assets.lib.js Maven / Gradle / Ivy
/* helper functions */
/* shorthand version of frequently used dom methods */
function $(/*string*/uid) { return document.getElementById(uid); }
function $t(/*string*/tag) { return document.getElementsByTagName(tag); }
function saveResults(formName, cmd) {
var confirmed = false;
if (cmd == "indentWindiff") {
var confirmed = true;
} else {
var msg = "Are you sure you want to overwrite expected result with actual result?";
confirmed = confirm(msg);
if (confirmed) {"saveResultToFile.jsp?init=true&cmd=" + cmd, "saveResultWindow", 'width=200,height=200,left=400,top=400');
document.forms[formName].target = "saveResultWindow";
document.forms[formName]["cmd"].value = cmd
function xmlFormat(elementId) {
var value = $(elementId).value;
// Remove all whitespace (spaces, tabs and newlines) except whitespace in content between tags
var outsideComment = true;
var outsideTag = true;
var attributeValueDelimiter = "";
var tagContent = "";
for (var i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
if (outsideTag && value.charAt(i) == '<' && i + 3 < value.length && value.charAt(i + 1) == '!' && value.charAt(i + 2) == '-' && value.charAt(i + 3) == '-') {
outsideComment = false;
tagContent = tagContent + value.charAt(i) + value.charAt(i + 1) + value.charAt(i + 2) + value.charAt(i + 3);
value = value.substring(0, i) + value.substring(i + 4, value.length);
} else if (outsideTag && !outsideComment && value.charAt(i) == '-' && i + 2 < value.length && value.charAt(i + 1) == '-' && value.charAt(i + 2) == '>') {
outsideComment = true;
tagContent = tagContent + value.charAt(i) + value.charAt(i + 1) + value.charAt(i + 2);
value = value.substring(0, i) + value.substring(i + 3, value.length);
} else if (outsideComment && value.charAt(i) == '<') {
outsideTag = false;
tagContent = trim(tagContent);
value = value.substr(0, i) + tagContent + value.substring(i, value.length);
i = i + tagContent.length;
tagContent = "";
} else if (outsideComment && !outsideTag && value.charAt(i) == '>') {
outsideTag = true;
} else if (outsideTag) {
tagContent = tagContent + value.charAt(i);
if (i + 1 < value.length) {
value = value.substring(0, i) + value.substring(i + 1, value.length);
} else {
value = value.substring(0, i);
} else if (attributeValueDelimiter == "" && (value.charAt(i) == '\n' || value.charAt(i) == '\r' || value.charAt(i) == '\t' || value.charAt(i) == ' ')) {
// Normalise spaces around attribute names and values
if (i + 1 < value.length) {
var newSpace = " ";
if (i > 0 && value.charAt(i - 1) == ' ') {
newSpace = "";
for (var j = i + 1; newSpace != "" && j < value.length && (value.charAt(j) == '\n' || value.charAt(j) == '\r' || value.charAt(j) == '\t' || value.charAt(j) == ' ' || value.charAt(j) == '=' || value.charAt(j) == '/' || value.charAt(j) == '>'); j++) {
if (value.charAt(j) == '=' || value.charAt(j) == '/' || value.charAt(j) == '>') {
newSpace = "";
for (var j = i - 1; newSpace != "" && j < value.length && (value.charAt(j) == '\n' || value.charAt(j) == '\r' || value.charAt(j) == '\t' || value.charAt(j) == ' ' || value.charAt(j) == '='); j--) {
if (value.charAt(j) == '=') {
newSpace = "";
value = value.substring(0, i) + newSpace + value.substring(i + 1, value.length);
if (newSpace == "") {
} else {
value = value.substring(0, i);
} else if (value.charAt(i) == '\'' || value.charAt(i) == '"') {
if (attributeValueDelimiter == "") {
attributeValueDelimiter = value.charAt(i);
} else {
attributeValueDelimiter = "";
// Indent everything
var indent = 0;
var tagStart = -1;
var currentTag = "";
var previousTag = "";
var isFirst = true;
var newlineInComment = false;
for (var i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
if (tagStart != -1) {
if (currentTag == "OpenTag" || currentTag == "CloseTag" || currentTag == "XmlTag") {
if (value.charAt(i) == '>') {
if (value.charAt(i - 1) == '/') {
currentTag = "OpenCloseTag";
if (currentTag == "OpenTag") {
if (!isFirst) {
if (previousTag == "OpenTag") {
var whitespace = "";
for (var j = 0; j < indent; j++) {
whitespace = whitespace + " ";
var add = "\n" + whitespace;
value = value.substring(0, tagStart)+ add + value.substring(tagStart);
i = i + add.length;
} else if (currentTag == "CloseTag") {
if (previousTag != "OpenTag") {
var whitespace = "";
for (var j = 0; j < indent; j++) {
whitespace = whitespace + " ";
var add = "\n" + whitespace;
value = value.substring(0, tagStart) + add + value.substring(tagStart);
i = i + add.length;
} else if (currentTag == "OpenCloseTag") {
if (previousTag == "OpenTag") {
var whitespace = "";
for (var j = 0; j < indent; j++) {
whitespace = whitespace + " ";
var add = "\n" + whitespace;
value = value.substring(0, tagStart)+ add + value.substring(tagStart);
i = i + add.length;
tagStart = -1;
previousTag = currentTag;
currentTag = "";
isFirst = false;
} else if (currentTag == "CommentTag") {
if (value.charAt(i) == '>' && value.charAt(i - 1) == '-' && value.charAt(i - 2) == '-' && i > tagStart + 5) {
if (newlineInComment) {
value = value.substring(0, tagStart)+ "\n" + value.substring(tagStart);
tagStart = -1;
currentTag = "";
newlineInComment = false;
} else if (value.charAt(i) == '\n' || value.charAt(i) == '\r') {
newlineInComment = true;
} else {
if (value.charAt(i) == '/') {
currentTag = "CloseTag";
} else if (value.charAt(i) == '?') {
currentTag = "XmlTag";
} else if (value.charAt(i) == '!') {
currentTag = "CommentTag";
} else {
currentTag = "OpenTag";
} else {
if (value.charAt(i) == '<') {
tagStart = i;
$(elementId).value = value;
function jsonFormat(elementId) {
var value = $(elementId).value;
var jsonObject = JSON.parse(value);
$(elementId).value = JSON.stringify(jsonObject, null, 4); //indent with 4 spaces
/** Searches for the differences in Result and Expected.
First it shows the result line and then the expected line with the difference colored.
function showDiffs(elementId, elementIdResult, elementIdExpected) {
var value = "";
var valueResult = $(elementIdResult).value;
var valueExpected = $(elementIdExpected).value;
var numberOfCharsResult = 0;
var numberOfCharsExpected = 0;
// style should be in a stylesheet...
var fontTagStart = "";
var fontTagEnd = "";
while (numberOfCharsResult < valueResult.length) {
var lineResult = readLine(valueResult, numberOfCharsResult);
var lineExpected = readLine(valueExpected, numberOfCharsExpected);
numberOfCharsResult = numberOfCharsResult + lineResult.length;
numberOfCharsExpected = numberOfCharsExpected + lineExpected.length;
if (lineResult == lineExpected) {
value = value + escapeChars(lineResult) + "
} else {
// show result line
value = value + "" + escapeChars(lineResult) + "
// show expected line
value = value + "" ;
// check each character and color it when it differs.
var minLength;
if (lineResult.length < lineExpected.length) {
minLength = lineResult.length;
else {
minLength = lineExpected.length;
for (var i=0; i < minLength; i++) {
if ( lineResult.charAt(i) == lineExpected.charAt(i) ) {
value += escapeChars(lineExpected.charAt(i));
else {
value += fontTagStart;
value += escapeChars(lineExpected.charAt(i));
value += fontTagEnd;
// if lineExpected > lineResult then write and color the remaining chars
if (lineExpected.length > lineResult.length) {
value += fontTagStart;
value += escapeChars( lineExpected.substring(minLength) );
value += fontTagEnd;
// en een nieuwe regel
value = value + "
// Forceer einde while, als enkel firstDiff wil laten zien.
// numberOfCharsResult = valueResult.length;
$(elementId).innerHTML = value;
/** Checks the input line on various characters and escapes
found chars with html-friendly replacements.
function escapeChars(lineInput) {
/* De snelle/efficiente oplossing werkt alleen in Firefox.
IE6 vervangt slechts de eerste occurrance. *zucht*
var line = lineInput.replace("<", "<","g");
line = line.replace(">", ">","g");
line = line.replace(" " , " ","g");
line = line.replace("\n", "");
// ... dus dan maar char voor char...
var line = "";
for (var i=0; i < lineInput.length; i++) {
switch (lineInput.charAt(i)) {
case "<":
line += "<";
case ">":
line += ">";
case " ":
line += " ";
case "\n":
line += "";
case ('&') :
line += "&";
line += lineInput.charAt(i);
return line;
function readLine(string, i) {
var line = "";
while (i < string.length) {
line = line + string.charAt(i);
if (string.charAt(i) == '\n' || string.charAt(i) == '\r') {
if (string.charAt(i) == '\r' && i + 1 < string.length && string.charAt(i + 1) == '\n') {
line = line + string.charAt(i + 1);
i = string.length;
} else {
return line;
function isWhitespaceChar(character) {
if (character == ' ' || character == '\n' || character == '\r' || character == '\t') {
return true;
} else {
return false;
function trim(string) {
var ignore = false;
for (var i = 0; i < string.length; i++) {
if (isWhitespaceChar(string.charAt(i)) && !ignore) {
string = string.substring(i + 1, string.length);
} else {
ignore = true;
ignore = false;
for (var i = string.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
if (isWhitespaceChar(string.charAt(i)) && !ignore) {
string = string.substring(0, i);
} else {
ignore = true;
return string;
function resizeElement(id, widthDelta, heightDelta)
var el = $(id);
var p = $(id).parentNode;
var isIE = document.uniqueID;
if (widthDelta == "content" || heightDelta == "content")
if (isIE)
if (widthDelta == "content") = (el.scrollWidth > parseInt(el.offsetWidth - 18)) ? parseInt(el.scrollWidth + 20) + "px" : parseInt(el.offsetWidth + 2) + "px";
if (heightDelta == "content") = = (el.scrollHeight > parseInt(el.offsetHeight - 18)) ? parseInt(el.scrollHeight + 21) + "px" : el.offsetHeight + "px";
if (widthDelta == "content") = (el.scrollWidth > parseInt(el.offsetWidth - 18)) ? parseInt(el.scrollWidth + 20) + "px" : el.offsetWidth + "px";
if (heightDelta == "content") = (el.scrollHeight > parseInt(el.offsetHeight - 18)) ? parseInt(el.scrollHeight + 21) + "px" : el.offsetHeight + "px";
if (isIE)
{ = (heightDelta != 0) ? parseInt(el.offsetHeight + heightDelta) + "px" : el.offsetHeight + "px"; = (widthDelta != 0) ? parseInt(p.offsetWidth + widthDelta) + "px" : p.offsetWidth + "px";
if (heightDelta != 0)
{ = parseInt(p.offsetHeight + heightDelta) + "px"; = "40px";
if (widthDelta != 0) = parseInt(p.offsetWidth + widthDelta) + "px";
function scrollToBottom() {
window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight);
function copyContents(elementId)
function indentCompare(sources, result)
var s = eval(sources);
for (var i = 0; i < s.length; i++){
var elementId = s[i];
var text = $(elementId).value;
if(text.startsWith("<") || text.startsWith(escapeChars("<"))){ // if text is xml
} else if ((text.startsWith("{") && text.endsWith("}")) || (text.startsWith("[") && text.endsWith("]"))) { // TODO: something smarter for detecting json like text
} catch(error){
var message = "Formatting the content of element ["+elementId+"] is failed: "+error.message;
showDiffs(result, s[0], s[1]);
if ($(result).nodeName.toLowerCase() == "pre")
$(result).style.height = "200px";
function addCommands()
var allLinks = $t("a");
var relLinks = new Array();
var instr, trg, cmd, params;
for (var i = 0; i < allLinks.length; i++)
if (allLinks[i].className.indexOf("|") != -1)
for (var i = 0; i < relLinks.length; i++)
relLinks[i].onclick = function()
instr = this.className.split("|");
trg = instr[0];
cmd = instr[1];
params = instr[2];
case "widthDown" : resizeElement(trg, -60, 0); break;
case "widthExact" : resizeElement(trg, "content", 0); break;
case "widthUp" : resizeElement(trg, 60, 0); break;
case "heightDown" : resizeElement(trg, 0, -60); break;
case "heightExact" : resizeElement(trg, 0, "content"); break;
case "heightUp" : resizeElement(trg, 0, 60); break;
case "copy" : copyContents(trg); break;
case "xmlFormat" : xmlFormat(trg); break;
case "saveResults" : saveResults(trg, cmd); break;
case "indentCompare" : indentCompare(trg, params); break;
case "indentWindiff" : saveResults(trg, cmd); break;
default : void(0);
function updateScenarios() {
function addSynchScrolling()
var allTA = $t("textarea");
var isIE = document.uniqueID;
function ss(obj)
if ('Result') != -1)
$(,'Expected')).scrollTop = obj.scrollTop;
$(,'Result')).scrollTop = obj.scrollTop;
for (var i = 0; i < allTA.length; i++)
if (allTA[i].id.indexOf('ResultBox') != -1 || allTA[i].id.indexOf('ExpectedBox') != -1)
if (isIE)
allTA[i].onscroll = function() { ss(this); }
allTA[i].onmousemove = function() { ss(this); }
function init()
window.onload = init;
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