t.jspringbot-xml.1.4.source-code.libdoc.intro Maven / Gradle / Ivy
JSpringBot XML Library for Robot Framework.
= Configuration =
Configure the following to use jspringbot-xml.
1. Add this artifact in maven dependency
| org.jspringbot
| jspringbot-xml
2. Import spring-xml in {{jspringbot-global.xml}}
3. If you are going to use json expression language support, follow {{jspringbot-doc:expression}} configuration.
4. Add {{JSpringBotGlobal}} library in the in the test suite settings.
| *** Settings *** |
| Library | JSpringBotGlobal |
*Sample xmlString*
| Gambardella, Matthew
| XML Developer's Guide
| Computer
| 44.95
| 2000-10-01
| An in-depth look at creating applications with XML.
| Ralls, Kim
| Midnight Rain
| Fantasy
| 5.95
| 2000-12-16
| A former architect battles corporate zombies, an evil sorceress, and her own childhood to become queen of the world.
| Corets, Eva
| Maeve Ascendant
| Fantasy
| 5.95
| 2000-11-17
| After the collapse of a nanotechnology society in England, the young survivors lay the foundation for a new society.
*Create sample xmlString*
| `Start XML Node` | catalog |
| `Start XML Node` | book |
| `Add XML Attribute` | id | bk101 |
| `Start XML Node` | author |
| `Set XML Text` | Gambardella, Matthew |
| `End XML Node` |
| `Start XML Node` | title |
| `Set XML Text` | XML Developer's Guide |
| `End XML Node` |
| `Start XML Node` | genre |
| `Set XML Text` | Computer |
| `End XML Node` |
| `Start XML Node` | price |
| `Set XML Text` | 44.95 |
| `End XML Node` |
| `Start XML Node` | publish_date |
| `Set XML Text` | 2000-10-01 |
| `End XML Node` |
| `Start XML Node` | description |
| `Set XML Text` | An in-depth look at creating applications with XML. |
| `End XML Node` |
| `End XML Node` |
| `Start XML Node` | book |
| `Add XML Attribute` | id | bk102 |
| `Start XML Node` | author |
| `Set XML Text` | Ralls, Kim |
| `End XML Node` |
| `Start XML Node` | title |
| `Set XML Text` | Midnight Rain |
| `End XML Node` |
| `Start XML Node` | genre |
| `Set XML Text` | Fantasy |
| `End XML Node` |
| `Start XML Node` | price |
| `Set XML Text` | 5.95 |
| `End XML Node` |
| `Start XML Node` | publish_date |
| `Set XML Text` | 2000-12-16 |
| `End XML Node` |
| `Start XML Node` | description |
| `Set XML Text` | A former architect battles corporate zombies, an evil sorceress, and her own childhood to become queen of the world. |
| `End XML Node` |
| `End XML Node` |
| `End XML Node` |
| ${bookCatalog}= | `Create XML String` |
| `Should Be Equal As Strings` | Gambardella, Matthew XML Developer's Guide Computer 44.95 2000-10-01 An in-depth look at creating applications with XML. Ralls, Kim Midnight Rain Fantasy 5.95 2000-12-16 A former architect battles corporate zombies, an evil sorceress, and her own childhood to become queen of the world. | ${bookCatalog} |
*Sample XML Keyword Usage:*
| `Set XML String` | |
| ${author}= | `Get XML XPath Elements` | //catalog/book[1]/author |
| ${first_book}= | `Get XML XPath Element` | //catalog/book |
| ${third_book}= | `Get XML XPath Element` | //catalog/book[3] |
| ${id}= | `Get XML Element Attribute` | ${first_book} | id |
| ${genre}= | `Get XML XPath Element Text Content` | ${first_book} | //book/genre |
| ${description}= | `Get XML XPath Single Text Content` | //catalog/book[1]/description |
| ${description_list}= | `Get XML XPath Text Contents` | //catalog/book/description |
| ${match_count}= | `Get XML Xpath Match Count` | //catalog/book/price[text()='5.95']/.. |
| `XML Element Attribute Should Be Equal` | ${third_book} | id | bk103 |
| `XML Xpath Should Match X Times` | //catalog/book/price[text()='5.95']/.. | 2 |
| `XML XPath Text Content Should Be Equal` | //catalog/book/author | Gambardella, Matthew |
| `XML XPath Text Content Should Be Equal` | //catalog/book[2]/author | Ralls, Kim |
| ${author} = Gambardella, Matthew
| ${first_book} =
| Gambardella, Matthew
| XML Developer's Guide
| Computer
| 44.95
| 2000-10-01
| An in-depth look at creating applications with XML.
| ${third_book} =
| Corets, Eva
| Maeve Ascendant
| Fantasy
| 5.95
| 2000-11-17
| After the collapse of a nanotechnology society in England, the young survivors lay the foundation for a new society.
| ${id} = bk101
| ${genre} = Computer
| ${description} = After the collapse of a nanotechnology society in England, the young survivors lay the foundation for a new society.
| ${description_list} = [An in-depth look at creating applications with XML., A former architect battles corporate zombies, an evil sorceress, and her own childhood to become queen of the world., After the collapse of a nanotechnology society in England, the young survivors lay the foundation for a new society.]
| ${match_count}= 2
*Sample XML Function Usage:*
| `Set XML String` | |
| `EL Add Variable` | firstBookId | $[xml:attr('//catalog/book[1]','id')] |
| `EL Add Variable` | book | $[xml:element('//catalog/book')] |
| `EL Add Variable` | books | $[xml:elements('//catalog/book')] |
| `EL Add Variable` | secondGenre | $[xml:text('//catalog/book[2]/genre')] |
| $[firstBookId] = "bk101"
| $[book] =
| Gambardella, Matthew
| XML Developer's Guide
| Computer
| 44.95
| 2000-10-01
| An in-depth look at creating applications with XML.
| $[books] =
| Element [0]:
| Gambardella, Matthew
| ${books} =
| Element [0]:
| Gambardella, Matthew
| XML Developer's Guide
| Computer
| 44.95
| 2000-10-01
| An in-depth look at creating applications with XML.
| Element [1]:
| Ralls, Kim
| Midnight Rain
| Fantasy
| 5.95
| 2000-12-16
| A former architect battles corporate zombies, an evil sorceress, and her own childhood to become queen of the world.
| Element [2]:
| Corets, Eva
| Maeve Ascendant
| Fantasy
| 5.95
| 2000-11-17
| After the collapse of a nanotechnology society in England, the young survivors lay the foundation for a new society.
| $[secondGenre] = "Fantasy"
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