.psp-std_2. Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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psp's non-standard standard library
The newest version!
package psp
package std
import api._, all._, StdShow._, StdEq._
class FullRenderer extends Renderer {
def minElements: Precise = 3
def maxElements: Precise = 10
def showEach(xs: Each[Doc]): String = "[ " + (xs.m splitAt maxElements.lastIndex match {
case Split(xs, ys) if ys.isEmpty => xs map show mk_s ", "
case Split(xs, _) => (xs take minElements map show mk_s ", ") + ", ..."
}) + " ]"
def show(x: Doc): String = x match {
case Doc.NoDoc => ""
case Doc.Cat(l, r) => show(l) + show(r)
case Doc.Group(xs) => showEach(xs)
case Doc.Shown(value, z) => z show value
case Doc.Literal(s) => s
final class ShowInterpolator(val stringContext: StringContext) extends AnyVal {
def escapedParts = stringContext.parts.toList map (_.processEscapes)
def escaped: String = escapedParts.join_s
/** The type of args forces all the interpolation variables to
* be of a type which is implicitly convertible to Doc.
def show(args: Doc*): String = StringContext(escapedParts: _*).raw(args.map(_.render): _*)
def pp(args: Doc*): String = show(args: _*)
/** Can't see any way to reuse the standard (type-safe) f-interpolator, will
* apparently have to reimplement it entirely.
def fshow(args: Doc*): String = escaped.format(args.map(_.render): _*)
final def sm(args: Doc*): String = {
def isLineBreak(c: Char) = c == '\n' || c == '\f' // compatible with StringLike#isLineBreak
def stripTrailingPart(s: String): String = {
val index = s indexWhere isLineBreak
val pre: String = s take index.sizeExcluding force
val post: String = s drop index.sizeExcluding force;
pre append post.stripMargin
val stripped = applyIfNonEmpty(escapedParts)(xs => xs.head.stripMargin :: (xs.tail map stripTrailingPart))
(new StringContext(stripped: _*).raw(args: _*)).trim
object Show {
/** This of course is not implicit as that would defeat the purpose of the endeavor.
* There is however an implicit universal instance in the Unsafe object.
val Inherited: Show[Any] = apply[Any](s => noNull(s, "").toString)
def apply[A](f: ToString[A]): Show[A] = new Impl[A](f)
final class Impl[-A](val f: ToString[A]) extends AnyVal with Show[A] { def show(x: A) = f(x) }
/** An incomplete selection of show compositors.
* Not printing the way scala does.
trait ShowInstances extends ShowEach {
implicit def showBoolean: Show[Boolean] = inheritShow
implicit def showChar: Show[Char] = inheritShow
implicit def showDouble: Show[Double] = inheritShow
implicit def showInt: Show[Int] = inheritShow
implicit def showLong: Show[Long] = inheritShow
implicit def showPath: Show[jPath] = inheritShow
implicit def showString: Show[String] = inheritShow
implicit def showThrowable: Show[Throwable] = inheritShow
implicit def showClass: Show[jClass] = Show(_.shortName)
implicit def showDirect: Show[ShowDirect] = Show(_.to_s)
implicit def showIndex: Show[Index] = showBy(_.get)
implicit def showOption[A: Show] : Show[Option[A]] = Show(_.fold("-")(_.render))
implicit def showPair[A: Show, B: Show] : Show[A -> B] = Show(x => x._1 ~ " -> " ~ x._2 render)
implicit def showStackTraceElement: Show[java.lang.StackTraceElement] = Show(x => s"\tat$x\n")
implicit def showSize: Show[Size] = Show[Size] {
case Finite(size) => pp"$size"
case Bounded(lo, Infinite) => pp"$lo+"
case Bounded(lo, hi) => pp"[$lo,$hi]"
case Infinite => ""
trait ShowEach0 {
implicit def showView[A: Show](implicit z: FullRenderer): Show[View[A]] = showBy[View[A]](z showEach _.toEach.map(_.doc))
trait ShowEach1 extends ShowEach0 {
implicit def showEach[A: Show](implicit z: FullRenderer): Show[Each[A]] = Show(xs => z showEach (xs map (_.doc)))
trait ShowEach extends ShowEach1 {
case class FunctionGrid[A, B](values: View[A], functions: View[A => B]) {
def rows: View2D[B] = values map (v => functions map (f => f(v)))
def columns:View2D[B] = functions map (f => values map (v => f(v)))
def renderLines(implicit z: Show[B]): Vec[String] = {
val widths = columns map (_ map z.show map (_.length) max)
val formatFns = widths map lformat
rows map (formatFns zip _ map (_ apply _) mk_s ' ')
def render(implicit z: Show[B]): String = renderLines.joinLines
private def tabular[A](xs: View[A])(columns: ToString[A]*): String =
if (xs.nonEmpty && columns.nonEmpty) FunctionGrid(xs.toVec, columns.m).render(inheritShow) else ""
implicit def showExMap[K: Show, V: Show] : Show[ExMap[K, V]] = Show(xs => tabular(xs.entries.pairs)(_.render))
implicit def showZipped[A1: Show, A2: Show] : Show[ZipView[A1, A2]] = showBy[ZipView[A1, A2]](_.pairs)
implicit def showArray[A: Show] : Show[Array[A]] = showBy[Array[A]](_.toVec)
implicit def showJavaEnum[A <: jEnum[A]] : Show[jEnum[A]] = inheritShow
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