static.js.vendor.angular-ui-router.src.urlRouter.js Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* @ngdoc object
* @name ui.router.router.$urlRouterProvider
* @requires ui.router.util.$urlMatcherFactoryProvider
* @requires $locationProvider
* @description
* `$urlRouterProvider` has the responsibility of watching `$location`.
* When `$location` changes it runs through a list of rules one by one until a
* match is found. `$urlRouterProvider` is used behind the scenes anytime you specify
* a url in a state configuration. All urls are compiled into a UrlMatcher object.
* There are several methods on `$urlRouterProvider` that make it useful to use directly
* in your module config.
$UrlRouterProvider.$inject = ['$locationProvider', '$urlMatcherFactoryProvider'];
function $UrlRouterProvider( $locationProvider, $urlMatcherFactory) {
var rules = [], otherwise = null, interceptDeferred = false, listener;
// Returns a string that is a prefix of all strings matching the RegExp
function regExpPrefix(re) {
var prefix = /^\^((?:\\[^a-zA-Z0-9]|[^\\\[\]\^$*+?.()|{}]+)*)/.exec(re.source);
return (prefix != null) ? prefix[1].replace(/\\(.)/g, "$1") : '';
// Interpolates matched values into a String.replace()-style pattern
function interpolate(pattern, match) {
return pattern.replace(/\$(\$|\d{1,2})/, function (m, what) {
return match[what === '$' ? 0 : Number(what)];
* @ngdoc function
* @name ui.router.router.$urlRouterProvider#rule
* @methodOf ui.router.router.$urlRouterProvider
* @description
* Defines rules that are used by `$urlRouterProvider` to find matches for
* specific URLs.
* @example
* var app = angular.module('app', ['ui.router.router']);
* app.config(function ($urlRouterProvider) {
* // Here's an example of how you might allow case insensitive urls
* $urlRouterProvider.rule(function ($injector, $location) {
* var path = $location.path(),
* normalized = path.toLowerCase();
* if (path !== normalized) {
* return normalized;
* }
* });
* });
* @param {object} rule Handler function that takes `$injector` and `$location`
* services as arguments. You can use them to return a valid path as a string.
* @return {object} `$urlRouterProvider` - `$urlRouterProvider` instance
this.rule = function (rule) {
if (!isFunction(rule)) throw new Error("'rule' must be a function");
return this;
* @ngdoc object
* @name ui.router.router.$urlRouterProvider#otherwise
* @methodOf ui.router.router.$urlRouterProvider
* @description
* Defines a path that is used when an invalid route is requested.
* @example
* var app = angular.module('app', ['ui.router.router']);
* app.config(function ($urlRouterProvider) {
* // if the path doesn't match any of the urls you configured
* // otherwise will take care of routing the user to the
* // specified url
* $urlRouterProvider.otherwise('/index');
* // Example of using function rule as param
* $urlRouterProvider.otherwise(function ($injector, $location) {
* return '/a/valid/url';
* });
* });
* @param {string|object} rule The url path you want to redirect to or a function
* rule that returns the url path. The function version is passed two params:
* `$injector` and `$location` services, and must return a url string.
* @return {object} `$urlRouterProvider` - `$urlRouterProvider` instance
this.otherwise = function (rule) {
if (isString(rule)) {
var redirect = rule;
rule = function () { return redirect; };
else if (!isFunction(rule)) throw new Error("'rule' must be a function");
otherwise = rule;
return this;
function handleIfMatch($injector, handler, match) {
if (!match) return false;
var result = $injector.invoke(handler, handler, { $match: match });
return isDefined(result) ? result : true;
* @ngdoc function
* @name ui.router.router.$urlRouterProvider#when
* @methodOf ui.router.router.$urlRouterProvider
* @description
* Registers a handler for a given url matching. if handle is a string, it is
* treated as a redirect, and is interpolated according to the syntax of match
* (i.e. like `String.replace()` for `RegExp`, or like a `UrlMatcher` pattern otherwise).
* If the handler is a function, it is injectable. It gets invoked if `$location`
* matches. You have the option of inject the match object as `$match`.
* The handler can return
* - **falsy** to indicate that the rule didn't match after all, then `$urlRouter`
* will continue trying to find another one that matches.
* - **string** which is treated as a redirect and passed to `$location.url()`
* - **void** or any **truthy** value tells `$urlRouter` that the url was handled.
* @example
* var app = angular.module('app', ['ui.router.router']);
* app.config(function ($urlRouterProvider) {
* $urlRouterProvider.when($state.url, function ($match, $stateParams) {
* if ($state.$current.navigable !== state ||
* !equalForKeys($match, $stateParams) {
* $state.transitionTo(state, $match, false);
* }
* });
* });
* @param {string|object} what The incoming path that you want to redirect.
* @param {string|object} handler The path you want to redirect your user to.
this.when = function (what, handler) {
var redirect, handlerIsString = isString(handler);
if (isString(what)) what = $urlMatcherFactory.compile(what);
if (!handlerIsString && !isFunction(handler) && !isArray(handler))
throw new Error("invalid 'handler' in when()");
var strategies = {
matcher: function (what, handler) {
if (handlerIsString) {
redirect = $urlMatcherFactory.compile(handler);
handler = ['$match', function ($match) { return redirect.format($match); }];
return extend(function ($injector, $location) {
return handleIfMatch($injector, handler, what.exec($location.path(), $location.search()));
}, {
prefix: isString(what.prefix) ? what.prefix : ''
regex: function (what, handler) {
if (what.global || what.sticky) throw new Error("when() RegExp must not be global or sticky");
if (handlerIsString) {
redirect = handler;
handler = ['$match', function ($match) { return interpolate(redirect, $match); }];
return extend(function ($injector, $location) {
return handleIfMatch($injector, handler, what.exec($location.path()));
}, {
prefix: regExpPrefix(what)
var check = { matcher: $urlMatcherFactory.isMatcher(what), regex: what instanceof RegExp };
for (var n in check) {
if (check[n]) return this.rule(strategies[n](what, handler));
throw new Error("invalid 'what' in when()");
* @ngdoc function
* @name ui.router.router.$urlRouterProvider#deferIntercept
* @methodOf ui.router.router.$urlRouterProvider
* @description
* Disables (or enables) deferring location change interception.
* If you wish to customize the behavior of syncing the URL (for example, if you wish to
* defer a transition but maintain the current URL), call this method at configuration time.
* Then, at run time, call `$urlRouter.listen()` after you have configured your own
* `$locationChangeSuccess` event handler.
* @example
* var app = angular.module('app', ['ui.router.router']);
* app.config(function ($urlRouterProvider) {
* // Prevent $urlRouter from automatically intercepting URL changes;
* // this allows you to configure custom behavior in between
* // location changes and route synchronization:
* $urlRouterProvider.deferIntercept();
* }).run(function ($rootScope, $urlRouter, UserService) {
* $rootScope.$on('$locationChangeSuccess', function(e) {
* // UserService is an example service for managing user state
* if (UserService.isLoggedIn()) return;
* // Prevent $urlRouter's default handler from firing
* e.preventDefault();
* UserService.handleLogin().then(function() {
* // Once the user has logged in, sync the current URL
* // to the router:
* $urlRouter.sync();
* });
* });
* // Configures $urlRouter's listener *after* your custom listener
* $urlRouter.listen();
* });
* @param {boolean} defer Indicates whether to defer location change interception. Passing
no parameter is equivalent to `true`.
this.deferIntercept = function (defer) {
if (defer === undefined) defer = true;
interceptDeferred = defer;
* @ngdoc object
* @name ui.router.router.$urlRouter
* @requires $location
* @requires $rootScope
* @requires $injector
* @requires $browser
* @description
this.$get = $get;
$get.$inject = ['$location', '$rootScope', '$injector', '$browser'];
function $get( $location, $rootScope, $injector, $browser) {
var baseHref = $browser.baseHref(), location = $location.url(), lastPushedUrl;
function appendBasePath(url, isHtml5, absolute) {
if (baseHref === '/') return url;
if (isHtml5) return baseHref.slice(0, -1) + url;
if (absolute) return baseHref.slice(1) + url;
return url;
// TODO: Optimize groups of rules with non-empty prefix into some sort of decision tree
function update(evt) {
if (evt && evt.defaultPrevented) return;
var ignoreUpdate = lastPushedUrl && $location.url() === lastPushedUrl;
lastPushedUrl = undefined;
// TODO: Re-implement this in 1.0 for https://github.com/angular-ui/ui-router/issues/1573
//if (ignoreUpdate) return true;
function check(rule) {
var handled = rule($injector, $location);
if (!handled) return false;
if (isString(handled)) $location.replace().url(handled);
return true;
var n = rules.length, i;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (check(rules[i])) return;
// always check otherwise last to allow dynamic updates to the set of rules
if (otherwise) check(otherwise);
function listen() {
listener = listener || $rootScope.$on('$locationChangeSuccess', update);
return listener;
if (!interceptDeferred) listen();
return {
* @ngdoc function
* @name ui.router.router.$urlRouter#sync
* @methodOf ui.router.router.$urlRouter
* @description
* Triggers an update; the same update that happens when the address bar url changes, aka `$locationChangeSuccess`.
* This method is useful when you need to use `preventDefault()` on the `$locationChangeSuccess` event,
* perform some custom logic (route protection, auth, config, redirection, etc) and then finally proceed
* with the transition by calling `$urlRouter.sync()`.
* @example
* angular.module('app', ['ui.router'])
* .run(function($rootScope, $urlRouter) {
* $rootScope.$on('$locationChangeSuccess', function(evt) {
* // Halt state change from even starting
* evt.preventDefault();
* // Perform custom logic
* var meetsRequirement = ...
* // Continue with the update and state transition if logic allows
* if (meetsRequirement) $urlRouter.sync();
* });
* });
sync: function() {
listen: function() {
return listen();
update: function(read) {
if (read) {
location = $location.url();
if ($location.url() === location) return;
push: function(urlMatcher, params, options) {
var url = urlMatcher.format(params || {});
// Handle the special hash param, if needed
if (url !== null && params && params['#']) {
url += '#' + params['#'];
lastPushedUrl = options && options.$$avoidResync ? $location.url() : undefined;
if (options && options.replace) $location.replace();
* @ngdoc function
* @name ui.router.router.$urlRouter#href
* @methodOf ui.router.router.$urlRouter
* @description
* A URL generation method that returns the compiled URL for a given
* {@link ui.router.util.type:UrlMatcher `UrlMatcher`}, populated with the provided parameters.
* @example
* $bob = $urlRouter.href(new UrlMatcher("/about/:person"), {
* person: "bob"
* });
* // $bob == "/about/bob";
* @param {UrlMatcher} urlMatcher The `UrlMatcher` object which is used as the template of the URL to generate.
* @param {object=} params An object of parameter values to fill the matcher's required parameters.
* @param {object=} options Options object. The options are:
* - **`absolute`** - {boolean=false}, If true will generate an absolute url, e.g. "http://www.example.com/fullurl".
* @returns {string} Returns the fully compiled URL, or `null` if `params` fail validation against `urlMatcher`
href: function(urlMatcher, params, options) {
if (!urlMatcher.validates(params)) return null;
var isHtml5 = $locationProvider.html5Mode();
if (angular.isObject(isHtml5)) {
isHtml5 = isHtml5.enabled;
var url = urlMatcher.format(params);
options = options || {};
if (!isHtml5 && url !== null) {
url = "#" + $locationProvider.hashPrefix() + url;
// Handle special hash param, if needed
if (url !== null && params && params['#']) {
url += '#' + params['#'];
url = appendBasePath(url, isHtml5, options.absolute);
if (!options.absolute || !url) {
return url;
var slash = (!isHtml5 && url ? '/' : ''), port = $location.port();
port = (port === 80 || port === 443 ? '' : ':' + port);
return [$location.protocol(), '://', $location.host(), port, slash, url].join('');
angular.module('ui.router.router').provider('$urlRouter', $UrlRouterProvider);
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