.3.17.23.source-code.module-info Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* The jOOQ runtime module.
module org.jooq {
// jOOQ heavily depends on JDBC and cannot work without it
requires transitive java.sql;
// We're using SAX to parse XML
requires static java.xml;
// JAXB is used optionally for loading a variety of XML content, including
// - Settings (org.jooq.conf)
// - InformationSchema (org.jooq.util.xml.jaxb)
requires static jakarta.xml.bind;
// The DefaultRecordMapper makes use of JavaBeans utilities, including:
// - Support for ConstructorProperties
requires static java.desktop;
// Various utilities can make use of JPA annotations, when present, including:
// - The DefaultRecordMapper
// - The JPADatabase in the code generator
// - The EntityManagerConnectionProvider
requires static jakarta.persistence;
// The runtime Java compiler is used to generate enum types on the fly.
// This dependency may be removed in the future.
requires static java.compiler;
// Optional logging APIs - slf4j will be preferred if found
requires static org.slf4j;
requires static java.logging;
// Nullability annotations for better Kotlin interop
requires static org.jetbrains.annotations;
requires transitive org.reactivestreams;
requires transitive r2dbc.spi;
// [#11738] optional vendor specific JDBC drivers
exports org.jooq;
exports org.jooq.conf;
exports org.jooq.exception;
exports org.jooq.impl;
exports org.jooq.migrations.xml.jaxb;
exports org.jooq.tools;
exports org.jooq.tools.csv;
exports org.jooq.tools.jdbc;
exports org.jooq.tools.json;
exports org.jooq.tools.r2dbc;
exports org.jooq.tools.reflect;
exports org.jooq.types;
exports org.jooq.util.jaxb.tools;
exports org.jooq.util.xml.jaxb;
exports org.jooq.util.cubrid;
exports org.jooq.util.derby;
exports org.jooq.util.firebird;
exports org.jooq.util.h2;
exports org.jooq.util.hsqldb;
exports org.jooq.util.ignite;
exports org.jooq.util.mariadb;
exports org.jooq.util.mysql;
exports org.jooq.util.postgres;
exports org.jooq.util.sqlite;
exports org.jooq.util.yugabytedb;
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