hael.jjm-core_2. Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package jjm
import cats.Id
import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
object Memo {
// This should usually only do single-time execution of the given function.
// but as of now it doesn't quite work that way in some cases. meh
def memoizeFuture[A, B](
f: A => Future[B],
startingCache: Map[A, B] = Map.empty[A, B]
): A => OrWrapped[Future, B] = {
// for thread-safety, make sure all cache updates are run on a single thread
import java.util.concurrent.Executors
implicit val ec = ExecutionContext.fromExecutorService(Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor)
var futCache = Map.empty[A, Future[B]]
var cache = startingCache
(a: A) => {
cache.get(a).map(OrWrapped.pure[Future](_)).getOrElse {
futCache.get(a).map(OrWrapped.wrapped(_)).getOrElse {
val bFut = f(a) // failure case is if two threads get here concurrently, in which case both would run the function. meh
// populate the future cache before attaching the callback to remove it,
// and update the value cache before depopulating the future cache,
// so nothing falls through the cracks.
futCache = futCache + (a -> bFut)
bFut.foreach { b =>
cache = cache + (a -> b)
futCache = futCache - a
type DelayedFuture[A] = () => Future[A]
// see caveats in previous method regarding single-time execution
// for thread-safety, you should pass in an execution context that makes
// sure all cache updates are run on a single thread.
def memoizeDotFuture[A <: Dot](
f: DotKleisli[DelayedFuture, A],
startingCache: DotMap[Id, A] = DotMap.empty[Id, A]
)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): DotKleisli[OrWrapped[DelayedFuture, *], A] = {
var futCache = DotMap.empty[Future, A]
var cache = startingCache
new DotKleisli[OrWrapped[DelayedFuture, *], A] {
override def apply(a: A) = {
cache.get(a).map(OrWrapped.pure[DelayedFuture](_)).getOrElse {
futCache.get(a).map[OrWrapped[DelayedFuture, a.Out]](
fut => OrWrapped.wrapped[DelayedFuture, a.Out](() => fut)
).getOrElse[OrWrapped[DelayedFuture, a.Out]] {
OrWrapped.wrapped[DelayedFuture, a.Out](
() => {
val bFut = f(a)()
futCache = futCache.put(a)(bFut)
bFut.foreach { b =>
cache = cache.put(a)(b)
futCache = futCache.remove(a)
// def memoizeDependentFuture[F[_], G[_]](
// )
// TODO in io/cats-effect extension
// def memoizeWithRef[F[_]](
// f: A => F[B],
// cacheRef: Ref[F, Map[A, B]]
// ): A => OrWrapped[F, B] = (a: A) => {
// cacheRef.get.flatMap { cache =>
// cache.get(a).map(pure[F](_)).getOrElse {
// f(a).flatMap { b =>
// cacheRef.update(_ + (a -> b)).as(b)
// }
// }
// }
// }
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