 10),
day : parseInt(results[7], 10),
hour : parseInt(results[9], 10),
minute : parseInt(results[10], 10),
second : parseInt(results[11], 10),
fractionalSecond : (results[12] ? parseFloat(results[12]) : 0),
timezone : this.parseTimezoneString(results[14])
return new Jsonix.XML.Calendar(data);
throw new Error('Value [' + text + '] does not match the xs:date pattern.');
parseDate : function(text, context, input, scope) {
var expression = new RegExp("^" + Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Calendar.DATE_PATTERN + "$");
var results = text.match(expression);
if (results !== null) {
var data = {
year : parseInt(results[1], 10),
month : parseInt(results[5], 10),
day : parseInt(results[7], 10),
timezone : this.parseTimezoneString(results[9])
return new Jsonix.XML.Calendar(data);
throw new Error('Value [' + text + '] does not match the xs:date pattern.');
parseTime : function(text, context, input, scope) {
var expression = new RegExp("^" + Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Calendar.TIME_PATTERN + "$");
var results = text.match(expression);
if (results !== null) {
var data = {
hour : parseInt(results[1], 10),
minute : parseInt(results[2], 10),
second : parseInt(results[3], 10),
fractionalSecond : (results[4] ? parseFloat(results[4]) : 0),
timezone : this.parseTimezoneString(results[6])
return new Jsonix.XML.Calendar(data);
throw new Error('Value [' + text + '] does not match the xs:time pattern.');
parseTimezoneString : function(text) {
// (('+' | '-') hh ':' mm) | 'Z'
if (!Jsonix.Util.Type.isString(text)) {
return NaN;
} else if (text === '') {
return NaN;
} else if (text === 'Z') {
return 0;
} else if (text === '+14:00') {
return 14 * 60;
} else if (text === '-14:00') {
return -14 * 60;
} else {
var expression = new RegExp("^" + Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Calendar.TIMEZONE_PATTERN + "$");
var results = text.match(expression);
if (results !== null) {
var sign = results[1] === '+' ? 1 : -1;
var hour = parseInt(results[4], 10);
var minute = parseInt(results[5], 10);
return sign * (hour * 60 + minute);
throw new Error('Value [' + text + '] does not match the timezone pattern.');
print : function(value, context, output, scope) {
if (Jsonix.Util.NumberUtils.isInteger(value.year) && Jsonix.Util.NumberUtils.isInteger(value.month) && Jsonix.Util.NumberUtils.isInteger(value.day) && Jsonix.Util.NumberUtils.isInteger(value.hour) && Jsonix.Util.NumberUtils.isInteger(value.minute) && Jsonix.Util.NumberUtils.isInteger(value.second)) {
return this.printDateTime(value);
} else if (Jsonix.Util.NumberUtils.isInteger(value.year) && Jsonix.Util.NumberUtils.isInteger(value.month) && Jsonix.Util.NumberUtils.isInteger(value.day)) {
return this.printDate(value);
} else if (Jsonix.Util.NumberUtils.isInteger(value.hour) && Jsonix.Util.NumberUtils.isInteger(value.minute) && Jsonix.Util.NumberUtils.isInteger(value.second)) {
return this.printTime(value);
} else if (Jsonix.Util.NumberUtils.isInteger(value.year) && Jsonix.Util.NumberUtils.isInteger(value.month)) {
return this.printGYearMonth(value);
} else if (Jsonix.Util.NumberUtils.isInteger(value.month) && Jsonix.Util.NumberUtils.isInteger(value.day)) {
return this.printGMonthDay(value);
} else if (Jsonix.Util.NumberUtils.isInteger(value.year)) {
return this.printGYear(value);
} else if (Jsonix.Util.NumberUtils.isInteger(value.month)) {
return this.printGMonth(value);
} else if (Jsonix.Util.NumberUtils.isInteger(value.day)) {
return this.printGDay(value);
} else {
throw new Error('Value [' + value + '] is not recognized as dateTime, date or time.');
printDateTime : function(value) {
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(value.fractionalString)) {
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(value.timezone) && !Jsonix.Util.Type.isNaN(value.timezone)) {
var result = this.printDateString(value);
result = result + 'T';
result = result + this.printTimeString(value);
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(value.timezone)) {
result = result + this.printTimezoneString(value.timezone);
return result;
printDate : function(value) {
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(value.timezone) && !Jsonix.Util.Type.isNaN(value.timezone)) {
var result = this.printDateString(value);
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(value.timezone)) {
result = result + this.printTimezoneString(value.timezone);
return result;
printTime : function(value) {
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(value.fractionalString)) {
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(value.timezone) && !Jsonix.Util.Type.isNaN(value.timezone)) {
var result = this.printTimeString(value);
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(value.timezone)) {
result = result + this.printTimezoneString(value.timezone);
return result;
printDateString : function(value) {
return (value.year < 0 ? ('-' + this.printYear(-value.year)) : this.printYear(value.year)) + '-' + this.printMonth(value.month) + '-' + this.printDay(value.day);
printTimeString : function(value) {
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(value.fractionalSecond)) {
var result = this.printHour(value.hour);
result = result + ':';
result = result + this.printMinute(value.minute);
result = result + ':';
result = result + this.printSecond(value.second);
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(value.fractionalSecond)) {
result = result + this.printFractionalSecond(value.fractionalSecond);
return result;
printTimezoneString : function(value) {
if (!Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(value) || Jsonix.Util.Type.isNaN(value)) {
return '';
} else {
var sign = value < 0 ? -1 : (value > 0 ? 1 : 0);
var data = value * sign;
var minute = data % 60;
var hour = Math.floor(data / 60);
var result;
if (sign === 0) {
return 'Z';
} else {
if (sign > 0) {
result = '+';
} else if (sign < 0) {
result = '-';
result = result + this.printHour(hour);
result = result + ':';
result = result + this.printMinute(minute);
return result;
printGDay : function(value, context, output, scope) {
var day = undefined;
var timezone = undefined;
if (value instanceof Date) {
day = value.getDate();
} else {
day = value.day;
timezone = value.timezone;
return "---" + this.printDay(day) + this.printTimezoneString(timezone);
printGMonth : function(value, context, output, scope) {
var month = undefined;
var timezone = undefined;
if (value instanceof Date) {
month = value.getMonth() + 1;
} else {
month = value.month;
timezone = value.timezone;
return "--" + this.printMonth(month) + this.printTimezoneString(timezone);
printGMonthDay : function(value, context, output, scope) {
var month = undefined;
var day = undefined;
var timezone = undefined;
if (value instanceof Date) {
month = value.getMonth() + 1;
day = value.getDate();
} else {
month = value.month;
day = value.day;
timezone = value.timezone;
Jsonix.XML.Calendar.validateMonthDay(month, day);
return "--" + this.printMonth(month) + "-" + this.printDay(day) + this.printTimezoneString(timezone);
printGYear : function(value, context, output, scope) {
var year = undefined;
var timezone = undefined;
if (value instanceof Date) {
year = value.getFullYear();
} else {
year = value.year;
timezone = value.timezone;
return this.printSignedYear(year) + this.printTimezoneString(timezone);
printGYearMonth : function(value, context, output, scope) {
var year = undefined;
var month = undefined;
var timezone = undefined;
if (value instanceof Date) {
year = value.getFullYear();
month = value.getMonth() + 1;
} else {
year = value.year;
month = value.month;
timezone = value.timezone;
return this.printSignedYear(year) + "-" + this.printMonth(month) + this.printTimezoneString(timezone);
printSignedYear : function(value) {
return value < 0 ? ("-" + this.printYear(value * -1)) : (this.printYear(value));
printYear : function(value) {
return this.printInteger(value, 4);
printMonth : function(value) {
return this.printInteger(value, 2);
printDay : function(value) {
return this.printInteger(value, 2);
printHour : function(value) {
return this.printInteger(value, 2);
printMinute : function(value) {
return this.printInteger(value, 2);
printSecond : function(value) {
return this.printInteger(value, 2);
printFractionalSecond : function(value) {
if (value < 0 || value >= 1) {
throw new Error('Fractional second [' + value + '] must be between 0 and 1.');
} else if (value === 0) {
return '';
} else {
var string = String(value);
var dotIndex = string.indexOf('.');
if (dotIndex < 0) {
return '';
} else {
return string.substring(dotIndex);
printInteger : function(value, length) {
if (length <= 0) {
throw new Error('Length [' + value + '] must be positive.');
if (value < 0) {
throw new Error('Value [' + value + '] must not be negative.');
var result = String(value);
for (var i = result.length; i < length; i++) {
result = '0' + result;
return result;
isInstance : function(value, context, scope) {
return Jsonix.Util.Type.isObject(value) && ((Jsonix.Util.NumberUtils.isInteger(value.year) && Jsonix.Util.NumberUtils.isInteger(value.month) && Jsonix.Util.NumberUtils.isInteger(value.day)) || (Jsonix.Util.NumberUtils.isInteger(value.hour) && Jsonix.Util.NumberUtils.isInteger(value.minute) && Jsonix.Util.NumberUtils.isInteger(value.second)));
CLASS_NAME : 'Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Calendar'
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Calendar.YEAR_PATTERN = "-?([1-9][0-9]*)?((?!(0000))[0-9]{4})";
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Calendar.TIMEZONE_PATTERN = "Z|([\\-\\+])(((0[0-9]|1[0-3]):([0-5][0-9]))|(14:00))";
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Calendar.MONTH_PATTERN = "(0[1-9]|1[0-2])";
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Calendar.SINGLE_MONTH_PATTERN = "\\-\\-" + Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Calendar.MONTH_PATTERN;
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Calendar.DAY_PATTERN = "(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])";
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Calendar.SINGLE_DAY_PATTERN = "\\-\\-\\-" + Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Calendar.DAY_PATTERN;
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Calendar.GYEAR_PATTERN = "(" + Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Calendar.YEAR_PATTERN + ")" + "(" + Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Calendar.TIMEZONE_PATTERN + ")?";
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Calendar.GMONTH_PATTERN = "(" + Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Calendar.SINGLE_MONTH_PATTERN + ")" + "(" + Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Calendar.TIMEZONE_PATTERN + ")?";
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Calendar.GDAY_PATTERN = "(" + Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Calendar.SINGLE_DAY_PATTERN + ")" + "(" + Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Calendar.TIMEZONE_PATTERN + ")?";
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Calendar.GYEAR_MONTH_PATTERN = "(" + Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Calendar.YEAR_PATTERN + ")" + "-" + "(" + Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Calendar.DAY_PATTERN + ")" + "(" + Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Calendar.TIMEZONE_PATTERN + ")?";
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Calendar.GMONTH_DAY_PATTERN = "(" + Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Calendar.SINGLE_MONTH_PATTERN + ")" + "-" + "(" + Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Calendar.DAY_PATTERN + ")" + "(" + Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Calendar.TIMEZONE_PATTERN + ")?";
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Calendar.DATE_PART_PATTERN = "(" + Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Calendar.YEAR_PATTERN + ")" + "-" + "(" + Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Calendar.MONTH_PATTERN + ")" + "-" + "(" + Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Calendar.DAY_PATTERN + ")";
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Calendar.TIME_PART_PATTERN = "([0-1][0-9]|2[0-3]):([0-5][0-9]):([0-5][0-9])(\\.([0-9]+))?";
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Calendar.TIME_PATTERN = Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Calendar.TIME_PART_PATTERN + '(' + Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Calendar.TIMEZONE_PATTERN + ')?';
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Calendar.DATE_PATTERN = Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Calendar.DATE_PART_PATTERN + '(' + Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Calendar.TIMEZONE_PATTERN + ')?';
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Calendar.DATETIME_PATTERN = Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Calendar.DATE_PART_PATTERN + 'T' + Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Calendar.TIME_PART_PATTERN + '(' + Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Calendar.TIMEZONE_PATTERN + ')?';
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Calendar.INSTANCE = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Calendar();
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Calendar.INSTANCE.LIST = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.List(Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Calendar.INSTANCE);
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Duration = Jsonix.Class(Jsonix.Schema.XSD.AnySimpleType, {
name : 'Duration',
typeName : Jsonix.Schema.XSD.qname('duration'),
isInstance : function(value, context, scope) {
return Jsonix.Util.Type.isObject(value) && (
(Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(value.sign) ? (value.sign === -1 || value.sign === 1) : true)
(Jsonix.Util.NumberUtils.isInteger(value.years) && value.years >=0) ||
(Jsonix.Util.NumberUtils.isInteger(value.months) && value.months >=0) ||
(Jsonix.Util.NumberUtils.isInteger(value.days) && value.days >= 0) ||
(Jsonix.Util.NumberUtils.isInteger(value.hours) && value.hours >= 0) ||
(Jsonix.Util.NumberUtils.isInteger(value.minutes) && value.minutes >= 0) ||
(Jsonix.Util.Type.isNumber(value.seconds) && value.seconds >= 0) );
validate : function(value) {
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(value.sign)) {
if (!(value.sign === 1 || value.sign === -1)) {
throw new Error("Sign of the duration [" + value.sign + "] must be either [1] or [-1].");
var empty = true;
var ifExistsEnsureUnsignedInteger = function(v, message) {
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(v)) {
if (!(Jsonix.Util.NumberUtils.isInteger(v) && v >= 0)) {
throw new Error(message.replace("{0}", v));
} else {
return true;
} else {
return false;
var ifExistsEnsureUnsignedNumber = function(v, message) {
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(v)) {
if (!(Jsonix.Util.Type.isNumber(v) && v >= 0)) {
throw new Error(message.replace("{0}", v));
} else {
return true;
} else {
return false;
empty = empty && !ifExistsEnsureUnsignedInteger(value.years, "Number of years [{0}] must be an unsigned integer.");
empty = empty && !ifExistsEnsureUnsignedInteger(value.months, "Number of months [{0}] must be an unsigned integer.");
empty = empty && !ifExistsEnsureUnsignedInteger(value.days, "Number of days [{0}] must be an unsigned integer.");
empty = empty && !ifExistsEnsureUnsignedInteger(value.hours, "Number of hours [{0}] must be an unsigned integer.");
empty = empty && !ifExistsEnsureUnsignedInteger(value.minutes, "Number of minutes [{0}] must be an unsigned integer.");
empty = empty && !ifExistsEnsureUnsignedNumber(value.seconds, "Number of seconds [{0}] must be an unsigned number.");
if (empty) {
throw new Error("At least one of the components (years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds) must be set.");
print : function(value, context, output, scope) {
var result = '';
if (value.sign === -1)
result += '-';
result += 'P';
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(value.years)) {
result += (value.years + 'Y');
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(value.months)) {
result += (value.months + 'M');
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(value.days)) {
result += (value.days + 'D');
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(value.hours) || Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(value.minutes) || Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(value.seconds))
result += 'T';
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(value.hours)) {
result += (value.hours + 'H');
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(value.minutes)) {
result += (value.minutes + 'M');
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(value.seconds)) {
result += (value.seconds + 'S');
return result;
parse : function(value, context, input, scope) {
var durationExpression = new RegExp("^" + Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Duration.PATTERN + "$");
var results = value.match(durationExpression);
if (results !== null) {
var empty = true;
var duration = {};
if (results[1]) { duration.sign = -1; }
if (results[3]) { duration.years = parseInt(results[3], 10); empty = false; }
if (results[5]) { duration.months = parseInt(results[5], 10); empty = false; }
if (results[7]) { duration.days = parseInt(results[7], 10); empty = false; }
if (results[10]) { duration.hours = parseInt(results[10], 10); empty = false; }
if (results[12]) { duration.minutes = parseInt(results[12], 10); empty = false; }
if (results[14]) { duration.seconds = Number(results[14]); empty = false; }
return duration;
} else {
throw new Error('Value [' + value + '] does not match the duration pattern.');
CLASS_NAME : 'Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Duration'
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Duration.PATTERN = '(-)?P(([0-9]+)Y)?(([0-9]+)M)?(([0-9]+)D)?(T(([0-9]+)H)?(([0-9]+)M)?(([0-9]+(\\.[0-9]+)?)S)?)?';
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Duration.INSTANCE = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Duration();
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Duration.INSTANCE.LIST = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.List(Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Duration.INSTANCE);
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.DateTime = Jsonix.Class(Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Calendar, {
name : 'DateTime',
typeName : Jsonix.Schema.XSD.qname('dateTime'),
parse : function(value, context, input, scope) {
return this.parseDateTime(value);
print : function(value, context, output, scope) {
return this.printDateTime(value);
CLASS_NAME : 'Jsonix.Schema.XSD.DateTime'
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.DateTime.INSTANCE = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.DateTime();
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.DateTime.INSTANCE.LIST = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.List(Jsonix.Schema.XSD.DateTime.INSTANCE);
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.DateTimeAsDate = Jsonix.Class(Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Calendar, {
name : 'DateTimeAsDate',
typeName : Jsonix.Schema.XSD.qname('dateTime'),
parse : function(value, context, input, scope) {
var calendar = this.parseDateTime(value);
var date = new Date();
date.setMonth(calendar.month - 1);
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.isNumber(calendar.fractionalSecond)) {
date.setMilliseconds(Math.floor(1000 * calendar.fractionalSecond));
var timezone;
var unknownTimezone;
var localTimezone = - date.getTimezoneOffset();
if (Jsonix.Util.NumberUtils.isInteger(calendar.timezone))
timezone = calendar.timezone;
unknownTimezone = false;
// Unknown timezone
timezone = localTimezone;
unknownTimezone = true;
var result = new Date(date.getTime() + (60000 * (- timezone + localTimezone)));
if (unknownTimezone)
// null denotes "unknown timezone"
result.originalTimezone = null;
result.originalTimezone = calendar.timezone;
return result;
print : function(value, context, output, scope) {
var timezone;
var localTimezone = - value.getTimezoneOffset();
var correctedValue;
// If original time zone was unknown, print the given value without
// the timezone
if (value.originalTimezone === null)
return this.printDateTime(new Jsonix.XML.Calendar({
year : value.getFullYear(),
month : value.getMonth() + 1,
day : value.getDate(),
hour : value.getHours(),
minute : value.getMinutes(),
second : value.getSeconds(),
fractionalSecond : (value.getMilliseconds() / 1000)
// If original timezone was known, correct and print the value with the timezone
if (Jsonix.Util.NumberUtils.isInteger(value.originalTimezone))
timezone = value.originalTimezone;
correctedValue = new Date(value.getTime() - (60000 * ( - timezone + localTimezone)));
// If original timezone was not specified, do not correct and use the local time zone
timezone = localTimezone;
correctedValue = value;
var x = this.printDateTime(new Jsonix.XML.Calendar({
year : correctedValue.getFullYear(),
month : correctedValue.getMonth() + 1,
day : correctedValue.getDate(),
hour : correctedValue.getHours(),
minute : correctedValue.getMinutes(),
second : correctedValue.getSeconds(),
fractionalSecond : (correctedValue.getMilliseconds() / 1000),
timezone: timezone
return x;
isInstance : function(value, context, scope) {
return Jsonix.Util.Type.isDate(value);
CLASS_NAME : 'Jsonix.Schema.XSD.DateTimeAsDate'
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.DateTimeAsDate.INSTANCE = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.DateTimeAsDate();
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.DateTimeAsDate.INSTANCE.LIST = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.List(Jsonix.Schema.XSD.DateTimeAsDate.INSTANCE);
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Time = Jsonix.Class(Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Calendar, {
name : 'Time',
typeName : Jsonix.Schema.XSD.qname('time'),
parse : function(value, context, input, scope) {
return this.parseTime(value);
print : function(value, context, output, scope) {
return this.printTime(value);
CLASS_NAME : 'Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Time'
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Time.INSTANCE = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Time();
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Time.INSTANCE.LIST = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.List(Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Time.INSTANCE);
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.TimeAsDate = Jsonix.Class(Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Calendar, {
name : 'TimeAsDate',
typeName : Jsonix.Schema.XSD.qname('time'),
parse : function(value, context, input, scope) {
var calendar = this.parseTime(value);
var date = new Date();
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.isNumber(calendar.fractionalSecond)) {
date.setMilliseconds(Math.floor(1000 * calendar.fractionalSecond));
var timezone;
var unknownTimezone;
var localTimezone = - date.getTimezoneOffset();
if (Jsonix.Util.NumberUtils.isInteger(calendar.timezone))
timezone = calendar.timezone;
unknownTimezone = false;
// Unknown timezone
timezone = localTimezone;
unknownTimezone = true;
var result = new Date(date.getTime() + (60000 * ( - timezone + localTimezone)));
if (unknownTimezone)
// null denotes "unknown timezone"
result.originalTimezone = null;
result.originalTimezone = timezone;
return result;
print : function(value, context, output, scope) {
var time = value.getTime();
if (time <= -86400000 && time >= 86400000) {
throw new Error('Invalid time [' + value + '].');
// Original timezone was unknown, just use current time, no timezone
if (value.originalTimezone === null)
return this.printTime(new Jsonix.XML.Calendar({
hour : value.getHours(),
minute : value.getMinutes(),
second : value.getSeconds(),
fractionalSecond : (value.getMilliseconds() / 1000)
var correctedValue;
var timezone;
var localTimezone = - value.getTimezoneOffset();
if (Jsonix.Util.NumberUtils.isInteger(value.originalTimezone))
timezone = value.originalTimezone;
correctedValue = new Date(value.getTime() - (60000 * ( - timezone + localTimezone)));
timezone = localTimezone;
correctedValue = value;
var correctedTime = correctedValue.getTime();
if (correctedTime >= (- localTimezone * 60000)) {
return this.printTime(new Jsonix.XML.Calendar({
hour : correctedValue.getHours(),
minute : correctedValue.getMinutes(),
second : correctedValue.getSeconds(),
fractionalSecond : (correctedValue.getMilliseconds() / 1000),
timezone: timezone
} else {
var timezoneHours = Math.ceil(-correctedTime / 3600000);
var correctedTimeInSeconds = correctedValue.getSeconds() +
correctedValue.getMinutes() * 60 +
correctedValue.getHours() * 3600 +
timezoneHours * 3600 -
timezone * 60;
return this.printTime(new Jsonix.XML.Calendar({
hour : correctedTimeInSeconds % 86400,
minute : correctedTimeInSeconds % 3600,
second : correctedTimeInSeconds % 60,
fractionalSecond : (correctedValue.getMilliseconds() / 1000),
timezone : timezoneHours * 60
isInstance : function(value, context, scope) {
return Jsonix.Util.Type.isDate(value) && value.getTime() > -86400000 && value.getTime() < 86400000;
CLASS_NAME : 'Jsonix.Schema.XSD.TimeAsDate'
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.TimeAsDate.INSTANCE = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.TimeAsDate();
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.TimeAsDate.INSTANCE.LIST = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.List(Jsonix.Schema.XSD.TimeAsDate.INSTANCE);
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Date = Jsonix.Class(Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Calendar, {
name : 'Date',
typeName : Jsonix.Schema.XSD.qname('date'),
parse : function(value, context, input, scope) {
return this.parseDate(value);
print : function(value, context, output, scope) {
return this.printDate(value);
CLASS_NAME : 'Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Date'
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Date.INSTANCE = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Date();
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Date.INSTANCE.LIST = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.List(Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Date.INSTANCE);
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.DateAsDate = Jsonix.Class(Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Calendar, {
name : 'DateAsDate',
typeName : Jsonix.Schema.XSD.qname('date'),
parse : function(value, context, input, scope) {
var calendar = this.parseDate(value);
var date = new Date();
date.setMonth(calendar.month - 1);
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.isNumber(calendar.fractionalSecond)) {
date.setMilliseconds(Math.floor(1000 * calendar.fractionalSecond));
var timezone;
var unknownTimezone;
var localTimezone = - date.getTimezoneOffset();
if (Jsonix.Util.NumberUtils.isInteger(calendar.timezone))
timezone = calendar.timezone;
unknownTimezone = false;
// Unknown timezone
timezone = localTimezone;
unknownTimezone = true;
var result = new Date(date.getTime() + (60000 * ( - timezone + localTimezone)));
if (unknownTimezone)
// null denotes "unknown timezone"
result.originalTimezone = null;
result.originalTimezone = timezone;
return result;
print : function(value, context, output, scope) {
var localDate = new Date(value.getTime());
// Original timezone is unknown
if (value.originalTimezone === null)
return this.printDate(new Jsonix.XML.Calendar({
year : value.getFullYear(),
month : value.getMonth() + 1,
day : value.getDate()
// If original timezone was known, correct and print the value with the timezone
if (Jsonix.Util.NumberUtils.isInteger(value.originalTimezone))
var correctedValue = new Date(value.getTime() - (60000 * (- value.originalTimezone - value.getTimezoneOffset())));
return this.printDate(new Jsonix.XML.Calendar({
year : correctedValue.getFullYear(),
month : correctedValue.getMonth() + 1,
day : correctedValue.getDate(),
timezone : value.originalTimezone
// If original timezone was not specified, do not correct and use the local time zone
// We assume that the difference between the date value and local midnight
// should be interpreted as a timezone offset.
// In case there's no difference, we assume default/unknown timezone
var localTimezone = - value.getTime() + localDate.getTime();
if (localTimezone === 0) {
return this.printDate(new Jsonix.XML.Calendar({
year : value.getFullYear(),
month : value.getMonth() + 1,
day : value.getDate()
} else {
var timezone = localTimezone - (60000 * value.getTimezoneOffset());
if (timezone >= -43200000) {
return this.printDate(new Jsonix.XML.Calendar({
year : value.getFullYear(),
month : value.getMonth() + 1,
day : value.getDate(),
timezone : Math.floor(timezone / 60000)
} else {
var nextDay = new Date(value.getTime() + 86400000);
return this.printDate(new Jsonix.XML.Calendar({
year : nextDay.getFullYear(),
month : nextDay.getMonth() + 1,
day : nextDay.getDate(),
timezone : (Math.floor(timezone / 60000) + 1440)
isInstance : function(value, context, scope) {
return Jsonix.Util.Type.isDate(value);
CLASS_NAME : 'Jsonix.Schema.XSD.DateAsDate'
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.DateAsDate.INSTANCE = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.DateAsDate();
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.DateAsDate.INSTANCE.LIST = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.List(Jsonix.Schema.XSD.DateAsDate.INSTANCE);
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.GYearMonth = Jsonix.Class(Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Calendar, {
name : 'GYearMonth',
typeName : Jsonix.Schema.XSD.qname('gYearMonth'),
CLASS_NAME : 'Jsonix.Schema.XSD.GYearMonth',
parse : function(value, context, input, scope) {
return this.parseGYearMonth(value, context, input, scope);
print : function(value, context, output, scope) {
return this.printGYearMonth(value, context, output, scope);
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.GYearMonth.INSTANCE = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.GYearMonth();
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.GYearMonth.INSTANCE.LIST = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.List(Jsonix.Schema.XSD.GYearMonth.INSTANCE);
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.GYear = Jsonix.Class(Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Calendar, {
name : 'GYear',
typeName : Jsonix.Schema.XSD.qname('gYear'),
CLASS_NAME : 'Jsonix.Schema.XSD.GYear',
parse : function(value, context, input, scope) {
return this.parseGYear(value, context, input, scope);
print : function(value, context, output, scope) {
return this.printGYear(value, context, output, scope);
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.GYear.INSTANCE = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.GYear();
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.GYear.INSTANCE.LIST = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.List(Jsonix.Schema.XSD.GYear.INSTANCE);
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.GMonthDay = Jsonix.Class(Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Calendar, {
name : 'GMonthDay',
typeName : Jsonix.Schema.XSD.qname('gMonthDay'),
CLASS_NAME : 'Jsonix.Schema.XSD.GMonthDay',
parse : function(value, context, input, scope) {
return this.parseGMonthDay(value, context, input, scope);
print : function(value, context, output, scope) {
return this.printGMonthDay(value, context, output, scope);
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.GMonthDay.INSTANCE = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.GMonthDay();
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.GMonthDay.INSTANCE.LIST = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.List(Jsonix.Schema.XSD.GMonthDay.INSTANCE);
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.GDay = Jsonix.Class(Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Calendar, {
name : 'GDay',
typeName : Jsonix.Schema.XSD.qname('gDay'),
CLASS_NAME : 'Jsonix.Schema.XSD.GDay',
parse : function(value, context, input, scope) {
return this.parseGDay(value, context, input, scope);
print : function(value, context, output, scope) {
return this.printGDay(value, context, output, scope);
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.GDay.INSTANCE = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.GDay();
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.GDay.INSTANCE.LIST = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.List(Jsonix.Schema.XSD.GDay.INSTANCE);
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.GMonth = Jsonix.Class(Jsonix.Schema.XSD.Calendar, {
name : 'GMonth',
typeName : Jsonix.Schema.XSD.qname('gMonth'),
CLASS_NAME : 'Jsonix.Schema.XSD.GMonth',
parse : function(value, context, input, scope) {
return this.parseGMonth(value, context, input, scope);
print : function(value, context, output, scope) {
return this.printGMonth(value, context, output, scope);
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.GMonth.INSTANCE = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.GMonth();
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.GMonth.INSTANCE.LIST = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.List(Jsonix.Schema.XSD.GMonth.INSTANCE);
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.ID = Jsonix.Class(Jsonix.Schema.XSD.String, {
name : 'ID',
typeName : Jsonix.Schema.XSD.qname('ID'),
CLASS_NAME : 'Jsonix.Schema.XSD.ID'
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.ID.INSTANCE = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.ID();
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.ID.INSTANCE.LIST = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.List(
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.IDREF = Jsonix.Class(Jsonix.Schema.XSD.String, {
name : 'IDREF',
typeName : Jsonix.Schema.XSD.qname('IDREF'),
CLASS_NAME : 'Jsonix.Schema.XSD.IDREF'
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.IDREF.INSTANCE = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.IDREF();
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.IDREF.INSTANCE.LIST = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.List(
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.IDREFS = Jsonix.Class(Jsonix.Schema.XSD.List, {
name : 'IDREFS',
initialize : function() {
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.List.prototype.initialize.apply(this, [ Jsonix.Schema.XSD.IDREF.INSTANCE, Jsonix.Schema.XSD.qname('IDREFS'), ' ' ]);
// TODO Constraints
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.IDREFS.INSTANCE = new Jsonix.Schema.XSD.IDREFS();
Jsonix.Schema.XSI = {};
Jsonix.Schema.XSI.NAMESPACE_URI = 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance';
Jsonix.Schema.XSI.PREFIX = 'xsi';
Jsonix.Schema.XSI.TYPE = 'type';
Jsonix.Schema.XSI.NIL = 'nil';
Jsonix.Schema.XSI.qname = function(localPart) {
return new Jsonix.XML.QName(Jsonix.Schema.XSI.NAMESPACE_URI, localPart,
Jsonix.Schema.XSI.TYPE_QNAME = Jsonix.Schema.XSI.qname(Jsonix.Schema.XSI.TYPE);
Jsonix.Context = Jsonix
.Class(Jsonix.Mapping.Styled, {
modules : [],
typeInfos : null,
typeNameKeyToTypeInfo : null,
elementInfos : null,
options : null,
substitutionMembersMap : null,
scopedElementInfosMap : null,
supportXsiType : true,
initialize : function(mappings, options) {
Jsonix.Mapping.Styled.prototype.initialize.apply(this, [options]);
this.modules = [];
this.elementInfos = [];
this.typeInfos = {};
this.typeNameKeyToTypeInfo = {};
this.namespacePrefixes = {};
this.prefixNamespaces = {};
this.substitutionMembersMap = {};
this.scopedElementInfosMap = {};
// Initialize options
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(options)) {
if (Jsonix.Util.Type
.isObject(options.namespacePrefixes)) {
this.namespacePrefixes =
Jsonix.Util.Type.cloneObject(options.namespacePrefixes, {});
if (Jsonix.Util.Type
.isBoolean(options.supportXsiType)) {
this.supportXsiType = options.supportXsiType;
// Initialize prefix/namespace mapping
for (var ns in this.namespacePrefixes)
if (this.namespacePrefixes.hasOwnProperty(ns))
p = this.namespacePrefixes[ns];
this.prefixNamespaces[p] = ns;
// Initialize modules
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(mappings)) {
// Initialize modules
var index, mapping, module;
for (index = 0; index < mappings.length; index++) {
mapping = mappings[index];
module = this.createModule(mapping);
this.modules[index] = module;
createModule : function(mapping) {
var module;
if (mapping instanceof this.mappingStyle.module) {
module = mapping;
} else {
mapping = Jsonix.Util.Type.cloneObject(mapping);
module = new this.mappingStyle.module(mapping,
mappingStyle : this.mappingStyle
return module;
registerBuiltinTypeInfos : function() {
for ( var index = 0; index < this.builtinTypeInfos.length; index++) {
processModules : function() {
var index, module;
for (index = 0; index < this.modules.length; index++) {
module = this.modules[index];
for (index = 0; index < this.modules.length; index++) {
module = this.modules[index];
for (index = 0; index < this.modules.length; index++) {
module = this.modules[index];
for (index = 0; index < this.modules.length; index++) {
module = this.modules[index];
registerTypeInfo : function(typeInfo) {
var n = typeInfo.name||typeInfo.n||null;
this.typeInfos[n] = typeInfo;
if (typeInfo.typeName && typeInfo.typeName.key)
this.typeNameKeyToTypeInfo[typeInfo.typeName.key] = typeInfo;
resolveTypeInfo : function(mapping, module) {
if (!Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(mapping)) {
return null;
} else if (mapping instanceof Jsonix.Model.TypeInfo) {
return mapping;
} else if (Jsonix.Util.Type.isString(mapping)) {
var typeInfoName;
// If mapping starts with '.' consider it to be a local type name in this module
if (mapping.length > 0 && mapping.charAt(0) === '.')
var n = module.name || module.n || undefined;
Jsonix.Util.Ensure.ensureObject(module, 'Type info mapping can only be resolved if module is provided.');
Jsonix.Util.Ensure.ensureString(n, 'Type info mapping can only be resolved if module name is provided.');
typeInfoName = n + mapping;
typeInfoName = mapping;
if (!this.typeInfos[typeInfoName]) {
throw new Error('Type info [' + typeInfoName + '] is not known in this context.');
} else {
return this.typeInfos[typeInfoName];
} else {
Jsonix.Util.Ensure.ensureObject(module, 'Type info mapping can only be resolved if module is provided.');
var typeInfo = module.createTypeInfo(mapping);
typeInfo.build(this, module);
return typeInfo;
registerElementInfo : function(elementInfo, module) {
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(elementInfo.substitutionHead)) {
var substitutionHead = elementInfo.substitutionHead;
var substitutionHeadKey = substitutionHead.key;
var substitutionMembers = this.substitutionMembersMap[substitutionHeadKey];
if (!Jsonix.Util.Type.isArray(substitutionMembers)) {
substitutionMembers = [];
this.substitutionMembersMap[substitutionHeadKey] = substitutionMembers;
var scopeKey;
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(elementInfo.scope)) {
scopeKey = this.resolveTypeInfo(elementInfo.scope, module).name;
} else {
scopeKey = '##global';
var scopedElementInfos = this.scopedElementInfosMap[scopeKey];
if (!Jsonix.Util.Type.isObject(scopedElementInfos)) {
scopedElementInfos = {};
this.scopedElementInfosMap[scopeKey] = scopedElementInfos;
scopedElementInfos[elementInfo.elementName.key] = elementInfo;
getTypeInfoByValue : function(value)
if (!Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(value))
return undefined;
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.isObject(value))
var typeName = value.TYPE_NAME;
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.isString(typeName))
var typeInfoByName = this.getTypeInfoByName(typeName);
if (typeInfoByName)
return typeInfoByName;
return undefined;
// TODO public API
getTypeInfoByName : function(name) {
return this.typeInfos[name];
getTypeInfoByTypeName : function(typeName) {
var tn = Jsonix.XML.QName.fromObjectOrString(typeName, this);
return this.typeNameKeyToTypeInfo[tn.key];
getTypeInfoByTypeNameKey : function(typeNameKey) {
return this.typeNameKeyToTypeInfo[typeNameKey];
getElementInfo : function(name, scope) {
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(scope)) {
var scopeKey = scope.name;
var scopedElementInfos = this.scopedElementInfosMap[scopeKey];
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(scopedElementInfos)) {
var scopedElementInfo = scopedElementInfos[name.key];
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(scopedElementInfo)) {
return scopedElementInfo;
var globalScopeKey = '##global';
var globalScopedElementInfos = this.scopedElementInfosMap[globalScopeKey];
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(globalScopedElementInfos)) {
var globalScopedElementInfo = globalScopedElementInfos[name.key];
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.exists(globalScopedElementInfo)) {
return globalScopedElementInfo;
return null;
// throw new Error("Element [" + name.key
// + "] could not be found in the given context.");
getSubstitutionMembers : function(name) {
return this.substitutionMembersMap[Jsonix.XML.QName
createMarshaller : function() {
return new this.mappingStyle.marshaller(this);
createUnmarshaller : function() {
return new this.mappingStyle.unmarshaller(this);
getNamespaceURI : function(prefix) {
return this.prefixNamespaces[prefix];
getPrefix : function(namespaceURI, defaultPrefix) {
var prefix = this.namespacePrefixes[namespaceURI];
if (Jsonix.Util.Type.isString(prefix))
return prefix;
return defaultPrefix;
* Builtin type infos.
builtinTypeInfos : [
Jsonix.Schema.XSD.UnsignedShort.INSTANCE ],
CLASS_NAME : 'Jsonix.Context'
// Complete Jsonix script is included above
return { Jsonix: Jsonix };
// If the require function exists ...
if (typeof require === 'function') {
// ... but the define function does not exists
if (typeof define !== 'function') {
// Load the define function via amdefine
var define = require('amdefine')(module);
// If we're not in browser
if (typeof window === 'undefined')
// Require xmldom, xmlhttprequest and fs
define(["xmldom", "xmlhttprequest", "fs"], _jsonix_factory);
// We're probably in browser, maybe browserify
// Do not require xmldom, xmlhttprequest as they'r provided by the browser
// Do not require fs since file system is not available anyway
define([], _jsonix_factory);
else {
// Otherwise assume we're in the browser/RequireJS environment
// Load the module without xmldom and xmlhttprequests dependencies
define([], _jsonix_factory);
// If the require function does not exists, we're not in Node.js and therefore in browser environment
// Just call the factory and set Jsonix as global.
var Jsonix = _jsonix_factory().Jsonix;
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