.psp-std_2. Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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psp's non-standard standard library
The newest version!
package psp
package std
import api._, all._, StdShow._, StdEq._
import Vec._
import java.lang.{ Math => math }
/** Based on the scala library Vector by Tiark Rompf.
* https://issues.scala-lang.org/browse/SI-4442
* https://issues.scala-lang.org/browse/SI-4495
* https://github.com/scala/scala/pull/3498
object Vec {
type Array0D[A] = A
type Array1D[A] = Array[A]
type Array2D[A] = Array[Array[A]]
type Array3D[A] = Array[Array[Array[A]]]
type Array4D[A] = Array[Array[Array[Array[A]]]]
type Array5D[A] = Array[Array[Array[Array[Array[A]]]]]
type Array6D[A] = Array[Array[Array[Array[Array[Array[A]]]]]]
final val WIDTH = 5
final val BLOCK = 1 << WIDTH
final val LOBITS = BLOCK - 1 // masks all but WIDTH bits
final val HIBITS = ~LOBITS
def empty[@fspec A] : Vec[A] = NIL.castTo[Vec[A]]
def apply[@fspec A](xs: A*): Vec[A] = newBuilder[A] build (Direct scala xs)
def unapplySeq[@fspec A](x: Vec[A]): Some[scSeq[A]] = Some(x.seq)
def newBuilder[@fspec A](): Builder[A] = new Builder[A]()
private[std] val NIL = new Vec[Any](0, 0, 0)
// Constants governing concat strategy for performance
private[std] final val Log2ConcatFaster = 5
private[std] final val TinyAppendFaster = 2
@inline final def arr(xs: AnyRef): Array[AnyRef] = xs.asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]]
@inline final def levelBits(index: Int, level: Int): Int =
index >>> (level * WIDTH) & LOBITS
def levelOf(index: Int): Int = {
@tailrec def loop(level: Int, bits: Int): Int =
if (bits == 0) level else loop(level + 1, bits >>> WIDTH)
loop(0, index >>> WIDTH)
final class Builder[@fspec A]() extends Builds[A, Vec[A]] with VectorPointer[A @uV] {
// possible alternative: start with display0 = null, blockIndex = -BLOCK, lo = BLOCK
// to avoid allocating initial array if the result will be empty anyways
this.display0 = new Array[AnyRef](BLOCK)
this.depth = 1
private[this] var blockIndex = 0
private[this] var lo = 0
def build(xs: Foreach[A]): Vec[A] = {
xs foreach add
def add(elem: A): Unit = {
if (lo >= display0.length) {
val newBlockIndex = blockIndex+BLOCK
gotoNextBlockStartWritable(newBlockIndex, blockIndex ^ newBlockIndex)
blockIndex = newBlockIndex
lo = 0
display0(lo) = elem.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
lo += 1
def result(): Vec[A] = {
val size = blockIndex + lo
if (size == 0)
return Vec.empty
val s = new Vec[A](0, size, 0) // should focus front or back?
s initFrom this
if (depth > 1) s.gotoPos(0, size - 1) // we're currently focused to size - 1, not size!
final class Vec[@fspec A](val startIndex: Int, val endIndex: Int, focus: Int) extends VectorPointer[A @uV] with Direct[A] with ShowSelf {
self =>
@inline private def preStartIndex = startIndex - 1
private def nextVec(s: Int, e: Int, f: Int): Vec[A] = new Vec[A](s, e, f)
private def newVec(s: Int, e: Int, f: Int): Vec[A] = doto(nextVec(s, e, f))(_ initFrom this)
private def updateDirty(s: Vec[A]): Vec[A] = { s.dirty = this.dirty ; s }
private def newVecInFront(shift: Int, newBlockIndex: Int): Vec[A] =
updateDirty(newVec(preStartIndex + shift, endIndex + shift, newBlockIndex))
private def newVecInBack(shift: Int, newBlockIndex: Int): Vec[A] =
updateDirty(newVec(startIndex - shift, endIndex + 1 - shift, newBlockIndex))
private[std] var dirty = false
def to_s = "[ " + (this map (_.any_s) mk_s ", ") + " ]"
def lastIntIndex = length - 1
def length: Int = endIndex - startIndex
def size: Precise = Size(length)
def elemAt(i: Vindex): A = applyInt(i.getInt)
def isEmpty = length <= 0
@inline def foreach(f: A => Unit): Unit = {
if (!isEmpty)
lowlevel.ll.foreachConsecutive(0, lastIntIndex, i => f(applyInt(i)))
def take(n: Vindex): Vec[A] =
if (n <= 0) Vec.empty
else if (n >= length) this
else dropBack0(startIndex + n.getInt)
def drop(n: Vindex): Vec[A] =
if (n.get <= 0) this
else if (n >= length) Vec.empty
else dropFront0(startIndex + n.getInt)
def takeRight(n: Vindex): Vec[A] =
if (n.get <= 0) Vec.empty
else if (n >= length) this
else dropFront0(endIndex - n.getInt)
def dropRight(n: Vindex): Vec[A] =
if (n.get <= 0) this
else if (endIndex - n.getInt > startIndex) dropBack0(endIndex - n.getInt)
else Vec.empty
def takeWhile(p: ToBool[A]): Vec[A] = take(iterator count p)
def dropWhile(p: ToBool[A]): Vec[A] = drop(iterator count p)
def takeRightWhile(p: ToBool[A]): Vec[A] = takeRight(reverseIterator count p)
def dropRightWhile(p: ToBool[A]): Vec[A] = dropRight(reverseIterator count p)
@inline def foldl[@fspec B](zero: B)(f: (B, A) => B): B = {
var res = zero
if (length > 0)
lowlevel.ll.foreachConsecutive(0, lastIntIndex, i => res = f(res, applyInt(i)))
def updated(i: Vindex, elem: A): Vec[A] = updateAt(i.getInt, elem)
def :+(elem: A): Vec[A] = appendBack(elem)
def +:(elem: A): Vec[A] = appendFront(elem)
def ++(that: Vec[A]): Vec[A] = (
if (that.isEmpty) this
else if (this.isEmpty) that
else {
val b = Vec.newBuilder[A]
this foreach b.add
that foreach b.add
private[std] final def initIterator(s: VectorIterator[A]): VectorIterator[A] = {
if (dirty) s.stabilize(focus)
if (s.depth > 1) s.gotoPos(startIndex, startIndex ^ focus)
def iterator: VectorIterator[A] = initIterator(new VectorIterator[A](startIndex, endIndex))
def reverseIterator: BiIterator.ReverseIterator[A] = BiIterator reverse this
def reverse: Vec[A] = reverseIterator.toVec
def applyInt(index: Int): A = getElemWithFocus(checkRangeConvert(index))
private def getElemWithFocus(idx: Int): A = getElem(idx, idx ^ focus)
private[std] def checkRangeConvert(index: Int): Int = (
if (0 <= index && index < length) index + startIndex
else indexOutOfBoundsException(index)
// semi-private[std] api
private[std] def gotoPosWritable(oldIndex: Int, newIndex: Int): Unit = {
if (dirty)
gotoPosWritable1(oldIndex, newIndex)
else {
dirty = true
private[std] def gotoFreshPosWritable(oldIndex: Int, newIndex: Int, xor: Int): Unit = {
val wasDirty = dirty
if (wasDirty)
gotoFreshPosWritable0(oldIndex, newIndex, xor)
if (!wasDirty)
dirty = true
private def updateAt(index: Int, elem: A): Vec[A] = {
val idx = checkRangeConvert(index)
val s = updateDirty(newVec(startIndex, endIndex, idx))
s.gotoPosWritable(focus, idx) // if dirty commit changes; go to new pos and prepare for writing
s.display0(idx & LOBITS) = elem.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
private[std] def appendFront(value: A): Vec[A] = {
if (endIndex == startIndex)
return makeSingletonAtBack(value)
val blockIndex = preStartIndex & HIBITS
val lo = preStartIndex & LOBITS
if (startIndex != blockIndex + BLOCK) {
val s = newVecInFront(0, blockIndex)
s.gotoPosWritable(focus, blockIndex)
s.display0(lo) = value.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
else {
val freeSpace = ((1 << 5*(depth)) - endIndex) // free space at the right given the current tree-structure depth
val shift = freeSpace & ~((1 << 5*(depth-1))-1) // number of elements by which we'll shift right (only move at top level)
val shiftBlocks = freeSpace >>> 5*(depth-1) // number of top-level blocks
//println("----- appendFront " + value + " at " + (preStartIndex) + " reached block start")
if (shift != 0) {
// case A: we can shift right on the top level
if (depth > 1) {
val newBlockIndex = blockIndex + shift
val newFocus = focus + shift
val s = newVecInFront(shift, newBlockIndex)
s.shiftTopLevel(0, shiftBlocks) // shift right by n blocks
s.gotoFreshPosWritable(newFocus, newBlockIndex, newFocus ^ newBlockIndex) // maybe create pos; prepare for writing
s.display0(lo) = value.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
//assert(depth == s.depth)
} else {
val newBlockIndex = blockIndex + BLOCK
val newFocus = focus
//assert(newBlockIndex == 0)
//assert(newFocus == 0)
val s = newVecInFront(shift, newBlockIndex)
s.shiftTopLevel(0, shiftBlocks) // shift right by n elements
s.gotoPosWritable(newFocus, newBlockIndex) // prepare for writing
s.display0(shift-1) = value.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
} else if (blockIndex < 0) {
// case B: we need to move the whole structure
val move = (1 << 5*(depth+1)) - (1 << 5*(depth))
val newBlockIndex = blockIndex + move
val newFocus = focus + move
val s = newVecInFront(move, newBlockIndex)
s.gotoFreshPosWritable(newFocus, newBlockIndex, newFocus ^ newBlockIndex) // could optimize: we know it will create a whole branch
s.display0(lo) = value.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
//assert(s.depth == depth+1)
} else {
val newBlockIndex = blockIndex
val newFocus = focus
val s = newVecInFront(0, newBlockIndex)
s.gotoFreshPosWritable(newFocus, newBlockIndex, newFocus ^ newBlockIndex)
s.display0(lo) = value.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
//assert(s.depth == depth)
private def newSingleArray(startIndex: Int, endIndex: Int, elem: A): Vec[A] = {
val elems = allocateArray(BLOCK)
elems(startIndex) = elem.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
val s = nextVec(startIndex, endIndex, 0)
s.depth = 1
s.display0 = elems
private def makeSingletonAtBack(value: A): Vec[A] = newSingleArray(BLOCK - 1, BLOCK, value)
private def makeSingletonAtFront(value: A): Vec[A] = newSingleArray(0, 1, value)
private[std] def appendBack(value: A): Vec[A] = {
if (endIndex == startIndex)
return makeSingletonAtFront(value)
val blockIndex = endIndex & HIBITS
val lo = endIndex & LOBITS
if (endIndex != blockIndex) {
val s = newVecInBack(0, blockIndex)
s.gotoPosWritable(focus, blockIndex)
s.display0(lo) = value.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
else {
val shift = startIndex & ~((1<<5*(depth-1))-1)
val shiftBlocks = startIndex >>> 5*(depth-1)
if (shift != 0) {
if (depth > 1) {
val newBlockIndex = blockIndex - shift
val newFocus = focus - shift
val s = newVecInBack(shift, newBlockIndex)
s.shiftTopLevel(shiftBlocks, 0) // shift left by n blocks
s.gotoFreshPosWritable(newFocus, newBlockIndex, newFocus ^ newBlockIndex)
s.display0(lo) = value.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
//assert(depth == s.depth)
} else {
val newBlockIndex = blockIndex - BLOCK
val newFocus = focus
//assert(newBlockIndex == 0)
//assert(newFocus == 0)
val s = newVecInBack(shift, newBlockIndex)
s.shiftTopLevel(shiftBlocks, 0) // shift right by n elements
s.gotoPosWritable(newFocus, newBlockIndex)
s.display0(BLOCK - shift) = value.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
} else {
val newBlockIndex = blockIndex
val newFocus = focus
val s = newVecInBack(0, newBlockIndex)
s.gotoFreshPosWritable(newFocus, newBlockIndex, newFocus ^ newBlockIndex)
s.display0(lo) = value.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
//assert(s.depth == depth+1) might or might not create new level!
// low-level implementation (needs cleanup, maybe move to util class)
private[std] def shiftTopLevel(oldLeft: Int, newLeft: Int) = (depth - 1) match {
case 0 => display0 = copyRange(display0, oldLeft, newLeft)
case 1 => display1 = copyRange(display1, oldLeft, newLeft)
case 2 => display2 = copyRange(display2, oldLeft, newLeft)
case 3 => display3 = copyRange(display3, oldLeft, newLeft)
case 4 => display4 = copyRange(display4, oldLeft, newLeft)
case 5 => display5 = copyRange(display5, oldLeft, newLeft)
private[std] def zeroLeft(array: Array[AnyRef], index: Int): Unit = {
var i = 0; while (i < index) { array(i) = null; i+=1 }
private[std] def zeroRight(array: Array[AnyRef], index: Int): Unit = {
var i = index; while (i < array.length) { array(i) = null; i+=1 }
private[std] def preClean(depth: Int) = {
this.depth = depth
(depth - 1) match {
case 0 =>
display1 = null
display2 = null
display3 = null
display4 = null
display5 = null
case 1 =>
display2 = null
display3 = null
display4 = null
display5 = null
case 2 =>
display3 = null
display4 = null
display5 = null
case 3 =>
display4 = null
display5 = null
case 4 =>
display5 = null
case 5 =>
// requires structure is at index cutIndex and writable at level 0
private[std] def cleanLeftEdge(cutIndex: Int) = (levelOf(cutIndex): @switch) match {
case 0 =>
zeroLeft(display0, cutIndex)
case 1 =>
zeroLeft(display0, cutIndex & LOBITS)
display1 = copyRight(display1, cutIndex >>> 5)
case 2 =>
zeroLeft(display0, cutIndex & LOBITS)
display1 = copyRight(display1, cutIndex >>> 5 & LOBITS)
display2 = copyRight(display2, cutIndex >>> 10 & LOBITS)
case 3 =>
zeroLeft(display0, cutIndex & LOBITS)
display1 = copyRight(display1, cutIndex >>> 5 & LOBITS)
display2 = copyRight(display2, cutIndex >>> 10 & LOBITS)
display3 = copyRight(display3, cutIndex >>> 15 & LOBITS)
case 4 =>
zeroLeft(display0, cutIndex & LOBITS)
display1 = copyRight(display1, cutIndex >>> 5 & LOBITS)
display2 = copyRight(display2, cutIndex >>> 10 & LOBITS)
display3 = copyRight(display3, cutIndex >>> 15 & LOBITS)
display4 = copyRight(display4, cutIndex >>> 20 & LOBITS)
case 5 =>
zeroLeft(display0, cutIndex & LOBITS)
display1 = copyRight(display1, cutIndex >>> 5 & LOBITS)
display2 = copyRight(display2, cutIndex >>> 10 & LOBITS)
display3 = copyRight(display3, cutIndex >>> 15 & LOBITS)
display4 = copyRight(display4, cutIndex >>> 20 & LOBITS)
display5 = copyRight(display5, cutIndex >>> 25 & LOBITS)
case _ =>
private def copyRight(array: Array[AnyRef], left: Int): Array[AnyRef] =
doto(new Array[AnyRef](array.length))(a2 => arraycopy(array, left, a2, left, a2.length - left))
private def copyLeft(array: Array[AnyRef], right: Int): Array[AnyRef] =
doto(new Array[AnyRef](array.length))(a2 => arraycopy(array, 0, a2, 0, right))
// requires structure is writable and at index cutIndex
private[std] def cleanRightEdge(cutIndex: Int): Unit = {
val preCut = cutIndex - 1
// we're actually sitting one block left if cutIndex lies on a block boundary
// this means that we'll end up erasing the whole block!!
(levelOf(preCut): @switch) match {
case 0 =>
zeroRight(display0, cutIndex)
case 1 =>
zeroRight(display0, (preCut & LOBITS) + 1)
display1 = copyLeft(display1, cutIndex >>> 5)
case 2 =>
zeroRight(display0, (preCut & LOBITS) + 1)
display1 = copyLeft(display1, (preCut >>> 5 & LOBITS) + 1)
display2 = copyLeft(display2, cutIndex >>> 10)
case 3 =>
zeroRight(display0, (preCut & LOBITS) + 1)
display1 = copyLeft(display1, (preCut >>> 5 & LOBITS) + 1)
display2 = copyLeft(display2, (preCut >>> 10 & LOBITS) + 1)
display3 = copyLeft(display3, cutIndex >>> 15)
case 4 =>
zeroRight(display0, (preCut & LOBITS) + 1)
display1 = copyLeft(display1, (preCut >>> 5 & LOBITS) + 1)
display2 = copyLeft(display2, (preCut >>> 10 & LOBITS) + 1)
display3 = copyLeft(display3, (preCut >>> 15 & LOBITS) + 1)
display4 = copyLeft(display4, cutIndex >>> 20)
case 5 =>
zeroRight(display0, (preCut & LOBITS) + 1)
display1 = copyLeft(display1, (preCut >>> 5 & LOBITS) + 1)
display2 = copyLeft(display2, (preCut >>> 10 & LOBITS) + 1)
display3 = copyLeft(display3, (preCut >>> 15 & LOBITS) + 1)
display4 = copyLeft(display4, (preCut >>> 20 & LOBITS) + 1)
display5 = copyLeft(display5, cutIndex >>> 25)
case x =>
private def requiredDepth(xor: Int): Int = levelOf(xor) + 1
private[std] def dropFront0(cutIndex: Int): Vec[A] = {
val blockIndex = cutIndex & HIBITS
val xor = cutIndex ^ (endIndex - 1)
val d = requiredDepth(xor)
val shift = cutIndex & ~((1 << (5*d))-1)
// need to init with full display iff going to cutIndex requires swapping block at level >= d
val s = newVec(cutIndex-shift, endIndex-shift, blockIndex-shift)
s.dirty = dirty
s.gotoPosWritable(focus, blockIndex)
s.cleanLeftEdge(cutIndex - shift)
private[std] def dropBack0(cutIndex: Int): Vec[A] = {
val blockIndex = (cutIndex - 1) & HIBITS
val xor = startIndex ^ (cutIndex - 1)
val d = requiredDepth(xor)
val shift = startIndex & ~((1 << 5 * d) - 1)
val s = newVec(startIndex-shift, cutIndex-shift, blockIndex-shift)
s.dirty = dirty
s.gotoPosWritable(focus, blockIndex)
final class VectorIterator[@fspec A](_startIndex: Int, endIndex: Int) extends scIterator[A] with VectorPointer[A @uV] {
private[std] var blockIndex: Int = _startIndex & HIBITS
private[std] var lo: Int = _startIndex & LOBITS
private[std] var endLo = math.min(endIndex - blockIndex, BLOCK)
private[std] var _hasNext = blockIndex + lo < endIndex
def hasNext = _hasNext
def next(): A = {
if (!_hasNext) noSuchElementException("reached iterator end")
val res = display0(lo).asInstanceOf[A]
lo += 1
if (lo == endLo) {
if (blockIndex + lo < endIndex) {
val newBlockIndex = blockIndex+BLOCK
gotoNextBlockStart(newBlockIndex, blockIndex ^ newBlockIndex)
blockIndex = newBlockIndex
endLo = math.min(endIndex - blockIndex, BLOCK)
lo = 0
} else {
_hasNext = false
sealed trait VectorPointer[@fspec T] {
def allocateArray(len: Int): Array[AnyRef] = newArray[AnyRef](len)
val displays: Displays = new Displays()
def depth: Int = displays.depth
def depth_=(x: Int): Unit = displays.depth = x
def display0: Array[AnyRef] = displays getDisplay 0
def display1: Array[AnyRef] = displays getDisplay 1
def display2: Array[AnyRef] = displays getDisplay 2
def display3: Array[AnyRef] = displays getDisplay 3
def display4: Array[AnyRef] = displays getDisplay 4
def display5: Array[AnyRef] = displays getDisplay 5
def display0_=(xs: Array[AnyRef]): Unit = displays.setDisplay(0, xs)
def display1_=(xs: Array[AnyRef]): Unit = displays.setDisplay(1, xs)
def display2_=(xs: Array[AnyRef]): Unit = displays.setDisplay(2, xs)
def display3_=(xs: Array[AnyRef]): Unit = displays.setDisplay(3, xs)
def display4_=(xs: Array[AnyRef]): Unit = displays.setDisplay(4, xs)
def display5_=(xs: Array[AnyRef]): Unit = displays.setDisplay(5, xs)
private def ensure0(): Unit = display0 = new Array(BLOCK)
private def ensure1(xs: AnyRef): Unit = xs match {
case null => display1 = new Array(BLOCK)
case _ => display1 = arr(xs)
private def ensure2(xs: AnyRef): Unit = xs match {
case null => display2 = new Array(BLOCK)
case _ => display2 = arr(xs)
private def ensure3(xs: AnyRef): Unit = xs match {
case null => display3 = new Array(BLOCK)
case _ => display3 = arr(xs)
private def ensure4(xs: AnyRef): Unit = xs match {
case null => display4 = new Array(BLOCK)
case _ => display4 = arr(xs)
private[std] final def initFrom(that: VectorPointer[T]): VectorPointer[T] = {
this.depth = that.depth
displays initFrom that.displays
// requires structure is at pos oldIndex = xor ^ index
private[std] final def getElem(index: Int, xor: Int): T = (levelOf(xor): @switch) match {
case 0 => display0(index & LOBITS).asInstanceOf[T]
case 1 => display1(index >> 5 & LOBITS).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]](index & LOBITS).asInstanceOf[T]
case 2 => display2(index >> 10 & LOBITS).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]](index >> 5 & LOBITS).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]](index & LOBITS).asInstanceOf[T]
case 3 => display3(index >> 15 & LOBITS).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]](index >> 10 & LOBITS).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]](index >> 5 & LOBITS).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]](index & LOBITS).asInstanceOf[T]
case 4 => display4(index >> 20 & LOBITS).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]](index >> 15 & LOBITS).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]](index >> 10 & LOBITS).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]](index >> 5 & LOBITS).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]](index & LOBITS).asInstanceOf[T]
case 5 => display5(index >> 25 & LOBITS).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]](index >> 20 & LOBITS).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]](index >> 15 & LOBITS).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]](index >> 10 & LOBITS).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]](index >> 5 & LOBITS).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]](index & LOBITS).asInstanceOf[T]
case _ => illegalArgumentException(xor)
// go to specific position
// requires structure is at pos oldIndex = xor ^ index,
// ensures structure is at pos index
private[std] final def gotoPos(index: Int, xor: Int): Unit = (levelOf(xor): @switch) match {
case 0 =>
case 1 =>
display0 = arr(display1(index >> 5 & LOBITS))
case 2 =>
display1 = arr(display2(index >> 10 & LOBITS))
display0 = arr(display1(index >> 5 & LOBITS))
case 3 =>
display2 = arr(display3(index >> 15 & LOBITS))
display1 = arr(display2(index >> 10 & LOBITS))
display0 = arr(display1(index >> 5 & LOBITS))
case 4 =>
display3 = arr(display4(index >> 20 & LOBITS))
display2 = arr(display3(index >> 15 & LOBITS))
display1 = arr(display2(index >> 10 & LOBITS))
display0 = arr(display1(index >> 5 & LOBITS))
case 5 =>
display4 = arr(display5(index >> 25 & LOBITS))
display3 = arr(display4(index >> 20 & LOBITS))
display2 = arr(display3(index >> 15 & LOBITS))
display1 = arr(display2(index >> 10 & LOBITS))
display0 = arr(display1(index >> 5 & LOBITS))
case _ =>
// xor: oldIndex ^ index
// goto block start pos
private[std] final def gotoNextBlockStart(index: Int, xor: Int): Unit = (levelOf(xor): @switch) match {
case 0 | 1 =>
display0 = arr(display1(index >> 5 & LOBITS))
case 2 =>
display1 = arr(display2(index >> 10 & LOBITS))
display0 = arr(display1(0))
case 3 =>
display2 = arr(display3(index >> 15 & LOBITS))
display1 = arr(display2(0))
display0 = arr(display1(0))
case 4 =>
display3 = arr(display4(index >> 20 & LOBITS))
display2 = arr(display3(0))
display1 = arr(display2(0))
display0 = arr(display1(0))
case 5 =>
display4 = arr(display5(index >> 25 & LOBITS))
display3 = arr(display4(0))
display2 = arr(display3(0))
display1 = arr(display2(0))
display0 = arr(display1(0))
case _ =>
// xor: oldIndex ^ index
// goto block start pos
private[std] final def gotoNextBlockStartWritable(index: Int, xor: Int): Unit = (levelOf(xor): @switch) match {
case 0 | 1 =>
if (depth == 1) { display1 = new Array(BLOCK); display1(0) = display0; depth+=1}
display0 = new Array(BLOCK)
display1(index >> 5 & LOBITS) = display0
case 2 =>
if (depth == 2) { display2 = new Array(BLOCK); display2(0) = display1; depth+=1}
display0 = new Array(BLOCK)
display1 = new Array(BLOCK)
display1(index >> 5 & LOBITS) = display0
display2(index >> 10 & LOBITS) = display1
case 3 =>
if (depth == 3) { display3 = new Array(BLOCK); display3(0) = display2; depth+=1}
display0 = new Array(BLOCK)
display1 = new Array(BLOCK)
display2 = new Array(BLOCK)
display1(index >> 5 & LOBITS) = display0
display2(index >> 10 & LOBITS) = display1
display3(index >> 15 & LOBITS) = display2
case 4 =>
if (depth == 4) { display4 = new Array(BLOCK); display4(0) = display3; depth+=1}
display0 = new Array(BLOCK)
display1 = new Array(BLOCK)
display2 = new Array(BLOCK)
display3 = new Array(BLOCK)
display1(index >> 5 & LOBITS) = display0
display2(index >> 10 & LOBITS) = display1
display3(index >> 15 & LOBITS) = display2
display4(index >> 20 & LOBITS) = display3
case 5 =>
if (depth == 5) { display5 = new Array(BLOCK); display5(0) = display4; depth+=1}
display0 = new Array(BLOCK)
display1 = new Array(BLOCK)
display2 = new Array(BLOCK)
display3 = new Array(BLOCK)
display4 = new Array(BLOCK)
display1(index >> 5 & LOBITS) = display0
display2(index >> 10 & LOBITS) = display1
display3(index >> 15 & LOBITS) = display2
display4(index >> 20 & LOBITS) = display3
display5(index >> 25 & LOBITS) = display4
case _ =>
private[std] final def copyOf(a: Array[AnyRef]) =
doto(new Array[AnyRef](a.length))(b => arraycopy(a, 0, b, 0, a.length))
private[std] final def nullSlotAndCopy(array: Array[AnyRef], index: Int) = {
val x = array(index)
array(index) = null
// make sure there is no aliasing
// requires structure is at pos index
// ensures structure is clean and at pos index and writable at all levels except 0
private[std] final def stabilize(index: Int) = (depth - 1) match {
case 5 =>
display5 = copyOf(display5)
display4 = copyOf(display4)
display3 = copyOf(display3)
display2 = copyOf(display2)
display1 = copyOf(display1)
display5(index >> 25 & LOBITS) = display4
display4(index >> 20 & LOBITS) = display3
display3(index >> 15 & LOBITS) = display2
display2(index >> 10 & LOBITS) = display1
display1(index >> 5 & LOBITS) = display0
case 4 =>
display4 = copyOf(display4)
display3 = copyOf(display3)
display2 = copyOf(display2)
display1 = copyOf(display1)
display4(index >> 20 & LOBITS) = display3
display3(index >> 15 & LOBITS) = display2
display2(index >> 10 & LOBITS) = display1
display1(index >> 5 & LOBITS) = display0
case 3 =>
display3 = copyOf(display3)
display2 = copyOf(display2)
display1 = copyOf(display1)
display3(index >> 15 & LOBITS) = display2
display2(index >> 10 & LOBITS) = display1
display1(index >> 5 & LOBITS) = display0
case 2 =>
display2 = copyOf(display2)
display1 = copyOf(display1)
display2(index >> 10 & LOBITS) = display1
display1(index >> 5 & LOBITS) = display0
case 1 =>
display1 = copyOf(display1)
display1(index >> 5 & LOBITS) = display0
case 0 =>
// prepare for writing at an existing position
// requires structure is clean and at pos oldIndex = xor ^ newIndex,
// ensures structure is dirty and at pos newIndex and writable at level 0
private[std] final def gotoPosWritable0(newIndex: Int): Unit = (depth - 1) match {
case 5 =>
display5 = copyOf(display5)
display4 = arr(nullSlotAndCopy(display5, newIndex >> 25 & LOBITS))
display3 = arr(nullSlotAndCopy(display4, newIndex >> 20 & LOBITS))
display2 = arr(nullSlotAndCopy(display3, newIndex >> 15 & LOBITS))
display1 = arr(nullSlotAndCopy(display2, newIndex >> 10 & LOBITS))
display0 = arr(nullSlotAndCopy(display1, newIndex >> 5 & LOBITS))
case 4 =>
display4 = copyOf(display4)
display3 = arr(nullSlotAndCopy(display4, newIndex >> 20 & LOBITS))
display2 = arr(nullSlotAndCopy(display3, newIndex >> 15 & LOBITS))
display1 = arr(nullSlotAndCopy(display2, newIndex >> 10 & LOBITS))
display0 = arr(nullSlotAndCopy(display1, newIndex >> 5 & LOBITS))
case 3 =>
display3 = copyOf(display3)
display2 = arr(nullSlotAndCopy(display3, newIndex >> 15 & LOBITS))
display1 = arr(nullSlotAndCopy(display2, newIndex >> 10 & LOBITS))
display0 = arr(nullSlotAndCopy(display1, newIndex >> 5 & LOBITS))
case 2 =>
display2 = copyOf(display2)
display1 = arr(nullSlotAndCopy(display2, newIndex >> 10 & LOBITS))
display0 = arr(nullSlotAndCopy(display1, newIndex >> 5 & LOBITS))
case 1 =>
display1 = copyOf(display1)
display0 = arr(nullSlotAndCopy(display1, newIndex >> 5 & LOBITS))
case 0 =>
display0 = copyOf(display0)
// requires structure is dirty and at pos oldIndex,
// ensures structure is dirty and at pos newIndex and writable at level 0
private[std] final def gotoPosWritable1(oldIndex: Int, newIndex: Int): Unit = (levelOf(oldIndex ^ newIndex): @switch) match {
case 0 =>
display0 = copyOf(display0)
case 1 =>
display1 = copyOf(display1)
display1(oldIndex >> 5 & LOBITS) = display0
display0 = nullSlotAndCopy(display1, newIndex >> 5 & LOBITS)
case 2 =>
display1 = copyOf(display1)
display2 = copyOf(display2)
display1(oldIndex >> 5 & LOBITS) = display0
display2(oldIndex >> 10 & LOBITS) = display1
display1 = arr(nullSlotAndCopy(display2, newIndex >> 10 & LOBITS))
display0 = arr(nullSlotAndCopy(display1, newIndex >> 5 & LOBITS))
case 3 =>
display1 = copyOf(display1)
display2 = copyOf(display2)
display3 = copyOf(display3)
display1(oldIndex >> 5 & LOBITS) = display0
display2(oldIndex >> 10 & LOBITS) = display1
display3(oldIndex >> 15 & LOBITS) = display2
display2 = arr(nullSlotAndCopy(display3, newIndex >> 15 & LOBITS))
display1 = arr(nullSlotAndCopy(display2, newIndex >> 10 & LOBITS))
display0 = arr(nullSlotAndCopy(display1, newIndex >> 5 & LOBITS))
case 4 =>
display1 = copyOf(display1)
display2 = copyOf(display2)
display3 = copyOf(display3)
display4 = copyOf(display4)
display1(oldIndex >> 5 & LOBITS) = display0
display2(oldIndex >> 10 & LOBITS) = display1
display3(oldIndex >> 15 & LOBITS) = display2
display4(oldIndex >> 20 & LOBITS) = display3
display3 = arr(nullSlotAndCopy(display4, newIndex >> 20 & LOBITS))
display2 = arr(nullSlotAndCopy(display3, newIndex >> 15 & LOBITS))
display1 = arr(nullSlotAndCopy(display2, newIndex >> 10 & LOBITS))
display0 = arr(nullSlotAndCopy(display1, newIndex >> 5 & LOBITS))
case 5 =>
display1 = copyOf(display1)
display2 = copyOf(display2)
display3 = copyOf(display3)
display4 = copyOf(display4)
display5 = copyOf(display5)
display1(oldIndex >> 5 & LOBITS) = display0
display2(oldIndex >> 10 & LOBITS) = display1
display3(oldIndex >> 15 & LOBITS) = display2
display4(oldIndex >> 20 & LOBITS) = display3
display5(oldIndex >> 25 & LOBITS) = display4
display4 = arr(nullSlotAndCopy(display5, newIndex >> 25 & LOBITS))
display3 = arr(nullSlotAndCopy(display4, newIndex >> 20 & LOBITS))
display2 = arr(nullSlotAndCopy(display3, newIndex >> 15 & LOBITS))
display1 = arr(nullSlotAndCopy(display2, newIndex >> 10 & LOBITS))
display0 = arr(nullSlotAndCopy(display1, newIndex >> 5 & LOBITS))
case x =>
private[std] final def copyRange(array: Array[AnyRef], oldLeft: Int, newLeft: Int) = {
val elems = allocateArray(BLOCK)
arraycopy(array, oldLeft, elems, newLeft, BLOCK - math.max(newLeft,oldLeft))
// create a new block at the bottom level (and possibly nodes on its path) and prepares for writing
// requires structure is clean and at pos oldIndex,
// ensures structure is dirty and at pos newIndex and writable at level 0
// goto block start pos
private[std] final def gotoFreshPosWritable0(oldIndex: Int, newIndex: Int, xor: Int): Unit = (levelOf(xor): @switch) match {
case 0 => ()
case 1 =>
if (depth == 1) {
display1 = new Array(BLOCK)
display1(oldIndex >> 5 & LOBITS) = display0
depth +=1
case 2 =>
if (depth == 2) {
display2 = new Array(BLOCK)
display2(oldIndex >> 10 & LOBITS) = display1
depth +=1
ensure1(display2(newIndex >> 10 & LOBITS))
case 3 =>
if (depth == 3) {
display3 = new Array(BLOCK)
display3(oldIndex >> 15 & LOBITS) = display2
depth +=1
ensure2(display3(newIndex >> 15 & LOBITS))
ensure1(display2(newIndex >> 10 & LOBITS))
case 4 =>
if (depth == 4) {
display4 = new Array(BLOCK)
display4(oldIndex >> 20 & LOBITS) = display3
depth +=1
ensure3(display4(newIndex >> 20 & LOBITS))
ensure2(display3(newIndex >> 15 & LOBITS))
ensure1(display2(newIndex >> 10 & LOBITS))
case 5 =>
if (depth == 5) {
display5 = new Array(BLOCK)
display5(oldIndex >> 25 & LOBITS) = display4
depth +=1
ensure4(display5(newIndex >> 25 & LOBITS))
ensure3(display4(newIndex >> 20 & LOBITS))
ensure2(display3(newIndex >> 15 & LOBITS))
ensure1(display2(newIndex >> 10 & LOBITS))
case x =>
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