javascript.item-reader.js Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
var rows;
var position = 1;
function open(checkpoint) {
//in real app, csv content should be retrieved from url or file path by item reader
//Here using csv content directly to avoid having javascript reading file content
//csv = batchProperties.get('resource');
csv = "Word,Number\n" +
"one,1\n" +
"two,2\n" +
"three,3\n" +
"four,4\n" +
"five,5\n" +
"fix,6\n" +
"seven,7\n" +
"eight,8\n" +
"nine,9\n" +
print('csv content: ' + csv + '\n');
parsed = Baby.parse( csv );
rows = parsed.data;
if(checkpoint != null) {
position = checkpoint;
//ItemReader.close() method is noop and not implemented in this script.
function checkpointInfo() {
return position;
function readItem(items) {
if(position >= rows.length) {
return null;
return rows[position++];
Baby Parse
based on Papa Parse v3.0.1
(function ( global ) {
// A configuration object from which to draw default settings
var DEFAULTS = {
delimiter: "", // empty: auto-detect
header: false,
dynamicTyping: false,
preview: 0,
step: undefined,
comments: false,
complete: undefined,
keepEmptyRows: false
var Baby = {};
Baby.parse = CsvToJson;
Baby.unparse = JsonToCsv;
Baby.RECORD_SEP = String.fromCharCode(30);
Baby.UNIT_SEP = String.fromCharCode(31);
Baby.BYTE_ORDER_MARK = "\ufeff";
Baby.BAD_DELIMITERS = ["\r", "\n", "\"", Baby.BYTE_ORDER_MARK];
function CsvToJson(_input, _config)
var config = copyAndValidateConfig(_config);
var ph = new ParserHandle(config);
var results = ph.parse(_input);
if (isFunction(config.complete))
return results;
function JsonToCsv(_input, _config)
var _output = "";
var _fields = [];
// Default configuration
var _quotes = false; // whether to surround every datum with quotes
var _delimiter = ","; // delimiting character
var _newline = "\r\n"; // newline character(s)
if (typeof _input === 'string')
_input = JSON.parse(_input);
if (_input instanceof Array)
if (!_input.length || _input[0] instanceof Array)
return serialize(null, _input);
else if (typeof _input[0] === 'object')
return serialize(objectKeys(_input[0]), _input);
else if (typeof _input === 'object')
if (typeof _input.data === 'string')
_input.data = JSON.parse(_input.data);
if (_input.data instanceof Array)
if (!_input.fields)
_input.fields = _input.data[0] instanceof Array
? _input.fields
: objectKeys(_input.data[0]);
if (!(_input.data[0] instanceof Array) && typeof _input.data[0] !== 'object')
_input.data = [_input.data]; // handles input like [1,2,3] or ["asdf"]
return serialize(_input.fields || [], _input.data || []);
// Default (any valid paths should return before this)
throw "exception: Unable to serialize unrecognized input";
function unpackConfig()
if (typeof _config !== 'object')
if (typeof _config.delimiter === 'string'
&& _config.delimiter.length == 1
&& Baby.BAD_DELIMITERS.indexOf(_config.delimiter) == -1)
_delimiter = _config.delimiter;
if (typeof _config.quotes === 'boolean'
|| _config.quotes instanceof Array)
_quotes = _config.quotes;
if (typeof _config.newline === 'string')
_newline = _config.newline;
// Turns an object's keys into an array
function objectKeys(obj)
if (typeof obj !== 'object')
return [];
var keys = [];
for (var key in obj)
return keys;
// The double for loop that iterates the data and writes out a CSV string including header row
function serialize(fields, data)
var csv = "";
if (typeof fields === 'string')
fields = JSON.parse(fields);
if (typeof data === 'string')
data = JSON.parse(data);
var hasHeader = fields instanceof Array && fields.length > 0;
var dataKeyedByField = !(data[0] instanceof Array);
// If there a header row, write it first
if (hasHeader)
for (var i = 0; i < fields.length; i++)
if (i > 0)
csv += _delimiter;
csv += safe(fields[i], i);
if (data.length > 0)
csv += _newline;
// Then write out the data
for (var row = 0; row < data.length; row++)
var maxCol = hasHeader ? fields.length : data[row].length;
for (var col = 0; col < maxCol; col++)
if (col > 0)
csv += _delimiter;
var colIdx = hasHeader && dataKeyedByField ? fields[col] : col;
csv += safe(data[row][colIdx], col);
if (row < data.length - 1)
csv += _newline;
return csv;
// Encloses a value around quotes if needed (makes a value safe for CSV insertion)
function safe(str, col)
if (typeof str === "undefined")
return "";
str = str.toString().replace(/"/g, '""');
var needsQuotes = (typeof _quotes === 'boolean' && _quotes)
|| (_quotes instanceof Array && _quotes[col])
|| hasAny(str, Baby.BAD_DELIMITERS)
|| str.indexOf(_delimiter) > -1
|| str.charAt(0) == ' '
|| str.charAt(str.length - 1) == ' ';
return needsQuotes ? '"' + str + '"' : str;
function hasAny(str, substrings)
for (var i = 0; i < substrings.length; i++)
if (str.indexOf(substrings[i]) > -1)
return true;
return false;
// Use one ParserHandle per entire CSV file or string
function ParserHandle(_config)
// One goal is to minimize the use of regular expressions...
var FLOAT = /^\s*-?(\d*\.?\d+|\d+\.?\d*)(e[-+]?\d+)?\s*$/i;
var _delimiterError; // Temporary state between delimiter detection and processing results
var _fields = []; // Fields are from the header row of the input, if there is one
var _results = { // The last results returned from the parser
data: [],
errors: [],
meta: {}
_config = copy(_config);
this.parse = function(input)
_delimiterError = false;
if (!_config.delimiter)
var delimGuess = guessDelimiter(input);
if (delimGuess.successful)
_config.delimiter = delimGuess.bestDelimiter;
_delimiterError = true; // add error after parsing (otherwise it would be overwritten)
_config.delimiter = ",";
_results.meta.delimiter = _config.delimiter;
if (isFunction(_config.step))
var userStep = _config.step;
_config.step = function(results, parser)
_results = results;
if (needsHeaderRow())
userStep(processResults(), parser);
_results = new Parser(_config).parse(input);
return processResults();
function processResults()
if (_results && _delimiterError)
addError("Delimiter", "UndetectableDelimiter", "Unable to auto-detect delimiting character; defaulted to comma");
_delimiterError = false;
if (needsHeaderRow())
return applyHeaderAndDynamicTyping();
function needsHeaderRow()
return _config.header && _fields.length == 0;
function fillHeaderFields()
if (!_results)
for (var i = 0; needsHeaderRow() && i < _results.data.length; i++)
for (var j = 0; j < _results.data[i].length; j++)
_results.data.splice(0, 1);
function applyHeaderAndDynamicTyping()
if (!_results || (!_config.header && !_config.dynamicTyping))
return _results;
for (var i = 0; i < _results.data.length; i++)
var row = {};
for (var j = 0; j < _results.data[i].length; j++)
if (_config.dynamicTyping)
var value = _results.data[i][j];
if (value == "true")
_results.data[i][j] = true;
else if (value == "false")
_results.data[i][j] = false;
_results.data[i][j] = tryParseFloat(value);
if (_config.header)
if (j >= _fields.length)
if (!row["__parsed_extra"])
row["__parsed_extra"] = [];
row[_fields[j]] = _results.data[i][j];
if (_config.header)
_results.data[i] = row;
if (j > _fields.length)
addError("FieldMismatch", "TooManyFields", "Too many fields: expected " + _fields.length + " fields but parsed " + j, i);
else if (j < _fields.length)
addError("FieldMismatch", "TooFewFields", "Too few fields: expected " + _fields.length + " fields but parsed " + j, i);
if (_config.header && _results.meta);
_results.meta.fields = _fields;
return _results;
function guessDelimiter(input)
var delimChoices = [",", "\t", "|", ";", Baby.RECORD_SEP, Baby.UNIT_SEP];
var bestDelim, bestDelta, fieldCountPrevRow;
for (var i = 0; i < delimChoices.length; i++)
var delim = delimChoices[i];
var delta = 0, avgFieldCount = 0;
fieldCountPrevRow = undefined;
var preview = new Parser({
delimiter: delim,
preview: 10
for (var j = 0; j < preview.data.length; j++)
var fieldCount = preview.data[j].length;
avgFieldCount += fieldCount;
if (typeof fieldCountPrevRow === 'undefined')
fieldCountPrevRow = fieldCount;
else if (fieldCount > 1)
delta += Math.abs(fieldCount - fieldCountPrevRow);
fieldCountPrevRow = fieldCount;
avgFieldCount /= preview.data.length;
if ((typeof bestDelta === 'undefined' || delta < bestDelta)
&& avgFieldCount > 1.99)
bestDelta = delta;
bestDelim = delim;
_config.delimiter = bestDelim;
return {
successful: !!bestDelim,
bestDelimiter: bestDelim
function tryParseFloat(val)
var isNumber = FLOAT.test(val);
return isNumber ? parseFloat(val) : val;
function addError(type, code, msg, row)
type: type,
code: code,
message: msg,
row: row
function Parser(config)
var self = this;
var EMPTY = /^\s*$/;
var _input; // The input text being parsed
var _delimiter; // The delimiting character
var _comments; // Comment character (default '#') or boolean
var _step; // The step (streaming) function
var _callback; // The callback to invoke when finished
var _preview; // Maximum number of lines (not rows) to parse
var _ch; // Current character
var _i; // Current character's positional index
var _inQuotes; // Whether in quotes or not
var _lineNum; // Current line number (1-based indexing)
var _data; // Parsed data (results)
var _errors; // Parse errors
var _rowIdx; // Current row index within results (0-based)
var _colIdx; // Current col index within result row (0-based)
var _runningRowIdx; // Cumulative row index, used by the preview feature
var _aborted = false; // Abort flag
var _paused = false; // Pause flag
// Unpack the config object
config = config || {};
_delimiter = config.delimiter;
_comments = config.comments;
_step = config.step;
_preview = config.preview;
// Delimiter integrity check
if (typeof _delimiter !== 'string'
|| _delimiter.length != 1
|| Baby.BAD_DELIMITERS.indexOf(_delimiter) > -1)
_delimiter = ",";
// Comment character integrity check
if (_comments === true)
_comments = "#";
else if (typeof _comments !== 'string'
|| _comments.length != 1
|| Baby.BAD_DELIMITERS.indexOf(_comments) > -1
|| _comments == _delimiter)
_comments = false;
this.parse = function(input)
if (typeof input !== 'string')
throw "Input must be a string";
return parserLoop();
this.abort = function()
_aborted = true;
function parserLoop()
while (_i < _input.length)
if (_aborted) break;
if (_preview > 0 && _runningRowIdx >= _preview) break;
if (_paused) return finishParsing();
if (_ch == '"')
else if (_inQuotes)
return finishParsing();
function nextChar()
_ch = _input[_i];
function finishParsing()
if (_aborted)
addError("Abort", "ParseAbort", "Parsing was aborted by the user's step function");
if (_inQuotes)
addError("Quotes", "MissingQuotes", "Unescaped or mismatched quotes");
endRow(); // End of input is also end of the last row
if (!isFunction(_step))
return returnable();
function parseQuotes()
if (quotesOnBoundary() && !quotesEscaped())
_inQuotes = !_inQuotes;
if (_inQuotes && quotesEscaped())
addError("Quotes", "UnexpectedQuotes", "Unexpected quotes");
function parseInQuotes()
if (twoCharLineBreak(_i) || oneCharLineBreak(_i))
function parseNotInQuotes()
if (_ch == _delimiter)
else if (twoCharLineBreak(_i))
else if (oneCharLineBreak(_i))
else if (isCommentStart())
function isCommentStart()
if (!_comments)
return false;
var firstCharOfLine = _i == 0
|| oneCharLineBreak(_i-1)
|| twoCharLineBreak(_i-2);
return firstCharOfLine && _input[_i] === _comments;
function skipLine()
while (!twoCharLineBreak(_i)
&& !oneCharLineBreak(_i)
&& _i < _input.length)
function saveChar()
_data[_rowIdx][_colIdx] += _ch;
function newField()
_colIdx = _data[_rowIdx].length - 1;
function newRow()
_rowIdx = _data.length - 1;
function endRow()
if (isFunction(_step))
if (_data[_rowIdx])
_step(returnable(), self);
function trimEmptyLastRow()
if (_data[_rowIdx].length == 1 && EMPTY.test(_data[_rowIdx][0]))
if (config.keepEmptyRows)
_data[_rowIdx].splice(0, 1); // leave row, but no fields
_data.splice(_rowIdx, 1); // cut out row entirely
_rowIdx = _data.length - 1;
function twoCharLineBreak(i)
return i < _input.length - 1 &&
((_input[i] == "\r" && _input[i+1] == "\n")
|| (_input[i] == "\n" && _input[i+1] == "\r"))
function oneCharLineBreak(i)
return _input[i] == "\r" || _input[i] == "\n";
function quotesEscaped()
// Quotes as data cannot be on boundary, for example: ,"", are not escaped quotes
return !quotesOnBoundary() && _i < _input.length - 1 && _input[_i+1] == '"';
function quotesOnBoundary()
return (!_inQuotes && isBoundary(_i-1)) || isBoundary(_i+1);
function isBoundary(i)
if (typeof i != 'number')
i = _i;
var ch = _input[i];
return (i <= -1 || i >= _input.length)
|| (ch == _delimiter
|| ch == "\r"
|| ch == "\n");
function addError(type, code, msg)
type: type,
code: code,
message: msg,
line: _lineNum,
row: _rowIdx,
index: _i
function reset(input)
_input = input;
_inQuotes = false;
_i = 0, _runningRowIdx = 0, _lineNum = 1;
_data = [ [""] ]; // starting parsing requires an empty field
_ch = _input[_i];
function clearErrorsAndData()
_data = [];
_errors = [];
_rowIdx = 0;
_colIdx = 0;
function returnable()
return {
data: _data,
errors: _errors,
meta: {
lines: _lineNum,
delimiter: _delimiter,
aborted: _aborted
// Replaces bad config values with good, default ones
function copyAndValidateConfig(origConfig)
if (typeof origConfig !== 'object')
origConfig = {};
var config = copy(origConfig);
if (typeof config.delimiter !== 'string'
|| config.delimiter.length != 1
|| Baby.BAD_DELIMITERS.indexOf(config.delimiter) > -1)
config.delimiter = DEFAULTS.delimiter;
if (typeof config.header !== 'boolean')
config.header = DEFAULTS.header;
if (typeof config.dynamicTyping !== 'boolean')
config.dynamicTyping = DEFAULTS.dynamicTyping;
if (typeof config.preview !== 'number')
config.preview = DEFAULTS.preview;
if (typeof config.step !== 'function')
config.step = DEFAULTS.step;
if (typeof config.complete !== 'function')
config.complete = DEFAULTS.complete;
if (typeof config.keepEmptyRows !== 'boolean')
config.keepEmptyRows = DEFAULTS.keepEmptyRows;
return config;
function copy(obj)
if (typeof obj !== 'object')
return obj;
var cpy = obj instanceof Array ? [] : {};
for (var key in obj)
cpy[key] = copy(obj[key]);
return cpy;
function isFunction(func)
return typeof func === 'function';
// export to Node...
if ( typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports ) {
module.exports = Baby;
// ...or as AMD module...
else if ( typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ) {
define( function () { return Baby; });
// ...or as browser global
else {
global.Baby = Baby;
}( typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : this ));
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