hael.jjm-core_2. Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package jjm
import cats.~>
import cats.Eq
import cats.Monoid
import cats.MonoidK
import cats.implicits._
import io.circe.Encoder
import io.circe.Decoder
import io.circe.KeyEncoder
import io.circe.KeyDecoder
import io.circe.Json
import io.circe.HCursor
import monocle.function.At
import monocle.function.Index
final class DependentMap[F[_], G[_]] private (private val map: Map[F[_], G[_]]) {
def get[A](key: F[A]): Option[G[A]] =
def put[A](key: F[A], value: G[A]): DependentMap[F, G] =
new DependentMap[F, G](map + (key -> value).asInstanceOf[(F[_], G[_])])
def put[A](pair: DependentPair[F, G]): DependentMap[F, G] =
new DependentMap[F, G](map + (pair.fst -> pair.snd).asInstanceOf[(F[_], G[_])])
def remove[A](key: F[A]): DependentMap[F, G] =
new DependentMap[F, G](map - key)
def keys: Iterable[F[_]] =
def keySet: Set[F[_]] =
private[this] def getPair[A0](key: F[A0]): Option[DependentPair[F, G] { type A = A0 }] =
get(key).map(DependentPair[F, G, A0](key, _))
def iterator: Iterator[DependentPair[F, G]] =
map.keys.iterator.map(key => getPair(key).get)
def size: Int =
override def toString =
override def equals(that: Any): Boolean = that match {
case that: DependentMap[_, _] => this.map == that.map
case _ => false
override def hashCode: Int = map.hashCode
def toFunctionK: (F ~> λ[A => Option[G[A]]]) = new (F ~> λ[A => Option[G[A]]]) {
override def apply[A](fa: F[A]): Option[G[A]] = get(fa)
object DependentMap extends DependentMapInstances {
def empty[F[_], G[_]] =
new DependentMap[F, G](Map.empty[F[_], G[_]])
abstract private[jjm] class DependentMapInstances {
// TODO should be based on eqs of arg types etc.?
// probably would only make sense if underlying Map was based on Hash and Eq
// that's a bit harder to do in this setting bc we basically need EqK, HashK, etc.
// implicit def dependentMapEq[F[_], G[_]] = new Eq[DependentMap[F, G]] {
// override def eqv(x: DependentMap[F, G], y: DependentMap[F, G]): Boolean =
// x.map == y.map
// }
implicit def dependentMapMonoid[F[_], G[_]: MonoidK]: Monoid[DependentMap[F, G]] =
new Monoid[DependentMap[F, G]] {
override def empty =
DependentMap.empty[F, G]
override def combine(x: DependentMap[F, G], y: DependentMap[F, G]) = {
(x.keys ++ y.keys).toSet.foldLeft(empty) {
case (dMap, key) => dMap.put(key, (x.get(key).foldK <+> y.get(key).foldK))
implicit def dependentMapEncoder[F[_], G[_]](
implicit keyEncoder: KeyEncoder[F[_]],
dependentEncoder: DependentEncoder[F, G]
): Encoder[DependentMap[F, G]] = new Encoder[DependentMap[F, G]] {
final def apply(m: DependentMap[F, G]) = Json.obj(
m.iterator.map(pair =>
keyEncoder(pair.fst) -> dependentEncoder(pair.fst)(pair.snd)
).toSeq: _*
// TODO Really would like to fix up the Decoder.
// Not sure how to get the types to work out without this auxiliary extra Foo
// to hold the type skolem
private case class Foo[F[_], A](fa: F[A]) {
type Out = A
implicit def dependentMapDecoder[F[_], G[_]](
implicit keyDecoder: KeyDecoder[F[_]],
dependentDecoder: DependentDecoder[F, G]
): Decoder[DependentMap[F, G]] = new Decoder[DependentMap[F, G]] {
final def apply(c: HCursor): Decoder.Result[DependentMap[F, G]] = {
// TODO aah replace the get
c.keys.get.toList.foldM[Decoder.Result, DependentMap[F, G]](DependentMap.empty[F, G]) { (m, keyStr) =>
import scala.language.existentials
val key = keyDecoder(keyStr).get // TODO aah replace the get
val value = dependentDecoder(key).tryDecode(c.downField(keyStr))
val foo = Foo(key)
type Out = foo.Out
value.map(v => m.put[Out](key.asInstanceOf[F[Out]], v.asInstanceOf[G[Out]]))
implicit def dependentMapAt[F[_], G[_], I]: At[DependentMap[F, G], F[I], Option[G[I]]] =
At[DependentMap[F, G], F[I], Option[G[I]]](
(i: F[I]) => (map: DependentMap[F, G]) => map.get(i))(
(i: F[I]) => (optV: Option[G[I]]) => (map: DependentMap[F, G]) =>
optV.fold(map.remove(i))(v => map.put(i, v))
implicit def dependentMapIndex[F[_], G[_], I]: Index[DependentMap[F, G], F[I], G[I]] = Index.fromAt
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