hael.jjm-core_2. Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package jjm
import cats.Id
import cats.~>
import cats.Monoid
import cats.MonoidK
import cats.Semigroup
import cats.implicits._
import monocle.function.At
// TODO maybe use a different name for the F[_] version and TotalDotMap for F = Id?
class TotalDotMap[F[_], A <: Dot] private[jjm] (private val map: Map[A, F[_]]) { self =>
def apply(key: A): F[key.Out] =
def update(key: A)(value: F[key.Out]): TotalDotMap[F, A] =
new TotalDotMap[F, A](map + (key -> value))
override def toString =
override def equals(that: Any): Boolean = that match {
case that: TotalDotMap[_, _] => this.map == that.map
case _ => false
override def hashCode: Int = map.hashCode
def toDotKleisli: DotKleisli[F, A] =
new DotKleisli[F, A] {
def apply(a: A) = self.apply(a)
def toFunctionK: DotFunctionK[F, A] =
new DotFunctionK[F, A] {
override def apply[B](fa: A { type Out = B }): F[B] =
def toDotKleisliGraph(implicit fin: Finite[A]) =
// access to underlying map for more efficient implementations of typeclass instances
// private[jjm] def populatedKeys: Iterable[A] =
// map.keys
private[jjm] def populatedKeySet: Set[A] =
// private[jjm] def populatedIterator: Iterator[DotPair[F, A]] = map.iterator.map { case (k, v) =>
// DotPair[F](k)(v.asInstanceOf[F[k.Out]])
// }
// private[jjm] def populatedSize: Int =
// map.size
object TotalDotMap extends TotalDotMapInstances {
def fromDotKleisli[F[_], A <: Dot](f: DotKleisli[F, A]) =
new TotalDotMap[F, A](Map.empty[A, F[A#Out]].withDefault(f.apply(_)))
def fromFunctionK[F[_], A <: Dot](f: DotFunctionK[F, A]) =
def fromDotFunction[A <: Dot](f: DotFunction[A]) =
new TotalDotMap[Id, A](Map.empty[A, A#Out].withDefault(f.apply(_)))
def lazyCombine[F[_], A <: Dot](x: TotalDotMap[F, A], y: TotalDotMap[F, A])(
implicit dotSemigroup: DotKleisli[λ[B => Semigroup[F[B]]], A]
): DotKleisli[F, A] = DotKleisli.fromFunctionK[F, A](
new DotFunctionK[F, A] {
def apply[B](key: A { type Out = B }): F[B] = {
implicit val m = dotSemigroup(key)
x(key) |+| y(key)
abstract private[jjm] class TotalDotMapInstances extends TotalDotMapInstances0 {
// NOTE: We lose a lot of typeclass instances because of the reliance of
// TotalDotMap on an underlying function (and not knowing all of the
// inhabitants of the key type), which prevents them from working with
// reasonable semantics.
// Instances prevented: Eq, Hash, Encoder, Decoder, ...
// For something like TotalMap with these semantics, use FinTotalDotMap.
// TODO: semigroupK, commutative monoid/semigroup, and anything else from Cats
implicit def totalDotMapMonoid[F[_], A <: Dot](
implicit dotMonoid: DotKleisli[λ[B => Monoid[F[B]]], A]
): Monoid[TotalDotMap[F, A]] =
new Monoid[TotalDotMap[F, A]] {
override def empty =
λ[λ[B => Monoid[F[B]]] ~> F](_.empty)
override def combine(x: TotalDotMap[F, A], y: TotalDotMap[F, A]) = {
(x.populatedKeySet ++ y.populatedKeySet).toSet.foldLeft(DotMap.empty[F, A]) {
case (dMap, key) => dMap.put(key) {
implicit val m = dotMonoid(key)
x(key) |+| y(key)
TotalDotMap.lazyCombine[F, A](x, y)(
λ[B => Semigroup[F[B]]]
](λ[λ[B => Monoid[F[B]]] ~> λ[B => Semigroup[F[B]]]](x => x))
implicit def totalDotMapAt[F[_], A <: Dot, Out0]: At[TotalDotMap[F, A], A { type Out = Out0 }, F[Out0]] =
At[TotalDotMap[F, A], A { type Out = Out0 }, F[Out0]](
(i: A { type Out = Out0 }) => (map: TotalDotMap[F, A]) => map(i))(
(i: A { type Out = Out0 }) => (v: F[Out0]) => (map: TotalDotMap[F, A]) => map.update(i)(v)
sealed trait TotalDotMapInstances0 extends TotalDotMapInstances1 {
implicit def dotMapMonoidFromMonoidK[F[_]: MonoidK, A <: Dot]: Monoid[TotalDotMap[F, A]] =
new Monoid[TotalDotMap[F, A]] {
override def empty = TotalDotMap.fromFunctionK[F, A](
new DotFunctionK[F, A] {
def apply[B](a: A { type Out = B }): F[B] = MonoidK[F].empty[B]
override def combine(x: TotalDotMap[F, A], y: TotalDotMap[F, A]) = {
(x.populatedKeySet ++ y.populatedKeySet).toSet.foldLeft(DotMap.empty[F, A]) {
case (dMap, key) => dMap.put(key) {
x(key) <+> y(key)
TotalDotMap.lazyCombine[F, A](x, y)(
DotKleisli.fromFunctionK[λ[B => Semigroup[F[B]]], A](
new DotFunctionK[λ[B => Semigroup[F[B]]], A] {
def apply[B](a: A { type Out = B }): Semigroup[F[B]] =
sealed trait TotalDotMapInstances1 {
implicit def dotMapSemigroup[F[_], A <: Dot](
implicit dotSemigroup: DotKleisli[λ[B => Semigroup[F[B]]], A]
): Semigroup[TotalDotMap[F, A]] =
new Semigroup[TotalDotMap[F, A]] {
override def combine(x: TotalDotMap[F, A], y: TotalDotMap[F, A]) = {
(x.populatedKeySet ++ y.populatedKeySet).toSet.foldLeft(DotMap.empty[F, A]) {
case (dMap, key) => dMap.put(key) {
implicit val m = dotSemigroup(key)
x(key) |+| y(key)
}.withDefault(TotalDotMap.lazyCombine[F, A](x, y))
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