ework.nacos.nacos-istio.1.4.1.source-code.gateway.proto Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// Copyright 2017 Istio Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto3";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_package = "com.alibaba.nacos.istio.model";
package istio.networking.v1alpha3;
// $title: Gateway
// $description: Configuration affecting edge load balancer.
// $location: https://istio.io/docs/reference/config/networking/v1alpha3/gateway.html
// `Gateway` describes a load balancer operating at the edge of the mesh
// receiving incoming or outgoing HTTP/TCP connections. The specification
// describes a set of ports that should be exposed, the type of protocol to
// use, SNI configuration for the load balancer, etc.
// For example, the following Gateway configuration sets up a proxy to act
// as a load balancer exposing port 80 and 9080 (http), 443 (https),
// 9443(https) and port 2379 (TCP) for ingress. The gateway will be
// applied to the proxy running on a pod with labels `app:
// my-gateway-controller`. While Istio will configure the proxy to listen
// on these ports, it is the responsibility of the user to ensure that
// external traffic to these ports are allowed into the mesh.
// ```yaml
// apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3
// kind: Gateway
// metadata:
// name: my-gateway
// namespace: some-config-namespace
// spec:
// selector:
// app: my-gateway-controller
// servers:
// - port:
// number: 80
// name: http
// protocol: HTTP
// hosts:
// - uk.bookinfo.com
// - eu.bookinfo.com
// tls:
// httpsRedirect: true # sends 301 redirect for http requests
// - port:
// number: 443
// name: https-443
// protocol: HTTPS
// hosts:
// - uk.bookinfo.com
// - eu.bookinfo.com
// tls:
// mode: SIMPLE # enables HTTPS on this port
// serverCertificate: /etc/certs/servercert.pem
// privateKey: /etc/certs/privatekey.pem
// - port:
// number: 9443
// name: https-9443
// protocol: HTTPS
// hosts:
// - "bookinfo-namespace/*.bookinfo.com"
// tls:
// mode: SIMPLE # enables HTTPS on this port
// credentialName: bookinfo-secret # fetches certs from Kubernetes secret
// - port:
// number: 9080
// name: http-wildcard
// protocol: HTTP
// hosts:
// - "*"
// - port:
// number: 2379 # to expose internal service via external port 2379
// name: mongo
// protocol: MONGO
// hosts:
// - "*"
// ```
// The Gateway specification above describes the L4-L6 properties of a load
// balancer. A `VirtualService` can then be bound to a gateway to control
// the forwarding of traffic arriving at a particular host or gateway port.
// For example, the following VirtualService splits traffic for
// `https://uk.bookinfo.com/reviews`, `https://eu.bookinfo.com/reviews`,
// `http://uk.bookinfo.com:9080/reviews`,
// `http://eu.bookinfo.com:9080/reviews` into two versions (prod and qa) of
// an internal reviews service on port 9080. In addition, requests
// containing the cookie "user: dev-123" will be sent to special port 7777
// in the qa version. The same rule is also applicable inside the mesh for
// requests to the "reviews.prod.svc.cluster.local" service. This rule is
// applicable across ports 443, 9080. Note that `http://uk.bookinfo.com`
// gets redirected to `https://uk.bookinfo.com` (i.e. 80 redirects to 443).
// ```yaml
// apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3
// kind: VirtualService
// metadata:
// name: bookinfo-rule
// namespace: bookinfo-namespace
// spec:
// hosts:
// - reviews.prod.svc.cluster.local
// - uk.bookinfo.com
// - eu.bookinfo.com
// gateways:
// - some-config-namespace/my-gateway
// - mesh # applies to all the sidecars in the mesh
// http:
// - match:
// - headers:
// cookie:
// exact: "user=dev-123"
// route:
// - destination:
// port:
// number: 7777
// host: reviews.qa.svc.cluster.local
// - match:
// - uri:
// prefix: /reviews/
// route:
// - destination:
// port:
// number: 9080 # can be omitted if it's the only port for reviews
// host: reviews.prod.svc.cluster.local
// weight: 80
// - destination:
// host: reviews.qa.svc.cluster.local
// weight: 20
// ```
// The following VirtualService forwards traffic arriving at (external)
// port 27017 to internal Mongo server on port 5555. This rule is not
// applicable internally in the mesh as the gateway list omits the
// reserved name `mesh`.
// ```yaml
// apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3
// kind: VirtualService
// metadata:
// name: bookinfo-Mongo
// namespace: bookinfo-namespace
// spec:
// hosts:
// - mongosvr.prod.svc.cluster.local # name of internal Mongo service
// gateways:
// - some-config-namespace/my-gateway # can omit the namespace if gateway is in same
// namespace as virtual service.
// tcp:
// - match:
// - port: 27017
// route:
// - destination:
// host: mongo.prod.svc.cluster.local
// port:
// number: 5555
// ```
// It is possible to restrict the set of virtual services that can bind to
// a gateway server using the namespace/hostname syntax in the hosts field.
// For example, the following Gateway allows any virtual service in the ns1
// namespace to bind to it, while restricting only the virtual service with
// foo.bar.com host in the ns2 namespace to bind to it.
// ```yaml
// apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3
// kind: Gateway
// metadata:
// name: my-gateway
// namespace: some-config-namespace
// spec:
// selector:
// app: my-gateway-controller
// servers:
// - port:
// number: 80
// name: http
// protocol: HTTP
// hosts:
// - "ns1/*"
// - "ns2/foo.bar.com"
// ```
// Gateway describes a load balancer operating at the edge of the mesh
// receiving incoming or outgoing HTTP/TCP connections.
message Gateway {
// REQUIRED: A list of server specifications.
repeated Server servers = 1;
// REQUIRED: One or more labels that indicate a specific set of pods/VMs
// on which this gateway configuration should be applied. The scope of
// label search is restricted to the configuration namespace in which the
// the resource is present. In other words, the Gateway resource must
// reside in the same namespace as the gateway workload instance.
map selector = 2;
// `Server` describes the properties of the proxy on a given load balancer
// port. For example,
// ```yaml
// apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3
// kind: Gateway
// metadata:
// name: my-ingress
// spec:
// selector:
// app: my-ingress-gateway
// servers:
// - port:
// number: 80
// name: http2
// protocol: HTTP2
// hosts:
// - "*"
// ```
// Another example
// ```yaml
// apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3
// kind: Gateway
// metadata:
// name: my-tcp-ingress
// spec:
// selector:
// app: my-tcp-ingress-gateway
// servers:
// - port:
// number: 27018
// name: mongo
// protocol: MONGO
// hosts:
// - "*"
// ```
// The following is an example of TLS configuration for port 443
// ```yaml
// apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3
// kind: Gateway
// metadata:
// name: my-tls-ingress
// spec:
// selector:
// app: my-tls-ingress-gateway
// servers:
// - port:
// number: 443
// name: https
// protocol: HTTPS
// hosts:
// - "*"
// tls:
// mode: SIMPLE
// serverCertificate: /etc/certs/server.pem
// privateKey: /etc/certs/privatekey.pem
// ```
message Server {
// REQUIRED: The Port on which the proxy should listen for incoming
// connections.
Port port = 1;
// $hide_from_docs
// The ip or the Unix domain socket to which the listener should be bound
// to. Format: `x.x.x.x` or `unix:///path/to/uds` or `unix://@foobar`
// (Linux abstract namespace). When using Unix domain sockets, the port
// number should be 0.
string bind = 4;
// REQUIRED. One or more hosts exposed by this gateway.
// While typically applicable to
// HTTP services, it can also be used for TCP services using TLS with SNI.
// A host is specified as a `dnsName` with an optional `namespace/` prefix.
// The `dnsName` should be specified using FQDN format, optionally including
// a wildcard character in the left-most component (e.g., `prod/*.example.com`).
// Set the `dnsName` to `*` to select all `VirtualService` hosts from the
// specified namespace (e.g.,`prod/*`).
// The `namespace` can be set to `*` or `.`, representing any or the current
// namespace, respectively. For example, `*/foo.example.com` selects the
// service from any available namespace while `./foo.example.com` only selects
// the service from the namespace of the sidecar. The default, if no `namespace/`
// is specified, is `*/`, that is, select services from any namespace.
// Any associated `DestinationRule` in the selected namespace will also be used.
// A `VirtualService` must be bound to the gateway and must have one or
// more hosts that match the hosts specified in a server. The match
// could be an exact match or a suffix match with the server's hosts. For
// example, if the server's hosts specifies `*.example.com`, a
// `VirtualService` with hosts `dev.example.com` or `prod.example.com` will
// match. However, a `VirtualService` with host `example.com` or
// `newexample.com` will not match.
// NOTE: Only virtual services exported to the gateway's namespace
// (e.g., `exportTo` value of `*`) can be referenced.
// Private configurations (e.g., `exportTo` set to `.`) will not be
// available. Refer to the `exportTo` setting in `VirtualService`,
// `DestinationRule`, and `ServiceEntry` configurations for details.
repeated string hosts = 2;
message TLSOptions {
// If set to true, the load balancer will send a 301 redirect for all
// http connections, asking the clients to use HTTPS.
bool https_redirect = 1;
// TLS modes enforced by the proxy
enum TLSmode {
// The SNI string presented by the client will be used as the match
// criterion in a VirtualService TLS route to determine the
// destination service from the service registry.
// Secure connections with standard TLS semantics.
// Secure connections to the downstream using mutual TLS by presenting
// server certificates for authentication.
// Similar to the passthrough mode, except servers with this TLS mode
// do not require an associated VirtualService to map from the SNI
// value to service in the registry. The destination details such as
// the service/subset/port are encoded in the SNI value. The proxy
// will forward to the upstream (Envoy) cluster (a group of
// endpoints) specified by the SNI value. This server is typically
// used to provide connectivity between services in disparate L3
// networks that otherwise do not have direct connectivity between
// their respective endpoints. Use of this mode assumes that both the
// source and the destination are using Istio mTLS to secure traffic.
// Secure connections from the downstream using mutual TLS by presenting
// server certificates for authentication.
// Compared to Mutual mode, this mode uses certificates, representing
// gateway workload identity, generated automatically by Istio for
// mTLS authentication. When this mode is used, all other fields in
// `TLSOptions` should be empty.
// Optional: Indicates whether connections to this port should be
// secured using TLS. The value of this field determines how TLS is
// enforced.
TLSmode mode = 2;
// REQUIRED if mode is `SIMPLE` or `MUTUAL`. The path to the file
// holding the server-side TLS certificate to use.
string server_certificate = 3;
// REQUIRED if mode is `SIMPLE` or `MUTUAL`. The path to the file
// holding the server's private key.
string private_key = 4;
// REQUIRED if mode is `MUTUAL`. The path to a file containing
// certificate authority certificates to use in verifying a presented
// client side certificate.
string ca_certificates = 5;
// The credentialName stands for a unique identifier that can be used
// to identify the serverCertificate and the privateKey. The
// credentialName appended with suffix "-cacert" is used to identify
// the CaCertificates associated with this server. Gateway workloads
// capable of fetching credentials from a remote credential store such
// as Kubernetes secrets, will be configured to retrieve the
// serverCertificate and the privateKey using credentialName, instead
// of using the file system paths specified above. If using mutual TLS,
// gateway workload instances will retrieve the CaCertificates using
// credentialName-cacert. The semantics of the name are platform
// dependent. In Kubernetes, the default Istio supplied credential
// server expects the credentialName to match the name of the
// Kubernetes secret that holds the server certificate, the private
// key, and the CA certificate (if using mutual TLS). Set the
// `ISTIO_META_USER_SDS` metadata variable in the gateway's proxy to
// enable the dynamic credential fetching feature.
string credential_name = 10;
// A list of alternate names to verify the subject identity in the
// certificate presented by the client.
repeated string subject_alt_names = 6;
// An optional list of base64-encoded SHA-256 hashes of the SKPIs of
// authorized client certificates.
// Note: When both verify_certificate_hash and verify_certificate_spki
// are specified, a hash matching either value will result in the
// certificate being accepted.
repeated string verify_certificate_spki = 11;
// An optional list of hex-encoded SHA-256 hashes of the
// authorized client certificates. Both simple and colon separated
// formats are acceptable.
// Note: When both verify_certificate_hash and verify_certificate_spki
// are specified, a hash matching either value will result in the
// certificate being accepted.
repeated string verify_certificate_hash = 12;
// TLS protocol versions.
enum TLSProtocol {
// Automatically choose the optimal TLS version.
// TLS version 1.0
TLSV1_0 = 1;
// TLS version 1.1
TLSV1_1 = 2;
// TLS version 1.2
TLSV1_2 = 3;
// TLS version 1.3
TLSV1_3 = 4;
// Optional: Minimum TLS protocol version.
TLSProtocol min_protocol_version = 7;
// Optional: Maximum TLS protocol version.
TLSProtocol max_protocol_version = 8;
// Optional: If specified, only support the specified cipher list.
// Otherwise default to the default cipher list supported by Envoy.
repeated string cipher_suites = 9;
// Set of TLS related options that govern the server's behavior. Use
// these options to control if all http requests should be redirected to
// https, and the TLS modes to use.
TLSOptions tls = 3;
// The loopback IP endpoint or Unix domain socket to which traffic should
// be forwarded to by default. Format should be `` or
// `unix:///path/to/socket` or `unix://@foobar` (Linux abstract namespace).
string default_endpoint = 5;
// Port describes the properties of a specific port of a service.
message Port {
// REQUIRED: A valid non-negative integer port number.
uint32 number = 1;
// REQUIRED: The protocol exposed on the port.
// TLS implies the connection will be routed based on the SNI header to
// the destination without terminating the TLS connection.
string protocol = 2;
// Label assigned to the port.
string name = 3;
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