All Downloads are FREE. Search and download functionalities are using the official Maven repository.

org.jbpm.designer.public.js.Plugins.servicerepo.js Maven / Gradle / Ivy

if (!ORYX.Plugins)
    ORYX.Plugins = {};

if (!ORYX.Config)
    ORYX.Config = {};

ORYX.Plugins.ServiceRepoIntegration = Clazz.extend({
    repoDialog: undefined,
    repoContent: undefined,

    construct: function(facade){
        this.facade = facade;

        if(!(ORYX.READONLY == true || ORYX.VIEWLOCKED == true)) {
                'functionality': this.jbpmServiceRepoConnect.bind(this),
                'group': "servicerepogroup",
                'icon': ORYX.BASE_FILE_PATH + "images/repository_rep.gif",
                'description': ORYX.I18N.View.connectServiceRepoDesc,
                'index': 4,
                'minShape': 0,
                'maxShape': 0,
                'isEnabled': function(){
                    return !(ORYX.READONLY == true || ORYX.VIEWLOCKED == true);

        this.facade.registerOnEvent(ORYX.CONFIG.EVENT_INSTALL_WORKITEM, this.installworkitem.bind(this));

    jbpmServiceRepoConnect : function() {

    installworkitem : function(event) {
            ntype		: 'info',
            msg         : ORYX.I18N.View.installingRepoItem,
            title       : ''


        var aname =;
        var acategory =;

        // send request to server to install the selected service node
            url: ORYX.PATH + 'jbpmservicerepo',
            method: 'POST',
            success: function(request) {
                try {
                    if(request.responseText == "false") {
                            type: ORYX.CONFIG.EVENT_NOTIFICATION_SHOW,
                            ntype: 'error',
                            msg: ORYX.I18N.View.failInstallation,
                            title: ''
                    } else if(request.responseText == "alreadyinstalled") {
                            type: ORYX.CONFIG.EVENT_NOTIFICATION_SHOW,
                            ntype: 'info',
                            msg: ORYX.I18N.View.alreadyInstalled,
                            title: ''
                    } else {
                            type 		: ORYX.CONFIG.EVENT_NOTIFICATION_SHOW,
                            ntype		: 'success',
                            msg         : ORYX.I18N.View.successInstall,
                            title       : ''
                } catch(e) {
                        type 		: ORYX.CONFIG.EVENT_NOTIFICATION_SHOW,
                        ntype		: 'error',
                        msg         : ORYX.I18N.View.failAssetsInstallation+': ' + e,
                        title       : ''
            failure: function(){
                    type 		: ORYX.CONFIG.EVENT_NOTIFICATION_SHOW,
                    ntype		: 'error',
                    msg         : ORYX.I18N.View.failAssetsInstallation+'.',
                    title       : ''
            params: {
                action: 'install',
                profile: ORYX.PROFILE,
                uuid :  window.btoa(encodeURI(ORYX.UUID)),
                asset : aname,
                category : acategory,
                repourl : this.selectedrepourl


    _showInitialRepoScreen : function() {
        this.repoContent = new Ext.Panel({
            html: '

' }); var dialogSize = ORYX.Utils.getDialogSize(440, 600); var connectToRepo = new Ext.Button({ text: ORYX.I18N.View.connect, handler: function(){ var tosaveVal = ""; var repoURLsCookieValue = this._readCookie("designerservicerepos"); var serviceUrlField = Ext.getCmp('serviceurlfield').getRawValue().replace(//g,'>'); if(repoURLsCookieValue != null) { if(repoURLsCookieValue.indexOf(serviceUrlField) == -1) { tosaveVal = repoURLsCookieValue + "," + serviceUrlField; } else { tosaveVal = repoURLsCookieValue; } } else { tosaveVal = serviceUrlField; } this._createCookie("designerservicerepos", tosaveVal, 365); this._updateRepoDialog(serviceUrlField, dialogSize.width); this.selectedrepourl = serviceUrlField; }.bind(this) }); var getRepoComboWidth = dialogSize.width / 2; this.repoDialog = new Ext.Window({ autoCreate: true, autoScroll:true, layout: 'fit', plain: true, bodyStyle: 'padding:5px;', title: ORYX.I18N.View.connectServiceRepoDataTitle, height: dialogSize.height, width: dialogSize.width, modal: true, fixedcenter:true, shadow: true, proxyDrag: true, resizable: true, items: [this.repoContent], tbar: [ this._getRepoCombo(getRepoComboWidth), connectToRepo ], buttons:[ { text:ORYX.I18N.jPDLSupport.close, handler:function(){ this.repoDialog.hide(); this.repoDialog.destroy(true); delete this.repoDialog; }.bind(this) } ] }); this.repoDialog.on('hide', function(){ if(this.repoDialog) { this.repoDialog.destroy(true); delete this.repoDialog; } });; }, _getRepoCombo : function(comboWidth) { var repoLocationData = new Array(); var repoLocationStore = new{ fields: [ 'url', 'value' ], data: [[]] }); var repoURLsCookieValue = this._readCookie("designerservicerepos"); if(ORYX.SERVICE_REPO !== undefined && ORYX.SERVICE_REPO.length > 0) { var defaultRepo = new Array(); defaultRepo.push(ORYX.SERVICE_REPO); defaultRepo.push(ORYX.SERVICE_REPO); repoLocationData.push(defaultRepo); repoLocationStore.loadData(repoLocationData); repoLocationStore.commitChanges(); } if(repoURLsCookieValue != null) { if (repoURLsCookieValue.startsWith(",")) { repoURLsCookieValue = repoURLsCookieValue.substr(1, repoURLsCookieValue.length); } if (repoURLsCookieValue.endsWith(",")) { repoURLsCookieValue = repoURLsCookieValue.substr(0, repoURLsCookieValue.length - 1); } var valueParts = repoURLsCookieValue.split(","); for(var i = 0; i < valueParts.length; i++) { var nextPart = valueParts[i]; if(nextPart.length >= 0 && nextPart != ORYX.SERVICE_REPO) { var nextPartArray = new Array(); nextPartArray.push(nextPart); nextPartArray.push(nextPart); repoLocationData.push(nextPartArray); } } repoLocationStore.loadData(repoLocationData); repoLocationStore.commitChanges(); } else { // add the community defaults var communityRepoOne = new Array(); communityRepoOne.push(""); communityRepoOne.push(""); repoLocationData.push(communityRepoOne); var communityRepoTwo = new Array(); communityRepoTwo.push(""); communityRepoTwo.push(""); repoLocationData.push(communityRepoTwo); repoLocationStore.loadData(repoLocationData); repoLocationStore.commitChanges(); } var repoUrlCombo = new Ext.form.ComboBox({ id: 'serviceurlfield', name: 'repourl', forceSelection: false, editable: true, allowBlank: false, displayField: 'url', valueField: 'value', mode: 'local', queryMode: 'local', typeAhead: true, value: "", triggerAction: 'all', fieldLabel: 'Location', width: comboWidth, store: repoLocationStore }); return repoUrlCombo; }, _updateRepoDialog : function(serviceRepoURL, dialogWidth) { this.facade.raiseEvent({ type : ORYX.CONFIG.EVENT_NOTIFICATION_SHOW, ntype : 'info', msg : ORYX.I18N.View.connectServiceRepoConnecting, title : '' }); Ext.Ajax.request({ url: ORYX.PATH + "jbpmservicerepo", method: 'POST', success: function(request){ try { if( (request.responseText == "false") || (request.responseText.startsWith("false||"))) { if(this.repoDialog) { this.repoDialog.remove(this.repoContent, true); } this.repoContent = new Ext.Panel({ layout:'table', html: '

' }); this.repoDialog.add(this.repoContent); this.repoDialog.doLayout(); if(request.responseText.startsWith("false||")) { var errorParts = request.responseText.split("||"); ORYX.EDITOR._pluginFacade.raiseEvent({ type : ORYX.CONFIG.EVENT_NOTIFICATION_SHOW, ntype : 'error', msg : ORYX.I18N.View.failConnectService + " - " + errorParts[1], title : '' }); } else { ORYX.EDITOR._pluginFacade.raiseEvent({ type : ORYX.CONFIG.EVENT_NOTIFICATION_SHOW, ntype : 'error', msg : ORYX.I18N.View.failConnectService, title : '' }); } } else { this._showJbpmServiceInfo(request.responseText, serviceRepoURL, dialogWidth); } } catch(e) { if(this.repoDialog) { this.repoDialog.remove(this.repoContent, true); } this.repoContent = new Ext.Panel({ layout:'table', html: '

' }); this.repoDialog.add(this.repoContent); this.repoDialog.doLayout(); ORYX.EDITOR._pluginFacade.raiseEvent({ type : ORYX.CONFIG.EVENT_NOTIFICATION_SHOW, ntype : 'error', msg : ORYX.I18N.View.failConnectService+':' + e, title : '' }); } }.createDelegate(this), failure: function(){ if(this.repoDialog) { this.repoDialog.remove(this.repoContent, true); } this.repoContent = new Ext.Panel({ layout:'table', html: '

' }); this.repoDialog.add(this.repoContent); this.repoDialog.doLayout(); ORYX.EDITOR._pluginFacade.raiseEvent({ type : ORYX.CONFIG.EVENT_NOTIFICATION_SHOW, ntype : 'error', msg : ORYX.I18N.View.failConnectService+'.', title : '' }); }, params: { action: 'display', profile: ORYX.PROFILE, uuid : window.btoa(encodeURI(ORYX.UUID)), repourl : serviceRepoURL } }); }, _showJbpmServiceInfo : function(jsonString, serviceRepoURL, dialogWidth) { var jsonObj = jsonString.evalJSON(); var myData = []; var j = 0; for (var key in jsonObj) { myData[j] = jsonObj[key]; j++; } this.mystore = new{ fields: [ {name: 'name'}, {name: 'displayName'}, {name: 'icon'}, {name: 'category'}, {name: 'explanation'}, {name: 'documentation'}, {name: 'inputparams'}, {name: 'results'}, {name: 'defaulthandler'} ], data : myData }); var singleColWidth = dialogWidth / 19; var gridId =; var workiteminstaller = new Extensive.grid.WorkitemInstaller(); this.mygrid = new Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel({ autoScroll: true, autoHeight: true, store: this.mystore, id: gridId, stripeRows: true, selModel: workiteminstaller, cm: new Ext.grid.ColumnModel([ workiteminstaller, { id: 'icon', header: ORYX.I18N.View.headerIcon, width: singleColWidth, sortable: true, dataIndex: 'icon', renderer: this._renderIcon.bind(this) }, { id: 'displayName', header: ORYX.I18N.View.headerName, width: singleColWidth * 2, sortable: true, dataIndex: 'displayName', editor: new Ext.form.TextField({ allowBlank: true, disabled: true }) }, { id: 'category', header: ORYX.I18N.View.headerCategory, width: singleColWidth * 2, sortable: true, dataIndex: 'category', editor: new Ext.form.TextField({ allowBlank: true, disabled: true }) }, { id: 'defaulthandler', header: ORYX.I18N.View.headerHandler, width: singleColWidth * 2, sortable: true, dataIndex: 'defaulthandler', editor: new Ext.form.TextField({ allowBlank: true, disabled: true }) }, { id: 'explanation', header: ORYX.I18N.View.headerExplanation, width: singleColWidth * 2, sortable: true, dataIndex: 'explanation', editor: new Ext.form.TextField({ allowBlank: true, disabled: true }) }, { id: 'inputparams', header: ORYX.I18N.View.headerInput, width: singleColWidth * 4, sortable: true, dataIndex: 'inputparams', editor: new Ext.form.TextField({ allowBlank: true, disabled: true }) }, { id: 'results', header: ORYX.I18N.View.headerResults, width: singleColWidth * 4, sortable: true, dataIndex: 'results', editor: new Ext.form.TextField({ allowBlank: true, disabled: true }) }, { id: 'documentation', header: ORYX.I18N.View.headerDocumentation, width: singleColWidth * 2, sortable: true, dataIndex: 'documentation', renderer: this._renderDocs } ]) }); if(this.repoDialog) { this.repoDialog.remove(this.repoContent, true); } this.repoContent = new Ext.TabPanel({ activeTab: 0, border: false, width:'100%', height:'100%', tabPosition: 'top', layoutOnTabChange: true, deferredRender : false, items: [{ title: ORYX.I18N.View.serviceNodes, autoScroll : true, items: [this.mygrid], layout: 'fit', margins: '10 10 10 10' }] }); this.repoDialog.add(this.repoContent); this.repoDialog.doLayout(); }, _renderIcon: function(val) { if(this.selectedrepourl.startsWith("file:")) { return ''; } else { return ''; } }, _renderDocs: function(val) { return 'link'; }, _createCookie: function(name, value, days) { if (days) { var date = new Date(); date.setTime(date.getTime()+(days*24*60*60*1000)); var expires = "; expires="+date.toGMTString(); } else { var expires = ""; } document.cookie = name+"="+value+expires+"; path=/"; }, _readCookie: function(name) { var nameEQ = name + "="; var ca = document.cookie.split(';'); for(var i=0;i < ca.length;i++) { var c = ca[i]; while (c.charAt(0)==' ') c = c.substring(1,c.length); if (c.indexOf(nameEQ) == 0) return c.substring(nameEQ.length,c.length); } return null; } });

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